Introduction and Basic Rules DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Selling an Item 3 Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
Selling Abilities 3 D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
Item Valuation 3 product names, and their respective logos are trademarks
of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
Advanced Mercantile Rules for characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of
Players and Dungeon Masters Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the
Alternate Selling Skills 4 copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
Alternate Valuation Skills 4 reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express
Mercantile Character Options 5 written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Backgrounds: The Black Market 5 ©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton,
Trader WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue
Backgrounds: The Profiteer 6 Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by
Feats 7 Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge,
Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Tools for Dungeon Masters
Merchant Disposition 8 Note from the Designer: When I started creating a
nautical campaign, using the Ghost of Saltmarsh adventure
Context Tags 8 book, I decided that I wanted a more in depth system of
Black Market Items 8 trading. I wanted my characters to sail the seas, buying and
Magic Items and Treasure 8 selling to make ends meet. I wanted to add in ways for
characters to become successful traders, even if they don't
Items and their Values have the highest Charisma skill and I wanted to encourage
Common Items 9 my players to try different methods of roleplaying.
Armour 11 The result is this short manual, a set of simple rules that
Black Market Goods 12 add a little more depth to trading encounters in your
Trade Goods 12 campaigns. I encourage you to use this book as a
Magical Goods and Treasure 13 springboard to develop your own creations. Try to think
14 about what environments might cause an item to sell, and
Weapons what sort of merchants might be looking to buy.
Designer: Luke Russell I hope you find these rules interesting, or borrow some
Story Design: Luke Russell ideas for your own characters and campaigns.
Editor: Luke Russell If you have enjoyed this piece and want to see
more of my work, find @Rooksshelf on
Cover Illustration: "wotc-savagespecies_humanoids" from Twitter and Instagram.
DMs Guild\Images DMS Guild\DM's Guild Creator
Resource - Enemies. Foes. and Friends Have fun!
Play testers: The crew of the Mortal Coil Luke
Artwork Used: All artwork is owned by Wizards of the
Coast and published under the Community Content
Agreement for the DMs Guild program
Artwork from the following DMs Guild products has been
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Adventurers
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Allies & Enemies Art
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Eberron Heroes & Villains
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Eberron Scenes & Symbols
Art Pack
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Treasure Art
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Weapons & Armor Art
Captain Xenros' Mercantile Manual was created using the
Homebrewery by Naturalcrit.
Introduction and Basic Rules
reetings! I am Captain Xendros, merchant of When selling an item, you must first determine its market
the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz. I have window. The market window is a measure of how
travelled across the known world, and much appealing a potential buyer might find the offer and is a
of the unknown too, from the jungles of combination of the item’s value and the ability check roll of
Chult to the depths of the Underdark, so I the person trying to sell it.
have seen a thing or two. That is why I have
decided to write down some of my expertise This is determined in the following way:
when it comes to selling items, magical and mundane. Market Window = (Value of item)+(Ability check roll of
In any case, I hope you find this manual illuminating, and seller)
that you use it to turn those treasures and trinkets into cold When a character tries to sell an item, the DM secretly rolls
hard cash! Then, if you need some help getting rid of that a d100 and compares it to the market window.
cash, come and find me in the town of Saltmarsh, and we
will test how much you have learned… If the score of the d100 is below the market window,
the item can be sold at double its base cost.
Using this Book If the score of the d100 is within 10 of the market
window, the item can be sold at its base cost.
The first section of this book is for players and Dungeon If the score of the d100 is more than 10 above the
Masters, where you will find a way to implement simple market window, the item can only be sold at half its
selling mechanics into your game. These rules are an base cost.
alternative to the "standard" system of selling your items,
where you can sell an item and receive half of its cost. For the purpose of selling, you can make this check for
each type of item sold, regardless of the quantity you are
The second section of this book will explore some selling.
advanced mechanics for selling, including different selling
styles, the process of valuation and a set of backgrounds
and feats for your mercantile characters. Example of Play
Flitwidget, a Gnomish trader, is attempting to sell
The third section is for Dungeon Masters only and two 1lb bags of cloves. He is going to try to use
introduces the concept of context tags on items, as well as his "Persuasion" ability to make his sale.
new rules about merchant disposition, black market items Flitwidget gets a score of 17 for his
and magical items. These rules are intended to be a persuasion roll. Behind the Dungeon Master's
framework from which you can develop your own creations Screen, the DM checks and find the value of
and NPCs, cloves to be 4. This means that the "market
window" of the trade is 21, so not bad.
The DM rolls a d100 and gets 25. This means
Selling an item that the cloves can be traded for 3gp a bag, its
standard cost, as it was within 10 of the market
All items should have a value, as well as a cost. At the back window.
of this manual you will find a list of common items, and the
value they might have. Value is a measure of how desirable
the item might be to a potential buyer, and how likely it is to
provide a return on investment. When you are creating new Selling Abilities
items or assigning value to them, try to consider how useful
an item is, how appealing it might be and how rare it is. In the basic rules, you can use two different abilities to sell
Non-magical items typically have a value of 1-5, and an item.
magical items or treasure have a value of 6-10.
Intimidation: The hard sell, trying to manipulate or
Example of value scale frighten a person into accepting a sale. Unlikely to make
Value you any friends, but it can be an effective way of securing a
score sale.
1 An item that is very common, or has very
limited uses.
Persuasion: Convincing a person that the deal is in the
best interest of both parties. More likely to result in a
2 An item that is common, or has uses in a few positive trading relationship in the future.
3 An item that is uncommon, or would be useful
in a number of situations Item Valuation
4 An item that is rare, or would be useful to a A character can attempt to determine the value of an item,
number of different people and thus its trading appeal, by succeeding on an
5 An item that is very rare, or would have a range
Investigation (Intelligence) check with a DC of 13.
of uses
Advanced Mercantile Rules for Players
and Dungeon Masters
This section will cover advanced trading rules that you can
use to add more depth to your sales. If you are taking part a Alternate Valuation
campaign where trade and commerce is an important Skills
factor, some of these rules can add extra depth to your
interactions. You can use a wide range of skills to determine the value of
different items. The DC to determine the value of item is
The rules will be especially useful in sea faring campaigns, 13, and if your DM is using context tags, they will need to
such as those based on the Ghosts of Saltmarsh reveal one of these if you succeed on a valuation roll.
sourcebook, or in other nautical adventures. The rules
would also fit well in the Eberron: Rising From the Last Arcana: Use the Arcana skill to determine the potential
War setting, where commerce and trade are a key theme. value of magical items, or items that can be used as
Feel free to use any or all of these rules, and work with your components in magic spells or rituals.
DM to make sure they are appropriate for your campaign
setting. History: Use the History skill to ascertain the value of an
item by judging its uses in past conflicts, or in stories and
tales that you might have heard.
Alternate Selling Skills
Characters can use skills other than Persuasion and Nature: If the item is a plant, naturally occurring object or
Intermediation to make a sale. Check with your DM if they body part of a monster, you can judge its value using the
are happy for you to use these skills, and use it as an Nature skill.
opportunity to try out a slightly different method of Religion: Using the Religion skill you can compare this
roleplaying. item to other relics and artefacts, and use your knowledge
Arcana: Using your Arcana skill you can expound the of these to determine its value.
benefits or magical items, or items used in magical Animal Handling: Using your Animal Handling skills you
experiments. can judge the value of livestock based on their wellbeing,
History: Utilising your History skill, you can weave a story breed and condition.
about how an item has been utilised in ages past, and how Medicine: Using your Medicine skill, you can analyse items
it could be used again. that might be used to create balms, potions and other
Religion: You can evoke your Religion skill when healing items.
attempting to sell an object of spiritual significance, such as
a relic or artefact.
Animal Handling: Used specifically for selling animals and
livestock, you can use your Animal Handling skill to
highlight a creature’s strengths and weaknesses.
Medicine: If you are selling medicine, food and supplies,
you can use your medical knowledge to instil confidence in
a potential buyer.
Survival: The Survival skill is useful if you are trying to sell
equipment, adventuring gear, or other items that might help
to keep you alive in the wilderness.
Deception: Using the Deception skill to make a sale is all
about upselling or even lying about the items you have and
their value. A risky strategy for sure, but it could help you
shift some unwanted items.
Performance: Using the Performance skill, you can
demonstrate the effectiveness of an item before you use it.
Active demonstration might win even a sceptical buyer
Mercantile Character Options
1 Greed: Trading in illegal goods can be incredibly
Black Market Trader profitable, and I am driven by those profits.
Your markets are those below ground, in the shady streets 2 The Future: My every action drives me towards a
and back alleys. You are adapt at evading the authorities brighter future, where I won't need to skulk in the
and hiding your wares. You might be a revolutionary, shadows.
smuggling supplies to people in need, or a criminal working 3 Freedom: Why should a corrupt authority decide what
for a sinister syndicate. You are also familiar with the people can and cannot buy?
punishments that might greet you if you are captured. 4 The Cause: I might do unsavoury things, but for the
Alternatively, you might work secretly with the authorities, cause I will sacrifice anything.
helping them acquire goods they cannot requisition
through legal means. 5 The People: The people deserve better, and I help
them to attain that.
Skill proficiencies: Stealth, Persuasion 6 Knowledge: The black market is a place to learn about
Tool proficiencies: Disguise Kit and Forgery Kit new things and new people, and this knowledge is
Language: One of your choice, Thieves Cant (See Players powerful.
Equipment: A disguise kit or a forgery kit, a bag of chalk, Bond
ten sheets of paper, inkwell, jar of white vinegar, a set of
common clothes, and a pouch containing 15gp. 1 My contacts are my family, a web of traders and
buyers who rely on each other's trust and confidence.
Fence network 2 My comrades in arms, united in our cause. I would die
You are skilled at finding places to shift your goods quickly. for them, and will try to shield them from harm.
If a settlement has a population of at least 30, you can 3 The city needs people to get their hands dirty, so for
always find someone who will buy your black market the good of the city I will wade in.
goods. 4 I have worked for the authorities, helping them
acquire illicit goods for their own purpose. They have
Suggested Characteristics my loyalty.
Black market traders are keen and skilled, and need to 5 I have absolute faith in the importance of the black
keep an awareness of themselves and the environment market itself, and its significance to the economy of
around them. society.
Personality trait 6 I know where all of my wares have come from. No lies,
no deception. This trust is in my suppliers is
1 I trust no one, there are too many people who want paramount.
me gone.
2 When a government is rotten, their authority is rotten Flaw
too. 1 I try not to consider the impact my goods might have
3 I just sell goods, what people do with them is up to if they get into the wrongs hands.
them. 2 It is important that I brook no rival or challenger.
4 I find it easy to make new contacts, but hard to make 3 I refuse to consider where my goods might have
friends. come from.
5 Sometimes the rules need to be broken. That does 4 I will never betray my contacts, no matter what crimes
not make me a monster. they might commit.
6 I do not enjoy what I do, but it is a necessary evil. 5 The black market must thrive, even if it costs innocent
7 I am just a merchant providing what people need, lives.
nothing more. 6 The authorities have no hold over me, and I do not
8 Settlements need the black market to survive. I am recognise their powers.
doing a public service
Profiteer 1 I am building wealth to bring back to my homeland,
You know how to make money out of any situation. where people are struggling for survival.
Travelling from place to place, you have a keen eye for the 2 I come from a long line of traders, known across the
value of items and what sort of people might need them. world. They taught me everything I know.
You might dedicate your life to redistributing wealth to
those who need it, or by making the most of a volatile 3 My loyalty is to my network of contacts. They are my
family, and my lifeline.
situation to swell your own coffers.
4 I have a close friend that needs money badly, and I will
Skill proficiencies: Investigation, Persuasion do anything to support them.
Tool proficiencies: Jeweller's Tools 5 My family has fallen from greatness, and it is only
Language: One of your choice through these extreme methods that they can be
Equipment: A set of Jeweller's Tools, a bound journal restored.
where you record purchases and invoices, a set of 6 My customers are your friends, and their trust in me is
traveller’s clothes, and a pouch containing 15gp. what keeps them going.
1 Greed. I need to acquire as much health as possible.
2 Status. Wealth brings the status and recognition that I
3 Justice. My skills allow me to redistribute wealth to
those who need it.
4 Influence. Money is power, and a way of bringing
others to my way of thinking.
5 Entertainment. Trading and wealth is a game, and one
I love to play.
6 Security. For the way of life I seek and the safety of my
loved ones, there will always be a cost.
You may choose to select one of these feats when you
advance to a new level. Remember to let your DM know if
you would like to take one of these feats to ensure it fits
with your campaign and playstyle.
Disaster Merchant
You have a keen eye for when people are in desperate need.
You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Charismas score by 1 to a maximum of 20
If you are selling an item with the context tags hungry,
military, squalid, threatened or warring, you may double
the value bonus you receive.
You can convince people that items are more valuable than
they truly are. You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Charisma score by 1 to a maximum of 20
When you use the Deception skill to trade, you may roll
with advantage. However, if the DMs rolls any number
higher than your market window, you cannot complete the
Rose Tinted Trader
When selling, you focus on the positives and try to dismiss
the negatives. You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Intelligence score by 1 to a maximum of 20
When you sell an item, you can add 2 (1d4) to its value
score. If the item has a negative context tag, you can half
the value penalty you would receive while selling the item.
Valuation expert
You are good at determining the value of items, and the
factors that effect this. You gain the following benefits:
Increase your Intelligence score by 1 to a maximum of 20
If you spend one hour studying an item, you can determine
its exact value score and any context tags that it has.
Magical Trader
Prerequisite: The ability to cast one spell.
You can expound the benefits of a magical item to even the
most sceptical trader. You gain the following benefits:
Increase the ability score you use for spell casting by 1 to a
maximum of 20.
When selling a magical item, you may ignore the negative
modifiers applied by a mundane context tag.
Tools for Dungeon Masters
his section includes additional rules for Equipment Item changes value when sold to a person
Dungeon Masters, ways that you can expand who is about to go on a long journey or adventure.
the trading rules in your campaigns and Hungry Item changes value when sold in an
encourage roleplaying for your players. You environment marked by hunger or famine.
can use a combination of these rules, or just Magical Item changes value when sold to a person who
the options that you think would best fit your has knowledge of the arcana, of magical items and their
campaign and playstyle. properties.
Medicinal Item changes value when sold to a person
who has medical knowledge, or an understanding of
Merchant Disposition health and healing.
When creating a merchant NPC as a DM, you can chose to Military Item changes value when sold to a
give them a specific disposition. A merchant’s disposition representative of the military, or a military supplier.
means that they might have a reaction to certain sales Mundane Item changes value when sold to a person
methods. In these instances, characters attempting to use who has little or no understanding of magic or the
these methods on a trader must roll with disadvantage or arcana.
advantage depending on the disposition type. As the DM Pious Item changes value when sold to a person who
you may decide to change the disposition of a trader over has knowledge of the divine, of holy relics and artefacts.
time, and you are of course free to create your own Specialised Item changes value when sold to a person
merchant dispositions to suit your campaign and playstyle. who knows how to use it.
Squalid Item changes value when sold in an
Hardened: A merchant who is hardened is not going to environment that is downtrodden or impoverished.
be easily swayed and will not respond well to sales that Suspect Item changes value when sold to a person who
utilise the Intimidation and Persuasion skills. may have illicit means for the item.
Characters who attempt to use the Intimidation and Threatened Item changes value when sold in an
Persuasion skills to make a sale will roll with environment where the people or population feel
disadvantage. threatened by a deadly threat. For example, this could
Wary: A merchant who is wary is always afraid that they be an enemy force, totalitarian ruler or impending
might be the target of a con. Characters who attempt to plague.
use the Deception skills to make a sale will roll with Warm Item changes value when sold in an environment
disadvantage. that is exceptionally warm, with a climate marked by
Untrusting: A merchant who has an untrusting long days and hot mid-day sun.
disposition is suspicious about everyone. Any attempt to Warring Item changes value when sold in an
make a sale with an untrusting merchant will roll with environment where a war is either ongoing or
disadvantage. imminent.
Sceptic: A merchant who is a sceptic will believe what Wet Item changes value when sold in an environment
is in front of them, and not tall tales. They might dislike that is particularly wet, such as a swamp or sea.
magical items altogether, or might want to avoid any
trouble. Characters who attempt to sell a magical item Feel free to make up your own context tags and add them
to a sceptic will roll with disadvantage. to items that your characters discover in their adventures!
Friendly: Friendly merchants are happy to make a sale,
and are naturally well disposed towards traders.
Characters who attempt to make a sale to a friendly Black Market Items
merchant will toll with advantage. Some items cannot be sold through usual means. If an
item is in the black market table, it means it cannot be sold
Context Tags to legitimate traders. Characters will instead need to trade
with "fences" who can buy and sell such items.
In addition to a value, many items have positive and
negative context tags. These tags will alter the value of on It goes without saying that being caught trading or owning
item being sold if the context is fulfilled. black market items is a criminal offence, and will result in
Some examples of context tags are: at least confiscation and a fine. At the discretion of a DM,
trading in high value illicit items could result in more
Cold Item changes value when sold in an environment severe punishments.
that has a cold or freezing climate marked by snow and
blizzards. Magic Items and Treasure
Collectors Item changes value when sold to a collector,
who might be able to recognise its unique properties. Due to the huge amount of magic items and treasure that
Construction Item changes value when sold in an your characters might encounter, I have only included basic
environment where construction I (new or continued) is details about the values of these items. I would encourage
taking place. you as DM to think about what the context tags for your
Culinary Item changes value when sold to a person magic items and treasures might be, and feel free to create
who has knowledge of cooking and culinary skills. your own tags as well. To a person not trained in arcana, a
Dry Item changes value when sold in an environment magic item will seem very normal, until it does something
that is particularly arid, such as a desert or ice plain. extraordinary. An enchanted sword may look like a very
well made sword to the untrained eye.
Items and Their Values
Common Items
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
Abacus 2 gp 2 Medicinal 1
Acid (vial) 25 gp 3 Suspect 2 Mundane 1
Alchemist’s fire (flask) 50 gp 5 Magical 4 Mundane 3
Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 Military 1
Blowgun Needles (50) 1 gp 1 Military 1
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp 1 Military 1
Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1 Military 1
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp 5 Medicinal 5
Crystal 10 gp 3 Magical 2 Mundane 1
Orb 20 gp 2 Magical 3 Mundane 2
Rod 10 gp 3 Magical 2 Mundane 3
Staff 5 gp 4 Magical 2 Mundane 3
Wand 10 gp 5 Magical 2 Mundane 4
Backpack 2 gp 1 Equipment 2 Wet 2
Ball bearings (bag of 1,000) 1 gp 1 Equipment 2
Barrel 2 gp 1 Construction 2
Basket 4 sp 1 Construction 2
Bedroll 1 gp 2 Equipment 2
Bell 1 gp 2 Construction 2
Blanket 5 sp 1 Cold 2
Block and tackle 1 gp 1 Coastal 2
Book 25 gp 3 Equipment 4 Warring 2
Bottle, glass 2 gp 1 Medicinal 2
Bucket 5 cp 1 Construction 2
Caltrops (bag of 20) 1 gp 3 Suspect 3
Candle 1 cp 1 Pious 3
Case, crossbow bolt 1 gp 1 Military 3
Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1 Equipment 2
Chain (10 feet) 5 gp 3 Construction 1
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp 1 Construction 1
Chest 5 gp 3 Construction 3
Clothes, Common 5 sp 1 Equipment 1
Clothes, costume 5 gp 2 Equipment 2
Clothes, fine 15 gp 3 Equipment 3 Hungry 3
Clothes, traveller’s 2 gp 2 Equipment 1
Component pouch 25 gp 3 Equipment 4 Mundane 4
Crowbar 2 gp 1 Construction 1
Common Items Cont
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
Sprig of mistletoe 1 gp 1 Medicinal 2 Mundane 1
Totem 1 gp 2 Magical 2 Mundane 1
Wooden staff 5 gp 3 Equipment 3 Mundane 2
Yew wand 10 gp 4 Magical 4 Mundane 3
Fishing tackle 1 gp 2 Coastal 1 Dry 2
Flask or Tankard 2 cp 1 Hungry 1
Grappling hook 2 gp 3 Suspect 1
Hammer 1 gp 1 Construction 2
Hammer, sledge 2 gp 2 Construction 2
Amulet 5 gp 3 Pious 3
Emblem 5 gp 3 Pious 3
Reliquary 5 gp 4 Pious 3
Holy Water (flask) 25 gp 5 Pious 4
Hourglass 25 gp 3 Magical 4
Hunting trap 5 gp 1 Hungry 3
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp 2 Specialised 3 Squalid 1
Ink pen 2 cp 2 Specialised 2 Squalid 1
Jug or Pitcher 2 cp 1 Hungry 2
Kit, climber’s 25 gp 3 Equipment 4
Kit, disguise 25 gp 3 Equipment 4 Military 2
Kit, forgery 15 gp 4 Equipment 3 Military 4
Kit, herbalism 5 gp 2 Equipment 2 Mundane 2
Kit, healer’s 5 gp 3 Equipment 2
Kit, mess 2 sp 1 Equipment 1
Ladder (10-foot) 1 sp 1 Construction 1
Lamp 5 sp 1 Equipment 1
Lantern, bullseye 10 gp 2 Equipment 2
Lantern, hooded 5 gp 2 Equipment 2
Lock 10 gp 4 Construction 2
Magnifying glass 100 gp 5 Medicinal 5
Manacles 2 gp 2 Military 1
Mirror, steel 5 gp 3 Magical 2
Oil (flask) 1 sp 3 Cold 1
Paper (one sheet) 2 sp 1 Specialised 1 Wet 2
Parchment (one sheet) 1 sp 1 Specialised 1 Wet 1
Perfume (vial) 5 gp 3 Medicinal 2 Squalid 5
Pick, miner’s 2 gp 1 Equipment 2
Piton 5 cp 1 Construction 1
Pole (10-foot) 5 cp 1 Construction 1
Pot, iron 2 gp 1 Culinary 1
Potion of Healing 50 gp 5 Medicinal 3
Pouch 5 sp 1 Equipment 1
Quiver 1 gp 1 Military 1
Common Items Cont
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
Ram, portable 4 gp 1 Military 2
Rations (1 day) 5 sp 1 Equipment 1
Robes 1 gp 1 Pious 1
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 1 gp 1 Coastal 1
Rope, silk (50 feet) 10 gp 2 Coastal 3
Sack 1 cp 1 Construction 1
Scale, merchant’s 5 gp 3 Coastal 2
Sealing wax 5 sp 1 Specialised 1
Shovel 2 gp 1 Construction 2
Signal whistle 5 cp 2 Coastal 1
Signet ring 5 gp 3 Collectors 5
Soap 2 cp 2 Squalid 3
Spell book 50 gp 5 Magical 4
Spikes, iron (10) 1 gp 1 Construction 1
Spyglass 1,000 gp 5 Military 8
Tent, two-person 2 gp 3 Equipment 3
Tinderbox 5 sp 3 Equipment 1
Torch 1 cp 3 Equipment 1
Vial 1 gp 2 Medicinal 2
Waterskin 2 sp 1 Medicinal 1
Whetstone 1 cp 3 Military 1
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
Padded 5gp 1 Threatened 1
Leather 10gp 2 Threatened 2
Studded Leather 45gp 3 Threatened
Hide 10gp 1 Threatened 4
Chain Shirt 50gp 2 Military 4 Warm 1
Scale Mail 50gp 3 Military 5 Warm 2
Breastplate 400gp 4 Military 5 Warm 3
Half Plate 750gp 5 Military 5 4
Ring Mail 30gp 3 Military 6 Warm 4
Chain Mail 75gp 4 Military 5 Warm 5
Splint 200gp 5 Military 6 Warm 6
Plate 1,500gp 5 Military 7 Warm 7
Shield 10gp 2 Threatened 4
Black Market Goods
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
Poison, basic (vial) 100gp 5 Suspect 6 Military 2
Tobacco 2gp 4 Medicinal 3 Wet 2
Black candles 10gp 6 Magical 3 Mundane 15
Dark magic books 200gp 7 Magical 6 Mundane 20
Forged Diplomatic papers 350gp 10 Suspect 10 Military 5
Glass Daggers 20gp 7 Suspect 7 Pious 5
Sham potions 5gp 4 Suspect 4 Pious 5
Kit, poisoner’s 50gp 5 Suspect 5 Military 5
Trade Goods
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
1 lb. of wheat 1 cp 3 Hungry 5
1 lb. of flour 2 cp 4 Hungry 5
One chicken 2 cp 5 Hungry 5
1 lb. of salt 5 cp 3 Pious 3 Coastal 1
1 lb. of iron 1 sp 3 Construction 4
1 lb. of copper 5 sp 4 Construction 5
1 lb. of ginger 1 gp 2 Culinary 4 Squalid 2
One goat 1 gp 4 Hungry 3
1 lb. of pepper 2 gp 3 Culinary 3 Squalid 3
1 lb. of cinnamon 2 gp 4 Culinary 5
One sheep 2 gp 5 Hungry 3
1 lb. of cloves 3 gp 4 Culinary 5
One pig 3 gp 5 Hungry 5
1 lb. of silver 5gp 5 Pious 4
1 sq. yd. of linen 5gp 4 Military 3 Squalid 3
1 sq. yd. of silk 10gp 4 Military 4 Squalid 3
One cow 10gp 5 Hungry 5
1 lb. of saffron 15gp 5 Culinary 5 Squalid 5
One ox 15gp 5 Hungry 5
1 lb. of gold 50gp 5 Collectors 5
1 lb. of platinum 500 gp 5 Collectors 5
Magical Goods and Treasure
Positive Context Negative Context
Item Cost Value Tag Bonus Tag Penalty
Common Magic As determined by source 6 Collectors 2 Mundane 5
Item material
Uncommon Magic As determined by source 7 Collectors 3 Mundane 5
Item material
Rare Magic Item As determined by source 8 Collectors 4 Mundane 5
Very Rare Magic As determined by source 9 Collectors 5 Mundane 5
Item material
Legendary Magic As determined by source 10 Collectors 6 Mundane 5
Item material
Common Treasure As determined by source 6 (DM's decision) (DM's (DM's decision) (DM's
material decision) decision)
Uncommon As determined by source 7 (DM's decision) (DM's (DM's decision) (DM's
Treasure material decision) decision)
Rare Treasure As determined by source 8 (DM's decision) (DM's (DM's decision) (DM's
material decision) decision)
Very Rare Treasure As determined by source 9 (DM's decision) (DM's (DM's decision) (DM's
material decision) decision)
Legendary treasure As determined by source 10 (DM's decision) (DM's (DM's decision) (DM's
material decision) decision)
Item Cost Value Positive Context Tag Bonus Negative Context Tag Penalty
Club 1 sp 1 Warring 1
Dagger 2 gp 1 Suspect 3
Greatclub 2 sp 1 Warring 1
Handaxe 5 gp 1 Warring 1
Javelin 5 sp 1 Threatened 1
Light Hammer 2 gp 1 Warring 1
Mace 5 gp 1 Warring 2
Quarterstaff 2 sp 1 Threatened 1
Sickle 1 gp 1 Threatened 1
Spear 1 gp 1 Threatened 2
Crossbow, light 25 gp 3 Threatened 3
Dart 5 cp 1 Suspect 1
Shortbow 25 gp 3 Threatened 3
Sling 1 sp 1 Threatened 1
Battleaxe 10 gp 2 Military 3
Flail 10 gp 2 Military 2
Glaive 20 gp 3 Military 4
Greataxe 30 gp 4 Military 3
Greatsword 50 gp 6 Military 3
Halberd 20 gp 3 Threatened 4
Lance 10 gp 2 Military 4
Longsword 15 gp 2 Threatened 4
Maul 10 gp 2 Military 3
Morningstar 15 gp 2 Military 3
Pike 5 gp 1 Threatened 4
Rapier 25 gp 3 Suspect 2
Scimitar 25 gp 3 Suspect 2
Shortsword 10 gp 2 Threatened 3
Trident 5 gp 1 Threatened 3
War Pick 5 gp 1 Military 2
Warhammer 15 gp 2 Military 2
Whip 2 gp 1 Specialised 5
Blowgun 10 gp 2 Suspect 2
Crossbow, hand 75 gp 8 Specialised 3
Crossbow, heavy 50 gp 6 Specialised 3
Longbow 50 gp 6 Specialised 4
Net 1 gp 1 Specialised 2