CAP's Plan For Budgeting For Growth and Prosperity
CAP's Plan For Budgeting For Growth and Prosperity
CAP's Plan For Budgeting For Growth and Prosperity
The highlights
• Achieves “primary balance” by 2015, with the federal budget in the black except for
payments on the national debt
• Hits full and permanent balance by 2030, and reduces the debt to just over 40 percent
of gross domestic product by 2035
• Delivers two-thirds of the deficit reduction from spending cuts, and one-third from
revenue increases
• Is the only long-term plan for sustained balanced budgets that invests in the middle
class rather than asking them to bear the brunt of deficit reduction
• Makes room for substantial new investments in all levels of education, renewable
and clean energy technologies, transportation and infrastructure, and basic scientific
research and development even while balancing the budget—investing an annual
average of about $70 billion above current levels
• Includes substantial, targeted boosts to successful antipoverty programs that cut the
poverty rate in half by 2030
Our plan controls health care costs for everyone, not just those in the
public programs
• Brings defense, homeland security, and the State Department into one unified budget
to better meet our 21st century national security needs
• Delivers strategic cuts to defense to bring spending down to peak Cold War levels,
adjusted for inflation
• Sets limits to nonsecurity discretionary spending that, over time, contribute to deficit
reduction, but also make room for necessary investments
Our plan delivers comprehensive income tax reform so the tax code is
simpler, fairer, and raises enough revenue
• Establishes a price on carbon emissions, with any higher costs for lower- and middle-
income families more than offset, on average, by our income tax cuts and rebate program
• Levies a $5 per barrel fee on foreign oil imports
Read the full report, “Budgeting for Growth and Prosperity,”at our website.