Creativity Among The Secondary School Students - A Study

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(01), 821-831

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/14112



Dr. M. Vasantha Rao

Guest Faculty, Department of Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History The present study is a study of the creativity among secondary school
Received: 20 November 2021 students. The objectives of the present study are to find out the
Final Accepted: 23 December 2021 creativity of the secondary school students with regard to the
Published: January 2022 dimensions like Alternatives, Uses and Similarities and to find out
whether there is any significant difference between the knowledge of
Key words:-
Creativity, Secondary School, Students, boys and girls, rural and urban students and Government and private
Genders, Managements school students of creativity. The stratified random sampling technique
is taken for this study. The sample consists of 120 students of
secondary school level. Each sub sample of variable consists of equal
number of students. The questionnaires developed of this study
contained 19 questions on verbal creativity tool prepared by Wallach
and Kogan.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

Creativity is one of the most highly valued qualities of human being because creative acts effect enormously in all
spheres of life. These nations which learn best how to identify develop and encourage creativity in their people may
find themselves in a very advantageous position. Creativity at its highest level has probably been as important as
any human quality in changing history and is reshaping the world. If one has to survive in international competition,
the most promising solution is for this nation to encourage and support the identification and development of highly
creative persons.

Creativity is man’s greatest asset. It is the most highly valued qualities of human beings where these rare pillars of
civilization who will solve the problems of today and tomorrow. They are no where else than in our classrooms.
The world is changing so rapidly that past knowledge often – misleads instead of helping. No longer it is easy to
apply past knowledge to the problems of the present and future.

The almighty God, the creator of the universe, is the supreme-mind who possesses the finest Creative abilities. He
has created all of us and all that is revealed in nature. Men are elevated to be called his creation. According to
Indian Philosophy, Human are constituents of the supreme power as the rays of the sun are the constituents parts of
their creator, the sun. Therefore, every individual ought to possess creative abilities – and has these abilities. Every
human being is a unique creation, but does not possess the same creative ability as his pears. Some of us are
endowed with high creative talents and contribute to advancement in the fields of art, literature, science, business,
teaching and other spheres of human activity, and are responsible for propounding new ideas and brining about
social and cultural changes. Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Homi Bhabha, Newton, Shakespere, Leonardo da
vinci were some of the creative individuals who left their mark in their chosen fields. Through they were

Corresponding Author:- Dr. M. Vasantha Rao

Address:- Guest Faculty, Department of Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

undoubtedly gifted with creative abilities, the role of environment in terms of education, training and opportunities
in their development cannot be ignored.

Good education, proper care and provision of opportunities for creative expression inspire, stimulate and sharpen the
creative mind, and it is in this sphere, that parents. Society and teachers make a significant contribution. They are
required to help the children in nourishing and utilizing their creative abilities to the utmost. The educational
process, therefore, should be aimed at developing creative abilities among children. This can be achieved by
acquainting the teachers and parents with the real meaning of the creative process and the ways and means of
developing and nurturing creativity.

Nature of Creativity:
The creative person is divergent thinker, that person discover ideas, unexpected suggestions and unconventional
thoughts. Andrews (1961) defines a creative person has a positive self integrating force, a process of self
actualization and expression of being. A creative environment is that which motivates a person to produce new
ideas, patterns or relationship.

Creativity is not confined to any individual groups of individuals, caste, Colour, sex or creed. It has no boundary of
age location or culture. It is applicable to all stages of education and universal in nature. Creative abilities are not
surrounded and developed with artificial and forceful situation. If can be nourished and nurtured by training and
proper education. It is both innate and acquired.

Vernon (1967) considers creativity mainly as inability and a form of cognitive activity. According to him creativity
means the abilities and personality characteristics that underline the production of artistic or scientific work which is
generally recognized as creative and original. Creative abilities are not completely spontaneous; rather, it requires
constant understanding, discipline hard work and patience to produce some thing new and unique. It is a kind of
adventurous thinking and a departure from the closed thinking. It involves many abilities like fluency, Flexibility,
originally and elaboration.

Convergent and Divergent Thinking:

In connection of creativity these two terms convergent and divergent thinking are frequently used. Convergent
means coming to a point i.e., one stimulus produces on response, S1 R1, where as “divergent” means going
away from a point or when one is stimulus produces many responses.


S R3



Divergent Thinking Abilities:

The creative person not only thinks creativity but also this adjustment is sought thought new combinations.

The important characteristic of creativity is flexibility of thinking and behaviour. Most of the people are never
prepared to re-examine their attitudes, habits, ways of behaviour etc., they utilize old solutions to solve new
problems in every situation without caring about novelty of the present situations. The creative person on the other
hand is always prepared to adopt new attitude idea or behaviour. It is hence the one succeeds in finding out new
solutions to problems.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

A creative person is not confined to ideas or experiences, read or heard. He is always prepared to conduct new
experiments. He uses new ideas, new attitudes and new methods. It is natural that some times he falls into great
difficulties but the result of his courage is achieved in the form of originality.

In order to achieves the above mentioned traits of creativity. The creative person should have sufficient curiosity. It
is due to curiosity that a person is anxious to know new things in any field. It is due to curiosity again that he seeks
to utilize new methods. It is due to curiosity that the scientists, philosophers and artists find out new facts which
ultimately lead to the new creations, curiosity leads to divergence in perception, thinking and behaviour.

Need of the Present study:

The plain fact is that there is a crying need for nurturing creativity in every classroom. Where ever it is done, it is by
chance and accident rather than by design and understanding. In some universities the topic on creativity has been
recently introduced in the teachers training courses but most of the teachers might be even ignorant of the very
concept of creativity.

A review committee was appointed by the government of India 1977 to review the whole curriculum and make
suitable suggestions for necessary modifications. In its concluding remark the review committees emphasized the
need for creative education. One of the objectives of primary educations, the NCERT has suggested is that the child
should be able to express itself freely in creative activities and should acquire habits of self learning (NCERT 1975).

Creativity of the citizens is a national asset those who have creative abilities can manage control and organize new
materials and experiences. Creativity is a distinguishing characteristic of outstanding individuals in almost every
field. It has been generally conceded that the possession of high intelligence special talent and technical skills are
not enough for outstanding success. To day the focus of the entire world is on this specialized area creativity. The
modern educators are concerned with the identification of the creative abilities so as to nourish them and explore all
the possibilities to make use of the unusual productive talents for the development of science technology, literature,
art, music and soon.

Through creativity is no less important than any other human characteristics for the progress of mankind, research
on creativity has been or recent origin due to various reasons even in advanced countries like U.S.A., U.K. not to
speak of the developing country like India. Through many studies have been carried out on creativity in recent
years. They yielded contradictory results showing that much is yet to be known about the creativity a. Hence the
study is important.

Objectives of the Study:-

To find out the level of creativity among the secondary school students with regard to the three dimensions like
Alternatives, Uses and Similarities.
1. To find out and compare the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school students with regard to the
three dimensions like Alternatives, Uses and Similarities.
2. To find out and compare the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students with
regard to the three dimensions like Alternatives, Uses and Similarities.
3. To find out and compare the level of creativity of boys and girls of secondary school with regard to the three
dimensions like Alternatives, Uses and Similarities.

Hypotheses of the Present Study:

1. There is creativity among the Secondary school students is not high.
2. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of rural and urban secondary school students with
regard to the dimension of Alternatives.
3. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of rural and urban secondary school students with
regard to the dimension of Uses.
4. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of rural and urban secondary school students with
regard to the dimension of Similarities.
5. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students
with regard to the dimension of Alternatives.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

6. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students
with regard to the dimension of Uses.
7. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students
with regard to the dimension of Similarities.
8. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of secondary schools with regard to
the dimension of Alternatives.
9. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of secondary schools with regard to
the dimension of Uses.
10. There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of secondary schools with regard to
the dimension of Similarities.

Scope of the Study:

This study is limited to urban and Rural, Private and Government secondary school students in Nalgonda District.
As the study to be submitted in partial fulfillment of M.Ed., programmed to duration of which is only one academic
year the investigator selected only Nalgonda District. The scope is limited to 120 students of 9 th class level at
Mellacheruvu. The investigator selected the variables is limited to boys and girls and urban and Rural Private and
Government schools.

Review of Related Literature:-

Sharma M. (1977) A study of some factors in relation to creativity, Ph.D., Psy. Mag.U, the Major Findings were
Males were superior in creativity to females. High and low creative males were significance differentiated on
intelligence, scholastic achievement risk taking tendency, anxiety home and health and emotional adjustment to
gather with overall adjustment scores. High creative females were significantly high in intelligence and scholastic
achievement than low creative females.

M.J. Levin (1978) Creativity is the ability to discover new solutions to problems or to produce new ideas,
inventions or works of art it is a special form of thinking and interacting with it in a manner different form that of
the general population.

Patel, R.P. (1988) Development of Brain storming Technique programmers and to study its effects on creativity of
the secondary school children Ph.D., Edu., SPU. The Major Findings were the students of the experimental group
did better on creativity test after the treatment than the students of the control group. The main effect of the
treatment variable on verbal creativity was significant and it was a favors of experimental group. The experimental
group did better on figural creativity than the control group.

Kumar M.A. Sudhir (1992) Socio educational correlates or creativity among secondary school students in
Arunachal, Indian Educational Review Vol. 27(1) 98-106. The male and female students did not show any
significant difference in their creative thinking ability. The students belonging to high & low age groups failed to
differentiate in their creative thinking ability. The last born were found to be definitely superior in creative thinking
ability when compared to the middle born and first born.

The type of school in which the students studied was also found to influence their creative thinking ability. The
government school students had on adge over the central school students in creativity. The students with literacy
interests gained superiority in creative thinking when compared to those with social and cultural interests. The
students with higher family facility score possessed a higher creativity score than their lower family counter parts.
The adjustment is variable on which quite few studies have been conducted.

Bhogayata, C.K. (19860): A Study of relationship amongst creativity self concept and locus of control Ph.D. Edu,
Su, u. than main objectives were to compare the creativity, self concept and locus of control of urban and rural
students. To find out the magnitudes and direction of the correlations of self concept and locus of control with
fluency, originality and creativity. To study the predictability of fluency, originality and creativity.

The major findings were boys were more creative than girls, but they did not differ in their self-concept and locus of
control. Urban students had a higher self concept than rural students but urban and rural students did not differ in
their creativity and locus of control. The students with a higher self concept were more fluent, original and creative

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

than the students with a lower self concept. The mean scores of the two group in introgression (I- M) did not differ
significantly. The creative group had higher mean score in aggression (M-A) than the non-creative group.

Srivastava, R.k. (1988): A study of the needs in relation to creativity among high school pupils, Ph.D., Edu.
Hemawati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Uni. The major findings were in every case of boys and girls belonging to
urban and rural locality there existed a difference among the fifteen needs associated with fluency, flexibility and
originality components of creativity at high, average and low level of intelligence.

Buno, liegise (1989): A critical review of some research studies on creativity in Indian school, M.Phil., Edu. Univ.
of Delhi. The major findings were the study indicated a great diversity of areas of research, like personality profile
and environment press. The sub-area classification of studies was related to product, process, persons and press
environment. The measurement tools used in the studies were creativity tests, Intelligence test, personality tests SES
scale and environment, academic achievement, adjustment inventory, Motivation scale and others. Most of the
studies focused on only one manifested area of giftedness, i.e. intellectual ability/ creativity where as areas of social
leadership, constructive skills and creativity in the performing arts were hardly touched upon. There were not many
studies on the creative product approach.

The third step of any scientific research is to prepare a research design. Research design is a mapping strategy
which is based on sampling technique. It essentially includes objectives, sampling, research strategy tools and
techniques for collecting the evidences analyzing the date and reporting the findings. Thus research design is the
statement of the object of the inquiry and how a satisfactory culmination to be effected. A research design is the
work before getting the project under way.

A sample is a small proportion of a population selected for observation and analysis by observing the characteristics
of the sample, one can make certain inferences about the characteristics of the population from which it is drawn.
Contraries to some popular opinion samples are not selected haphazardly, but they are chosen in a systematic
random way, so that the operation of probability can be utilized.

After taking into consideration all these factors which influence the size of the sample, it was decided that an ideal
sample would consist of 120 students. This sample is small enough to avoid intolerable sampling errors. After
deciding about the sampling method and the size of the chosen for the study were considered to divide the universe.
The variables chosen were boys versus girls, government versus private, rural versus urban secondary school

Sampling Technique:
The population is divided into smaller homogeneous groups drawn at random pre determined number of units.

Thus a total sample of 120 were chosen from rural and urban schools. Out of these 60 candidates were boys and 60
candidates were girls. The sample distribution is shown above in the table.

The sample of rural areas selected are from Mellcheruvu, Zilla Parished High School and Krushi Public School.
The sample of urban areas selected are from Kodada Town of Nalgonda District. The sample includes 120 total
students. Out of which 60 students are from urban, 60 students from rural school. Out of the 60 rural students 30
students are from Government, 30 students are from private schools. Among the 30 students, 15 students are boys
and the after 15 students are girls.

Administration of Tool:
The investigator personally went to each school, took permission from the respective heads of the institution and
administrated the tool to 120 secondary school students belonging to Mellacheruvu Mandal and its surroundings.
Before administrating the questionnaire the students are informed that their responses would be treated as strictly

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

The present creativity test verbal instruments test was standard by Wallach ang Kogan. There aspects were given in
the test Alternative, Uses and Similarities. In the Alternatives there are 8 questions, in the alternativeuses there are 4
questions, in the similarities there are 7 questions. One mark is allotted each response and to this are mark is given
as a unique score is the answer is given in a creativity manner.

Analysis of the Data

Hypothesis 1
There is creativity among the Secondary school students is not high.
To test the validity of hypothesis 1, the mean and standard deviation of creativity scores was calculated as shown in

Table 1.1:- Creativity of Secondary School Students.

Sample Sample Size Mean Standard Deviation
Whole 120 57.77 12.21

From the mean value of table 1.1, it is evident that there is average level of creativity among Secondary school

The hypothesis “the level of creativity among the secondary school students is not high” hence Hypothesis is

Hypothesis 2
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school students with regard
to the dimension of Alternatives.

To test the validity of hypothesis 2, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.2:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the Dimension of Alternatives between Rural and Urban
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Urban 60 21.47 4.549
0.414 0.03 0.33
Rural 60 21.06 4.27

From the values of table 1.2, it is evident there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of rural and
urban secondary school students with regard to the dimension of Alternatives.

They hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school
students with regard to the dimension Alternatives” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 3:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school students with regard
to the dimension of Uses.

To test the validity of hypothesis 3, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.3:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Similarities between Rural and Urban
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Urban 60 18.3 2.959
1.02 0.59 1.075
Rural 60 17.28 3.57
Not Significant at 0.05 level

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

From the value of table 1.3, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Urban and
Rural Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Similarities.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school
students with regard to the dimension of Similarities” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 4:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school students with regard
to the dimension of Similarities.

To test the validity of hypothesis 4, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.4:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Similarities between Rural and Urban
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean Difference SED Critical
Urban 60 16.91 3.32 0.44 0.609 0.722
Rural 60 16.47 3.35
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.4, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Urban and
Rural Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Similarities.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural secondary school
students with regard to the dimension of Similarities” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 5:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students
with regard to the dimension of Alternatives.

To test the validity of hypothesis 5, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.5:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Alternatives between Government and
Private Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Government 30 18.86 3.356 0.289 1.089 0.265
Private 30 20.13 4.96
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.5, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of
Government and Private Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Alternatives.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary
school students with regard to the dimension of Alternatives” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 6:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students
with regard to the dimension of Uses.

To test the validity of hypothesis 6, the following calculations were carried.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

Table 1.6:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Uses between Government and Private
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Government 30 17.48 3.50 0.69 0.923 0.747
Private 30 18.17 3.10
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.6, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of
Government and Private Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Uses.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary
school students with regard to the dimension of Uses” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 7:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary school students
with regard to the dimension of Similarities.

To test the validity of hypothesis 7, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.7:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Similarities between Government and Private
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Government 30 18.41 5.34 1.28 1.137 1.125
Private 30 17.13 3.22
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.7, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of
Government and Private Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Similarities.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary
school students with regard to the dimension of Similarities” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 8:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of secondary schools with regard to the
dimension of Alternatives.

To test the validity of hypothesis 8, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.8:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Alternatives between Boys and Girls of
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Girls 15 17.64 3.67 2.43 1.002 2.425
Boys 15 20.07 4.51
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.8, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and
Girls of Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Similarities.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary
school students with regard to the dimension of Similarities” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

Hypothesis 9:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of secondary schools with regard to the
dimension of Uses.

To test the validity of hypothesis 9, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.9:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Alternatives between Boys and Girls of
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Girls 15 20.92 6.48 2.07 1.925 1.075
Boys 15 18.85 3.15
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.9, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and
Girls of Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Similarities.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary
school students with regard to the dimension of Similarities” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 10:
There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of secondary schools with regard to the
dimension of Similarities.

To test the validity of hypothesis 10, the following calculations were carried.

Table 1.10:- Comparison of Creativity with Regard to the dimension of Alternatives between Boys and Girls of
Secondary School Students.
Variable Sample Size Mean SD Mean SED Critical
Difference Ratio
Girls 15 18.35 0.986 0.78 1.24 0.626
Boys 15 17.57 0.716
Not Significant at 0.05 level

From the value of table 1.10, it is evident that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and
Girls of Secondary School Students with regard to the dimension of Similarity.

The hypothesis that “there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private secondary
school students with regard to the dimension of Similarities” hence Hypothesis is accepted.

Finding and Discussions:-

In the light of the analysis and interpretation of the data the investigator has drawn after investigation, the following
conclusions for improving the state of creativity among Secondary school students.

There is an average level of creativity among Secondary School Students

In the present day school system the emphasis is on academic activities neglecting creative aspects of the child. The
teachers are giving more importance only for teaching and making them for study what they have been taught. The
teachers are not giving opportunity for the students to use their creativity. This may be one of the reasons for having
average level of creativity among Secondary Schools Students.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Rural and Urban Secondary School Students
with regard to the dimension of Alternatives.
In the rural areas as well as urban areas the teachers are giving more importance for only teaching and making them
study what they have been taught. The Government also is giving equal facilities to both urban and rural area
schools. In the competitive world teachers are making the students both in rural and urban areas do hard work urban

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

teachers as well as rural teachers are equal importance to the children to do to improve their creative abilities and

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Rural and Urban Secondary School Students
with regard to the dimension of Uses.
In the preseting day system rural area students face equal competition with urban area students in all aspects like
reading, writing, talking, thinking etc. The teacher gives the equal importance to both rural and urban students in all
aspects. Hence the rural students are also given opportunities to develop their creative skills.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of urban and rural Secondary School Students with
regard to the dimension of Similarities.
Now-a-days even rural area schools are equipped with more facilities. Teacher also encouraging and deals with
rural students in such a way, so that they improve their creative talents with respect to their originality. It is clear
that rural area students do the hard work with their own thinking. They can develop originality, though they have
not sufficient opportunities in terms of facilities in rural area. Rural area students will exhibit equal creative
originality when compared with urban area students provided the teacher adopt, suitable methods and techniques
like heuristic approach to develop creative originality among rural area students.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private Secondary School
Students with regard to the dimension of Alternatives.
Now a days creativity plays an important role to develop a nation. Now Private and Government schools are in
competition to develop equal creative talents among their students. The Government sector provides equal facilities
to the students in schools under its control to develop the creative talents of it’s students on par with Private school
students. This factor may be the reason for the finding, that there is no significant difference in the level of
creativity of Government and Private School Students.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private Secondary School
Students with regard to the dimension of Uses.
In the world of Globalization the Government and Private sectors are competiting with each other in many aspects
which include to develop the creative talents of students like uses. Knowing these responsibility the Government to
provide equality education on par with Private Schools, the Government schools now a days are provided with more
facilities are teaching and learning by the Government. Hence the students of Government schools are able to
compete well with students of Private Schools with regard to the dimension of Uses.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Government and Private Secondary School
Students with regard to the dimension of Similariies.
Now-a-days in Government school teachers use the Audio Visual aids, charts Projectors in teaching learning
process. These facilities are provided even for the Government schools also. So the students in Government
schools are increasing their creative similarities talents and skills. Hence the students of Government schools are
able to complete well with the students of Private Schools with regard to the dimension of originality.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of Secondary Schools with regard
to the dimension of Alternatives.
Ours is a traditional society. In the traditional society girls were more restricted to go out, and to do any work along
with the boys. The teachers, parents and society were giving more importance for boys in all fields. They gave
more opportunities for the boys, and gave more freedom to do any work. That is why girls are in backward in
increasing their creative alternatives talents. So this may be the cause that there is significant difference in the
creativity of boys and girls with regard to the dimension of alternatives.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of Secondary Schools with regard
to the dimension of Uses.
Ours is a traditional society. In the olden days girls were restricted to go out, and do any work along with boys. As
the society changed the Democratic Principles were developed in the society. In the process our society has also
become increasingly a developed one. Freedom has become a significant principle for the development of human
being. Freedom has became the principle to be enjoyed equally both by Boys and Girls. Now the Government
provides not only equal opportunities for Girls along with Boys but more educational opportunities for them. As a

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(01), 821-831

result the Girls have now more opportunities to develop their creative talents, which include the development of the
dimension of Uses. This is the reason to say that there is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys
and Girls of Secondary school students.

There is no significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls of Secondary Schools with regard
to the dimension of Similarities.
In the present modern society Democratic Principles were developed to change the society. In the process Teachers,
Parents and society gave more importance in educating the Girls. The girls are the give freedom also for girls for
their given freddom thinking and as a result girls develop their creative original talents. So they are also equally
competing with boys in all aspects like thinking, talking writing etc. This may be reason for the fact that there is no
significant difference in the level of creativity of Boys and Girls with regard to similarities.

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