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Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education


Hello again! How were your experiences from the previous lessons? Did it motivate you to be better communicator?

Good. This time, brace yourselves on learning how to be tech-savvy in communication!

Technology has undeniably revolutionized communication. Now, to be an effective communicator, you must also be technology-literate especially
nowadays. Education is now becoming technology-based; hence, to become an effective communicator in school and your other engagements, you must be
aware of how to use technology, as a communication aid in different contexts.

In this unit, you will learn how to select and create the appropriate communication aid in various situations and audiences to make communication effective
and to enhance your credibility as a speaker.

Intended Learning Outcome

a. Know the communication aids and strategies using tools of technology; and
b. Apply the learned principles through using technology in writing ideas for different target audiences in local and global settings.


1. Communication Aids
1.1 Major Types of Communication Aids
1.2 Functions of Communication Aids
1.3 Preparing Communication Aids
2. Communication Strategies
3. Using Tools of Technology

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education


Try this out first!

Check those communication tools that you are familiar in using at home/school:
_____ messenger apps _____ forums _____ opaque projector
_____ television set _____ hand-outs _____ video tape recorded
_____ transparencies _____ email _____ blogs
_____ Google Classroom _____ Zoom _____ charts
_____ VHS tapes _____ internet _____ slide projector

GOOD! Now, add those which you use, but not in the list:
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Okay! That was easy, wasn’t it?
Well, this was just meant to tune you in.

1. Communication Aids

What is a Communication Aid?

A communication aid helps an individual to communicate more effectively with people around them.

Communication aids are also referred to as AAC devices. AAC refers to Augmentative and Alternative Communication, which is defined as a
huge range of techniques, which support or replace spoken communication. These include gesture, signing, symbols, word boards, communication boards,
and books, as well as Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs).

There are two main types of AAC system: Unaided Communication and Aided Communication.

 Unaided communication does not use additional equipment. Body language, gesture, vocalization, signing are typically used.
 Aided communication uses equipment, but this ranges from low-tech to high-tech methods, with pictures and symbols often used instead of, or
together with words and with alternative hardware options available to provide access. Though a low-tech method of communication like a simple,
laminated communication book to carry around with a few pages of pictures or symbols would be a communication aid, the term ‘device’ would only
describe a more high-tech solution.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education

1.1 Major Types of Communication Aids

In presentations, the speaker should carefully choose the appropriate communication aid. This facilitates in delivering his speech. The following are
the major types of communication aids that can be used in your presentations: computer-based media, audio-visual media, and low-tech media.

A. Computer-based Media

Since we are now in the digital period, it is then expected that most of our works are done through the use of the computer. In communication, computer-
based media help the speaker to concretize an abstract idea by creating and presenting a PowerPoint presentation to his audience. Thus, computer-based media
is the use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way.

B. Audio Visual Media

Audio-visual aids are defined as training or educational materials directed at both the sense of hearing and the sense of sight. Films, recordings,
photographs, slides, projected opaque materials; media are some examples of these.

C. Low-Tech Media

These are communication aids that are designed and can be used as simple as possible. They are readily available and very easy to use. Examples of low-
tech media are chalk or dry-erase board, flipchart, foam board or poster board, and hand-outs.

1.2 Functions of Communication Aids

Communication aids facilitate speech delivery and understanding.

Below are the functions of communication aids:

1. To concretize a point;
2. To deepen and facilitate understanding;
3. To make learning more permanent;
4. To keep the audience engaged in the gist of the message; and
5. To provide opportunities for effective communication between the speaker and his audience.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education

1.3 Preparing Communication Aids

Communication aids need to be planned and prepared carefully and creatively. Below are the guidelines to make the communication aids effective and

1. Communication aids must be surely seen and heard by your audience and easily handled by the speaker. The speaker must assure that everybody
can see and read the communication aids. The speaker must also make sure that he/she has the skill in manipulating the communication aids to avoid delay and
confusion during the presentation.

Consider the following specific rules:

• Graphic elements in your presentation should be large enough to read.
• Audio must be loud enough to hear.
• Text-based visuals, charts, and graphs need to be presented with strong, clean lines and blocks of color.
• The textual elements should be located closest to the part of your graphic element that they are about.
• Carefully limit the amount of text on a presentation aid.
• Use a simple, easy-to-read type style.

2. They should be easily handled. Your presentation aids should be handy so that you can carry them by yourself. Likewise, you should be skilled in using the
equipment you will use to present them. Your presentation aids should not distract you in delivering your speech.

3. They must be done aesthetically. The communication aid should be prepared aesthetically to attract the attention of his audience and to make them listen
to what he is being conveyed or to delivered. This can be achieved by emphasizing contrasting colors as for the background and the use of texts. It must be done
also with simplicity as to the graphics and other designs so that the audience will not be distracted more on the speaker's speech.

4. They must be used purposively. The core purpose of the communication aids is to facilitate the speaker in the delivery of his lecture/speech. Thus, the
speaker must select the appropriate communication aid for that to be attained.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education

Certain rules should be observed:

• Watch your font.
• Do not write everything out.
• Do not bow down to the software.
• Use appropriate slide colors.
• Use proper slide movements.
• Utilize relevant sounds or audio.
• Practice using technology.

5. They must always be backed up. In delivering a speech, the speaker must not only stick to a single communication aid. He can utilize computer-based
media, audio-visual media, and/or low tech media. Also, these files must be stored in different saving-devices such as those flash drives, external drive, or a CD.

2. Communication Strategies

What are Communication Strategies?

We had discussed that communication is an exchange of information between a sender and a receiver. It used to be that you only had to worry about the
way you communicated face-to-face or on paper. Technology has changed this completely. People need to take into account every aspect of how they are
relaying information. This is where communication strategies come into play. Communication strategies are the blueprints for how this information will be

Types of Communication Strategies

Communication strategies can be verbal, nonverbal, or visual. Integrating all the strategies together will allow you to see the most success. This allows a
business to meet employee needs and increase workplace knowledge.

• Verbal communication strategies can be broken down into the two categories of written and oral communication. Written strategies consist of avenues such
as e-mail, text, and chat. Examples that fall into the oral category are phone calls, video chats, and face-to-face conversations.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education

• Nonverbal communication strategies consist of mostly visual cues, such as body language, facial expressions, the physical distance between
communicators, or the tone of your voice. These cues are typically not intended. However, it is important to realize the message you are sending. Otherwise , you
may be saying one thing, yet the receiver is hearing another.

• Visual communication strategies can be seen through signs, web pages, and illustrations. These strategies are used in the workplace to draw attention and
provide documentation. Human resources are required to post certain visuals throughout the workplace to comply with safety laws.

3. Using Tools of Technology

Using Traditional Visual and Audio Media

• Overhead Transparencies - Transparencies are clear acetate pages displayed by an overhead projector during a speech.

• Flip Chart- a large pad paper that rests on an easel allowing the speaker to record.

• Whiteboard/chalkboard- these materials can also help you achieve the same outcome.

• Document Camera- is a projector device.

• Video- showing a video clip can elicit an emotional response from the audience.

• Hand-outs- are sheets of paper containing relevant information that some speakers use in conjunction with other presentation media.

• Sound recordings- sounds, like visual images can stimulate mental images triggering the imagination and setting the mood.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education

Using Computer Technology

• Digital Slides - presentation software commonly using PowerPoint. It allows computer users to display information in a multimedia presentation.

• Real-Time Web Access - use to demonstrate how to do something special on the web such as researching ideas.

Effective Application of Visual Aids using Electronic Media

1. Readying the visual aids ahead of time and mastering these tools before using them.

2. Keeping visual aids easy to understand and simple.

3. Making visual aids to be readable, seen, and heard.

4. Making video recorders, overhead projectors, slide and film projectors as well as screens to be available before the presentation.

5. Fitting the visual aids as to the size of the room where light adjustments are made.

6. Putting visual aids to enhance the speech.

7. Talking to the audience and not only the visual paraphernalia.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education


Activity 1

Let’s check your comprehension!

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, but if it is FALSE underline what makes the sentence wrong, then write the correct answer on the space

__________ 1. The amount of text of your presentation aid is limitless.

__________2. The most important rule in preparing a communication or presentation aid is to make it accessible for every audience member.

__________ 3. The use of communication aids does not require skill because presenters may hire technical assistance to help them.

__________ 4. The textual elements should be located close or apart from your graphic element that they are about.

__________ 5. In delivering a speech, the speaker must only stick to a single communication aid.

__________ 6. Presentation aids should only be used to deliver information that is important or difficult to present with spoken words only.

__________ 7. Audio-visual media are used as instructional modes where particular attention is paid to the audio and visual presentation of the material, to
improve comprehension and retention.

__________ 8. The core purpose of the communication aids is to facilitate the speaker in the delivery of his lecture/speech.

__________ 9. The speaker must assure that everybody can see and read the communication aids.

__________ 10. Even without technology assistance, you can stand out as an effective speaker if you delivered your speech enough to stand on its own.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education

Activity 2

A. Directions: Listed below are interesting topics. Write an essay using one topic below. Your essay should follow the linear format in writing: Introduction, Body,
and Conclusion. It should be written comprehensively – not less than 500 words.

1. The life cycle of a butterfly

2. Healthy lifestyle

3. Covid-19 Pandemic

4. Manila Bay Issue

5. Adolescent depression: A rampant problem

B. Directions: Present your Output A in choosing a specific tool among the major types of communication aids (Computer-based Media, Audio-visual Media, Low-
tech Media) like PowerPoint, audio recording, etc. according to the availability of the tool in your end.

Note: Written Output A will also be submitted aside from your Output B. Both Activity A and B will be submitted via Facebook page.

Criteria VGE GE SE LE N
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1. The introduction is inviting and it gets the reader’s
attention. Opinion statement is clear.
2. There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are Legend:
clear and are well supported by detailed and VGE – To a very great extent;
accurate information.
3. The purpose of writing is very clear, and there is
GE – To a great extent;
strong evidence of attention to audience. SE – To some extent;
4. The author uses vivid words and phrases. The choice LE – To a little extent;
and placement of words seems accurate, natural, and N – Not at all
not forced.
5. All sentences are well constructed and have varied
structure and length. The author makes no errors in
grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

Samar Colleges PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION College of Education


Badua, F., et al. (2019). Purposive Communication in the 21st Century. St. Andrew Publishing House

Manzano, B., et al. (2018). Purposive Communication for College Freshmen. St. Andrew Publishing House

SyGaco, S. (2018). Principles and Competencies in Purposive Communication. Great Books Trading


MODULE 1 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

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