Syllabus: Institute of Business and Public Affairs Second Semester AY 2021 - 2022 College Vision

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Institute of Business and Public Affairs
Second Semester; AY 2021 – 2022


“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”


1. To elevate knowledge generation, utilization and distribution;

2. To promote inclusive sustainable development through research and extension-based higher quality education, technical vocational skills, responsive to the
needs of local and global community; and
3. To produce holistic, creative and inclusive human resource which are responsive and resilient to global challenges while maintaining strong sense of

1. God-centered and humane;
2. Critical and Creative;
3. Disciplined and Competent;
4. Committed and Collaborative; and
5. Resilient and Sustainable.

1. Research-oriented and innovative;
2. Empowered with sense of professionalism;
3. ICT enabled;
4. Effective Communicator; and
5. Endowed with Filipino and universal values.
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1. To create a vibrant classroom environment by providing ample classroom facilities, laboratory equipment and apparatus to enrich institutional
2. To produce technically competent and globally competitive hoteliers and restaurateurs by nurturing and sustaining a renowned level of skills-based
training and research-based development in the hospitality and tourism sector.
3. To generate adequately skilled and technically knowledgeable law enforcers who are proficient in the law enforcement and in the fields of
4. To spawn ethical and globally qualified professionals equipped with a reasonable managerial, financial and entrepreneurial skills.

BSBA Program Educational Objectives in Relation to DOrSU Mission


The BSBA graduates, 2 to 5 years after completing the program, should be able to: 1 2 3
1. Complete understanding of the concepts, principles and the theories of Financial Management.   
2. Help the students to seek employment and assume entry-level jobs or position of responsibility as financial analyst, financial manager or executive.   
3. Prepare the students to pursue a teaching career or graduate studies in business.   
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BSBA Program Student Outcomes (PSO) in Relation to the Program Educational Objectives

The BSBA graduates should be able to: 1 2 3
1. Convey ideas clearly both oral and written in English.   
2. Prepare, analyze and evaluate reports, proposals and concept papers.   
3. Demonstrate the values of fairness, transparency, accountability, hard work, honesty, patience, diligence, innovativeness and risk taking.   
4. Apply the principles of the different forms of communication.   
5. Develop the ability to access, retrieve and disseminate information using IT.   
6. Perform quality work.   
7. Understand the concepts and principles of good interpersonal relations.   
8. Develop a wholesome personality.   
9. Participate actively in a business association and comply with their policies and obligations.   
10. Demonstrate leadership qualities, civic-mindedness and responsible citizenship.   
11. Conduct environmental scanning.   
12. Conduct feasibility study and other business research/plan.   
13. Explain the concepts, approaches and techniques of environmental conservation.   
14. Know and understand the country’s national development thrusts, concerns and socio-economic indicators.   

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5. NUMBER OF UNITS : 3 units
6. CONTACT HOURS : 54 hours
7. COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course discusses the fundamentals of banks and other non-bank financial institution activities. This
also further enhances the student’s knowledge as to the role and significance of financial institutions in the daily lives of the people and to the overall
economy. Also, this course helps the students understand the different perspectives in viewing banks and other financial institutions may be a client, an
employee or policy maker. Topics about bank structure, interest rates, exchange rates, bank management and the different policies affecting the banking
industry are extensively discussed in this subject.


Revies and solidify student’s comprehension on essential topics both in economics (money, payment system and monetary policy) and
finance (interest rates, financial system, financial markets, financial instruments).
Introduce advance topics in banking and financial institutions (bank organization, management & supervision, bank reports, credit
instruments, loan and discount function, exchange function, trust function etc.).
Introduce the pertinent banking laws in the Philippines (Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, R>A>1405 – Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposits, R>A>
No. 6462 – Foreign Currency Act of the Philippines etc.)


Course Level Student Outcomes Satisfied Course Outcomes Proficiency
Outcomes Assessment Through
CLO1 I, D SO1, SO2, SO3 Formative or Summative
CLO2 I, E, D SO1, SO2, SO3 Formative or Summative
CLO3 I, E, D SO1, SO2, SO3 Formative or Summative
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Legend: Level
/ I / = Introductory Course. This course introduces students to the SO.
/ E/ = Enabling Course. This course enables the students to eventually achieve the indicated SO.
/D/ = Demonstrative Course. This course requires students to demonstrate the achievement of the indicated SO.

Teaching And
Time Learning
Frame Desired Learning Objectives Processes/Teaching Student
Topic/Task Learning
(by (DLO) and Learning Assessment
week) Activities
Class Orientation At the end of the session, the students should
 Welcoming be able to:
 Understand the classroom policies, Orientation
 Roll Call
requirements, and grading system; Sharing
 Class Expectations Reactions
 Understand DORSU VMG and Quality
 Rules of the House Policy;
Week 1
 Course Overview  Get the overview of the entire course;
 Grading System  Be aware of the requirements and the
 Gender and Development topics to be assigned of the course.
 Introduction and Distribution of
Course Outline
Bank and Banking Perspective At the end of the session, the students should  Group Chat-  Written/ Oral
 Historical Perspective Worldwide be able to: Lesson Quiz
 Philippine Banking History  Explain the historical context of banking Dissemination  Assignment
 Nature of Banking Business and how banking evolved in the  Multi-media (Classroom or
Week  Types of Banks Philippines. Also understand the different Presentation CLO1 thru GC) or
1-3  Economic Significance of Banks perspective about banks, its nature of  Interactive CLO2  Web-based
 Why the States supervises banks business and why the state supervises them. Discussion Assessment
Finally, identify the types of banks and  Web-based
their economic significance. Instructions
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Bank Organization At the end of the sessions, the students
should be able to:  Group Chat-
 General Aspects in Bank
Establishment  Comprehend the different aspects in bank  Written/ Oral
 Organization, Management and establishment, organization, management, Quiz
Administration and administration. Also understand the  Multi-media  Assignment
bank licensing and why banks are created Presentation CLO1
 Licensing of Foreign Banks (Classroom or
as corporation.  Interactive CLO2
 Why Banks are established as thru GC) or
Corporation  Web-based
 Web-based
 Bank Location Assessment
 Role of Regulatory Government (
Bodies in Bank Organization
Bank Management At the end of the sessions, the students
 Board of Directors should be able to:
 Bank Officers  Understand how banks are being
 Bank Operation managed, from its directors down to its  Group Chat-
officers. Also comprehend the basic Lesson
 Personal and Educational Qualities
operations of banks and the personal and Dissemination
of a Banker  Written/
educational qualifications of a bank  Multimedia
Oral Quiz
management. Instruction CLO1
Week 4 Bank Supervision and Examination  Assignment
 Lecture/ CLO2
 Purpose of Examination and (Classroom or thru
 Explain the reason for bank examination Discussion
Supervision GC)
and supervision. Also understand the  Sharing of
 External Supervision
mechanics of examination and the bank’s Opinions
 Mechanics of Examination
 Internal Controls internal control.
 Programming of Controls

Week Bank Credit Instruments At the end of the sessions, the students  Group Chat- CLO1  Written/ Oral
5-6  Negotiability of Credit Instruments should be able to: Lesson CLO2 Quiz
 General Division of Credit  Explain credit instruments’ negotiability, Dissemination  Assignment
Instruments presentment, dishonor and endorsement  Multimedia (Classroom or thru
 Promises to pay Vs. Orders to pay and their significance. Also differentiate Instruction GC)
 Checks and Drafts Distinguished promises to pay vs. order to pay.  Interactive
 Money Market Instruments Discussion
 Negotiation
 Presentment
 Dishonor
 Endorsement
 Significance of Bank Credit

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Bank Reports At the end of the sessions, the students  Group Chat
 Who Needs Bank Reports should be able to: Lesson
 Types of Bank Reports  Identify and analyze the types of bank Dissemination
reports; its major parts and sections,  Multi-media  Written/ Oral
 Bank Statement
earning and expenses and transactions. Lecture Quiz
Week  Bank Liabilities CLO1
 Sharing of  Assignment
7-8  Minimum Capital Requirements CLO2
Opinion (Classroom or
 Criticism on Published Statements thru GC)
 Analysis of Transactions
 Classification of Bank Accounts

Bank Deposits At the end of the sessions, the students

 Ways of Enticing Depositors should be able to:
 Deposits defined  Explain what deposits are and identify its
 Types of deposits types and its significance. Also discuss
 Kinds of Depositors the types of depositors and their motives
 Motives of Depositors of depositing their money in the bank.
 Significance of Deposits to a Bank Lastly, differentiate current from savings
 Current vs. Saving Accounts current.  Group Chat
Lesson  Written/ Oral
Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Dissemination Quiz
Week  Discuss the role of PDIC in the banking  CLO1
 Role of PDIC Multi-media  Assignment
9-10 industry, its composition and CLO2
 Board of Directors: Composition Lecture (Classroom or
management, sources of funds and its  Sharing of thru GC)
and Authority
essential functions.
 President Power and Duties Opinion
 Sources of Funds
 Bank Monitoring and Extension of
Financial Assistance
 Termination and Reinstatement of
Insured Status of Banks
 Payment of Insured Deposit Claims

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Bank Reserves At the end of the sessions, the students should
 Primary Reserves be able to:
 Factors Affecting Size of Primary  Identify and explain the reserves are, the
Reserve Requirements factors affecting its size and the differences  Group Chat
 Secondary Reserves between primary, secondary and investment Lesson
 Investment Reserves reserves. Also understand the Bangko Dissemination
 BSP’s Current Policies on Sentral ng Pilipinas current policies on  Multi-media  Written/ Oral
Reserve Requirements reserve requirement. Lecture Quiz
Week CLO1
 Web-based  Assignment
11-12 CLO2
The Loan and Discount Functions Instructions (Classroom or
 Loans vs. Discounts  Identify and differentiate the types of loan ( thru GC)
 Relation of Loans to Deposits and lines of credit. Also discuss the ph)
 Types of Loans relationship of loans and deposits.  Sharing of
 Lines of Credit Opinion
 Loan Portfolio
 Loan AND Discounts Department

The Exchange Function At the end of the sessions, the students should
 Items Exchanged be able to:
 The Cleaning House  Understand the exchange function of a bank  Group Chat
and the dynamics of it. Also discuss basic Lesson  Written/ Oral
 Origin of Modern-Day Clearing
exchange computations and international Dissemination Quiz
Week House CLO1
parity relationships.  Multi-media  Assignment
13-14  Kinds of Exchanges CLO2
Lecture (Classroom or
Communication Breakthroughs
 Sharing of thru GC)
 Collection Process
 Foreign Exchange

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The Trust Function At the end of the sessions, the students should
 Nature of Trust be able to:
 Origin of Trust Companies  Explain the trust function and activities of a  Group Chat
 Bank’s Trust Department bank and identify the kinds of trust, its Lesson  Written/ Oral
advantages and regulations. Dissemination Quiz
Week  Trust Activities of Banks CLO1
 Multi-media  Assignment
15  Kinds of Trust CLO2
Lecture (Classroom or
 Why Banks make better Trustees
 Sharing of thru GC)
 Advantages of Agent Services Opinion
 Investments of Trust Funds
 Regulation of Trust Companies
The International Financial Institutions At the end of the sessions, the students should
 The International Banking be able to:
 The World Bank  Identify and understand the functions and
services of international financial institutions
 The International Monetary Fund  Group Chat
and how they affect the Philippine economy.  Written/ Oral
 The Bank for International Lesson
Settlements Dissemination
Week CLO1  Assignment
 Multi-media
16-17  The Export-Import Bank CLO2 (Classroom or
 The Asian Development Bank thru GC)
 Sharing of
 The European Bank for Opinion
Reconstruction and Development
 The US Agency for International
The Philippine Banking Laws At the end of the sessions, the students should  Group Chat
 Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 be able to: Lesson  Written/ Oral
 R>A> 1405 – Law of Secrecy of  Discuss the pertinent banking laws in the Dissemination CLO1 Quiz
Bank Deposits Philippines and expound scenarios related to  Multi-media CLO2  Assignment
 R.A No. 6426 – Foreign Currency such law/policy. Lecture CLO3 (Classroom or
Act of the Philippines  Sharing of thru GC)
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1) Money, Banking, Financial Markets and Institutions by Michael W. Bradnl, 2017
2) Banking Theory and Practice by Mercedes M. Leuterio and Consuelo B. Estepa Revised Edition
3) Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Stephen G. Cechetti, Kermit L. Schoenholts and James Fackler, 2011
4) Introduction to Philippine Money, Credit and Banking by Ruby F. Alminar-Mutya
5) Money, Credit and Banking by Pagoso
6) Money, Credit and Banking by Feliciano R. Fajardo

1) Attendance/ Recitation
2) Activity Performance/ Participation
3) Requirements
4) Three Major Examinations

Grading System:
A. Classroom
Attendance, Behavior and 25%
B. Quizzes, Oral, Assignments, 45%
Reports, and Research Works
C. Major Examinations or a 30%
Research Paper for finals
TOTAL 100%

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1. The attendance policy, students are required to answer discussion forum posted in the LMS/GC. No reaction to the forum for the whole week
means absent and no grade in the participation.
2. Observe the Office Memorandum No. 39, s. 2020. Interim Academic Policy Guide in time of COVID-19 Quarantine, dated June 1, 2020.
3. Gadgets Requirement
 Any of the following if available: laptop, smartphone, and ordinary phone.
4. Modality of the Conduct of Classes
1. Set up computer 30 minutes before the start of the class. Check Camera and microphone. Make sure of a conducive environment, well-lit and free from distractions.
2. Have all the materials and resources prescribe in the class for each session.
3. Please wear any collared shirt or blouse with sleeves
4. Observe punctuality in virtual class. Policies on attendance and tardiness shall apply
5. Show respect to the instructor and peer. Observe proper netiquette at all times.
6. Be clear, concise, and professionals when communication with your teachers and peers. Sharing or personal information, photos, or videos that may embarrass, insult, or
offend others is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
7. Do not flood/interrupt the online class with irrelevant posts or messages.
8. Limit or avoid unnecessary use of emoticons
9. Set the mic on “mute” mode at the start of the online class. This will ensure that no unnecessary noise will disrupt you class. Only the teacher’s mic should be on during the
lecture. Raise your hand if you want to speak or ask a question. When acknowledged, unmute your mic. After speaking, set it back to mute mode.
10. Records or take photos of the discussion materials/online sessions only when permitted by instructor.
11. Observe output submission guidelines indicated in syllabus. Submit your output within the designated period. For written output, please be reminded that when using the
materials of other authors, you must properly acknowledge your sources to avoid plagiarism.
Please note that violations of the enumerated policies and guidelines are subjects to deduction of total grades. 5 points from the total score shall set as deduction per item if
this will be violated.

 Synchronous
Conduct of sessions for queries (individual or group) through a friendly online platform common to all students for the following:
o covered lessons within a specified period;
o consultations on how activities are to be accomplished; and
o difficult topic that needs further explanations (computations and operations).
 Asynchronous
o publishing of IMs (modules, presentations, and video clips) through common and familiar online media downloadable by the
students anytime.
o provision of any printed IMs at the guard for student’s reproduction.
Blended Learning
o availability of IMs (modules, presentations, and video clips) online and in the College gate downloadable/reproducible respectively
by the students anytime.

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Faculty Program Head Dean VP for Academic Affairs
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
Date Date Date Date

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