Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Self Esteem: Finding and Concerns

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547

Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Natural

and Social Science Education (ICNSSE 2020)

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Self Esteem: Finding and

E Mulyadi1 and E Oktavianisya1 and Z Rafti Ulfa1
Nursing Major, Faculty of Health Science, Wiraraja University, Sumenep, Indonesia

Corresponding authors: [email protected]

Abstract. The aim of this study was to identify self-concepts on Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) in Indonesia.
Although LGBT is banned in Indonesia, research shows that many LGBT lives in Indonesia. They accept their condition and
consider it a gift, but they feel uncomfortable when traveling everywhere, and also often excluded, they do not have obstacles in
self-development. They feel equal to others because their income and work are the same as other people's, they can work and help
others and start a business. Most LGBT say they are embarrassed and sad towards people being ridiculed, sometimes angry. They
also said could not show their identities openly, only a small LGBT could show openly and that was because the community knew
first before they showed. They do not want to be a normal and assume that it was a gift from God.

Keywords: LGBT, Self Esteem, Concerns.

1. INTRODUCTION crime so that LGBT can be punished by the authorities

LGBT is a social phenomenon that emerged in the It can be found also in Philippines, Filipino lesbians,
early 90s and is increasingly developing in people's lives gays, bisexuals and transgender (LGBT) individuals are
(15) The LGBT issue has again become a global topic due subjected to discrimination, prejudice and stigma from
to the United States on June 26, 2016 which legalized society, which in turn may contribute to poor mental
same-sex marriage in 50 states in the United States. From health [3]
the legalization of the marriage, it turned out to have a Violation of law and norms about LGBT will have an
significant impact on LGBT communities in various impact in the form of rejection in the social community
countries to fight for desires that could be legally so it is not accepted in daily relationships with other
recognized by the state and could legally carry out same- people, and limited social interaction in the community.
sex marriages. Even health professional already be According to Dacholfany [4], LGBT behavior raises
prepared to handle LGBT individuals [1] health problems such as 78% of people infected with
Indonesia forbid LGBT. LGBT individuals are sexually transmitted diseases. The average age of health
considered to have social welfare problems because their person who was married is 75 years, while the average
sexual behavior is obstructed in social life. The age of LGBT is 42 years old and decreases to 39 years if
Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) agreed on a fatwa about LGBT with HIV-AIDS is included to the proportion [4].
LGBT that included several some provisions that same- LGBT problems caused negative self-concept for the
sex sexual orientation was not a gift from God but a people. The self-concept or individual's perception of him
disorder that had to be cured. LGBT is haraam and it is a has an important role for the individual because it can
influence the behavior that arises and the mental health of

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 375
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547

that individual himself. A research was conducted by 2.5. Data analysis

Azizah [5], shows that self-concepts on homosexual
students are negative self-concepts. This happens because Thematic analysis was used in this study, then result
of the imbalance between the positive self-concept of of the interview was transcribed, being read over and over
homosexual students and the community's self-concept. again and then given code, after being given a code
Society still thinks that homosexual phenomena violate grouped on the same idea, then giving the name of the
religious and social norms that exist in the community. theme, all members of the researchers then gathered to
The purpose of this study is to find out how self-concept determine the results of the theme, and equate
on LGBT individuals. perceptions, then look for relationships between themes.

2. METHOD 2.6. Prolonged engagement.

2.1. Design In this research, one of the researchers and primary
data collectors were local resident, who has interacted
In this study the design was used qualitative with a with LGB for more than 20 years, so that the data
phenomenological approach. collection was done easily even though the data collected
was sensitive data. Researchers interview directly and
2.2. Participant also by telephone if the participant does not want to be
suspected during the interview.
Participants in this study were 18 LGB people, which
constituted the total LGB in the group. All participants 2.7. Rigour
agreed to be the subject of this study, and signed an
agreement to be the subject of the study, they were To obtain the valid data, the research was carried out
contacted by research assistants for in-depth interviews, carefully, this research pays attention to credibility,
selected participants who became lesbian, gay, bisexual, transferability and dependability, to obtain credible data
interview be recorded and transcribed. researchers conduct data coding independently then
This research is located on the Kangean Island, that is discuss with members of the researchers to obtain themes,
part of the province of East Java in the Indonesia, data triangulation was also carried out to obtain credible
Kangean is an island about 100 km from Sumenep. data by comparing the results of interviews with the
Existing transportation was a ship that takes about 9 to 10 results of observations and theories also previous
hours. research.
Transferability was done by displaying data clearly
2.3. Ethical approval and simply, so that the reader can find out the similarities
and differences between research and clinical practice
All participants were given informed consent, this settings. Dependebility was done by explaining research
study had passed ethical conduct from the Health methods and collecting data through data analysis.
Sciences Faculty of Wiraraja University
2.4. Data collection
The results showed that the majority of respondents
Data collection was in-depth interviews about self- were gay, with age 21-40 years. Most respondents had
esteem on LGB, in the study area, the main questions of basic education with the most work as laborers, farmers,
in-depth interviews in this study are fisherman.

Table 1
Category Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Lesbian 6 14,3%
Gay 10 71,4%
Bisexual 2 14,3%

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547

<20 3 14,3%
21-40 12 71,4%
>40 3 14,3%
Elementary School, Junior 10 57%
High School
Senior High School, Collage 8 42,9%
Entrepreneur 3 14,3%
Unemployment 3 14,3%
Laborer/farmer/fisherman 12 71,4%

3.1. Self Acceptance “Alhamdulillah I can earn money, although still not
enough to another necessary, but I can get food (Resp. A/
Respondents with his physical appearance match their 32 y.o)”
desires, (gays who act as men) accept this condition
because respondents say there is no change on “I have a barber shop, and I can earn my income from
themselves, and do not want to change their appearance. that shop (Resp. L/41 y.o)”
An interview excerpts as follows “Just if I get wedding invitation or an event, I’ve get
paid if I help to dress them up in the wedding invitation,
“Because of my appearance is still a man, I don’t if usual event usually I don’t get paid (Resp. L/41 y.o)”
change my appearance (Resp. I/41 y.o)”
“I don’t know how to say it, but if I must be honest, 3.4. Desires to be accepted by the
at the first time I feel sad why I must be born this way, community and family
but now I can be happy to accept myself because I believe
if this condition is a gift from God. (Resp. V/ 32 y.o)” All respondents want to be accepted by the
but a respondent who have a tendency to want to community, and live peacefully and get together with
change their sex say they cannot accept his changes. family, and have a family like the others, they also hope
that there is a solution so that the conditions are accepted
“I’m clearly not happy, because I want to be like othe by the community, they try to interact with the
people, but what can I do. (Resp. J/ 29 y.o)” community, but some of them are already ignorant and
surrender if the community isolates them, so that only a
3.2. Fear, stigma, exclusion and limitations few of LGBT individuals are active in social activities.
“Yes, so we can live quietly (Resp. J/ 29 y.o)”
Respondents said they were afraid of having to gather
with many people, because people were often made fun “Of course, so I can live like other people (Resp. A/
of them, so it was not convenient to go anywhere, and was 32 y.o)”
also often ostracized but they said still could work and
help others. 3.5. Feeling equal to others
“I was often be mocked, especially if I walk alone at
an area that so many people (Resp. J/ 29 y.o)” They feel equal to others because their income and job
are the same as another people.
“Really difficult, I wish I can get along with other
people, but I’ve been mocked seldomly (Resp. J/ 29 y.o)” “In term of income, I got equal or even more than
other people, because I have a barber shop (Resp. L/41
3.3. Development of Self Potential
“Yes, it’s same, although I used to be like this, I still
Almost all of respondents work, they feel there are no can earn money (Resp. T/ 28 y.o)”
obstacles in self-development and there are those who set
up a barber shop and then teach women around them to 3.6. Feeling ashamed and angry also sad
dress up, they feel useful for those around him.
Most respondents said they were ashamed and sad
about their condition, and sometimes they felt angry and

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 547

embarrassed when they were ridiculed by people. They 4. DISCUSSION

said they were sad because of the community's treatment.
They were also sad because their family also got ridicule Violation of law and norms about LGBT certainly has
from the community. an impact in the form of rejection in the general
“Still feel ashamed, moreover when family time and community so that is not accepted in everyday
then…. (Resp. V/32 y.o)” relationships, and association is only limited to the
community. According to Dacholfany [4], LGBT
“I feel ashamed and angry when meet many people at behavior raises health problems in the form of 78% of
the street and I’ve got mocked (Resp. A/ 32 y.o)” people infected with sexually transmitted diseases. LGBT
“I feel ashamed because people always make fun of problems result in negative self-concept of the
me, especially when time to dress up, hehe… (Resp I/ 34 individuals. The self-concept or individual's perception of
y.o)” him has an important role for the individual because it can
influence the behavior that is raised and mental health of
“We are human, of course we feel sad (Resp. J/ 29 the individual. Previous research shows that self-concept
y.o)” in homosexual students is negative self-concept. This
“ I’m sad, can’t talk, that’s hurt me (Resp. T/ 28 y.o)” happens because of the imbalance between the positive
self-concept of homosexual students and the community's
But, some of them were not ashamed. self-concept. Society still thinks that the homosexual
“That’s already common for me, I be myself so why phenomenon violates religious and social norms that exist
must I feel ashamed, don’t I? (Resp. T/28 y.o)” in the community [1].
Individual behavior will be in accordance with the
“I feel like usual because with this condition, I can way the individual sees himself. Individuals who have
have a business (Resp. L/41 y.o)” negative self-concepts tend to have poor mental health
such as feeling depressed, isolated from the environment
3.7. Showing Identity and feel life is meaningless [6]. LGBT can no longer view
and judge themselves rationally based on gift (religion),
Almost all of respondents said they were shy and state legal products, and social norms. Based on S. C.
could not show their identities openly. only a small Roy's Adaptation Nursing theory approach,
portion could show openly, even they were not shy psychological integrity (self-concept) is one of the four
because the community knew about their abnormal adaptation models that must be achieved. Can the input
orientation first before they showed it of. of the LGBT adaptation process affect the level of ability
to respond positively to himself so that it will form self-
“Since long time ago, people already know about me, concepts and behaviors that do not deviate?
for the first time I’ve hid it but then I have this (Resp.
L/41 y.o)”
“I still can’t do that yet, I’m shy (Resp. M/ 19 y.o)”
Efforts to overcome LGBT problems are done
“I didn’t dare, I’m afraid with my family (Resp. A/ 32
through counseling on gender status that is non-
discriminatory or non-judgmental. Nurses can involve
families, religious leaders, and community leaders to
3.8. Desire to be Normal raise awareness with the approach method. The
involvement of family, religious leaders, and community
Most respondents said that they did not want to go leaders is an important domain in shaping positive self-
back to the way they were and considered that the concepts of LGBT because they are a social environment
situation was a gift from God. part of the integration of social support.
“Long time ago I’ve thought to be normal, but now I
accept myself, this is from I was born, so what can I do? REFERENCES
(Resp. L/41 y.o)”
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