Competence Based Framework For Curriculum Development: January 2014

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Competence Based Framework for Curriculum Development

Book · January 2014

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4201.6086


21 28,155

3 authors:

Roumen Nikolov Elena Shoikova

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Technical University of Sofia


Eugenia Kovatcheva
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies


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R. Nikolov, E. Shoikova, E. Kovatcheva

PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT training

for Russia and Kazakhstan

Sofia, 2014
Prof. Dr. Roumen Nikolov, Prof.DSc Eng. Elena Shoikova, Docent Dr. Eugenia Kovatcheva

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies

TEMPUS project
PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan

ISBN: 978-619-185-015-0

ISBN online: 978-619-185-016-7

Publisher: Za bukvite, O’pismeneh

Sofia, 2014
PICTET: EQF-based professional ICT training for
Russia and Kazakhstan

This document is intended to provide an overview of the competence based framework for
university curriculum development. The document serves as a handbook designed for the
academic staff training workshop held in ULSIT, Sofia, Bulgaria on 24-28 February 2014
within the framework of the European funded PICTET Tempus project.

R. Nikolov, E. Shoikova, E. Kovatcheva

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The main objective of the handbook is the development and advancement of procedures and
tools for designing and implementing competence based curriculum matching competences
in higher education and economy.

The document serves as a reference handbook designed

for the academic staff training workshop held in ULSIT, Sofia,
Bulgaria on 24-28 February 2014 within the framework of
the European funded PICTET Tempus project. Also, it
supports the designed technology-enhanced training course
“Competence based framework for curriculum development”
integrated in Moodle.
This document provides an overview of the competence based framework for curriculum
development. Sections 1-2 present the context and common used competence definitions.
Section 3 provides information about three competence dictionaries as effective tools for
building competence profiles and catalogs where each competence is presented by definition
and behaviour indicators.
Section 4 presents the proposed systematic methodology for competence based curriculum
development. The methodology consists of six phases: (1) Conceptualisation; (2) Planning; (3)
Data collection; (4) Data analysis & Create catalog of competences; (5) Develop competence
based curriculum and (6) Develop applications & Pilot test.
Section 5 is referencing frameworks and data collection tools as the European Qualifications
Framework for lifelong learning and various Web based information systems for competence
modeling and assessment: the European e-Competence Framework, Bulgarian Competence
Assessment Information System MyCompetence, USA O*NET and ESCO.
Sections 6 to 9 explain in brief procedures for creating catalog of competences and developing
competence based curriculum, as well as the proposed sample template for describing
innovative learning scenarios and behaviour assessment for competence based earning.
The last section is focused on the Computer Science Curricula 2013, Curriculum Guidelines for
Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Science, December 20, 2013, The Joint Task
Force on Computing Curricula, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), IEEE Computer
Context ................................................................................................................................ 2
The Concept of Competence .............................................................................................. 4
Competence Dictionaries .................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Workitect Competency Dictionary .............................................................................. 6
3.2. G-COMPS ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.3. Harvard University Competency Dictionary ................................................................ 6
Methodology for Competence Based Curriculum Development ....................................... 7
Frameworks and Data Collection Tools .............................................................................. 9
5.1. The European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) ......................... 9
5.2. The European e-Competence Framework ................................................................ 10
5.3. Competence Assessment Information System MyCompetence ............................... 11
5.4. The Occupational Information Network O*NET........................................................ 14
5.5. European Skills/Competences, qualifications and Occupations ............................... 14
Create Catalog of Competences ....................................................................................... 16
Develop Competence Based Curriculum .......................................................................... 17
Sample template for describing innovative learning scenarios........................................ 23
Computer Science Curricula 2013, Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree
Programs in Computer Science, December 20, 2013 .............................................................. 27
References: ............................................................................................................................... 28
Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 31


„With labour markets increasingly relying on higher skill
levels and transversal competences, higher education should
equip students with the advanced knowledge, skills and
competences they need through their professional lives.“
(The Bologna Process 2020)
In a recent communication, the European Commission called upon the Council to endorse an
updated framework for future European cooperation in Education and Training, with four
strategic objectives for the years leading up to 2020: Make lifelong learning and learner
mobility a reality; Improve the quality and efficiency of provision and outcomes; Promote
equity and active citizenship; Enhance innovation and creativity, including entrepreneurship,
at all levels of Education and Training. Educational and training systems must generate new
skills, respond to the nature of new jobs which are expected to be created, as well as improve
the adaptability and employability of adults already in the labour force. Universities should
offer innovative curricula, teaching methods and training/retraining programs which include
broader employment-related skills, along with the more discipline-specific skills, to enhance
the employability of graduates and to offer broad support to the workforce more generally.
Many researches about educational system point the attention on competence-based
education is at a crossroads. Traditional content driven and time based models of education
are criticised as being too theoretical and for failing to meet the demands of practice, while
newer ones based on skills and competency are called into question for being atomistic,
controlling and confined to the predictable. The need of changes is extremely urgent in other
to meet the rapidly changes in the economy, industry and social environment. The
Competence Based Education (CBE) is a systematic yet flexible approach. It focuses on defining
in measurable terms what students are to learn and then evaluating how well they can
perform designated tasks after instruction. Expected behaviours or tasks, conditions for their
performance, and acceptable standards are shared with students. Some of the main focal
points of CBE are: its purpose is to promote learners to achieve a presetting ability, each
individual learner’s behaviour in the learning process is of concern; its evaluation is to
emphasize criterion-referenced. The main reason for CBE popularity is the expected reduction
of the gap between the labour market and the school system.
Even before the beginning of the 21st century academic education had been moving away
from the traditional knowledge-based approach towards more competence-based teaching.
Recently this process has become more of a preoccupation. With the introduction of the
Bologna process, many EU universities have experienced increased interest from the
professional and commercial sectors for their interests to be included into the academic
environment. As a result, universities have developed initiatives to adapt their academic
teaching to the requirements of industry, in order to ensure that their graduates are the most
employable, and to increase their competitiveness in the international education market. As
a result a new form of curriculum development has arisen, which has focused on finding the
relationship between university education and the competences needed by the graduates in
their later careers, by defining exactly which competencies need to be included in the
respective courses. This new competence-based approach is nowadays one of the most
discussed topics in curriculum development.

It is generally believed that competence-based education is an answer to societal changes. In

particular the professional environment has become more complex, dynamic and knowledge
intensive and it requires employees who are well educated, versatile and able to maintain
their personal knowledge and skills. The concept of competence is a mean to think about these
changes and requirements.
The interoperability of competence (learning outcome) definitions constitutes a major
challenge for competence based learning designs and its implementations. Currently, higher
education institutions have not yet adopted standards for competence definitions, resulting
in inefficiencies for, both competence based learning design and competence based discovery,
access and re-use of units of learning.
Learning outcomes, the current hot topic within the educational institutions across Europe,
are analysed, designed, implemented and evaluated all over Europe. Learning outcomes are
the backbone of the current, modern educational initiatives; such as the European
Qualifications Framework (EQF) on the one and the Qualifications Framework for the
European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA) on the other hand. Traditional models and
methods of expressing learning success and qualification levels are replaced by systems based
on learning outcomes and qualification descriptors. These systems ultimately provide the
necessary transparency to facilitate the comparison of knowledge, skills and abilities between
education institutions in different European countries.
The main objective of the handbook is the development and advancement of procedures
and tools for designing and implementing competence based curriculum matching
competences in higher education and economy.


The Concept of Competence

The concept of competence can bridge the world of education, training, knowledge
management, and informal learning. There are a lot of examples of competence definitions.
The concept of ‘competence’ or 'competency' is the subject of ongoing discussion.
The researchers in the field of competence have given various definitions for what
competencies are: permanent distinctive traits and characteristics which determine
performance; distinctive characteristics which differentiate the successful performer from the
rest; an ability to reach goals; inner personality traits that allow a person to cope better with
a given task, role or situation; knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics
demonstrated at work, etc. However, there is no set definition for the term competence.
Debates on the difference between competence and competency are still ongoing.
In the context of the European Qualification Framework, “competence means the proven
ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodological abilities, in work or
study situations and in professional and personal development”.
According to IEEE Reusable Competency Definition (RCD), a “competency is defined as any
form of knowledge, skill, attitude, ability or educational objective that can be described in a
context of learning, education or training”.
According to TENCompetence definition “competence is the estimated ability of an actor to
deal with some classes of critical events, problems or tasks that can occur in a certain situation
and ecological niche”.
Tuning Educational Structures in Europe defines competences as a dynamic combination of
knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities. Competences are obtained or developed during
the process of learning by the student. A distinction can be made between generic
competences (i.e. transferable competences across study areas) and subject-specific
competences (i.e. competences specific to a subject area).
The International Board of Standards for Training and Performance Instruction (IBSTPI) defines
a competency as “a knowledge, skill, or attitude that enables one to effectively perform the
activities of a given occupation or function to the standards expected in employment”.
The methodology used by Bulgarian Industrial Association in the Competence Assessment
Information System MyCompetence( considers competence to
be a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours used to achieve results (performance
levels) in a certain professional role or in a particular organisation. Acquiring a certain level of
competence can be seen as an expression of the individual’s ability to combine and integrate
in their behaviour (independently, own know-how) the different elements of skills and
knowledge, of professional and personal qualities, of past experience. In other words,
competencies are an expression of the individual’s ability to perform well at work. To illustrate
what has been written thus far, an “in-depth model” of competencies can be used.
There are a number of competence classifications which organise them according to different
criteria. Competences can be divided into “soft” (related to behaviour and influence) and
“hard” (related to technical abilities); “core competencies” (relevant for the company’s
success), “functional competencies” (common characteristics for groups of jobs with similar
functions), “specific competences” (job specific ones); “distinctive competencies” (which

differentiate the successful performer from the poor one), “threshold competencies” (basic
characteristics for the person performing a particular job) and “transformational
competencies” (developing ones).
With the adoption of the Lisbon Strategy (2010), a decision was taken to modernize and
enhance education quality which would in turn lead to mastering seven universal key
• Communication in the mother tongue;
• Communication in foreign languages;
• Competence in mathematics, science and technology;
• Digital competence;
• Ability to learn;
• Intercultural and social competencies, and civic competence;
• Initiativeness and entrepreneurship.
Four universal personal and professional competencies as learning outcomes have been
established with the adoption of the National Qualification Framework in Bulgaria:
• independence and responsibility;
• learning competence;
• communication and social competencies;
• professional competencies.


Competence Dictionaries
3.1. Workitect Competency Dictionary
The Workitect Competency Dictionary with definitions and observable behaviors that may
indicate the existence of a competence, contains thirty-five competences in three clusters:
competences dealing with people; competences dealing with business and competences
dealing with self-management (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Workitect Competency Dictionary thirty-five competencies


3.2. G-COMPS
Georgia's competency dictionary for workforce planning. G-COMPS provides a consistent
framework for state agencies to determine the competencies required for a particular job,
and appraise the current and future competency levels of their workforce

3.3. Harvard University Competency Dictionary



Methodology for Competence Based

Curriculum Development
The proposed systematic methodology for competence based curriculum development
consists of six phases: (1) Conceptualisation; (2) Planning; (3) Data collection; (4) Data analysis
& Create catalog of competences; (5) Develop competence based curriculum and (6) Develop
applications & Pilot test.
The development of a competence-based curriculum begins with building a successful
strategy. The process illustrated in Figure 1 consists of two parts: Part I, comprising steps 1 to
5, where the readiness of the university to transition from a traditional content and time based
curriculum to competence based curriculum is assessed, and Part II - translating the strategy
into a Competence Based Curriculum.

Figure 2 Building a successful competence based curriculum strategy steps

The next step is concerned with identification and description of the competencies that
students should acquire or to describe the final attainment levels of the educational program
in terms of competencies. The competences is obtained as result of researching the existing
economic sector competence models and job profiles. Typically, this activity is performed by
a heterogeneous team, consisting of stakeholders such as curriculum developers, teachers,
educational managers, field experts and branch representatives. Together they analyse and
collect information about the competences within the domain of interest, identify the
competencies, and describe them in a competence map. This is a highly complex and difficult
processes, as all processes of curriculum development are. It is obvious that a competence
profile has important implications, since it constitutes the basis of a competence-based
The Methodology for Competence-Based Curricula Development is graphicaly presented in
Figure 3. The methodology promotes continuous improvement through the consideration of
the university strategic plans. It is based on the intensive research and needs analysis of the
university’s competence based curriculum development and training.


Figure 3 Systematic approach for competence based curricula development


Frameworks and Data Collection Tools

5.1. The European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning
The EQF is a common European reference framework acting as a translation device to make
qualifications acquired within the different education and training systems in Europe more
readable and understandable. It has two principal aims: to promote citizens' mobility between
countries and sectors, and to facilitate their lifelong learning. The European Qualifications
Framework was developed in the years 2004-2007 and formally adopted as a
Recommendation by the European Parliament and Council on 23 April 2008. The eight EQF
reference levels are described in terms of learning outcomes. The EQF recognises that
Europe’s education and training systems are so diverse that a shift to learning outcomes is
necessary to make comparison and cooperation between countries and institutions possible.
In the EQF a learning outcome is defined as a statement of what a learner knows, understands
and is able to do on completion of a learning process. The EQF therefore emphasises the
results of learning rather than focusing on inputs such as length of study. Learning outcomes
are specified in three categories – as knowledge, skills and competence.

Figure 4 EQF Adaptation Support Portal

This signals that qualifications – in different combinations – capture a broad scope of learning
outcomes, including theoretical knowledge, practical and technical skills, and social
competences where the ability to work with others will be crucial. (EQF Adaptation Support
Portal ).
In order to get unified views, it is important to give some widely accepted definitions of terms
that will be more likely than others to appear during continuation of work on the project,
which is part of a general European Qualification Framework:


Qualification means the formal name for the result of a process of assessment and validation,
which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning
outcomes to the standards laid down.
Learning outcomes are statements of what learning pupil / student / person knows,
understands and can perform, based on the completion of the learning process, defined by
knowledge, skill and competence.
Knowledge means the result of the adoption of information through the learning process.
Knowledge is a set of facts, principles, theories and practices related to area of work or study.
In the context of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning knowledge is
described as theoretical and / or factual.
Skills are the ability to apply knowledge and use the principle of “know how” to perform a
specific task and to solve the problem. In the context of the European Qualifications
Framework, skills are defined as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative
thinking), practical (including physical skill and use of methods, materials, devices and
instruments) and social skills (communication and cooperation skills, emotional intelligence
and other).
Competence means the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal, social and
methodological skills in the workplace or during learning, as well as in personal and
professional development. In the context of the European Qualifications Framework
competences are described as responsibility and independence.

5.2. The European e-Competence Framework

The European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) provides a reference of 40 competences as
required and applied at the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) workplace,
using a common language for competences, skills and proficiency levels that can be
understood across Europe.
Its purpose is to provide general and comprehensive e-Competences specified at five
proficiency levels that can then be adapted and customised into different contexts from ICT
business and stakeholder application perspectives. The 40 competences of the framework are
classified according to five main ICT business areas (PLAN – BUILD – RUN – ENABLE – MANAGE)
and relate to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels 3 - 8. Current version is the
European e-Competence Framework 3.0, A common European framework for ICT
Professionals in all industry sectors.
The European e-Competence Framework version 3.0 (CWA 16234) is published in four parts,
which may be downloaded free of charge from the CEN website ( or the e-CF
website: Part 1 (The Framework), Part 2 (User guidelines) and Part 4
(Case studies) are available in English, German, French and Italian versions. The European e-
Competence Framework is a component of the European Union’s strategy on «e-Skills for the
21st Century». It is also supporting key policy objectives of the «Grand Coalition for Digital
Skills» launched in March 2013. It is promoted as a very useful tool to boost digital skills and
the recognition of competences and qualifications across countries and to foster ICT
professionalism in Europe. The European ICT Professional Profiles (CWA 16458:2012) is a set
of 23 profiles, which may be used for reference or as a starting point to develop further

profiles. This document can also be accessed (free of charge) via the CEN website and the e-
CF website.

Figure 5 ICT profile „B.6. Systems Engineering” user generated

5.3. Competence Assessment Information System MyCompetence

MyCompetence ( is created within a project "Development of a
Workforce Competence Assessment System by Sectors and Regions" carried out by the
Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) in partnership with the Confederation of the
Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) and the Confederation of Labour „Podkrepa”
and the financial assistance of the European Social Fund.
MyCompetence’s objectives are:
• to create functional compatibility and possibilities for integrated data usage


• to generate and collect in one place information and know-how with regard to
managing the implementation process of the competence approach in human capital
• to support and initiate effective measures (at sector and regional level) for
employment and skills development of Bulgaria’s workforce
• to incorporate good practices from the implementation of the human resources
management process
• to create a library with the possibilities for support of lifelong learning
• to provide relevant materials for the support of lifelong learning
• to allow finding and storing of published documents which can be analysed in order to
outline trends and recommendations

Figure 6 MyCompetence home page

The functioning and effectiveness of MyCompetence is ensured by the National competence

assessment network which encompasses employers, managers, specialists, consultants, state
experts and experts from other institutions.
The main users of MyCompetence are:
• Organisations (managers, HRM specialists, competence assessors)
• Ministries, agencies and other institutions and organisations related to the labour
market and the spheres of education, continuous learning, recruitment and employee
leasing, career guidance
• Higher education institutions, vocational schools, licensed centres for vocational
• Organisations providing services in the spheres of recruitment, management, training
and development of human resources
• Workers and employees legally employed by organisations
• Students.
The main elements of MyCompetence are:
• Module „Sector models”


• Module „Competence assessment”

• Module „Economic sectors information”
• Module „E-learning”
• Module „Development resources”.
A sector competence model includes:
• A list of key positions in the sector
• A description of the key business processes
• A catalogue of core, managerial and specific competencies typical for the job positions
A sector competence model supports improvement in qualifications by providing
transparency with regard to the qualifications needed for working as a professional in a
particular role in the sector or in a particular organisation. It acts as link between an employer,
an employee and a student by describing the competences necessary for workplace success.
The classification used in the development of sector models in the Competence Assessment
Information System MyCompetence organises competences in three groups:
• general,
• specific and
• managerial competencies.
General competencies are relevant for all positions within the company and contribute to
creating and fostering corporate culture. Specific competencies are necessary for the
successful execution of activities related to specific work tasks. Each competency in
MyCompetence is described with the following characteristics: name; type (according to
MyCompetence’s classification, according to National Qualification Framework and according
to the name of the cluster to which it belongs); sector definition; recommended level of
demonstration; behavioural indicators; ways to acquire the competence; competence
assessment tools. Behavioural indicators illustrate how a competency is transformed from an
abstract concept into specific, clear and tangible actions which describe the profile of a
successful employee/worker employed at a particular position. A four point Likert scale is used
to describe the level of manifestation of the competence.
The selection and description of competencies is done according to the qualification levels set
out in the National qualifications framework (NQF). Each competency is related via a code to
the clusters created in MyCompetence and the respective NQF qualifications.
The model of key positions by sector consists of two main components:
• Job description
• Competence framework (a set of required job specific competencies)
Knowledge and skills included in the job description are organised and classified on the basis
of specially developed customized MyCompetence classifiers. In addition to education
requirements, degrees and education institutions recommended for work in the sector
(specific universities and vocational schools) are listed along with the corresponding NQF
qualification level.


5.4. The Occupational Information Network O*NET

The O*NET program ( is the USA nation's primary source of
occupational information. Central to the project is the O*NET database, containing
information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The database
is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation.
Information from this freely available database forms the heart of O*NET OnLine, the
interactive application for exploring and searching occupations. The database also provides
the basis for our Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for
workers and students looking to find or change careers. The O*NET information is intended
primarily for purposes of career exploration, and career planning. In addition, O*NET
information is used for various workforce investment purposes, such as writing skills-based
job orders or resumes, competency-oriented curriculum development, on-the-job training
contracts, and related purposes.

Figure 7 The O*NET® Content Model

5.5. European Skills/Competences, qualifications and Occupations

European Skills/ Competences, qualifications and Occupations ESCO
( is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences,
Qualifications and Occupations. It identifies and categorises skills and competences,
qualifications and occupations relevant for the EU labour market and education and training,
in 22 European languages. The system provides occupational profiles showing the
relationships between occupations, skills, competences and qualifications. ESCO has been
developed in an open IT format and is available for everyone to use free of charge.
What is the added value of ESCO?
To help bridging the gap between the world of education and training and the labour market,
the European Commission is developing ESCO. By introducing a standard terminology for


occupations, skills, competences and qualifications ESCO can help education and training
systems and the labour market to better identify and manage availability of required skills,
competences and qualifications. Its multilingual character facilitates increased international
transparency and cooperation in the area of skills and qualifications.
What can ESCO do?
• Facilitate the dialogue between the labour market and the education/training sector.
• Allow employment services to exchange relevant labour market information across
• Facilitate geographical and occupational mobility through semantic interoperability.
• Boost online and skill-based job-matching.
• Help employment services in the shift towards a skills and competences-oriented
• Help describe qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and competences.
• Enable the development of innovative career guidance services.
• Ultimately: getting more people into jobs throughout Europe!


Create Catalog of Competences

A job competence model is a description of those competences possessed by the top
performers in a specific job or job family. In effect, a competence model is a "blueprint for
outstanding performance". Models usually contain 8-16 competences with definitions, often
grouped into "clusters" along with behavioural descriptors.
The key point of the methodology is creating a catalog of competences tailored to a certain
university programme the university believes every student should have acquired.
Competence behavioural indicators illustrate how a competence is transformed from an
abstract concept into specific, clear and tangible actions which describe the profile of a
successful learner.
Each degree programme has its own catalog of competences, consisting of a set of general,
specific and managerial competencies. The general competences are the same for different
graduate degree courses at a particular university. The specific competences will define the
actual content and knowledge specific to each graduate of a certain degree programme.
A catalog of competences tailored to a certain university programme can be used in different
ways (
• It is the profile of the degree programme and of the future graduate
• It reflects the commitment the university makes to the society, what it proposes as the
result of teaching
• It is the guide for course design and all teaching-learning activities, including
assessment, within the degree programme
• It is the starting and the end point of the teaching-learning process. Academic courses,
subjects and learning activities will be planned with a focus on the learning outcomes
which will be assessed in terms of competences.
In order to perform a gap analysis a matrix (Table 1) for curricula is developed. In the rows all
courses (subjects) of the degree program are listed, while in the columns the desired
competences are shown. All courses taught in a program are matched with those
competences graduates should have when they finish their studies. In the process of
inventarisation of the current curriculum is necessary to translate the traditional learning
objectives to the competences.

Table 1 Matching matrix

Competence 1 Competence 2… Competence n
Courses/Subject 1
Courses/Subject 2
Courses/Subject m

The filled matrix is a basis for defining recommendations for curriculum redesigning.


Develop Competence Based Curriculum

The educational standards established in the European Higher Education Area suggest that
the aim of universities is to enable their students to acquire competences which fit the study
program they intend to complete. To approach teaching and learning based on competences
means going beyond knowledge; it means acquiring both the necessary knowledge and the
ability to use that knowledge in a specific context.
The goal of competence based curriculum design is to ensure that learners will be able to
demonstrate their learned competences after they have acquired a necessary combination of
knowledge, skills, and abilities. Students acquire these competences through learning
activities. The learning activities must be related to the contents of the studies undertaken. In
short, the learning references are the competences and their behavioural descripors that must
be attained through learning activities carried out during the study period. Those activities
deal with the knowledge resources, which is the raw material of learning. Hence, the core of
the competence based framework is a clear and applied definition of competences and their
effective link to the learning activities.
Delivering competences to learning objectives/outcomes starts with a catalog of
competences. Implicitly, the catalog of competences contains the behavioral indicators which
can serve as assessment criteria as well. This is because every competence needs to be
formulated in assessable terms by name, definition, behavioural indicators and levels.
Attaining competences as learning outcomes is a challenge for students. Consequently, the
professors need to transmit these competences through the courses. Transporting
competences into classrooms is carried out in two levels: overall program design and
individual course(subject) design. The overall program design consists of formulating and
clustering the competences and then analysing each competence with the aim of breaking it
down into different levels of complexity following the EQF.
Example 1: Breakdown of the generic competence “teamwork” into levels of complexity:
Complexity Level 1: Working in teams and assessing the processes that are established and
the roles which evolve with the help of an external guide.
Complexity Level 2: Working in teams (including multidisciplinary teams) and assessing the
processes that are established and the roles that evolve, independently, and exercising those
roles (including leadership), while incorporating modifications resulting from shared
Complexity Level 3: Teamwork leadership (including teams that are multidisciplinary and/or
in international environments) and assessing the processes that are established and the roles
that evolve, while incorporating modifications resulting from shared reflection.
Subsequently, a decision must be taken on which specific subject areas of a curriculum will
deal with each competence level. An interesting option at this time - which makes a curriculum
more integrated and transversal - is to link each competence to more than one subject area
and to different times during the curriculum. The table 2 presented below can be used for
this purpose:


Table 2 Competences related to the degree programe

related to the Competence Competence Competence Competence
program …….
1 2 3 n

Courses /Subjects
Course 1 x x X
Course 2 x x
Course m x x x

Each course taught in a program is matched with those competences graduates should have
when they finish their studies. The designing process for course can be initiated.
At the beginning of the learning design process the competence definition is the objective.
During the process of learning design the competence behaviors are associated with the
learning activities. During the assessment the competence behaviors are used as the
measurable indicators of learning progress. After the process, the learning outcome is the
extent to which the competence is acquired (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Competence, learning aim and outcome

Each course is structured as a set of Units of Learning. Each Unit of Learning is associated
with a specific competence, as shown in Table 3. A Unit of Learning is an abstract term used
to refer to any delimited piece of education or training, such as a course, a module, a lesson,
Table 3 Competence related to the Course(Subject) units of study
related to the Competence Competence Competence Competence Competence
Course 1 2 3 4 l

Units of Learnig
Unit of Learning 1 x
Unit of Learning 2 x
Unit of Learning L


According to the IMS LD Specification, Learning Design is defined as a description of a

method enabling learners to attain certain learning objectives by performing certain learning
activities in a certain order in the context of a certain learning environment (Figure 9) [2].
Also, LD is described as modeling Units of learning [3]. It is the job of each university
professor performing the role of Learning Designer to build each Unit of Learning (scenario)
which is based on the specific methods and knowledge resourses of the course. It represents
more than just a collection of ordered resources to learn - it includes a variety of prescribed
activities, assessments, services and support facilities provided by staff members (see Figure

Figure 9 Learning Design Conceptual Modeling Figure 10 Use Case - building a Unit of Learning

The next step is the creation of learning scenario for each unit learning following the Sample
template for describing innovative learning scenarios given in section 8. It is recommended
that the range of learning activities in the scenario to match the set of behavioral indicators
of competence, as shown in the Table 4.
Table 4 Learning activities design of Module l /unit of study– scenario l
indicators related to Behavior Behavior
Behavior L 2 Behavior L4 Behavior..
the Competence L L1 L3
Learning activities
Activity 1 x x
Activity 2 x
Activity… x x

The teaching strategies and didactics need to be applied in such a way that every activity
which is done with the students - whether it is an expositional class, a practical, a reading
assignment or any other type of individual or group assignments and exercises - is geared
towards one of the competences that has to be developed. Further a collaboration among
professors of a degree program is essential to guarantee the acquisition of the competences
and to improve the coherence of the overall program.
Learning outcomes are simply the levels of competence acquired by students. Competences
with their behavioural indicators are the main reference point for the assessment.


The structure of a competence based curriculum is presented in Figure 11.

Figure 11 Competence based curriculm

For example, to develop the competence ANALYTICAL THINKING (Table 5) in the context of
Software Engineering Course, it is necessary to perform learning design taking into account
the individual behavioral indicators, as shown in Table 6.
Table 5 Example: ANALYTICAL THINKING Competence description

Name Definition Behavioral Indicators

ANALYTICAL Approaching a
a) Makes a systematic comparison of two or more alternatives
THINKING problem by using
b) Notices discrepancies and inconsistencies in available
a logical,
c) Identifies a set of features, parameters or considerations to
take into account, in analyzing a situation or making a decision
d) Approaches a complex task or problem by breaking it down
into its component parts and considering each part in detail
e) Weighs the costs, benefits, risks, and chances for success, in
making a decision
f) Identifies many possible causes for a problem
g) Carefully weighs the priority of things to be done


Table 6 Sample of matching matrix: ANALYTICAL THINKING behavioural indicators and learning activities

Learning activities

Activity 8
Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4
Activity 1 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7
Behavior a) Makes Individual work:Compare
a systematic systematic and agile
comparison of two methodology in software
or more alternatives engineering
Artefact: Create Tables and
Concept map with MindMap or
Visio, PPT
Assesment: Peer-review and
oral presentation to the group
Behavior b
Behavior c
Behavior d)
Approaches a
complex task or
Individual work:
problem by
Decompose business analysis Body of
breaking it down
into its component
Artefacts: diagrams
parts and
Assessment: Test for self-assessment
considering each
part in detail

Behavior Teamwork: Analyze the challenges,

e) Weighs the benefits and risks of Cloud
costs, benefits, Computing infrastructure in the IT
risks, and chances Business
for success, in Artefacts:: Report, PPT
making a decision Assessment: Test for self-
assessment, Peer-review, Glossary
Behavior f

Behavior g


The crucial element in competence based models is the use of criterion-referenced,

measurable assessment methods. Competences will be formed in various course units,
through different learning activities and assessed at different stages. Indirect assessment
approaches gather opinions of the quality and quantity of competences acquired, e.g. through
focus groups or surveys. Obviously, the assessment of competences relies upon a certain
amount of reflection and reflexivity by respondents. In contrast, direct assessment
approaches require that students demonstrate mastery of competences by evaluating actual
work completed by the students. This evaluation should ideally be a combination of a
performance, formative and summative function. Performance assessments consider the
work by students through specific methods, such as tests, oral presentations, and laboratory
reports, analyses of texts or e-portfolios. A central part of direct assessments are formative
assessments in terms of feed-back provision. Thereby, lecturers comment on how well
students have achieved a specific work so far and identify steps for improvement. Each course
should contain a summative assessment in which all assessment parts are summarized and
reflected in a grade.
The new graduates do not only need basic theoretical knowledge but also a set of
competences which allows them to be more versatile when facing new and unknown
challenges. In this context the concern of the university stakeholders (especially employees
and students) on the effectiveness of the programs taught has increased dramatically.
Assessment in higher education is important, since it can provide institutions with crucial
feedback which will allow them to improve and develop a student, a program, or a
department. For these reasons, universities assess competence gaps between the
competencies they teach and the labor market requirements to find how far they are from
closing these gaps and how curricula need to be changed to increase the quality, performance
and accountability of the education offered. Furthermore, through the assessment of
competences students will receive a more transparent education and at the same time learn
the necessary skills to become more employable in the future. University employees will be
influenced by such an assessment as well since any curriculum change will have an impact on
the way how activities – administrative procedures, teaching techniques and materials,
personnel selection — are performed within the university. Assessment “should be seen as a
means of documenting that institutions are doing what they say they do and that students
who complete their programs receive what is promised. The emphasis should be on
institutional quality and individual competence”.
Learning outcome evaluation forms a central part in a competence based learning model. The
assessment of the extent to which competences have been delivered to a student is based on
four premises:
• Design assessment at the same time the teaching-learning design gets developed.
• Any learning activity can also be an assessment activity. Teachers consider the best
learning activities which can be offered to students in order to support them in the
development of competences. Having decided which activities to use, some of them
can be chosen to be assessment activities as well. In this way, it is ensured that a clear
link between assessment and competence is established, while also being consistent
with the concept of continuous evaluation.


• Specific assessment activities can also be included. If the planned assessment deems
insufficient, then an activity especially designed for assessment can be introduced in
order to minimize the occurred doubts.
• In addition to any continuous assessment, a final assessment of acquisition of the
competences can be planned. At the end of each term it may be desirable to verify
whether the competences have been delivered successfully to students in a way that
they are able to use them in practice. This type of assessment is a powerful tool for
assessing the quality of the teaching-learning process.


Sample template for describing innovative

learning scenarios
Global, social, and technological changes impact higher education in every aspect. Growing
number of web 2.0 or the “read/write web”, over the last years, are of sufficient force to
require universities to alter the process of curriculum creation and teaching and learning. Web
2.0 allows learners to connect, create, collaborate, and share knowledge more rapidly,
effectively and efficiently. Social learning, considered as a leading method of spreading
knowledge in various environments, focuses on the learning that occurs through interactions
and collaborations in a community or across a social network within a social context, which
can better support both faculties and students in the education and learning process(Figure
9). Web 2.0 tools have the potential for facilitating the kind of skills required in the 21st
century, in particular, knowledge management, independent learning, and multimedia
communication skills, as well as more traditional skills such as problem-solving, critical
thinking and creativity, which are often not taught well in more traditional forms of education
based for example on lectures or learning management system.


Tagging and Folksonomy Microformatting

& Structure
Granular URL Structure Links

Collaboration & Social Online Web

Blog Wiki
Participation Software Communities desktop

Presentation Ajax Flash Flex Laszlo HTML Native


Images Video



Text Audio

Inteligance) SQL File Object
Database System Database

Figure 12 Social computing applications - levels

For the realisation of learning scenarios 2.0 is needed a pre-specification of its components
(Table 7).


Table 7 Sample template for describing learning scenarios

Use case ID Instruction description Note

Name of the scenario Name the the scenario - very brief description -

Define the the purpose of learning scenario (knowledge, skills and Flexible time
Goal of the scenario
competencies) frame

Context Specify the context (Subject) and theme of the the scenario -

Type of learning setting -

• Lecture Indicate in what form of learning setting is implemented the
• Exercise scenario
• Self-learning

Show the roles of the participants: -

• Support staff (Teacher, Lecturer, Assistant, Tutor..)
• Learner

Teaching-learning environment: Prior defined

• Traditional classroom Describe / specify the environment in which the scenario is
• Blended Learning implemented
• Web-based environment

Technology-based platform Previously

Indicate to what technological environment is implemented learning selected
 Cloud-based platform scenarios

Specify the web 2.0 applications and their use Set of Web 2.0
Social Web 2.0 applications
For instance: Animoto; Screenr; Voci; SurveyMonkey apps to choose
from students
Set of of learning
Create a set of learning activities. Each activity designed as follows: activities to
Learning activity Describe learning activity -

Describe what learning resources are used – presentations, -

Learning resources video/audio files, textbook, lecture notes, additional digital
resources available from the Internet (link) digital books …..

Specify the expected artifacts generated by the learner in the -

learning scenarios execution

Specify the assessment methods: test, peer assessment, oral

presentation, disscussion

Process of knowledge -
Indicate which stages of knowledge transformation are executed:
transformation according to
socialization, externalization, combination, internalization.

Maturity of knowledge Indicate which activities are performed for knowledge maturity -
according to revised Bloom's development - know, understand, apply, analyse, synthesise,
taxonomy evaluate


According the levels of revised Bloom’s taxonomy some of the verbs and assessments are
listed in the Table 8
Table 8 Revised Boolm’s taxonomy
Level of Definition Process Verbs Assessments
Creating Generating Act Generate Poem Newspaper
new ideas, Combine Improve Blueprint Painting
products, or Compose Invent Cartoon Plan
ways of Create Imagine Collage Play Song
viewing Design Predict Film Story
things Develop Prepare Formula Video
Revise Invention
Show, Write New game
Evaluating Justifying a Assess Determine Conclusion Recommendat
decision or Choose Evaluate Debate ion
course of Conclude Justify Editorial Report
action Criticize Prioritize Investigation
Debate Rate Judgment
Defend Support, Opinion
Analyzing Breaking Classify Group Chart List
information Compare Interpret Checklist Plan
into parts to Contrast Order Database Report
explore Discover Organize Illustration Summary
understandin Distinguish Question Investigation
gs and Experiment Research
relationships Survey
Applying Using Adapt List Demonstrati Performance
information Change Make on Poster
in another Demonstrat Produce Diagram Presentation
familiar e Solve Journal Report
situation Draw Teach Lesson Simulation
Illustrate Use Map
Understan- Explaining Ask Report Definition Quiz
ding ideas or Calculate Research Dramatizatio Recitation
concepts Convert Review n Story
Describe Summarize Example Problems
Discuss Summary
Remembe- Recalling Choose Match Definition Test
ring information Cite, Define Memorize Fact Worksheet
Describe Repeat Label
Group, Select List
Know Underline Quiz


There are several important pieces to look at when considering the effectiveness of Web 2.0
technologies on student achievement in a competence based curriculum towards knowledge
creation and sharing process (Table 8, Figure 14).


Networking Sharing
Web 2.0: Prezi;
YouTube; Blog; ect.
Web 2.0:
Web 2.0: Ning; Wiki; Glogster;
Facebook; etc. Flippingbook;
by Animoto; etc.
activity by
Internationalization Socialization

and web 2.0

Conceptualization Externalization

activity by

Web 2.0: Web 2.0: Weebly;

MindMeister; Voci; ProProfs;; etc. Learning
Jimdo; etc.



Figure 13 Dynamic interactions between tacit and explicit knowledge enhanced by Web 2.0

The first one is to define Web 2.0 tools supporting the specific SECI processes of knowledge
transformation (socialization, externalization, combination, internalization). The second one
is to present which learning activity correspond to each one of the process. The third one is
to indicate which activities are performed for knowledge maturity development according to
the revised Bloom's taxonomy (know, understand, apply, analyse, synthesise, evaluate).


Computer Science Curricula 2013,

Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate
Degree Programs in Computer Science,
December 20, 2013
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (, the world’s largest
educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a
science and a profession - Computer Science Curricula 2013, Curriculum Guidelines for
Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Science, December 20, 2013 The Joint Task
Force on Computing Curricula, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), IEEE Computer
Society (
ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the
computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.
ACM and the IEEE Computer Society have jointly developed new curriculum guidelines for
undergraduate degree programs that foster integration of computing with other disciplines.
The report, Computer Science Curricula 2013, organizes computer science around 18
Knowledge Areas that reflect the application of computing tools in a wide array of disciplines.
It also incorporates new areas of knowledge for computing skills that include information
assurance and security, parallel and distributed computing, and platform-based applications.
The report provides best practice curricular models suitable to a broad range of higher
education institutions worldwide.


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