Supporting Lecturer :
Praise be to the presence of the one and only God for all his graces and guidance
so that this report can be compiled to completion on time. This report is made with the
aim of fulfilling the assignments given by the teaching lectures and understanding what
obstacles students experience in the process of learning English. However, in the
preparation of this report there are still many shortcomings. And we hope that this report
can add knowledge and experience for readers, in the future it can improve the form and
add contructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this report.
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................... 4
PRELIMINARY ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Formulation of the problem................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Research purposes ................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 The benefits of writing .......................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................... 6
RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Research design ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Object of research.................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Method of collecting data ...................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Data analysis method ............................................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................. 8
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Research Preparation ............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Research Implementation ...................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Research result ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Factors Affecting the Ability of Students in Deli Serdang in Speaking English ................ 11
3.4 Efforts that can be made to improve students' ability to speak English .............................. 11
CHAPTER IV ............................................................................................................................... 13
CLOSING ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................................................... 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 14
1.1 Background
Language plays a very important role in our daily lives, because language is a way to
communicate our ideas to others. With language everyone can express feelings, wants,
opinions and needs of each individual. Without language it will be difficult for everyone
to understand the meaning of the words of others.
In this era of globalization, we cannot be separated from everything related to English.
We can find English starting from small things. English language skills have become a
necessity for most people in Indonesia in particular. The main reason why you have to learn
English is because English is an international language. The language which is the language
of liaison between one country to another. And not only as part of the communication
media, but the latest technology also uses English as the language of instruction.
The ability to speak English is a very important skill, especially in developing countries,
where English is needed, one of which is to get a job.
Learning English is very complex because English has four basic skills, namely
Listening (listening / listening), Speaking (speaking), Reading (reading), and Writing
(writing). And has three additional abilities, namely Grammar (grammar), Vocabulary
(vocabulary) and Pronunciation (pronunciation). All of these components are very
important and must be learned if you want to master English well.
But in fact, not a few students who still cannot understand or even do not understand
words or sentences spoken in English verbally by the interlocutors. This means that their
listening skills (Listening) in English are still lacking and their vocabulary is still very
2) What are the factors that cause students in Deli Serdang to experience problems in
learning English?
3) What solutions can be made to overcome these problems?
1) This is to find out what obstacles are happening to students in Deli Serdang in
learning English.
2) To find out what factors caused students in Deli Serdang to experience these
3) To find out the solution to these problems.
This study used a qualitative method based on the approach to using and processing
data on students in Deli Serdang. The data studied are in the form of words which are
used as the source of the research and not in the form of numbers because this research is
qualitative in nature.
2. Interview technique, which is a question and answer activity with someone who is
required to be asked for information or opinion on a matter to be published in
obtaining information. Here the researchers conducted interviews with several
students from various circles in Deli Serdang to get information about the
difficulties or obstacles faced by students in learning English.
2.4 Data analysis method
The qualitative data analysis technique is carried out in accordance with the
case study approach, so that data analysis is used by examining the answers
collected which are obtained from the research subject.
Researchers used a questionnaire technique in the form of a Google Form with
participants who matched the subject under study. This was enforced because it
was still constrained by the Covid-19 pandemic.
After conducting various research methods, the researcher can present the research
results based on the survey, interview and the results of the questionnaire conducted.
The researcher tries to find out what are the obstacles faced by Indonesian students
in learning English.
The following are some of the obstacles that hinder the learning process of English
for students in Indonesia, including:
1. Student Motivation Is Still Low
Students still think that English is a complementary subject, not important,
and not a national language. So as to result in students not taking lessons
2. Less Interesting Learning Media
Learning media is very helpful in achieving learning goals. In fact, there are
many types and varieties of media around us that we can find, to be developed
and utilized in supporting our learning process. However, the problem is why
until now there are still many teachers (teachers) who are reluctant to use media in
3. Monotonous Learning Process
The teaching and learning process that takes place in class is still running
monotonously and is still centered on the teacher (teacher) where the teacher only
reads the subject matter then the students follow it simultaneously without paying
attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the students' pronunciation and
does not give the opportunity for students to make it in sentences so that it is more
easy for students to remember.
4. Unavailability of Effective Learning Media
Learning media is very helpful in achieving learning goals. In fact, there are
many types and varieties of media around us that we can find to be developed and
utilized in supporting our learning process. Like the use of technology in this
modern era. However, in reality, schools or teaching and learning places have not
been able to support the learning process by utilizing this technology due to the
lack of facilities owned by the school.
5. Difficult English Vocabulary
In learning English, knowing vocabulary is important and even a necessity.
However, due to the large number of English vocabulary, many students have
difficulty understanding vocabulary. This is an obstacle experienced by students.
6. Low Self-Confidence
Because they are often exposed to traditional learning methods that use one-
way communication patterns, usually students in school will have low self-
confidence, especially in speaking. This is a big scourge for the Indonesian people
to become a competitive society in the world of global competition.
7. Pronounciation and Multiple Language Dialects
As English has been used in many countries as their primary language of
instruction, there are differences in terms of pronunciation and also the accent of
the language used. For example in American English and British English.
8. Limited Time For Learning
This obstacle is often the biggest challenge, at school time is spent from
morning to evening, and English lessons that are applied in schools still use
traditional learning methods, which do not provide opportunities for students to
hone their understanding and the teacher only assesses the whole class without
personal feedback.
9. The existence of insinuations from friends
Insinuation and ridicule from peers can be a factor in a person becoming less
confident in speaking English and then being reluctant to continue to hone his
10. Less Understanding Basic English
Basics are the most important elements in learning English, because
understanding the basics is the most important thing in learning English, if we
don't know the basics in English, we will find it difficult to learn English.
3.3 Factors Affecting the Ability of Students in Deli Serdang in Speaking English
Two factors inhibiting the ability to speak in English come from the teaching team
(teachers) and students (students). From the teaching side, it includes the lack of speaking
assignments which makes students reluctant to make preparations before the learning
process in class begins, monotonous learning activities, the lack of use of learning media.
Lack of providing opportunities for students to practice speaking (lack of practice), ways
of delivering input or feedback that make students feel embarrassed and afraid, and the
attitude of the teacher who is too serious when teaching. Meanwhile, the students
(students) include a lack of courage to actively participate in speaking activities for fear
of making mistakes. Lack of use of English as the language of instruction during the
learning process, and lack of motivation to learn English actively because they do not
consider English as a necessity but only as a compulsory subject.
3.4 Efforts that can be made to improve students' ability to speak English
Although the students' English speaking ability in Deli Serdang is still categorized as
low. But that doesn't mean they can't change it anymore. Actually, there are many simple
but effective ways to improve good and correct English language skills.
The following are some of the efforts that can be made to improve the English
language skills of students in Deli Serdang:
1) Read a lot of literature in English. Starting from what students like, for
example: fiction novels, comics, or magazines in the context of the
language used is English.
2) Make the concept of learning in the version the student likes so that it is
comfortable and can be easily absorbed by the student.
3) Start by being diligent in memorizing vocabulary, at least 5 new words a
4) Diligently practicing speaking English, it is recommended to be with
someone who is able to direct the student's pronunciation correctly or not.
4.1 Conclusion
English is a language that can help us in all aspects of life such as means of
communication, trade, socio-culture, science, education, entertainment and technology.
So indirectly all of us are required to be able to speak foreign languages in order to keep
up with the increasingly advanced developments. So it can be concluded that regarding
foreign languages is very important in this modern era to survive following the times.
4.2 Suggestion
To improve the ability to speak in English, students at Deli Serdang can apply the
efforts that have been described by the author and must communicate frequently which
makes it possible to expedite and increase English vocabulary.