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Materials Today: Proceedings: Gaurav Prashar, Hitesh Vasudev

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Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys

Gaurav Prashar, Hitesh Vasudev ⇑
School of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara 144411, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In future industries like gas turbine engines, steam turbines and coal gasification will reach new heights
Received 2 January 2020 in terms of operating temperatures and efficiencies. These advancements in technologies bring chal-
Accepted 13 February 2020 lenges for engineers to develop corrosion resistant materials for these systems to minimize corrosive
Available online xxxx
wear, which are the main factors responsible behind downtimes at elevated temperatures. Therefore
development of protective systems for the components operating in these harsh conditions is a signifi-
Keywords: cant topic both from an engineering and economic view point. The main focus of this article is to review
Hot corrosion
the corrosion behavior of super alloys at elevated temperatures.
Super alloys
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Elevated temperature Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and
Power plants Characterization.

1. Introduction alloy (Inconel-625) must be considered for providing resistance

to corrosion due to its composition. Delaunay et al. [12] studied
Materials are the backbone of industry and without them noth- the high temperature oxidation behavior of another super alloy
ing exists. Corrosion is considered to be as one of the major factor (Inconel-718) and proposed that alloy-718 provide resistance to
responsible for downtime in power plants. It is clear from the vast oxidation as compared to other Ni based powders for long dura-
available technical literature that corrosion represents problems in tions because of its excellent properties such as resistance to creep,
both gas turbines and coal fired power plants [1]. As whole corro- high strength and fatigue. In addition to this where thermo-
sion leads to negative results in the form of wear, reduced operat- mechanical strength is required alloy-718 is used [13,14].
ing life, increased downtimes, increased operating costs and Over the last decade engineers and researchers were working
material degradation at elevated temperatures. Hence it becomes continuously to improve the efficiency of the power plants. One
necessary to predict the corrosion rates in elevated temperature alternate is to increase the steam temperature and pressure. Same
applications so that planning can be done for the maintenance of can be achieved if boiler components can be designed by super
the components [2]. This problem can be reduced by either modi- alloys. Major challenge in it was the hot corrosion of the boiler
fication of environment or by changing the material properties or components like super heaters and reheaters. Therefore hot corro-
by forming protective barrier between the surface of the substrate sion behavior of super alloys needs to be examined. Hence the
and the aggressive environment. First approach can reduce the boi- focus of this article is to examine the hot corrosion behavior of
ler efficiency if temperature is reduced [3,4] and in second super alloys (i.e. the role of main alloying elements at elevated
approach, material properties can be changed to corrosion resis- temperatures towards oxidation, oxide scale growth and spallation
tance by adding elements like Al, Cr, Y and Zr but excess concentra- tendency of coatings) because of their broad application to
tions of said elements can badly affect the material mechanical enhance the service life of structural components at elevated
properties [5,6]. Therefore, corrosion can be easily and effectively temperatures.
controlled with proper surface treatment in recent years by use
of thermal spray coatings [7–10]. In corrosive environment, coat-
ing composition and microstructure will decide its performance. 1.1. Hot corrosion
Recently Galedari et al. [11] in his publication summarize the cor-
rosion behavior of different materials and concluded that super Hot corrosion results from the elements present in residual
fuels. Sodium, vanadium and sulfur are present in the environment
⇑ Corresponding author. during the combustion of fuel and they form contaminants like
E-mail address: hiteshvasudev@yahoo.in (H. Vasudev). Na2So4 (melting point 884 °C) and V2O5 (melting point 670 °C).

2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization.

Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
2 G. Prashar, H. Vasudev / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

These salt contaminants commonly known as ash combine to form

molten deposits and damage the protective oxide scale [15,16].

1.1.1. High temperature and low temperature hot corrosion

There are two cases for the occurrence of hot corrosion at high
temperatures, Type II or low temperature (600–750 °C) and type-I
or high temperature hot corrosion (800–950 °C). There are differ-
ent parameters which will affect these two types like velocity,
composition of alloys, temperature cycles and erosion process.
Type-1 hot corrosion results form a fluxing process where modifi-
cation of sodium sulfate deposit chemistry allows sulfur to pene-
trate into the underlying metal and as a result Cr content of the
substrate metal reduces. Because of this reduction oxidation starts
and porous oxide scale forms [17,18]. In type-II hot corrosion there
is a reaction between base metal sulfates and alkali metal sulfates
and as a result low melting point eutectic forms, which inhibits the
growth of protective oxides. Ni based super alloys are more prone
to degradation in type-II hot corrosion in sulfur containing envi-
ronments as they have lowest melting point among all super
alloys. It is characterized by pitting attack and if observed micro-
scopically little sulfide formation is there with no signs of Cr deple-
tion, which means that in this type, sulfur doesn’t penetrate into
the alloy [19–21].

1.1.2. Mechanism of hot corrosion for super alloys

In literature different mechanisms were suggested by research-
ers such as sulphidation oxidation and salt fluxing [19]. However,
basically it proceeds in following stages (Fig. 1).
In first stage (Incubation) normal oxidation occurs and in the
absence of salt deposits. Stable oxides were formed such as
Al2O3, Cr2O3 at the end of this stage. As long as the reaction prod-
ucts formed are in stable state alloy will remain in this state.
In second stage (Initiation) cracking of oxide scale takes place
because of the stresses that developed during oxide growth. As a
result fresh new surface is exposed to action of deposit. In nut shell
corrosion is accelerated in this stage. Propagation stage is charac-
terized by the severe attack of the alloy by fluxing of oxides. If
the deposit has chloride ions, then it can remove Cr or Al from
alloy. In this process there is formation of highly volatile gaseous
chlorides in the pores present in the alloy and as a result metal
chlorides diffuses out from the alloy and significantly reduces the Fig. 1. Various stages of hot corrosion process.
mechanical properties. Metallic components of these chlorides
are converted into oxides, that will form particles but not as pro-
tective layer. Hence, severe attack can occur on the surface of alloy. alloys are can be classified into three major types; (a) Ni base,
The mechanism is explained on the basis that whether the pro- (b) Co base, (c) Fe base [26].
tective oxide scale is acidic or basic. Say for example Cr2O3 is a pro-
tective oxide scale, it can be fluxed either acidic solute Cr2(SO4)3 or
basic solute, Na2CrO4 [22]. Due to this non protective oxide scale 2.1. Role of element in super alloys
forms. Acidic fluxing results in more severe oxidation reaction
because it occurs when O2 activity is low in molten salt. It is also Super alloys have large number of alloying elements in order to
self sustaining in nature. In hot corrosion attack fluxing of oxide provide necessary strength, toughness and durability at high tem-
scale is an important issue and oxides which have low levels of sol- peratures. Table 1 shows the role of various elements in Ni, Ni-Iron
ubility should be selected and provide a protective scale in pres- or cobalt based super alloys:
ence of salt film. [23]. After propagation, failure occurs.
2.1.1. Need of super alloys
2. Super alloys In order to get the efficiency of power plant above 45% its steam
temperature and pressure needs to be increased above 600 °C and
Super alloys have been used for wide range of applications like 25Mpa. This increased in efficiency can also reduced CO2 emission
jet engines, gas turbines, steam generators and nuclear industries levels less than 722 g/Kwh. To achieve this material needed for the
where high temperature strength, wear and corrosion resistance fabrication of structural components (reheaters and superheaters)
is required and are developed to be used at elevated temperatures must possess high creep strength followed by resistance to corro-
of 1200 °C [24–25]. An significant or notable characteristic of a Ni sion. Martensitic alloys have poor creep strength performance
based super alloy is that it can be used in load bearing applications above 600 °C [27]. Hence materials that have more creep strength
at temperatures in excess of 80% of their incipient melting temper- will serve as a substitute in place of martensitic and ferritic mate-
atures, a fraction higher for any other class of alloy. Hence super rials. Ni based super alloys is the candidate material due to its

Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
G. Prashar, H. Vasudev / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 1 studied the corrosion resistance of two ferritic steels, two austeni-
Role of elements in Ni base super alloys [26]. tic steels and one super alloy Inconel-625 in eutectic composition
Effect Iron Cobalt base Nickel base at 600 °C up-to 5000hrs. Authors reported that super alloy Inconel-
base 625 was best among all due to the formation of thick NiO layer and
Solid-solution strengtheners Cr, Mo Nb, Cr, Mo, Ni, Co, Cr, Fe, Mo, low kinetics. Mudgal et al. [32] examined high temperature corro-
W, Ta W, Ta sion behavior of two Ni based super alloy and one cobalt based
FCC matrix stabilizers C, W, Ni . . .. . ... super alloy at a temperature of 900 °C. During characterization
techniques it was concluded that Ni based alloys outperform the
Carbide form cobalt based alloy due to the formation of stable oxides like NiCr2-
MC type Ti Ti, Ta, Nb Ti, Ta, Nb, W,
O4, Cr2O3 in Ni based alloys. On the other hand in cobalt based
M7C3 type . . ... Cr Cr oxide scale formed was thick and has major elements CoO, NiWO4,
M23C6 type Cr Cr Cr, Mo, W NiCr2O4 and CoCr2O4. It was also proposed that bare cobalt based
M6C type Mo Mo, W Mo, W alloy cannot be used in these conditions. Kamal. S. [33] studied
Carbonitrides the hot corrosion behavior of super alloy superfer 800H under dif-
M(CN) type C, N C, N C, N ferent corrosive environments at 900 °C in cyclic conditions. Again
Forms c0 Ni3 (Al, Ti) Al, Ni, . . ... Al, Ti
it was concluded that NiO, NiCr2O4 and Cr2O3 was the main oxides
Retards formation of hexagonal Al, Zr . . ... . . .. . . that give resistance to hot corrosion. Mechanism responsible for
Ƞ (Ni3 Ti) hot corrosion is crack propagation. Moreover intensive spalling of
Raise solvus temperature of c0 . . .. . . . . ... Co superfer 800H can be noticed because of severe strain developed
Hardening precipitates or Al, Ti, Al, Mo, Ti(a), Al, Ti, Nb due to precipitation of Fe2O3. Kamal et al. [34] in another investi-
intermetallics Nb W, Ta
Forms c00 (Ni3 Nb) . . .. . . . . .. . . Nb
gation studied the oxidation and hot corrosion behavior of three
Oxidation resistance Cr Al, Cr Al, Cr super alloy superfer 800H, superni-718 and superni-75 under Na2-
Improves hot corrosion La, Y La, Y, Th La, Th SO4 and 60%V2O5 corrosive environment at 900 °C in cyclic condi-
resistance tions. Among three superni-75 was the best in terms of oxidation
Sulfidation resistance Cr Cr Cr
and corrosion resistance. Super alloys exhibits better resistance
Increases rupture ductility B B, Zr B(b), Zr
Causes grain boundary . . .. . . . . .. . . B, C, Zr to oxidation than hot corrosion. NiO, Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 formations
segregation were responsible for oxidation and hot corrosion resistance.

3.1. Effect of chemical composition

excellent mechanical properties like creep, high strength and fati-
gue resistance for 700 °C technology.
3.1.1. Effect of Cr content
Gagilano et al. [35] conducted tests to examine the effect of Cr
3. Studies by various researchers on corrosion behavior of super content on 19 alloys both in laboratory and field. Authors con-
alloys cluded that resistance to corrosion depends upon Cr content. More
the % of Cr better will be the material resistance to corrosion.
Awadi et al. [28] examined the high temperature corrosion phe- Alloys that have Cr content greater than 22% displays better perfor-
nomena of two super alloys namely Inconel 617 and 738 at three mance against corrosion during laboratory tests. On the other hand
temperature ranges of 700, 800 and 900 °C and exposed them to in field tests alloys that have Cr content 25% exhibits satisfactory
different times up-to 100hrs. Corrosion conditions were acceler- performance. In another investigation Hussian et al. [36] exposed
ated by applying NaCl and Na2SO4 on to the specimen surfaces. It Ni base coatings to a temperature 650 °C in simulated conditions
was concluded that both the alloys exhibits superior oxidation and concluded that NiCr coating was the best performer and has
resistance at temperatures of 800 and 900 °C and main oxides that 46%Cr content in it. Based on another study related to hot corrosion
were formed are Cr2O3 and NiCr2O4. It was also proposed that cor- on steels and super alloys it was concluded that weight loss
rosion rate increases with increase in temperature. Cesanek et al. decreases with increase in Cr content. However this condition of
[29] examied the hot corrosion phenomena of Hastelloy C-276 Cr content doesn’t fit for Ni based austenitic alloys when environ-
coating with stellite-6 and Cr3C2-25%NiCr coatings deposited by ment is SO2/SO3 rich. It was concluded that despite of similar Cr
using HP/HVOF techniques at temperature of 750 °C. Corrosion content in 617 and 263 grades, both performed differently [37].
conditions were accelerated by applying 60%V2O5 and 40%Na2SO4
on to the specimen surfaces. Each specimen was exposed to 50 3.1.2. Effect of cobalt
cycles followed by 20 min cooling. Authors concluded that among As compared to Ni, cobalt exhibits less hot corrosion resistance.
three coatings Hastelloy C-276 perform better against corrosion as Zhao et al. [38] investigated the hot corrosion behavior of super
a result of protective oxide layer that consists of major phases of alloy 740 and proposed that if the level of Co is decreased in 740
Cr2O3, NiCr2O4 and NiMoO4[30]. Vasudev et al. [30] compared the then it will provide better resistance to corrosion. Jinato et al.
hot corrosion behavior of Inconel-718 deposited by HVOF process [39] examine the effect of cobalt content on oxidation and corro-
with bare cast iron for 50 cycles followed by 20 min cooling. From sion in coal fired power plants at 750 °C. Cobalt content was varied
the characterization techniques it was found that Inconel-718 per- between 6 and 20% wt in three Ni-Fe based super alloys. Authors
formed better at 900 °C against hot corrosion due to the formation concluded that high sample with high percentage of Co shows
of stable oxides or phases like NiCr2O4, Cr2O3, Al2O3 and TiO2 in good resistance to oxidation by forming a layer of Cr2O3 but on
coating. Further it was also proposed that coating protect the sub- the other hand it does not stop the inward diffusion of sulphur.
strate effectively. Delaunay et al. [12] studied the high temperature Therefore there is not much improvement in the corrosion resis-
oxidation behavior of another super alloy (Inconel-718) and pro- tance with high percentage of Co
posed that alloy-718 provide resistance to oxidation at 900C due
to the formation of minor alloying elements like Al2O3, TiO2 and 3.1.3. Effect of temperature
the formation of quasi continuous scale of inter-metallic phase Ni3- Temperature strongly affects the sulfidation tendency during
Nb at oxide alloy interface will be a good contribution to resistance hot corrosion of Ni based super alloys [40]. Sulfides leads to the
against oxidation. Dorcheh et al. [31] in their experimentation formation of low melting eutectic. Fe, Co and Ni base super alloys

Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
4 G. Prashar, H. Vasudev / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
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Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.

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