(Penaguru - Com) Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Dan Kunci Jawaban
(Penaguru - Com) Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Dan Kunci Jawaban
(Penaguru - Com) Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Dan Kunci Jawaban
TAHUN 2020/2021
2. If the readers do not obey the notice is the latest product from Asus. The
they might .... performance of this laptop is also great.
A. put chemicals in the refrigerator Using it I can play games that requir high
B. put all the food and the drink specification. I can also play music, watch
there movies and draw using it. And t e most
C. be afraid put something inside the important thing is that I can type using it.
fridge So, if I have the assignment from my
D. not know where to get the food teacher, it will help
and drink me. I also can find many references
from internet using my laptop. like
I reall this new laptop, because it be
always helpful to me in various ns.
Congratulation o situati
s To :Fahmi
For Being a bright and enthusiastic 5. The text is about ....
student in Class IX-5. your bright smile A. the writer’s laptop
G everyday. reat
lights up our classroom B. the writer’s experience
work this year Jack. C. The best laptop she has
Joanne D. the uses of the write’s laptop
50 cm long and the average weight around 50. Arrange the following expression to
half to 2 kg. It is ... that adult rabbit has 3
make a good dialog.
years lifespan in their natural habitat, but it
1. Citata :Pleased to meet you, too
is also believed that they can live longer ...
2. Citata : That's very kind of you.
they are under human care. Just like
3. Cindi : Let me help you to bring your
human, they sleep 48
about 8 hours in suitcase.
4. Dani : Hello, Citata. Nice to meet you
their underground burrows. They have a
5. Cindi : Not at all. Let me introduce you
wide variety of color, start from white, to my friend. Dani, this is Citata. Citata
this is Dani.