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Select Summary

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select sum(BYTES)/1024/1024/1024 "Data_Backup GB" from summary where start_time>

(current_timestamp - 1 days) and End_Time< (current_timestamp) and ACTIVITY in (

'BACKUP','ARCHIVE') and ENTITY='______'
select entity as Node_name, cast(sum(bytes/1024/1024) as decimal (10,3)) as Tota
l_MB, substr(cast(min(start_time) as char(26)),1,19) as Date_Time, cast(substr(c
ast(max(end_time)-min(start_time) as char(20)),3, as char() as Length_min from s
ummary where start_time>=current_timestamp - 24 hours and activity='BACKUP' grou
p by entity

select start_time,end_time,char(entity,19)NODE,substr(cha r(start_time-end_time,

11),4, as Duration,char(mediaw,6)MEDIAW,char(bytes,13)BYTES, char(bytes/cast((en
d_time-start_time)seconds as decimal(18,13))/1024/1024,6)as Speed from summary w
here entity='NODENAME' and activity='BACKUP' and (end_time>current_timestamp - 2
day) order by end_time
select activity,entity, (bytes/cast(timestampdiff(2,char(end_time-start_time)) a
s decimal))/1024/1024 as MBpSec from summary where activity in ('MIGRATION','COP
select schedule_name, entity, start_time, end_time, substr(cast((end_time-start_
time) as char(22)),7,2) || ' ' || substr(cast((end_time-start_time) as char(22))
,9,2) || ':' || substr(cast((end_time-start_time) as char(22)),11,2) || ':' || s
ubstr(cast((end_time-start_time) as char(22)),13,2) AS ELAPSED_TIME, affected fr
om summary where activity='STGPOOL BACKUP' and timestampdiff(8, char(current_tim
"START TIME", CAST((END_TIME) AS TIME) AS "END TIME", timestampdiff(4, char( EN
D_TIME-START_TIME ) ) as "ELAPSED TIME", affected AS Files_Copied, cast((bytes/1
073741824) as decimal(18,2)) AS "GB BACKED UP",successful from summary where tim
estampdiff(8, char(current_timestamp-end_time))<=24 and upper(activity)='STGPOOL
SELECT substr(char(start_time),1,19) AS START_TIME,timestampdiff(4,char(timestam
p(end_time ) -
(start_time))) AS ELAPTIME_IN_Minutes,cast(activity as varchar(16)) as Activity,
cast(number as varchar(16)) as Process_Number,cast(entity as varchar(30)) as
Entity,cast(float(bytes) /1024/1024/1024 AS DEC(10,2)) AS GB,cast(successful as
varchar(16)) as Successful FROM summary WHERE activity='STGPOOL BACKUP' AND
end_time>current_timestamp-48 HOURS

select ENTITY, BYTES from summary where (activity = 'BACKUP' or activity = 'REST
ORE' or activity = 'RETRIEVE' or activity = 'ARCHIVE' ) and TIMESTAMPDIFF(4,curr
ent_timestamp - end_time)<60

dateTime () {
timeStamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
theDate=$(date +'%m-%d-%Y')
theTime=$(date +'%H:%M:%S')
select char(COLNAME,24),char(TYPENAME,24),LENGTH,SCALE from syscat.columns where
tabname='SUMMARY' and tabschema='TSMDB1'

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