Academic Remarks For Marksheet

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Remarks for ERP

70 – 100 %

1. _________ shows motivation, initiative and self direction. He/ She has very
good analytical skills. The performance in Term-I is commendable.
2. ________ is a conscientious, hard working learner. He/ She has done well
and must strive to perform even better. Keep it up!
3. __________ is a self motivated learner and consistently puts forth good
efforts which are reflected in the result. Keep it up!
4. _________ tackles all assignments and tasks in an organised manner and
sets achievable goals, adhering to timelines. The performance in PA-I is
notable. Keep it up!
5. __________ has made outstanding progress in all academic areas which is
reflected in the result. Keep it up!
6. ___________ has an exceptionally positive attitude towards learning and is
a joy to have in the classroom. The result reflects the commitment and
effort. Keep it up!
7. _________ is a motivated student who participates enthusiastically in class.
His/ Her willingness to lead and take initiative is notable. The performance
in Term-I is laudable. Keep it up!
8. _________ Commitment to learning and progressing with diligent effort is
reflected in the Term-I result. Keep it up!
9. _________ applies reasoning skills consistently with thorough
understanding. The result reflects his/ her commitment in a profound way.
Keep it up!
10. ____________ demonstrates a genuine interest in learning and
approaches all tasks and assignments with a sincere desire to succeed. Well
done in Term-I.

40 – 69 %

1. ________ needs to stay focused on the task given. It would be wonderful to

see him/ her work with a little more diligence and commitment to enhance
academic record.
2. _______ is capable of achieving higher grades but needs focus and
commitment. Developing a positive attitude to learning will help him/ her
significantly in the future.
3. ___________ is a considerate learner who needs to move further by
establishing a consistent study routine and seeking remedial assistance
when the need is felt.
4. __________ is eager to do well in academics, but has some difficulty in
reaching the academic goals as outlined. Independent effort with focus and
initiative will help him/ her to improve his/ her performance in the next
5. __________ is usually focused, but occasionally needs reminders to stay on
task. Asking questions to clarify meaning and ensure understanding will
help to strengthen his/ her academic pursuits.
6. ___________ needs frequent reminders to stay focused and use class time
more productively. He/ She is encouraged to seek assistance prior to test
dates in order to ensure that concepts are understood.
7. _________ could have definitely performed better. Greater consistency in
completion of assignments, improved study habits and regular online
participation would help enhance academic achievement.
8. Inspite of reminders, requests and consistent communication, _________’s
lack of interest and initiative has affected the Term-I result. Commitment
and diligent effort will help ________ experience success in academic areas.


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