Research Proposal Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flying Swatter Game at The First Grade Students of SMP N 5 Kota Serang

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Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery by using Flying Swatter

Game at the First grade Students of SMP N 5 Kota Serang

( A Classroom Action Research for the First Grade Students of

SMP N 5 kota Serang )

Proposed By







1.1. Background of Research

In Indonesia English is taught as foreign language which the first language is

not English. In English teaching and learning there are four skills (speaking,

listening, writing, and reading,) those students should learn and comprehend, but

not only four skills, vocabulary and grammar also important to be learnt, both of

them are important aspect to link four skills, especially for vocabulary, as Wilkins

(1972, 111 cited in Elyas, Tariq & Alfaki, Ibrahim, 2014) powerfully argues

“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be

conveyed”. It is strongly supported that learning the exact vocabulary can be

considered to be more important than learning part of grammar as the basic need

for learning a language (Aslanabadi H & Rasouli Giti 2013: 187)

Vocabulary is central to language and is of great significance to language

learners (Zimmerman, 1998 cited in Zahedi and Abdi 2012: 2273). Vocabulary is

the basic access to a language. Without words, there would not be language

structures. Vocabulary is defined as words in a specific language or free standing

items of language that have meaning (McCarthy, 1990: 32). It is seems that

vocabulary is an important item in language, because with a lake of vocabulary it

will be a problem when learn a language. Min (2013: 64) states that lack of

vocabulary knowledge is a problem across all areas.

In the real condition of learning English there are many students who have

difficulties in reading, writing, speaking and listening which one of the problem is

they are lack of vocabulary. When students are lack of vocabulary they cannot

express their ideas well. It gives effect to students‟ achievement and motivation in

learning English. So the research of Vocabulary is important to be investigated

because vocabulary is the basic access to a language. In addition, Nation (2004:

159) claims that words are the building blocks of a language since they label

objects, actions, ideas without which people cannot convey the intended meaning.

Here, intended meaning is very crucial in communication to deliver ideas.

Moreover, In the ESL context, identifying words is the first stage to mastering

language where it is used to represent what is actually delivered. Then, vocabulary

not only supports the four language skills, but also mediates between ESL

students and content-area classes in that these students often find that lack of

vocabulary knowledge is an obstacle to learning. Therefore, it follows that ESL

vocabulary teaching and learning are often emphasized (Nam 2010: 127). So it is

important to be learned and taught in the ESL classroom.

Vocabulary can be reinforced by using a variety of game formats. Focus

maybe placed upon word building, spelling, meaning, sound/symbol

correspondences, and words inferred from sentence context. Game is one of

strategy that can make students fun and enjoy. Besides that it is believed that

students can easier to remember word. It is supported by Nguyen & Khuat (2003)

who point out games help learners to learn and retain new words more easily. In

this study the researchers interested to improve students‟ vocabulary using games.

According to Amari & Rezqiah (2013: 237) fly swatter is a game where the

students have to get the word in the blackboard using the teacher‟s instruction.

This game helps students to improve their sight-word dictionary and it can be a

valuable tools. On the other hand Amari and Rezqiah (2013: 237) also state that it

is an exciting activity in the class, and students will feel more enjoyable and they

will get addicted to the game. So here the researcher chooses Fly Swatter game to

be investigated because it is believed that the game can improve students‟

vocabulary, besides that it can make students fell enjoyable during learning words.

It is also can emerged their motivation in learning which it can help students get

new word easier because they learn in fun atmosphere.

On the other hand, this study hopefully can give contribution in English

education. It is hoped that teacher will realize with using effective or efficient

strategy or method that can facilitate and help students in learning English

vocabulary and this study can be a reference strategy for teacher in teaching

English vocabulary. Besides, it is hoped be emerge teachers‟ awareness about

how important teaching vocabulary explicitly to help student master in vocabulary

as an effort to build comprehending of English Language, especially four skill. So

the research here investigated “IMPROVING STUDENTS VOCABULARY


NEGERI 5 KOTA SERANG that hope can give contribution to English education

especially and the other education generally.

1.2. Identification of Problem

Based on the statements above, there are the identification of the problem as

follow ;

1. The students are less to understand English Vocabulary.

2. The students are difficult in learning English vocabulary.

3. The students are passive in learning English.

4. The students are less motivation in learning English.

5. The students are

1.3. Limitation of Problem

This research focus on Improving students vocabulary mastery by using

fly swatter game at seven grade of SMP NEGERI 5 KOTA SERANG.

1.4. Formulation of Problem

Based on the background explained, it is stated some problems of the

study follow:

1. How is the implementation of fly swatter game to improve students

vocabulary mastery ?

2. How is the improvement of student vocabulary mastery by using fly

swatter game?

1.5. The objective of study

In line with the formulation of the problems, the study is intended to :

1. To describe the implementation of fly swatter game in students

vocabulary mastery.

2. To find out the improvement of the students vocabulary mastery

through fly swatter game.

1.6. The use of Study

1. Theoretically

The result can be use as the reference for those who want to

conduct a research in English teaching to build students

achievement of vocabulary mastery.

2. Methodologically

The benefit of this research can motivate and inspire the

teachers to use media in new variety, and strategy which are

corresponding in teaching learning process.

3. Practically

a. For the Researchers

Through this study, the researcher will get new

knowledge and new experience method to improving

students vocabulary mastery using fly swatter game.

b. For the Teacher

Can be used as a consideration in selecting the new

variety of media that can be used in teaching learning


c. For the Students

Students can improve their vocabulary mastery by

using fly swatter game.

d. For other Researchers

The researchers hopes that the results of this

research can be useful as reference for other researchers.

This study give any benefits for them in solving their




2.1 Vocabulary

2.1.1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows

(Linse,2005:121). There are some experts who give definitions of vocabulary.

Hatch and Brown (1995:1) define that vocabulary as a list of words for a

particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of language

might use. Furthermore, in Webster Dictionary (1985:1073), vocabulary is define

as a list or collection of words usually alphabetically arranged and explained or

lexicon, stock of words use in language or by class, individual, etc. While

according to Roget (1980:1036), vocabulary is: A list of words often defined or

translated; All the words of Language;Specialized expression which are

indigenous to a particular field, subject, trade or subculture.

Laufer (1997:54) states that vocabulary learning is at the heart of language

learning and language use. In fact, it is what makes the essence of a language.

Without vocabularies, speakers cannot convey the meaning and communicate

with each other in a particular language.

Vocabulary is an important aspect in teaching language, as stated by

Edward (1997:149), “Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language

teaching; students must continually learn words as they learn structure and as they

practice sound system”. Sometimes, it’s difficult to determine the words that

students related to vocabularies such as: meaning, spoken/written forms,

collocations, connotatons, grammatical behavior, etc.( Linse,2005:121)

Based on the importance of vocabulary, teachers should consider some

types of vocabulary that can be taught to students. It will be discussed in the

following section.The definition about vocabulary is clear enough that is almost

cases of human life, they use set of words. The use of words itself differentiated

according to the field, person, class, or profession. It means that beggar use set of

words to ask for some money to rich people, the teacher also use set of word when

their students command. The writer has opinion that vocabulary is one aspect of

language which is important in learning language because vocabulary carries

meaning which is use in communication.

2.1.2. Types of Vocabulary

There are some types of vocabulary as stated by Nation (1990), Aeborsold

and Field (1997). They are active or productive vocabulary and passive or

receptive vocabulary.

Active or productive vocabulary refers to language items which learner

can use appropriately in speaking or writing (Aeborsold and Field,1977:139). It is

line with Nation (2003:25) who states that productive vocabulary refers to the

words that students can pronounce, spell and write. It involves how to use the

words in grammatical pattern.

Passive or receptive vocabulary refers to language items that can be

recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening (Aeborsold and

Field, 1977). This receptive vocabulary, as stated by Nation (1990), refers to the

words that students can be organized when they are heard and they are expected to

be able to distinguish a word which has similar sound.

The group of passive vocabulary is usually larger than the one of active

vocabulary. Obviously, both types of vocabulary blend together. The active

vocabulary may seem to be more important in communication, however the aim

of teaching foreign language is to expand both the students’ passive and active

vocabulary and develop all the four basic language skill; speaking, writing,

reading, and listening.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are different

types of vocabulary, this is relevant to the fact that people have different ways in

understanding words in terms of visual, aural, oral and written words. Not all

words suit that are need by the learners.

John, Wiji divides vocabulary into four groups as follows:

a.The first is function words. These words, although some of them may also have

full-words meaning contents. Amount of these groups are auxiliaries,

preposition, conjunction, depending on where they are placed.

b.The second is substitute words. Those words do not represent as individual

things or specific actions, but function as substitutes for whole for classes of

words. Its means that is a link among words.

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c.The third types of vocabulary items are those that are distributed in use

according to such grammatical matters as the absence or presence of a negative.

For example, Rena speaks English well and Anton does too. Too means that

Anton also can speak English well although the sentences does not show

immediately that Anton can speak English well.

d.The large body of “content words” constitutes the fourth group of vocabulary

items and chief materials are usually considered when the vocabulary items and

chief materials are usually considered when the vocabulary of language is


2.1.3. Vocabulary Mastery Definition of Mastery

Mastery is comprehensive knowledge or use of a subject or instrument.

Mastery derived from the word ‘master’, which means to become skilled

or proficient in the use of, to gain complete knowledge through understanding.

Vocabulary mastery is competence to know words and meaning. Nation proposes

the following list of the different kinds of knowledge that a person must master in

order to know a word are:

1.the meaning of the word

2.the written form of the word

3.the spoken form of the word

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4.the grammatical behaviour of the word

5.the collocations of the word

6.the register of the word

7.the associations of the word

8.the frequency of the word

Vocabulary mastery is the competence or complete knowledge of a list or

a set of word that make up a language which might be used by particular

person, class, profession. Vocabulary mastery is one component to master

English as a foreign language in elementary, intermediate, and advanced


In learning four language skills, vocabulary is one basic component

to be mastered. It is reasonable, remembering that the four language skills

need knowledge of words because they will get nothing without vocabulary.

The larger the students master vocabulary, the better they perform their

language. By having too limited vocabulary, the students will find

difficulties in mastering reading and other skills.

There are many experts who proposed the definition of mastery.

Hornby (1995: 721) states that mastery is complete knowledge or great

skills. Swan, (1992: 656) defines mastery as comprehensive knowledge. In

line with the two experts, Quirk, (1991: 644) states that mastery is great skill

or knowledge in a particular subject or activity.

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Based on the three definition above, it can be drawn some key

words. They are skill and comprehensive. Skill can be improved through a

lot of practice. A language skill is the same as any other skills. It takes a

long time and needs a lot of practice mastery any kinds of skills. While

comprehensive means complete or holistic.

2.2 Fly Swatter Game

2.2.1 Definition Fly Swatter Game

2.2.1 Definition of Fly Swatter

Fly swatter game is the interesting activity for students because they can learn

through playing. Fly Swatter is an object used for killing flies that consist of a flat

piece of plastic etc on a long handle. Fly swatter games is a game where the

students have to get the word in the blackboard or whiteboard by using the

teacher’s instruction. Fly Swatter is a device for killing insects.

2.2.2 Procedure of Using Fly Swatter Game

There are many ways of teaching new words and teachers need to learn a variety

of techniques, because some methods will work better with certain type of words

than others. Actually, in this game there are some procedures that must be


1.Students will complete each other to hit the word by fly swatter.

2.Two students stand in front of the class and face their friends.

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3.Students listen to what the teacher says carefully.

4.They may face the white board and find the word after they listen to the word

said by teacher.

5.The students hit the word.

6.After they have hit the word, they spell it in front of their friends.

7.Teacher knows their winner by listen the first sound of fly swatter.

This game has three rounds. First and second rounds have same activity. Every

student competes to win the game. But in the third round, the students work in

group and try to win the game together. Students will divided into two or three

groups. Every group is give a fly swatter by teacher.

2.2.3 Teaching Implementation of Fly Swatter Game

Fly swatter game is a game that can be used by teacher in enriching

students’ vocabulary. In this case, it will be focused on first grade of junior

high school students. The implementation of using fly swatter game is

divided into three steps; they are pre-teaching activity, whilst teaching

activity, and post teaching activity.

1. Pre-teaching Activity

Pre-teaching activities are done at the beginning of teaching learning

process in class, which is used to attract students’ motivation and

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make them ready to learn. In pre-teaching, there are some activities

that will be followed.

First, teacher introduces and brainstorms a topic. It helps students to

consider what they have already known about the topic and present

some vocabularies. There some ways that can be used in introducing

the topic.

Second, the teacher check students’ background knowledge by

asking some question about the vocabularies that student know.

Then, the teacher tells the students that they will play a game. But

before starting the game, the teacher has to tell the procedures of the

game. Finally, the teacher give explanation about the rule of the

game that must be followed by students. The rules of this game are

as follows:

a) They should not hit another students by fly swatter.

b) They should not throw the fly swatter to anyone.

c) They should not “block” another player with their arm or their

body to prevent them from getting at a word.

2. Whilst Teaching Activity

In this stage, the teacher rechecks students’ readiness. It is important to do

before the game is started. After students are ready, teacher begins to lead them

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to the game. The game is played during 30 minutes. There are some important

points that should be paid attention along the game.

a). Teacher’s role is to establish the successfulness of playing this game. In

this game, teacher has several functions they are, teacher as a facilitator,

teacher as an instructor, and teacher as the leader.

b). Student’s role in this game students are as the objects of learning. It

means that students follow each instruction related to the game from their

teacher. They play the game based on the rules managed by teacher.

Moreover, all students should participate in expressing vocabulary they

have and also pay attention to their friends’ performance in the game.

Besides, students should also keep the situation well during the game is


3. Post teaching Activity

In the post teaching activities, teacher gives exercises. Students do the

exercises individually. It can be by writing words as many as possible

including the meaning of words based on a certain clues given by teacher. This

activity is necessary in order to check students understanding about the

vocabulary that they acquire during the game.

2.2.4 Advantages of Using Fly Swatter Game

There are several advantages of using fly swatter game for student vocabulary

mastery. The advantages include:

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1.It is not use a monotonous activity.

2.It is fun for students.

3.It helps them learn and acquire new word easily.

4.It involves friendly competition and keeps students interest.

5.It serves students to learn pronouncing and spelling words

6.The students more active then teacher.

2.2.5 Disadvantages of Using Fly Swatter Game

There are several disadvantages of using fly swatter game for student

vocabulary mastery. The disadvantages include:

1. Needs more preparation for the teacher for time allocation, such as time

for divided a group.

2. The class noisy.

3. Some students not care when some students play the games.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

As mentioned above, the students should master vocabulary. Vocabulary

is one of basic elements in mastering English, because if students cannot

master in vocabulary the students automatically will not obtain the four of

skills of English, such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

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Obtaining the four skills of English the teacher must use an effective

technique in teaching vocabulary. It is also essential for students to learn

English but they often face difficulties in learning vocabulary. It is because the

teaching learning process is monotonous. Therefore, it is not surprising that the

students face difficulties in mastery vocabulary.

Students know that vocabulary development is essential for them to learn

English, but they often do not have a clear understanding of how to go about

really learning vocabulary. For students, remember new word is hard because

word is slippery things. The teacher should be creative and up to date for

giving new word. They can do anything they want to improve their vocabulary


Fly swatter game is considered as an effective, interesting, and enjoyable

ay to teach vocabulary, because it can give students enjoyment or challenge in

studying vocabulary. Fly swatter game must have hard focus and good

listening for answer the teacher instruction.

From the discussion above, the researcher proposed that fly swatter in

teaching vocabulary in English language can improve students’ vocabulary


2.4 Previous Study

In this thesis, the writer takes two previous researches.

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1. Asfiatul Muadah the first researcher; propos to describe the procedure of

teaching vocabulary by using fly swatter game and to describe the

improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after teaching learning

vocabulary by using the strategy. The researcher was “IMPROVING



The improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery by use fly swatter

game for the fourth grade of MI Negeri 1 Semarang there was an increase.

There was 22.2 % of mean score improvement from the cycle I, and there

was 22.8 % in the cycle II. The improvement of the students’ mean score

from pre-test to the post-test of the second cycle was 50 %. In the pre-test

were only 10 students who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in the post-test of

cycle I there were 18 students who passed the KKM or 81.81%. Next, in the

result of post-test in the cycle II, there gained 19 students or 86 % students

who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) in which there mean score of vocabulary derived 87.36. So, it

achieved the criteria success.

2. The second researcher was conducted by Ika Rahmadani Lubis, propos the

procedure of teaching vocabulary by using fly swatter game and to describe

the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after teaching learning

vocabulary by using the strategy. The researcher was “ IMPROVING



19 | P a g e
(PAB) 1 HELVETIA. The students average score of pretest was 53.3. after

the implementation of fly swatter game, the average score of post-test I

cycle I was 70.9 percent. Then the researcher continue with the average

post test- 2 were 83.5 % or 85.7 % passed the Minimum Mastery

Criteriation, kriteria ketuntasan minimal (kkm).

20 | P a g e


3.1 Research Design

This research conducted by applying Classroom Action Research (CAR).

Class action research is an action research conducted by teachers in the

classroom. Classroom action research is a research aimed to improve the

quality of learning practice, that focus on the process of teaching and learning

in the class. Besides that, classroom action research is one of strategies for

solving problem which use real action and analyze every influence from the


Classroom action is a method of finding out what the best way in the

classroom. So that, we can improve students ability in learning process. This

aim of classroom action research is to improve the teachers’ teaching their own

classroom or school. While there is no requirement that the findings be

generalized to other situation, the results can add to knowledge base.

Classroom Action Research consist of three words, there are:

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a. Research

Examine activities of an object, use the rules of particular

methodology to obtain data or information to improve the quality of a

thing that interest and important for the researcher.

b. Action

Some activities that are deliberately made with a specific purpose,

which in this research formed a series of cycle activities.

c. Class

Class is group of students who are in the same time receive the

lesson from a teacher. Constrain which written for understanding about

the class is old interpretation, to immobilize a misconception and

widely understood by the public with “room for teacher to teach”.

Class not just a room but a group of students who are studying.

By combining three words above, classroom action research

reflection to activity which is intentionally appeared and happened in


In here, the researcher uses a Classroom Action Research (CAR)

designed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart model that consist of four steps

namely, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Improvement the

problem in this research is brought about by the series of cycle. The

figure is below:

22 | P a g e
Figure 3.1: Action Research Spiral, Model from Kemmis and Mc Taggart

The procedures of research are plan by two cycles. Each cycle contain four steps

which are planning, action, observation, and reflection. Before the cycle I begun,

orientation test is administrated to identify the basic knowledge of the students

about vocabulary mastery.

3.1.1 Cycle I

a. Planning

The following points are the specification of the planning are

first cycle:

1) Conducting the cycle in four meetings.

2) Administrating the vocabulary learning process according to

lesson plan.

3) Conducting pre-test in order to know the students’ basic ability

in mastery vocabulary.

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4) Preparing material for vocabulary mastery.

5) Conducting a test of vocabulary mastery by fly swatter game in

last meeting.

6) Preparing the instrument for collecting data, such as diary

notes, observation, and interview sheets.

b. Action

In this step, the students will be taught how to comprehend

vocabulary mastery by using fly swatter game.

c. Observation

The observation will conducting to all the process and

atmosphere of vocabulary mastery and learning process. The

researcher want to find out the overall condition occur during the


d. Reflection

Reflection has evaluative aspect to effect of spacious issues

and suggest handling it. The researcher takes the feedback of this

vocabulary mastery and learning process from the result of the

observation, the problem that exist, and the cause of problem. If

the result does not reach the goal that determines, the researcher

makes decision that the researcher need to continue to the

24 | P a g e
research into cycle II.

3.1.2 Cycle II

Action research is cyclical. After cycle of planning, action,

observation, and reflection in cycle I, the process in the cycle II is

the same with first cycle, whit of course more improvement

vocabulary mastery material. Cycle II is done if there is

insignificant improvement of students’ achievement in mastery


During the treatments, mastery vocabulary test was gave to

the students at the end of every meeting. The students are testing

by asking them to answer 25 questions multiple choices.

3.2 The Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is students’ at grade VII of SMP N 5

Kota Serang.

3.3 Place and Time of the Research

3.3.1 Place

SMP N 5 Kota Serang

3.3.2 Time

The time to perform acts ranging from Cycle I and Cycle II for 1 month

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3.4 Procedure of Classroom Action Research (CAR)

The Classroom Action Research (CAR) using Kemmis and Taggart

design consists of four phases, they are planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting after doing four phases called one cycle. After finishing the first

cycle, it might be found a new problem or the previous unfinished problem

yet. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to the second cycle in line it the

same concept of the first cycle. Here are the explanations about four


1. Planning Phase

A planning phase was done after identifying and diagnosing

students’ vocabulary problem occurred in the class proven by

observing and interviewing; furthermore in this phase the planning is

divided into two types. Those are general planning and specific


The general planning is aimed at organizing whole aspects referred

to Classroom Action research (CAR). Meanwhile the specific planning

is aimed at organizing the plan related to cycle-to-cycle. The organized

planning will be formed into lesson planning based on the current used

syllabus. The lesson plan has been prepared to be implemented in VII

grade at SMP N 5 Kota Serang. It has been mentioned some instruction

regarding procedures of teaching media, resources, and evaluation.

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2. Acting Phases

The acting phase in the principle is a realization from an act which

has been planned before such as hat the strategy used, what material be

taught and others. Acting phase is where both the researcher and the

teacher collaborate to carry out the planned action. The teacher uses

the determined strategy as she is teaching while the research observes

the class condition during teaching learning activity. In this phase it

begins the process of going more deeply into the issue being


3. Observing Phase

In this phase, the researcher and the teacher collaboratively to write

all events which is happen in the class, and also carries out observation

toward implementation of the action using field note or unstructured

observation sheet. The researcher observed the outcomes of the

intervention and reflecting on its effectiveness. When observing, the

observer should notice and note all of activities in the physical

classroom. It may be about the teacher’s performance, class situation,

and students’ response. In this phase, it also collects the data derived

from evaluation or post-test.

4. Reflecting Phase

This phase is aimed to reflect or evaluation from three phases

before. It is done based on data that have been collected to hold

27 | P a g e
evaluation for completing the next cycle. Thus, the reflection is able to

be determined after implementing the action and observation

outcomes. If there still might have found some problems, it needs to

move to the next cycle until t solve.

1 Observing the Study
. Giving
class questionnaire to the
. Interviewing
students the English
. Cary out-tes
. pre t

Analyzing: Analyzing thepreliminary
of study
Cause : The students bored easily and lazy to remember the given
s thevocabulary
teacher not use the suitable

g& making lesson plan with
1 Deciding kind tof
. collaborat
tex the
2 Preparing
or model of fly swatter
. Preparing
vocabularymaterials &games
students work
. Preparin
sheets instrument of-t st 1
. Setting
g criteria of e
. success
Actin Reflectin
g g the collecting
Implementing the 1 Analyzing
plan 2
. Determi
data i g the criteria of
. n nsuccess
g teaching learning
Conclusion Succes
and s Revision of
n first
Continue to Fail cycle
Figure 3.2:cycle
The phases of Classroom Action Research modified by the


28 | P a g e
3.5 Instrument of Data Collection

The instrument of collecting data is used by the researcher to get the

data observation by using:

1. Observations: is a technique for collecting data about researcher

and students’ activities in teaching and learning process. Then

observation sheet is given based on reality in the classroom, the type of

observation which is used in this research is direct observation.

2. Test: is used for getting data research result and students activities

in teaching learning. There are two tests used in this research as


a. Pre-test is done before implementing the Classroom Action

Research (CAR).

b. Post-test is implemented after implementing the Classroom

Action Research (CAR).

3.6 Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this research using qualitative data

(experience-based) and quantitative data (number-based). The qualitative data

consist of observation within the physical activity in the classroom and

interview to be presented for the teacher. On the other side, the quantitative

data use pre-test and post-test. The completely explanation as follows:

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a. Observation

In this case, the researcher uses the unstructured or opened

observation to know the occurrences within learning process. It may be

about the teacher’s performance during Classroom Action Research

(CAR), class situation in the classroom activity, and students’ response

concerning the use of vocabulary by fly swatter game.

b. Test

The test used in this research is pre-test and post-test. The pre-

test was done before implementing fly swatter game in vocabulary. It

is to measure students’ vocabulary comprehension at first.

Meanwhile, the post-test is implemented after using fly swatter game

in vocabulary. In this research, the test was done in form of multiple

choices. The test is held on the end of every cycle.

c. Study Documentation

Study documentation use to show the teaching and learning

process by using the photograph. The research take the picture when

they were studying. It can show them that are serious or not when

learning and teaching process and document in this research.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

This research used qualitative and quantitative data.

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3.7.1. Qualitative Data Analysis Technique

In qualitative descriptive, the researcher used data analysis from

Miles and Huberman ( 1994 :10) cited in Sugiyono (2012 :246 ) qualitative data

analysis consist flows of activity :

1. Data Reduction

The researcher collect all the data by using data instrument

then classify them based on the focus of problem in order to get the

main data for next step data collecting.

2. Data Display

After data reduction, the researcher chose the data that important

for the researcher. Miles and Huberman ( 1994:10) suggest that a good

display of data can be done in the form of tables, charts, networks and

other graphical formats is essential.

3. Conclusion Drawing / Verification

Miles and Huberman ( 1994:10) said the last step in data analysis

of qualitative research is a conclusion drawing/verification. It use to

describe all of the data into conclusion, which it easy to be understood

by the researcher and other. In qualitative data analysis technique, the

researcher use some formulas to find out the mean score of pre-test

and post-test and also percentage of students frequency.

3.7.2. Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data analysis used for analyzing the result of pre-test

and post-test. In the result of pre-test and post-test, the researcher did

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some steps to know the improvements of students achievement of

vocabulary master after using fly swatter game as media in teaching and

learning process.

The researcher will use some formulas to find out the improving

students vocabulary by using fly swatter game.

1. To find out the mean score of pre-test and post-test, the

researcher calculated the average score by using the formula as

follow :

It used formula by Hatch and Farhady ( 1982 : 55)

𝑥= 𝑛

Where : x : Mean Score

∑x : The sum of all score

n : The total of number subject

2. Percentage of students frequency

The researcher will try to get the class percentage. The

researcher calculated the percentage of students frequency by

using formula as follow :

It used formula by Hatch and Farhady ( 1982 : 46 )

P= x 100 %

Where : P : Percentage

f : Frequency of the students

n : Total Number of the Students

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score interpretation :

Hatch and Hossein ( 1982 :43)

Score 0% - 20% = Very Low

Score 21% - 40% = Low

Score 42% - 60% = Avarage

Score 61% - 80% = High Enough

Score 81% - 100% = High

3.8.Criteria Of the Action Success

Class Room Action Research (CAR) is able to be called successful if it

can exceed the criteria which has been determined. In this study the research

will succeed where there is 70% of students could pass the assessment score

≥ 70 based on the minimal mastery level criterion – kriteria ketuntasan

minimal ( KKM ) which is adapted from the school agreement ( SMPN 5


In addition, the success of the action is not only measured with the

achievement students writing score, but also the fly swatter game technique

can motivate the students and they become more actively in learning

process. If the criterion of the action succeed achieved, it means that the

next action of the Class Room Action Research ( CAR ) would be stopped,

but this condition has not been reached yet, the alternative action would be

done in next cycle.

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