Materials Today: Proceedings: Gaurav Prashar, Hitesh Vasudev
Materials Today: Proceedings: Gaurav Prashar, Hitesh Vasudev
Materials Today: Proceedings: Gaurav Prashar, Hitesh Vasudev
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In future industries like gas turbine engines, steam turbines and coal gasification will reach new heights
Received 2 January 2020 in terms of operating temperatures and efficiencies. These advancements in technologies bring chal-
Accepted 13 February 2020 lenges for engineers to develop corrosion resistant materials for these systems to minimize corrosive
Available online xxxx
wear, which are the main factors responsible behind downtimes at elevated temperatures. Therefore
development of protective systems for the components operating in these harsh conditions is a signifi-
Keywords: cant topic both from an engineering and economic view point. The main focus of this article is to review
Hot corrosion
the corrosion behavior of super alloys at elevated temperatures.
Super alloys
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Elevated temperature Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and
Power plants Characterization.
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization.
Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings,
G. Prashar, H. Vasudev / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Table 1 studied the corrosion resistance of two ferritic steels, two austeni-
Role of elements in Ni base super alloys [26]. tic steels and one super alloy Inconel-625 in eutectic composition
Effect Iron Cobalt base Nickel base at 600 °C up-to 5000hrs. Authors reported that super alloy Inconel-
base 625 was best among all due to the formation of thick NiO layer and
Solid-solution strengtheners Cr, Mo Nb, Cr, Mo, Ni, Co, Cr, Fe, Mo, low kinetics. Mudgal et al. [32] examined high temperature corro-
W, Ta W, Ta sion behavior of two Ni based super alloy and one cobalt based
FCC matrix stabilizers C, W, Ni . . .. . ... super alloy at a temperature of 900 °C. During characterization
techniques it was concluded that Ni based alloys outperform the
Carbide form cobalt based alloy due to the formation of stable oxides like NiCr2-
MC type Ti Ti, Ta, Nb Ti, Ta, Nb, W,
O4, Cr2O3 in Ni based alloys. On the other hand in cobalt based
M7C3 type . . ... Cr Cr oxide scale formed was thick and has major elements CoO, NiWO4,
M23C6 type Cr Cr Cr, Mo, W NiCr2O4 and CoCr2O4. It was also proposed that bare cobalt based
M6C type Mo Mo, W Mo, W alloy cannot be used in these conditions. Kamal. S. [33] studied
Carbonitrides the hot corrosion behavior of super alloy superfer 800H under dif-
M(CN) type C, N C, N C, N ferent corrosive environments at 900 °C in cyclic conditions. Again
Forms c0 Ni3 (Al, Ti) Al, Ni, . . ... Al, Ti
it was concluded that NiO, NiCr2O4 and Cr2O3 was the main oxides
Retards formation of hexagonal Al, Zr . . ... . . .. . . that give resistance to hot corrosion. Mechanism responsible for
Ƞ (Ni3 Ti) hot corrosion is crack propagation. Moreover intensive spalling of
Raise solvus temperature of c0 . . .. . . . . ... Co superfer 800H can be noticed because of severe strain developed
Hardening precipitates or Al, Ti, Al, Mo, Ti(a), Al, Ti, Nb due to precipitation of Fe2O3. Kamal et al. [34] in another investi-
intermetallics Nb W, Ta
Forms c00 (Ni3 Nb) . . .. . . . . .. . . Nb
gation studied the oxidation and hot corrosion behavior of three
Oxidation resistance Cr Al, Cr Al, Cr super alloy superfer 800H, superni-718 and superni-75 under Na2-
Improves hot corrosion La, Y La, Y, Th La, Th SO4 and 60%V2O5 corrosive environment at 900 °C in cyclic condi-
resistance tions. Among three superni-75 was the best in terms of oxidation
Sulfidation resistance Cr Cr Cr
and corrosion resistance. Super alloys exhibits better resistance
Increases rupture ductility B B, Zr B(b), Zr
Causes grain boundary . . .. . . . . .. . . B, C, Zr to oxidation than hot corrosion. NiO, Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 formations
segregation were responsible for oxidation and hot corrosion resistance.
Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 G. Prashar, H. Vasudev / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
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Please cite this article as: G. Prashar and H. Vasudev, Hot corrosion behavior of super alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings,