TOR For Development of A SOP For Investigation of HT by LEA

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Terms of Reference (TOR)

for engaging a Consultant to undertake the development of a Standard Operating Procedure

(SOP) for Investigation of Human Trafficking Cases by Law Enforcement Agencies

Post Title: Consultant (Development of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Investigation
of Human Trafficking Cases by Law Enforcement Agencies)

Project Title: Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter TIP in Bhutan

Project Number: BHUZ13

Organization: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Duty Station: Home based (South Asia)

Duration: Two working months between October 2014 – April 2015

Type of Contract: Contract under IC modality


Project Title: Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter TIP in Bhutan

A. Background

The UNODC Regional Office for South Asia is located in New Delhi (India) and covers six countries of
the region: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Its Regional Programme for
South Asia ”Promoting the rule of Law and countering drugs and crime in South Asia (2013-2015)”
has five sub-programmes relating to (1) countering transnational organized crime, (2) countering
corruption, (3) terrorism prevention, (4) promoting efficient, fair and humane justice systems and
(5) drug use prevention and treatment and HIV.

As part of sub-programme 1 of the Regional Programme, the Office is implementing a national

project in Bhutan titled “Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter Trafficking in
Persons in Bhutan (BHUZ13)” in collaboration with the National Commission for Women and Children
(NCWC). While the overall drugs and crime situation in Bhutan seems relatively light, there have
been growing incidences and evidence of forms of transnational organized crime. In the absence of
any concrete evidence of trafficking in persons, the NCWC in 2011 undertook an exploratory study on
TIP in Bhutan. The situational analysis recommends amongst others the need to develop and
formalize a Standard Operating Protocol for investigating trafficking cases by law enforcement
agencies through inter-agency and cross-border collaboration. In February 2013, a four-day
workshop for law enforcement officers and other key stakeholders was conducted in Phuntsoling,
Bhutan. The workshop was organized by UNODC in partnership with the National Commission for
Women and Children, Royal Government of Bhutan and NGO NEDAN Foundation (located in Assam,

India). This training brought about sharing of experiences between Bhutanese and Indian
counterparts working at borders and one of the key recommendations was the need to develop a
Standard Operating Protocol for investigating trafficking cases by the law enforcement agencies and
institute proper documentation through interagency collaboration.

To this end, UNODC in collaboration with the NCWC will engage a Consultant to undertake the
development of a SOP (in English) for investigating trafficking cases by law enforcement agencies in
line with relevant legal and policy framework with respect to trafficking in persons.


The objective is to develop and formalize a Standard Operating Protocol for investigating trafficking
cases by law enforcement agencies through inter-agency and cross-border collaboration.

B. Scope of Work and Expected Outputs

The scope of work and expected outputs/deliverables will be the following:

1. Collect, review and analyze all the necessary documents to fully substantiate all stages of
investigation on crimes of trafficking in persons.
2. Collect, review and analyze all the necessary documents to fully understand the administrative
framework for all investigation initiatives.
3. Collect, review and analyze the international and national level approach for investigation on
crimes of trafficking of persons.
4. Carry out stakeholder analysis to bring out the roles and responsibilities of key players and
institutions that play a vital role in investigation of human trafficking cases and develop
recommendations to strengthen linkages between agencies (internal and cross-border).
5. Documentation and analysis of current intervention models at Source-Transit-Destination areas,
with regard to investigation on crimes by citing case examples, which highlight a) the law
enforcement role in conducting investigation on crimes of human trafficking and b) the role of
stakeholders including NGOs, survivors, social activists, academics, media, grass root
workers/agencies, UN agencies etc.
6. Based on the processes mentioned above and in consultation with the Project Team, prepare a
comprehensive list of contents to be included in the SOP to ensure that all the required contents
are included.
7. Draft specific, detailed and practical steps (including specific models for specific circumstances
or places) for investigation on crimes of human trafficking to stop trafficking with rights-based,
gender-responsive and victim centric interventions.
8. Facilitate two working group consultations (organized by UNODC) and present the draft SOP to
the key stakeholders including agencies from across the border (India). Finalize the SOP
incorporating all the inputs.
9. Produce a well-written and comprehensive SOP highlighting:

• Current responses by key stakeholders in investigating cases of human trafficking –

recommendations for strengthening responses.
• Recommendations to strengthen linkages between organizations involved in the
• Resource Directory of all the relevant Government Departments / Ministries / NGOs
with focal points.

10. A detailed presentation has to be made by the consultant after the completion of the SOP on
the salient features of the SOP at a national consultation (Bhutan) which will be organized by

Expected Deliverables /Outputs:

• Facilitate two working group consultations to discuss and finalize the SOP.
• Produce a well written and comprehensive SOP for Investigation of Human Trafficking Cases
by Law Enforcement Agencies (in English).

C. Methodology
The consultant will strictly follow the work plan and the time schedule agreed with UNODC/NCWC in
undertaking the contract assignment.

a) An appropriate methodology will have to be determined by the consultant in consultations with

the UNODC and NCWC;
b) The consultant will work in close collaboration with the UNODC and NCWC;
c) The consultant will undertake collection of all the required data/information from various
sources, including Government departments, Ministries and other relevant sources;
d) The UNODC/NCWC shall facilitate in collection of the data/information with required official
letters and contact with focal person(s) wherever required (in Bhutan and India);
e) The consultant will undertake review, assessment and judgment of the data/information in
close consultation with the UNODC/NCWC;
f) The consultant will facilitate in presentations and coordination of the stakeholder
workshops/consultations organized as per the agreed work schedule;

D. Duration of the Work

a) The duration of contract shall be for a maximum of two working months between October 2014
– April 2015.
b) The consultant will work closely with the UNODC Project Team and NCWC and will from time to
time submit and share the progress of activities as agreed.

E. Duty Station

a) The consultant will undertake a mix of in-country and distance mode of working (overseas and
in Bhutan) based on the agreed work-plan and methodology.
b) The consultant is expected to use own computer and other equipment required for the task.

F. Required expertise and qualifications

• A post-graduate or equivalent qualification/ degree in Law , Criminology, Human rights, Political

Science, Development Study, Humanities or any other relevant discipline.
• At least 5-7 years of prior work experience in dealing with legal and prosecution issues especially
in the regional and international context.
• Demonstrated knowledge and experience in undertaking research especially in the area of
human trafficking.
• Demonstrated experiences and skills in facilitating stakeholder/working group consultations.
• Relevant regional and international experience will be an added advantage.
• Demonstrated knowledge and experience in developing SOPs especially in the area of trafficking

The project seeks to identify experts that fulfill the above criteria and have demonstrated ability of
involving key stakeholders (judiciary, prosecution, police, civil society etc.) to provide relevant expertise
and bring a wider perspective in developing the SOP.

G. Scope of financial Proposal and Schedule of Payments

a) The consultant will be offered a lump sum fee inclusive of travel costs (include travel costs for 2
working group consultations in Bhutan).
b) The payments will be made in installments based upon outputs/deliverables specified in the
TOR (under payment schedule) and upon certification of satisfactory work as per work plan and
endorsed by UNODC.

Payment Schedule
• 20% on signing the contract and submission of a blueprint including methodology for drafting
the SOP (in English).
• 40% on completion of two working group consultations and submission of consultation report
(in English).
• 40% on submission of final SOP (incorporating all the input from the key stakeholders including
from agencies across the border) (in English).

H. Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer

The evaluation of the consultant will be based on Combined Scoring method – where the
qualifications and methodology is given 70% weightage and financial offer with be given 30%
weightage. Only consultant meeting a minimum of 50 points under technical evaluation would
be considered for the financial evaluation. Following specific criteria would be assessed:

Criteria Weight Max.

(%) Point
Technical (70 %)

• Demonstrated knowledge on Human Trafficking issues, Laws, 15 15

Human Rights and UN human rights mechanisms/instruments
• Experience and skills in conducting research and 25 25
documentation, especially in the field of TIP/Human Rights
• Demonstrate experience and skills in facilitation/consultation 15 15
and coordination skills among relevant stakeholders
• Methodology, activities, Work plan, experience and skills etc. 15 15

Financial (30 %) 30 30
Total 100 100

I. Documents

While submitting the Technical Proposal, the Applicant shall, in particular, ensure to attach the

1. Profile of the consultant (max 1 page) explaining why they are the most suitable for the work.
2. Relevant Experience (max 2 page).
3. Detailed methodology and conceptual framework with expected deliverables and timelines,
team composition, man days required (3-5 pages).
4. Recent CV

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount (including a breakdown of costs for fee,
travel and number of working days). Payments will be made in installments based upon key
outputs/deliveries (mentioned under payment schedule above).

J. Annexes

Annexure 1: Process/How to submit the Bid

Interested eligible bidders may submit their proposal in a sealed envelope (only technical and
financial proposal) detailing the individual costs for carrying out the assignment as well as the
consolidated cost along with documents to support qualification and experience.


The bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid shall be written in English
language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another
language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the
English language


All financial quotes should be in USD only.


Bids shall remain valid for the period of 90 days after the date of bid submission. A bid valid for a
shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non- responsive.


The Bidder shall prepare one original and one copy of the bid, clearly marking each one as
"ORIGINAL BID" and "COPY OF BID," as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them,
the original shall govern.

The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by
the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the Contract. Any
interlineations, erasures, or overwriting to correct errors made by the Bidder should be initialled by
the person or persons signing the bid.


The bidder is expected to submit the proposal both in hard copies and electronically.

Electronically (only the technical and financial proposal) with subject : UNODC/ BHUZ13/SOP/
Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in
Bhutan to Ms. Nidhi Mehrotra at [email protected].

Hard copy (technical and financial proposal including annexures): The bidder shall enclose the
original and a copy of the bid in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as
"ORIGINAL" and "COPY." The envelopes containing the original and copy shall then be
enclosed in another envelope

The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;

(b) be addressed to UNODC at the address given below:

Ms. Nidhi Mehrotra

Admin and Finance Assistant
Anti Human Trafficking
UNODC, Regional Office for South Asia
EP 16/17, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi

(c) bear the specific identification number and title i.e. UNODC/ BHUZ13/SOP/ Enhance
Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Bhutan

If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked the Purchaser will assume no responsibility for the
misplacement or premature opening of the bid.


Bids must be received by UNODC at the address specified above no later than 6 October 2014.
Late bids will be rejected.


The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after submission, provided that written notice of the
modification, or withdrawal of the bids duly signed by an authorized representative, is received by
the Purchaser prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids.

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