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Before The Honorable Court of Sessions Judge, New Delhi

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Before the



In the matter of

State of Punjab - Prosecution


DSP Vanzara - Defence Council



PLACE: New Delhi Amir Ahad Shah








7. PRAYER 13


The Honorable court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the case under section 177 of the code of criminal
procedure 1973 .

Authorities and books Referred

Indian penal code [KD GAUR]

Indian penal code [SN MISHRA]


Oxford advanced learners dictionary [New 8th addition]

Google search engine



IPC: Indian penal code

SEC: Section

&: And

Ors: Others

U/s: under section

V. verses

AIR: All Indian Report

SC: Supreme Court

Cri.Lj: Criminal Law Journal

Cr.P.C: Code of criminal procedure

I.L.R : Indian Law Reporter


1. A.D parthasarathy v/s J.S khurdukar [1975 CriLj 1290 AP]

2. State of orrisa v/s Ganesh Chandra Jew [AIR 2004 Cr.LJ.2011][ SC]

3. Dukhi singh v/s state [AIR 1955 CriLj 905]

4. Crishom v/s Doultion [22 Q.B.D 739]

5. State of West Bengal v/s shrew Singh [AIR 1987 SC 1917]

6. Pramatha Nath Batra v P.C Lahiri (1920) I.L.R 47 Cal.818.


 .DSP Vanzara, a special police officer of Delhi police got information from his informers that a
notorious gangster ‘Amit siani’ is travelling from Punjab to National capital Delhi on 20th of February.
The informer hinted that he is travelling to Delhi to settle score with a rival gang and some politicians
might be hit by him and his group. The informer claimed that Amit Saini will be travelling in a white
colored Alto in the disguise of a Sikh wearing blue turban.

 .The DSP Vanzara directed his men to be ready and scanned the file about Amit Saini which was based
on input from Punjab police and other agencies about the same person. The report claimed that he is a
dark colored tall guy, aged around 37 and has a short beard.

 .On the morning of 20th February he along with a group of policemen went to the outskirts of city. At
around 4am in the morning they saw a white alto driven by a turban clad young man having Punjab
number approaching towards them, one of the policeman saw the driver who was a young man
wearing a blue turban and signaled the driver to stop the vehicle. The vehicle didn’t stop and DSP
Vanzara directed his men to shoot at the vehicle. The policeman fired indiscriminately on the vehicle
and in the foggy morning they recovered a bullet ridden body from the alto. The DSP appreciate his men
for their bravery and promise them that he will recommend their name for promotion.

 .After two days, when nobody claimed the body they were about to handover the body to a local NGO
for burial when they got inputs from Punjab police that a young man “Arnab singh” travelling from
Bhatinda to Delhi is missing. His family went to Delhi where they were directed towards mortuary where
dead bodies of some unidentified victims of accidents were kept. To the surprise of Delhi police the

family pointed towards a corps and claimed that he is their son based on his tormented clothes. The
concerned official claimed that this is not their son but a dreaded gangster of Punjab, the family insisted
and a DNA investigation was carried on which established the fact that the deceased person is Arnab

 .The father of the deceased failed a case of murder against the accused u/s 302, and 120B.


1. Whether the trail court have jurisdiction to try a public officer.

2. Whether the accused can be charged for the murder under section 300 Indian Penal Code

3. Whether the accused can claim defence under section 76 and 79 of Indian Penal Code



Your Honor u/s 197 of the Cr.pc this Hon’ble court cannot take the cognizance of this case without the
sanction of the government and the alleged crime committed by the alleged accused are public officials
and for which sanction of the government is required as per the sec 197 of crpc is concerned. Hence the
case filed by the prosecution against the DSP and his men is frivolous and concocted without seeking
prior sanction from the government and the alleged crime committed by the DSP and his men fulfills the
test of requirement for sanction and duty under official capacity while in service at the scene of the
crime hence this court lacks jurisdiction to try the alleged accused men without sanction from
government as required u/s 197 Cr.pc.

 Your Honor: I support my argument with the help of the decided case laws:

 A.D. Partharathy Vs J.S. Khurdukar 1975 Cri.Lj.

In this case it was held that the purpose of the sanction is to secure a well considered opinion of a
superior authority before the public servants is actually prosecuted before a court.

 State of Orissa Vs Ganesh Chandra Jew [2004 Cr.LJ.2011 SC]

In this case it was held that the expression ‘no’ court shall take cognizance of such offence except with
previous sanction used in section 197{1} of the code makes, protection afforded to public servant
mandatory. Further the use of word ‘no’ & ‘shall’ bars the very cognizance of complaint by any court
without obtaining previous sanction of the center or state government, as the case may be

It was further held that the use of expression ‘official duty’ implies that the act or
omission must have been done by the public servant in the course of his service and that it should have
been done in discharge of his duty.


Your Honor:

It is most humbly submitted before this Hon’ble court that in this case that the accused can’t be
charged u/s 300 of Indian Penal Code because exception 3 of sec 300 of Indian Penal Code clearly says

When the public servant exceeds his power: It says culpable homicide not amounts to murder if the
offender being a public servant or aiding a public servant for the advancement of the justices, exceeding
the power given to him by law and caused death by doing an act which he is in good faith believes to be
law full and necessary for the dew discharge of his duty as such public officer and with ill will towards
the person whose death is caused.

Your honor:

I elucidate my point that I would quote a few case laws on this matter before this Hon’ble court.

Dukhi singh v state air 1955Cri.LJ

A constable of railway protection police shot a thief suspected to be tempering with sugar bags from the
goods wagon on order by the havaldar, he did so in discharge of his duty and that it was just an accident
that he hit the fireman instead of thief. He was convicted under section 302of Indian penal code by the
lower court. On the appeal it was held that the case would be covered by exception 3 of the section 300
of Indian penal code IPC . It was held that there was no ill will intention. The appellant was a public
servant and his object was the advancement of public justice. He caused the death of the fireman by

being an act which he in good faith believed to be lawful and necessary for due discharge of his duty and
the constable was entitled to the benefit of the exception third of section 300 of Indian penal code [IPC].
Your Honor:

In this case the facts and the records shows that the accused was performing his duty without any ill
intention and believes himself bound by law to do it.

So Your Honor:

To committee any crime criminal intend is must towards deceased person, but in this case there is no
criminal intention or Mens Rea to kill the deceased person. CASE LAW:

Crisholm Vs Doulton ,22 Q.B.D.739

In this case the court held that no person could be punished in the proceeding of criminal nature unless
it can be shown that he had a guilt mind.


Your Honor:

It is most respectfully submitted before the honorable court that in this case the accused can claim
defense under section 76 or 79 of Indian penal code IPC because it is evident that there was no intention
on part of accused to kill the deceased, it was a mistake of fact under section 76 or 79 of IPC Indian
Penal Code. Section 76 of Indian penal code [IPC].

An act done by a person bound, or by mistake of fact believing himself bound by law: Nothing is an
offence which is done by a person who is, or who by reason of a mistake of fact and not by reason of a
mistake of law, in good faith believes himself to be, bound by law to do it.

Example: “A” a soldier, fires on a mob by the order of his superior officer, in conformity with the
commands of the law. A has committed no offence.

Section 79 of IPC Indian penal code:

Act done by a person justified or by mistake of fact believing himself justified by law:

Nothing is an offence which is done by a person who is justified by law, or who by reason of a mistake of
fact and no by reason of a mistake of law in good faith, believes himself to be justified by law, in doing it.

So Your Honor:

In this case it is clear that the accuse got information from his informer about the notorious gangster
who was travelling from Punjab to national capital Delhi .The information to the deceased person like,
blue turban, shot beard, colored tall guy and white colored Alto. Moreover when the accused try to stop
the car of the deceased but the deceased did not stop the car. The accused fire indiscriminately on the
vehicle, it was foggy morning and the bullet hit the deceased. Your honor:

I support my above argument with the help of some decided case laws as follows:

Pramatha Nath Barat v P.C.Lahiri 1920 I.L.R.47Cal.818

In this case where a Deputy Commissioner of police sent a head constable , placed under suspension, to
the lock –up ,without malice and in conformity with a circular order of the Commissioner of police, and
it was held that he was justified by law in assuming that the said circular order had received the sanction
of the Government of Bengal and that as he, by reason of mistake of fact and not of law ,in good
faith ,believed himself to be bound by law to obey the instructions of the Commissioner of police ,and to
be justified by law in sending the head constable to the custody ,he was protected by section 76 and
section 79 of the Indian Penal Code . In that case the accused can acquitted by the Magistrate on a full
investigation of the case.

State of West Bengal v Shrew Singh AIR 1987 SC 1917

The case of the prosecution was that the deceased and his brother were short dead by the police at a
point blank range and brutally murdered .According to the defense version, the accused police officer
were on patrolling when they were attacked by mob when one of the constable got injured ,orders were
given by the deputy commissioner of police to open fire .The accused constable were bound by law to
obey the orders of the superior officer .Both the high court and supreme court held that the situation
warranted and justified by the orders to open fire and hence the accused got protection under section
76and 79 and cannot be guilty.

So your honor in this case it was clear that it was just mistake of fact and not mistake of law and the
accused was done it in doing his duty.


Where fore in the light of the facts of the case charges, arguments and authority citied this Hon’ble
session court may be pleased to declare that:

The accused should not be charged under section 302 of [ IPC] 1860 & 120B Cr.pc shall be acquitted.

And pass any order in favor of the accused that it may deem in the end of justices, equality and good

All of which is most humbly and Respected fully submitted


[Counsel for Accused]

Amir Ahad Shah


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