Scour Due To Interference of Bridge Piers: SRIP 2018 Project Code: PM01

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SRIP 2018

Project Code: PM01



Under the guidance of

Prof. Pranabkumar Mohapatra
Submitted by:
Rachna Gupta
National Institute of Technology Silchar


1. Abstract

2. Introduction
( a.) Scour and its types
(b.) Scour mechanism

3.Literature review
Determination of scour depth


(a.) Experimental setup
(b.) Experimental procedure

6.Results and discussion






Local scour at single pier has been extensively studied by several investigators, but scanty work
is available on the scouring around piers placed at closed proximity. The present study is
concerned with experimental studies of formation and characteristics of local equilibrium scour
around a single pier, a set of identical cylindrical pier in tandem arrangement and also a set of
piers aligned to each other. The objective is to see the nature of scour evolved due to effect of
mutual interference of one pier on another by varying the space between the piers as 2D,3D and
4D and also by varying alignment angle as 450 and 600 followed by comparison of observed
scour depth with scour depth of single pier. Analysis of result shows the variation of individual
non- dimensional equilibrium scour depth with diameter of the pier and increasing longitudinal
spacing between the piers.


Scour is the result of erosive action of flowing water excavating and carrying away sediment
from bed and banks of stream due to interference of structure such as bridge piers and abutments
on the flowing water. There are different types of scour-
1. Degradation scour
2. Contraction scour
3. Local scour

1. Contraction scour – It is due to decrease in width of stream flow at bridge site, the velocity
in stream would increase and cause erosion resulting in removal of sediment from the bottom
and sides of the river .It is also known as general scour.
2. Degradation scour – It involves the lowering or scouring of the streambed over relatively
long reaches due to a deficit in sediment supply from upstream and contributes to total scour.

3. Local scour – It involves removal of bed material around the obstruction like bridge
piers. It is caused by acceleration of flow and resulting vortices induced by obstruction of flow.

Depending on the sediment movement local bed scour is classified as –

1. Clear bed scour
2. Live bed scour
1. Clear water scour – it occurs when there is no movement of bed material in the flow
upstream of the crossing or bed material being transported in the upstream is transported in
suspension through scour hole. Typical clear water scour situation includes – (i.) coarse bed
material (ii.) flatbed gradient during low flow (iii.) armored stream beds.

2. Live bed scour occurs when the sediment is continuously supplied to scour hole areas. In
such situation sediment keeps on moving in or out of the scour hole.


Fig 1: Simple schematic representation of scour at a cylindrical pier.

Scour is caused when flow approaches a bridge piers, there is stagnation point at the upstream
face of the piers thus a vertical line of stagnation is obtained and due to the velocity distribution
in approaching flow which is zero at the bed and maximum at the water surface, a pressure

gradient from top to bottom is created due to which boundary layer start separating around the
perimeter of the piers and accelerating flow results in the formation of horseshoe vortex which is
the prime agent responsible for scouring, there also exist wake vortex in the separation zone in
the downstream region of the piers. Both the vortex system causes the sediment to be lifted up to
the bed in the scour hole and carries sediment out of the separation zone to create scour hole
around the piers.

Fig 2: The main flow feature forming the flow field at narrow pier of circular
Cylindrical form.

Since, bridges are natural flowing phenomena so, bridge piers across river obstruct the flow as a
result scour hole is formed. Excessive scour at the bridge foundation can lead to instability and
failure to the bridges, which is a common phenomenan. From study it has been found that scour
depth variation is governed by size and shape of piers, type of bed material (cohesive or non-
cohesive), sediment size and hydraulic parameters such as flow depth, velocity and angle of

attack. It is also affected by contraction ratio which is defined as width of channel to width of the
pier. Scour depth is proportional to pier size, that is equilibrium scour depth increases on
increasing the size of the pier. Most of the bridges piers are constructed of circular shape. Also, it
has been found that clear water scour condition approaches more equilibrium scour depth than
live bed scour condition. Clear water scour takes more time to reach to the equilibrium, it reaches
equilibrium asymptotically while live bed scour depth fluctuates with the passage of time.

Fig 3: Pier scour depth as a sand bed stream as a function of time

Literature review

The estimate of maximum possible scour around bridge pier is necessary for the safe design of
bridges. A large number of studies have been going on to predict the scour depth around piers.
Based on the studies empirical and semi empirical equations were given to predict maximum
scour depth as well as temporal variation of scour depth. Most of these equations over predict the
maximum scour depth for field and few of them under predict the maximum scour depth as well.
Most of the studies are related to single pier and provide detailed flow around them. However,
sometimes a new bridge is to be constructed beside an existing bridge to make available an
alternative route for traffic. So, position of the new bridge pier is to be decided so that foundation
of the old pier should not get affected. However, direct application of results derived for single
pier may be problematic. So, study around the pier group has also been going. Some important
recent studies on single pier and a group of pier are reported below.

Sheppard et al(2006) studied the local clear-water and live-bed scour

using laboratory tests for a range of water depths and flow velocities with two different uniform
cohesionless sediment diameters (0.27 and 0.84 mm) and a circular pile with a diameter of 0.15
m. The tests were performed in a tilting flume (1.5 m wide, 1.2 m deep, and 45 m long. The
scour depth as a function of time is measured with acoustic transponders and video cameras. Bed
forms and bed elevation at the flume walls during the live-bed tests can be monitored with video
cameras. Flow velocity, water depth, and temperature were also measured during the tests. . And
showed the decreased dependence of normalized scour depth on high value of U/UC. Scour depth
were calculated using four equation given by Sheppard for different ranges of U/UC. And also
scour depth were calculated by Colorado State University (or HEC-18)equation , Melville’s
equation Melville (1997)and Breusers et al. (1977) equation. It was found that these equations
over predict the scour depth. The differences between the predictions by the four equations by
sheppard will be even greater for larger structures due to the differences in the D/D50 term in the

Richardson et al (1998) performed numerical simulation in FLOW-3D model which is

based on three dimensional Navier – Stokes equation. Result obtained by the model is then
compared with experimental results performed by Melville and Raudkivi (1977). Simulation
were performed for three cases –initial flat bed, intermediate scour hole and equilibrium scour
hole. In flatbed case scour mechanism is verified, pressure distribution and velocity vector
pattern was analyzed close to channel bottom, upstream of cylindrical piers. It was found
pressure increases from bottom to top and downward flow vector pattern is observed at the
bottom of pier. Fluid particle trajectory around cylindrical pier at the bottom of the channel was
also observed, it was found that particle near the bottom circumscribe the perimeter of the line of
separation. Scour hole was replicated in the model by section of a cone. Velocity profile in the
intermediate scour hole is compared with experimental results. The model results matches with

the observed results quite well. Also magnitude of observed and computed velocities 2mm above
channel bottom for equilibrium scour condition were observed, the distribution of velocity were
quite similar, although the modeled velocity were somewhat smaller. Moreover, motion of the
particle at the bottom of scour hole is tracked. It consists of basis of sediment transport
associated with scour hole evolution. Marker water particle was distributed uniformly at the
bottom of the equilibrium scour hole and their motion under the influence of the modeled steady
flow was tracked. Position of water particle at the bottom of the scour hole is observed after
about two seconds of the simulation. The similar numerical experiments were performed with
sand particle and the following equation is used to calculate the particle velocities:

Where, Up is the particle velocity to be estimated, U and P is the local fluid velocity vector and
pressure respectively, σ is the particle density, g is the gravitational constant and α is the drag
coefficient. Particle velocity is used to calculate the displacement of particle in specified time
interval and hence to calculate the trajectory of particle. A number of simulation were performed
for different drag coefficient and it was found that below a certain threshold value particles were
trapped in the scour hole. Also, Movement of particle in the scour hole is verified in model as
equilibrium is reached between the volume of sediment entering the hole and the volume of
sediment leaving the hole. Herein, analysis of both intermediate and equilibrium scour hole is
done by section of a cone which contradicts the actual results. This study also does not cover the
effect of bed grading in scour depth. And scour depth calculation approach is not given.

Kothyari et al (2007) performed experiment on ‘end scour’, in the study temporal

variation of scour depth for unsteady flow was measured using VAW data set and equation
given by Oliveto and Hager (2002) for the temporal scour depth evolution of bridge foundation
element was revisited. The equation for temporal variation of maximum scour depth was given.
The condition for scour entrainment was studied and found that scour depth is related to
difference between actual and entrainment densimetric particle froude number. Maximum scour
depth was calculated from both the expression and accuracy was compared and concluded that
given equation gives more accurate value of scour depth for larger value of logT and also results
were verified with available literature data. Another aspect of this experiment is evolution of end

scour condition due to formation of stable armor layer over scoured surface. This study gives the
measures to prevent excessive scour depth only for fine granular bed.

Jing-Sung et al (2009) studied characteristics of scour depth evolution under

unsteady hydrographs. Two hydrographs A and B were taken, hydrograph A with steady flow
and hydrograph B with linear rising limb followed by the same steady flow as A. It was found
that recession period of hydrograph have only minor effect on scouring process. So scour depth
at the peak flow is regarded as the maximum clear-water scour depth, dsm under flood
hydrograph. By applying the concept of scour evolution similarity and effective work done to
scour sediment, a method has been developed for determining the equivalent scour duration t p'
for the rising limb of the ſ- shaped hydrograph. Also, on the basis of the analysis of experimental
data under ſ- shaped hydrographs, a relation for predicting the maximum scour depth in uniform
sediment is developed, incorporating the unsteady flow parameter P, which contains the peak -
flow intensity and time- to- time peak factors. Moreover, for non uniform sediment, the adoption
of d84 as the effective sediment size can lead good prediction of the scour maximum scour

Oliveto et al (2002) studied about the temporal evolution of scour depth as

a function of approach flow depth and approach velocity for relative densities between sediment
and water from 0.42 to 1.65 for clear water condition. Experiments were conducted in two
rectangular channel having width 1m and 0.5m. The later channel was used to assess a width
effect. It was concluded that temporal scour evolution depends on the three main parameters
reference length (D2/3y01/3 where, D is diameter of pier and y0 is the flow depth) for the pier,
densimetric mixture Froude number Fdm. and relative time t involve geometry and sediment
characteristics. The experimental data was verified with the existing literature data sets and
results showed agreement with all these data set, provided number of conditions are satisfied.
These equations involve mainly minimum grain size and minimum flow depth to exclude
viscous effects.
Yanmz et al(2006) studied about the temporal variation of clear water
scour depth at cylindrical pier using the sediment continuity equation of scour hole around the
bridge pier. The rate of sediment transport out of the scour hole is formulated using sediment

pickup function. The equation is formulated for the temporal variation of scour depth. It was
also observed that the shape of the scour hole remained almost unchanged with respect to the
side angles of the scour hole, except the rear face of the pier, were approximately equal to the
angle of repose, φ of the sediment.

Raudkivi et al (1983) Studied about clear water scour at cylinder piers by

laboratory experiments on the cohesionless bed sediment using tilting flume ,for different pier
diameters and U/Uc =0.90, 0.95,0.75,0.50. In this study all the work was conducted on the basis
that clear water scour condition would take long time to reach equilibrium and achieve maximum
scour depth. It was observed that equilibrium scour depth of clear water local scour is related to
the grading of the bed sediment. As the geometric standard deviation of the particle size
distribution increases the equilibrium scour depth decreases. An exception is also noticed for
ripple forming sediment when σs is less than 1.5. The equilibrium scour depth of local scour
decreases with decreasing relative size relative size of pier diameter to mean bed particle size for
values less than about 20 to 25. With decreasing value of D/D50, the sediment becomes
increasingly coarser compared to the scale of the local flow within the scour hole, and a
significant proportion of the energy of the downflow is dissipated at the base of the scour hole.
Also, the maximum equilibrium depth of clear water local scour is a function of relative depth,
y0/D, and the relative size, D/D50. The equilibrium depth of clear water local scour decreases
with decreasing flow depth for smaller values of the relative flow depth, y0/D. The decrease in
equilibrium depth is due to interference of the water surface roller formed around the pier with
the downwards flow into the scour hole.

Kothyari et al (2012) studied about the temporal variation of scour depth around
circular compound pier (having non-uniform cross section along the height of pier) with top
surface of the footing places at three different positions with respect to general level of the
channel bed. The top surface of the footing placed above the bed level, also at the bed level and
below the bed level of the channel bed and also the method of Kothyari et al (1992) for
computation of the temporal variation of scour depth around uniform circular pier has been
updated. The experiments were conducted in flume 30 m long, 1m wide and 0.3 m deep in clear
water condition. Experiments were performed by using both uniform and compound pier. The
model of computation of temporal evolution of scour depth around circular compound pier was

given using the concept of effective diameter and difference between the scour process around
the uniform and compound pier is quantified.
Meric et al (2017) studied about the clear water scour evolution at dual
bridge piers in tandem arrangement, laboratory experiment was carried out in uniformly graded
bed material having median size of 0.88mm and pier diameters of 7.5, 6.3, and 4 cm with pier
diameter to centre-to-centre spacing between the pile ratio is 0.5, 0.33, 0.25.Experiments were
conducted in a 15.2m long, 0.72m wide and 1m deep rectangular flume having 4.5 m long
working section located at a distance of 5.6m downstream. Series of experiments were conducted
in two sets, in the first set temporal variation of scour hole topography was obtained around dual
pier and volume of common scour hole was determined as a function of z(ratio of pier diameter
to centre to centre distance between piers) , pier diameter, time and scour depth. Second series of
experiments were conducted to obtain the temporal evolution of scour depth at the upstream of
the front pier. Together with the volume expression determined in the first part and findings of
second part were used to develop semi empirical model for determining the temporal evolution
of scour depth at the upstream face of front pier. The results of the experiment shows that the
shape of the scour hole at front pier remained almost constant with time and maximum scour
depth occur at the upstream of the front pier. For a particular flow intensity and pier spacing
scour depth increases with increasing pier diameter and for a particular size and spacing, the
scour depth increases with increasing flow intensity. Also, for small spacing ratio the scour hole
around the dual pier overlap to each other as a result horseshoe vortex developed around the
base of both the pier interact with each other so the strength of the vortex get increased, as a
result scour hole also increases. Hence, As spacing ratio increases, interference effect due to
piers decrease and scour around two cylinder were developed separately.
Keith et al (1985) performed experiment on effect on scour depth due to piers
spacing . Laboratory experiment was performed using flume of length 7m and wooden piers
having semicircular nose . Clear water scour were performed in the 2 meter length off the
flume. Scour depth were measured at specific time for different values of x/D ,where x is the
distance between the piers and D is the diameter of the piers for U/Uc <1, where U is the flow
velocity and Uc is the critical bed velocity graphs were plotted between ds1/b Vs U/Uc and ds2/b
,where ds1 and ds2 are the scour depth at the pier nose and at 90° of arc from nose respectively .
They observed that as scour depth decrease as x/b increases. It is explained as x/D decreases,

then the scouring process will be affected by two processes: (1) The horseshoe vortices around
the bases of the piers will interact with each other; and (2) the flow will be accelerated by the
contraction produced by the piers. Hence , from their experiment it is concluded that is the scour
depth equation a function of pier spacing on scour depth can be allowed by the use of the factor,
fi{x/b). This experiment was performed at a specific time. It can be extended for a time interval
and scour depth can be measured as a function of time by varying piers spacing.

Subhashish et al (2016) carried laboratory experiment on eccentric arrangement of

pier group by varying the longitudinal spacing. 19 tests were conducted with two identical piers
of eccentricity e. Test were conducted in 11m long , 0.6m deep and 0.81m wide flume using
three different shapes of the pier – circular , square and triangular. Scour depth were measured
using Vernier point gauge and equilibrium planer surface area and scour volume were computed
for all the test using surface software by which area and volume of scour hole bounded by
contour can be obtained. It was studied that in case of two piers, the scour mechanism affect
around the front pier is reinforcing. It leads to increased scour depth at the front pier if the scour
depth at the downstream pier overlaps with the front pier. Contour line of scour hole at the
circular, square, and equilateral pier were and observed that the scour hole is mostly continuous
and there is no deposition of sediment between the piers. Equilibrium scour geometry around
circular, square and equilateral triangular pier positioned in line front and eccentric arrangement
was determined. Volume of scour hole gives the amount of bed material eroded from the
surrounding of eccentric piers. So that it can give some clue about the depth of the protection
area around the eccentric bridge piers. Surface area of scour hole dictate the extension of
armoring countermeasure around bridge piers.
Determination of scour depth around single pier
( 1.)Following method is adopted in IRC-5 to calculate mean depth of scour dsm in meter.
dsm= 1.34 [Q2/Ksf]1/3 (1)
Where, dsm is the mean scour depth, Q is discharge in m3 per m width, ksf is silt factor. Ksf=
1.76dm0. for sandy soil dm is the weighted mean diameter of bed material in mm.

(2.)HEC-18 predicts maximum scour depth for both live bed and clear- water scour.

Fig 4: Definition sketch of pier scour

HEC -18 equation is-

Ys/y1= 2 K1K2K3(a/y0)0.63Fr10.43 (2)

Where, Ys is scour depth, y0 is flow depth directly upstream of the pier, K1 is the correction
factor for pier nose shape, K2 is the correction factor for angle of attack of flow, K3 is correction
factor for bed condition, a is pier width, Fr1 is the Froude number directly upstream of the pier
(Fr1= V/(gy0)0.5 ), V is the mean flow velocity directly upstream of the pier and g is the
acceleration due to gravity.

(3.) Equation derived for equilibrium scour depth for uniform sediment bed by Kothyari, Grade
and Ranga Rao for cohesive soil beds-
dse/D= 0.88 (D/d)0.67 (y0/D)0.40z-0.30 (3)

Where, d is median size of sediment, dse is equilibrium scoured depth below bed for sediment
transporting flow, D is width diameter of pier, yo is depth of flow in river upstream of pier, z is
factor to account for variation in spacing between piers with respect to it width = (x-D)/D, x is
the centre to centre spacing of piers.

(4.)Equation derived by US Army engineers for equilibrium scour depth is

dse/y0 = 2.10Fr0.43 (D/y0)0.65 (4)
Where, dse is the equilibrium scour depth D is diameter of pier and y0 is depth of approach


The aim of the experiment is to study temporal variation of scour depth in the combined
scour hole of dual cylindrical uniform piers in tandem arrangement and also at different
alignment angle( eccentric arrangement) . The study can be extended by varying diameter of the
pier and approach flow depth of water. Study area includes how scour depth will vary with
increasing centre- to –centre distance between the pier and at what distance there will not be any
interference effect on the scour depth around both the piers. The alignment angle of between the
piers can be shown as in fig 5.

Fig 5 different alignment angle of pier


Experimental setup

Experiments are conducted in a rectangular flume 3.19m long, 0.23m wide and 0.34m deep
located in Hydrology Laboratory of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India. A
working section 0.88m long, 0.23m wide and 0.34 deep is located 1.25m upstream of the flume
entrance. The working section is filled with the desired sediment of size d50= 0.007mm upto
0.050m height. Clear water scour condition is prevailed during the experiment as U/UC value in
approach flow is smaller than unity. Where, U is the flow velocity, UC is the critical flow
velocity determined by using shield method. Two gates control the depth of flow in the flume,
one at the upstream and other at the downstream of the pier model. The outflow is recirculated
with the help pump. Scour depth were measured using point gauge.

Fig 6: experimental setup (flume)

Experimental procedure

Before starting any experiment, sediment bed has been properly leveled followed by checking
bed level with spirit level and bed level height is measured at working section. Water is allowed
gradually on the upstream side the flume. The velocity of water is set in such a way that it

satisfies incipient condition motion of the sediment particle. Circular pier model made up of
PVC pipe with an outer diameter of D= 0.022m. Two pipes of same model are used. Steady
flow of depth 0.053m is maintained throughout the experiment.

Experiments have been conducted under different spacing between the piers x= 2D, 3D
and 4D and also by varying alignment angle with the flow(450, 600), upstream pier is located at
a distance of 0.66m from upstream of the working section. The orientation of the model in the
direction of the flow has been so maintained that the angle of attack is taken to be 00. Scour
depth is measured at the upstream pier at different intervals and only maximum scour depth is
measured at the downstream pier. First reading of the scour depth is taken at the interval of one
minute , two minutes five minutes and then after 30 minutes till the end of the experiment. Also,
bed topography is noted down at the end of each experiment. To start new a experiment sediment
transported by water is collected and placed back in the eroded area and mixed well with the
existing sand and leveled to original bed level. The bed slope of the channel is negligibly small,
hence considered horizontal channel.

The scope of the experiment is presented in the table 1. Experiments are conducted in three parts,
in first part experiment on single pier is conducted, in second part experiments on tandem
arrangement of pier is conducted by varying the centre to centre distance between the piers as
mentioned earlier and in third part experiments are conducted for different alignment angle of
between the piers. Readings are noted down in two parts. In the first part, temporal variation of
scour depth at the upstream of front pier is obtained and in second part scour hole topography is
obtained around dual piers. Since, very long duration is required to reach the equilibrium scour
depth under clear water conditions. Also, according to Melville and Chiew(1999), depending on
the approach flow velocity, after 10% of the time to equilibrium, the scour depth around single
pier is approximately 50%-80% of the equilibrium scour depth. In the light of these studies on
the evolution of scour process, the maximum test duration in each experiment is specified as 3
hours, which corresponds to initial and development phase of scouring.
Observed maximum scour depth around single pier is verified by empirical equation given
in HEC-18.

Table1. Experiment data.

Run D z ɑ D50 Q Fd
(m) (D/x) (degre (mm) (m3/s)

Part1 S (run4) 0.0215 0.007 0.0014 0.17

Single pier

Part 2 D1(3 runs) 0.0215 0.5 00 0.007 0.0014 0.17

Double piers
D2(3 runs) 0.0215 0.33 00 0.007 0.0014 0.17

D3() 0.0215 0.25 00 0.007 0.0014 0.17

Part 3 D4(2runs) 0.0215 0.5 450 0.007 0.0014 0.17

D5( 2runs) 0.0215 0.5 450 0.007 0.0014 0,17

Results and discussion
D/x ɑ ( alignment) Maximum Scour
depth at upstream of
front pier dsm (mm)

Singal pier 33

Dual pier in tandem 0.5 35


0.33 33,5

0.25 32

Dual pier at aligned 0.5 450 36

600 43

Table 2 : Results data

Firstly, single pier scour depth DS is measured and it is found that initially, scour depth increases
with time and reaches equilibrium after some time. Initially rate of scour is quite high but with
the passage of time rate of scouring get decreased at the pier model. Maximum equilibrium scour
depth obtained from the experiment is verified with the equation given in HEC-18 and results
showed almost correct.
In second part, temporal variation of scour depth is measured at dual pier in
tandem arrangement. It is observed that scour depth at the upstream of the pier is always greater
than the scour depth at the downstream pier. This can be due to decrease in velocity at the

downstream pier. In addition to this, it is also observed that as the distance between the pier
increases maximum scour depth at the upstream pier decreases, maximum scour depth at the
upstream pier is found at x = 2D. For two piers in tandem arrangement, reinforcement and
sheltering are additional parameters, which affect the depth of the local scour. Reinforcement is
when a downstream pier is placed so that piers scour holes overlap. This aids in the removal of
the sediment from around the upstream pier increasing its depth. The presence of upstream pier
causes shielding effect and reduction of the effective approach velocity for the downstream pier.
This effect reduces the scouring of the downstream pier.
In third part, temporal variation of scour depth at the upstream of the front
pier is measured when dual piers are placed at 450 and 600 alignment. It is observed that
maximum scour depth at upstream of front pier is more when alignment angle is 600. There may
be error in this observation because of wall effect of the flume. As this does not satisfy the
criteria given by Chiew and Malivie (1987) i.e. pier model diameter should not be greater than
10 % of the channel or flume width.

Fig7 : Topography of scour around single pier

Fig8: Temporal variation of scour depth around single pier.

Fig 9: pier models in tandem arrangement

Fig 10:Temporal variation of scour depth in tandem arrangement ( piers at distance 2D)

Fig11 : Topography of scour hole ( z=0.5 in tandem arrangement)

Fig12: Temporal variation of scour depth in tandem arrangement ( piers at distance 3D)

Fig 13: Topography of scour hole ( pier at distance 3D in tandem arrangement)

Fig14 :piers at 600 angle at distance 2D Fig15: Piers at 600 angle at distance 2D

Fig16 : Temporal variation of scour when piers aligned at 600

Fig17: Topography of scour hole (piers aligned at 600 spacing at 2D)

Fig18: Temporal variation of scour depth (pier at 2D spacing aligned at 450)

Fig19 : topography of scour hole ( pier aligned at 450 and spacing 2D)

Fig20 : variation of scour depth at front of the upstream pier(Dsu) and front of the
downstream pier(Dsd) with ratio of diameter of pier to spacing between the pier ( D/x)


The experiments are carried out with the uniformly graded bed material having median size of
0.007mm. In the experiment pier diameter of 21.58mm with pier diameter to spacing ratio of
0.55, 0.33 and 0.25 are used. Maximum scour depth at the front pier of tandem piers is more than
that of single pier. The reason may be effect of reinforcing scour mechanism. The pier
arrangement and horseshoe vortex of rear pier and wake up vortex of front pier may also play an
important role in creation and formation of greater scour depth at the different arrangement of
two piers.
Graphs have been plotted for maximum equilibrium scour depth with respect to spacing
between the piers. For the two piers test initially the rate of spatial change of maximum scour
depth increases if the longitudinal spacing between the pier is increased, but then it decreases.

The diversion angle of the scour and also deposition is more on the sides of the
aligned pier. It indicated that sediment removed from the flume or open channel bed is deposited
on one side of the channel. This finding is significant as it proves that the transported sediment
load in a river or open channel can be shifted towards the bank by self - dredging with the help of
suitable two pier combination, alignment and spacing.

D = diameter of pier;
D50 = sediment diametre;
dsm = maximum scour depth;
dse = equilibrium scour depth;
Dsu= scour depth at the front face of upstream pier;
Dsd = scour depth at front face of the downstream pier;
F = froude number;
Fdm = densimentric froude number;
P = local pressure;
t = time taken;
U = flow velocity at the upstream of the pier;
UC = critical flow velocity;
x = centre to centre distance between the piers;
X = distance from the upstream face of the flume;
z = ratio of pier diameter to centre to centre distance between the piers x/D;
α = alignment angle with the direction of flow.

I would to like to specially thank my supervisor Prof Pranab Mohapatra for his guidance and
supervision. Special thanks to Ishank Singh for helping me out throughout the experimental
work. And I would like to thank IIT Gandhinagar for providing all the facilities.


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Statement of experience


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