80-85 Standards Relevant To Transformers - P. Ramachandran

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relevant to
– Part III
CIGRÉ counts more than 3,500 experts
from all around the world working together
to optimise the existing equipment and
power systems, including transformers

standards, brochures, transformers,

80 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 4 | 2020


w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 81

CIGRÉ publishes technical brochures or

reports written by experts organised in
Work Groups; those materials are valuable
engineering guidelines used in practice

CIGRÉ - the council on large for the future, optimise the existing
electric systems equipment and power systems, respect
the environment, and facilitate access
CIGRÉ, the International Council on to information.
Large Electric Systems (before the year
2000 the name was the Internation- The CIGRÉ Technical Committee (TC)
al Conference on Large High Volt- is organised into 16 Study Committees
age Electric Systems) was founded in (SC), which in turn consist of several
1921. It is an international nonprofit Working Groups (WG), Joint Working
association for promoting collabora- Groups (JWG), and Advisory Groups
tion with experts from all around the (AG). Most of the technical work is per-
world by sharing knowledge and join- formed in the WGs, which are set up for The product of a WG is usually a Tech-
ing forces to improve electric power a limited amount of time and must pro- nical Brochure, or a Report if the ma-
systems of today and tomorrow. duce specific deliverables. terial is regarded as not sufficient for a
Brochure. Transformer engineers are
CIGRÉ counts more than 3,500 experts Experts appointed in WGs can be ei- generally interested in the Technical
from all around the world, working ther full members (attending the meet- Brochures issued by the Study Com-
actively together in structured work ings) or corresponding members. The mittee “Transformers” (SC 12 until
programs overseen by the Technical WGs (or the AGs) report through their 2002 and after SC A2) and the Study
Committee. Their main objectives are convener on the progress of the work at Committee “Materials and Emerging
to design and deploy the power system the SC annual meeting. Test Techniques” (SC D1). The indepen-

82 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 4 | 2020

dent study committee (SC 12/later A2) accessories such as bushings and tap members can get these publications,
for transformers was constituted in changers. A selection of CIGRÉ Tech- free of cost, from the CIGRÉ website [1].
1949. CIGRÉ SC A2 covers design, nical Brochures that are of interest to Summaries of these brochures are pub-
construction, manufacture, and oper- transformer engineers is listed below. lished in the Electra Journal, published
ation of all types of power transform- Each of these brochures provides dis- bimonthly by CIGRÉ. The Electra exec-
ers, including industrial power trans- tilled technical knowledge on the sub- utive summaries will enable engineers to
formers, DC converters, phase-shifting ject, collated by global experts as a good grasp the main points and conclusions
transformers, reactors, and trans­former tutorial for the in-depth study. CIGRÉ of the topic covered in the brochure.

Table 1. CIGRÉ technical brochures related to transformers

No & Year Title Pages Working Group

35-1989 (2005) Monograph on GIS very fast transients 193 33.13.09

39-1990 Guidelines for modelling network elements when calculating transients 26 33.02

50-1995 Interruption of small inductive currents 223 13.02

60-1991 Metal oxide arresters for AC systems 100 33.06

66-1991 Statistical analysis of dielectric test 55 15.01.02

72-1992 Dielectric strength of external insulation 78 33.07

96-1995 Thermal aspects of transformers 165 12.09

105-1996 The mechanical effects of short circuit currents in open air substation 184 23.11

140-1999 Reliable fault clearance and back up protection 399 34.01

170-2000 Static electrification in power transformers 83 12.15.13

156-2000 Guide for customer specifications of transformers above 100 MVA 74 12.15

157 -2000 Effect of particles on transformer dielectric strength 43 12.17

170-2000 Static electrification in power transformers 83 12.15.13

204-2002 Guidelines for design review for transformers of 100 MVA and above 15 12.22

209-2002 Short circuit performance of power transformers 41 12.19

226-2003 Knowledge rules for PD diagnosis in service 91 15.11/33.03.02

227-2003 Life management techniques for power transformers 131 A2.18

240-2004 Analysis of HVDC thyristor converter transformer performance 32 B4.04/A2.1

248-2004 Economics of transformer management 66 2.20

254-2004 Dielectric response methods for diagnostics of power transformers 40 D1.01.09

296-2006 Recent developments in DGA interpretation 31 D1.01/A2.11

298-2006 Guide on transformer lifetime data management 88 A2.23

323-2007 Ageing of cellulose in mineral oil insulated transformers 87 D1.01-10

Mechanical condition assessment of transformer windings using frequen-

342-2008 61 A2.26
cy response analysis
Recommendations for condition monitoring and condition assessment
343-2008 24 A2.27
facilities for transformers

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 83

Moisture equilibrium and moisture migration within transformer insulation

349-2008 52 A2.30

366-2008 PD measurements in compliance to IEC 60270 55 D1.33

378-2009 Copper sulphide in transformer insulation 52 A2.32

393-2009 Thermal performance of transformers 103 A2.24

400-2009 Technical requirements for substations exceeding 800 kV 159 B3.22

HVDC converter transformers – Design review, test procedures, ageing

406-2010 38 A2/B4.28
evaluation, and reliability in service
HVDC converter transformers – Guidelines for conducting design reviews 22
407-2010 A2/B4.28
for HVDC converter transformers

409-2010 Gas monitors for oil-filled equipment 35 D1.01

413-2010 Insulating oil regeneration and dehalogenation 49 D1.01

414-2010 Dielectric response diagnoses for transformer windings 58 D1.01

Guidelines for lifetime condition assessment of HV assets and related

420-2010 65 D1.17
knowledge rules

432-2010 Protection relay co-ordination 179 B5.19

436-2010 Experiences in service with new insulating fluids 95 A2.35

DGA in non-mineral oils and tap-changers – An improved DGA diagnosis

443-2011 33 D1.32

444-2011 Guidelines for unconventional PD measurements 58 D1.33

445-2011 Guide for transformer maintenance 123 A2.34

Modern techniques for protecting, controlling and monitoring power

463-2011 218 B5.05

494-2012 Furanic compounds for diagnosis 71 D1.01

502-2012 HV on-site testing with PD measurement 70 D1.33

526-2013 Oxidation stability of insulating fluids 79 D1.30

528-2013 Guide for specifications for power transformers 70 A2.36

529-2013 Guide for design reviews for power transformers 79 A2.36

530-2013 Guide for factory capability assessment for transformers 103 A2.36

537-2013 Guide for transformer fire safety practices 139 A2.33

542-2013 Insulation coordination for UHV systems 289 C4.306

546-2013 Protection, monitoring and control of shunt reactors 198 B5.37

568-2014 Transformer energisation – A study guide 125 C4.307

569-2014 Resonance & ferro- resonance in power networks 170 C4.307

Electrical transient interaction between transformers and the power sys-

577A-2014 175 A2/C4.39
tem – Part 1 – Expertise
Electrical transient interaction between transformers and the power sys-
577B-2014 123 A2/C4.39
tem – Part 2 – Case studies
Past, present, and future of IEC &IEEE HV and high current testing
593-2014 61 D1.35

84 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 4 | 2020

Study of converter transients imposed on the HVDC converter transform-
609, 2015 153 B4.51

617-2015 Converter transformer failure data analysis (2003–2012) 56 B4.04

625-2015 Copper sulphide long term mitigation and risk assessment 96 A2.40

630-2015 Guide on transformer intelligent condition monitoring (TICM) systems 140 A2.44

642-2015 Transformer reliability survey 120 A2.37

646-2016 HVDC transformer insulation-oil conductivity 94 A2/D1.41

655-2016 Technology and utilisation of oil immersed shunt reactors 133 A2.48

659-2016 Transformer thermal modelling 188 A2.38

Guidelines for PD detection using conventional and unconventional

662-2016 116 D1.37

673-2016 Guide on transformer transportation 173 D A2.42

676-2017 Partial discharges in transformers 162 D D1.29

735-2018 Transformer post-mortem analysis 129 A2.45

738-2018 Ageing of liquid impregnated cellulose for power transformers 94 D1.53

755-2019 Transformer bushing reliability 126 WG A2.43

761-2019 Condition assessment of power transformers 163 WG A2.49

765-2019 Understanding and mitigating corrosion 197 WGD1.71-2019

771-2019 Advances in DGA interpretation 76 JWG D1/A2.47

779-2019 Field experience with transformer solid insulation ageing markers 78 WG A2-D1

783-2019 DGA monitoring systems 51 WG D1/A2.47

In the last few decades, CIGRÉ covered actual hot topics for various
fields of transformers technology with great care

[1] CIGRÉ A2 & D1 Study Committees, P. Ramachandran started his career in transformer
www.e-cigre.org industry in 1966 at TELK, Kerala, a Hitachi Joint venture,
in India. He worked with ABB India during 1999-2020.
[2] CIGRÉ, The History of CIGRÉ, Paris, He has more than 50 years of experience in the design
2011 and engineering of power products including power
transformers, bushings, and tap-changers. He received
[3] CIGRÉ, www.cigre.org
Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Kerala, India, and Master of
Business Administration Degree from Cochin University, India. He is a Fellow
of Institution of Engineers (India), and he represented India in CIGRE Study
Committee A2 for transformers during 2002 – 2010.

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