Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid: Michael Swearingen, IEEE, Senior Member
Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid: Michael Swearingen, IEEE, Senior Member
Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid: Michael Swearingen, IEEE, Senior Member
Keywords – Autonomous, Operational Envelops, Decision Trees, II. GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION IN THE
Transmission System, Transmission Interchange, Generation, Logic, AUTONOMOUS SELF AWARE LIVING GRID
Distribution Systems, Sets, Engineering Analysis, Relays, PLC,
Control Systems, Cybersecurity With the advent of intelligent devices for the electric grid the grid
can be seen as a giant neural network that can acquire
I. INTRODUCTION information and evaluate the information in an intelligent manner
based on operational envelopes, based on the NERC Reliability
The operation of generation and transmission in the current grid
Standards [1] and IEEE Standards, that allow the electric grid to
is defined by operation contingencies such as capacity of
adjust its configuration to avoid comprised reliability or potential
transmission lines, the ability of generation units to meet the
current load requirements and market requirements. Factors such
as load curves, generation capacity, transmission capacity and To accomplish this transmission interchanges can be used as
economic factors all contribute to the flow of power through intelligent nodes that conduct the evaluation of generation and
today’s grid. To accomplish the balance needed to fulfill the transmission facilities interconnected to the interchange. These
power requirements of the nation’s power grid system operators transmission interchanges throughout the national grid will
must consider not only capacity but frequency stability, voltage communicate with each other acting as automated Balancing
stability, synchronization of generators, maintenance schedules, Authorities (BA) to determine the generation needed and the
contract requirements and regulatory requirements. manner in which the power will flow to meet the load and
reliability needs of the national grid. The state and condition of
The operation factors mentioned are controlled by Balancing
every segment is contained in Critical System Information Sets
Authorities (BA) and their operations centers. In some cases, the
(CSIS) that is evaluated by the Computer Intelligence and
Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO) and Independent
Analysis System (CIAS).
System Operators (ISO) operate under what is known as a
Consolidated Balance Authority (CBA) where the RTO’s and The CSIS contains the state and condition of each segment
ISO’s directly control the operation of all generation and including protective equipment relays, voltage measurements,
transmission operations in cooperation with the utilities that own load current, Var measurements, capacitor control information,
the equipment. Under this operation structure the RTO’s and voltage regulation equipment, control systems, conductor
ISO’s assume the regulatory responsibilities. Other RTO’s and capacities, power quality measurements and connectivity of the
ISO’s have multiple BA’s with defined territories agreed upon by transmission line being evaluated. The CSIS for generation
the utilities operating as the BA. facilities contain the state and condition of the generation units
within the generation facilities to include unit availability,
To accomplish this momentous task within the national grid
generation capacity, maintenance schedules, fuel availability,
several technologies are used such as generation facilities,
estimated unit commitment and current economics of generation
transmission interchanges, AC/DC tie stations, distribution
operation. The
substations, control systems, Supervisory Control and Data
The information of the CSIS is contained in a data platform to be end to end operation test of the control systems, as shown in
used by the CIAS software that includes economic analysis, figure 3, of the interchanges that are a part of the partial system
reliability analysis and engineering analysis. This real time isolation. The results of end to end operation tests will be sent to
analysis combined with predictive analysis and game theory the appropriate op-center and system operators. The timing
principles determines the best system configuration needed and information from the synchronized clocks within the facilities
through automated SCADA operation issues the necessary isolated will be transmitted in a log and coordinated in real time
commands to meet the optimal system configuration. with the op-centers and system operators.
The CIAS uses the equipment on the grid to evaluate real time
condition and state of all components on the grid. Due to the
vast amount of information contained on the grid the CIAS uses Figure 7 Analysis Process
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [2] to find only those points
outside the OE’s parameters. Set members in the CSIS act as The CIAS provides the potential re-configuration of the grid by
producing solution sets Sn. These solution sets are calculated
pheromone trails for connectivity. This information is provided
against the ideal solution for the grid based on the optimal
to the data platforms used by the CIAS at the transmission
condition and state of the grid segments being evaluated. Since it
is the case that most operational solutions to weak points in the
grid usually require accepting acceptable but not ideal grid
conditions it is necessary to find the solution of all solutions that
is closest to the ideal solution. To accomplish this a recursive
relation is done of the calculation of potential solutions Sn against
the ideal solution I to determine the smallest deviation Ԑn which
represents the best solution Sbest. The best solution is what is
used in reconfiguring the grid.
[S1][I]= Ԑ1
[S2][I]= Ԑ2
[Sn][I]= Ԑn
Figure 9 Calculation of Ԑn Best Solution
VI. ACTIVE SCAN ANALYSIS THREAT EVALUATION to reconfigure the necessary equipment of the ASALG and any
AND ATTACK SYSTEM operational approach in order to harden the grid against future
The ASATEAS is new form of cybersecurity developed to
protect the Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid. Within the VII. CONCLUSIONS
CIAS the ASATEAS module uses the system information from
the data platform to create an active cybersecurity framework The Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid is not the next logical
step for the advancement of the smart grid. It represents the next
The ASATEAS creates a virtual system that appears like the generation in how the nation’s smart grid will operate. The
Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid. However, the system technology available has reached the point where this next
actively seeks threats and create an environment of surface generation grid can become a reality.
exposure to promote a cyber-attack. Once the cyber- attack
happens it immediately evaluates every aspect of the attack and The realization of the Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid
returns the information to the system through a Threat requires a massive paradigm shift in the nation’s grid operation,
Assessment Matrix (TAM). federal regulations and economics and investment needed to
make this possible. The national grid is no longer a system to
provide service to homes and business but rather the grid has
grown into a national security asset that has a much value to the
nation’s defense as the military and the nation’s nuclear arsenal.
The ASALG in its resiliency and reliability will create a national
grid that fulfills its role as a national security asset.
At the turn of the century it took the vision of Nikola Tesla and
others to create the equipment needed to create an electric system
that could provide electric service on a national scale. The
Autonomous Self Aware Living Grid is the ultimate continuation
of the amazing vision first started by Tesla.
[1] NERC, United States Mandatory Standards Subject to Enforcement, 2018.
Figure 10 ASATEAS Diagram
Software written for the purpose of cyber-attack, cyber intrusions
and cyber control of grid infrastructure are complicated and [2] M. Dorigo, T. Stützle, Ant Colony Optimization, MIT Press, 2004.
sophisticated which creates problems in solving the software’s
intentions and purpose. However, the cyber software, whether
compiled or command line in its design, must be translated in to
machine logic or machine code to command the actual digital
components and registers within the system under attack. If we
look at the written code as a set of commands the set containing
the code at the level written would represent a set of commands
so large it would be hard to evaluate mathematically. Let’s
represent this set of commands as SCC (Set of all Current
Commands). However, mathematically there is a set of
commands that could be considered as a subset of SCC that
represents the machine code logic. This subset SMC (Set of all
Machine Code) that contains a more finite set of commands that,
while large in data, can be evaluated, as to its intentions, by the
SMC direct effect on the system logic, registers and components.