History of Mathematics in Education Bibliography

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The text discusses several benefits of incorporating history of mathematics into education, such as helping unpack taken-for-granted ideas and sensitizing teachers to student difficulties.

The text mentions two benefits - helping unpack automatic qualities of mathematics by reexamining ideas, and sensitizing teachers to possible difficulties in student understanding.

The text describes a classroom activity around the Rhind papyrus and proposes a framework for developing similar activities around other primary historical sources.

BSHM Education Abstracts: History of

Mathematics in Education
New Abstracts | History of Mathematics Courses | History of Mathematics Education

Arcavi, Abraham, 'Two benefits of using history', For the learning of mathematics 11.2
(1991) 11
One benefit lies in using history to unpack the automatic quality of mathematics, to re-examine known and
taken-for-granted mathematical ideas. Another is to sensitize the teacher to possible difficulties of student
understanding, and help in listening to students' arguments.

Arcavi, Abraham, 'Using historical materials in the mathematics classroom', Arithmetic

teacher 35 (4) (1987), 13-16
Describes classroom activity around a primary historical source (the Rhind papyrus) and proposes a
framework for developing similar activities around other sources.

Barbin, Evelyne, 'The reading of original texts: how and why to introduce a historical
perspective', For the learning of mathematics 11.2 (1991) 12-13
Reading original texts allows the teacher or student to study the nature of mathematical activity, and gain
access to the philosophical concepts permeating mathematical texts. This process changes the image of
mathematics and enables learners to see it as an activity, illustrated by comparing the way Euclid and
Clairaut approach angles of a triangle.

Barbin, Evelyne, 'Can proof be taught?', Evelyne Barbin and Régine Douady (eds),
Teaching mathematics: the relationship between knowledge, curriculum and practice,
Topiques Éditions 1996, 195-210
The teaching of proof has an important place in mathematics. To analyse this activity, three proofs (by
Euclid, Arnauld and Clairaut) are compared of the angle-sum of a triangle.

Barbin, Evelyne, 'The role of problems in the history and teaching of mathematics', in R.
Calinger (ed), Vita mathematica: historical research and integration with teaching,
Washington: MAA 1996, 17-25
Introducing history of mathematics to future teachers transforms the practice of teaching mathematics,
through changing the epistemological concepts of mathematics; in particular by emphasizing the
construction of knowledge out of the activity of problem solving. This is seen in the examples of the
concept of angle and the concept of curve.

Bero, Peter, 'Calculations in the style of Kepler', For the learning of mathematics 13.3
(1993) 27-30
A experiment on integrating historical material with mathematics teaching, in a class of higher-ability 16-
year-olds, using two examples from Kepler's Nova stereometria. The pupils were asked to evaluate other
volumes, plane and surface areas in a similar way.

Blake, Rick and Charles Verhille, 'The story of 0', For the learning of mathematics 5.3
(1985) 35-47
The history of zero, both as digit and number, shows that it is very exceptionally important conceptually: its
depth and significance is still not properly recognised pedagogically. With bibliography.

Bos, H. J. M., 'Mathematics and its social context: a dialogue in the staff room, with
historical episodes', For the learning of mathematics 4.3 (1984) 2-9
The history of mathematics can inform both pupils and teachers about the social context of mathematics,
and help them to decide what position they hold in debates about it.

Brown, Gary, 'Integrating the history and philosophy of math into core curriculum math
courses from a cultural and humanistic viewpoint', For the learning of mathematics 11.2
(1991) 13-14
Seeing the mathematics classroom as a microcosm of mathematics as a cultural endeavour illustrates a
humanistic approach, with activities and discussions.

Bruckheimer, Maxim, R. Ofir, & A. Arcavi, 'The case for and against "Casting out
nines"', For the learning of mathematics 15 (2) (1995), 23-28
Casting out nines is a checking technique for calculations with at least a thousand-year history. Cocker and
Hatton, among influential C17/C18 texts, disapproved of the technique, for reasons which included the
probability of the check being reliable.

Brummelen, Glen Van, ‘Using ancient astronomy to teach trigonometry: a case study’,
Histoire et épistémologie dans l’éducation mathématique, IREM de Montpellier (1995),
Students who perform well on technical examinations at the end of a course may still not
grasp why the subject exists, what the mathematics means, or how to ask mathematical
questions. Carefully planned use of history can help address these problems. A guided
case study of ancient astronomy has proved fruitful in evoking greater trigonometric
confidence and understanding.

Brummelen, Glen Van, 'Jamshid al-Kashi: calculating genius', Mathematics in school

27.4 (1998), 40-44
The remarkable and beautiful insights of the C15 Iranian astronomer al-Kashi, working in Samarkand in
the 1420s, led to unprecedentedly accurate values of ¼ and the sine of 1o (the equivalent of 16 and 17
decimal places, respectively). His method for sin(1o) is essentially that of fixed-point iteration which can
be done on a calculator in class.

Burn, Bob, 'Is the number line full?', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 55
Experiences of trying to decide whether bounded increasing sequences have a limit, from Euler, through
Dedekind, to Lamb and Hardy.

Burn, Bob, 'Napier's logarithms', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 32-33

Notes on Napier's development of logarithms.

Burns, Stuart, 'The Babylonian clay tablet', Mathematics Teaching 158 (1997), 44-45
Investigations of a Babylonian tablet by middle school pupils revealed some remarkable differences, from
those who discovered what it was about without realizing what they had achieved, to those who used a
book to learn what all the numbers were--to give them the 'right' answer--without gaining any idea what the
tablet was about.

Carvalho e Silva, Jaime, 'History of mathematics in the classroom: hopes, uncertainties

and dangers', Sergio Nobre (ed), Proceedings of HPM Meeting, Blumenau, Brazil 1994,

Portugal provides an example, in the 1950s-60s textbooks of Jose Sebastião e Silva, of historically-
informed school textbooks whose successors, when fashion changed, contained no history. Although the
Portuguese syllabus now pays vague lip-service to history of mathematics, proponents must safeguard
against changes of fashion and political whim.

Cooper, Amira, 'Integration of the historical development of mathematics in mathematics

teaching in the high school using self reading', Eduardo Veloso (ed), Proceedings of
HEM Meeting, Braga, Portugal 1996, vol II, 3-10
Providing historical material for students, to read on their own at home, contributes to a significant change
in students' attitudes towards mathematics, as well as increasing the number who saw individual reading as
an important part of the learning process.

Crawford, Elspeth, 'Michael Faraday on the learning of science and attitudes of mind',
Science and education 7 (1998): 203-211
Faraday's ideas about learning are relevant to scientific learning in general. It is central to learning in
science to acknowledge that an inner struggle is involved in facing unknowns. Following Faraday, for
teachers to understand their own feelings while teaching is essential to enable empathy with the fears and
expectations of learners.

D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan, 'Ethnomathematics and its place in the history and pedagogy of
mathematics', For the learning of mathematics 5.1 (1985) 44-48
A suggestion for looking at the history of mathematics in a broader context, to incorporate practices which
are mathematical in their nature without constituting mathematization in the traditional sense. Such an
approach has implications for curriculum development, particularly in third world countries.

D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan, 'Where does ethnomathematics stand nowadays?', For the

learning of mathematics 17.2 (1997), 13-17
History is critical to ethnomathematical studies; conversely ethnomathematics calls for a broader concept of
sources and a new historiography for the history of mathematics, which in turn affects mathematics.

Davis, Philip J., 'Toward a philosophy of computation', For the learning of mathematics
3.1 (1982) 2-5
The computer revolution began with Descartes' vision in 1619 of a universal automatic method. The visions
of Descartes and Leibniz are implemented in modern computation.

De Berg, Kevin C, 'The development of the concept of work: a case where history can
inform pedagogy', Science & education 6 (1997), 511-527
Historical analysis, particularly of the contributions of Smeaton and Daniel Bernoulli, may help us
understand and resolve current difficulties in the teaching and learning of the concept of work (as 'force x
distance') and its relation to kinetic and potential energies.

Deakin, Michael, 'Boole's mathematical blindness' Mathematical gazette 80, no. 489
(1996) 511-518
George Boole never solved a particular problem in operational calculus, despite working on it throughout
his life and holding the key to its solution. Analysing the factors which prevented him -- a technical
deficiency, coupled with failing to conceive of the solution as being a solution -- helps us understand
difficulties encountered by today's students.

Deakin, Michael A. B., 'From Pappus to today: the history of a proof', Mathematical
gazette 74, no. 467 (1990), 6-11
The theorem that base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal (Elements i. 5, commonly known as pons

asinorum) has had other proofs with pedagogical advantages, notably the direct proof attributed to Proclus
to Pappus, with variants discussed by textbook writers including Legendre, Lacroix, Peirce and Dodgson.

Dennis, David, and Jere Confrey, 'Drawing logarithmic curves with Geometer's
sketchpad: a method inspired by historical sources', in James R. King and Doris
Schattschneider (eds,) Geometry turned on! Dynamic software in learning, teaching and
research, MAA 1997, 147-156
A mechanical linkage device from Descartes' Geometry, which can be used for finding any number of
points on a logarithmic or exponential curve, can be simulated on computer. Such a tool helps populate the
dialogue between grounded activity and systematic inquiry, between physical investigations and symbolic
language, in mathematics learning.

Dennis, David, and Jere Confrey, 'The creation of continuous exponents: a study of the
methods and epistemology of John Wallis', CBMS Issues in mathematics education 6
(1996) 33-60
History provides rich sources of alternative conceptualization and diverse routes to the development of an
idea. This deepens the close listening of teachers and researchers to student mathematics, and leads to
reconceptualizing the epistemology of mathematics. History is seen as the coordination of multiple forms
of representation. How geometry and ratio supported Wallis's development of exponents is explored in

Dhombres, Jean, 'Pédagogie et utilisation de l'histoire: des tensions contradictoires', For

the learning of mathematics 2.2 (1981) 10-15

Dixon, Valerie, ‘In search of a cube root algorithm’, Mathematics in school (1994), 19-21
Comparing the cube root algorithm from Hammond’s Elements of algebra (1772), a book
the author has worked from with her class, with the algorithm she found on a sheet of
paper belonging to a John Martin in early C19.

Dorier, Jean-Luc, 'On the teaching of the theory of vector spaces in the first year of
French science universities', Edumath 6 (1998), 38-48
Historical analysis enables us to explain the specific meaning which formalism has in the theory, and thus
the teaching, of vector spaces. Other pedagogical issues, including students' mistakes, can be understood
and acted upon better through the study of history.

Downes, Steven, 'Hypatia versus the National Curriculum', Mathematics Teacher 153
(1995), 8-9
Reflections on the tensions between the demands of the National Curriculum and attempts to help pupils
enjoy mathematics through historical activities.

Downes, Steven, 'Women mathematicians, male mathematics: a history of

contradiction?', Mathematics in school 26.3 (1997), 26-27
It is not sufficient to show pupils that some women (the familiar few names from history) can do
mathematics; rather, it is necessary to educate girls into seeing that they as women are not 'other' to
mathematics, through a historical analysis of how women's participation in mathematics has been

Eagle, Ruth, 'A typical slice', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 37-39
Exploring Archimedes' Method with trainee teachers reveals a method for determining volumes which
kindles interest and is well within the grasp of secondary school pupils.

Ernest, Paul, 'The history of mathematics in the classroom', Mathematics in school 27.4
(1998), 25-31
Examples of classroom worksheets devised by student teachers drawing upon the history of mathematics.

Fauvel, John, 'Algorithms in the pre-calculus classroom: who was Newton-Raphson?',

Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 45-47
The so-called Newton-Raphson method (due in its present form to Thomas Simpson) provides insights into
algorithms and iterative processes which can be useful for pupils before as well as after they learn calculus.

Fauvel, John, 'Cartesian and Euclidean rhetoric', For the learning of mathematics 8.1
(1988) 25-29
A comparison of the rhetorical form of Euclid's Elements and Descartes' Geometry, considered as
paradigms of acts of communication with readers.

Fauvel, John, 'Platonic rhetoric in distance learning: how Robert Record taught the home
learner', For the learning of mathematics 9.1 (1989) 2-6
Robert Record (c.1510-1558) was the first writer of mathematics textbooks in English. His textbooks of the
1540s-1550s show astonishing freshness, vivacity and pedagogic insight, not least how to empathise with
the reader at a distance.

Fauvel, John, 'Using history in mathematics education', For the learning of mathematics
11.2 (1991) 3-6
A survey of ways history can be used in the mathematics classroom, the reasons advanced for doing so, and
political and other issues surrounding the introduction of a historical dimension to mathematics education.

Fauvel, John, 'Empowerment through modelling: the abolition of the slave trade', in R.
Calinger (ed), Vita mathematica: historical research and integration with teaching,
Washington: MAA 1996, 125-130
An example of the use of a historical artefact--a diagram from Thomas Clarkson's History of the ...
abolition of the Africa slave-trade (1808)--in order to help students to think and learn about graphical
modelling techniques.

Fernandez, Eileen, 'A kinder, gentler Socrates: conveying new images of mathematics
dialogue', For the learning of mathematics 14.3 (1994) 43-47
Revisiting the celebrated encounter between Socrates and the slave-boy, in Plato's Meno, with a view to
drawing out its implications for mathematics teacher training: in particular, how it might be used to
promote an image of teachers and students empowering one another.

FitzSimons, Gail, 'Is there a place for the history and pedagogy of mathematics in adult
education under economic rationalism?', Eduardo Veloso (ed), Proceedings of HEM
Meeting, Braga, Portugal 1996, vol II, 128-135
Before the growth of economic rationalism and the adoption of industrial values to the exclusion of others,
further education classes in Australia enabled adults returning to study to learn about the history of
mathematics and recreate parts for themselves.

Fowler, David, 'Perils and pitfalls of history', For the learning of mathematics 11.2
(1991) 15-16
Teachers should be aware of the dangers of pseudo-history, even if over-simplified history may lead to
more successful teaching.

Frankenstein, Marilyn, 'Various uses of history in teaching criticalmathematical literacy',
Sergio Nobre (ed), Proceedings of HPM Meeting, Blumenau, Brazil 1994, 91-98
A prime use of history is for students to examine their personal schooling history. Another is the hidden
history, involving peoples' mathematical developments, which can be used to demystify the structure of
mathematics and of society.

French, Doug, 'New sins for old sines', Mathematics in school 26.3 (1997), 23-25
Looking at how material was presented and taught in Thomas Keith's Introduction to trigonometry of 1832
(first edition c. 1800) helps us reflect upon the value for teachers of looking at old text books.

Freudenthal, Hans, 'Should a mathematics teacher know something about the history of
mathematics?', For the learning of mathematics 2.1 (1981) 30-33
The teacher's knowledge of history should be integrated knowledge, familiar to the teacher and a
cornucopia available for instruction: not hidden in drawers to be opened at pre-established moments. For
students and teachers, the history of mathematics should concern the processes rather than the products of
mathematical creativity.

Friedelmeyer, Jean-Pierre, 'What history has to say to us about the teaching of analysis',
Evelyne Barbin and RÈgine Douady (eds), Teaching mathematics: the relationship
between knowledge, curriculum and practice, Topiques Éditions 1996, 109-122
Reforms in analysis teaching have attempted to reconcile the apparently irreconcilable needs for rigour and
for understanding. Teaching in a historical context enables the meaning and rigour to be interactively
constructed along with the student's mathematical insight, by a process which is dynamic and living.

Führer, Lutz, 'Historical stories in the mathematical classroom', For the learning of
mathematics 11.2 (1991) 24-31
Mathematics was for some centuries an emancipatory subject connected with the emergence of
enlightenment. Three stories--Eratosthenes, ideas of pi, and complex numbers--illustrate the use of history
to provide a changed tone for the framework within which mathematics education takes place, to encourage
individuals to think for themselves.

Führer, Lutz, 'Historical stories in the mathematics classroom', Mathematical gazette 76,
no. 475 (1992) 127-138
The desirability of incorporating history in mathematics teaching is easier to establish than how in practice
it may be done. Two stories -- Eratosthenes, and ideas of pi -- illustrate that history is too important to use
to bore and perplex pupils: rather, it provides a changed tone for the framework within which mathematics
education takes place.

Furinghetti, Fulvia, 'History of mathematics, mathematics education, school practice:

case studies in linking different domains', For the learning of mathematics 17.1 (1997),
Experiences of teachers exploring different ways of using history are discussed and taxonomised:
informing students' image of mathematics, as a source of problems, as an optional activity, and as a
different approach to concepts. 'Integration' is preferable to 'use' of history, to characterise a more
methodical development and analysis.

Furinghetti, Fulvia, 'The ancients and the approximated calculation: some examples and
suggestions for the classroom' Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 139-142
History is a good source of problems for the classroom, particularly in relation to the area of approximated
calculation, which is of increasing importance in the practical mathematics curricula of today. These

problems are of interest not only from an algorithmic point of view, but also for developing mathematical

Furinghetti, Fulvia, 'Images of mathematics outside the community of mathematicians:

evidence and explanations', For the learning of mathematics 13.2 (1993) 33-38
Images in films, plays, autobiographies and novels seem to suggest that adult images of mathematics are
conditioned, usually in a negative direction, by school experiences more radically than for other subjects.
This has implications for teachers trying to determine what elements should remain from a mathematical

Furinghetti, Fulvia, and Annamaria Somaglia, 'History of mathematics in school across

disciplines', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 48-51
History of mathematics can help pupils see the genesis of ideas and connections between subjects, with real
benefits for their seeing the homogeneity of knowledge as well as mathematical development. Several
interdisciplinary projects relate mathematics and philosophy, art, music, &c. Students' mathematical
difficulties are addressed by a considered approach drawing upon contexts from the history of mathematics.

Garcia, Paul, ‘Dismissis incrutiationibus’, Histoire et épistémologie dans l’éducation

mathématique, IREM de Montpellier (1995), 171-190
Among the reasons why secondary school teachers might consider using history are to
show: that today’s ‘elementary’ concepts may not have been obvious to even great past
mathematicians; that the personalities of mathematicians have the same problems as
everyone else; and that even today there can be disputes about ideas.

Gardiner, Tony, 'Once upon a time' Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 143-150
History of mathematics has much to offer the teaching of mathematics. Two pitfalls, though, are the
temptation to enlist the support of 'history' when trying to change social attitudes, and the uncritical way in
which intelligent students respond to pseudo-history.

Gardiner, Tony, 'Rigorous thinking and the use of instruments' Mathematical gazette 76,
no. 475 (1992) 179-181
Florian Cajori's 1916 life of Oughtred contains thought-provoking material on the balance for the learner
between labour-saving devices and mathematical understanding.

Gardner, J Helen, '"How fast does the wind travel?": history in the primary mathematics
classroom', For the learning of mathematics 11.2 (1991) 17-20
Examples of incorporating a historical dimension into multi-ethnic primary education (8 to 10 year-olds).

Gauld, Colin, 'Making more plausible what is hard to believe: historical justifications and
illustrations of Newton's third law', Science and education 7 (1998): 159-172
Similarity between the notions of young people today and those of pre-Newtonian scientists suggests that a
study of attempts to justify Newton's third law from the C17 to the C19, may provide arguments to help
students to consider it plausible.

Gauld, Colin, 'Solutions to the problem of impact in the 17th and 18th centuries and
teaching Newton's third law today', Science and education 7 (1998): 49-67
Similarity between the notions of young people today and those of pre-Newtonian scientists suggests that a
study of historical change, in respect of the assimilation of Newton's third law, may help improve science

Gerdes, Paulus, 'Examples of incorporation into mathematics education of themes
belonging to the history of geometry in Africa', Sergio Nobre (ed), Proceedings of HPM
Meeting, Blumenau, Brazil 1994, 214-221
Two examples: the living tradition of the originally female geometry of handbags in Mozambique, and the
almost disappeared tradition of male geometry of sand drawings from Angola and Zambia.

Glas, Eduard, 'Fallibilism and the use of history in mathematics education', Science and
education 7 (1998): 361-379
Using history in mathematics teaching depends, explicitly or implicitly, on some view of how mathematics
develops. An account of historical developments can convey to learners the rationale of mathematical
concepts and precepts. The history of complex numbers can be explained on, and hence supports, a
fallibilist (Lakatosian) model of 'trials and tests'.

Grabiner, Judith V., 'The calculus as algebra, the calculus as geometry: Lagrange,
Maclaurin, and their legacy', in R. Calinger (ed), Vita mathematica: historical research
and integration with teaching, Washington: MAA 1996, 131-143
The work of two very different C18 mathematicians, Maclaurin and Lagrange, may be contrasted to show
students the different modes of creative mathematical thought.

Graf, Klaus-Dieter and Bernard R. Hodgson, 'Popularizing geometrical concepts: the case
of the kaleidoscope', For the learning of mathematics 10.3 (1990) 42-50
Historical and pedagogic account of the kaleidoscope (Brewster 1817), a particularly successful example of
an instrument which captures the attention of pupils and involves them in mathematics. With further
reflections on its transference to computer software.

Grattan-Guinness, Ivor, 'Some neglected niches in the understanding and teaching of

numbers and number systems', ZDM 98/1 (1998), 12-18
Historical examples in the field of number, selected for their possible use in teaching at school or college
level, with pedagogic commentary: including fractions and ratios, integers with properties, algorist vs
abacist approaches to calculation, and zero.

Hahn, Alexander J., 'Two historical applications of calculus', College mathematics

journal 29 (1998), 93-103
L'Hopital's determination of the static geometry of a pulley, and Galileo's experiment with balls rolling
down an inclined plane, are two problems pitched at just the right level for students beginning calculus.
Through such problems students can both deepen their insights and practise their computational skills.

Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa, 'Negative numbers: obstacles in their evolution from intuitive

to intellectual constructs', For the learning of mathematics 11.1 (1991) 26-32
The intellectual hurdles that blocked the understanding of negative numbers thoughout history may also
block the understanding of present-day students. The examples of D'Alembert and Stendhal illustrate the
confusions. Among others, Hermann Hankel in 1867 sought to overcome the difficulties by a change of

Heiede, Torkil, 'Why teach history of mathematics?' Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475
(1992) 151-157
Because the history of a subject is part of the subject. If you are not aware that mathematics has a history
then you have not been taught mathematics, but have been cheated of an indispensible part of it. Again, you
are not a mathematics teacher if you do not teach also the history of mathematics.

Hitchcock, Gavin, 'The "grand entertainment": dramatising the birth and development of
mathematical concepts', For the learning of mathematics 12.1 (1992) 21-27
Use of dialogue and theatre is a way to allow the student to share something of the creative tensions and
intellectual excitement experienced by human mathematics-makers in their historical problem-situations.
For example, a synopsis of a six-scene play on the rise of negative numbers. 'Grand entertainment' is
Kepler's phrase.

Hitchcock, Gavin, 'A window on the world of mathematics, 1871: reminiscences of De

Morgan -- a dramatic presentation', in Victor Katz (ed), Using history to teach
mathematics: an international perspective, Washington: MAA 2000, 225-230
A dramatic monologue, constructed from his writings, in which Augustus De Morgan discusses the
development of algebra over his life-time.

Hitchcock, Gavin, 'Teaching the negatives, 1870-1970: a medley of models', For the
learning of mathematics 17.1 (1997), 17-25, 42
Six contrasting classroom scenes of good teachers at work: C. Smith (1888), A N Whitehead (1918), E.
Landau (1930), T. Apostol (1957), American teacher (1961), English teacher (1966), with prologue (A. De
Morgan) and epilogue (F. Klein). With questions and exercises, for teacher-training workshops.

Hitchcock, Gavin, 'Dramatizing the birth and adventures of mathematical concepts: two
dialogues', in R. Calinger (ed), Vita mathematica: historical research and integration
with teaching, Washington: MAA 1996, 27-41
The power of dialogue and theatre in reconstructing the historical story of informal mathematics-making is
shown in two playlets, about the acceptance in Europe of decimal expansions of irrational numbers (a
dialogue between Stifel and Stevin) and of negative roots of equations (Frend, Peacock and De Morgan).

Horain, Yvette, 'Polygonal areas: a historical project', John Fauvel (ed), History in the
mathematics classroom: the IREM Papers, Leicester: The Mathematical Association
1990, 113-136
Pupils were made aware of their local cultural heritage through exploring mathematics from manuscripts in
their local Benedictine abbey (C7 onwards). They learned history and library skills as well as mathematics.
Work on the area of polygons involved studying primary sources from Bayart, Euclid, Legendre, Ptolemy,
Brahmagupta and Chasles.

Isaacs, Ian, V Mohan Ram and Ann Richards, 'A historical approach to developing the
cultural significance of mathematics amongst first year preservice primary school
teachers', Eduardo Veloso (ed), Proceedings of HEM Meeting, Braga, Portugal 1996, vol
II, 26-33
A course at the Northern Territory University, Australia, set out to modify the belief systems and
perceptions of trainee primary teachers about the nature of mathematics and the purpose of school
mathematics. Work included geometry from China, India, Egypt and Greece. Results were mixed; many
students were unconvinced and more work is needed.

Jones, Charles V., 'Finding order in history learning: defining the history and pedagogy
of mathematics', Sergio Nobre (ed), Proceedings of HPM Meeting, Blumenau, Brazil
1994, 35-45
Historio-pedagogy will become a discipline when a founding set of assumptions and a research agenda is
agreed: for example, seeing the processes of history and of learning as complex systems with emergent
order. This view must criticise many assumptions in current pedagogy; teacher and learner might begin to
relate as mentoring partners.

Joseph, George Ghevarghese, 'What is a square root?: a study of geometrical
representation in different mathematical traditions', Mathematics in school 26.3 (1997),
Geometries which moved beyond practical surveying and actively searched for general proofs did exist
outside Greek mathematics. Exploring features of ancient Babylonian, Indian and Chinese geometries
enable teachers to focus on operations with numbers, rather than the numbers themselves, with educational

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Katz, Kaila, 'Historical content in computer science texts: a concern', Annals of the
history of computing 19.1 (1997), 16-19
Those teaching computer science courses may have little chance or competence to evaluate the historical
material found in student textbooks. Yet there are problems with the historical content of many current
texts. The history of the field deserves the same careful treatment in these texts as do other aspects of
computer science.

Katz, Victor J., 'Using history in teaching mathematics', For the learning of mathematics
6.3 (1986) 13-19
Use of historical materials is profitable both for motivating students and for developing the curriculum, and
can give rise to valuable pedagogic ideas. Examples are given from algorithms, combinatorics, logarithms,
trigonometry, and mathematical modelling.

Katz, Victor, 'Ethnomathematics in the classroom', For the learning of mathematics 14.2
(1994), 26-30
Many important mathematical ideas grew out of the needs of cultures around the world. These are
exemplified in examples from combinatorics, arithmetic and geometry. Studying these broadens students'
understanding not only of mathematics but also of the world.

Kleiner, Israel and N Movshovitz-Hadar, 'The role of paradoxes in the evolution of

mathematics', American mathematical monthly 101 (1994), 963-974
Paradoxes have had a substantial impact on the development of mathematics through the refinement and
reshaping of concepts, the broadening of existing theories and the rise of new ones. They also have a role in
the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Kool, Marjolein, ‘Using historical arithmetic books in teaching mathematics to low

attainers’, Histoire et épistémologie dans l’éducation mathématique, IREM de
Montpellier (1995), 215-225
Low-attaining teenagers can be enthused and stimulated by working with carefully
selected samples from old arithmetic books and mss. They come to see mathematics as
problems done and solved by other people too, with whom they can identify. With
several pages of worksheets.

Kool, Marjolein, 'Dust clouds from the sixteenth centuries', Mathematical gazette 76, no.
475 (1992) 90-96
Working with historical materials in the classroom is a way of motivating pupils. In particular, it can be
very useful with students of below average capabilities or with learning difficulties, who are easily

distracted in mathematics lessons and have little interest. Here the example is given of working with 16th
century Dutch arithmetic texts.

Kubli, Fritz, ‘Historical aspects in physics teaching: using Galileo’s work in a new Swiss
project, Science and education 8 (1999), 137-150
A questionnaire about incorporating historical material in their physics programme was
sent to students in Swiss high schools, canvassing different types of intervention (eg
sporadic recounting, original texts, reconstructed historical experiments). Early results
show a difference in the responses of male and female students.

Laubenbacher, Reinhard, David Pengelley and Michael Siddoway, 'Recovering

motivation in mathematics: teaching with original sources', UME trends 6.4 (1994), 1-2
Two reasons for studying original sources in mathematics learning: to bring students close to the
experience of mathematical creation, and to initiate them into the way mathematics is practised. Thus the
classroom emulates the dynamic of research mathematics. By contrast, history courses tend to talk about

Le Goff, Jean-Pierre, 'Cubic equations at secondary school level: following in Euler's

footsteps', Evelyne Barbin and RÈgine Douady (eds), Teaching mathematics: the
relationship between knowledge, curriculum and practice, Topiques Éditions 1996, 11-34

Whether or not included in the curriculum, cubic equations are important for leading to the emergence of
imaginary numbers and to the solution of trigonometric equations. A class of 17-year-olds in Normandy
tackled a text of Euler as an investigation, here described in detail. The same text was explored differently
in another class.

Lombardi, Olimpia, ‘Aristotelian physics in the context of teaching science: a historical-

philosophical approach’, Science and educn 8 (1999), 217-239
Aristotelian physics for didactic purposes is sometimes presented in too fragmentary and
oversimplified a way. Reading the original texts is a richer intellectual experience and
shows the author’s thought in action.

McBride, Carl and James H Rollins, 'The effect of history of mathematics on attitudes
toward mathematics of college algebra students', Journal for research in mathematics
education 8 (1977), 57-61
Incorporating ideas from the history of mathematics into a college algebra course produces a significant
positive effect on student attitudes towards mathematics.

Maanen, Jan Van, 'Old maths never dies', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 52-54
Today's students are intrigued and inspired by C17 textbook problems at a number of levels, from
deciphering gothic type (a morale-boosting activity for weaker students) to realising that problems can be
solved geometrically as well as algebraically.

Maanen, Jan van, 'L'Hôpital's weight problem', For the learning of mathematics 11.2
(1991) 44-47
Classroom use (with 18-year-old pupils in a Dutch gymnasium) of a problem from the first calculus
textbook, L'Htpital's Analyse des infiniment petits (1696), with a discussion of the value and purpose of
this activity.

Maanen, Jan van, 'New maths may profit from old methods', For the learning of
mathematics 17.2 (1997), 39-46
Four classroom activities are presented: bisecting an angle, solving a quadratic equation, estimating a
logarithm, calculaing the area of a triangle. These show how tackling problems from old textbooks can
enable school pupils and trainee teachers to gain fresh and invigorating perspectives on what they are

Maanen, Jan van, 'Teaching geometry to 11 year old "mediaeval lawyers"', Mathematical
gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 37-45
11-year old pupils studying Latin and mathematics studied a 1355 treatise by Bartolus of Saxoferrato on the
division of alluvial deposits. Besides integrating the two subjects in the same project, it was a way of
encouraging pupils to work together, to see the importance of mathematics in society, and to discover ruler-
and-compass constructions.

MacKinnon, Nick, 'Newton's teaser', Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 2-27
Leibniz's series for 9/4, and Newton's riposte in his Epistola posterior (1676). The latter "makes an
excellent peg on which to hang a number of lessons on infinite series, and integration, and in the course of
researching this article I found I had touched base with so many A-level topics that my whole teaching at
this level has been revolutionised."

Maher, Philip, 'From al-Jabr to algebra', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 14-15
Exploring al-Kwarizmi's geometric approach to 'completing the square' (produced in C9 Baghdad) is a
valuable way of helping students to understand the process better as well as enabling them to appreciate
mathematics as a human activity in which they can join.

Menghini, Marta, 'Form in algebra: reflecting, with Peacock, on upper secondary school
teaching', For the learning of mathematics 14.3 (1994) 9-14
In teaching algebra it is better at a certain level to underline explicitly the transition from arithmetical to
symbolic algebra. The work of George Peacock and other C19 English algebraists (Gregory, Babbage, De
Morgan and Boole) provides a useful analogy.

Miguel, Antonio, ‘As potencialidades pedagógicas da história da matemática em questão:

argumentos reforçadores e questionadores’, Zetetike 5 (1997), 73-105
Survey of arguments found in various journals and books reinforcing the pedagogical
potentialities of the history of mathematics, noting too the counter arguments and other
difficulties with such a position.

Monk, Martin, and Jonathan Osborne, 'Placing the history and philosophy of science on
the curriculum: a model for the development of pedagogy', Science education 81 (1997),
Two main issues for those wishing to introduce HPS into science teaching are the justification, and the
placement of materials. The justification must point to places where the inclusion of history will directly
contribute to the learning of science concepts. Materials must support teachers' main aims, and
understanding of science education as epistemological justification, rather than seem bolted on in a context
of discovery.

Morley, Arthur, 'Should a mathematics teacher know something about the history of
mathematics?', For the learning of mathematics 2.3 (1982) 46
Yes, for two reasons: to get student teachers to reflect on the nature of the subject they will teach, and to
understand issues of curriculum content.

Mower, Pat, ‘Mathematical fiction’, Humanistic mathematics network journal 19 (1999),
Students in the history of mathematics class at Washburn University developed their
understanding of mathematics and its history through creating imaginative fiction
including ‘A day in the life of Diophantus’ and a newspaper report on the discovery of an
ancient document by Diophantus.

Nouet, Monique, 'Using historical texts in the lycée', Evelyne Barbin and Régine Douady
(eds), Teaching mathematics: the relationship between knowledge, curriculum and
practice, Topiques Éditions 1996, 125-138
Using primary historical texts has several benefits, enabling students to experience the pleasure of
discovery; to see that mathematics has developed and that the same concept can appear in a variety of ways
and contexts; and to be reassured, improve their repertoire of approaches and improve their performance.
These benefits are seen in the study of texts by Roberval, Pascal, Archimedes, and Arnauld, in the final-
year class of a lycée.

Ofir, Ron, 'Historical happenings in the mathematical classroom', For the learning of
mathematics 11.2 (1991) 21-23
Discussion of activities developed for classroom use (12 to 14 year-olds), in the context of number systems.
fractions, and 9.

Ofir, Ron, and Abraham Arcavi, 'Word problems and equations: an historical activity for
the algebra classroom', Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 69-84
A history of algebra activity for junior high school students (aged 12-14), relating to problems that reduce
(in modern terms) to ax = b, taking the form of a teacher directed presentation/discussion with
accompanying transparencies and worksheet.

Oliver, Jack, 'Calculations in medieval Europe', Mathematics in school 26.3 (1997), 12-
Describes how to add and subtract with Roman numerals and the use of a counting board.

Patronis, Tasos, and Yannis Thomaidis, 'On the arithmetization of school geometry in the
setting of modern axiomatics', Science and education 6 (1997), 273-290
Arithmetized geometry--that is, an axiomatic presentation of geometry which presupposes the real
numberssis analyzed semantically and compared with classical synthetic exposition of school geometry, in
a context of geometry teaching styles, in Greece and elsewhere, over the past two centuries.

Orzech, Morris, 'An activity for teaching about proof and about the role of proof in
mathematics', PRIMUS 6 (1996), 125-139
A linear algebra class was infused with history and philosophy of mathematics, to help students understand
the notion of proof. The method here involved experiencing a historical skit/dialogue about the definition
of proof, and looking at some historical proofs to understand the development of the notion.

Perkins, Patricia, 'Using history to enrich mathematics lessons in a girls' school', For the
learning of mathematics 11.2 (1991) 9-10
Setting mathematics in a historical context, presenting it as part of cultural heritage, has proved a successful
strategy for pupils in an independent girls' school, particularly on issues concerning confidence and gender

Pimm, David, 'Why the history and philosophy of mathematics should not be rated X',
For the learning of mathematics 3.1 (1982) 12-15
History and philosophy of mathematics can be of use to mathematics education through informing our
understanding of mathematics, which is enriched and encouraged by an awareness of its problem sources. It
gives a sense of place and meaning from which to learn mathematics, challenging the notion of a static list
of accumulated truths.

Ponza, Maria Victoria, 'A role for the history of mathematics in the teaching and learning
of mathematics: an Argentinian experience', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 10-13
The experience of writing and producing a play about Galois (whose text is reproduced here) had notable
effects upon the interest and enthusiasm of pupils for mathematics.

Pritchard, Chris, 'The contributions of four Scots to the early development of statistics',
Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 61-68
The history of mathematics within a country can be used to kindle pupils' interest. Here, pioneering
Scottish statisticians are evoked for Scottish pupils.

Radford, Luis, ‘An historical incursion into the hidden side of the early development of
equations’, in Joaquim Giménez et al, Arithmetics and algebra education (1996), 120-
A historical case-study, of the rise of the algebraic concept of equation, shows that
mathematical reification processes (processes of abstraction and/or generalization) are
socio-culturally related, in this case to the development of writing and of socially
elaborated forms of mathematical explanation: equations have always had a meaning
shaped by the social structures in which they were practised.

Radford, Luis, 'Before the other unknowns were invented: didactic inquiries on the
methods and problems of mediaeval Italian algebra', For the learning of mathematics
15.3 (1995), 28-38
Didactical-epistemological analysis of problems and methods in Italian algebra from the 12th century
onwards helps us understand the meaning of algebraic ideas, and helps draw out information that can be
used in teaching: not to follow the same path, but to find new teaching possibilities (e.g. links between
algebra and negative numbers).

Radford, Luis, 'The roles of geometry and arithmetic in the development of algebra:
historical remarks from a didactic perspective', Nadine Bednarz, Carolyn Kieran and
Lesley Lee, Approaches to algebra: perspectives for research and teaching, Kluwer
1996, 39-53
The historical conceptual structure of our main modern elementary algebraic concepts, unknown and
variable, are quite different. Exploring the history allows us to raise questions about the role geometry and
arithmetic could play in teaching basic algebra concepts.

Radford, Luis, 'On psychology, historical epistemology, and the teaching of mathematics:
towards a socio-cultural history of mathematics', For the learning of mathematics 17.1
(1997), 26-33
The history of mathematics can be used, in a less naive way than anecdotally or as a source of problems, as
an epistemological laboratory to explore the development of mathematical knowledge. This requires critical
analysis of how historical and conceptual developments are linked -- notably, of the notion of
'epistemological obstacles' -- through exploring how knowledge is rooted in its socio-cultural context.

Ransom, Peter, ‘Navigation and surveying: teaching geometry through the use of old
instruments’, Histoire et épistémologie dans l’éducation mathématique, IREM de
Montpellier (1995), 227-239
Report on a workshop showing how to use easily made instruments such as sundials and
the cross-staff for teaching trigonometry and geometry, with discussion of the benefits to
pupils of becoming involved in practical mathematics in this way.

Ransom, Peter, 'A historical approach to maximum and minimum problems',

Mathematical gazette 76, no. 475 (1992) 85-89
Finding a minimum, before pupils have met calculus, by studying Fermat's method proves to have several
advantages: it encourages library use and practice in algebra as well as following through a mathematical
argument and introducing calculus.

Ransom, Peter, 'Why and hows', For the learning of mathematics 11.2 (1991) 7-9
Five benefits of using history of mathematics, with pupils in a 13-18 comprehensive school.

Rice, Adrian, 'A platonic stimulation: doubling the square or why do I teach maths?',
Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 23-24
Interacting with a mathematics class as, in Plato's Meno , Socrates did with Meno's slave-boy is an example
of how to stimulate students through introducing problems from history.

Robson, Eleanor, 'Counting in cuneiform', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 2-9

Resources for teachers and suggestions for classroom activity involving Babylonian mathematics.

Rogers, Leo, ‘Is the historical reconstruction of mathematical knowledge possible?’,

Histoire et épistémologie dans l’éducation mathématique, IREM de Montpellier (1995),
By studying the history of mathematics we can examine aspects of the processes and the
contexts whereby it was developed. A programme of rational reconstruction of its history
is relevant to the communication of mathematics at all levels.

Rogers, Leo, 'History of mathematics: resources for teachers', For the learning of
mathematics 11.2 (1991) 48-52
Bibliographical survey of resources for teachers interested in the history of mathematics or its use in the

Rothman, Patricia, 'Meditations on women in the history of mathematics', Mathematics

in school 26.3 (1997), 28-30
Notes on six women, from Aspasia to Lovelace.

Sawyer, Warwick, 'Mathematics as history', Mathematics in school 26.3 (1997), 2-3

In The decline of the west (1918), Oswald Spengler offered an account of mathematics as totally dependent
on its cultural context. Despite displaying an almost professional grasp of mathematics, his prediction for
its future was nevertheless very wide of the mark.

Seltman, Muriel, and P E J Seltman, 'Growth processes and formal logic: comments on
history and mathematics regarded as combined educational tools', Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci.
Technol 9 (1978) 15-29
History of mathematics, seen as permeating through the whole of mathematics, can alleviate some of the

teaching problems raised by the formal-logical character of mathemical thinking. Knowledge of the
circumstances of mathematical discovery is integral to the access to, appreciation of and performance in

Shenitzer, Abe, 'A mathematics lesson', For the learning of mathematics 10.3 (1990) 38-
How Pythagoras' theorem can be introduced to teenage girls so as to surprise them and encourage them to
be critical reasoners.

Siu, Man-Keung, 'Proof and pedagogy in ancient China: examples from Liu Hui's
commentary on Jiu zhang suan shu', Educational studies in mathematics 24 (1993), 345-
The pedagogical implications of aspects of proof in ancient Chinese mathematics.

Siu Man-Keung, 'The ABCD of using history of mathematics in the (undergraduate)

classroom', BHKMS 1 (1997), 143-154 also in Victor Katz (ed), Using history to teach
mathematics: an international perspective, Washington: MAA 2000, 3-9
Some teaching experience in using history of mathematics in the undergraduate classroom is shared
through selected illustrative examples. These can be roughly categorized into four 'levels' as (1) Anecdotes,
(2) Broad outline, (3) Content and (4) Development of mathematical ideas.

Speranza, Francesco and Lucia Grugnetti, 'History and epistemology in didactics of

mathematics', Nicolina A Malara, Marta Menghini and Maria Reggiani (eds), Italian
research in mathematics education 1988-1995, CNR 1996, 126-135
The interaction between mathematical didactics, and its history and epistemology, is rich, and in Italy is
institutionalised. In the 1900s the relation was the subject of a rich debate; many writings from that period
are still useful. The debate resumed in the 1980s, and now involves many groups across Italy.

Steiner, Hans-Georg, 'Two kinds of "elements" and the dialectic between synthetic-
deductive and analytical-genetic approaches in mathematics', For the learning of
mathematics 8.3 (1988) 7-15
The concept of 'elements', and related words such as 'elementary', in authors such as Euclid, Arnauld,
Clairaut and Bourbaki, show how fundamental dualisms between synthesis and analysis, justification and
development, representation and operation, &c, have proved a vehicle for epistemological and didactical
clarifications consisting in a dialectical synthesis of the original contrasts, based on the elaboration of
complementarist views.

Steuwer, Roger, 'History and physics', Science and education 7 (1998), 13-30
Research and teaching in physics and in the history of physics are complementary: to a degree mutually
exclusive, but both necessary for students to understand the nature of physics. It is desirable to bring the
two together constructively.

Stowasser, Roland, 'A textbook chapter from an idea of Pascal', For the learning of
mathematics 3.2 (1982) 25-30
Raids on the history of mathematics can contribute to concrete mathematics teaching: exemplified by the
use, to generate classroom activity, of Pascal's paper relating the divisibility of numbers to the sum of their
ciphers .

Stowasser, Roland, and Trygve Breiteig, 'An idea from Jakob Bernoulli for the teaching
of algebra: a challenge for the interested pupil', For the learning of mathematics 4.3

(1990) 30-38
Jacob Bernoulli's Ars conjectandi (1713) has a discussion of sums of powers, arising from 'Pascal's
triangle'. A passage from John Wallis's Arithmetica infinitorum (1655) can be used in class also, for
approximations of power sums which prepare the ground for calculus.

Swetz, Frank, 'To know and to teach: mathematical pedagogy from a historical context',
Educational studies in mathematics 29 (1995), 73-88
The contents of historical mathematical texts usually embody a pedagogy. Several pedagogical techniques
are analysed: instructional discourse, logical sequencing of problems and exercises, employment of visual
aids. Much of today's mathematical pedagogy derived from distant historical antecedents.

Swetz, Frank, 'Mathematical pedagogy: an historical perspective', in Victor Katz (ed),

Using history to teach mathematics: an international perspective, Washington: MAA
2000, 11-16
Analysis of didactical trends in historical texts may explore several aspects, notably organisation of
material, use of instructional discourse, use of visual aids and of tactile aids. Examples considered include
Babylonian and Chinese texts.

Tahta, Dick, 'About geometry', For the learning of mathematics 1.1 (1980) 2-9
Exploring past ways of thinking and acting geometrically, which can seem to be part of a lost or magical
tradition, helps remind us of what geometry can do for people.

Tahta, Dick, 'In Calypso's arms', For the learning of mathematics 6.1 (1986) 17-23
Reflections on the role of ancient problems and narrative sensibilities in mathematics teaching. The
continuing reflexive generation of the account mathematics gives of its own history is too important to be
left to historians, or mathematicians: the challenge for teachers is to recast the historical record knowingly.

Tattersall, Jim, 'How many people have ever lived?', in R. Calinger (ed), Vita mathematica:
historical research and integration with teaching, Washington: MAA 1996, 331-337
A stimulating and provocative demographic exercise for the mathematics class, combining the history of
population estimates with that of life expectancy.

Taverner, Sally, 'Name how many mathematicians!', Mathematics in school 26.3 (1997),
Asking trainee teachers to prepare a five-minute talk on a famous mathematician is a valuable research and
learning exercise.

Thomaidis, Yannis, 'Historical digressions in Greek geometry lessons', For the learning
of mathematics 11.2 (1991) 37-43
Two historical digressions (straightedge and compasses constructions, and Ptolemaic trigonometry) in a
Greek lyceum (16-17 year-olds), in response to teaching problems, provoked discussion and creative
activity. This showed how the distant cultural past of a country can influence its contemporary
mathematical education.

Tzanakis, Constantinos, ‘Unfolding relations between mathematics and physics, in a

presentation motivated by history: two examples’, Int. jour. math. educ. sci. technol. 30
(1999), 103-118
History plays a prominent role in a genetic approach revealing interrelations between
physics and mathematics. The two examples are the derivation of Newton’s law of

gravitation from Kepler’s laws, as an application of differential calculus, and the
foundations of special relativity as an example of the use of matrix algebra.

Tzanakis, Constantinos, 'Reversing the customary deductive teaching of mathematics by

using its history: The case of abstract algebraic concepts', Proc. of the first European
Summer University on the history and epistemology in mathematics education , IREM de
Montpellier (1995), 271-273.
The customary deductive approach in mathematics teaching can be reversed by using its history as an
essential ingredient, here examined in the case of complex number, rotation group, and morphisms of
abstract algebraic structures.

Tzanakis, Constantinos, 'Rotations, complex numbers and quaternions', International

journal of mathematics education in science and technology 26 (1995) 45-60.
In extending the relation between complex numbers and plane rotations to space rotations and some
generalization of complex numbers, one is led to Hamilton's quaternions and its applications. The
presentation is inspired by history and aims at giving a natural formulation of important algebraic concepts.

Tzanakis, Constantinos, 'The history of the relation between mathematics and physics as
an essential ingredient of their presentation', Eduardo Veloso (ed), Proceedings of HEM
Meeting, Braga, Portugal 1996, vol II, 96-104
A genetic approach to the presentation of mathematics and physics is illustrated by considering examples
taken from the historical development of these disciplines, at the same time emphasizing their close
relationship which is often ignored in teaching.

Tzanakis, Constantinos, 'The quest of beauty in research and teaching of mathematics and
physics: an historical approach', Nonlinear analysis, theory, methods and applications 30
(1997) 2097-2105.
What is the intrinsic aesthetic content of mathematics and physics? An answer is given in terms of 6
relevant points, illustrated by historically relevant examples, which are reconstructed so that they become
didactically appropriate.

Voolich, Erica Dakin, 'Using biographies in the middle school classroom', Sergio Nobre
(ed), Proceedings of HPM Meeting, Blumenau 1994, 167-172
Various ways of incorporating biographical material about mathematicians in classroom activities include
birthday celebrations, construction of 5-minute biographies in which the name is hidden until the end, and
role-playing on mock TV chat shows.

Weeks, Chris, 'Ptolemy's theorem', Mathematics in school 27.4 (1998), 34-36

Ptolemy's remarkable result that the product of diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral is the sum of the products
of its opposite sides was part of his investigations of chords, which in modern terms establish trigonometric

Wolfson, Paul, 'Philosophy enters the mathematics classroom', For the learning of
mathematics 2.1 (1981) 22-26
An organization of historical material into mathematical research programmes, as courses or even a
curriculum, would give implicit instruction in heuristics and lead to a richer philosophy of mathematics.

Zaslavsky, Claudia, '''Africa counts" and ethnomathematics', For the learning of

mathematics 14.2 (1994), 3-8

Factors leading to the writing of Zaslavsky's Africa counts (1973/1979), and its use in the mathematics

Zaslavsky, Claudia, 'World cultures in the mathematics class', For the learning of
mathematics 11.2 (1991) 32-36
Introducing multicultural, interdisciplinary perspectives into the mathematics curriculum is of particular
benefit for the self-esteem and interest of 'minority' students as well as provoking added appreciation and
awareness for all students.


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