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Koe081: Cloud Computing: Detailed Syllabus 3-1-0 Unit Topic Proposed I

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Unit Topic Proposed
I Introduction: Cloud Computing – Definition of Cloud – Evolution of 08
Cloud Computing – Underlying Principles of Parallel and Distributed,
History of Cloud Computing - Cloud Architecture - Types of Clouds -
Business models around Clouds – Major Players in Cloud Computing-
issues in Clouds - Eucalyptus - Nimbus - Open Nebula, CloudSim.
II Cloud Services: Types of Cloud services: Software as a Service- 08
Platform as a Service –Infrastructure as a Service - Database as a
Service - Monitoring as a Service –Communication as services. Service
providers- Google, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, IBM, Sales force.
III Collaborating Using Cloud Services: Email Communication over the 08
Cloud - CRM Management – Project Management-Event Management -
Task Management – Calendar - Schedules - Word Processing –
Presentation – Spreadsheet - Databases – Desktop - Social Networks and
IV Virtualization for Cloud: Need for Virtualization – Pros and cons of 08
Virtualization – Types of Virtualization –System VM, Process VM,
Virtual Machine monitor – Virtual machine properties - Interpretation
and binary translation, HLL VM - supervisors – Xen, KVM, VMware,
Virtual Box, Hyper-V.
V Security, Standards and Applications: Security in Clouds: Cloud 08
security challenges – Software as a Service Security, Common
Standards: The Open Cloud Consortium – The Distributed management
Task Force – Standards for application Developers – Standards for
Messaging – Standards for Security, End user access to cloud
computing, Mobile Internet devices and the cloud.
Hadoop – MapReduce – Virtual Box — Google App Engine –
Programming Environment for Google App Engine

Text Books:

1. David E.Y. Sarna, “Implementing and Developing Cloud Application”, CRC press
2. Lee Badger, Tim Grance, Robert Patt-Corner, Jeff Voas, NIST, Draft cloud computing
synopsis and recommendation, May 2011.
3. Anthony T Velte, Toby J Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, “Cloud Computing: A Practical
Approach”, McGrawHill 2010.
4. Haley Beard, “Best Practices for Managing and Measuring Processes for On-demand
Computing, Applications and Data Centers in the Cloud with SLAs”, Emereo Pty
Limited, July 2008.

Open Elective List (VIII Semester) 2021-22 Page 4

Unit Topic Proposed
I Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Data Warehousing 08
Components, Building a Data Warehouse, Warehouse Database, Mapping
the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture, Difference between
Database System and Data Warehouse, Multi Dimensional Data Model,
Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations, Concept.
II Data Warehouse Process and Technology: Warehousing Strategy, 08
Warehouse /management and Support Processes, Warehouse Planning and
Implementation, Hardware and Operating Systems for Data Warehousing,
Client/Server Computing Model & Data Warehousing. Parallel Processors
& Cluster Systems, Distributed DBMS implementations, Warehousing
Software, Warehouse Schema Design
III Data Mining: Overview, Motivation, Definition & Functionalities, Data 08
Processing, Form of Data Pre-processing, Data Cleaning: Missing Values,
Noisy Data, (Binning, Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human
inspection), Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation. Data
Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality reduction, Data
Compression, Numerosity Reduction, Discretization and Concept
hierarchy generation, Decision Tree
IV Classification: Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical 08
Characterization, Analysis of attribute relevance, Mining Class
comparisons, Statistical measures in large Databases, Statistical-Based
Algorithms, Distance-Based Algorithms, Decision Tree-Based
Clustering: Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures, Hierarchical
and Partitional Algorithms. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and
Chameleon. Density Based Methods DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based
Methods- STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Method – Statistical Approach,
Association rules: Introduction, Large Item sets, Basic Algorithms,
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Neural Network approach.
V Data Visualization and Overall Perspective: Aggregation, Historical 08
information, Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers,
ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and
Recovery, Tuning Data Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse.
Warehousing applications and Recent Trends: Types of Warehousing
Applications, Web Mining, Spatial Mining and Temporal Mining.

Suggested Readings:
1. Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith “Data Warehousing, Data-Mining & OLAP”, McGrawHil.
2. Mark Humphries, Michael W. Hawkins, Michelle C. Dy, “Data Warehousing: Architecture and
Implementation”, Pearson Education..
3. I. Singh, “Data Mining and Warehousing”, Khanna Publishing House.
4. Margaret H. Dunham, S. Sridhar,”Data Mining:Introductory and Advanced Topics” Pearson

Open Elective List (VIII Semester) 2021-22 Page 17


COURSE OUTCOME: After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Students can understand the definitions, concepts and components of Rural Development
2. Students will know the importance, structure, significance, resources of Indian rural economy.
3. Students will have a clear idea about the area development programmes and its impact.
4. Students will be able to acquire knowledge about rural entrepreneurship.
5. Students will be able to understand about the using of different methods for human resource planning
Unit Topics Lectures

I Rural Planning & Development: Concepts of Rural Development, Basic 8

elements of rural Development, and Importance of Rural Development for
creation of Sustainable Livelihoods, An overview of Policies and Programmes for
Rural Development- Programmes in the agricultural sector, Programmes in the
Social Security, Programmes in area of Social Sector.
II Rural Development Programmes: Sriniketan experiment, Gurgaon experiment, 8
marthandam experiment, Baroda experiment, Firkha development scheme, Etawa
pilot project, Nilokheri experiment,approaches to rural community development:
Tagore, Gandhi etc
III Panchayati Raj & Rural Administration: Administrative Structure: 8
bureaucracy, structure of administration; Panchayati Raj Institutions Emergence
and Growth of Panchayati Raj Institutions in India; People and Panchayati Raj;
Financial Organizations in Panchayati Raj Institutions, Structure of rural finance,
Government & Non-Government Organizations / Community Based
Organizations, Concept of Self help group.
IV Human Resource Development in Rural Sector: Need for Human Resource 8
Development, Elements of Human Resource Development in Rural Sector
Dimensions of HRD for rural development-Health, Education, Energy, Skill
Development, Training, Nutritional Status access to basic amenities - Population
V Rural Industrialization and Entrepreneurship: Concept of Rural 8
Industrialization, Gandhian approach to Rural Industrialization, Appropriate
Technology for Rural Industries, Entrepreneurship and Rural Industrialization-
Problems and diagnosis of Rural Entrepreneurship in India, with special reference
to Women Entrepreneurship; Development of Small Entrepreneurs in India, need
for and scope of entrepreneurship in Rural area.
Text Book:
1. Corporate Social Responsibility: An Ethical Approach - Mark S. Schwartz
2. Katar Singh: Rural Development in India – Theory History and Policy
3. TodaroM.P. Economic Development in III World war
4. Arora R.C – Integrated Rural Development in India
5. Dhandekar V.M and Rath N poverty in India
6. A.N.Agarwal and KundanaLal: Rural Economy of India
7. B.K.Prasad: Rural Development-Sarup& Son’s Publications.

HSMC & Open Elective List II (VII Semester )2021-22 Page 3

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