Fluoride Release From Glass - Ionomer Cements, Compomers and Resin Composites

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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2001 28; 26–32

Fluoride release from glass–ionomer cements, compomers

and resin composites
G. VERMEERSCH, G. LELOUP & J. VREVEN Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental School, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium

SUMMARY The short and long-term fluoride release ever, it was impossible to correlate the fluoride
of 16 products (seven conventional glass–ionomers, release of the materials by their type (conventional
five light-activated glass–ionomers, two polyacid- or resin-modified glass–ionomers, polyacid-
modified resin composites and two resin com- modified resin composite and resin composite) ex-
posites) commercialized as fluoride-releasing cept if we compared the products from the same
materials were measured. A potential link between manufacturer. The link between fluoride release
the material type and its level of fluoride release and an acid–base reaction seems to be confirmed.
was researched. The fluoride release was evaluated The glass–ionomer composition (glass particles and
after different time intervals. Initial fluoride release polyacid’s type, powder/liquid ratio) should have
from all materials was highest during the first 24 h more influence on fluoride release than material
and decreased sharply over the first week. Some type.
groups of materials appeared to be significantly
different after, respectively, 7 and 91 days. How- KEYWORDS: compomer, fluoride, glass–ionomer

Introduction aqueous glass–ionomer and a light-curable resin. This

kind of material combines some advantages of resin
The ability of a material to inhibit recurrent caries composites, longer working time and rapid setting, and
formation is an important clinical property. Glass– some advantages of conventional glass–ionomer, spon-
ionomer cements (GIC) have been used for more than taneous adhesion to dental tissues (Mount, 1994;
20 years and it is well known that a major advantage Sidhu & Watson, 1995; Vargas, Fortin & Swift, 1995)
with this group is their potential caries inhibition with a substantial fluoride release (Takahashi, Emilson
(Hicks & Flaitz, 1992; Dunne et al., 1996) due to their & Birkhed, 1993; Diaz-Arnold et al., 1995; Forsten,
release of fluoride (Forsten, 1990; Momoi & McCabe, 1995; Seppä et al., 1995; de Araujo et al., 1996; Friedl et
1993; Takahashi, Emilson & Birkhed, 1993; Diaz- al., 1997; Tam, Chan & Yim, 1997). Mitra (1991)
Arnold et al., 1995; Miller et al., 1995; Tam, Chan & reported that the fluoride release from a light-activated
Yim, 1997) and their antibacterial activity (Feather- glass–ionomer cement was not hindered by the pres-
stone, 1994; Seppä, Korhonen & Nutinen, 1995; Friedl ence of light-activated resin. Momoi & McCabe (1993)
et al., 1997). However, those conventional glass– confirmed that resin-modified glass–ionomers had a
ionomer cements should be protected from both mois- potential for releasing fluoride equivalent to that of
ture contamination and dehydration during the early conventional cements. At the present time, with a
stages of setting to avoid a considerable reduction of preventive approach to the control of dental caries,
physical properties. This led to the development of manufacturers produce many dental materials which
light-cured or resin-modified glass– ionomer cements, should be able to release fluoride to their environment.
which contained the essential components of both an These new fluoride-releasing materials belong to the

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Table 1. Materials used in this study

Batch no.
Brand Symbol Type Manufacturer (powder/liquid)

Ketac-Fil Aplicap KF Conventional GIC, encapsulated Espe GmbH, Seefeld, Germany 00821171
Ketac Molar KM High ratio powder/liquid conventional GIC, Espe GmbH, Seefeld, Germany 00524012
Photac-Fil Aplicap PF Resin-modified GIC, encapsulated Espe GmbH, Seefeld, Germany 03121409
Fuji II FII CC Conventional GIC, encapsulated GC Int., Tokyo, Japan 070645
Fuji II LC FII LC Resin-modified GIC, encapsulated GC Int., Tokyo, Japan 140251
Fuji II LC im- FII LC imp Resin-modified GIC, hand-mixed GC Int., Tokyo, Japan 170161/110161
Fuji IX FIX High ratio powder/liquid conventional GIC, GC Int., Tokyo, Japan 130261/010261
Hi Dense HD Silver reinforced GIC, encapsulated Shofu, Dental Products Ltd, Kent, 089521-2-
Germany 11940981
Hi Fi HF Conventional GIC, hand-mixed Shofu, Dental Products Ltd, Kent, 1194147/
Germany 0994141
Vitrebond VB Liner, resin modified GIC, hand-mixed 3M Co, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A. 19950228
Vitremer VM Resin-modified GIC, hand-mixed 3M Co, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A. 19951215/
Vivaglass base VG Conventional GIC, encapsulated Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein 700751
Compoglass CG Polyacid-modified resin composite, compule® Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein 717259
Dyract DY Polyacid-modified resin composite, compule® DeTrey Dentsply, Konstanz, Ger- 9511051
Tetric T Resin composite, syringe Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein 729188
Heliomolar H Resin composite, syringe Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein 719765

groups of resin composites and polyacid-modified resin thick) of each material (except one conventional glass–
composites or compomers. ionomer cement, Fuji II CC, used as control in the
The process of the fluoride elution from the material different experiments, n= 18) were fabricated accord-
is a complex one but if we suppose that this release is ing to the manufacturer’s instructions. The materials
linked to the mechanism of the setting process, a com- were placed into a Teflon® mould covered on each side
parative study of many products which are potentially with a mylar sheet and a glass plate.
fluoride releasing, could aid the understanding of the Conventional glass–ionomers were allowed to
principle of this process. Unfortunately, the studies are harden in their mould for 20 min. The light-cured
sensitive to numerous factors, which make it impossi- materials were polymerized for 60 s on both sides with
ble to compare one with another (De Moor, Verbeeck a Visilux curing unit*. After hardening, the specimens
& De Maeyer, 1996). were removed from the mould and transferred for 1 h
The aims of this investigation were to compare, us- to a wet atmosphere. Each sample was then suspended
ing the same protocol, the fluoride release from several in 7 mL of deionized water and stored at 37 °C. After
products belonging to four different groups of restora- different incubation times, the samples were rinsed
tive materials and to look for a correlation between the with 1 mL of deionized water and transferred to 7 mL
setting process of those groups and the quantitative of fresh water. Aliquots of 4 mL of each storage solu-
fluoride release. tion were mixed with 4 mL of TISAB (total ionic
strength adjustment buffer) and analysed for fluoride
using an ion-specific electrode (Orion model 9409 SC)
Materials and methods connected to an ion analyser. Using a sodium fluoride
Seven conventional glass– ionomer cements, five light- solution mixed with an equal volume of TISAB, a
activated glass– ionomer cements, two polyacid- calibration curve was obtained plotting the measured
modified resin composites and two resin composites voltage (mV) against F − concentration (ppm) on a
were tested. Details of the materials are given in Table semi-logarithmic scale.
1. Eight cylindrical specimens (7 mm diameter × 3 mm * 3M Co, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A.

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28 G . V E R M E E R S C H et al.

cantly distinct groups of products. The conventional

and resin-modified glass–ionomer cements were dis-
tributed among the first 12 products even though the
last four materials were constituted of the polyacid-
modified resin composites and the resin composites.
The ranking observed at this short time was modified
after three months. The fluoride release measured af-
ter the two periods is shown in Table 2. A similar
statistical analysis (ANOVA, one factor, PB 0·005) of
the data measured after three months showed differ-
ent groups of materials from that shown after the
short period. This ranking modification is illustrated
by the fluoride release cumulative curves which are
crossing each other (Fig. 2). During a short initial
period, HiDense released more fluoride than Ketac-Fil
but that decreased later. Ketac-Fil showed a high
Fig. 1. Cumulative mean amount of fluoride (mg/mm2) released fluoride release for a longer period. After 3 months,
from each material during the first 7 days. Vertical bars indicate Ketac-Fil had released more fluoride than HiDense.
no significant difference (P \0·05) according to Scheffe’s test The similar process was observed with Vitrebond and
(ANOVA, one factor).
In spite of this difference of the mean rate of
fluoride release, each product released the greatest
amount of fluoride during the first 24-h period (Fig.
The cumulative fluoride release from each material 3). This peak is followed by a more or less rapid
after 7 days is shown in Fig. 1. A statistical analysis decline, bordering zero for certain products like poly-
(ANOVA, one factor, P B 0·005) showed some signifi- acid-modified resin composites and resin composites.

Table 2. Cumulative fluoride release from

materials tested (mg/mm2) Mean (s.d.)

Material n 7 days 91 days

Ketac Fil 8 2·99 (0·51) a 7·24 (0·79) A

HiDense 8 2·97 (0·76) a 5·45 (0·16) B
HiFi 8 1·78 (0·24) b 3·10 (0·33) C
Vitrebond 8 1·74 (0·21) b 5·18 (0·43) B
Photac Fil 8 1·67 (0·23) b 3·94 (0·11) D
Fuji II CC 18 1·60 (0·38) b 3·68 (0·77) D
Vivaglass 8 1·04 (0·80) c 1·94 (0·11) E
Fuji II LC 8 0·62 (0·13) d 1·86 (0·38) E
Fuji IX 8 0·51 (0·10) d, e 1·17 (0·20) F
Vitremer 8 0·43 (0·13) d, e 1·00 (0·24) F, G
Ketac Molar 8 0·35 (0·10) d, e, f 0·91 (0·10) F, G
Fuji II LC impr 8 0·27 (0·04) e, f, g 0·99 (0·08) F, G
Compoglass 8 0·12 (0·04) f, g 0·39 (0·09) H, I
Dyract 8 0·08 (0·03) f, g 0·41 (0·10) G, H, I
Heliomolar 8 0·01 (0·01) g 0·04 (0·01) I
Tetric 8 0·01 (0·01) g 0·04 (0·00) I

Means with same letters are not significantly different (ANOVA, one factor, PB
0·05); comparisons at 7 days are indicated by lower-case letters and those at
91 days are indicated by upper-case letters.

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products were tested simultaneously. All the materials

evaluated in our experiment release fluoride but the
ranking according to their fluoride release varies with
time. This means that the pattern and the speed of
fluoride release are not similar among the various
fluoride releasing materials. This discrepancy between
the ranking observed after a short and long term confi-
rmed the data related by some authors (DeSchepper et
al., 1991; Forsten, 1995; Friedl et al., 1997; Tam, Chan
& Yim, 1997) and the difficulty of comparing one study
with another.
Independently of time, the most fluoride releasing
materials are the conventional and the resin-modified
glass–ionomer cements. However, these two groups
are indissociable when the products of various manu-
facturers are considered, but the comparison of the
Fig. 2. Mean amounts of cumulative fluoride release in long- different GIC within the same manufacturer underlines
term immersion. The materials illustrated are representative of all a classification.
the materials tested: KF (
), HD ( ), HF (), VB (), VG (+), In this way, it is shown that conventional GIC re-
KM (2) and CG ().
lease more fluoride than resin-modified GIC, which
release more than high powder/liquid ratio GIC (KF \
PF\ KM from ESPE and FIICC\ FIILC\ FIX from
GC). These differences in fluoride release rate could be
explained by the following considerations.
For conventional GIC, after powder and liquid are
mixed together, the ion-leachable glass is decomposed
by proton attack at the surface, and subsequently
fluoride ions are liberate from the glass particles (Mo-
moi & McCabe, 1993). Fluoride is dispersed homoge-
neously through the matrix regions of a set cement
and is available for elution for a long period after
setting (Momoi & McCabe, 1993).
In resin-modified glass–ionomer cements, Wilson
(1990) described the setting reaction as a dual setting
one, in which both acid–base, and photo-polymeriza-
tion take place. The acid–base reaction, responsible of
fluoride release, is a normal GIC reaction, which is
Fig. 3. Changes in rate of fluoride release from the materials started by mixing powder and liquid. The initial set of
represented in Fig. 2: KF (
), HD ( ), HF (), VB (), VG these materials is due to the formation of a matrix by
(+ ), KM (2) and CG (). Note that the graph included is an
the acid–base reaction. The second reaction is a photo-
enlargement limited to 42 days on the x axis and to 0·3 mg/mm2/
day on the y axis. chemical polymerization process similar to that of a
light-activated resin-composite, which is initiated by
Discussion irradiation with visible light of the appropriate wave-
length and intensity. This reaction is either a co-poly-
Numerous investigations have been performed on merization of the HEMA with the polymer side chains,
fluoride release from dental materials. Diversity of homo-polymerization of HEMA, or homo-polymeriza-
methods and experimental protocols prevents compari- tion of the functional groups in the side chains (Sidhu
son of results of different experiments. In this study, 16 & Watson, 1995). There are two matrices in this type of

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30 G . V E R M E E R S C H et al.

cement, consisting of the ionomer salt hydrogel and The glass powder and liquid composition also play an
polymer. To prevent phase separation, the cement has important role in the fluoride release of GIC. The
been formulated such that the photo-initiated polymer fluoride content of the glass powder probably accounts
is chemically linked to the polyacrylate (Wilson, 1990). for this role (Diaz-Arnold et al., 1995). By example,
Wilson (1990) suggested that the fluoride release rate silver reinforced GIC seem to release less fluoride than
may be affected by replacement of part of water in the the others. This finding should be due to the low initial
cement by resin and further, the fluoride content of content of fluoride: 40% of the fluoride is replaced by
restorative resins is limited by the need for translucid- metal in the cement (McLean & Gasser, 1985). It could
ity for the restorative cements. A decrease of fluoride also be due to the formation of silver fluoride which
in the powder enhance the translucidity. binds the fluoride ions to the cements (El Mallakh &
The type and amount of resin used for the light-cur- Sarkar, 1990) and to the sintering process which pre-
ing reaction of resin-modified GIC influence fluoride vents saliva or water penetration between the alloy
release (Momoi & McCabe, 1993). On the basis of the particles and fluoride releasing matrix (DeSchepper et
findings of Mathis & Ferracane (1989), it was assumed al., 1991).
that, in the set materials, fluoride ions might be firmly In this study, polyacid-modified resin composites
encapsulated by the resin matrix and that conse- (PMRC) clearly release less fluoride than conventional
quently its fluoride release rate into an aqueous envi- and light-activated glass–ionomer cements. This is
ronment might be smaller and slower than that of confirmed by Forsten (1995) and Suljak & Hatibovic-
conventional GIC. Kofman (1996). That kind of material behaves more
The powder/liquid ratio could also affect the rate of like a resin composite and may not be classified in the
fluoride release (McKnight-Hanes & Whiford, 1992; category of glass–ionomer cement (Sidhu & Watson,
Takahashi, Emilson & Birkhed, 1993; Forsten, 1995). 1995). They do not release much fluoride and do not
Muzynski et al. (1988) has shown that a lower ratio have auto-setting acid–base glass–ionomer reaction,
results in increased solubility and fluoride liberation. which occurs without photo-activation (Sidhu & Wat-
The difficulties coming up against the GIC differenti- son, 1995). In darkness, polyacid-modified resin com-
ation when all manufacturers are considered, could be posites do not harden at all (Forsten, 1995). The
explained by the influence of several factors on fluoride release mechanisms of PMRC and GIC are
fluoride release. different.
The powder/liquid ratio as described above and the Polyacid-modified resin composite’s composition is
way of mixing are also important. Miller et al. (1995) close to resin composites. By example, in Dyract, the
compared the modes of presentation, encapsulated or acidic polymerizable monomer, TCB, represents 28%
hand-mixed, and various mixing times of glass– of the material. This resin has two methacrylate groups
ionomer cements. She observed that generally the as well as two carboxyl groups. Thus, not only the
hand-mixed specimens released significantly less monomer can cross-link when initiated through radical
fluoride than those prepared by mechanical trituration. polymerization, but it also can undergo an acid–base
One possible explanation for this observation is that reaction with the reactive glass particles if water is
the trituration may enhance the reaction between glass absorbed from the tooth and the oral environment.
particles and cement liquid. The enhanced reaction The polyacid-modified resin composite Dyract has been
would increase the volume fraction of the cement demonstrated to undergo only a fast acid–base reaction
matrix and would decrease that of the unreacted parti- at the outermost material surface (Gladys et al., 1997).
cles in the structure. Fluoride tends to be preferentially The extent of the acid–base reaction initiated by water
released from the cement matrix rather than from the absorbed at the surface was found to decrease rapidly
glass particles, therefore, trituration would increase the toward the material core, implying that the filler prob-
amount of fluoride available for release because of the ably becomes chemically attacked by acid–base reac-
increased volume fraction of cement matrix. On the tion to the matrix phase only at the outermost surface
other hand, she didn’t find any significant difference in (Kakaboura, Eliades and Palahias, 1995; Gladys et al.,
the cumulative amounts of fluoride released from trit- 1997). Therefore, if acid–base reaction does exist in
urated materials among the different trituration times this material, it is a slight and superficial one and is not
(5, 10, 15 s). responsible of the setting reaction at all.

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We also observed that resin composites including scribed by [F]c =[F](I)t/(t+ t 1/2)+ i
t for glass–
the fluoridated composites released very few fluoride, ionomer cement whether resin-modified or not,
about 10 times less than polyacid-modified resin whereas for (polyacid-modified) resin composites this
composites during the first 24 h. This confirmed the quantity is given by [F]c = [F](I)t/(t+t 1/2)+ ht. Both
results of Takahashi, Emilson & Birkhed (1993), equations indicate that two kinetics process are re-
Forsten (1995) and Suljak & Hatibovic-Kofman sponsible for the fluoride release profile, where the
(1996). Fluoride release from resin composites Tetric first term correspond to the initial surface burst and
and Heliomolar is the result of the dissolution and where the second correspond to the long bulk diffu-
the diffusion of sparingly soluble salts (ytterbium sion. The kinetic parameters [F](I), t 1/2, i and h de-
fluoride). If release is to occur, water must diffuse pend on the formulation. The difference between GIC
into these materials, dissolve YbF3 glass particles par- and (polyacid-modified) resin composite during the
first process of fluoride release, could be due to the
tially and diffuse out through the resin matrix
fact that after curing and before contact with water,
(Rawls, 1991). The fact that GIC releases more
the fluoride in (polyacid-modified) resin composite is
fluoride than (polyacid-modified) resin composites
not free but bounded in the filler particles which are
may be partially due to the poor solubility of the
enclosed in the polymer matrix. Conventional GIC
fluoride containing salts (ytterbium fluoride) and to a
set by an acid–base reaction between a degradable
more tightly bound and/or less hydrophilic matrix of
fluoride containing glass and a polyalkenoic acid. Ini-
the (polyacid-modified) resin composites.
tially all the fluoride is in the glass, but during
The highest leakage of fluoride occurred during the
the course of cement formation fluoride ions are re-
first week with the most rapid release during the first
leased into the aqueous acid phase and become
24 h. Independently of the amount of fluoride re- trapped in the hardening gel matrix (Trimpeneers,
leased by each product, the percentage of fluoride Verbeeck & Dermaut, 1998). After setting and before
released during the first 24 h fluctuates between 52 the contact with water, the fluoride in the GIC is
and 85% of the total cumulative fluoride released thus present in the remaining and not yet attacked
during three months. This observation is confirmed leachable fluoride glass, associated to the polysalt ma-
by the findings of many other authors (DeSchepper et trix (complexed) and in the aqueous pore liquid
al., 1990; El Mallakh & Sarkar, 1990; Swift, Bailey & (free) (Trimpeneers et al., 1998). In the latter, the
Hansen, 1990; McKnight-Hanes & Whiford, 1992; fluoride ions are only loosely bond and free to move.
Takahashi, Emilson & Birkhed, 1993; Creanor et al., Fluoride ions are more available in GIC than in
1994; Forsten, 1995; Miller et al., 1995; Suljak & Hat- (polyacid-modified) resin composite. During the sec-
ibovic-Kofman, 1996; Tam, Chan & Yim, 1997). Dur- ond process of fluoride release, diffusion of fluoride is
ing the second week, the fluoride release was higher in the glass–ionomer matrix. This may be
substantially lower and thereafter gradually and due, as said before, to a more tightly bound and/or
slowly levelled of during the 12-week observation less hydrophilic matrix of the composite bonding
period. Tay & Braden (1988) and Verbeeck et al. resin.
(1993) suggested that the elution of fluoride occurs Even if (polyacid-modified) resin composites release
as two different processes. The first is characterized very few fluoride compared with glass–ionomer ce-
by an initial burst (1) of fluoride release from the ments, they probably could have an anticariogenic ef-
surface, after which the elution is markedly reduced. fect. Future investigations are necessary to determine
The first process is accompanied by a second bulk a minimum level of fluoride release having anticario-
diffusion (2) process, in which small amounts of genic action.
fluoride continue to be release into the surrounding
medium for periods up to 2 – 2·5 years. Verbeeck et al.
(1998) proposed different equations which character-
ize the fluoride release kinetics of glass– ionomer ce- We thank Mrs Thérèse Glorieux for her skilful tech-
ments, polyacid resin composite and resin composites. nical assistance and the manufacturers for providing
The cumulative amount of fluoride released is de- the materials.

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32 G . V E R M E E R S C H et al.

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© 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 26–32

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