Separation/Termination of Employment Policy Sample
Separation/Termination of Employment Policy Sample
Separation/Termination of Employment Policy Sample
This Termination/Separation of Employment Policy template is ready to be tailored to your
company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your employment policies. A
termination/separation of employment policy may also be referred to as an employee termination
policy or termination of employment policy.
This termination/separation of employment policy applies to all prospective or current employees of the
company in regards to possible separation of employment.
Policy elements
The company will observe all legal dictations referring to termination/separation of employment and will
avoid “implied contracts” and unnecessary terminations.
The dismissal of an employee from their job duties may be categorized as voluntary or involuntary.
● Resignation
● Retirement
● Failure to show for a specified number of days without notice
● Expiration or completion of contract
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Discharge for cause refers to immediate termination of employment due to an employee’s misconduct.
Any kind of disciplinary action or progressive discipline that results in termination may be considered “for
cause”. Other wrongful behaviors or actions that result in immediate dismissal are also considered “for
cause”. Examples of such termination of employees include circumstances where an employee:
The list is not exhaustive therefore, discharge for cause remains at our company's discretion. It must
however always reflect an unacceptable behavior or action that violates legal or company guidelines and
may result in financial and non-financial damages for the company, other employees or society.
Discharge without cause can occur when the company decides that the services of an employee are no
longer needed. In general, this does not refer to an employee’s conduct. Reasons for discharge without
cause may be layoffs, rearrangement of a department or redefining of a position. In cases an employee
must be terminated without cause, the company is obliged to give notice a specified amount of time prior
to the date of termination depending on time of service, age of employee or position. If the employee
has to stop working before the date of termination, the company will still provide compensation for the
time remaining, specified as “pay in lieu of notice”.
The company may compensate the terminated employee for accrued vacation time when appropriate.
Severance pay may apply to cases of discharge without cause but not discharge for cause.
The company is bound by the law to refrain from wrongful dismissals of employees. Wrongful dismissal
may occur in cases when:
The company expects all employees with the right of terminating subordinates to strictly refrain from
discharging someone without adequate reason or without giving notice. Such an occurrence may be
damaging for the company’s respectability and may result in disciplinary action. Discharge on grounds of
discrimination or filed health and safety complaints is unlawful termination prohibited by legislation.
Constructive dismissal refers to an employee that has been forced to resign due to an employer’s
intentional or unintentional unlawful or hostile behavior (e.g. breach of contract). It will not be practiced
by any means by the company which is committed to maintain a relationship of honesty and fairness
between itself and employees.
In cases of resignation, the employee must submit an official written resignation letter to the immediate
supervisor. A notice is expected by the employee consistent with the minimum notice requirement, so
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the company can arrange alternatives for handling the remaining workload of the position. The
resignation letter must be copied and submitted to the Human Resources department.
In cases of involuntary dismissal, the supervisor must submit an employee termination document to the
human resources department at the date of separation or before that. Discharge for cause justifies
immediate suspension until the necessary documentation for termination has been gathered. In some
instances, a termination meeting with the employee, supervisor and a human resources officer may be
In cases of discharge without cause, the employer must officially notify the employee of the termination
a specified amount of time in advance. When severance pay is appropriate it will be officially stated in
At all times, proper employee records will be kept containing all relevant documentation. A lawyer will be
consulted prior to termination so the company can ensure the legality of its actions.
Disclaimer: This policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used
as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not
a legal document. Neither the author nor Workable will assume any legal liability that may
arise from the use of this policy.
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