Corporate Communication - 210
Corporate Communication - 210
Corporate Communication - 210
M%rketing gurus like Kotler %nd Keller (2006) believe th%t every comp%ny is
inevit%bly c%st into % role of % communic%tor %nd promoter. However, the
m%in concern in the %ge of technology is not how to communic%te but
r%ther wh%t to s%y, to whom %nd how often. This is where m%rketing
communic%tions str%tegy comes into picture. it is essenti%l to h%ve %
underst%nding of the modes of communic%tion which %re gener%lly
included in the communic%tion mix to form % communic%tion str%tegy.
individu%l product.
● Person%l selling: These include %ll f%ce-to-f%ce inter%ctions with one or
more prospective purch%ses with %n %im of m%king present%tions,
%nswering questions %nd procuring orders.
● Direct %nd inter%ctive m%rketing: This is % product of the technology
revolution %nd includes the use of e-m%il, post, telephone, f%x or
internet to communic%te directly with or solicit response or di%logue
from specific customers %nd prospect.
U. Employees
-Support of individu%l development %nd growth
-Incre%sed %ffili%tion & contribution
-Sust%in%ble employment with % ch%nging economy, equit%ble
V. Senior le%ders
-Est%blishment of %ppropri%te govern%nce pr%ctices
-Growth %nd st%bility
-Integr%ting the needs of different constituencies
W. Investors
-Fin%nci%l return
-Resources for growth
-B%l%ncing long- %nd short-term needs
X. Community members
-Services, products, employment, %nd investment returns; respect for the
-Infr%structure %nd community resources
-Equit%ble distribution of resources, environment%l issues
5. Suppliers
-Communic%ting needs, honoring commitments
-Needed products %nd services
-Qu%lity %nd consistency of incoming m%teri%ls/services
a. Customers
-Supplying evolving needs while meeting commitments
-P%yment %nd le%rning
-Fin%nci%l pressures
-Honoring %greements
-Divergent objectives
Br,nd Identity
Identity comprises those ch%r%cteristics of %n org%niz%tion th%t its
members believe %re centr%l, distinctive %nd enduring. Identity will h%ve to
be built %round the core v%lues of the comp%ny. Corpor%te identity merges
str%tegy, culture, %nd communic%tions to present % memor%ble person%lity
to customers. The term is closely linked to corpor%te philosophy, the
comp%nyʼs business mission %nd v%lues, %s well %s corpor%te person%lity.
The corpor%te identity is the first impression %ny customer will h%ve on the
Br,nd Im,ge
Br,nd Reput,tion
When your business don%tes money to ch%rity, your employees m%y not be
directly %ffected, %nd they m%y not be %w%re of the comp%nyʼs ch%rit%ble
%ctions. Phil%nthropy decisions come from owners %nd chief executive
officers. While employees m%y be m%de %w%re of the ch%rit%ble
contribution, they %re seldom consulted %bout which ch%rity the comp%ny
chooses to contribute to.
When you eng%ge in phil%nthropy, your peers %nd the public do not expect
you to g%in from it, %ccording to the GulfNews website. Publicizing your
phil%nthropic efforts %s % w%y to improve your comp%ny reput%tion c%n
b%ckfire. If you le%ve publicity up to the ch%rity, you m%y benefit without
%ppe%ring to be self-serving.
Doing Both