1) Explain The Architecture of WPF With Diagram

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1)Explain the architecture of WPF with diagram

WPF is more than just a wrapper. It is a part of the .NET framework.

It contains a mixture of managed and unmanaged code.

The major components of WPF architecture are as shown in the figure below. The most important
part of WPF are −

 Presentation Framework

 Presentation Core

 Milcore

The presentation framework and the presentation core have been written
In” managed code”.

Milcore is a part of “unmanaged code” which allows tight integration with DirectX
(responsible for display and rendering).

CLR makes the development process more productive by offering many features such as
memory management, error handling, etc

The architecture of WPF is actually a multi-layered architecture. It has mainly three layers,
the WPF Managed Layer, the WPF Unmanaged Layer and the Core operating system
element, basically these layers are a set of assemblies that rovide the entire framework.
The Presentation Framework, Presentation Core and Window Base are the three major
components of the Managed Layer. These are the major code portions of WPF and plays a
vital role in an overview of Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF).The public API exposed
is only via this layer. The Major portion of the WPF is in managed code.

Managed Layer:

 PresentationFramework.dll: This section contains high-level features like application

windows, panels, styles controls, layouts, content and so on that helps us to build our
application. It also implements the end-user presentation features including data
binding, time-dependencies, animations and many more.

 PresentationCore.dll: This is a low-level API exposed by WPF providing features for 2D,
3D, geometry and so on.

 WindowsBase.dll: It holds the more basic elements that are capable to be reused
outside the WPF environment like Dispatcher objects and Dependency objects.

UnManaged Layer:

 milCore.dll: The purpose of the milCore is to interface directly with DirectX and
provide basic support for 2D and 3D surface.
This section is unmanaged code because it acts as a bridge between WPF managed
and the DirectX / User32 unmanaged API.

 WindowsCodecs.dll: It is another low-level API for imaging support in WPF applications like
image processing, image displaying and scaling and so on.

Core operating System Layer (Kernel):

This layer has OS core components like User32, GDI, Device Drivers, Graphic cards and so
on. These components are used by the application to access low-level APIs.

 DirectX
 User32
 Device Drivers
2) Explain multi-tier architecture

Web-based applications are multitier applications and also referred as n-tier applications.

Multitier applications divide functionality into separate tiers (that is, logical groupings of

There are 3 tiers. They are:

Information Tier:

 The information tier also called the bottom tier.

 It maintains the application’s data.

 This tier typically stores data in a relational database management system.

Bussiness Logic Tier:

 The middle tier acts as an intermediary between data in the information tier and the
application’s clients(top tire)

 The middle-tier controller logic processes client requests (such as requests to view a
product catalog) and retrieves data from the database.

Client Tier:

 The client tier, or top tier, is the application’s user interface, which gathers input and
displays output
 The client tier then displays to the user the data retrieved from the middle tier.

 The client tier never directly interacts with the information tier.

i) Cookies
ii)Session property
iii)Master Page


A cookie is a piece of data stored by web browsers in a small text file on the user’s
computer. A cookie maintains information about the client during and between browser

ii)Session property:
We use this property to manipulate the current user’s HttpSessionState object.

When a page is first requested, a unique HttpSessionState object is created by ASP.NET and assigned
to the Page’s Session property.

iii)Master Page:
ASP.NET master pages allow you to create a consistent layout for the pages in your
application. A single master page defines the look and feel and standard behavior that you
want for all of the pages (or a group of pages) in your application.

4)Explain Different Validation Control With Suitable Example

Validation control or Validator, which determines whether the data in another web control
is in the proper format.

Validators provide a mechanism for validating user input on the client. When the page is
sent to the client, the validator is converted into JavaScript that performs the validation in the
client web browser.
5)Explain the following
i)Script manager control ii)Update panel control

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