Calculate Client Security Hash - 2020.10 Exercise Hints
Calculate Client Security Hash - 2020.10 Exercise Hints
Calculate Client Security Hash - 2020.10 Exercise Hints
Calculate Client
Security Hash
Create new project using the Robotic Enterprise Framework template. Set a proper name for
the project. Provide a proper description.
Create three new folders in the project folder. Name them System1, SHA1Online and
Common. Inside the three folders, develop sequence-based workflows for each application,
based on the process whiteboard. Use the Common folder for SendEmail.xaml.
In the Settings sheet of Config.xlsx, store the important settings for your project:
Invoke the workflows used to log into System1 and open SHA1Online. Pass the URLs and
credential values to the workflows.
Use a Kill Process activity here to indicate the browser you want to force-close.
Change the data type for the out_TransactionItem argument from QueueItem to
DataRow.and delete the Get Transaction Item activity.
Use an If activity to check if this is the first run of the workflow. Note that io_TransactionData
should be empty only on the first run. If it is the first run, then invoke the workflows used to
navigate to the Work Items page and extract the DataTable.
Filter the DataTable using a FilterDataTable activity or the Select method to keep only the
items with the Type WI5 and the Status Open. Log the total number of transactions.
Use an If activity to assign the correct value to the Transaction Item if the Transaction
Number is lower or equal to the number of available transactions, or assign Nothing to the
TransactionItem if the Transaction Number exceeds the number of available transactions.
Set the correct datatype for in_TransactionItem. Invoke the workflows to navigate to the
Work Item Details page, extract client information, process the Hash code, update the Work
Item and navigate back to the Dashboard.