Scale Cavitation Test

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ITTC – Recommended 7.

5 - 02
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Testing and Extrapolation Methods
Effective Date Revision
Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

Table of Contents

1 PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE………….2 2.10 Setting Static Pressure at Propeller

2.11 Selecting Representative Velocity,
V0, for Computing Cavitation
2.1 Introduction .....................................2 Number.............................................6

2.2 Propeller Operating Conditions.....2 2.12 Cavitation Inception Test ...............6

2.3 Propeller Model Accuracy ..............3 2.13 Reporting Cavitation Patterns .......7

2.4 Wake Simulation .............................3 3 PARAMETERS………………………….7

2.4.1 Open Shaft and Strut 3.1 Basic Measurement Quantities ......7
Configurations ...............................3
2.4.2 Single Screw Configurations .........4 3.2 Derived Parameters ........................7

2.5 Calibrations......................................4 3.3 Recommendations of ITTC for

Parameters .......................................7
2.6 Test Measurements..........................4
4 VALIDATION…………………………...7
2.7 Propeller Model Markings .............5
2.8 Water Quality ..................................5 4.1 Uncertainty Analysis.......................7

2.9 Cavitation Viewing ..........................5 4.2 Benchmark Tests.............................8

Updated Approved

Propulsion Committee of 23rd ITTC 23rd ITTC 2002

Date Date 2002

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Testing and Extrapolation Methods
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Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

Model - Scale Cavitation Test

1 PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE customer specifies the ship operating condi-

tions of interest for the cavitation investigation.
To ensure consistent, reliable model-scale Some example conditions are:
cavitation test results, comparable amongst • full (design) displacement, full power,
ITTC organizations. • full displacement, 80% full power (en-
durance speed),
• ballast displacement, full power, or
• trial and service condition.
2.1 Introduction
The detailed test parameters required for
Model scale cavitation tests are routinely setting test conditions are taken from the re-
conducted in conventional cavitation tunnels, sults of model powering tests, scaled to the
some with free surface simulation. A few ship self-propelled powering points. These are
member organisations operate depressurised typically obtained from towing basin powering
towing tanks. The goal of all these facilities is experiments. The propeller is tested at a pre-
to operate the propulsor within the simulated scribed set of parameters: cavitation number,
propeller velocity and static pressure field. σ , advance coefficient, JA, and thrust coeffi-
Exact simulation is not achievable due to insuf- cient, KT. At a particular propulsion operating
ficient knowledge of the actual full-scale flow point, the procedure for setting the tunnel flow
field and simulation approximations due to conditions to achieve a model simulation of
Reynolds Number, Froude Number, and non- this operating point is usually made on the ba-
geosym hull representations. sis of the “thrust identity.” In the absence of
thrust data or by special request, a cavitation
All tests are intended to achieve geometric test will be run at a “torque identity” condition,
similitude of the propulsor. Therefore, the pro- satisfying a target full-scale torque coefficient
peller model must have sufficient material value. When testing in a depressurized towing
strength and geometric accuracy at the speci- tank, conditions can be set based on propeller
fied test conditions to ensure sufficiently accu- rpm and tow speed, from a previously con-
rate results. ducted powering test performed with a geosym

2.2 Propeller Operating Conditions The choice of propeller rpm and tunnel
speed should result in sufficiently high blade
The propeller operating conditions investi- Reynolds Number as to avoid adverse effects
gated should be mutually established between of blade laminar flow on cavitation. If low
the testing organization and the customer. The blade Reynolds numbers cannot be avoided,
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Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

such as when following Froude scaling in a The 23rd ITTC Propulsion Committee has initi-
depressurized towing tank, then artificial lead- ated planning of an ITTC QM procedure ad-
ing edge roughness can be utilized to ensure dressing this topic.(We shall add the reference
turbulent flow over the propeller blades. For number here!)
typical model size, 60 μm distributed rough-
ness can be applied to the blade leading edges.
Care must be taken to account for effects of 2.4 Wake Simulation
artificial roughness on propeller thrust and
torque. Alternatively, tests can be conducted at The wake simulation adopted for the tests
model speeds higher than Froude scale should be mutually established between the
testing organization and the customer. More
In a depressurized towing tank, to compen- realistic wake simulations will produce more
sate for the deficiency in number of cavitation representative cavitation, but often require lar-
nuclei at model scale, a cloud of tiny gas bub- ger facilities or more complicated test configu-
bles is generated upstream of the propeller by rations. Facility experience is an important
means of electrolysis of the tank water. To this consideration, due to the often lengthy iterative
purpose a cathode and an anode are glued to procedures required to develop new wake gen-
the ship model in the form of metal strips of eration techniques.
0.5 mm thickness and 3.5 mm wide.
Wake simulations should be documented
with wake survey procedures or verified to be
2.3 Propeller Model Accuracy similar to previously measured configurations.
Nominal wake surveys are generally per-
The geometry of the propeller model is to formed, although determination of the effective
be inspected prior to testing. This should in- wake, including the influence of the propeller
clude a visual inspection for nicks and local is preferred, but difficult to determine. The
damage and subsequent repair. Manufacturing degree of difficulty in achieving a sufficiently
accuracy should be verified to ensure the ge- representative wake flow depends in part on
ometry is within prescribed manufacturing tol- the type of ship hull involved.
erances. For the case of a controllable pitch
propeller the selected pitch must be carefully
verified. Effort should be made to ensure the 2.4.1 Open Shaft and Strut Configurations
propeller model does not deform under test
operating conditions beyond what would be Wakes for combatant hulls with open shaft
expected to occur full-scale. and struts are relatively simple to simulate if
the propeller operates outside the hull bound-
Blade surface global tolerance of ±0.05 mm ary layer. In that case, the wake is dominated
for a typical 250mm diameter propeller is con- by the flow inclination angle to the shaft line.
sidered acceptable. Leading edges and tip Inclined shaft tunnel set-ups with geosym shaft
edges require a higher level of accuracy, which and strut configurations create a reasonably
is very difficult to manufacture and inspect. good wake simulation. The wake is predomi-
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Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

nately a variation in the tangential inflow. This preparation and set up of the cavitation test.
can only be approximated with wake screens,
which produce axial wake variation. An appro- Pressure gages used to measure static and
priate propeller unsteady performance analysis differential pressure should be calibrated to a
can be used to match the unsteady blade load- recognised acceptable standard within an estab-
ing for the specified inclined flow wake. lished time period prior to the test. Pressure
gage calibration checks during the test are rec-
If part of the propeller operates in the hull ommended by varying static tunnel pressure.
boundary layer the resulting axial wake deficits
may contribute to cavitation. Prior to testing, Thrust and torque dynamometer load re-
wake survey data can be used to assess its im- sponse calibration. It should be carried out with
portance. Significant wake complexity may applied loads that are traceable to a recognised
require a full hull model to properly simulate acceptable standard. Calibrations should be
the flow, however this wake would be at model performed within an established time period
scale and not corrected for higher Re. prior to the test.

Thrust and torque correction loads are to be

2.4.2 Single Screw Configurations measured for the bare hub operated at the pres-
sure, rpm, and flow velocity determined for
Wakes of propellers operating well inside each test condition.
the hull boundary layer, such as single screw
ships, often have deep velocity deficit con- Establish instrument zeros for the thrust and
tours, and also often have complexities present torque measurement accounting for “friction”
in the tangential and radial velocity component effects of internal friction and gearing as the
distributions that influence propeller cavitation. shaft rpm approaches zero.
Options for model wake simulations for these
types of hull forms are: The torsional or lateral vibrations of the
• parallel plate wake generator, model propeller shaft may have an influence on
• variable density screen wake generator, the steadiness of the cavitation on blades and
• foreshortened hull model, the level of the pressure fluctuation. Attention
• full length, complete hull model. should be paid to the vibration level of the
shaft at each test condition. Propeller and shaft
Three dimensional wake simulations are balancing is recommended to reduce excessive
preferred over two dimensional screen type vibration.
wake generators.

2.6 Test Measurements

2.5 Calibrations
Measurements of the following are to be
The following is a list of the basic calibra- made during the cavitation test. Recording of
tions that are to be performed as part of the the quantities below should be in a fashion that
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Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

is consistent with the facility’s specified uncer- size distribution / liquid tension as well as dis-
tainty levels. solved gas content. Previous measured nuclei
distributions/liquid tension data can be corre-
• Propeller shaft thrust and torque lated to on-line gas contents in most facilities
• Shaft rotational speed to estimate water quality during cavitation test-
• Facility flow reference velocity ing. Systematic procedures must be imple-
• Static pressure mented to consistently achieve a given water
• Temperature quality before testing. Cavitation inception
• Air Content, Water quality measure curves should be correlated for water quality
effects, as discussed in the report of the 23rd
ITTC Specialist Committee on Water Quality
2.7 Propeller Model Markings (Proc. No.).

Marking is made on certain model compo- More specific guidance on recommended

nents to facilitate the interpretation of cavita- air content levels may be obtained from a
tion extent and location as follows: summary of survey results conducted by the
23rd ITTC Specialist Committee on Cavitation-
• Paint or mark blade numbering on each side Induced Hull Pressure Fluctuations. (Procedure
of each blade No 7.5-02-03-03.3)
• Paint or mark along constant radius lines at
selected r/R values, suction side (SS) and
2.9 Cavitation Viewing
pressure side (PS), typically at 0.5, 0.7, and
0.9 radius
Both blade suction side (SS) and pressure
• Paint or mark the midchord line and/or the
side (PS) of the blades must be viewed. Op-
reference line, SS and PS
tions for the mode of observations could in-
• Mark the hub and bossing to help determine
clude viewing through ports in the tunnel
a blade position angle.
walls, with video cameras located in pods posi-
• Blade position angle tioned beside the hull near the propeller loca-
tion, or through ports in the hull located close
Great care must be exercised to use very to and over the propeller. Sufficient lighting
thin painted or marking pen lines to avoid pro- must be supplied to get the best possible obser-
viding artificial sites for initiation of sheet, vations and records of all blade cavitation.
bubble or streak cavitation. Stroboscopic lighting is needed to capture and
freeze images of chosen blade passages at posi-
tions throughout the cavitating region of the
2.8 Water Quality disk. Back lighting can often illuminate cavita-
tion inception, which cannot be seen with front
An important part of the test set-up phase is lighting.
to know the water quality of the test facility.
This includes some knowledge of the nuclei
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Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

2.10 Setting Static Pressure at Propeller often used for controllable pitch propellers.
The representative velocity should be clearly
The representative static pressure at the stated in the cavitation test report.
propeller, PA, is selected to match the full-scale
cavitation number. The full scale static pres-
sure at the propeller is typically determined 2.12 Cavitation Inception Test
from the still water submergence depth. In
some cases, when a large stern wave occurs at This experiment consists of plotting ob-
the propeller location, this additional hydro- served cavitation points in a diagram of cavita-
static head is taken into account. tion number ( σ ) versus advance coefficient (J)
or thrust coefficient, KT. Points for the same
When operating at Froude scaled speeds, as type of cavitation are connected to determine
occurs in a depressurized towing tank, the se- inception boundaries of each form of cavita-
lected static pressure results in equivalent full tion. At least three inception points should be
scale cavitation numbers at all water depths. determined to describe an inception curve.
More inception points will reduce the uncer-
In water tunnel testing, generally, Froude tainty in definition of the inception curve.
numbers are not satisfied, preferring to operate
propellers at as high a Reynolds number as The tip vortex cavitation inception for
possible. Consequently, full scale cavitation model propellers should be Reynolds Number
numbers are only matched at one depth. If scaled. Scaling of other forms of cavitation is
cavitation predominately occurs at a vertical not considered routine, and would require justi-
location other than shaft depth, then another fication supported by credible data.
vertical location can be selected. Often the
cavitation occurs near the blade tip, at the top Cavitation inception should be called by
of the disk, in such case, a location of 0.8 to experienced personnel in a consistent fashion.
0.9R at the top of the propeller disk would se- Inception is observed when an event is seen at
lected to match model and full scale cavitation a given interval, such as 1 or 10 seconds be-
number. The location in the propeller disk at tween events. Care must be taken if the interval
which the representative static pressure is satis- between events is too long, to distinguish real
fied should be clearly stated in the test report. from random events. Calls can be made on a
set number of blades, i.e., a majority of blades,
or on one blade. Care should be taken with first
2.11 Selecting Representative Velocity, V0, blade calls due to possible effects of geometric
for Computing Cavitation Number flaws. Determining dissidence of cavitation can
be an acceptable alternative to inception de-
A number of options are used to define the termination. Inception criteria should be stated
representative velocity, V0, used in the compu- in the cavitation report.
tation of the cavitation number. Typical veloci-
ties are V, VA, nD, ωr, and (VA2+ ω2r2)1/2 where Since the first form of cavitation occurring
r is propeller radius. Propeller angular speed is at model scale may not be the case full scale,
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Model – Scale Cavitation Test

care should be taken when using acoustic in- • t water temperature

ception, since it only can be used to detect the • Air content or measure of cavitation sus-
first form of cavitation to occur. ceptibility

2.13 Reporting Cavitation Patterns 3.2 Derived Parameters

Adequate reporting of model cavitation pat- • VA advance velocity

terns should include some or all of the follow- • V ship speed
ing: • V0 representative Speed: V, VA, nD, ωr,
or (VA2+ ω2r2)1/2 (Sec 2.11)
(a) display of still photographs or sketches of
suction side and pressure side cavitation for • σ cavitation number,
all the pertinent blade positions;
σ = (pA– pv)/((1/2) ρ(V02))
(b) notes as to the character of the fluctuations
• KT thrust coefficient
and unsteadiness associated with the pat-
• KQ torque coefficient
(c) video presentation of both suction side and • JA advance coefficient
pressure side cavitation; • pv vapor pressure
(d) display of any special cavitation regions
such as at blade roots, hub cavitation, or in-
duced rudder cavitation; and 3.3 Recommendations of ITTC for Pa-
(e) discussion and interpretation of each cavita- rameters
tion type encountered and range of accu-
racy. When using still photography, at least ITTC recommendations for the various pa-
three photographs of each condition are rameters above are contained within the body
recommended to document the level of cav- of this procedure, section 2.
ity fluctuation.
4.1 Uncertainty Analysis
3.1 Basic Measurement Quantities
The 20th ITTC (1993) presented a list of
• D propeller diameter the critical issues of scale effects, both with the
fluid dynamics and the bubble mechanics that
• pA representative static pressure at propel-
must be confronted directly in any attempt at
ler (Sec. 2.10)
estimating errors for a given experiment.
• n rotational velocity, rev/s, (ω, rad/s)
• VT tunnel velocity
• T propeller thrust
• Q propeller torque
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Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

4.2 Benchmark Tests Series I: Tested in No.2 Ship Tank Haslar

Series II: Tested at Carderock
1) Comparative Propeller Tests Series III: Tested at Gothenburg
(7th l955 pp.129-216)
1.5) Tolerance and Surface Finish of Model
The Completion of the Full Programme of Propellers (7th l955 pp.200-216)
Tests in One Tunnel
2) Cavitation Inception on Head Forms Com-
The Tests of At Least One Model Propeller parative Experiments (11th l966 pp.170)
in Each of the Eight Tunnels 2.1) Cavitation Inception on Head Forms
ITTC Comparative Experiments (11th 1966
The Completion of the Open-Water Tests of pp.219-232)
All the Model Propellers In Ship Tanks a) Cavitation Number for Cavitation In-
ception on the Body
Measurement of All the Model Propeller,
Including Surface Finish Propeller Models b) Cavitation Number when Bubbles are
from 8 to 18 Inches Diameter at Reynolds' Clearly Visible in the Test Section in Front
Number from 1.5 to 7.5 million of the Body i.e. when the Resorption Power
of the Tunnel is No Longer Sufficient.
1.1) Cavitation Tunnel Tests of Series 1 Pro-
pellers (7th l955 pp.131-135) Parent Model 3) ITTC Standard Screw Cavitation Tunnel
AEW/C2 (Diameter 9-12-15-18) Tests at Brodarski Institute (12th l969
pp.523-525) 228.6 mm Diameter
1.2) Cavitation Tunnel Tests of Series 2 Pro-
pellers (7th l955 pp.135-168) 4) Nuclei Measurement and "Standard Cavita-
3-Bladed Propeller; The Developed Blade tor" (13th 1972 pp.642-646)
Area Ratio 0.655, 4.1) Air Content- and Nuclei Measurement
The Pitch Diameter Ratio 1.333 4.2) "Standard Cavitator"
Constant Ogival Sections with Sharp Lead-
ing Edges 5) Comparative Hydrofoil Experiments and
The Design Advance Coefficient J=0.925 Development of a Standard Cavitator
(14th 1975 Vol.2 pp.76-93)
1.3) Cavitation Tunnel Tests of Series I (1) Results of Tests with Three-
12 Inch Propellers and Series III 12 inch Dimensional 19-012 and 16-1512 Hydro-
Propellers (7th 1955 pp.169 - 189) foils in Different Cavitation Facilities
Series I: 12 Inch Propeller in All Tunnels (2) Progress in the Development of a
Series III: 12 Inch Propeller in Tunnels 'STANDARD CAVITATOR’
Tunnel Wall Effect: less than 0.14
6) Appendix A (Hydrofoils) (15th 1978 pp.340-
1.4) Open Water Tests of Model Propellers 347)
(7th l955 pp.190 -199)
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Effective Date Revision
Propulsion, Cavitation 2002 01
Model – Scale Cavitation Test

Foil F: Symmetrical Profiles NACA 19-012 EXPRESS" Propeller Models

Foil G: Cambered Profiles NACA 19-1512 (18th 1987 pp.209-210)

7) Comparative Tests with the Foil-Head form 16) Comparative Noise Measurements with
Combination (16th l981 pp.420-424) "SYDNEY EXPRESS" Propeller Models
(18th 1987 pp.210~-211)
8) Comparative Noise Measurements with the
Sydney Express Propeller Model 17) Cavitation Nuclei Measurements
(16th 1981 pp.447-453) (19th 1990 pp.166-175)

9) Comparative Tests on Soft Surface Tech- 18) Propeller-Induced Hull Pressures

niques (16th 1981 pp.436-443) (19th 1990 pp.182-187)
The SSPA Stencil Ink Method, Modified by
SRI-MHI Test Procedure 19) Further Measurement of Pressure Fluctua-
10) Comparative Tests with Foil-Headform tion on 'SYDNEY EXPRESS' Propeller
Combination (17th 1984 pp.245-248) (19th 1990 pp.213-219)

11) Comparison of Hull Pressure Amplitudes 20) Joint Bassin d’Essais des Carènes and
for Sydney Express Propeller Cavitation Committee Tests (20th 1993
(17th 1984 pp.248-252) pp.206-213)
Measurement of Liquid/Nuclei Distribution
12) Comparative Erosion Tests with Propeller Determination of Cavitation Inception
Model (17th 1984 pp. 252-255) Scale Effects.
Minimizing the Liquid Tension in a Water
13) Comparative Noise Measurement with Tunnel or Towing Tank.
Sydney Express Propeller Model
(17th 1984 pp.255-256) 21) 20th ITTC Comparative Model Measure-
ments (20th 1993 pp.230-231)
14) Comparative Cavitation Observations on Measurements on German Tanker "St.
Propeller with and without Leading Edge Michaelis" and the "Sydney Express"
Roughness (18th 1987 pp.207 -208) 21.1) Comparative Measurement of Pressure
Model Propeller; NSMB Model 6091, as Fluctuation on "St Michaelis"
the '18th ITTC Propeller' (20th 1993 ~pp.236-240)

15) Comparison of Propeller-Induced Hull 22) Measurements of Hull Pressure Fluctuation

Pressure Measurements for the "SYDNEY (21st 1996 pp.65-69)

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