Differentiated Lesson Plan Template Reading Skills

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Teacher Candidate: Britannia Brascom

Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Unit/Subject: Reading
Instructional Plan Title: Reading Terms
Lesson summary and Fluency- Students will be able to read off a text (Holes) quickly and accurately.
focus: (Central focus:
Classroom and student
factors Demographics Reading disabilities
and environment: Students will use an audio assisted reading
General education,
Resource, self-
contained, IEPs, 504s,
ELLs, non-labeled
challenged students
National / State 7(f) Respond using acquired vocabulary as appropriate.
Learning Standards:
Specific learning target(s) / objectives: Teaching notes/ unit of study:
(standards-based). Ability to read a text accurately, Teacher uses explicit instruction to model instruction
quickly and with expression.

Agenda: Formative assessment:

Have a student read a part of the passage aloud. As student
1. opening of the lesson; reads complete record for one minute and record progress.
2. learning and teaching activities;
3. closure
4. duration
Academic Language: Key vocabulary: Function of activity: Form of activity:
Oral content-specific terms The lesson plan will be a 45
Understanding a range of minute activity where each -Hands on activity as a class
academic vocabulary and -Speed student will get a chance to
grammatical structures. read for a certain amount of
-Rate of Reading
(identify the word orally) time.

Instructional Materials, Holes book, stopwatch, pencil

Equipment and
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Grouping strategy: Students will work with partner after the hands on teaching with the teacher.

A. Opening
Prior knowledge Review vocabulary words from the previous chapter
Anticipatory set:
reread a book that you have read to the students earlier in the year. After finishing the book,
ask them the same questions to get them thinking and to see what they can remember.

B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):

I Do Students Do Differentiation
I will read a couple of passages from The students will review the words with Will use practice cards to see
the book and write down the the partner next to them and see if they how to read the passages with
vocabulary words that are more of a can use them in a sentence. emotion based on the
struggle for the kids. Then explain punctuation.
what the word means.

Summative There will be a quizlet to see which of the vocabulary words are Differentiation of assessment:
Assessment spelled correctly Using audio books
linked to

Closure: They students will take a quiz at end of class based on vocabulary words.

Students will read the next chapter and find words that they would like to discuss in class.

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