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R2 - Effect of Restricted Feed Access Time On Broiler Chickens

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Indian J. Innovations Dev., Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan 2012) ISSN 2277 – 5390

Effect of restricted feed access time on broiler chickens: a live

Onwurah FB, Okejim J
Department Of Agriculture, Federal College of Education (Technical) Omoku, Nigeria


300 broiler chickens of 4weeks old were used to investigate the effect of restricted feed access time on broiler chickens in the
finisher phase. The birds had 3,6,9 and 12 hours access time to feed while water was provided ad libitum for 4weeks. Results
indicate non significant (P>0.05) different for average weekly feed intake, heart weight, spleen weight and mortality. Results
also indicate significant (P<0.05) differences for total feed consumed, total feed cost and feed conversion ratio. Average weekly
weight gain, weekly live weight, final live weight, and dressed weight were significantly (P<0.05) different. Also indicated in
the results are significant (P<0.05) differences in gizzard weight and live weight. This study recommends the feeding of broiler
chickens for 9 hours daily.

Keywords: Feed restriction; Access time; Broiler chickens; live performance.

Introduction ascites (Acar et al., 1995). Feed restriction

The high cost of meet and egg in Nigeria has decreases mortality caused by “sudden death
been attributed to livestock production costs, which syndrome” (Lippens et al., 2000). It also
ultimately increase the price of the finished encourages compensatory growth which enables
products. The interaction between production costs full recovery of body weight (Tumova, 2002). Zhan
and meat output culminates in the production of et al. (2007) and Camacho et al. (2004), Sahraei
insufficient quantity of meat and egg. This in turn and Shariatmadari (2007) reported that the feed
accentuates the shortage of animal protein to the restriction increases feed intake. The higher feed
populace. intake can be related to the hypertrophy of the
With the widening protein deficiency gap due to gastrointestinal tract that occurs after the restriction
high population and high cost of livestock period, when the birds are fed ad libitum. Feed
production, there is the need to reduce production restriction improves feed efficiency in chickens
cost through feed cost savings. This is to allow the which could be attributed to reduced overall
products go round the population at affordable maintenance requirements caused by a transient
prices. The benefits of feed savings, feed decrease in basal metabolic rate. However, the
conversion rates , lean meat and a more uniform improved feed efficiency can also be related to
growth are worth serious consideration. This can be higher feed intake and to the hypertrophy of the
done by finding ways of reducing feed cost. gastrointestinal tract that occurs after the restriction
Quantitative and qualitative feed restrictions have (Rincon & Leeson, 2002).
been introduced. This is done by reducing the birds
feed access time or by reducing the nutrient content This study investigated quantitative feed
of the feed. Restricted feeding can be done in early restriction to establish the beneficial feed access
life of chickens (Lee & Leeson, 2001). time for broiler chicken production. It was intended
to investigate feed restriction during the finisher
The benefits of feed restriction include reduced phase other than the conventional starter phase
mortality as it slows down fast growth to reduce where compensatory growth is expected.
mortality (Tumova, 1993), including preascites and

Research “feed access time on broiler chickens” Onwurah FB et al.

Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://iseeadyar.org/ijid.html Indian J. Innovations Dev.

Indian J. Innovations Dev., Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan 2012) ISSN 2277 – 5390

Materials and Methods Shariamadari (2007) which reported that feed

A total of 300 broiler chickens were used for restriction increases feed intake. The result of this
this study. The chickens were brooded under the study also shows that birds in the highest restriction
conventional deep litter system for 4 week for level converted more feed to meat. This report
adaptation before being allotted into the different agrees with (Rincon & Leeson, 2002) which
treatment pens and replicates at the beginning of attributed improved feed efficiency to higher feed
week 5. There were a total of 4treatments with 75 intake and to the hypertrophy of the gastrointestinal
chickens each. The treatments were constituted of 3 tract that occurs after the restriction. This
replicates of 25chickens each. hypertrophy of the gastrointestinal tract could
The treatments were restricted feeding time of implicate increased nutrient absorption surface
3,6,9 and 12 hours feed access time, only by day. which ultimately increased nutrient absorption.
Water was given ad libitum throughout the trial
Table 2. Effect of restricted feed access time on weight gains in
period of 4weeks. Birds were fed commercial broiler chickens
broiler finisher feed of 21 percent crude protein and Parameter 3hrs 6hrs 9hrs 12hrs ±SEM
2700 ME (kcal/kg). AWWG(Kg) 0.437c 0.495b 0.535b 0.575a 0.5854
Data were taken and recorded on feed intake and WLW (Kg) 0.186c 0.333b 0.348b 0.339b 0.1200
weight gain. At the end of the trial period 2 FLW(Kg) 1.75b 1.98b 2.14a 2.30a 0.0321
DW(Kg) 1.06c 1.43b 1.48a 1.52a 0.0735
chickens were randomly selected from each of the
Means along rows without superscript are not significantly(P>0.05)
replicate pens and slaughtered for carcass different, AWWG (Average weekly weight gain), WLW (Weekly live
characteristics. weight), FLW (Final live weight), and DW (Dressed weight)
All data collected were subjected to One-way From Table 2, all growth parameters studied
analysis of Variance and mean separation using were significantly (P<0.05) different. This could be
Minitab (1996). attributed to significant (P<0.05) differences in
feed intake and feed efficiency. The numeric
Results and Discussion differences depict levels of restriction. Those that
Table 1. Effect of restricted feed access time on feed intake in
received less feed performed less. This implies that
broiler chickens
Parameter 3hrs 6hrs 9hrs 12hrs ±SEM feed restriction at the finisher phase does not
AWFC(Kg) 1.172 1.456 1.744 1.936 0.3700 encourage compensatory growth. Compensatory
TFC (Kg) 1.849c 2.290b 2.290b 3.112a 0.4122 growth could come if the restriction was early.
FCR 1.06 a
1.16 a
1.23b 1.35c 0.4328 There was no mortality recorded during the trial.
CFC (N/Kg) 18.64 23.13a b
27.17 31.41c 3.4324 This agrees with Tumova (1993), which reported
that feed restriction reduced mortality as it slows
Means along rows without superscript are not significantly (P>0.05)
different. AWFC (Average weekly feed consumption), TFC (Total
down fast growth. This could be attributed to the
feed consumption).FCR (Feed conversion ratio), CFC (Cost of feed development of a more compact body that impedes
consumed). disease infection.
From Table 1, average weekly feed consumption
(AWFC) was not significantly (P>0.05) different. Table 3. Effect of restricted feed access time on carcass
Birds consumed as much feed as they could within characteristics in broiler chickens
the restriction time. The total feed consumed Parameter 3hrs 6hrs 9hrs 12hrs ±SEM
HW(g) 18 20 20 21.7 1.1971
(TFC), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and the cost of
SW (g) 10 10.6 11 11.7 0.8463
feed consumed (CFC) during the trial period were GW(g) 37.2b 46.7a 50a 55a 3.2700
significantly (P<0.05) different. This could be LW (g) 53.3c 66.7b 7I.7a 73.3a 7.7901
attributed to the numerical differences in weekly MORT. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
feed consumption. Birds developed large crops to Means along rows without superscript are not significantly(P>0.05)
different. HW (Heart weight), SW (Spleen weight), GW (Gizzard
accommodate the increased feed intake within the weight), LW (Live weight) and MORT. (Mortality).
restriction time. This result agrees with Sharei and
Research “feed access time on broiler chickens” Onwurah FB et al.
Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://iseeadyar.org/ijid.html Indian J. Innovations Dev.

Indian J. Innovations Dev., Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan 2012) ISSN 2277 – 5390

From Table 3, the weights of the heart and the 8. Tumova E. (1993). Vliv genotypu a restrikční krmné
spleen were not significantly (P>0.05) different. It techniky na užitkovost brojlerových kuřat.
implies that feed restriction in the finisher phase [Habilitační práce.] VŠZ v Praze, 104 s.
has no effect on the heart and spleen at the levels of 9. Tumova E, Skrivani M, Skrivanova V and
restriction studied. However, there were significant Kacerovska L. (2002). Effect of early feed restriction
on growth in broiler chickens, turkey and rabbit.
(P<0.05) differences in the gizzard and liver
Czech J. Anim. Sci., 47(10), 418–428.
weights. Birds with the least access time to feed 10.Zhan XA, Wang M, Ren H, Zhao RQ, Li JX and Tan
had heavier gizzard and liver weights. This could ZL. (2007). Effect of early feed restriction on
be attributed to increased metabolic functions due metabolic programming and compensatory growth in
to increased feed intake. broiler chickens. Poultr. Sci., 86, 654-660.
Feed restriction in the finisher phase is
beneficial as it reduces production cost and
mortality. It also produces a more uniform weight
for the crop. This study recommends the feeding of
broiler chickens for 9 hours daily. This is because
of its closeness to the 12hours feed access time in
final live weights and dressed weights.

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Research “feed access time on broiler chickens” Onwurah FB et al.
Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://iseeadyar.org/ijid.html Indian J. Innovations Dev.

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