Maximum Power Point Controller For Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants Using Central Inverters Under Partial Shading Conditions
Maximum Power Point Controller For Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants Using Central Inverters Under Partial Shading Conditions
Maximum Power Point Controller For Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants Using Central Inverters Under Partial Shading Conditions
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3 authors:
J. Pou
Nanyang Technological University
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Abstract—The central inverter topology based on three-level radiation and low temperatures (-20 ◦ C). There are currently
converters is widely used in large scale photovoltaic (PV) power developments of 2.3 MW at 1500 V, PV inverters reported [4],
plants because of its simple and reliable structure and high [5]. These inverters at 1000 V -1500 V dc have only a single
efficiency. However, when two PV arrays are connected in series
for higher dc-link voltage, single maximum power point tracking MPPT operation.
(MPPT) operation cannot function properly when there is partial Central inverters are usually connected to several PV arrays,
shading between the arrays. This paper presents a configuration each made up of many PV panels connected to the dc-link
where the two PV arrays are connected in series together with of the inverter [6]. This solution offers the cheapest price of
an auxiliary power converter feeding a neutral-point-clamped the inverter in $ /kW. Central inverters thus provide a simple
central inverter. This configuration ensures maximum power pro-
duction from both PV arrays during partial shading conditions, structure, reliable and efficient converter, making it one of the
achieving the MPPT operation for both PV arrays. The proposed most common solutions for large-scale PV plants. Because the
converter together with their controls are verified by simulation whole array is connected to a single inverter, this configuration
and experiment. can only provide a single MPPT operation and hence it is not
Index Terms—Photovoltaic systems, grid-connected inverters, a good solution when operating under partial shading, where
maximum power point tracking. part of the PV array will bring down the generated power
output from the array significantly.
I. I NTRODUCTION Improvement of the MPPT control without dc-dc converters
for three-phase inverter have been reported in [7], [8]. In [7],
The global solar photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion sys- the two capacitor voltages are controlled by adding or subtract-
tems grew significantly, to at least 75.4 GW in 2016, which ing the minimum turn-on time to the three-phase turn-on times.
represents a 50% growth year-on-year [1]. The total global The output distortions are then eliminated by modifying the
installed capacity at the end of 2016 amounted to at least 303 reference voltages. In [8], a zero-sequence voltage was used
GW. Grid-connected PV systems account for more than 99% for the asymmetric control of dc-link voltages. This method
of PV installed capacity compared to the stand-alone systems does not need additional hardware investment. However, the
[2]. effectiveness of the MPPT algorithm is limited, especially
Large scale PV power systems up to 1 MW are made of PV when the main converter is working at high modulation
arrays usually connected to 1000V dc central inverters. As the indexes and the power distribution between the PV sources is
technology becomes mature, there has been continuous effort very unbalanced. Under these conditions, the MPPT algorithm
in improving the system efficiency and in reducing the cost. is not able to work at the maximum power point.
The effective way to achieve these goals is to increase the A dc-bus voltage balancing algorithm for three-level neutral-
system voltage. Also, the voltage constraint imposes a limit point-clamped (NPC) traction inverter drive is proposed in
on the maximum number of modules that can be connected. [9] using modified virtual space vector PWM (VSVPWM)
Over time, PV inverter technology has settled for installations strategy, which uses both the positive and negative redundant
under 1000 V (open-circuit), and a typical MPPT bus range voltage vectors alternatively as a virtual vector.
covers from 575 V (lower dc-bus limit) to 850 V (upper dc-bus A single power stage topology was proposed for grid-
limit). At certain extreme temperatures (-20 ◦ C and 70 ◦ C) will connected inverter using three-level central NPC inverter [10]
position the MPP and power curves well outside the inverter by adding an auxiliary converter in parallel to the dc-link. This
dc-bus voltage operating area, compromising the inverter abil- solution follows a similar approach to the one proposed in this
ity to shield maximum power extraction [3]. Lower dc-bus paper. However, it requires additional inductive and capacitive
limit extension allows energy capture under low radiation and elements that make it a bit more complex and potentially
high PV temperatures (70 ◦ C) and the extension of the upper expensive.
dc-bus voltage allows for greater energy extraction under high In [11], the main focus is to develop a control strategy for
B. Karanayil is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommu- the three-level NPC inverter when the different zones receive
nications, UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]). different solar irradiance levels. Such a strategy would increase
S. Ceballos is with Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Derio, Spain (e-mail: power production under partial shading without additional
[email protected]).
J. Pou is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang dc/dc converters and without communication between individ-
Technology University, 639798 Singapore (e-mail: [email protected]). ual inverter controllers. A real MPPT method for mismatching
compensation in PV array under partial shading conditions operate at higher efficiency. Besides, the power rating of this
is presented in [12]. In this case, the full PV array power auxiliary unit is considerably low which will make the system
flows through a dc-dc converter to the grid-connected inverter. economically feasible and operate with reduced switching and
The distributed MPPTs enables better power generation during conduction losses. The generated power from the PV array
partial shading at the expense of higher switching losses in is maximized to achieve the best system efficiency. All these
the additional power converters during less shading conditions features make the proposed solution particularly feasible for
and vice versa for the central MPPTs [13]. The annual energy large power plants with central inverters, where the system
yield with the help of distribution of dc-dc converters and efficiency is very critical.
MPPT controllers in a large scale PV power plant, where This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the
the dc-dc converters are connected between the PV arrays conventional and the proposed MPPT schemes for central NPC
and central inverter [14]. In common large-scale installations, inverter topology. The operation of the auxiliary converter
hundreds or even thousands of PV panels are arranged in for the proposed MPPT is described in Section III. The
arrays and connected to a single inverter. Even though central elimination of low-frequency ripples is explained in Section
converter uses a simple topology, has high reliability and good IV. Simulation results for both MPPT schemes and their
conversion efficiency, it has poor MPPT capabilities, which comparison are presented in Section V. Experimental results
impacts the overall system performance [15]. The effect of are discussed in Section VI. A comparitive analysis of MPPTs
partial shading in a large scale PV power plant is investigated is provided in Section VII. Finally, Section VIII summarizes
in [16], but here, microinverters are connected to the PV the main conclusions of this work.
panels. In the power plant proposed in [17], the PV module
output feeds the inverter through a current fed dual-active
bridge dc-dc converter with high-frequency isolation. A new
architecture for PV grid-connected converters based on a
string mini boost stage was introduced in [18]. In [19], an
A typical large scale PV inverter operates up to 1000 V dc
energy storage system is added at inverter level; enabling the
and has a single PV array connected to a the dc-bus. When
PV system to store energy during standard operation, and
the dc-link voltage is increased to 1500 V dc, it becomes
releasing stored energy when performing PV curve scan, hence
necessary to connect more panels in series or two PV arrays
achieving global MPPT in central inverter PV power plants.
in series as in Fig. 1, similar to a configuration described
The methods previously proposed in [8]–[18] can be cate-
in [20]. The single MPPT controller uses the total PV array
gorized in two groups. The first category is where the MPPT
voltage vP V and current iP V to estimate the MPP voltage
control is implemented without the need of an additional
vP∗ V Conv which sets the dc-link voltage reference vdc ∗
power converter. The implementation of these methods does
the inverter. The disdavantage is that when there is partial
not need additional investment in power converters which
shading on one of the arrays, the MPP operation fails and
make them attractive. In particular, the method proposed in
the net power extracted from the whole PV array is reduced.
[8] uses an NPC converter as the main converter, similar to
The optimal PV terminal voltage was calculated using an MPP
the solution proposed in this paper. However, as discussed
algorithm dP/dV control [21]. Few typical modelling results
above, the effectiveness of the MPPT in [8] is reduced at
for this scenario are described in Section V.
high modulation indexes when the power production of the
PV arrays is highly unbalanced. The method proposed in In order to extract the maximum power from the PV arrays
this paper overcomes this issue and guarantees the maximum during partial shading, the conventional MPPT of the central
power extraction over the whole range of working conditions. inverter is modified as shown in Fig. 2. Here, an auxiliary
The second category is where additional power converters converter unit is inserted in parallel to the dc-link. This system
are required as in [11]–[18]. Most of them use a dc-dc operates in two different modes based on the solar radiation
converter in series with the dc-link. This causes the entire levels on the two arrays. The ratio (pP V1 -pP V2 ) / Pmax of
dc power to go through this converter irrespective of the fact the measured powers of PV arrays P V1 and P V2 is used
that there is partial shading, which reduces the overall system to switch between conventional and proposed MPPT modes.
efficiency. In addition, whenever a dc-dc converter is added When the ratio (pP V1 -pP V2 ) / Pmax is < 20%, it operates in
in series between the PV array and the inverter, not only conventional MPPT mode. On the other hand, when (pP V1 -
the power loss of that converter reduces the overall system pP V2 ) / Pmax is ≥ 20%, it operates on the proposed MPPT
efficiency, but also the power rating of the dc-dc converter mode.
will be the same as that of the inverter, which makes this The grid-connected inverter control used in Figs. 1 and 2 are
option expensive. In large central inverters, the decision to voltage oriented control (VOC) implemented in the rotational
invest in extra power converters to gain power generation dq reference frame.
during partial shading is overshadowed by the additional cost As it is observed, it is based on the use of three proportional-
of this extra converter. These issues are overcome with the integral (PI) regulators to control the dc voltage and the dq
proposed solution. It consists of a partially-rated modular components of the current. This control scheme is well known
auxiliary power converter leg that is inserted in parallel to and there are multiple publications dealing with it. In order to
the dc-link. The auxiliary converter comes into operation only tune the PI regulators, the guidelines given in the Appendix
during excessive partial shading, which indirectly makes it of [22] can be followed.
iP V
vP V
vC2 Lg
vdc = vP∗ V−Conv ia ea
Lg ib eb
vdc i0 ic
Lg ec
vC1 eC eB eA
id iq ed eq
Fig. 1. Large scale grid-connected PV energy conversion system: Conventional MPPT for central NPC inverter topology (two arrays in series forming the
iP V2 iP V
vP V2
T3 vC2
vP V
Lg ia ea
vdc Lg ib eb
iP V1 T2 i0 Lg ic ec
vP V1 vC1
eC eB eA
id iq ed eq
T2 vP∗ V−Conv
vP∗ V−P rop
vP∗ V−Conv ∗
vP∗ V−P rop vdc
pP V1 −pP V2
Fig. 2. Large scale grid-connected PV energy conversion system: Proposed MPPT for central NPC inverter topology.
A. Conventional MPPT Mode then the MPPT tracks the total power of the two arrays as if
it was only one. The calculated total dc-link voltage reference
In this case, the two PV arrays P V1 and P V2 are connected vP∗ V−Conv is provided to the NPC inverter control in Fig. 1.
to the grid only with the three-level NPC inverter as in
Fig. 1. During this conventional MPPT mode, the dc voltage
reference for the maximum power point is calculated by a B. Proposed MPPT Mode
MPPT controller based on the total dc voltage of two arrays
in series (vP V ) and the PV array current (iP V ) to the inverter. In this case, the auxiliary converter is added in parallel to
If the solar radiation level in the two arrays is similar which the dc-link and its output is connected to the midpoint of the
satisfies: two PV arrays P V1 and P V2 . In this mode, there are two
independent MPPT controllers for both PV arrays P V1 and
pP V1 − pP V2 P V2 . The sum of the two voltage references calculated by
< 20% (1)
Pmax the MPPT controllers (vP∗ V1 + vP∗ V2 = vP∗ V−P rop ) becomes the
vP∗ V1
iP V2
T4 vP∗ V1 T1
vP V1 T2
DC vP V2 C2 v2 iP V1 T3
T3 vP V1
L iL vP V1 +vP V2
vP∗ V2
iP V1 vL vP V2 vP∗ V−P rop
iP V2
DC vP V1 C1 v1
Fig. 4. Control scheme for proposed auxiliary converter unit.
vP∗ V1
Fig. 3. Proposed auxiliary converter. (V) vP V2
vP V1
-Array PV1 0.5
(kW/m2) 1
-Array PV2
(kW/m2) 0.5
3000 4
Grid Proposed MPPT Conventional MPPT
power 5
7 AM 9 AM 11 AM 1 PM 3 PM 5 PM 7 PM
Time (Hr) 7
Parameter Value
Maximum power of the PV array at Vmp , Pmax 1.0 kW
Open circuit voltage of the PV array, Voc 173.5 V
Voltage at maximum power, Pmax 125.0 V
Rated power of Regatron ACS grid simulator 50 kVA
Line-to-line voltage of Regatron ACS grid simulator, ELL 400 V
Grid-side line-line voltage, DYN11 isolation transformer 400 V
Inverter-side line-line voltage, DYN11 isolation transformer 200 V
Dc-link capacitance, C1 = C2 = C 4950 µF
External line inductor, 3 x Lg 10 mH
Auxiliary converter inductor, L 20 mH
Inverter switching frequency, fs 10 kHz
Auxiliary converter switching frequency, fc 10 kHz
MPPT controller frequency 100 Hz
from the Regatron simulator. The power of P V1 dropped to Fig. 11. Experimental results: Power of PV Array P V1 with partial shading
190 W at 168V. The MPPT curve of P V1 is shown in Fig. 11, on PV Array P V2 with conventional MPPT.
and the power of P V2 dropped to 90 W at 105 V, as indicated
by the MPPT curve in Fig. 12. The total output power from
1000 W/m2 . The steady state grid currents are recorded and
the two PV arrays dropped to 280 W. The variations in the
they are shown in Fig. 15. The THD of the grid voltage Uthd
array voltages, currents and powers were recorded in the
is 1.13 % and that of the grid current Ithd is 2.49 %, as shown
oscilloscope and are shown in Fig. 13. The harmonic spectrum
in Fig. 16. The THD values are calculated by averaging the
of grid voltage and current were measured with the power
individual THD values of the three phases. Then the same test
analyzer WT1800. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the
as in Section VI-A was repeated. In this case, the power of
grid voltage Uthd is 1.552 % and that of the grid current Ithd is
P V2 was found to drop to 92 W at 123 V as indicated from
3.828 %, as shown in Fig. 14. The THD values are calculated
the MPP curve in Fig. 17, recorded from the first Regatron
by averaging the individual THD values of the three phases.
simulator. However, the power of P V1 was maintained at 1000
W as shown in the MPP curve in Fig. 18 recorded from the
B. Partial Shading on P V2 with Proposed MPPT Regatron simulator. The total power output from the two PV
In this test, the auxiliary converter was added, as shown arrays dropped to 1092 W. The variations in the array voltages,
in Fig. 2. As before, both Regatron PV simulators were currents and powers were recorded in the oscilloscope and is
programmed to produce 1 kW output power at irradiance of shown in Fig. 19. Here the current in the inductor L of the
Fig. 14. Experimental results with Conventional MPPT: THD values of grid
currents and voltages without partial shading.
ia ib ic
vP V
Time (10 ms/div)
vP V1
Fig. 15. Experimental results with proposed MPPT: Grid currents ia , ib , ic
(5A/div) without partial shading.
vP V2
iP V1
iP V2
pP V1
Fig. 16. Experimental results with proposed MPPT: THD values of grid
currents and voltages without partial shading.
pP V2
Time (500 ms/div)
Grid variables Conventional MPPT Proposed MPPT
Fig. 13. Experimental results for partial shading on PV Array P V2 with voltage ea 1.559 % 1.118 %
conventional MPPT, from top to bottom: PV array voltages vP V2 and vP V1 voltage eb 1.535 % 1.199 %
(100V/div), vP V (250V/div), PV array currents iP V2 and iP V1 , (10A/div),
PV array powers pP V2 and pP V1 (1000W/div). voltage ec 1.562 % 1.081 %
current ia 3.814 % 2.432 %
current ib 3.676 % 2.386 %
current ic 3.994 % 2.679 %
auxilary power converter, rises to 7.25 A as shown in Fig.
19. The difference between the two PV array currents iP V2 -
iP V1 because of the partial shading flows through the inductor
(L) as iL . The voltages vP V1 and vP V2 are not balanced now, Fig. 20. It was found that the THD of the grid voltage Uthd is
still there is no low frequency distortion in the grid currents 1.13 % and that of the grid current Ithd is 3.25 %, as shown
because of the modified PWM strategy described in Section in Fig. 21. A comparison of THD values of grid voltages and
IV. currents with the conventional and the proposed MPPTs is
The steady state grid currents are recorded and shown in shown in Table III.
vP V
vP V1
vP V2
iP V1
iP V2
ia ib ic
vP V
vP V
vP V2 vP V2
vP V1
iP V2 vP V1
iP V2
iP V1
iP V1
pP V2 iL
pP V2
pP V1
Real MPPT [12] Distributed MPPT [13] Conventional MPPT [15] Proposed MPPT
Reliability High Low High High
Number of sensors High High Low High
Cost Low Highest Low High
Conversion efficiency High Low High High
Only one High number of Only one Additional converter
Number of converters power power converters in power of lower power rating
converter addition to main one converter
Same as that Same as that Same as that Can be selected depending
Rated power of MPPT
of the inverter of the inverter of the inverter on the partial shading
MPPT algorithm Complex Simple Complex Simple
All the If one or more All the All the power is lost if the
power dc-dc power main converter fails and no
is lost converter is lost power loss if the auxiliary
Redundancy if the fails only if the converter fails and there
dc-dc part of the main is no partial shading.
converter available power converter Otherwise a fraction of the
fails is lost fails available power is lost.
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