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SOP For Construction Industry To Operate During MCO

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Standard Operating

Procedure for Construction

Industry to Operate During
Movement Control Period
by The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
Letter of Aprroval to Screening Before Getting Back to Reducing Number of Operating Hours
Operate Work Workers Construction site/premise
The contractor/company has to make sure that working hour starts from
This letter has to be Contractor/Company shall
before resuming operation of work during this 8.00am to 5.30pm, 5 days a
displayed clearly at the reduce the number of workers
MCO period, all the workers have undergone week and no extention of
construction site/premise. to the minimum level or at
COVID-19 screening and they are free from the time is allowed.
least 50% from the current
virus Note:
number needed. Contractor/
Temperature Measure and company shall realize a work
a) Working Day (Monday –
Friday) for Federal Territory,
Symptoms Screening from home system which is
Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Perak,
suitable for workers who are
Occupational Health and Safety Committees Selangor, Negeri Sembilan,
not involve with the activity at
have to make sure the trained members perform Melaka, Pahang,
Zone System Set by construction site/premise.
Sabah and Sarawak.
the temperature measuring and workers
National Security screening everyday. The reading for Note: 
b) Working Day (Sunday –
each worker has to be recorded and keep for a Thursday) for Kedah,
Council a) Has to limit the number of
Kelantan, Terengganu and
period of at least 3 months for reference. visitors to premise 
This approval to operate will Johor
b)Company is encouraged to
be following the zone system Possible Result of Covid-19 conduct virtual meeting
set by National Security
Council and subject to latest If the body temperate reading is 37.5° or more, or
changes. if there is any symptom, the worker is not allowed
to enter the premise and the worker shall be
referred to Company Panel Clinic or Health
Centers nearby.

Foreign Workers/Workers Just Back from Travel

Repair and Maintenance Service
The foreign workers which do not reside in Malaysia are not allowed to work.  
For work which required the use of heavy machinery, repair
Workers who just come back from foreign country are not allowed to work for
and maintenance service is allowed.
14 days from the date of arrival in Malaysia and has to undergo quarantine
process throughout the period.
Movement of Workers Management
Contractor/Company has to conduct risk management, job
Limitation must be set scheduling and distribution of workers following scope
Contractor/company must make sure that the which will be conducted.
movement of the worker involved is only limited from
home to the construction site/premise only.
Transport Arrangement
Contractor/Company must provide vehicle(s) to
facilitate the movement of the employee by practicing Coordinator Appointment
social distancing/safe distancing and vehicles used
Contractor/company shall appoint one or more coordinator to
must be disinfected after each use.
perform coordination of Covid-19 outbreak prevention
measures at the workplace. The coordinator has to consist
The transport vehicle prepared for the workers by the
of Safety and Health Official (SHO), Occupational Safety and
contractor/company is not allowed to cross the
Health Coordinator (OSH-C) or Site Safety Supervisor (SSS)
district/zone border and only allowed to transport the
who has registered or listed in the record of Department of
workers within the district or zone concerned only.
Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) or Secretary of the
Safety and Health Committee at work place except for
Disinfection and Sanitization Process contractor G1 to G5 and consulting company in which
Contractor/company shall make sure the company owner will act as the coordinator. Appointed
vehicle transportting the workers coordinator must report the compliance status to the approval
has undergo disinfection conditions to operate as provided to MITI and DOSH.
and sanitisation process everytime before use.

Centralised Labour Quarter and Accomodation of Workers If there is any Positive Covid-19 case:
Contractor/company shall make sure to follow the Guideline on Construction The contractor/company shall bear all the medical cost of the worker
Workers Accomodation and Centralised Labour Quarters Operation During concerned and disinfection cost at the construction site/premise.
MCO issued by CIDB and any related agency. The contractor/company shall give full cooperation to Ministry of
Health to conduct contact tracing.
Application Where?
Application for Approval to Operate at construction site/premise can be

to Operate
made by contractor/company and has to be submitted at MITI Portal.

Self-Declaration and Pledging

Application made is in the form of self-declaration and has to be
attached along with Aku Janji pledging.
The Aku Janji pledging has to be attached with a pledging that
contractor/company will perform all the function and responsibility
set in the SOP and will follow any order from Ministy of Health and
other related enforcement agencies.

Result and Appeal

The result for the application can be checked at the MITI Portal
Any appeal will be considered on case by case basis and the result of
appeal can be reached in 5 working day period.
1. Project in which G1 and G2 company is the major company;
2. Project which had been verified that it has achieved physcial
progress of 90% and above;
Types of Allowed 3. Work - tunnel work;
4. Work - implementation and operation work;
Construction Project 5. Work - slope work;
6. Work - bridge and viaduct work;
The processing of the application will involve cross-
7. Work - land investigation work;
referencing with many relevant database at the
ministry and agency level
8. Building project with 70 IBS score and above;
9. Construction project with facilities or accomodation for workers
such as Centralized Workers Quarters or workers' camp;
10.Emergency work as provided in the contractual agreement;
11.Maintenance, cleaning and drying of stagnant water, insecticide
spraying works at construction site which serve to avoid
mosquaitoes and other pests breeding;
12.Works which not completed that will result in danger; and
13.All professional services that involved in the construction industry
including architectural, engineering, urban planning, land survey
work, material survey work, project management, facility project
and others.
Guideline for Centralized Labour
Quarters (CLQ) and Construction
Workers Accommodation
Operation During MCO Period
Workers that are provided with accommodation at CLQ, must be monitored during
MCO period. If the worker exhibits the symptoms of Covid-19 such as body
temperature above 37.5°C, coughing,  fever, sore throat or even difficulty in
breathing, the following procedures must be followed by contractor/company.
PROCEDURE The mentioned worker must be
Where there is a positive Covid-
isolated/quarantined in a special area
CLQ Warden must refer any 19 patient, CLQ Operator must CLQ premise that has Covid-19
in the said CLQ and must be
suspected Covid 19 case reported immediately trace and identify all patient must be disinfected by
monitored closely. 
to him/her straight to the CLQ employees/workers that are CLQ Operator.
If the employee/workers recovered
management immediately.  known to be in contact CLQ Operator must maintain
after monitoring period prescribed by
CLQ Operator must immediately directly/indirectly with that records to be inspected by
the doctor, that person can be
report and take action to send the positive Covid-19 patient.   authorities.
returned to the CLQ.
suspected person with Covid-19 CLQ Operator must record these
If the condition stays the same, that
to Klinik Kesihatan for further close contacts and monitor them
person must be sent  for further
inspection and treatment. closely.


MANAGEMENT CLEANING WORKS Government Quarantine Station 
CLQ Operator can sought the advice
Workers living in CLQ are not Clean all CLQ area and all facilities from MOH or Klinik Kesihatan to
allowed to leave CLQ without three (3) times a day by quarantine employees/workers that
approval from warden. using Ethyl Alcohol that contains have been identified to have close D3-3-8, Solaris Dutamas, No 1
Workers' movement must be 70% alcohol. contact with Covid-19 patient.    Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala
recorded and monitored closely. Disinfection operation must be Isolation or Quarantine Area   Lumpur
Visitors are not allowed to enter organized and conducted by CLQ Suitable area must be identified by Tel:+60-3-6209 8228 | Fax: +60-3-
into CLQ area, except medical staff Operator. CLQ Operator as temporary isolation 6209 8331 | Web:
and other service provider that are or quarantine area that is set during www.zulrafique.com.my
approved by CLQ Operator. covid-19 pandemic period. Email: [email protected]

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