BA 213 Prelim A1

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University of Cebu Lapulapu and Mandaue

A.C Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu Philippines 6014

College of Business and Accountancy

BA 213
Prelim A1
Calinawan, Angel Marie P.

Q1. : Discuss comprehensively the meaning of human behavior. Give examples if necessary.

A: Human behavior is the action done by a person considering the thoughts/cognition and feelings.
Just like how you act impulsively and make rash decisions when someone tries to harm your loved
ones, the feeling of rage will urge you to harm or kill that person. Behavior usually comes from how
people think or feel and then it comes with the action. It is also the way you usually interact with
others as it is part of your personality, by nature or nurture. People usually inherit certain behaviors
from their parents and it may be good but worst for others. For example, if a child was born in a
psychopath family, there would be more chances to think that the child would also grow as a
psychopath since it is in their genes and it could be inherited. However, growing up in an
environment with psychopaths with no gene related to them could also affect the child. Either way,
behavior is most likely to be acquired just like how you got the intelligence from your parents or how
you learn new things easily that makes you intelligent. Nevertheless, it is still your own decision to
be who you really are and see how it affects everyone surrounding you.

Q2: Identify the dimensions of personality and discuss each.

A: The five(5) dimensions of personality:

1. Extraversion - a person has the tendency to be active in socializing with others as he/she
finds comfort with the environment. This comfort encourages the person to be who he/she
really wants to be and develop traits that could be influenced by them.
2. Agreeableness - a person has the tendency to be compassionate towards others, gets well
along with everyone, but competitive. Confrontation doesn’t sit well.
3. Conscientiousness - a person has the tendency to be responsible and efficient. He/She
strives for achievement and disciplines the self well.
4. Neuroticism - a person has the tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily which
could affect the work or even career. Jobs taken may vary depending on what the person
5. Openness - a person has the tendency to be open with new things and new experiences.
He/She has broad mind to discover things and let the imaginative picture turn ito a reality.

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