Form 842 AUS
Form 842 AUS
Form 842 AUS
Country Afghanistan
Country Afghanistan
Yes Describe the precise biological relationship Yes ✔ Describe the precise biological relationship
Wife Son
Country Afghanistan
Country Afghanistan
Yes ✔ Describe the precise biological relationship Yes ✔ Describe the precise biological relationship
Son Son
Country Afghanistan
Yes ✔ Describe the precise biological relationship Yes Describe the precise biological relationship
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach evidence of identity of each person included in this application
(eg. certified copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates,
passport, national identity card)
9 Have you or any other person included in this visa application Given names
previously been legally married, in a de facto relationship or in a Previous partner’s full name
customary/traditional/religious marriage that is not legally recognised?
No ✔
Day Month Year
Yes ✔ Give details of each person below
Dates of
Note: Include partners who you are divorced or separated relationship From
from or who are missing or deceased.
1. Family name How did the relationship end?
Given names
Previous partner’s full name Names of all children from this previous relationship
To If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
How did the relationship end? Attach a certified copy of previous marriage/divorce documents or
death certificate (if applicable/available)
Names of all children from this previous relationship 10 Do you or any other person included in this application have children
from a previous marriage/relationship, including customary/traditional
No ✔
Yes Do they have sole custody of any children under 18 years of
age who are included in this application?
How did the relationship end?
Date of birth
1. Family name
Given names to you
Full name of biological father
Day Month Year
Date of birth
Relationship Full name of biological mother
to you
Full name of biological father
Whereabouts of biological parents
(if deceased or unknown, please state)
Full name of biological mother
2. Family name
Given names
Day Month Year
Date of birth
to you
Full name of biological father
Postal code
2. Family name
Given names
2. Family name
Day Month Year
Given names
Day Month Year
to you 3. Family name
Reason they are not applying with you
Given names
Day Month Year
Date of birth
to you
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Last contact (when, where and how you were separated)
Postal code
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
If you need more space, please attach a separate page listing further names
© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2020 842 (Design date 10/20) - Page 13
15 Relatives of main applicant’s PARTNER
Give details of ALL YOUR PARTNER’s parents, brothers and sisters and non-dependent children, including children your partner has had with other partners.
You must include half, step and adopted relatives. If any person listed below is not biologically related to your partner, you must clearly indicate this.
Note: You must list ALL YOUR PARTNER’s relatives, whether they are living, deceased, or their whereabouts are unknown. If any relative is deceased or
missing/whereabouts unknown, then you must write ‘DECEASED’ or ‘UNKNOWN’ in the ‘Country where they are now living’ column.
Relationship Status in ‘Relationship status’ codes
Sex Date of birth to main Country where they country of N = Never married or been in a
Name status Place and country of birth applicant are now living residence de facto relationship
(use codes
on right) (use codes (use codes M = Married legally
M/F/X Day Month Year on right) on right)
E = Engaged to be married
Your partner’s parents Select Select Select S = Separated
F = In a de facto relationship
Gula Jan M 20-Jan-1938 M PAKTIA , Afghanistan SB Afghanistan C
D = Divorced
Niyaz Bibi F 21-Nov-1942 M PAKTIA , Afghanistan SB Afghanistan C W = Widowed
MT = Married by tradition/custom
Your partner’s mother’s maiden name MR = Married religiously
If you need more space, please attach a separate page listing further names
842 (Design date 10/20) - Page 14 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2020
Part E – Links to Australia
16 Has any person included in this application ever applied for an Australian visa (permanent or temporary) before?
No ✔
Yes Give details
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
17 Do you or your partner have any relatives NOT INCLUDED IN THIS VISA APPLICATION who have current Australian visa applications under consideration?
No ✔
Yes Give details
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
18 Is any person included in this application being proposed (on form 681 or form 1417) for entry to Australia by a person or organisation in Australia?
Yes ✔ Give details of your proposer or Approved Proposing Organisation (in case of a Community Support Program application)
Family name Aryoubi
Relationship of the
proposer to you Niece
Given names
Attach a completed form 681 Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal to this application (there is no charge
for lodging or processing form 681)
Your proposer should complete form 681 for lodgement with this visa application. Form 681 is available from
the Department’s website
Attach a certified copy of the immediate family member’s Australian visa label or visa grant letter and evidence
of the relationship (eg. marriage certificate, birth certificate) if available
Provide details of humanitarian claims at Part G, Questions 25 – 37
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
21 Do any people included in this application have any other past or present links to Australia?
No ✔
Yes Indicate the types of links and give details
Links: Education Employment Business Friend Other
Does this person have a travel or identity document? Country of issue Afghanistan
No Attach a statement explaining what happened Day Month Year
to your documents
Date of issue 15-Oct-2019
Yes ✔ Give details Select
Type of document NIC Date of expiry
(use codes below)
Issuing authority/place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
Passport number 1398-0700-36859
(or document number)
Country of issue Afghanistan
Day Month Year
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
‘Type of document’ codes
P = Passport Kabul,Afghanistan
UN = UN Convention travel document or Titre de voyage
A = Alien/Asylum Registration Card
CI = Certificate or document of identity
S = Seafarer identity document
NIC = National identity card
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
A7 Given names
Country of issue
Day Month Year
Date of issue
Date of expiry
Issuing authority/place of issue as shown in passport (or other document)
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach certified copies of the travel documents and identity
documents, if available
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
24 For EACH person included in this application list every address where they have lived during the last 10 years
Date you started to live
Given names of people included in this application
Address where you are living now at this address
who live at this address (if all, write ‘ALL’)
Day Month Year
Town Country
Town Country
2. From
Town Country
3. From
Town Country
4. From
Town Country
5. From
Town Country
25 For ALL the people included in this application list the ethnic group to which they belong, their religion and any political party/group to which they belong
Membership of political party/group
Given names Ethnic group or clan Religion (if any)
(if any)
Other applicants
A2 Shah Gul Zazai Pashton Islam Religion
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
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26 What is the name of the country you fear living in or returning to?
28 Why do you fear living in or returning to the country you listed at Question 26?
Your answer should pay special attention to what happened to you, not the general situation in that country.
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
30 What do you believe may happen to you, or the people included in your application, if you were to return to or continue living in that country?
You should give full details of what you think may happen to you and reasons why that would happen
If I return to Afghanistan, for sure Talibaan will kill me even my family members, as Talibaan has done with other Government
Employees .
Best Regards
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
31 Who do you think may harm or mistreat you if you continue living in or go back to that country?
If I return to Afghanistan, for sure Talibaan will kill me even my family members, as Talibaan has done with other Government
Employees .
Best Regards
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
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32 Do you think the authorities of that country can and will protect you if you continue living in or return to that country?
No ✔ Please explain why
33 Did you travel through, or stay, in any other countries before arriving in the country where you are now living?
No ✔
Yes Give details including length of stay and dates
Country From To
Day Month Year Day Month Year
34 Has this application been lodged because the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) referred you to Australia for resettlement?
No ✔
Yes Attach a full copy of your UNHCR Resettlement Registration Form (RRF)
35 Has any person included in this application served in a military organisation (army/airforce/navy) or in a paramilitary organisation?
No ✔
Yes Give details
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
Attach certified copies of any discharge papers if available
1. From
2. From
3. From
4. From
5. From
6. From
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
37 If selected for an interview about your application, will you need an interpreter?
Yes ✔ Which language(s)?
Pashto- Dari
If you are selected for an interview we will advise you if you are required to provide your own interpreter
A1 Main applicant
Other applicants
A2 Name
A3 Name
A4 Name
A5 Name
A6 Name
A7 Name
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2020 842 (Design date 10/20) - Page 27
Part I – Language and education
39 For EACH person included in this application, give details of their language Select
How well this person
Given names Main language spoken Other languages spoken speaks English
(insert code from below)
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
40 For EACH person included in this application, give details of their education
Highest educational
Primary school Secondary school Post-secondary education qualification obtained
Given names
(eg. school certificate, electrician
Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year certificate, BA, PhD)
To To To
To To To
To To To
To To To
If you need more space, please attach a separate page with the details
English language codes
1 = Very well (eg. can speak English with little hesitation and few errors in most situations)
2 = Well (eg. can speak English well enough to deal with basic social and work situations)
3 = Not well (eg. can speak only a little English)
4 = Not at all
44 Is the person an agent registered with the Office of the Migration Agents
Registration Authority (Office of the MARA)?
No ✔
Yes Go to Part M
46 Did you pay the person/agent and/or give a gift for this assistance?
No ✔
Signature of
applicant -
Signature of
applicant -
or mark
Day Month Year
or mark
Day Month Year
or mark
Day Month Year
Warning: The Migration Act contains a power to cancel a visa if a or mark of
person has made an incorrect statement in relation to their
application. If it is determined that you have concealed information,
applicant -
Day Month Year
such as an offence, your application to enter Australia may be
refused. If you have already been granted a visa and it is Date
subsequently discovered that you have concealed information, such
as an offence, your visa will be liable to cancellation and you may be Signature
refused entry to Australia. In the event that you have already entered or mark of
Australia your visa will be liable to cancellation and, if cancelled, you
may be detained and removed from Australia. (if applicable) -
Day Month Year
50 This declaration must be signed by you (the main applicant) and ALL
persons aged 18 or over included in this application.
Signatures of persons aged 18 years or over who are included in this
I declare that:
application (if applicable)
• the information I have supplied on and with this form is complete,
correct and up-to-date in every detail.
• I did not marry or enter a de facto relationship to become eligible for
or mark
entry to Australia. -
• I understand that if I have given false or misleading information, my Day Month Year
application may be refused, or, if a visa has been granted, the visa
may be cancelled and I could be removed from Australia. Date
• I understand that if I am granted a visa, any person not included in
this application will not have automatic right of entry to Australia by Signature
way of this application. or mark
• I undertake to inform the Australian Government of any material -
changes to my circumstances while my application is being Day Month Year
considered, or before I am immigration cleared. Date
(Note: Your visa may be cancelled and you could be removed if you
do not advise of changes in circumstances).
• I authorise the Australian Government to make any enquiries Signature
necessary to determine my eligibility for entry to Australia, and to use or mark
any information supplied in this application for that purpose. -
Day Month Year
• I understand that unless my qualifications have already been
recognised by an Australian assessing authority before my departure, Date
they may not be recognised after my arrival.
• I understand that it is my personal responsibility to assess my own
employment prospects in Australia and acknowledge that labour
or mark
market conditions there can vary significantly from time to time and
between regions.
Day Month Year
• I understand that grant of a visa provides no guarantee of
employment once in Australia. Date
• I have read the information contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
• I understand the Department may collect, use and disclose my Signature
personal information (including biometric information and other or mark
sensitive information) as outlined in form 1442i Privacy notice. -
• I understand that information collected in the visa process may be Day Month Year
disclosed to other agencies and contracted service providers for the Date
purposes of evaluating my settlement needs and providing
settlement support.
For applicants applying in the Community Support Program: Signature
or mark
• I understand that my Approved Proposing Organisation will be
lodging this application on my behalf.
Day Month Year
• I understand that the information that I provide in this form may be
shared with my Approved Proposing Organisation and that my Date
Approved Proposing Organisation may also share this information
with any Supporting Community Organisations it works with in order We strongly advise that you keep a copy of your application
to provide services to help me settle in Australia. and all attachments for your records.
Important: If your circumstances change after you lodge this application (eg. you change your address, marry or become engaged to be married, or have
a baby), you must notify the office where you lodge this application. If your application is supported by a proposal form 681 Refugee and special
humanitarian proposal or form 1417 Community Support Program Proposal by Approved Proposing Organisations and your proposer’s circumstances
change after you have lodged this application, you should also notify the office where you lodge this application.
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Part Q – Document checklist Question Document Attached?
Q22 Certified* copies of travel documents and/or
This checklist is provided to help you submit a complete, decision-ready identity cards held by any person included in
application. If you do not have any of the requested documents (originals this application (if available)
or certified* copies) listed below, please provide an explanation as to
why you no longer have these documents.
A statement explaining why you have no
travel/identity documents
DOCUMENTS Q24 Certified* copies of any visas/residence
permits held by any person included in this
51 Have you attached the following documents? application (if available)