Academic Remarks For Marksheet
Academic Remarks For Marksheet
Academic Remarks For Marksheet
70 – 100 %
1. _________ shows motivation, initiative and self direction. He/ She has very
good analytical skills. The performance in Term-I is commendable.
2. ________ is a conscientious, hard working learner. He/ She has done well
and must strive to perform even better. Keep it up!
3. __________ is a self motivated learner and consistently puts forth good
efforts which are reflected in the result. Keep it up!
4. _________ tackles all assignments and tasks in an organised manner and
sets achievable goals, adhering to timelines. The performance in PA-I is
notable. Keep it up!
5. __________ has made outstanding progress in all academic areas which is
reflected in the result. Keep it up!
6. ___________ has an exceptionally positive attitude towards learning and is
a joy to have in the classroom. The result reflects the commitment and
effort. Keep it up!
7. _________ is a motivated student who participates enthusiastically in class.
His/ Her willingness to lead and take initiative is notable. The performance
in Term-I is laudable. Keep it up!
8. _________ Commitment to learning and progressing with diligent effort is
reflected in the Term-I result. Keep it up!
9. _________ applies reasoning skills consistently with thorough
understanding. The result reflects his/ her commitment in a profound way.
Keep it up!
10. ____________ demonstrates a genuine interest in learning and
approaches all tasks and assignments with a sincere desire to succeed. Well
done in Term-I.
40 – 69 %