PRELIM CHAPTER 1 Psychological Testing and Assessment
PRELIM CHAPTER 1 Psychological Testing and Assessment
PRELIM CHAPTER 1 Psychological Testing and Assessment
PRELIM 1. Definition and
1.1 Definition of
Psychological Testing
and Assessment
psychological assessment
the gathering and integration of
psychology-related data for the purpose
of making a psychological evaluation
that is accomplished through the use of
tools such as tests, interviews, case
studies, behavioral observation, and
specially designed apparatuses and
measurement procedures.
psychological Testing
• educational test is a set of items
that are designed to measure
characteristics of human beings
that pertain to behavior.
Psychological tests are They are small subsets of a Sampling behavior is efficient
samples of behavior. much larger whole. because the time available is
usually limited.
The behaviors sampled by The samples are selected for Tests, unlike mental games,
tests are relevant to their empirical or practical exist to be of use; they are
cognitive, affective, or psychological significance. tools.
interpersonal functioning.
Basic Elements of the Definition of Psychological Tests
Defining Element Explanation Rationale
Test results are evaluated Some numerical or category There should be no question
and scored. system is applied to test about what the results of tests
results, according to are.
preestablished rules.
To evaluate test results it There has to be a way of The standards used to evaluate
is necessary to have applying a common yardstick test results lend the only
standards based on or criterion to test results. meaning those results have.
empirical data.
Basis of the Difference Psychological Testing Psychological Assessment
Sources of data One person, the test taker. Often collateral sources,
such as relatives or teachers,
are used in addition to the
subject of the assessment.
Basis of the Difference Psychological Testing Psychological Assessment
Typically, to obtain some gauge, usually Objective Typically, to answer a referral question,
numerical in nature, with regard to an solve a problem, or arrive at a decision
ability or attribute. through the use of tools of evaluation.
Role of Evaluator The tester is not Role of The assessor is key to the process of
key to the process; practically Evaluator selecting tests and/or other tools of
speaking, one tester may be evaluation as well as in drawing
substituted for another tester conclusions from the entire evaluation.
without appreciably affecting the
• As samples of one’s
• ability and accomplishment, a portfolio
may be used as a tool of evaluation.
• Case history data refers to records,
transcripts, and other accounts in
Case History
written, pictorial, or other form that
preserve archival information, official
and informal accounts, and other data and
items relevant to an assessee.
Test authors and They conceive, prepare, and develop tests. They also find a
developers way to disseminate their tests by publishing them either
commercially or through professional publications such
as books or periodicals.
Test publishers They publish, market, and sell tests, thus controlling
their distribution.
Test users They select or decide to take a specific test off the shelf
and use it for some purpose. They may also participate in
other roles, for example, as examiners or scorers.
Test administrators They administer the test either to one individual at a time
or examiners or to groups.
Participants in the Testing Process and Their Roles
Participants Their Roles in the Testing Process
Test scorers They tally the raw responses of the test taker and
transform them into test scores through objective or
mechanical scoring or through the application of evaluative
• An important advantage of
individual tests is that the
examiner can gauge the level of
motivation of the subject and
assess the relevance of other
factors (e.g., impulsiveness or
anxiety) on the test results.
• Group tests are largely pencil-
and-paper measures suitable to
the testing of large groups of
persons at the same time.
• A group test, can be administered
to more than one person at a time
by a single examiner, such as when
an instructor gives everyone in
the class a test at the same time.
The Main Types of Psychological Tests
• Ordinarily, psychometricians
acknowledge that screening tests will
result in many misclassifications.
Examiners are, therefore, advised to do
follow-up testing with additional
instruments before making important
decisions on the basis of screening tests.
• Certification and selection both
have a pass/fail quality. Passing a Placement
certification exam confers
privileges. Examples include the
right to practice psychology or to
drive a car.