Green World Book Day Book Lovers List Pinterest Pin (Flyer)

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Big Idea 1 Big Idea 2

God prepares us to fight God is patient while

temptation. we grow.
Luke 4:1-13 Luke 13:6-9
Psalm 91:9-16 I Corinthians 10:12-13

Big Idea 3
God is more powerful
Big Idea 4
No problem is too small
than evil.
for god.
Luke 9:37-43a
Job 42:1-6; 10-17
Psalm 27
Mark 10:46-52

This month we are looking at

some of the page-turning stories March Memory Verse:
of the Bible. Each of these "But the Lord is faithful, and
stories has something to teach he will strengthen you and
us about our patient and protect you from the evil one."
powerful God who prepares us to
II Thessalonions 3:3
fight temptation.
THREE:16 FEST Picnic at the Pavilion
Join us for food, fun, March 20th
and fellowship. immediately following service
Invite friends &family!

Prayer focus monthly challenge

Lord, guide us as parents Remind your kiddo
to be examples of
daily that they are
followers leaning on god
a child of god
to resist temptation.

question we need you!

What's the hardest Interested in serving
thing about raising kids Kids Ministry?
right now? Email us -

[email protected]

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