Con Trol Unit: Manual DV 60511.03 Issue1 July 1997
Con Trol Unit: Manual DV 60511.03 Issue1 July 1997
Con Trol Unit: Manual DV 60511.03 Issue1 July 1997
CU 5301 - ( )
Manual DV 60511.03
Issue 1 July 1997
Title 07/97
1 -I - 1-II 07/97
1-1 - 1-6 07/97
Table of contents
1.1 Introduction
The CU 5301 - ( ) control unit is described in the "Installation and Operation" DV 60511.03 and
"Maintenance and Repair" DV 60511.04 manuals.
The manuals DV 60511.03 "Installation and Operation" and DV 60511.04 "Maintenance and Repair"
contain the following sections:
1 General Information X X
2 Installation X X
3 Operation X X
4 Theory of Operation X
8 Circuit Diagrams X
1.2 Purpose
The CU 5301-( ) control unit is used to operate and control the RN 3320 - ( ) or RN 3330 - ( ) navigation
receiver. Both enable the reception and evaluation of VOR and LOC signals in the 108.00 MHz -
117.95 MHz frequency range on 200 channels. The RN 3320 - ( ) also contains a glidepath receiver
for the reception and evaluation of glidepath signals in the 329.15 MHz to 335.00 MHz frequency range
on 40 channels.
The mechanical construction of the control unit is such that it can be installed without limitation in
aircraft. There is no restriction with regard to installation in the instrument panel or installation by rigid
attachment to the fuselage in any aircraft, including rotary wing aircraft, in the verified environmental
The control unit is designed for installation in the instrument panel of aircraft. The dimensions
correspond to the ARINC standard for standard instruments of 60 mm (2 1/4") diameter. Installation
is by means of four bolts (back panel mounting).
All the controls and indicators are located on the front panel. The equipment connectors are fitted on
the back.
Display Board,
Switch Board,
Processor Board,
Power Supply Board.
Mechanically the control unit consists of a front section and rear section. The front section contains
the Display Board and the Switch Board and these boards are connected to each other by a connector
and held in place within the unit by four bolts. The Processor Board, which is also secured to the front
section by two bolts, is mounted on the switch board. The Power Supply Board is inserted into the
rear section and secured from outside (back of rear section) by three bolts. After all the boards are
assembled, the front and rear sections are joined and secured to each other by four bolts inserted
from the front section.
After power on, an initialization phase takes place between the control unit and navigation receiver.
During this period, data transmission takes place from the remote navigation receiver to the control
unit. This is necessary because the data backup takes place in the remote navigation receiver. On
completion of this phase, the mode which was set before power off is automatically displayed on the
control unit.
The frequencies are indicated by means of an LC display. The required active working frequency can
be set in the top line of the LC display by means of the MHz and kHz frequency selector switches.
The MHz rotary switch engages at steps of 1 MHz, the kHz rotary switch at 50 kHz steps. In the
frequency preselection mode, a faster frequency change between the set active frequency and the
preset frequency is achieved by pressing the (<->) exchange key.
A storage device enables 20 different frequencies to be stored, which are also retained when the unit
is switched off.
Data transmission between the control unit and navigation receiver takes place through a bi-directional,
serial RS 422 interface.
Interface RS 422
Weight 0.26 kg
1.5 Software
All data such as the set frequencies, stored frequencies, selected mode etc. are stored in the navigation
receiver. If the control elements are altered, a data transmission immediately takes place to the remote
navigation receiver. The frequency display is controlled by a microcontroller. The software was classed
as level C in accordance with the EUROCAE/RTCA Document ED12B/DO-178B.
Table 1-1 shows the variants for the CU 5301 - ( ) control unit. There is no external difference between
the different variants, i.e. dimensions, installation depth etc. are the same for all the series.
1.7 Specification
FTZ 17 TR 2010
Table of contents
Fig. 2-1 Installation dimensions for the control unit CU 5301-( ) 2-6
2.1 General
The installation of the control unit depends on the type of aircraft and its equipment and therefore only
general information can be given in this section.
Before installing the control unit in an aircraft, carry out a visual inspection for any transport damage,
paying particular attention to the following.
1. Dirt, dents, scratches, corrosion, broken attaching parts on the housing and housing parts.
2. Dirt and scratches on the identification plate, front panel, LC display and marking.
The control unit is designed for installation in the instrument panel of an aircraft. It is constructed for
rear panel mounting. The circular cutout and the attaching holes are to be drilled to suit a small
instrument size. The necessary dimensional details are given in Fig. 2-1. The unit is attached using
four bolts which are included in the scope of delivery. The aircraft wiring diagram is in Manual
DV 60603.04 of the RN 3320 - ( ) / RN 3330 - ( ) navigation receiver.
2.4.1 General
a.) Only cable fit for aviation (self-extinguishing) may be used. AWG 24 for power supply and AWG 24
for other cables.
b.) The interface lines TX-A/TX-B and RX-A/RX-B are each to be laid as 2-core twisted and screened
(AWG 24) cables.
c.) Rubber sleeves are to be fitted over the soldering points on the equipment connector.
e.) No HF cable should be included in the cable harnesses. Laying connecting cables together with
cables which carry LF power or impulses is also to be avoided.
f.) Check the wiring carefully before switching on the unit, particularly that (UB+) and (GND) have not
been mixed up.
The control unit is fitted with panel and display lighting. It can also be connected via a dimmer system.
Connection panel and display 13,75 V Power supply 27,5 V Power supply
P 31 - Pin 6 ILL.A + 13,75 V Ground
P 31 - Pin 8 ILL.B Ground + 27,5V
The panel and display lighting is not switched off when the unit is switched off ON/OFF
Fig. Figure
AC Alternating current
AM Amplituden modulation
CU Control Unit
dB Dezibel
DC Direct current
EXT External
ft Feet
ILL.A Illumination.A
ILL.B Illumination.B
GS Glideslope
GND Ground
LBA Luftfahrt-Bundesamt
LOC Localizer
MAX Maximum
MKR Marker
NAV Navigation
NR Navigation receiver
OUT Output
PTT Push-To-Talk
PWR Power
RD Read
SQL Squelch
TR Transceiver
VOL Volume
ZF Intermediate frequency
Table of contents
1 Store key Storing the set frequency and other settings in the service
6 Fre quen cy chan ge Swit ches the in di ca ted fre quen cy in 50 kHz steps or the
switch sto ra ge chan nel up or down in sing le steps.
(in ner ro ta ry switch)
8 ON/OFF switch ON/OFF switch of NAV re cei ver and vo lu me con trol.
com bi ned with vo lu me
LC dis play
4 (Bot tom line) Dis play of pre set re cep ti on fre quen cy in the fre-
(Pre set fre quency) quen cy pre se lec ti on mode.
4 (Bot tom line) Dis play of the set sto ra ge chan nel in the chan-
nel set ting mode.
4 (Bot tom line) CH dis play flas hes: if an ac ti vat ed sto ra ge ope-
ra ti on is not com ple ted by pres sing the STO
ch = free chan nel:
CH = oc cu pied chan nel (can be over writ ten).
15-pole sub mi nia tu re, male Equip ment con nec tor for con nec ting the air craft cab ling
Push-in loc king
3.2.1 Preparation
Switch on the aircraft power supply (check that the circuit breaker for the navigation system is set).
Do not switch on the control unit if engines or motors are being started up or shut down.
a. Rotate the volume control clockwise and switch on the navigation system.
System initialization takes place, i.e. data is transmitted between the control unit and
navigation receiver for the first 5 to 10 seconds after power on. The display flashes during
this period. After completion of the initialization, the mode which was set before power
off appears.
In all modes, disturbances of the navigation system are displayed in the form of fault
l E5 interface fault
A comprehensive description of the various modes follows the general operating instructions.
a. Press both keys IDT and MDE simultaneously. All segments of the LC display shall flash. At the
same time the VOR/LOC needle (vertical needle) of the connected display unit shall deflect halfway
and the VOR/LOC warning flag disappear from the field of view. The GS needle (horizontal needle)
of the connected display unit shall also be half deflected and the GS flag shall disappear from the
field of view.
2. To monitor the identification signal, press the IDT key (ON appears briefly in the bottom line of the
LC display). Monitor the identification signal and compare it with the set identification signal of the
required VOR station. Adjust the volume using the VOL control.
3. If an evaluable VOR signal enables a safe bearing to be established, the vertical needle deflects
and the VOR/LOC flag disappears from the field of view.
4. Rotate the omnibearing selector (OBS) on the display unit until the TO/FROM display indicates TO
and the vertical needle has settled in the mid position. The heading indication then indicates the
magnetic course to the VOR station.
5. Course deviations during the approach are indicated in the direction of correction by the vertical
needle (course correction in the direction of the needle deflection).
6. When overflying the VOR station, the TO/FROM display moves from TO to FROM. If the flight is
continued on the same heading, the course indication shows the magnetic position line of the VOR
station which the aircraft is approaching, with the vertical needle in the mid position.
1. Press the IDT key. The word OFF appears briefly in the bottom line of the LC display. Identification
transmissions are faded out.
2. The fading out of the VOR indication signal means that flight and weather information can now be
3. Press the IDT key again. The word ON appears briefly in the display. The identification signal can
now be monitored.
2. Switch on the VOR identification (press the IDT key, ON appears briefly in the display). Monitor the
Morse identification signal and compare it with the set identification signal of the required localizer.
3. The vertical needle (command needle) deflects during the approach to the localizer in the direction
in which the course is to be corrected in order to obtain the correct landing course. A mid position
of the needle means that the aircraft is on the correct line for landing.
2. Switch on the VOR identification (press the IDT key, ON appears briefly in the display). Monitor the
Morse identification signal and compare it with the set identification signal.
3. If a glidepath signal of sufficient strength is present, the GS warning flag disappears from the field
of view.
4. The GS needle (horizontal command needle) deflects during the approach in the direction in which
the flight level has to be corrected in order to obtain the specified glidepath. A mid position of the
needle means that the aircraft is on the glidepath.
The navigation system contains various functions which are performed under three modes. The
individual modes are selected by pressing the MDE key on the control unit.
Display of the active frequency in the top line. The bottom line is switched off. The active
frequency can be directly changed using the frequency selector switches.
Display of the active and preset frequency. The preset frequency can be set using the
frequency change switches. Pressing the exchange key changes over from the active to the
preset frequency.
Display of the stored frequencies in the storage channels. The channels can be selected
using the frequency selector switches.
All setting or frequency changes are automatically stored after two seconds. This means
that changes which are made immediately before switching off are not stored. This does
not include deliberate storage operations performed using the STO key.
The active frequency is shown in the top line. The bottom line is switched off.
The active frequency can be changed using the MHz and kHz frequency selector switches.
The set frequency is held even when the unit is switched off.
Change of mode
Select the mode using the MDE key. The last indicated active and preset frequency are shown in the
top and bottom lines respectively.
The preset frequency (bottom line) is set using the MHz and kHz frequency selector switches.
Pressing the <-> exchange key changes over between the active and preset frequency.
The navigation receiver is always ready to receive on the frequency shown in the top line.
Change of mode
Select the channel setting mode using the MDE key. The last indicated storage channel appears in
the bottom line and the stored frequency is shown in the top line. The navigation receiver is ready to
receive on this frequency.
Select the require channel using the kHz frequency selector switch (single steps) or MHz frequency
selector switch (steps of ten).
Only occupied channels can be selected.
Change of mode
A storage procedure can be performed at any time and is activated by pressing the STO key.
a. Press the STO key. The active frequency remains indicated in the top line. The navigation system
is ready to receive on this frequency. The active frequency is shown flashing in the bottom line and,
in the frequency preselection mode, the preset frequency. Set the required frequency using the
kHz frequency selector switch and the MHz frequency selector switch.
b. Press the STO key. The next free channel is shown flashing "ch". The channel in which the
frequency is to be entered is selected using the MHz and kHz frequency switches. Channels which
are already occupied are indicated by "CH" and can be overwritten.
c. Press the STO key. The frequency is stored in the selected channel and the storage procedure
If no input (action) takes place for more than 7 seconds during the storage procedure,
the operation is automatically broken off. A storage operation can be broken off at any
time by pressing the MDE key.
The service mode is designed to enable the technicians to set the equipment configurations on the
ground, and must not be called up in flight.
Press and hold the MDE key whilst the unit is being switched on and wait until the version number is
displayed. As long as the MDE key is held pressed, the following is shown in the top line.
On the left, two positions of the version number of the navigation receiver.
Right two positions of the version number of the control unit.
Release the MDE key. FrCh appears in the top line and OFF or ON in the bottom line.
In the service mode the navigation receiver is not ready for operation.
The parameters are selected in stages in the service mode by pressing the MDE key.
Select the FrCh parameter using the MDE key. The following characters are displayed.
Select the required setting using the kHz switch and press the STO key to store the selection.
OFF= Frequency setting not possible. The navigation receiver can only operate on
the frequencies stored in the individual channels.
ON= Frequency setting possible (standard setting).
Select the required setting using the kHz switch and press the STO key to store the selection.
OFF= It is not possible to store the frequencies in the individual channels. The
navigation receiver can only operate on the already stored frequency when
in the channel mode.
ON= Storage of frequency in the individual channels is possible (standard setting).
Select the dEL parameter using the MDE key. The following characters are displayed.
Using the kHz (single steps) and MHz (steps of ten) switches, select the channel to be deleted. Press
the STO key to delete the stored frequency. The frequency set in channel 1 cannot be deleted, but
can only be overwritten by another frequency.
Select the COdE parameter using the MDE key. The following characters are displayed.
Using the MHz switch, select the character (selected character flashes) and then set the characters
using the kHz switch. Store the numerical code by pressing the STO key.
Immediately a password is given, 0000 is displayed in the bottom LC display when the
service mode is called up. The numerical code must then by entered using the MHz and
kHz switches and the STO key pressed. The service mode can only be entered if the
correct numerical code is given. If the password is changed or deleted, the function code
is to be called up in the service mode using the old password. Then enter the new
numerical code (new password) or 0000 (delete password). Press the STO key to store
the numerical code.
To end the service mode, switch off the navigation system at the control unit.
Press and hold the IDT and MDE keys whilst switching on the unit. All the stored frequencies in the
storage channels are deleted, with the exception of channel 01.
l Switch off the control unit before starting or shutting down engines !
l The NAV system should be protected from the aircraft power supply by its own 1 A
circuit breaker.
l Warning! Reception is only possible when there is a quasi-optical sight to the VOR
l When the warning flag in the display unit appears, the course deviation needle is in
the mid position, it must then not be used in the continuing flight !
l Warning! When flying with the autopilot locked on to VOR, the OBS must not be
rotated because any change in the off-course needle is followed by the autopilot !
l If the off-course needle instrument fails, no warning flag appears. Check the off-
course needle by activating the TEST function. The off-course needle must deflect
halfway. Important to check before approach to landing !
l When overflying VOR stations a cone of silence of ± 45° occurs in which the warning
flag appears and the off-course needle stays in the mid position.
l When flying over mountains the off-course needle may deviate about the mid position
(reflections) when approaching or leaving VOR stations. VOR stations produce
substantially more stable indications under these conditions.
l EMC note: If the antennas of RT equipment and the navigation receiver are not
sufficiently decoupled, it is possible that the warning flag may appear during trans-
mission or the off-course needle may deflect. Inadequate decoupling is possible with
airframes made of wood or synthetic materials or where the antennas are mounted
close together.