DSP Course File2020-21 With 5 Units

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Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059.

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Osmania University)
All Branches Accredited by NBA

Course File

Course Code : PC502EC

Semester : V SEM (2020-21)

Department of

Sl.No. Topic Page no.
1. Department Vision and Mission 4
2. Course Description 4
3. Course Overview 5
4. Course Pre-requisites 5
5. Marks Distribution 5
6. POs and PSOs 5,6
7. Course outcomes (COs) 6
8. CO mapping with POs and PSOs 6
9. Syllabus, Textbooks and Reference Books 7
10. Gaps in syllabus 8
11. Course plan/Lesson Plan 8-10
12. Lecture Notes 11
Unit-I 12-30
Unit-II 31-67
Unit-III 68-80
13. Unit wise Question Bank 81-85
a. Short answer questions
b. Long answer questions
14. Previous University Question papers 86-89
15. Internal Question Papers with Key 93-98
16. Unit wise Assignment Questions 90-92
17. Content Beyond Syllabus 99
18. Methodology used to identify Weak and bright 100
 Support extended to weak students
 Efforts to engage bright students


I, the undersigned, have completed the course allotted to me as shown below,

Sl.No. Semester Name of the Subject Course ID Total Units
1 v Digital signal Processing PC502EC 5

Date: 25/08/2020 Prepared by

Academic Year: 2020-21 1. Mrs. K. Aruna

Verifying authority:
1. Head of the Department: Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao




Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059.
(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Osmania University)



To become a reputed Department of learning in Electronics and Communications in research

and transform the students in to professional engineers.


1. To provide strong foundation in core electronics and communication engineering that

will make students to explore advances in research for higher learning.
2. To provide the learning ambience to nurture the young minds with theoretical and
practical knowledge to produce employable and competent engineer.
3. To imbibe moral values, professional ethics, team spirit and leadership qualities
among students and faculties to contribute to the continuously evolving technologies.
4. To inculcate empathy for societal needs and concern for environment in engineering
research development and practices.



Course Code

Programme BE

Semester V ECE

Course Type Core

Regulation AICTE 2020-21

Theory Practical

Course Structure Lectures Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits

3 1 4

Course Faculty 1. Mrs. K. Aruna

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is concerned with the representation, transformation and manipulation of
signals on a computer. After half a century advances, DSP has become an important field, and has
penetrated a wide range of application systems, such as consumer electronics, digital communications,
medical imaging and so on. With the dramatic increase of the processing capability of signal processing
microprocessors, it is the expectation that the importance and role of DSP is to accelerate and expand.

Discrete-Time Signal Processing is a general term including DSP as a special case. This course will
introduce the basic concepts and techniques for processing discrete-time signal. By the end of this course,
the students should be able to understand the most important principles in DSP. The course emphasizes
understanding and implementations of theoretical concepts, methods and algorithms.


Level Course Code Semester Prerequisites Credits

UG ES215EC IV Signals and Systems 3


Subject Total Marks
Examination Examination
Digital Signal Processing 70 30 100


The students will be able to:

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
PO1 fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
PO6 societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
PO11 engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


The students will be able to:

Professional Competence: Apply the knowledge of Electronics Communication
PSO1 Engineering principles in different domains like VLSI, Signal Processing,
Communication, and Embedded Systems.
Technical Skills: Able to design and implement products using the state of art Hardware
and Software tools and hence provide simple solutions to complex problems.


The course should enable the students to:

CO1 Necessity and use of digital signal processing and its application.

CO2 Analyze FIR and IIR digital filters.

CO3 Applications of Multirate digital signal processing.

CO4 Acquaintance of DSP processor and its architecture.


(3 = High; 2 = Medium; 1 = Low )
2 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - - 2 1 2
2 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - 2 1 2
2 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - 2 1 2
2 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - 2 2 2

UNIT I- No.of Hrs
Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform: Discrete Fourier Transform
(DFT), Computation of DFT- Linear and Circular Convolution, FFT algorithms: Radix-
2 case, Decimation in Time and Decimation in Frequency algorithms- in place
computation- bit reversal.

Infinite Impulse- response Filters (IIR): Introduction to filters, comparison between
practical and theoretical filters, Butterworth and ChebyShev approximation, IIR digital
filter design techniques Impulse Invariant technique- Bilinear transformation technique, 12
Digital Butterworth & Chebyshev filters. Implementation.

Finite impulse-response Filters (FIR) : Linear phase filters, Windowing techniques for
design of Linear phase FIR filters- Rectangular, triangular, Bartlett, Hamming,
Hanning, Kaiser windows, Realization of filters, Finite word length effects, Comparison 10
between FIR and IIR.

Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Introduction- Decimation by factor D and
interpolation by a factor I- Sampling Rate conversion by a Rational factor I/D-
Implementation of Sampling Rate conversion- Multistage implementation of Sampling 8
Rate conversion- Sampling conversion by a Arbitrary factor, Application of Multirate
Signal Processing.
Introduction to DSP Processors: Difference between DSP and other microprocessors
architecture their comparison and need for ASP, RISC and CPU- General Purpose DSP
processors: TMS 320C54XX processors, architecture, addressing modes- instruction 10

1. Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, “Digital Signal Processing”, 2/e, PHI, 2010

2. John G. Praokis and Dimtris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Application”, 4/e, PHI, 2007.
3. Avathar Singh and S. Srinivasan, “Digital Signal Processing using DSP Micrprocessor”, 2/e,
Thomson Books, 2004.
4. John G Proakis and Vinay K Ingle, “ Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB” 3/e, Cengage
Learning, 1997.
5. Richard G Lyons, “Understanding Digital Signal Processing”, 3/e, Prentice Hall.


1 Ramesh babu “Digital-Signal-Processing” 6th-Edition


Proposed Relevance With Relevance With

S No Description
Actions POs PSOs
1 Applications of DSP in PPT PO3, PO4, PO6 PSO1, PSO2
Biomedical Engineering


OHP/ No. Text
Lecture Relevant
Topics to be covered Book/Reference
No. e- of Hrs COs
1. Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast
BB/ e- 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
Fourier Transform: Introduction babu
2. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) BB 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
3. Computation of DFT- Linear
BB 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
Convolution babu
4. Computation of DFT- Circular
BB 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
Convolution babu
5. Introduction to FFT and its types BB 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
6. FFT algorithms: Radix-2 case 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
7. Decimation in Time algorithms 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
8. Decimation in Frequency algorithms BB 2 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
9. In place computation- bit reversal. 1 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
10. Problems on DFT and FFT BB 2 CO1 DSP by Ramesh
11. Infinite Impulse- response Filters
BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
(IIR): Introduction to filters babu
12. comparison between practical and
1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
theoretical filters BB
13. Butterworth approximation BB 2 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
14. Chebyshev approximation BB 2 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
15. Problems on filters BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
16. IIR digital filter design techniques BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
17. Impulse Invariant technique BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
18. Bilinear transformation technique BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
19. Digital Butterworth & Chebyshev BB 2 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
Lecture OHP/ No. Relevant
Topics to be covered Book/Reference
No. e- of Hrs COs

20. Implementations BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh

21. Problems on IIR Filter techniques 2 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
22. Conduction of test BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
23. Finite impulse-response Filters (FIR) BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
24. Linear phase filters BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
25. Windowing techniques for design of
BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
Linear phase FIR filters babu
26. Rectangular, triangular windows BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
27. Bartlett, Hamming windows 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
28. Hanning, Kaiser windows BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
29. Realization of filters BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
30. Finite word length effects BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
31. Comparison between FIR and IIR filters BB 1 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
32. Problems on FIR Filter Design BB 2 CO2 DSP by Ramesh
33. Multirate Digital Signal Processing:
BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
Introduction babu
34. Decimation by factor D 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
35. Interpolation by a factor I BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
36. Sampling Rate conversion by a Rational
BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
factor I/D babu
37. Implementation of Sampling Rate
BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
conversion babu
38. Multistage implementation of Sampling
BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
Rate conversion babu
39. Sampling conversion by a Arbitrary
BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
factor babu
40. Application of Multirate Signal
BB 1 CO3 DSP by Ramesh
Processing. babu
41. Introduction to DSP Processors: BB 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
42. Difference between DSP and other 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
microprocessors architecture their babu
Lecture OHP/ No. Relevant
Topics to be covered Book/Reference
No. e- of Hrs COs

43. Need for ASP, RISC and CPU BB 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
44. General purpose DSP processors: BB 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
45. TMS 320C 54XX processors,
BB, PPT 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
architecture babu
46. TMS 320C 54XX addressing modes BB, PPT 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
47. TMS 320C 54XX instruction set BB, PPT 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
48. TMS 320C 54XX Applications BB, PPT 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
49. Revision BB 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh
50. Test 1 CO4 DSP by Ramesh



 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

 Computation of DFT- Linear and Circular Convolution
 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms: Radix-2 case
 Decimation in Time and
 Decimation in Frequency algorithms
 In place computation
 Bit reversal.

 Let’s start with the individual meaning of the words defining Digital Signal Processing
in its entirety.
o Digital: In digital communication, we use discrete signals to represent data
using binary numbers.
o Signal: A signal is anything that carries some information. It’s a physical
quantity that conveys data and varies with time, space, or any other independent variable. It
can be in the time/frequency domain. It can be one-dimensional or two-dimensional. Here are
all the major types of signals.
o Processing: The performing of operations on any data in accordance with
some protocol or instruction is known as processing.
o System: A system is a physical entity that is responsible for the processing. It
has the necessary hardware to perform the required arithmetic or logical operations on a
signal. Here are all the major types of systems.
 Putting all these together, we can get a definition for DSP.

Digital Signal Processing (DSP):

Digital Signal Processing is the process of representing signals in a discrete mathematical
sequence of numbers and analyzing, modifying, and extracting the information contained in
the signal by carrying out algorithmic operations and processing on the signal.
Block diagram of a DSP system

Fig.(1): Block diagram of a digital signal processing system (DSP)

 The first step is to get an electrical signal. The transducer (in our case, a microphone)
converts sound into an electrical signal. You can use any transducer depending upon the case.
 Once you have an analog electrical signal, we pass it through an operational amplifier
(Op-Amp) to condition the analog signal. Basically, we amplify the signal. Or limit it to
protect the next stages.

 The anti-aliasing filter is an essential step in the conversion of analog to a digital
signal. It is a low-pass filter. Meaning, it allows frequencies up to a certain threshold to pass.
It attenuates all frequencies above this threshold. These unwanted frequencies make it difficult
to sample an analog signal.
 The next stage is a simple analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This unit takes in analog
signals and outputs a stream of binary digits.
 The heart of the system is the digital signal processor. These days we use CMOS chips
(even ULSI) to make digital signal processors. In fact, modern processors, like the Cortex M4
have DSP units built inside the SoC. These processor units have high-speed, high data
throughputs, and dedicated instruction sets.
 The next stages are sort of the opposite of the stages preceding the digital signal
 The digital-to-analog converter does what its name implies. It’s necessary for the slew
rate of the DAC to match the acquisition rate of the ADC.
 The smoothing filter is another low-pass filter that smoothes the output by removing
unwanted high-frequency components.
 The last op-amp is just an amplifier.
 The output transducer is a speaker in our case. You can use anything else according to
your requirements.

Applications of a Digital signal processing system:

We use digital signal processing in:
 Telecommunication
 For echo cancellation.
 Equalization – Think about tuning your radio for bass and treble).
 Filtering – Removing unwanted signals using specially designed filters like the Infinite
Impulse Response Filter (IIR).
 Multiplexing and repeating signals.
 Instrumentation and Control
 In designing Phase Locked Logic (PLL).
 Noise reduction circuits.
 Compression of signals.
 Function generators.
 Digital Image Processing
 Compression of an image.
 Enhancement, reconstruction, and restoration of an image.
 Analysis or face detection (like Snapchat).
 Speech Processing
 Digital audio synthesis.
 Speech recognition and analysis.
 Medicine
 X-rays, ECGs, EEGs.
 Signal filtering
 Noise removal and shaping of signal spectrums.
 Military
 Sonar and navigation.
 Analysis after tracking in radars.
 Consumer electronics
 Music players
 Professional music turntables (like the ones DJs use).

Advantages of a Digital Signal processing system:

A digital signal processing system enjoys many benefits over an analog signal processing
system. Some of these advantages are briefly outlined below:
 Less overall noise
o Since the signals are digital and inherently possess a low probability of
getting mixed with unwanted signals, the entire system benefits. Thus, DSPs don’t really have
as much noise to deal with comparatively.
 Error detection and correction is possible in DSPs
o Again, the presence of digital signal means we have access to many
error detection and correction features. For example, we can use parity generation and
correction as a detection and correction tool.
 Data storage is easier
o Yet again, an advantage because of digital signals. You know how easy
it is to store digital data, right? We can choose from a wide plethora of digital memories.
However, analog data needs to be stored in tapes and stuff like that. It’s harder to transport
and recreate with 100% fidelity.
 Encryption
o Digital signals are easy to encrypt. So this one counts as a win for the
entire DSP system too.
 Easier to process
o Digital signals can easily undergo mathematical changes as compared
to their analog counterparts.
 More data transmission
o Time-division multiplexing is a great tool available for digital systems
to transmit more data over unit time and over a single communication path.
 Higher component tolerance in DSP
o The components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors have a certain
threshold in terms of temperature. Outside this threshold, as the temperature increases, they
might start behaving erratically.
o These components are not present in a digital system. Moreover, digital
systems can increase their accuracy with concepts like floating-point arithmetic.
 Easier to modify
o To modify an analog processing system, you need to change
components, test, and verify the changes. With digital processing systems, you just need to
change a few commands or alter a few lines of code.
 DSP systems can work on frequencies of a broader range
o There are some natural frequencies, like seismic frequencies that detect
earthquakes. These signals have very low frequencies. Traditional analog signals might not

even detect these signals. However, digital signal processing systems are adept at picking up
even the tiniest of disturbances and also process them easily.
 Cost
o When working at scale, DSPs are cheaper.

Disadvantages of a Digital Signal processing system:
 Complexity
o As we saw in the block diagram above, there are a lot of elements preceding
and following a Digital Signal Processor. Stuff like filters and converters add to the
complexity of a system.
 Power
o A digital signal processor is made up of transistors. Transistors consume more
power since they are active components. A typical digital signal processor may contain
millions of transistors. This increases the power that the system consumes.
 Learning curve and design time
o Learning the ins and outs of Digital Signal processing involves a steep learning
curve. Setting up digital processing systems thus takes time. And if not pre-equipped with the
right knowledge and tools, teams can spend a lot of time in setting up.
 Loss of information
o Quantization of data that is below certain Hz causes a loss in data according to
the Rate-Distortion Theory.
 Cost
o For small systems, DSP is an expensive endeavor. Costing more than

Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) Vs Discrete Fourier Transform


In this section we will encapsulate the differences between Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
and Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT). Fourier transforms are a core component of
this digital signal processing course. So make sure you understand it properly. If you are
having trouble understanding the purpose of all these transforms, check out this simple
explanation of signal transforms.
DTFT stands for Discrete-Time Fourier Transform. We can represent it using the following
equation. Read the equation carefully.

Here, the signal has a period of 2π.

DFT stands for discrete Fourier Transform. We can represent it using the following equation.

Probably the only things that you can notice in this equation are the fact that the summation is
over some finite series. Additionally, the exponential function seems to have gotten a bit more
complicated. Let’s address what these differences actually translate to.

Difference between DFT and DTFT:

Another difference that you may have noticed is the fact that in DTFT, we are calculating for
a quantity X(ω). X(ω) represents a continuous frequency domain.
DTFT is an infinite continuous
DFT is a finite non-continuous discrete sequence.
sequence where the time signal (x(n)) is
DFT, too, is calculated using a discrete-time signal.
a discrete signal.
DTFT is periodic DFT has no periodicity.
The DTFT is calculated over an infinite The DFT is calculated over a finite sequence of
summation; this indicates that it is a values. This indicates that the result is non-
continuous signal. continuous.
The continuous variable found in the DTFT (ω) is
replaced with a finite number of frequencies located
at 2πk/NTs. Here Ts is the sampling rate. In other
The ω in the exponential function is a
words, if we take the DTFT signal and sample it in
continuous frequency variable.
the frequency domain at omega=2π/N, then we get
the DFT of x(n). In summary, you can say that DFT
is just a sampled version of DTFT.
DTFT gives a higher number of DFT gives a lower number of frequency
frequency components. components.
DTFT is defined from minus infinity to
plus infinity, so naturally, it contains DFT is defined from 0 to N-1; it can have only
both positive and negative values of positive frequencies.
To improve the accuracy of DFT, the number of
samples must be very high. However, this will, in
More accurate
turn, cause a significant increase in the required
computational power. So it’s a trade-off.
DTFT will contain some of the values DTFT and DFT will coincide at intervals of
of DFT too. omega=2ωk/N where k = 0,1,2…N-1.

Twiddle factors in DSP for calculating DFT, FFT and IDFT:

Throughout this Digital Signal Processing course, we are/will be seeing a trend of simplifying
mathematical operations. From the various transforms (Laplace, Z, and Fourier) to using
different forms of number representations, the general objective is to simplify and optimize
calculations. The twiddle factor is a major key component in this pursuit of simplicity.

What are twiddle factors?
Twiddle factors (represented with the letter W) are a set of values that is used to speed up
DFT and IDFT calculations.
For a discrete sequence x(n), we can calculate its Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and
Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) using the following equations.



The computation procedure for the above is quite complex.

To be pedantic, the DFT requires NxN complex multiplications and N(N-1) complex
additions. Without the twiddle factor, the computational complexity of DFT is O(n2). With
twiddle factors, the computational complexity is Nlog2N. Let’s keep this information aside for
a moment though.
Twiddle factors are mathematically represented as:

Rewriting the equations for calculating DFT and IDFT using twiddle factors we get:


Why do we use twiddle factors?

We use the twiddle factor to reduce the computational complexity of calculating DFT and
The twiddle factor is a rotating vector quantity. All that means is that for a given N-point DFT
or IDFT calculation, it is observed that the values of the twiddle factor repeat at every N
cycles. The expectation of a familiar set of values at every (N-1)th step makes the calculations
slightly easier. (N-1 because the first sequence is a 0)
Alternatively, we can also say that the twiddle factor has periodicity/a cyclic property. We’ll
graphically see this below.

Cyclic property of twiddle factors

1. For a 4-point DFT
Let’s derive the twiddle factor values for a 4-point DFT using the formula above.
For n=0 and k=0,

(From Euler’s formula: )

Similarly calculating for the remaining values we get the series below:

As you can see, the value starts repeating at the 4th instant. This periodic property can is
shown in the diagram below.

Fig.(2): Twiddle factor calculations

2. For an 8-point DFT

Let’s derive the twiddle factor values for an 8-point DFT using the formula above.
For n=0 and k=0,
Similarly calculating for the remaining values we get the series below:
= 0.707-0.707j
= -j
= -0.707-0.707j
= -1
= -0.707+0.707j
= 0.707+0.707j
As you can see, the value starts repeating at the 8th instant. This periodic property can is
shown in the diagram below.
Fig.(2): Twiddle factor calculations

Problems on DFT:
1. Find the DFT of a sequence x[n]=[1,0,-1,0]

Therefore X[k]= [0, 2, 0, 2]

Matrix method of calculating DFT and IDFT with twiddle factors:

The above DFT equation using the twiddle factor can also be written in matrix form. The
matrix form of calculating a DFT and an IDFT eases up many calculations.
X(k) = x(n)

Similarly an IDFT can be calculated using a matrix form using the following equation.
x(n) =

Here, is the complex conjugate of the twiddle factor. To get the values of the complex

conjugate, just invert the signs of the complex components of the twiddle factor. For example:
The complex conjugate of 0.707+0.707j will become 0.707-0.707j.

DFT as linear transform:
The matrix of is known as the matrix of linear transformation. Check out the scene of the

linear transformation in DFT below.

We have the formula for calculating DFT using a matrix as:
X(k) = x(n)

x(n) = X(k)

We also have the formula for calculating the IDFT using a matrix as:
x(n) =

Equating the last two equations:


Here, ‘I’ is an identity matrix of order N. This equation represents the fact that the DFT
displays linear transformation characteristics.
Now that we understand the twiddle factor, we can also see how it is used practically in
the calculation of IDFT using the Decimation in Frequency FFT algorithm
DFT Linear Filtering:
DFT provides an alternative approach to time domain convolution. It can be used to perform
linear filtering in frequency domain.
Thus, Y(ω)=X(ω).H(ω)⟷y(n).
The problem in this frequency domain approach is that Y(ω), X(ω) and H(ω) are continuous
function of ω, which is not fruitful for digital computation on computers. However, DFT
provides sampled version of these waveforms to solve the purpose.
The advantage is that, having knowledge of faster DFT techniques likes of FFT, a
computationally higher efficient algorithm can be developed for digital computer computation
in comparison with time domain approach.
Consider a finite duration sequence, [x(n)=0, for n<0 and n≥L] generalized equation, excites a
linear filter with impulse response [h(n)=0,for n<0 and n≥M].

From the convolution analysis, it is clear that, the duration of y(n) is L+M−1.
In frequency domain,
Now, Y(ω) is a continuous function of ω and it is sampled at a set of discrete frequencies with
number of distinct samples which must be equal to or exceeds L+M−1.
DFT size = N ≥ L+M−1

With ,
Y(ω)=X(k).H(k), where k=0,1,….,N-1
Where, X(k) and H(k) are N-point DFTs of x(n) and h(n) respectively. x(n) & h(n) are padded
with zeros up to the length N. It will not distort the continuous spectra X(ω) and H(ω).
Since N≥L+M−1, N-point DFT of output sequence y(n) is sufficient to represent y(n) in
frequency domain and these facts infer that the multiplication of N-point DFTs of X(k) and
H(k), followed by the computation of N-point IDFT must yield y(n).
This implies, N-point circular convolution of x(n) and h(n) with zero padding, equals to linear
convolution of x(n) and h(n).
Thus, DFT can be used for linear filtering.
Caution − N should always be greater than or equal to L+M−1. Otherwise, aliasing effect
would corrupt the output sequence.

Graphical interpretation:
 Reflection of h(k) resulting in h(-k)
 Shifting of h(-k) resulting in h(n-k)
 Element wise multiplication of the sequences x(k) and h(n-k)
 Summation of the product sequence x(k)h(n-k) resulting in the convolution value for


x(n) = {1, 2, 3, 1}
h(n) = {1, 1, 1}
length(y(n)) = length(x(n)) + length(h(n)) -1

The linear convolution output is y(n) = {1, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1}

DFT Circular Convolution:

Let us take two finite duration sequences x1(n) and x2(n), having integer length as N. Their
DFTs are X1(k) and X2(k) respectively, which is shown below

Now, we will try to find the DFT of another sequence x3(n), which is given as X3(k)
X3(k) = X1(k) × X2(k)
By taking the IDFT of the above we get

After solving the above equation, finally, we get

Comparison points Linear Convolution Circular Convolution

Shifting Linear shifting Circular shifting
Samples in the N1+N2−1 Max(N1,N2)
convolution result
Finding response of a Possible Possible with zero padding

Methods of Circular Convolution:

Generally, there are two methods, which are adopted to perform circular convolution and they
 Concentric circle method
 Matrix multiplication method.

Concentric Circle Method:

Let x1(n) and x2(n) be two given sequences. The steps followed for circular convolution
of x1(n) and x2(n) are
 Take two concentric circles. Plot N samples of x1(n) on the circumference of the outer
circle maintaining equal distance successive points in anti-clockwise direction.
 For plotting x2(n), plot N samples of x2(n) in clockwise direction on the inner circle,
starting sample placed at the same point as 0th sample of x1(n)
 Multiply corresponding samples on the two circles and add them to get output.
 Rotate the inner circle anti-clockwise with one sample at a time.
Let x1(n) and x2(n) are finite duration sequences both of length N with DFT’s X1(k) and X2(k).
Convolution of two given sequences x1(n) and x2(n) is given by the equation

X3(k) = X1(k). X2(k)

x3(n) = IDFT[X3(k)]

Let’s take x1(n) = {1, 1, 2, 1} and x2(n) = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Arrange x1(n) and x2(n) in circular fashion as shown below.

To get x2(-m), rotate x2(m) by 4 samples in clockwise direction.


x3(0) = x1(m) x2(-m)

= x1(0) x2(0) + x1(1) x2(3) + x1(2) x2(2) + x1(3) x2(1)
= 1+ 4+6+2
= 13
Keep x1(m) constant and rotate x2(-m) once to compute further values.
To get x3(1) rotate x2(-m) by one sample in anti-clockwise direction.

x3(1) = x1(m) x2(1-m)
= x1(0) x2(1) + x1(1) x2(0) + x1(2) x2(3) + x1(3) x2(2)
= 2+ 1+8+3
= 14
To get x3(2) rotate x2(1-m) by one sample in anti-clockwise direction.

x3(2) = x1(m) x2(2-m)

= x1(0) x2(2) + x1(1) x2(1) + x1(2) x2(0) + x1(3) x2(3)
= 3+ 2+2+4
= 11
To get x3(3) rotate x2(2-m) by one sample in anti-clockwise direction.

x3(3) = x1(m) x2(3-m)

= x1(0) x2(3) + x1(1) x2(2) + x1(2) x2(1) + x1(3) x2(0)
= 4+ 3+4+1
= 12
The convoluted signal is,
x3(n) = {13, 14, 11, 12}

Matrix Multiplication Method:

Matrix method represents the two given sequence x1(n) and x2(n) in matrix form.
 One of the given sequences is repeated via circular shift of one sample at a time to
form a N × N matrix.
 The other sequence is represented as column matrix.
 The multiplication of two matrices gives the result of circular convolution.
Example: Find the circular convolution of two sequences using matrix multiplication
method. x1(n) = {1,2,2,1} and x2(n) = {1,2,3,1}
Let x1(n) and x2(n) are finite duration sequences both of length N with DFT’s X1(k) and X2(k).
Convolution of two given sequences x1(n) and x2(n) is given by the equation

X3(k) = X1(k). X2(k)

x3(n) = IDFT[X3(k)]

1 1 3 2 1 1  2  6  2  11
x3(n) = 2 1 1 3 2 2  2  2  3  9 
      
3 2 1 1 2  3  4  2  1 10
      
1 3 2 1 1  1  6  4  1  12

DFT Sectional Convolution

Suppose, the input sequence x(n) of long duration is to be processed with a system having
finite duration impulse response by convolving the two sequences. Since, the linear filtering
performed via DFT involves operation on a fixed size data block, the input sequence is
divided into different fixed size data block before processing.
The successive blocks are then processed one at a time and the results are combined to
produce the net result.
As the convolution is performed by dividing the long input sequence into different fixed size
sections, it is called sectioned convolution. A long input sequence is segmented to fixed size
blocks, prior to FIR filter processing.
Two methods are used to evaluate the discrete convolution −
 Overlap-save method
 Overlap-add method

Overlap Save Method:

Overlap–save is the traditional name for an efficient way to evaluate the discrete convolution
between a very long signal x(n) and a finite impulse response FIR filter h(n). Given below are
the steps of Overlap save method.
Let the length of input data block = N = L+M-1. Therefore, DFT and IDFT length = N. Each
data block carries M-1 data points of previous block followed by L new data points to form a
data sequence of length N = L+M-1.
 First, N-point DFT is computed for each data block.

 By appending L−1 zeros, the impulse response of FIR filter is increased in length and
N point DFT is calculated and stored.
 Multiplication of two N-point DFTs H(k) and Xm(k) : Y′m(k) = H(k).Xm(k), where
 Then, IDFT[Y′m(k)] = y′(n) = [y′m(0), y′m(1), y′m(2),.......y′m(M−1),
here, N−1=L+M−2
 First M-1 points are corrupted due to aliasing and hence, they are discarded because
the data record is of length N.
 The last L points are exactly same as a result of convolution, so
y′m(n) = ym(n) where n = M, M+1,….N-1
 To avoid aliasing, the last M-1 elements of each data record are saved and these points
carry forward to the subsequent record and become 1st M-1 elements.

 Result of IDFT, where first M-1 Points are avoided, to nullify aliasing and remaining
L points constitute desired result as that of a linear convolution.

Overlap Add Method:

Given below are the steps to find out the discrete convolution using Overlap method −
Let the input data block size be L. Therefore, the size of DFT and IDFT: N = L+M-1
 Each data block is appended with M-1 zeros to the last.
 Compute N-point DFT.

 Two N-point DFTs are multiplied: Ym(k) = H(k).Xm(k), where k = 0,,1,2,….,N-1

 IDFT [Ym(k)] produces blocks of length N which are not affected by aliasing as the
size of DFT is N = L+M-1 and increased lengths of the sequences to N-points by appending
M-1 zeros to each block.
 Last M-1 points of each block must be overlapped and added to first M-1 points of the
succeeding block.
Reason: Each data block terminates with M−1 zeros
Hence, this method is known Overlap-add method. Thus, we get −
y(n) = {y1(0), y1(1), y1(2), ... .., y1(L−1), y1(L)+y2(0), y1(L+1)+y2 (1), ... ... ..,
y1 (N−1)+y2 (M−1), y2 (M), ... ... ... ... ... }
Properties of DFT:
All of these properties of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) are applicable for discrete-time
signals that have a DFT. Meaning these properties of DFT apply to any generic signal x(n) for
which an X(k) exists. (x(n) X(k)) where .
Property Mathematical Representation
Linearity a1x1(n)+a2x2(n) a1X1(k) + a2X2(k)
if x(n+N) = x(n) for all n
then X(k+N) = X(k) for all k
Time reversal x(N-n) X(N-k)
Duality x(n) Nx[((-k))N]
Circular convolution (n)
For x(n) and y(n), circular correlation rxy(l) is
Circular correlation
rxy(l) Rxy(k) = X(k).Y*(k)

x(n)e2πjln/N X(k+l)
Circular frequency shift
x(n)e-2πjln/N X(k-l)

Circular time shift x((n-l))N = x(n-l) X(k)e-2πjlk/N

or X(k)WklN where W is the twiddle factor.
If the circular shift is in
 anti-clockwise direction (positive): Delayed discrete-time
Circular symmetries of a  clockwise direction (negative): Advanced discrete-time
sequence signal
 Time reversal: Obtained by reversing samples of the
discrete-time sequence about zero axis/locating x(n) in a
clockwise direction.
Multiplication x1(n) . x2(n)

Complex conjugate x*(n) X*(N-k)

For even sequences:
X(k) =
For odd sequences:
X(k) =

Parseval’s theorem =

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

In earlier DFT methods, we have seen that the computational part is too long. We want to
reduce that. This can be done through FFT or fast Fourier transform. So, we can say FFT is
nothing but computation of discrete Fourier transform in an algorithmic format, where the
computational part will be reduced.
The main advantage of having FFT is that through it, we can design the FIR filters.
Mathematically, the FFT can be written as follows;

Let us take an example to understand it better. We have considered eight points named
from x0 to x7. We will choose the even terms in one group and the odd terms in the other.
Diagrammatic view of the above said has been shown below

Here, points x0, x2, x4 and x6 have been grouped into one category and similarly, points x1,
x3, x5 and x7 has been put into another category. Now, we can further make them in a group
of two and can proceed with the computation. Now, let us see how these breaking into
further two are helping in computation.

Initially, we took an eight-point sequence, but later we broke that one into two parts G[k] and
H[k]. G[k] stands for the even part whereas H[k] stands for the odd part. If we want to realize
it through a diagram, then it can be shown as below

Fig.(3): Butterfly structure of DIT-FFT

From the above figure, we can see that

Similarly, the final values can be written as follows −
The above one is a periodic series. The disadvantage of this system is that K cannot be
broken beyond 4 point. Now Let us break down the above into further. We will get the
structures something like this

Fig.(4): Butterfly structure of DIT-FFT

Consider the sequence x[n]={ 2,1,-1,-3,0,1,2,1}. Calculate the FFT.
Solution − The given sequence is x[n]={ 2,1,-1,-3,0,1,2,1}
Arrange the terms as shown below;

Fig.(5): Butterfly structure of DIT-FFT

In-Place Computation
This efficient use of memory is important for designing fast hardware to calculate the FFT.
The term in-place computation is used to describe this memory usage.
Decimation in Time Sequence:
In this structure, we represent all the points in binary format i.e. in 0 and 1. Then, we reverse
those structures. The sequence we get after that is known as bit reversal sequence. This is also
known as decimation in time sequence. In-place computation of an eight-point DFT is shown
in a tabular format as shown below –


0 000 000 0
1 001 100 4
2 010 010 2
3 011 110 6
4 100 001 1
5 101 101 5
6 110 011 3
7 111 111 7

Decimation in Frequency Sequence (DIF-FFT):

Apart from time sequence, an N-point sequence can also be represented in frequency. Let us
take a four-point sequence to understand it better.
Let the sequence be x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], x[7]. We will group two points into
one group, initially. Mathematically, this sequence can be written as;

Now let us make one group of sequence number 0 to 3 and another group of sequence 4 to 7.
Now, mathematically this can be shown as;

Let us replace n by r, where r = 0, 1 , 2….N/2−1. Mathematically,

We take the first four points x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3] initially, and try to represent them
mathematically as follows


=(x[0]−x[4])+(x[1]−x[5]) +(X[2]−X[6]) +(X[3]−X[7])

We can further break it into two more parts, which means instead of breaking them as 4-point
sequence, we can break them into 2-point sequence.

Computing Inverse DFT (IDFT) using DIF FFT algorithm – IFFT

What is FFT?

 We use N-point DFT to convert an N-point time-domain sequence x(n) to an N-point

frequency domain sequence x(k).
 The purpose of performing a DFT operation is so that we get a discrete-time signal to
perform other processing like filtering and spectral analysis on it.
 However, the process of calculating DFT is quite complex.
 It requires NxN complex multiplications and N(N+1) complex additions.
 Cooley and Turkey were two mathematicians who came up with FFT – Fast Fourier
Transforms. This is a method of calculating DFT a bit faster.
 To be precise, the FFT took down the complexity of complex multiplications from
to .
 Thus, the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is nothing but a more efficient way of
calculating the DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform).
 The FFT is basically two algorithms that we can use to compute DFT.
o Decimation in Time algorithm (DIT).
o Decimation in Frequency algorithm (DIF).
 The gist of these two algorithms is that we break up the signal in either time and
frequency domains and calculate the DFTs for each and then add the results up.
 We have taken an in-depth look into both of these algorithms in this Digital Signal
Processing course.

How can we use the FFT algorithm to calculate inverse DFT (IDFT)?
Check out the formulae for calculating DFT and inverse DFT below.


As you can see, there are only three main differences between the formulae.

 In DFT we calculate discrete signal X(k) using a continuous signal x(n). Whereas in
the IDFT, it’s the opposite.
 In the IDFT formula, we have two different multiplying factors.
o The factor 1/N
o The factor which is the complex conjugate of the twiddle factor .
 Thus if we multiply with a factor of 1/N and replace the twiddle factor with its
complex conjugate in the DIF algorithm’s butterfly structure, we can get the IDFT
using the same method as the one we used to calculate FFT.
 In this case, DIF and DIT algorithms are the same.
 We’ll see the modified butterfly structure for the DIF FFT algorithm being used to
calculate IDFT.

Fig. (6): Butterfly diagram to calculate IDFT using DIF FFT

 From the above butterfly diagram, we can notice the changes that we have
incorporated. The inputs are multiplied by a factor of 1/N, and the twiddle factors are
replaced by their complex conjugates.

How to calculate values of conjugate twiddle factor?

Calculating the complex conjugates of the twiddle factor is easy. Just invert the sign of the
complex part of the non-conjugate values. The table below will help you understand it better.

=1 =1
= 0.707-0.707j = 0.707+0.707j
= -j =j
= -0.707-0.707j = -0.707+0.707j
= -1 = -1
= -0.707+0.707j = -0.707-0.707j
=j = -j
= 0.707+0.707j = 0.707-0.707j
=1 =1

What is Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT)?

This method of using the FFT algorithms to calculate Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
(IDFT) is known as IFFT (Inverse Fast Fourier Transform).


 Introduction to filters
 Comparison between practical and theoretical filters
 Butterworth and ChebyShev approximation
 IIR digital filter design techniques
 Impulse Invariant technique
 Bilinear transformation technique
 Digital Butterworth & Chebyshev filters
 Implementation

Ideal Filter Types, Requirements, and Characteristics
What is an ideal filter?
You’ve heard of filter coffee. It’s a very popular type of coffee where you filter out the
coarse coffee grains to get the silky-smooth concoction that is enjoyed all over the world.
Similarly, in digital signal processing, we send a signal with a mix of several different
frequencies through a filter to get rid of the unwanted frequencies and give us the desired
frequency response.
The picture below shows us the response when a low pass filter is applied, and we get
a practical response from it. No filter can entirely get rid of all the frequencies that we set as a
limit. There will be certain discrepancies, and some unwanted frequencies will give rise to a
transition band.

Fig.(1): Ideal Filter Characteristics

However, for calculation purposes, we consider an ideal filter which does not take into
account these practical discrepancies. Hence, it has a steep transition from the pass-band to the
stop-band. Like the picture above. The practical filter will look more like the graph below.

Fig.(2): Practical Filter Characteristics

What are the characteristics of an ideal filter?

There are many different types of filters based on what you want your frequency
response to be. Therefore, the characteristics of each of these types of filters differ. But each
of these filters will definitely have a pass-band and a stop-band.
Pass-band, is the frequencies that the filter allows to be kept in the response.
Stop-band includes the frequencies that are not in the said limits of the filter response.
A filter is essentially a system like the one in the diagram below

Fig.(3): Block Diagram of Filter

Where A is the amplitude of the signal, ω is the angular frequency of the input signal,
and Φ is the phase of the system.
The frequency response of a filter is the ratio of the steady-state output of the system
to the sinusoidal input. It is required to realize the dynamic characteristic of a system. It
represents the magnitude and phase of a system in terms of the frequency.
The phase of the frequency response or the phase response is the ratio of the phase
response of the output to that of the input of any electrical device which takes in an input
modifies it and produces an output.
Hence, the operating frequency of the filter can be used to further categorize these
filters into low pass filter, high pass filter, band-pass filter, band-rejection filer, multi-pass
filter, and multi-stop filter.

Low-pass filter:
A certain cut-off frequency, ωc radians per second is chosen as the limit, and as the
name suggests, the portion with low frequency is allowed to pass. Hence, the frequencies
before ωc are what consists of the pass-band and the frequencies after ωc are attenuated as part
of the stop-band. This is pictorially depicted below:

Fig.(4): The response of an ideal Low Pass Filter

Fig.(5): The response of a practical Low Pass Filter

The transfer function of an ideal low pass filter is given by

H(jω) = 1 for |ω| < ωc ;
= 0 for ω > = ωc
Circuit for a Low Pass Filter:

Fig.(6): Circuit of Low Pass Filter
As these filters are ideal, there will be no presence of the transition band, only a
vertical line at the cut off frequency. Low Pass Filters are often used to identify the continuous
original signal from their discrete samples. They tend to be unstable and are not realizable as

High-Pass filter:
The High Pass Filter allows the frequencies above the cut off frequency to pass, which
will be the pass band, and attenuates the frequencies below the cut off frequency, consisting of
the stop-band. An ideal high pass filter response ought to look like the figure below.

Fig.(7): The Response of an ideal High Pass Filter

Fig.(8): The Response of a practical High Pass Filter

The transfer function of an ideal high pass filter is given by

H(jω) = 1 for |ω| >= ωc ;
= 0 for ω < ωc
Circuit for a High Pass Filter:

Fig.(9): Circuit for High Pass Filter

Once again, there will be no transition band due to the precise cutting off of the signal
in an ideal filter. An ideal high pass filter passes high frequencies. However, the strength of
the frequency is lower. A high pass filter is used for passing high frequencies, but the strength
of the frequency is lower as compared to cut off frequency. High pass filters are used to
sharpen images.
Band-pass filter:
The band-pass filter is actually a combination of the low pass and high pass filter, both
the filters are used strategically to allow only a portion of frequencies to pass through hence
forming the pass-band and the all frequencies that do not fall in this range are attenuated

Fig.(10): The response of an ideal Band Pass Filter

Fig.(11): The response of a practical Band Pass Filter

The transfer function of the Band Pass Filter is given by

H(jω) = 1 for |ω1| < ω < |ω2| ;
= 0 for ω < |ω1| and ω > |ω2|
Circuit for a Band Pass Filter:
The circuit as shown below is the high pass filter followed by the low pass filter, which forms
the Band Pass Filter.

Fig.(12): Circuit of Band Pass Filter

This band has two cut-off frequencies, the lower cut off frequency, and the upper cut
off frequency. So, it is known as a second-order filter. Band-Pass filters can also be formed
using inverting operational amplifiers. These types of filters are used primarily in wireless
transmitters and receivers.
Band-pass filters are widely used in wireless transmitters and receivers. It limits the
frequency at which the signal is transmitted, ensuring the signal is picked up by the receiver.
Limiting the bandwidth to the particular value discourages other signals from interfering.

Band Rejection Filter/Band Stop Filter:

Band rejection filter is used when you want to retain the majority of the frequency but
reject a specific band of frequencies. It is basically the opposite of a band-pass filter. If the
stop-band is very narrow, it is sometimes referred to as a notch filter. And similar to the band-
pass filter, this filter has two cut-off frequencies making it a second-order filter.
This filter allows all frequencies leading up to the first cut-off frequency (lower cut-off
frequency) to pass and all frequencies after the second cut-off frequency (upper cut-off
frequency) to pass making that the pass-band. And all frequencies between the lower and
upper cut-off frequency is the stop-band.

Fig.(13): The response of the Band Stop Filter

Fig.(14): The response of a practical Band Stop Filter

The transfer function of a Band Rejection filter is as shown

H(jω) = 0 for |ω1| < ω < |ω2| ;
= 1 for ω < |ω1| and ω > |ω2|
Circuit for a Band Stop Filter:
The circuit of a Band Rejection filter consists of a resistor, inductor, and capacitor all in
parallel. This is also the same as keeping a low pass filter in parallel with a high pass filter.

Fig.(15): Circuit for Band Rejection Filter
The band Rejection filter is heavily used in Public Address Systems, Speaker System
and in devices that require filtering to obtain good audio. It is also used to reduce static radio
related devices. The frequencies that bring in the static are attenuated by giving their
frequencies as the limits.

Multi-Pass filter:
Multi-pass filters are basically several band-pass filters put together. It is used when
you want only certain bands of frequencies to pass through and want to attenuate the majority.
The Band Pass Filter itself is achieved by having the circuit of a high pass filter
connected to that of a low pass filter in series, connecting this to another pair of filters will
give us two bands of frequencies that are allowed to pass through with two second-order cut
off frequencies each making its response look something like the following graph.

Fig.(16): The response of Multi-Pass Filter

Multi-Stop filter:
Multi-stop filters are several band-stop filters put together. It is used when you want
certain bands of frequencies to not be passed and when you want the majority of the
frequencies to be attenuated.
The Band Stop Filter is achieved by having a circuit of high pass filter and low pass
filter connected in parallel. Hence, this would give us two pairs of second-order cut off
frequencies as well, as depicted by the graph below.

Fig.(17): The response of a Multi-Step Filter

Why can’t we design ideal filters?

To get an ideal response would mean there should be no unwanted components at all.
The calculations to ensure the frequency response of an ideal filter should be precise, to know
how to do this you can take a look at the post on filter approximation under the same section.
So taking the Fourier transform of an ideal filter, we get an infinite time response.
And the other way around, a signal with infinite frequency response is because of a
finite time response. Hence, if we allow for infinite time, that would mean there will be an
infinite delay in the filter. This would mean you will be getting the output as zero for a long,
long time before getting an actual result.
This means an ideal filter is non-causal, which means it will not be zero before time
zero is reached. And also it is not rational; it is not able to be written as a rational transfer
function with a finite degree (n) for such a sudden transition.

For example, let’s say the frequency response required is:

H(jω) = 1 for |ω| < ωc ;
= 0 for ω >= ωc
Calculating the impulse response in time domain, we get

The sinc function suggests that the frequency response exists for all values from -∞ to
∞. Therefore, it is non-realizable as it requires infinite memory.
So, to avoid waiting for an eternity to get a frequency response, we do not design ideal


Analog filter Digital filter

Analog filter processes analog inputs and A digital filter processes and generates digital
generate analog outputs. data.
Analog filters are constructed from active A digital filter consists of elements like
(or) passive electronic components. adder, multiplier & delay unit.
Analog filter is described by a differential Digital filter is described by a difference
equation. equation.
The frequency response of an analog filter The frequency response of a digital filter can
can be modified by changing the be modified by changing the filter
components. coefficients.


Designing a filter involves approximation and realization. Let us take a Low Pass
Filter for discussion. As mentioned, the pass-band allows the lower frequencies within the cut-
off frequency and attenuates the rest of the frequencies with an immediate transition from
pass-band to stop-band.
For a practical Low Pass Filter, however, the transition from pass-band to stop-band
will be gradual or to be precise at a rate of -20dB/decade for every order of the filter.

Hence, realistic filters may have ripples in the pass-band or the stop, in some cases,
even both. But, one thing is for sure, it is impossible to design an entirely flat response or such
a steep transition
However, to try and overcome this problem of ripples or change the output to the
desired response, we can use one of the five filter approximation techniques available.
Filter approximation techniques are special processes using which we can design our
target filter with the closest response to an ideal filter. Each of these techniques has a close-to-
ideal response in certain regions of the frequency band. Some approximation methods give
you a flat pass-band, whereas some give you a sharp transition band. Let’s get acquainted with
some of the filter approximation techniques.

First, we have the Butterworth filter which gives a flat pass-band (also called
maximally flat approximation for this reason), a stop-band with no ripples and a roll-off of -
20n dB/decade where n is the order of the filter. These filters are usually used for audio
Secondly, we have the Chebyshev filter which gives a pass-band with ripples, a stop-
band with no ripples and a roll-off faster than the Butterworth filter. This is the type of filter
one should go for if a flat response is not their priority but a faster transition instead.
The number of ripples is equal to the order of the filter divided by 2. The amplitude of
each of these ripples is also the same. Hence, it is also known as an Equal Ripple Filter.
Next, we have the inverse Chebyshev which has the same roll-off as Chebyshev and
also a flat pass-band, fast transition but ripples in the stop-band. This filter can be opted for
when there is no concern with the attenuated band. However, one should ensure the ripples in
the stop-band do not surpass the rejection threshold.
Then, we have the Elliptic filter which has a ripple in both pass-band and stop-band
but the fastest transition out of all the filters.
The Bessel filter has the opposite response, which is a flat response in the pass-band,
no ripple in the stop-band but the slowest roll-off among all approximation filters.

Here is a summary,
Table 1: Filter Approximation Table

Filter Approximation and its types – Butterworth and Chebyshev
What is Filter approximation and why do we need it?
To achieve a realizable and a practical filter, we introduce some approximations to the filter
design. Let us compare an ideal filter with a practical one:

Fig.(18): Ideal vs. Practical Low Pass Filter

An ideal “brick wall” filter has:

 an abrupt transition from pass-band to stop-band and vice-versa.
 no attenuation in pass-band.
 infinite attenuation in stop-band.
A practical filter has:
 gradual transitions.
 non-zero (still, negligible) attenuation in pass-band (pass-band ripple).
 doesn’t completely attenuate in stop-band (stop-band ripple).

The cut-off frequencies are the only specifications we needed to define an ideal filter. The
practical realization requires a couple or more specifications:
 Cut-off Frequency ωc
 Stop band frequency ωs
 Pass-band Ripple 1 − Ap: Amount of variation (fluctuation) in the magnitude response
of the filter. You can expect the pass-band frequencies of your signal to be attenuated
by a factor within the pass-band ripple.
 Stop-band attenuation As is the maximum attenuation to the frequencies in stop-band.

Let us play around with these specifications to define different types of approximations.
What are the different types of Filter approximations?
Butterworth filter:
As smooth as butter
Stephen Butterworth was known for solving impossible mathematical problems and he
took up the challenge of making the pass-band ripple-free, flat and as smooth as possible.
The gain Gn(ω) on nth-order low pass Butterworth filter as a function of discrete frequency ω
is given as:

Advantages of Butterworth filter approximation
 No pass-band ripple, that means, all pass-band frequencies have identical magnitude
 Low complexity.
Disadvantages of Butterworth filter approximation
 Bad selectivity, not really applicable for designs that require a small gap between pass-
band and stop-band frequencies.

As sharp as a whip
Has the sharpest (fastest) roll-off but has ripple in both the pass-band and the stop-band.
The gain for low pass elliptic filter is given by:

where, s is the ripple factor derived from pass-band ripple, Rn is known as nth order
elliptical rational function and ξ is the selectivity factor derived from stop-band attenuation.
Advantages of Elliptic filter approximation
 Best selectivity among the three. Ideal for applications that want to effectively
eliminate the frequencies in the immediate neighborhood of pass-band.
Disadvantages of Elliptic filter approximation
 Ripples in both the bands and hence, all frequencies experience non-identical changes
in magnitude.
 Non-linear phase, that leads to phase distortion.
 High complexity.

Jack of all trades, Master of none
Faster roll-off than Butterworth, but not as fast as Elliptical. Ripples in either one of
the bands, Chebyshev-1 type filter have ripples in pass-band while the Chebyshev-2 type filter
has ripples in stop-band.
The gain for low pass Chebyshev filter is given by:

where, Rn is known as nth order Chebyshev polynomial.

Advantages of Chebyshev filter approximation
 Decent Selectivity

 Moderate complexity
Disadvantages of Chebyshev filter approximation
 Ripples in one of the bands.
 Non-linear phase, that leads to phase distortion.

Butterworth Filter Approximation – Impulse Invariance & Bilinear Transform

As discussed ideal filter types, the Butterworth filter is a filter approximation
technique that is also known as the maximally flat filter technique. This filter gives a very flat
frequency response in the Pass Band, which ensures that there are no ripples present.
Hence, as the name suggests, the maximal flat response you get with the Butterworth
Filter cannot be matched by the Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, or Bessel Filters. Though it
may not be as effective as the other filters in giving a filter response with a steep transition
band, it has a better tolerance to overshoot or ringing compared to the Chebyshev filters. It
also allows for minimum attenuation in the Stop Band.

Hence, The Butterworth filter’s applications include:

 Anti-Aliasing Filter for Data Converter applications due to its maximally flat nature.
 High-quality audio applications as they ensure the frequencies that are supposed to
pass do so entirely owing to the flat response, ensuring we hear everything we are
supposed to from audio samples.
 In motion analysis, digital Butterworth filters are used as they have close to zero
ringing in the passband, which gives a clear video for precise analysis.

In this we will study the steps for Butterworth Filter approximation and design analog and
digital Butterworth filters using the impulse invariance and bilinear transform techniques to
design IIR filters.
Let us examine a Low Pass Butterworth Filter. The amplitude response of a low-pass
Butterworth filter is:

where wc is the filter’s cut-off frequency and n is the order of the filter.

Fig.(19): Amplitude Response of Butterworth Filter

The graph you see above represents the magnitude of the frequency response of the
filter. From the graph, we can infer that at low frequencies, the gain is very close to 1. But as
the frequency increases, the gain goes off and starts rejecting higher frequency components as
general low pass filters do.
The colors that denote the different values for n are signifying the filter order. Observe
that when the filter order is low, the graph rolls off smoothly. However, when the filter order
is high, it almost looks like a step function. Hence, we can conclude that to get a smaller
transition band, we have to increase the order of the filter.
To simplify the process of designing the Butterworth filter, we are going to be
observing a normalized filter first. Then we will be scaling the values to our desired cut-off.

Normalized Butterworth Filter

A normalised filter is one that has cut off frequency equal to 1 (wc=1)
Hence, the amplitude response will become

The transfer function of a filter is given by H(s) which is the impulse response of a
filter in the s-domain where s = σ+ jw
The frequency response of a filter can be determined by evaluating using the
imaginary axis when s = jw and σ = 0.
The inverse is also possible, given H(jw), you can evaluate H(s) by substituting

Therefore, we can infer

The 2n denotes the poles of which occur when

Putting it in terms of s we get, s2n = -(j)2n------—(1)

-1 can also be represented in terms of an exponential function as shown
, where for every integer k,
So, substituting for the -1 in equation (1)

Taking 1/2n root on each side,

for k=1, 2, 3,…,2n

Fig.(20): Poles of a filter with order N=4

As you can see from the image above, depending on the value of n the number of
poles on each side of the plane will correspond. For example, if N=4, there are four poles in
the left-hand plane which correspond to Hn(s), which suggests a causal and stable filter. The
four poles on the right-hand plane correspond to the conjugate. Therefore, the number of poles
on each side depends on n.

The transfer function for a Normalized Butterworth filter is

where you obtain the nth order Butterworth polynomial.

can be computed by working it out or using a Butterworth Lookup Table, we will look
into this in detail while solving the problems.

Scaling Normalized Filter
Now, we know the transfer function for a normalized filter. What if we want a cut off
frequency other than unity?
Depending on the type of filter we would be designing, we would replace s by the
respective transformations shown below to find H.

Transformation (Replace s by the

Type of transformation

Low Pass

High Pass

Band Pass

Band Stop

where wc is the cut off frequency

wl is the lower band edge frequency
wh is the higher band edge frequency

We also need to have specifications of the gain definitions; there are specifically four values
that we have to define which can be obtained from the graph below.

Fig.(21): Graph to identify Gain definition of a Low Pass Filter

 GP is the Pass band gain at Pass band frequency WP
 GS is the Stop band gain at Stop band frequency WS

From these filter specifications; we can determine the order of the filter. The gain is usually
represented in dB.
At frequency WX, the gain of the filter would be,

Hence, Pass band Gain and Stop band Gain can be determined

you can also determine the cutoff frequency this way

you can also determine the cutoff frequency this way

Dividing the Stop band gain by the Pass band gain,

Rearranging the equation in terms of n so that we can identify the filter order,

Example Problem on Butterworth Filter:

Design a Butterworth filter with the following specifications

Also, find the filter’s transfer function.

substituting the particular values

n=3.142 ≈ 4
When you get a decimal number always round up, as this will give a better roll off than
rounding down.
Now, with the filter order and the filter requirements we can identify the cut off
We will use both the pass band values and stop band values to carry out this calculation

Now, why are there two different values for the same cutoff frequency? Well, we did
round off the filter order number for easier design purposes, that’s why!
Let us choose to match up with the pass band cut off frequency and carry on
calculating the transfer function taking = 20.01

Next up, we have to design the normalized function before moving on to scaling.
You can either look it up on the Butterworth filter table or you can compute the H(S) using
the equation below


but why do all that calculating when you can just copy the numbers from the table.
(Don’t worry I’ll show you how to do it in the preceding examples)

Table 2: The coefficients in the System function of a Normalized Butterworth Filter (t1 = 1) for
orders 1 < N < 8

So, since N=4 in this case,
Therefore, the coefficients would be a1=2.6131, a2=3.4142, a3=2.6131, a4=1.0000
Putting these coefficients into the normalized transfer function

Now, we are going to scale the normalized function to obtain the actual transfer function,
We’ve got to replace s with

Hence, the final transfer function is

Fig.(22): Frequency response for both values of the cutoff frequency

According to the stop band, the attenuation should be at -25dB, which is the cut off
limit for this filter. Looking at the red curve which depicts the frequency response of the filter
if we choose to go with the stop band cut off frequency, it touches -25dB which is well within
the limit. Over attenuation is totally fine too, as long as it does not under attenuate which will
allow signals beyond the frequency range to enter.
Over attenuation (when the attenuation is less than -25db) will not lead to this
problem, so over attenuation and exact attenuation are a thumb up for your Low Pass Filter.
Hence, the blue curve which depicts the frequency response if we choose to go with the pass
band cut off frequency over attenuates.
I know the question popping up in your mind right now. If the red curve gives exact
attenuation, why not just go with the stop band cut off frequency?

The problem is with the transition band. At 20 rad/s, the graph should be down by 3dB
already but the red curve hardly dipped, it only came down by 1 dB. This is not advisable for
the Low Pass Filter. So, the only thing you have to keep in mind is that when choosing the cut
off frequency to scale your transfer function equation, go with the pass band cut off


The infinite impulse response is a type of digital filter that is used in Digital Signal
Processing applications. A filter’s job is to allow certain types of signals to pass and block the
The infinite impulse response filter is unique because it uses a feedback mechanism. It
requires current as well as past output data. Though they are harder to design, IIR filters are
computationally efficient and generally cheaper.

Fig.(23): IIR filter block diagram

Methods to design an Infinite Impulse Response filter:

 Direct method – Designing analog filters and then converting them to digital.
 Approximation of derivatives method – Approximating a differential equation
(continuous-time (d/dt)) by an equivalent difference equation. We have covered
the approximation of derivatives method to design IIR filters here.
 Impulse invariance method – simple s-plane to z-plane mapping. The impulse
invariance method to design IIR filters is covered here.
 Bilinear Transformation method (BLT) – An improvement over the impulse
invariance method. We have covered the Bilinear transform method to design IIR filters here.
 Approximation of standard analog filters – Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Elliptic
analog filter designs can be approximated as IIR filters. These analog filters have an infinite
response too.
 Spectral transformation – We can create different types of digital IIR filters using a
digital IIR low pass filter via the spectral transformation method.

Transfer function of an IIR filter

Conditions to design a stable Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter:
To design a stable and causal IIR filter, the following requirements are necessary:
1. The transfer function (H(z)) should be a rational function of z, and the coefficients of z
should be real.
2. The poles (values, where the denominator turns 0 / output is infinite) should lie inside
the unit circle of the z-plane.
3. The number of zeros should be less than or equal to the number of poles.
4. For the effective conversion from an analog filter to a digital one, the imaginary axis
of the s-plane should map into the unit circle of the z-plane. This establishes a direct
relationship between the analog frequency and digital frequency in two domains.
5. The left half of the s-plane should map into the inside of the unit circle of the z-plane.

Advantages of an IIR filter:

 IIR filters are more versatile.
 They are computationally easier to implement.
 They are cheaper too.
 The infinite response of the IIR filter is a cool feature when you are looking for
amplification of signals. Not so much when you wish to attenuate them, though.

Disadvantages of an IIR filter:

 Practically realizable digital IIR filters do not have a linear phase response. The linear
phase is a property where the phase response of a filter is a linear function of the frequency.
 IIR filters cannot implement integer math, which is an easy to use mathematical
representation because it’s cheap, fast, and easy to implement.
 IIR filters have a higher chance of being unstable.
 Additionally, they also have a higher chance of being affected by quantization
operations like truncation and rounding. This is due to the feedback mechanism that
introduces poles in the transfer function. On the contrary, FIR filter transfer functions do not
have poles.

Impulse invariance method of IIR filters design:

The Impulse Invariance Method is used to design a discrete filter that yields a similar
frequency response to that of an analog filter. Discrete filters are amazing for two very
significant reasons:
1. You can separate signals that have been fused and,
2. You can use them to retrieve signals that have been distorted.

We can design this filter by finding out one very important piece of information i.e.,
the impulse response of the analog filter. By sampling the response we will get the time-
domain impulse response of the discrete filter.
When observing the impulse responses of the continuous and discrete responses, it is
hard to miss that they correspond with each other. The analog filter can be represented by a
transfer function, Hc(s).

Zeros are the roots of the numerator and poles are the roots of the denominator. For
every pole of the transfer function of the analog filter, it can be mapped to a pole on the
transfer function of the IIR filter’s transfer function given by H(z).

Mapping from s-plane to z-plane

The transfer function of the analog filter in terms of partial fraction expansion with
real coefficients is

where A are the real coefficients and P are the poles of the function and k can be 1, 2 …N.
h(t) is the impulse response of the same analog filter but in the time domain. Since ‘s’
represents a Laplace function Hc(s) can be converted to h(t), by taking its inverse Laplace
Using this transformation,
We obtain

However, in order to obtain a discrete frequency response, we need to sample this

equation. Replace ‘nTS’ in the place of t where TS represents the sampling time. This gives us
the sampled response h(n),

Now, to obtain the transfer function of the IIR Digital Filter which is of the ‘z’
operator, we have to perform z-transform with the newly found sampled impulse response,
h(n). For a causal system which depends on past (-n) and current inputs (n), we can get H(z)
with the formula shown below

We have already obtained the equation for h(n). Hence, substitute eqn (2) into the above

Factoring the coefficient and the common power of n

Based on the standard summation formula, (3) is modified and written as the required transfer
function of the IIR filter.

Hence (4) is obtained from (1), by mapping the poles of the analog filter to that of the digital

That is how you map from the s-plane to z-plane

Relationship of S-plane to Z plane

From the equation above, Since, the poles are the denominators we can say s = Pk.
Comparing (1) and (4), we can derive that

and since s = Pk , substituting into (5) gives us


Where TS is the sampling time

Now, s is taken to be the Laplace operator
s = σ+ jΩ –----(7)
σ is the attenuation factor
Ω is the analog frequency
Changing Z from rectangular coordinates to the polar coordinates, we get:

where r is magnitude and ω is digital frequency

Replacing (7) in place of s in (6), and replacing that value as Z in (8)

Compare the real and imaginary parts separately, where the component with ‘j’ is imaginary.


Hence, we can make the inference that

To understand the relationship between the s-plane and Z-plane, we need to picture how they
will be plotted on a graph. If we were to plot (7) in the ‘s’ domain, σ would be the X-
coordinates and jΩ would be the Y-coordinate. Now, if we were to plot (8) in the ‘Z’ domain,
the real portion would be the X-coordinate, and the imaginary part would be the Y-coordinate.
Let us take a closer look at equation (9),

There are a few conditions that could help us identify where it is going to be mapped on the s-
Case 1:
when σ <0, it would translate that r is the reciprocal of ‘e’ raised to a constant. This
will limit the range of r from 0 to 1.
Since σ <0, it would be a negative value and would be mapped on the left-hand side of the
graph in the ‘s’ domain
Since 0<r<1, this would fall within the unit circle which has a radius of in the ‘z’ domain.
Case 2:
When σ =0, this would make r=e0, which gives us 1, which means r=1. When the
radius is 1, it is a unit circle.
Since σ =0, which indicates the Y-axis of the ‘s’ domain.
Since r=1, the point would be on the unit circle in the ‘z’ domain.
Case 3:
When σ>0, since it is positive, r would be equal to ‘e’ raised to a particular constant,
which means r would also be a positive value greater than 1.
Since σ>0, the positive value would be mapped onto the right-hand side of the ‘s’ domain.
Since r>1, the point would be mapped outside the unit circle in the ‘z’ domain.
Here is a pictorial representation of the three cases:

Mapping of poles located at the imaginary axis of the s-plane onto the unit circle of the z-
plane. This is an important condition for accurate transformation.

Mapping of the stable poles on the left-hand side of the imaginary s-plane axis into the unit
circle on the z-plane. Another important condition.

Poles on the right-hand side of the imaginary axis of the s-plane lie outside the unit circle of
the z-plane when mapped.

Disadvantages of Impulse Invariance Method:

1. Digital frequency represented by ‘ω,’ and its range lies between – π and π. Analog
frequency is represented by ‘Ω,’ and its range lies between – π/TS and π/TS. When mapping
from digital to analog, from – π/TS and π/TS , ‘ω’ maps from – π to π. This would make the
range of Ω (k-1)π/TS and (k+1)π/TS, where k is an arbitrary constant. However, mapping the
other way, from analog to digital, will mean ω maps from – π to π, which makes it many-to-
one. Hence, mapping is not one-to-one. This is the main disadvantage.
2. Analog filters do not have a definite bandwidth because of which when sampling is
performed, this would give rise to aliasing. Aliasing is when the signal eats up into the next
signal and so on. This would lead to considerable distortion of the signal. Hence, making the
frequency response of the converted digital signal very different from the original frequency
response of the analog filter.
3. Increasing the sampling time will result in a frequency response that is more spaces
out hence decreasing the chances of aliasing. However, this is not the case with this method.
Increasing the sampling time has no effect on the amount of aliasing that happens.
4. It’s not possible to design a high pass filter using the impulse invariance method.

Steps to design a digital IIR filter using Impulse Invariant Method

1. First, we have to obtain H(s), the frequency transfer function of the analog filter. It
would either be given directly, or you have to find out the ratio of the output over the input of
the filter.
2. If it cannot be mapped to the Z-transform as it is, try breaking it down using partial
3. Now, find out the Z-transform of each term of the partial fraction expansion.

4. You will have your transfer function in terms of H(z), which is the frequency transfer
function of the IIR digital filter.

How about we try an example to make sure you get the hang of it?
Solved example using Impulse Invariance method to find the transfer function of an IIR filter
Given , that has a sampling frequency of 5Hz. Find the transfer function of

the IIR digital filter.

Step 1:

Step 2:
Applying partial fractions on H(s),

Step 3:

Step 4:

That is how you obtain the transfer function of the IIR digital filter.

Try out more questions to get a hang of solving these problems. Once you do that, the
impulse invariance method is pretty straightforward. Two points that we should remember
before going to the next topic are that the Impulse Invariance method is used for frequency-
selective filters and that they are used to transform analog filter design.

Bilinear transform method of designing IIR filters:

Next up, we are going to be learning about another method that can be used to design
Digital IIR Filters. So far, we have seen the impulse invariance and Approximation of
derivatives methods to design IIR filters. But there are many limitations to these two methods.

These methods can only be used to realize low pass filters and a limited class of band-
pass filters. We can’t design high pass filters or certain band-reject filters using these two
Moreover, the many to one mapping in the impulse invariance method (s-domain to z-
domain) causes the issue of aliasing, which is highly undesirable. Bilinear transform removes
that issue by using one-to-one mapping. Let’s check out the method.

What is the Bilinear Transform Method for designing IIR filters?

 BLT differs from the rest of the two methods primarily when it comes to the method
of mapping from the ‘s’ plane to the ‘z’ plane.
 In Bilinear Transformation, we carry out conformal mapping in which the jΩ axis is
mapped onto the unit circle in the ‘z’ plane. This is a one-to-one mapping that does not
bring along with it the issue of aliasing.
 All points in the left-hand side of the s-plane get mapped inside the unit circle in the z-
plane. And all points in the right-hand side of the s-plane get mapped outside the circle
in the z-plane.
 First, we will transform an analog filter, get H(z), and then get a relationship between s
and z.
 The resulting mapping between the s and z plane will cause a frequency distortion that
we will see below. Then we will be carrying out pre-warping to get rid of the effects of
frequency warping.
Let us assume an analog filter with the transfer function H(S), where

Applying the Laplace transform to change the equation from the ‘s’ domain to the time
domain, we get

y(t) can also be expressed in terms of the equation below

As the result of the integral gives us,

The integral can also be solved by using the trapezoidal rule for finding the area,
Let us say we have a trapezoid of lengths a and b and a height h
The area is given by

Fig.(24): Example of Trapezoidal Rule

Using the trapezoidal rule(4), the area of the graph between t and t0 is given by,

Where t-t0 is the same as nT-(nT-T) which gives us T

Hence, substituting equation (5) into equation (3), we get

Hold on to that equation for a minute, and let us rearrange equation(2) as shown and

Substitute equation(6) into equation(7)

Change y(nT) → y(n) and x(nT) → x(n)

Simplifying the equation by factoring,

Applying Z-Transform to the difference equation (8),

y(n)→Y(Z) y(n-1) →Z-1Y(Z)
x(n)→X(Z) x(n-1) →Z-1X(Z)

Arranging this to get a transfer function (output over input →Y(Z) over X(Z)) for the IIR
Digital Filter,
Simplifying this equation,

Comparing equation (10) with equation(1),
We can infer that , —(11)

This is the basis of the Bilinear Transformation.

Bilinear Approximation
Here is a little trick.
 All the points on the left-hand side (LHS) of the ‘s’ plane are mapped to points inside
the unit circle in the ‘z’ plane.
 All the points on the right-hand side of the ‘s’ plane are mapped to points outside the
unit circle.
 All points on the imaginary axis of the ‘s’ plane are mapped points right on the unit

Here’s some context as to why this is the case.

So we know that

Joining the two equations together, we have

Ignoring T for just a bit, we can also write Z as

Mapping the point 0+j0 of the ‘s’ plane onto the ‘z’ plane is when Z=e0=1
Hence, it will fall write on the unit circle as shown in the picture below

Fig.(25): Mapping of points onto the unit circle in the z-plane

Based on Euler’s formula,

Hence, taking the modulus would give us

Hence, the second exponential will always be equal to 1 giving us

So, the value of alpha determines whether the point lies outside or inside the unit circle.

For α <0
Z will also be less than 0 as e to the power of a negative value would give us a value
less than 1, mapping the point within the unit circle.

Fig.(26): Mapping of points inside the unit circle in the ‘z’ plane

For α>0
Z will also be greater than 0 as e to the power of a positive value is always greater than
1, mapping the point outside the unit circle.

Fig.(27): Mapping of point outside the unit circle of ‘z’ plane

Relationship between Ω and ω:

Further investigating the characteristics of Bilinear Transformation, we can actually
form an equation relating Ω and ω.
The Z plane expressed in its polar form is

and —(13)

Visiting the difference equation that we derived (11) and substituting (12) for all Z.

Remember the euler formula we used before, we’re going to use it again over here and get

Rationalising the equation above, we obtain

Comparing equation(13) with equation(14), we can equate

If r value is less than 1, a number less than 1 subtracted by 1(numerator) would give a
negative value, hence r<1→σ<1
Similarly, when r is a value greater than 1, a number greater than 1 subtracted by
1(numerator) would give a positive value, hence r>1→σ>1
When r is equal to 1 however, 1 subtracted by 1 would give us σ=0

Hence, simplifying equation (15) and equation(16)

Frequency Warping
For an analog filter, the frequency of the filter and the sampling frequency can help
find the value of ω.

Here we see that there is a linear relationship between Ω and ω.

Fig.(28): Linear Characteristics of Filter

But, the relationship we determined through the Bilinear Transformation in equation (18) is

Fig.(29): Frequency Response when there is Frequency Warping

This change in properties when using Bilinear Transformation is referred to

as Frequency Warping. The non-linear relationship between Ω and ω results in a distortion of
the frequency axis, as seen in the above plot. The spectral representation of frequency using
Bilinear Transformation differs from the usual representation.

Let us say we have to design a digital IIR filter of cut off frequency 500Hz and sampling
frequency 10KHz.
FC=500Hz and FS=10KHz
ωC=2πFC/FS=1000π/(10x103t)=0.1π=0.314159(Required Cut off Frequency)
(Mapped Cutoff Frequency after Bilinear Transformation)

This change in the frequency value right here is Frequency warping. If we design an
analog filter with ωC and then perform Bilinear Transformation and get ωC in the digital
domain, we cannot design an accurate filter with the same frequency requirement.

Wait, hold up. You can remove the warping problem using a simple technique. All you
have to do to get a digital IIR filter with the same desired cut off frequency as ωC is to design
an analog filter with a cut off frequency that maps to ωC after Bilinear Transformation. We
call this process Pre-warping. We need to pre-warp the analog filters.

Fig.(30): Frequency Response with Pre-warping

Look at the graph we have above, the blue line represents the frequency response after
Bilinear Transformation, and the red line represents the Linear characteristics of Ω and ω. To
obtain the expected response, which is the red line, we are going to merge the blue line with
the green line so that it cancels out and gives us the red line. This is basically what pre-
warping does.
How exactly do we calculate this,
With Bilinear Transformation:

During Pre warping:

Where ωC is the required Cut off Frequency

After pre-warping, we see that the mapped cut off frequency is the same as that of the
required cut off frequency. Hence, pre-warping is used to ensure we have the same cut off
frequency for both the analog filter and the digital IIR filter redeeming Bilinear
Transformation for us.
Now, is it necessary to go through so much trouble and perform Bilinear
Transformation, why not just go with the other two methods?
How about we discuss the pros and cons of this method before coming to any conclusions?

Advantages of the Bilinear Transformation method for designing IIR filters:

 The mapping is purely one-to-one. While it is not necessarily the same with impulse
invariance method.
 There is no bother of the aliasing effect.
 A stable analog filter can be transformed into a stable digital filter
 There are no restrictions on the type of filters that can be transformed. While the other
two methods are limited to Low Pass Filters and an even more limited class of Band
pass filters.
 There is one to one transformation from the ‘s’ plane to the ‘z’ plane.

 All characteristics of the amplitude response of the analog filter are preserved when
designing the digital filter. Consequently, the pass band ripple and the minimum stop
band attenuation are preserved.
Disadvantages of the Bilinear Transformation method for designing IIR filters:
 Frequency Warping is the only disadvantage, as the mapping is non-linear we have to
perform pre warping.

What is the difference between the Bilinear Transform and Impulse Invariance
Impulse Invariance Bilinear Transformation
Is used to design IIR filters with the unit sample
Is used to design IIR filters using the trapezoidal rule
response represented as h(n) which is obtained
in place of numerical integration to get an equation
by sampling the impulse response of an analog
that represents s in terms of Z
Bilinear Transformation avoids aliasing of frequency
The value selected for T is small to reduce the
components as it is a single conformal mapping of the
effects of aliasing.
jΩ axis into the unit circle in the z plane.
Can be used to design all kinds of IIR Digital filters
Used to design Low pass and a limited class of
including Low Pass filters, High Pass filters, Band
Band pass IIR Digital filters
pass, and Band stop filters.
Frequency warping takes place as the frequency
The frequency relationship is linear
relationship is non-linear.
Though all poles are mapped from the s-plane
to the z-plane, the zeros do not satisfy the same All zeros and poles are mapped

Solved example using Bilinear Transformation

Given and . Find H(z)?


We know that
Comparing the given H(s) equation with the Laplace Transform equation below

we can deduce that

The relation between Ω and ω as derived above is

Therefore, to find T
hence, T=1/2 sec
Substituting this,

Substituting s in term of z,

We hope you understood the technique of Bilinear Transformation, along with its
effects and properties, and pre-warping. This is an important method for designing digital IIR

Difference between Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) & Finite Impulse

Response (FIR) filters
In this Digital Signal Processing course, we will be studying various methods of
designing two types of filters – Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, and Finite Impulse
Response (FIR) filters. Let’s try to understand the difference between them to better structure
our understanding as we proceed through the course.

Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR) Finite Impulse Response Filters (FIR)
All the infinite samples of the impulse
Only N samples of the impulse response are
response are considered in the designing of
considered in the designing of FIR filters.
IIR filters.
The construction of an IIR filter involves
The construction of an FIR filter with the desired
designing an analog filter first for the desired
specifications can be done directly using certain
specifications and then converting it into a
methods (like windowing).
digital IIR filter.
Thus we can say that IIR filters have an Thus we can say that FIR filters don’t have an
analog equivalent. analog equivalent.
The IIR filter requires past output samples in The FIR filter requires only past and current
addition to current and past inputs to obtain inputs to obtain its current output. They don’t
its current outputs. care about past outputs.
An IIR filter’s design specifications only
An FIR filter’s design specifications specify both,
specify the desired characteristics of its
the magnitude as well as the phase response.
magnitude response.
Physically realizable infinite impulse Physically realizable FIR filters can be designed

response filters don’t have linear phase with linear phase characteristics easily.
FIR filters are non-recursive. However, it is
IIR filters are recursive
possible to design recursive FIR filters too.
The transfer functions of infinite impulse The transfer functions of finite impulse response
response filters have both poles and zeros. have only zeros.
IIR filters are/have LESS:
 Powerful: In terms of computational FIR filters have/are MORE:
prowess.  Power
 Power-hungry: In terms of power  Power-hungry
supply.  Stable
 Stable  Memory
 Memory  Time to setup
 Time to set up  Delay
 Delay
IIR filters are/have MORE: FIR filters have/are LESS:
 Filter coefficients  Filter coefficients
 Tweakable on the fly  Tweakable on the fly
 Efficient  Efficient
 Sensitive  Sensitive
 Easy to use  Easy to use
IIR filters are used in Band Stop and Band FIR filters are used in Anti-aliasing, low pass,
Pass filters. and baseband filters.


 Impulse Invariant technique
 Bilinear transformation technique

Solving Butterworth Filter Transfer Function with Impulse Invariance technique:

The Impulse Invariance method does a good job in designing Low Pass Filters. It
preserves the order and stability of the analog filter well. However, they cannot be used for
High Pass Filters as they are not band limited.

Let us look at the steps involved:

Step 1. Find out the filter specifications
GP is the Pass band gain
Pass band frequency WP
GS is the Stop band gain
Stop band frequency WS
Step 2. Find out the order of the filter

Step 3. Now, identify the Normalized transfer function,


Step 4. Now, we have to find out the actual transfer function

Step 5. Now this is the step that determines what method you are using,
we can use a table to do the digital transformation

Type of Transformation Transformation(Replace s by)

How about an example to clear things up?

Solved Example
Butterworth IIR Low Pass Filter using Impulse Invariant Transformation, T=1 sec


2. Order of the filter

So rounding this up, our filter order is 2.
3. Next up, according to the steps, we have to find out the normalized function.




4. Now, for the actual transfer function

After finding out the cut off frequency of course,

Ok so now we have the cut off frequency and we can do the substitution now,

Simplifying this we will obtain the transfer function using impulse invariance method

To perform the digital transform, we need to make sure it is in a form that can be transformed
to Z. So we need to make a few changes, starting with completing the square.

5. Doesn’t this equation look similar to

So, we will be transforming the equation to

Solving Butterworth Filter Transfer Function with Bilinear Transformation technique:

Bilinear Transformation is useful when the gains of your filter are constant over
certain bands of frequency, such as in Low Pass Filters, High Pass Filters, and Band Pass
Filters. The BLT method helps to avoid aliasing of the frequency response that you may
encounter while using the Impulse Invariance method to obtain your filter values by mapping
one-to-one from the s-plane to the z-plane. Hence, using this method lowers the sampling rate
required significantly compared to the IIR method.
This technique involves all the steps in the previous section except the last step and a
small change in the second step.
Let us see how with another one of those examples, that’s going to make
understanding all this complex stuff a bit easier.

Design a Butterworth digital IIR high pass filter using Bilinear Transformation by taking
T=0.1 second, to satisfy the following specifications.

1. For a High Pass Filter

For a Low Pass Filter

2. Order of the filter

Therefore, the order of the filter will be 2.

3. Now, for the normalized transfer function




4. Time for the actual transfer function now and we need the cut off frequency again

5. This is the little twist that I warned y’all about at the beginning, the last step.
So, for this step, we have to replace

Using the Bilinear Transformation, the transfer function will be

simplifying this very complicated equation, we get

which gives us the transfer function of the High Pass Filter in the ‘z’ domain.


 Linear phase filters

 Windowing techniques for design of Linear phase FIR filters-
 Rectangular window
 Triangular window
 Bartlett window
 Hamming window
 Hanning window
 Kaiser window
 Realization of filters
 Finite word length effects
 Comparison between FIR and IIR

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters
- In many digital processing applications, FIR filters are preferred over their IIR filters.

The following are the main advantages of the FIR filters over IIR filters.
1. FIR filters are always stable.
2. FIR filters with exactly linear phase can easily be designed.
3. FIR filters can be realized in both recursive and non-recursive structures.
4. FIR filters are free of limit cycle oscillations, when implemented on a finite word length
digital system.
5. Excellent design methods are available for various kinds of FIR filters.

The disadvantages of the FIR filters are,

1. The implementation of narrow transition band FIR filters are very costly, as it requires
considerably more arithmetic operations & hardware components such as multipliers, adders
& delay elements.
2. Memory requirement & execution time are very high.

Key characteristic features of FIR filters:

1. The basic FIR filter is characterized by the following two equations:

N 1
y ( n )   h( k ) x ( n  k )        (1)
k 0
N 1
H ( z )   h ( k ) z  k        ( 2)
k 0

where h(k), k=0,1,…,n-1, are the impulse response coefficients of the filter, H(z) is the
transfer function and N the length of the filter.
2. FIR filters can have an exactly linear phase response.
3. FIR filters are simple to implement with all DSP processors available having architectures
that are suited to FIR filtering.

Linear phase response

Consider a signal that consists of several frequency components passing through a filter.
1. The phase delay (Tp) of the filter is the amount of time delay each frequency component of
the signal suffers in going through the filter.
2. The group delay (Tg) is the average time delay the composite signal suffers at each
3. Mathematically,
  ( w)
Tp     (3)
 d ( w)
Tg     ( 4)
where θ(w) is the phase angle.
A filter is said to have a linear phase response if,

θ(w) = -αw ------------(5)

θ(w) = β-αw ------------(6)

where α and β are constants.

Example) Ideal Low pass Filter

ke jw , Passband

H (e )  

 0, othrwise

Magnitude response = H ( e )  k

Phase response  ( w)    H (e jw )   w

Follows: y[n] = kx[n-α] : Linear phase implies that the output is a replica of x[n] {LPF} with a
time shift of α.

Linear Phase FIR filters

Symmetric impulse response will yield linear phase FIR filters.

1. Positive Symmetry of impulse response :

where n=0, 1, ……., (N-1)/2 (N odd)

n=0, 1, ……., (N/2)-1 (N even)

α = (N-1)/2

2. Negative Symmetry of impulse response :

h(n)= -h(N-n-1)
where n=0, 1, ……., (N-1)/2 (N odd)
n=0, 1, ……., (N/2)-1 (N even)

α = (N-1)/2 and β = π/2


For positive symmetry and N = 11 odd length

h(n)=h(N-n-1) , n=0, 1, ……., (N-1)/2

h(0) = h(10)
h(1) = h(9)
h(2) = h(8)
h(3) = h(7)
h(4) = h(6)
h(5) = h(5)

h(n)=h(10-n-1)=h(9-n) h(0) = h(9)

h(1) = h(8)
h(2) = h(7)
h(3) = h(6)
h(4) = h(5)

Example: Proof of Linear Phase

H ( z )   h[n ]z n
n 0

H ( z )  h[0]  h[1]z 1  h[2]z 2  h[3]z 3  h[4]z 4

for N=5, Symmetric impulse Response implies:

h(0) = h(4)
h(1) = h(3)
h(2) = h(2)

H ( z )  h[2]z 2  [h[1]z1  h[3]z 1 ]z 2  [h[0]z 2  h[4]z 2 ]z 2

Consider Frequency Response,

H (e jw )  H ( z ) z e jw (T  1)
H (e jw )  h[2]e  j 2 w  [h[1]e jw  h[3]e  jw ]e  j 2 w  [h[0]e j 2 w  h[4]e  j 2 w ]e  j 2 w
H (e jw )  e  j 2 w h[2]  2h[1] cos w  2h[0] cos 2 w
 1

H (e jw )  e  j 2 w h[2]   2h[n ] cos( w(n  2)) 
 n 0 
H (e jw )  e  j 2 w H (e j ( w ) )

(Linear phase form)

Phase = -2w

Group delay

Group delay is constant over the pass band for linear phase filters.

Types of FIR linear phase systems

1. Type I FIR linear phase system

The impulse response is positive symmetric and N an odd integer
h(n)=h(N-n-1) , 0 ≤ n ≤ (N-1)/2

The frequency response is,

( N 1) / 2
H ( e jw )   h[n]e
n 0
 jwn

( N 1) / 2
H ( e jw )  e  jw( N 1) / 2  a[n] cos( wn)
n 0

a[0]  h[( N  1) / 2]
a[n ]  2h[(( N  1) / 2)  n ]
n  1,2,....( N  1) / 2

2. Type II FIR linear phase system

The impulse response is positive symmetric and N is an even integer
h(n)=h(N-n-1) , 0 ≤ n ≤ (N/2)-1

The frequency response is,

( N / 2 ) 1
H ( e jw )   h[n]e
n 0
 jwn

N / 2 1 
H ( e jw )  e  jw( N 1) / 2   b[n ] cos[ w( n  )]
 n 1 2 
b[n ]  2h[ N / 2  n ]
n  1,2,.... N / 2

3. Type III FIR linear phase system

The impulse response is negative symmetric and N an odd integer
h(n) = -h(N-n-1) , 0 ≤ n ≤ (N-1)/2

The frequency response is,

( N 1) / 2
H (e ) 
 h[n]e
n 0
 jwn

( N 1) / 2 
H ( e jw )  je jw( N 1) / 2   a[n ] sin( wn) 
 n 0 
a[n ]  2h[(( N  1) / 2)  n ]
n  1,2,....( N  1) / 2

4. Type IV FIR linear phase system
The impulse response is negative symmetric and N is an even integer.
h(n) = -h(N-n-1) , 0 ≤ n ≤ (N/2)-1

The frequency response is,

( N / 2 ) 1
H ( e jw )   h[n]e
n 0
 jwn

N / 2 1 
H ( e jw )  je jw( N 1) / 2   b[n ] sin[ w( n  )]
 n 1 2 
b[n ]  2h[ N / 2  n ]
n  1,2,.... N / 2

A summary of four types of linear phase FIR filters

A comparison of the impulse of the four types of linear phase FIR filters

Design of FIR filters using windows:

- The desired frequency response H d (e jw ) of a filter is periodic in frequency & can be

expanded in a Fourier transform & is given by

H d ( e jw )   h (n)e
n  
 jwn


hd ( n ) 
2 
 H d ( e jw )e jwndw..........( 2)

and known as Fourier coefficients having infinite length.

 N 1
- One possible way of obtaining FIR filter is to truncate the infinite Fourier series at n   
 2 
, where N is the length of the desired sequence.
- But abrupt truncation of the Fourier series results in oscillation in the pass band & stop band.
These oscillations are due to slow convergence of the Fourier series & this effect is known as
the Gibb’s phenomenon.

- To reduce these oscillations, the Fourier coefficients of the filter are modified by multiplying
the infinite impulse response with a finite weighing sequence w(n) called a window, where
 N 1
w(n )  w( n )  0 for n   
 2 
 N 1
 0 for n   .......................................(3)
 2 

- After multiplying window sequence w(n) with hd(n), we get a finite duration sequence h(n)
that satisfies the desired magnitude response.
 N 1
h ( n )  hd ( n ) w( n ), for n   
 2 
 N 1
 0, for n   ........................................( 4)
 2 
- The frequency response of the filter can be obtained by convolution of H d (e jw ) & w(e jw )
given by,

H (e )   H d ( e j ) w(e j ( w ) )d ..............(5)

2 
H ( e jw )  H d ( e jw )  w( e jw )............................(6)

- Because the both H d (e jw ) & w(e jw ) are periodic functions, the operation is often called as
periodic convolution.

- The windowing technique is shown in fig.(1)

- The desired frequency response & its Fourier coefficients are shown in fig. 1(a) & 1(b)
- The fig. 1(c) & 1(d) show a finite window sequence w(n) & its Fourier transform w( e )
-The Fourier transform of a window consists of a central lobe and side lobes.
- The central lobe contains most of the energy of the window.
- To get an FIR filter, the sequence hd(n) & w(n) are multiplied and a finite length of non-
causal sequence h(n) is obtained.
- The fig. 1(f) & 1(e) shown h(n) & its Fourier transform H ( e )
- The frequency response H ( e jw ) is obtained using eq. (5) & (6).
- The realizable sequence g(n) in fig. 1(g) can be obtained by shifting h(n) by α number of
samples, where  N 1
  
 2 
From eq. (5), we find that frequency response of the filter H ( e jw ) depends on the frequency
response of window w( e )
- Therefore, the window, chosen for truncating the infinite impulse response should have
some desirable characteristics.

They are
1. The central lobe of the frequency response of the window should contain most of the
energy & should be narrow.
2. The highest side lobe level of the frequency response should be small.
3. The side lobes of the frequency response should decrease in energy rapidly as ‘w’ tends to

Different types of windows

1. Rectangular window:
The rectangular window sequence is given by,

  N 1  N 1
1, for   n 
wR (n)    2   2 

 0, Otherwise
The spectrum of the rectangular window is given by,
 Nw 
sin  
wR ( e jw )  
2 
 w
sin  
2 Nw 2 k
- The frequency response is real & its zero occurs, when  k (or ) w 
2 N
where, k is an integer.
2  2
- The response for ‘w’ between N & N is called the main lobe and the other lobes are
known as side lobes.
- The main lobe width for the rectangular window is equal to 4π/N.
- The higher side lobe level is equal to approximately 22% of the main lobe amplitude (or) -
13dB relative to the maximum value at w=0.

Figure 1: Rectangular window (time and frequency responses)

2. Triangular (or) Bartlett window

- The N-point triangular window is given by
2n  N 1  N 1
wT (n)  1  for   n 
N 1  2   2 
- The Fourier transform of the triangular window is,
  N 1 
 sin  4  w 
wT ( e )   
jw  
 w 
 2 
- The frequency spectrum for N=25 & N=51 are shown in fig.
- The side lobe level is smaller than that of rectangular window being reduced from -13dB to -
- However, the main lobe width is now 8π/N (or) twice that of the rectangular window.
- From fig., we can find that triangular window produces a smooth magnitude response in
both pass band & stop band.

- But it has the following disadvantages, when compared to magnitude response obtained by
using rectangular window.
1. The transition region is more.
2. The attenuation in stop band is less.

- Because of these characteristics, the triangular window is not usually a good choice.

Figure 2: Bartlett window (time and frequency responses)

3. Raised cosine window

- The raised cosine window multiplies the central Fourier coefficients by approximately unity
& smoothly truncates the Fourier coefficients toward the ends of the filter.

- The window sequence is of the form,

  2n 
  (1   ) cos   N 1  N 1
w (n)    N  1 , for   2   n   2 
    
 0, Otherwise

- The frequency response of Raised cosine window is given by,

 Nw   Nw N   Nw N 
sin   sin    sin   
 2   1     2 N 1  1     2 N 1
w (e )  
    
 w w    2  w  
sin   
2 
sin    sin   
2  2 N 1  2 N 1

4. Hanning Window
- The Hanning window sequence can be obtained by substituting α=0.5 in Raised cosine
  2n 
0.5  0.5 cos   N 1  N 1
wHn (n)    N  1 , for   2   n   2 
    
 0, Otherwise

- The frequency response of Hanning window is given by,

 Nw   Nw N   Nw N 
sin   sin    sin   
 2   2 N 1  2 N 1
wHn (e )  0.5
 0.25  0.25
 w w   w  
sin   sin    sin   
2  2 N 1  2 N 1

- The window sequence & its frequency response are shown in fig.
- The main lobe width of Hanning window is twice that of the rectangular window, which
results in a doubling of the transition region of the filter.
- The magnitude of the side lobe level is -31dB, which is 18dB lower than that of rectangular
- That is, the first side lobe of Hanning window spectrum is approximately one tenth that of
the rectangular window.
- This results in smaller ripples in both pass band and stop band of the LPF designed using
Hanning window.
- The minimum stop band attenuation of the filter is 44dB, which is 23dB lower than the filter
designed using rectangular window.
- At higher frequencies the stop band attenuation is even greater.

Figure 3: Hanning window (time and frequency responses)

5. Hamming window
- The Hamming window sequence can be obtained by substituting α=0.54 in Raised cosine
  2n   N 1  N 1
0.54  0.46 cos , for    n 
wH (n)    N 1  2   2 

 0, Otherwise

- The frequency response of Hamming window is given by,

 Nw   Nw N   Nw N 
sin   sin    sin   
 2   2 N 1  2 N 1
wH (e )  0.54
 0.23  0.23
 w w   w  
sin   sin    sin   
2  2 N 1  2 N 1
- The window sequence & its magnitude response are shown in fig.

- The peak side lobe level is down about 41dB from the main lobe peak, an improvement of
10dB relative to Hamming window.

Figure 4: Hamming window (time and frequency responses)

6. Blackman window
- The blackman window sequence is given by,

  2n   4n   N 1  N 1

0.42  0.5 cos   0.08 cos , for    n 
wB (n)    N 1  N 1  2   2 

 0, Otherwise

- The additional cosine term (compared with the Hanning & Hamming windows) reduces the
side lobes, but increases the main lobe width to 12π/N.

- The peak side lobe level is down about 57dB from the main lobe peak, an improvement of
16dB relative to the Hamming window.

Figure 5: Blackman window (time and frequency responses)

Comparison between windows:

Figure 6: Comparison between windows (time domain)

Figure 7: Comparison between windows (frequency domain)

Summary of window parameters:

From table, we can find that a trade-off exists between the main lobe width & the side lobe

Window Peak amplitude of side Main lobe width Minimum stop band
lobe(dB) attenuation (dB)
Rectangular -13 4π/N -21
Bartlett -25 8π/N -25

Hanning -31 8π/N -44

Hamming -41 8π/N -53

Blackman -57 12π/N -74

The main lobe width is inversely proportional to N.

7. Kaiser window

- The Kaiser window is given by,

  2
 I 0  1   2n  
  N  1  
wk ( n )    N 1
, for n 
 I 0 ( ) 2

 0, Otherwise

where, α is the adjustable parameter & I0(x) is the modified zeroth-order Bessel function of
the first kind of order zero given by,
  1  x k  0.25x 2 (0.25x 2 )2 (0.25x 2 )3
I 0 ( x)  1        1     ................
 k!  2  
k 1  (1! )2 (2! )2 (3! )2


1. Design an ideal HPF with a frequency response

 
1, for  w 
Hd (e )  
jw 4

 0, for w 
 4
Find the values of h(n) for N=11. Find H(z). Plot the magnitude response.

Ans: The desired frequency response is,

Figure 8: The ideal frequency response of HPF

hd (n ) 
2  H

d (e jw )e jwndw

1  4 jwn 

2   
 1 * e dw  1 *e jwn
dw 

 4 

  
 jwn 4 jwn 
1 e e
   
2  jn jn  
 
 4

1   
hd (n )  sin( n )  sin( n ) ,  n  
n  4 
- Truncating hd(n) to 11 samples, we have
h (n), for n  5
h( n )   d
 0, Otherwise
- From the given frequency response, we can find that α=0. Therefore, the filter coefficients
are symmetrical about n=0 satisfying the condition h(n)=h(-n).

sin( n ) sin( n )
n  0  h(0)  Lt  Lt 4  1 1  3
n 0 n n  0  4 4
n *4

sin   sin
n  1  h(1)  h( 1)  4  0.225

sin 2  sin
n  2  h( 2)  h( 2)  2  0.159
sin 3  sin
n  3  h(3)  h( 3)  4  0.075
sin 4  sin 
n  4  h( 4)  h( 4)  0

sin 5  sin 5
n  5  h(5)  h( 5)  4  0.045

- The transfer function of the filter is given by
 N 1 
 
 2  5 5
H ( z)   h( n ) z n 
 N 1 
 h(n) z n  h(0) 
n  5
 h(n ) z
n  5

n 
 2 

 h(0)  h(1)( z 1  z )  h(2)( z 2  z 2 )  h(3)( z 3  z 3 )  h(4)( z 4  z 4 )  h(5)( z 5  z 5 )

 0.75  0.225( z 1  z )  0.159( z 2  z 2 )  0.075( z 3  z 3 )  0( z 4  z 4 )  0.045( z 5  z 5 )
 0.75  0.225( z 1  z )  0.159( z 2  z 2 )  0.075( z 3  z 3 )  0.045( z 5  z 5 )

- The transfer function of the realizable filter is,

 N 1 
 
H ( z)  z
1  2 
H ( z )  z 5 H ( z )
H 1 ( z )  z 5 0.75  0.225( z 1  z )  0.159( z 2  z 2 )  0.075( z 3  z 3 )  0.045( z 5  z 5 ) 
 0.75z 5  0.225z 6  0.225z 4  0.159 z 7  0.159 z 3  0.075z 8  0.075z 2  0.045z 10  0.045

- The filter coefficients of causal filter are,

- For a symmetrical impulse response, if N=odd=11
The frequency response is,
( N 1) / 2
H ( e jw )   a[n] cos( wn)  0.75  0.45 cos w  0.318 cos 2w  0.15 cos 3w  0.09 cos 5w
n 0

 N  1
a[ 0 ]  h   h(5)  0.75
 2 
 N 1 
a[ n ]  2 h   n
 2 
a (1)  2h(5  1)  2h( 4)  0.45
a ( 2)  2h(5  2)  2h(3)  0.318
a (3)  2h(5  3)  2h( 2)  0.15
a ( 4)  2h(5  4)  2h(1)  0
a (5)  2h(5  5)  2h(0)  0.09
( N 1) / 2
H (e jw )   a[n] cos( wn)  0.75  0.45 cos w  0.318 cos 2w  0.15 cos 3w  0.09 cos 5w
n 0

Realizations of FIR filters:
1. Transversal structure:
- The system function of an FIR filter can be written as,
N 1
H ( z )   h( n ) z n
n 0

Y ( z)
H ( z)   h(0)  h(1) z 1  h(2) z 2  ........  h( N  1) z ( N 1)      (1)
X ( z)
Y ( z )  h(0) X ( z )  h(1) z 1 X ( z )  h(2) z 2 X ( z )  ........  h( N  1) z ( N 1) X ( z )      ( 2)

The above equation can be realized as,

Fig.(1) Direct form realization of eq. (2)

This structure is known as transversal structure (or) direct form realization. The transversal
structure requires N Multipliers, (N-1) Adders & (N-1) delay elements.

Cascade realization:
- The eq.(1) can be realized in cascade form from the factored form of H(z).
- For N odd,  N 1 
 

 b  bk 1 z 1  bk 2 z 2 
 2 
H ( z)  k0
k 1

 (b10  b11z 1  b12 z 2 )( b20  b21z 1  b22 z 2 )

 
............. b N 1   b N 1  z 1  b N 1  z 2         (3)
   0  1  2 
  2   2   2  

- For N odd, (N-1) will be even & H(z) will have (N-1)/2 second order factors.
- Each second order factored form of H(z) is realized in direct form & is cascaded to realize
H(z) as shown in fig.(2)

Fig.(2) Cascade realization of eq.(3)

- For N even,
 

H ( z )  b10  b11z 1  bk 0  bk 1 z 1  bk 2 z 2       (4)

 2

k 2

- When N is even, (N-1) is odd & H(z) will have one first order factor & (N-1)/2 second order

H ( z )  b10  b11z 1 b20  b21z 1  b22 z 2 b30  b31z 1  b32 z 2 

 
............. b N   b N  z 1  b N  z 2         (5)
   0  1  2 
 2  2  2 

- Now each factored form in H(z) is realized in direct form & is cascaded to obtain the
realization of H(z) as shown in fig.(3).

Fig.(3) Cascade realization of eq.(4)


1. Draw the Direct form structure for the FIR represented by following difference equation.


2. Draw direct form structure for the FIR filter represented by following transfer function.

H ( z )  4  2 z 1  2 z 2  3z 3
Solution :
Y ( z)
H ( z)   4  2 z 1  2 z 2  3z 3
X ( z)
Y ( z )  4 X ( z )  2 z 1 X ( z )  2 z 2 X ( z )  3z 3 X ( z )

Taking inverse z transform

y (n )  4 x(n )  2 x(n  1)  2 x(n  2)  3x (n  3)

3. Using cascade structure realize the FIR filter represented by following transfer function.

1 1 2 1
H ( z )  (1  z  z )(1  z 1  z 2 )
2 4
Solution :
H ( z )  H1 ( z ). H 2 ( z )

1 1 2 1 1 2
H1 ( z )  (1  z z ) H 2 ( z )  (1  z z )
2 4
Y ( z) 1 Y ( z) 1
H1 ( z )  1  (1  z 1  z 2 ) H 2 ( z)  2  (1  z 1  z 2 )
X1( z) 2 X 2 ( z) 4
1 1 1 1
Y1 ( z )  X 1 ( z )  z X 1 ( z )  z 2 X 1 ( z ) Y2 ( z )  X 2 ( z )  z X 2 ( z )  z 2 X 2 ( z )
2 4
1 1
y1 ( n )  x1 ( n )  x1 ( n  1)  x1 ( n  2) y2 ( n )  x2 ( n )  x2 ( n  1)  x2 ( n  2)
2 4

Fig.(4) Cascade form of realization for the given example

Linear phase realization:

- For a linear phase FIR filter,

h ( n )  h ( N  1  n )       ( 6)
N 1
H ( z )   h( n ) z n
n 0

- For N even =>

N 3
 N 1 
2 N 1
 N  1   
H ( z)   h( n ) z n 
n 0
N 1h(n) z n  h 2  z  2 

N 3
 N 1 
 N  1   2 
 
 h z   h(n ) z n  z  N 1n       (9)
 2  n 0

- Substituting eq. (6) in eq.(7), we have

N 2 N 2
2 2
H ( z)   h(n ) z
n 0
  h(n ) z 
n 0
 N 1 n 

N 2

 h(n)z 
H ( z)  n
 z  N 1n       (8)
n 0

- The eq. (8) can be realized as shown in fig.

- For N even, the number of multipliers required is N/2.

Fig.(5) Direct –form realization of a linear phase FIR system for N even

- For N odd,
N 3
 N 1 
 N  1  
N 1 
H ( z )   h(n ) z   h(n ) z  h
n 2 

n 0 n
N 1  2 
N 3
 N 1 
 N  1   
 
 h z
2 
  h(n ) z n  z  N 1n       (9)
 2  n 0

The eq. (9) can be realized as shown in fig.

- The number of multipliers required are (N+1)/2, if N odd.

Fig.(6) Direct –form realization of a linear phase FIR system for N odd

Poly Phase realization of FIR filter:

Let us consider an FIR filter with impulse response having N coefficients. The system
function of such a filter is given by,
N 1
H ( z )   h( n ) z n
n 0

H ( z )  h(0)  h(1) z 1  h(2) z 2  h(3) z 3  h(4) z 4  h(5) z 5 
h(6) z 6  h(7) z 7  h(8) z 8  h(9) z 9  h(10) z 10
- If N=11, then

- The above transfer function can be partitioned into two sub signals, one sub signal
containing even-indexed coefficients & the other containing odd- even-indexed coefficients.
That is

H ( z )  h(0)  h(2) z 2  h(4) z 4  h(6) z 6  h(8) z 8  h(10) z 10 

z 1[h(1)  h(3) z 2  h(5) z 4  h(7) z 6  h(9) z 8 ]

H ( z )  P0 ( z 2 )  z 1P1 ( z 2 )        (1)
P0 ( z 2 )  h(0)  h(2) z 2  h(4) z 4  h(6) z 6  h(8) z 8  h(10) z 10
P1 ( z 2 )  h(1)  h(3) z 2  h(5) z 4  h(7) z 6  h(9) z 8
P0 ( z )  h(0)  h(2) z 1  h(4) z 2  h(6) z 3  h(8) z 4  h(10) z 5
P1 ( z )  h(1)  h(3) z 1  h(5) z 2  h(7) z 3  h(9) z 4

- Now H(z) can be written as,
M 1
H ( z)  z
m 0
Pm ( z M )

 N 1 / M 
Pm ( z M )   h( Mn  m) z
n 0
,0  m  M  1

- If H(z) is partitioned into 3 sub signals, then

H ( z )  h(0)  h(3) z 3  h(6) z 6  h(9) z 9  h(1) z 1  h(4) z 4 

h(7) z 7  h(10) z 10  h(2) z 2  h(5) z 5  h(8) z 8

H ( z )  h(0)  h(3) z 3  h(6) z 6  h(9) z 9 

z 1 (h(1)  h( 4) z 3  h(7) z 6  h(10) z 9 ) 
z 2 ( h(2)  h(5) z 3  h(8) z 6 )
H ( z )  P0 ( z 3 )  z 1P1 ( z 3 )  z 2 P2 ( z 3 )        ( 2)
P0 ( z )  h(0)  h(3) z 1  h(6) z 2  h(9) z 3
P1 ( z )  h(1)  h( 4) z 1  h(7) z 2  h(10) z 3
P2 ( z )  h( 2)  h(5) z 1  h(8) z 2
Here , M  3
M 1
H ( z )   z m Pm ( z M )
m 0

 N 1 / M 
Pm ( z ) 
 h( Mn  m) z
n 0
,0  m  M  1

 N 1  N 1
  denotes the integer part of  
 M   M 
- The decomposition of H(z) in the form of eq. (1) & (2) is known as type 1 poly phase
decomposition of the transfer function of order N.
- We know that for a general case of M-sub signals.
M 1
H ( z)  z
m 0
Pm ( z M )      (3)

 N 1 / M 
Pm ( z M )   h( Mn  m) z
n 0
,0  m  ( M  1)    ( 4)

Now eq. (3) can be realized as shown in the fig., where each
can be realized in the direct form.

Fig.(7) Poly Phase Realization of FIR Filter

- If we replace ‘m’ by M-1-m in eq.(3), we get the type-2 poly phase decomposition.
M 1
H ( z)  P
m 0
M 1 m ( z M )      (5)
M 1
 Q
m 0
m ( z M )       ( 6)

Qm ( z M )  PM 1m ( z M )

- Replacing ‘m’ by ‘-m’ in eq.(3), we obtain type-3 poly phase representation.

M 1
H ( z)  z
m 0
Rm ( z M )

R0 ( z M )  P0 ( z M ) & Rm ( z M )  z 1PM m ( z M )

Types of Windows

Type of Shape of Widths of Lobes of the

Windowing Function
Window Windowing Function frequency response

Main lobe width=

Rectangular w(n)=1
Height of Side lobe =-13dB

Bartlett Main lobe width=

(Triangular) Height of Sidelobe =-25dB

Main lobe width=

Hanning w(n)=0.5 – 0.5cos
Height of Sidelobe =-31dB

Main lobe width=

Hamming w(n)=0.54 – 0.46cos
Height of Side lobe =-41dB

w(n)=0.42–0.5cos + Main lobe width=

0.08cos Height of Side lobe =-57dB

Kaiser w(n)

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Windowing Technique:

 It is a simple method to implement to get the desired response.

 It does not have much flexibility as there is an equal amount of passband and stopband
ripples present in the response that limits the ability of the designer to make the output more

 There is minimum computation involved in executing this technique.
 No matter how much we increase the value of m, the maximum magnitude of the
ripple is fixed (except when using the Kaiser Window.)
 Due to the convolution of the desired frequency response and the spectrum of the
windowing function, it is not possible to find out the specific values of the passband and the
stopband frequencies.
 When the filter order, m is increased this leads to a narrower frequency response in
which the smoothing is reduced. This leads to big side lobes that are coupled with a lower
transition width which is Gibb’s phenomenon that was previously mentioned. However, the
Blackman-Harris Window helps to reduce the effects of Gibb’s phenomenon and keep it to a

Steps for solving problems using the windowing method:

Let us look at how to utilize these functions that we have learned about in a problem. First, let
us go through the steps to solving a problem relating to the windowing method of FIR filters.
Step 1:
Find out H(w) and wc
H(w) = e-jαw
1. The equation can be given directly in the equation
2. The value of m can be given and you have to calculate α=(m-1)/2
3. The phase delay is given, the value of α, with which you can find out H(w)
1. This value can be given directly
2. The cutoff frequency, fc can be given with which you have to find wc = 2πfc
3. The sampling frequency, Fs can be given with which you have to find

Step 2:
Now, we find the value of h(n) of the IIR filter response by taking the Inverse Discrete
Fourier Transform of H(w)

For a Low Pass Filter,

For a High Pass Filter,

You will have to find h(n) for all vales of n based on m

However, when n=α

Hence, the integral term will be cancelled off.
Now, you have to identify the windowing function based on what window you are using as
you see from the table. Substitute the values of n into the function to get the coefficients
pertaining to the window function. You can form a table similar to the one below for better
Function after performing
Desired Frequency Windowing Function,
Value of n Windowing method, h(n)=
Response, hd(n) w(n)
hd(n). w(n)
0 hd(0) w(0) h(0)= hd(0). w(0)
1 hd(1) w(1) h(1)= hd(1). w(1)
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
m-1 hd(m-1) w(m-1) h(m-1)= hd(m-1). w(m-1)
Step 4:
Now, we have to find the final equation after the windowing technique has been applied. To
identify which of the values from the table above should be included, you need to solve this
equation and substitute the respective values from the table above:

Simplifying and solving this equation will give you the final transfer function
Step 5:
We are not done just yet, we have to transform this final equation using the z-transform into
the 'z' domain.

Example using rectangular window

Given the frequency specifications as follows and the information that we are using a
rectangular window, find the truncated filter response

Taking into account the limits we can graph the frequency like the one shown below

Drawing the waveform, we understand it is a low pass filter as it allows the low-frequency
range to pass.
Now apply inverse discrete transform while changing the limits respectively,

Outside the limits the expressions tend to 0 cancelling of those terms leaving us with

Using the formula

This value is an infinite function

Now, in the question we are also given that the windowing function is as shown below
w(n) = 1, 0 ≤ n ≤ 4;
= 0, otherwise
Therefore, multiplying the windowing function and the unit sample response, we get the
truncated filter response as

Transforming this into the 'z'-plane, we get

So, hope you understand what really is the whole deal with this rectangular window. But,
there is more to it. As mentioned, above there are several types of filters that are used to get an
optimum response from the filter. The rectangular filter does not do enough as mentioned, it
causes many ripples in the passband and stopband.

Also while using the rectangular window, remember how infinite is turned to finite,
unfortunately, some information may be lost along with this process as well because the
convolution of the two functions may lead to the flattening of the waveform.
This flattening of the waveform can be reduced by increasing the value of M as will get
narrower. These discrepancies lead to large side lobes which bring about the ringing effect in
the FIR filter and make it inaccurate.
Now hold up, what is this ringing effect? No, it is not the bells you hear when you know you
are in trouble during an exam. In fact, it is called Gibb’s phenomenon. It is just a fancy name
for the annoying distortions around sharp edges in photos and videos. To avoid this ringing
effect we have the other window types that we previously mentioned.

Let us look at a problem where one of the other windowing functions are used so you can
understand how to implement them when the window function is not just simply equal to 1.

Example using Hamming window

Design a FIR Filter for the given specification by using a hamming window.


Using the formuals


Since 0 ≤ n ≤ m-1
From 3 we can deduce that α=3
Therefore, m=7
Find w(n)
For a hamming window, we know the function is
w(n)=0.5 – 0.5cos

Calculate h[n]
h[n] = hd[n].w[n]

n=0 to 6 as m=7 and equation becomes 0 when α=3

simplifying h(3), we realise we get an indeterminate value
Hence, applying the L'Hopital Rule

we can deduce

Figure out the magnitude response


We have calculated for n=3,

it is time to find h(n) for n=0,1,2,4,5,6
Hence, the values will be symmetric
Note: Make sure your calculator is in radian mode while doing these calculations.

Now, that we have the values for n=0 to 6, we can substitute them back into the equation (4)
to get

and your final equation

Transforming this to the z-plane, we have the final transfer function

Difference between Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) & Finite Impulse

Response (FIR) filters
In this Digital Signal Processing course, we will be studying various methods of
designing two types of filters – Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, and Finite Impulse
Response (FIR) filters. Let’s try to understand the difference between them to better structure
our understanding as we proceed through the course.

Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR) Finite Impulse Response Filters (FIR)
All the infinite samples of the impulse
Only N samples of the impulse response are
response are considered in the designing of
considered in the designing of FIR filters.
IIR filters.
The construction of an IIR filter involves
The construction of an FIR filter with the desired
designing an analog filter first for the desired
specifications can be done directly using certain
specifications and then converting it into a
methods (like windowing).
digital IIR filter.
Thus we can say that IIR filters have an Thus we can say that FIR filters don’t have an
analog equivalent. analog equivalent.
The IIR filter requires past output samples in The FIR filter requires only past and current
addition to current and past inputs to obtain inputs to obtain its current output. They don’t
its current outputs. care about past outputs.
An IIR filter’s design specifications only
An FIR filter’s design specifications specify both,
specify the desired characteristics of its
the magnitude as well as the phase response.
magnitude response.
Physically realizable infinite impulse
Physically realizable FIR filters can be designed
response filters don’t have linear phase
with linear phase characteristics easily.
FIR filters are non-recursive. However, it is
IIR filters are recursive
possible to design recursive FIR filters too.
The transfer functions of infinite impulse The transfer functions of finite impulse response
response filters have both poles and zeros. have only zeros.
IIR filters are/have LESS:
 Powerful: In terms of computational FIR filters have/are MORE:
prowess.  Power
 Power-hungry: In terms of power  Power-hungry
supply.  Stable
 Stable  Memory
 Memory  Time to setup
 Time to set up  Delay
 Delay
IIR filters are/have MORE: FIR filters have/are LESS:
 Filter coefficients  Filter coefficients
 Tweakable on the fly  Tweakable on the fly
 Efficient  Efficient
 Sensitive  Sensitive
 Easy to use  Easy to use
IIR filters are used in Band Stop and Band FIR filters are used in Anti-aliasing, low pass,
Pass filters. and baseband filters.


 Introduction
 Decimation by factor D and interpolation by a factor I
 Sampling Rate conversion by a Rational factor I/D
 Implementation of Sampling Rate conversion
 Multistage implementation of Sampling Rate conversion
 Sampling conversion by a Arbitrary factor
 Application of Multirate Signal Processing


Multirate simply means “multiple sampling rates”. A multirate DSP system uses multiple
sampling rates within the system. Whenever a signal at one rate has to be used by a system
that expects a different rate, the rate has to be increased or decreased, and some processing is
required to do so. Therefore “Multirate DSP” really refers to the art or science
of changing sampling rates.
The most immediate reason is when you need to pass data between two systems which use
incompatible sampling rates. For example, professional audio systems use 48 kHz rate, but
consumer CD players use 44.1 kHz; when audio professionals transfer their recorded music to
CDs, they need to do a rate conversion.
But the most common reason is that multirate DSP can greatly increase processing efficiency
(even by orders of magnitude!), which reduces DSP system cost. This makes the subject of
multirate DSP vital to all professional DSP practitioners.
Multirate consists of:

1. Decimation: To decrease the sampling rate,

2. Interpolation: To increase the sampling rate, or,
3. Resampling: To combine decimation and interpolation in order to change the sampling
rate by a fractional value that can be expressed as a ratio. For example, to resample by a
factor of 1.5, you just interpolate by a factor of 3 then decimate by a factor of 2 (to
change the sampling rate by a factor of 3/2=1.5.)


1. Used in A/D and D/A converters.

2. Used to change the rate of a signal. When two devices that
operate at different rates are to be interconnected, it is necessary
to use a rate changer between them.
3. Interpolation.
4. Some efficient implementations of single rate filters are based
on multirate methods.
5. Filter banks and wavelet transforms depend on multirate methods.

The up-sampler, represented by the diagram,

is defined by the relation

y(n) = x(n/2); for n even

0 ; for n odd ----------------- (1)

The usual notation is

y(n) = [↑2] x(n) -------------------------- (2)

The up-sampler simply inserts zeros between samples. For example,
if x(n) is the sequence

x(n) = {…….,3, 5, 2, 9, 6,……………..}

where the underlined number represents x(0), then y(n) is given by

y(n) = [↑2] x(n) = {…., 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 9, 0, 6, 0,…………}

Given X(z), what is Y (z)? Using the example sequence above we

directly write
X(z) = …….+ 3 z + 5 + 2 z-1 + 9 z-2+ 6 z-3 +………. (3)
Y (z) = ……..+ 3 z2 + 5 + 2 z-2 + 9 z-4 + 6 z-6 +…….. (4)

It is clear that
Y (z) = Z{[↑2] x(n)} = X(z2)………………….. (5)

We can also derive this using the definition:

How does up-sampling affect the Fourier transform of a signal?

The discrete-time Fourier transform of y(n) is given by

so we have

Or using the notation

we have

When sketching the Fourier transform of an up-sampled signal, it is easy to make a mistake.
When the Fourier transform is as shown in the following figure, it is easy to incorrectly think
that the Fourier transform of y(n) is given by the second figure. This is not correct, because
the Fourier transform is 2π-periodic. Even though it is usually graphed in the range
, outside

Sampling rate reduction by integer factors after band-limiting the input signal.
The sampling rate of a sequence can be reduced by “sampling” it, i.e. by defining a new
xd[n] = x[nM] = xc(nMT)
The Sampling rate compressor reduces the sampling rate from Fs to Fs /M. In frequency
domain, it is equivalent to multiplying the original signal band-width by a factor M. Hence, if
the signal is not band-limited to π / M, down-sampling results in aliasing as shown in this
following Example. If this happens, the original signal cannot be recovered from the
decimated version.

Avoiding Aliasing:
Aliasing can be avoided if x(n) is low-pass signal band-limited to the region |w| < π / M.
In most applications, the down-sampler is preceded by a low-pass digital filter called
“decimation filter”.

To prevent aliasing at a lower rate, the digital filter h[k] is used to band-limit the input signal
to less than Fs /2M beforehand. Sampling rate reduction is achieved by discarding M-1
samples for every M samples of the filtered signal w[n].

- In many practical applications of DSP, one is faced with the problem of changing the
sampling rate of a signal, either increasing it (or) decreasing it by some amount.
Ex: In Telecommunication systems that transmit & receive different types of signals (i.e.,
teletype, facsimile, speech, video etc), there is a requirement to process the various signals at
different rates commensurate with the corresponding bandwidths of the signals.
- The process of converting a signal from a given rate to a different rate is called sampling rate
- In turn, systems that employ multiple sampling rates in the processing of digital signals are
called multirate digital signal processing systems.
- Sampling rate conversion of a digital signal can be accomplished in one of two general
- One method is to pass the digital signal through a D/A converter, filter it if necessary & then
to resample the resulting analog signal at desired rate (i.e., to pass the analog signal through
an A/D converter).
- The second method is to perform the sampling rate conversion entirely in the digital domain.

- One advantage of the first method is that the new sampling rate can be arbitrarily selected
and need not have any special relationship to the old sampling rate.

- A major disadvantage however is the signal distortion, introduced by the D/A converter in
the signal reconstruction & by the quantization effects in the A/D conversion.

- Sampling rate conversion performed in the digital domain avoids this major
- The discrete time systems that process data at more than one sampling rate are known
as multirate systems.
- The two basic operations in multirate signal processing are decimation &
- Decimation reduces the sampling rate, whereas interpolation increses sampling rate.
- Consider two special cases.
1. Sampling rate reduction by an integer factor ‘D’ &
2. Sampling rate increse by an integer factor ‘I’

- The process of reducing the sampling rate by a factor ‘D’ (down sampling by ‘D’) is
called Decimation.
- The process of increasing the sampling rate by an integer factor ‘I’ (up sampling by
‘I’) is called Interpolation.

Down sampling (or Decimation):

- Down sampling (or) decimation is the process of reducing the samples of the discrete
time signal.
- Let x(n)=Discrete time signal
D= Sampling rate reduction factor (and ‘D’ is an integer)
- Now, x(Dn)=Down sampled version of x(n)
- The device which performs the process of down sampling is called a down sampler
(or) decimator.
- Symbolically, the down sampler can be represented as shown in fig.(1)

Fig.(1) Decimator

Spectrum of down sampler:

- Let, x(n) be an input signal to the down sampler and y(n) be the output signal.
- Let x’(nD) be a down sampled version of x(n) by an integer factor ‘D’.
- Consider, a unit pulse train defined as,
1, n  0, D,2 D,.......
p( n )  
 0, Otherwise 119
- Consider the product of x(n) & p(n)
 x(n ), n  0, D,2 D,.......
x ( n ) p( n )      ( 2)
 0, Otherwise

- Now, x’(n) is the signal obtained after removing all zeros from x(n)p(n).
x' (n )  x(n ) p(n ), n  0, D,2 D,......

By definition of z-transform, y(n) can be expressed as,

 
Y ( z)  
n  
y (n ) z n   x' (nD) z
n  
( from(1))

m  nD  n 
n    m  
 
Y ( z)   x' (m) z
m  
(m  n)

 
n  
n  
  x' (n) z
n  
  x' (n) z
n  
  x(n ) p(n ) z
n  
( from( 2))

Fourier series representation of p(n) is,

One period of p(n) is,
p(n)  1,0,0,0......0
The fourier coefficients, Ck are given by,
 j 2nk
1 D1 1
Ck   p(n)e D 
D n 0 D
The fourier series representation of p(n) is,
j 2nk
D 1 D 1
1 j 2Dnk 1 D1 j 2Dnk
p(n)   Ck e D
 e  e
k 0 k 0 D D k 0

Replacing p(n) by its Fourier series representation.

 
Y ( z)   x(n) p(n ) z
n  

 1 D 1 j 2Dnk   Dn
Y ( z )   x(n )   e z
n    D k 0 
j 2nk
1 D 1    
Y ( z)   
D k 0  n  
x ( n ) e D
z D

1 D 1    120
  j 2 k 1 
Y ( z )     x ( n ) e D z D      (3)
D k 0  n     

- In eq. (3), the terms inside the bracket is similar to Z-Transform of
 j 2k 1
y(n), except that, z  e D
z D , hence Y(z) can be written as shown in eq.(4)

1 D1   jD2k D1 
Y ( z)   X  e z     (4)
D k 0  

- On substituting, z  e jw in eq.(4),

1 D 1   jD2k jw 
Y ( e )   X  e
e D 
D k 0  
1 D 1  j  wD2k  
Y ( e )   X  e
    (5)
D k 0  

- The eq.(5) gives the frequency spectrum of the output signal of the decimator, i.e.,
frequency spectrum of decimated signal.

- On expanding eq.(5), we get

1  jw  1  j wD2   1  j wD4  
Y (e )  X  e   X  e
jw D   X  e   ........    (6)
D   D   D  

- The following observations can be made in equation (6)

 jw 
1. The term, X  e D  is the frequency stretched version of X (e jw ) stretched by a factor ‘D’.
 j w2    jw 
2. The term, X  e D  is shifted version of X  e D  shifted by a factor 2π.
   
   j w2k      jw 
3. In general, the term X  e D  is shifted version of X  e D  shifted by a factor 2πk.
   
   
4. Also it is observed that the magnitude of each component of the spectrum is scaled by a
factor 1/D.

- Hence, we can say that the output spectrum of a decimator is sum of scaled, stretched
& shifted version of the input spectrum.

- Since, the output spectrum is sum of scaled, stretched & shifted version of the input
spectrum, the components of output will overlap & exhibit the phenomenon of
aliasing, if the input is not bandlimited to π/D.

Fig.(2) (a) Frequency spectrum of a signal band limited to w=π/M
(b) Frequency spectrum of down sampled signal with respect to Wx
(c) Frequency spectrum of down sampled signal with respect to Wy

Anti-aliasing filter:
- When the input signal to the decimator is not band limited, then the spectrum of
decimated signal has aliasing.

- In order to avoid aliasing, the input signal should be band limited to π/D for
decimation by a factor ‘D’.

- Hence, the input signal is passed through a low pass filter with a bandwidth of π/D
before decimation.

- Since, this low pass filter is designed to avoid aliasing in the output spectrum of
decimator, it is called anti-aliasing filter.

Fig.(3) Decimation by a factor ‘D’ without aliasing

Upsampling (or) Interpolation:

- The upsampling (or) interpolation is the process of increasing the samples of the
discrete time signal.

- Let x(n) =discrete time signal

I= Sampling rate multiplication factor( & ‘I’ is an integer)
- Now, x   = Upsampled version of x(n)
- The device which performs the process of upsampling is called upsampler (or)

- Symbolically the upsampler can be represented as shown in fig.(4).

Fig.(4) Interpolator


1. Consider the discrete time signal x(n)=(1,2,3,4)

Determine the upsampled version of the signals for the sampling rate multiplication
factor (a) I=2 (b) I=3

Ans: Consider, x(n)=(1,2,3,4)

(a) Sampling rate multiplication factor, I=2

y (n )  x      (1)

n  0  y1 (0)  x    x (0)  1
n  1  y1 (1)  x    x (0.5)  0
n  2  y1 ( 2)  x    x (1)  2
 3
n  3  y1 (3)  x    x (1.5)  0
n  4  y1 ( 4)  x    x ( 2)  3
n  5  y1 (5)  x    x ( 2.5)  0
n  6  y1 (6)  x    x (3)  4
n  7  y1 (7)  x    x (3.5)  0
y1 ( n )  1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0

(b) Sampling rate multiplication factor, I=3

n n
y2 ( n )  x    x  
I  3
n  0  y2 (0)  x    x (0)  1
 3
n  1  y2 (1)  x    x (0.3)  0
 3
n  2  y2 (2)  x    x (0.6)  0
 3
 3
n  3  y2 (3)  x    x (1)  2
 3
y2 (n )  1,0,0,2,0,0,3,0,0,4,0,0

Note: Discrete time signals are defined only for integer values of ‘n’. Therefore, the value of
discrete time signal for non-integer value of ‘n’ will be zero.

Spectrum of upsampler:

- Let x(n) be an input signal to upsampler & y(n) be the output signal.
- Let x   be an upsampled version of x(n) by an integer factor I.
y (n )  x      (1)
- By def. of Z-transform, y(n) can be expressed as
 
Y ( z)   y (n) z
n  
  x I  z
n  

 m  n  mI
   n

Y ( z)   xm z
m  
 mI
  xn z
n  
 nI
  xn z 
n  
 X ( z I )     ( 2)

- On substituting ze jw
in eq. (2)

- The eq.(3) is the frequency spectrum of the output signal of the interpolator i.e.,
frequency spectrum of upsampled signal.
jwI jw
- The term X (e ) is frequency compressed version of X (e ) by a factor ‘I’.
Since, the frequency response is periodic with periodicity of 2π, the X (e jwI ) will
repeat ‘I’ times in a period of 2π, in the spectrum of upsampled signal.

Anti-imaging filter:

- The output spectrum of interpolator is compressed version of the input spectrum.

- Therefore, the spectrum of upsampled signal has multiple images in a period of 2π.
When upsampled by a factor of I, the output spectrum will have ‘I’ images in a period
of 2π, with each image bandlimited to π/I.
- Since the frequency spectrum in the range 0 to π/I are unique, we have to filter the
other images.
- Hence the output of upsampler is passed through a LPF with a bandwidth of π/I. Since
this LPF is designed to avoid multiple images in the output spectrum, it is called anti-
imaging filter.

Sampling Rate Conversion

Having discussed the special cases of decimation (down sampling by a factor D) and
interpolation (upsampling by a factor I), we now consider the general case of sampling
rate conversion by a rational factor I/D. Basically, we can achieve this sampling rate
conversion by first performing interpolation by the factor I and then decimating the
output of the interpolator by the factor D. In other words, a sampling rate conversion by
the rational factor I/D is accomplished by cascading an interpolator with a decimator.
We emphasize that the importance of performing the interpolation first and the
decimation second is to preserve the desired spectral characteristics of x(n).

Sample-rate conversion is the process of changing the sampling rate of a discrete signal
to obtain a new discrete representation of the underlying continuous signal. Application
areas include image scaling and audio/visual systems, where different sampling rates
may be used for engineering, economic, or historical reasons.

Fig.(5) Sampling-rate conversion by expansion, filtering, and decimation

An example of sampling-rate conversion would take place when data from a CD is transferred
onto a DAT. Here the sampling-rate is increased from 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz. To enable this
process the non-integer factor has to be approximated by a rational number:
L 48 160
   1.08844
M 44.1 147
Hence, the sampling-rate conversion is achieved by interpolating by L i.e. from 44.1 kHz to
[44.1x160] = 7056 kHz.
Then decimating by M i.e. from 7056 kHz to [7056/147] = 48 kHz.

Multistage Approach
When the sampling-rate changes are large, it is often better to perform the operation in
multiple stages, where Mi(Li), an integer, is the factor for the stage i.
M  M1M 2 .....M I (or) L  L1L2 .......LI
An example of the multistage approach for decimation is shown in Figure 9.8. The multistage
approach allows a significant relaxation of the anti-alias and anti-imaging filters, with a
consequent reduction in the filter complexity. The optimum number of stages is one that leads
to the least computational effort in terms of either the multiplications per second (MPS), or
the total storage requirement (TSR).

Fig.(6) Multistage approach for the decimation process.

The method to avoid aliasing:

(i) Pre alias filter must be used to limit band of frequencies of the signal to fm Hz.
(ii) Sampling frequency ‘fs’ must be selected such that fs> 2 fm

The need for anti aliasing filter prior to down sampling:

Anti aliasing filter is used to avoid aliasing caused by down sampling the signal x(n).

The need for anti imaging filters after up sampling a signal:

Anti imaging filter removes the unwanted images that are yielded by up sampling.

Efficient Transversal structure for Decimator:

A decimator consists of an anti-aliasing filter followed by a down sampler as shown in fig.(7)

Fig.(7) A Decimator

- Let us assume that the anti-aliasing filter is an FIR filter with N coefficients. Then the
FIR filter can be realized using direct form structure shown in fig.(8). But this
realization is very inefficient. So, we go for an efficient realization.
- The output of FIR filter is obtained using convolution.
v (n )  x (n ) * h(n )
N 1
  h(k ) x (n  k )
k 0

 h(0) x(n )  h(1) x(n  1)  h(2) x (n  2)  ............

- The output v(n) is then downsampled to yield,

y (n )  v ( nD )
N 1
y (n )   h(k ) x (nD  k )    (1)
k 0

 h(0) x (nD )  h(1) x (nD  1)  h( 2) x ( nD  2)  .........

- For example, for N=11 & D=3 (k=0 to 10)

- If D=3, to obtain the values v(0), v(1), v(2),……, we multiply the sequence h(k) with
x(-k), x(1-k), x(2-k)…… resp.
- From eq.(1), we find that to obtain the sequence y(n) for n=0,1,2,3,…., we multiply the
sequence h(k) with the x(-k), x(3-k), x(6-k)……so on.
- That is the multiplication of h(k) by x(1-k) & x(2-k) which lead to the values v(1) &
v(2) are not used later on, i.e., they have been calculated unnecessarily.

Fig.(8) Direct-form realization of a decimator

- To avoid unnecessary calculation of the values v(m), m≠nD, the original structure of
decimator in fig.(2) is replaced by an efficient transversal structure shown in fig.(9).
- Note that here the multiplications and additions are performed at the reduced sampling rate.

Fig.(9) Efficient realization for Decimator

Efficient Transversal structure for Interpolator:

- An interpolator consists of an up sampler ‘I’ followed by anti-imaging filter h(n) as shown in

Fig.(10) Interpolator

- The transposed direct form realization is shown in fig.(11)

Fig.(11) Transposed direct form realization for interpolator

- The up sampling produces an signal v(n) as shown in,

v ( n )  x  , n  0, I ,2 I ,3I ,......
- The output signal y(n) can be obtained by convolving v(n) with the impulse response
- If the anti-imaging filter is an FIR filter with N coefficients then,
N 1
y ( n )  v ( n ) * h ( n )   v ( n  k )h ( k )
k 0
- In the process of obtaining y(n) for different values of n, unnecessary multiplications
are carried out due to zeros inserted during up sampling. These multiplications are
avoided by applying 4th identity to fig.(11) i.e.,

Fig.(12) Efficient realization for Interpolator

Polyphase structure of Decimator:

- For a general case of D branches & a sampling rate reduction by a factor ‘D’, the
structure of polyphase decimator is shown in fig.(13)

- The splitting of x(n) into the low rate sub-sequence x0 (n), x1 (n),...... xD1 (n) is often
represented by a commutator.
- In the configuration shown in fig(1), the input values x(n) enter the dealy chain at high
- In fig.(14), to produce the output y(0), the commutator must rotate in counter
clockwise direction starting from m=D-1,…….m=2, m=1, m=0 & give the input
values x(-D+1), …….x(-2), x(-1), x(0) to the filters PD1 (n),.........P2 (n), P1 (n), P0 (n)

Fig.(13) Polyphase structure of a D-branch decimator

Fig.(14) Polyphase decimator with a Commutator

Polyphase Decimation using the Z-Transform:

The Z-transform representation of a decimator is shown in fig.(15)

The M-branch polyphase decomposition of H(z) is given by,

M 1
H ( z)  z
m 0
Pm ( z M )

- The sub filters P0 ( z ), P1 ( z ),...... PM 1 ( z ) are FIR filters & when combined in the right
phase sequence produce the original filter H(z).

- Now replacing the transfer function H(z) in fig.(1) by the polyphase structure results as
in fig.(16).


Fig.(17) Using 1st identity fig.(16) can be changed as in fig.(17)

- The 3rd identity can be used to derive the version in fig.(18) in which both the no. of
filter operations & the amount of memory required are reduced by a factor of ‘D’.


Polyphase structure of Interpolator:

- By transposing the decimator structure, we can obtain polyphase structure for
interpolator, which consists of a set of I sub-filters connected in parallel as shown in

Fig.(19) Duality between interpolator & decimator


- Here the polyphase components of impulse response are given by,

Pm (n)  h(nI  m), m  0,1,  2,.......( I  1)

Where, h(n) is the impulse response of anti-imaging filter. The output of I sub-filters can be
represented as,
ym (n)  x(n) Pm (n), m  0,1,  2,.......( I  1)
- By up sampling with a factor ‘I’ & adding a delay z  m , the polyphase components are
produced from ym (n ) . These polyphase components are all added together to produce
the output signal y(n).

- The output y(n) also can be obtained by combining the signals using a commutator as
shown in fig.(21).


Polyphase Interpolation using the Z-Transform:

The Z-transform representation of a interpolator is shown in fig.(22)


The M-branch polyphase decomposition of interpolator H(z) is given by,

I 1
H ( z )   z m Pm ( z I )
m 0



Applications of Multi Rate Signal Processing:

Multirate systems are used in a CD player when the music signal is converted from digital
into analogue (DAC). Digital data (16-bit words) are read from the disk at a sampling rate of
44.1 kHz. If this data were converted directly into an analogue signal, image frequency bands
centred on multiples of the sampling-rate would occur, causing amplifier overload, and
distortion in the music signal. To protect against this, a common technique called
oversampling is often implemented nowadays in all CD players and in most digital processing
systems of music signals.
Fig.(25) below illustrates a basic block diagram of a CD player and how oversampling
is utilized. It is customary to oversample (or expand) the digital signal by a factor of x8,
followed by an interpolation filter to remove the image frequencies. The sampling rate of the
resulting signal is now increased up to 352.8 kHz. The digital signal is then converted into an

analogue waveform by passing it through a 14-bit DAC. Then the output from this device is
passed through an analogue low-pass filter before it is sent to the speakers.

Fig.(25): Digital to analogue conversion for a CD player using x8 oversampling.

Fig. 26 illustrates the procedure of converting a digital waveform into an analogue

signal in a CD player using x8 oversampling. As an example, Figure (a) illustrates a 20 kHz
sinusoidal signal sampled at 44.1 kHz, denoted by x[n]. The six samples of the signal
represent the waveform over two periods. If the signal x[n] was converted directly into an
analogue waveform, it would be very hard to exactly reconstruct the 20 kHz signal from this
diagram. Now, Figure (b) shows x[n] with an x8 interpolation, denoted by y[n]. Figure (c)
shows the analogue signal y(t), reconstructed from the digital signal y[n] by passing it through
a DAC. Finally, Figure (d) shows the waveform of z(t), which is obtained by passing the
signal y(t) through an analogue low-pass filter.

Fig.(26): Illustration of oversampling in CD music signal reconstruction.

The effect of oversampling also has some other desirable features. Firstly, it causes the image
frequencies to be much higher and therefore easier to filter out. The anti-alias filter
specification can therefore be very much relaxed i.e. the cutoff frequency of the filter for the
previous example increases from [44.1 / 2] = 22.05 kHz to [44.1x8 / 2] = 176.4 kHz after the

1. Design of phase shifters

2. Interfacing of digital systems with different sampling rates
3. Implementation of narrow band LPF & implementation of Digital Filter Bank
4. Sub band coding of speech signals & Quadrature mirror filter
5. Trans multiplexers & Over sampling of A/D and D/A conversion

Filter banks:
Filter banks are of two types.
1. Analysis filter bank
2. Synthesis filter bank

1. Analysis filter bank:

- The D-channel analysis filter bank is shown in fig.(27)

- It consists of D-sub filter. The individual sub filter H k (z ) is known as analysis filter.

- All the sub filters are equally spaced in frequency & each have the same bandwidth.

- The spectrum of the input signal X e jw  lies in the range 0  w   . The filter bank
splits the signal into number of sub bands each having a bandwidth π/D.

- The filter H 0 ( z ) is lowpass, H1 ( z)  H D2 ( z) are bandpass and H D1 ( z ) is highpass.

- As the spectrum of the signal is band limited to π/D, the sampling rate can be reduced
by a factor ‘D’. The down sampling moves all the sub band signals into the base band


Fig.(27) Analysis filter bank

2. Synthesis filter bank
- The D-channel synthesis filter bank is dual of D-channel analysis filter bank.
- In this case, each U m (z ) is fed to an upsampler. The upsampling process produces the
signal U m ( z ) .
- These signals are applied to filters Gm (z ) & finally added to get the output signal Xˆ ( z )
- The filter G0 ( z )  GD1 ( z ) have the same characteristics as the analysis filters
H 0 ( z )  H D1 ( z )

Fig.(28) Synthesis filter bank

3. Subband coding filter bank

If we combine the analysis filter bank of fig.(27) and synthesis filter bank of fig.(28),
we obtain an D-channel sub band coding filter bank as shown in fig.(29).

Fig.(29) Subband coding filter bank

- The analysis filter bank splits the broadband input signal x(n) into ‘D’ non overlapping
frequency band signals X 0 ( z ), X 1 ( z ),......., X D1 ( z ) of equal bandwidth.
- These outputs are coded & transmitted.
- The synthesis filter bank is used to reconstruct output signal xˆ ( n ) , which should
approximate the original signal.
- The application of sub band coding is in Speech signal processing.


 Difference Between DSP And Other Microprocessors Architecture

 Their Comparison And
 Need For ASP, RISC And CPU
 General Purpose DSP Processors:
 TMS 320C54XX Processors
 Architecture
 Addressing Modes
 Instruction Set

Difference between DSP and other microprocessors architecture their
Compare DSP processor and Microprocessor

S.No. Parameters DSP processor Microprocessor

1 Instruction cycle Instructions are executed in Multiple clocks cycles are
single cycle of the clock required for execution of one
2 Instruction Parallel execution is Execution of instruction is
execution possible. always sequential.
3 Memories Separate data and program No such separate memories
memory. are present.
4 On chip/Off chip Program and Data memories Normally on chip cache
memories are present on chip memory present, main
extendable off chip. memory is off chip.
5 Program flow Program sequencer and Program counter take care of
control instruction register take care flow of execution.
of program flow
6 Pipelining Pipelining is implicate Queuing is perform explicate
through instruction register by one queue register to
and instruction cache. support pipelining.
7 Operand Fetch Multiple operands can be Operands are fetched
fetched simultaneously. sequentially.
8 Address and Address and data bus are Address and data bus are
data bus not multiplexed. They are multiplexed.
multiplexing separate on chip as well as
off chip.
9 Computational Three separate Only one main unit ALU.
units computational units: ALU,
MAC and shifter.
10 On chip address Separate address and data Address and data bus are the
and data bus bus for program and data two buses on the chip
11 Addressing Direct and indirect Direct, Indirect, Register,
modes addressing modes. Register indirect, Immediate
addressing mode etc.
12 Application Signal processing, audio General Purpose applications.
processing, speech
processing and array
processing etc

Key difference: A microprocessor incorporates the functions of a computer's central
processing unit (CPU) on a single or few integrated circuits. The purpose of a microprocessor
is to accept digital data as input, process it as per the instructions, and then provide the output.
Most general purpose microprocessors are present in personal computers. They are often used
for computation, text editing, multimedia display, and communication over a network. The
DSP processor, on the other hand, is a particular type of microprocessor. DSP stands for
digital signal processing. It is basically any signal processing that is done on a digital signal or
information signal.
A microprocessor incorporates the functions of a computer's central processing unit
(CPU) on a single or few integrated circuits. The purpose of a microprocessor is to accept
digital data as input, process it as per the instructions, and then provide the output. This is
known as sequential digital logic. The microprocessor has internal memory and operates
basically on the binary system.
A general purpose microprocessor is a processor that is not tied to or integrated with a
particular language or piece of software. Most general purpose microprocessors are present in
personal computers. They are often used for computation, text editing, multimedia display,
and communication over a network. Other microprocessors are part of embedded systems.
These provide digital control over practically any technology, such as appliances,
automobiles, cell phones, industrial process control, etc.
The DSP processor, on the other hand, is a particular type of microprocessor. DSP
stands for digital signal processing. It is basically any signal processing that is done on a
digital signal or information signal. A DSP processor is a specialized microprocessor that has
an architecture optimized for the operational needs of digital signal processing.
DSP aims to modify or improve the signal. It is characterized by the representation of
discrete units, such as discrete time, discrete frequency, or discrete domain signals. DSP
includes subfields like communication signals processing, radar signal processing, sensor
array processing, digital image processing, etc.
The main goal of a DSP processor is to measure, filter and/or compress digital or
analog signals. It does this by converting the signal from a real-world analog signal to a digital
form. In order to convert the signal it uses a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). However, the
required output signal is often another real-world analog signal. This is turn also requires a
digital-to-analog converter.
Digital signal processing algorithms can run on various platforms, such as general
purpose microprocessors and standard computers; specialized processors called digital signal
processors (DSPs); purpose-built hardware such as application-specific integrated circuit
(ASICs) and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs); Digital Signal Controllers; and stream
processing for traditional DSP or graphics processing applications, such as image, video.
The main difference between a DSP and a microprocessor is that a DSP processor has
features designed to support high-performance, repetitive, numerically intensive tasks. DSP
processors are designed specifically to perform large numbers of complex arithmetic
calculations and as quickly as possible. They are often used in applications such as image
processing, speech recognition and telecommunications. As compared to general
microprocessors, DSP processors are more efficient at performing basic arithmetic operations,
especially multiplication.
Most general-purpose microprocessors and operating systems can execute DSP algorithms
successfully. However, they are not suitable for use in portable devices such as mobile
phones. Hence, specialized digital signal processors are used. Digital Signal Processors have
approximately the same level of integration and the same clock frequencies as general purpose

microprocessors, but they tend to have better performance, lower latency, and no requirements
for specialized cooling or large batteries. This allows them to be a lower-cost alternative to
general-purpose microprocessors.
DSPs also tend to be two to three times as fast as general-purpose microprocessors. This is
because of architectural differences. DSPs tend to have a different arithmetic Unit
architecture; specialized units, such as multipliers, etc.; regular instruction cycle, a RISC-like
architecture; parallel processing; a Harvard Bus architecture; an Internal memory
organization; multiprocessing organization; local links; and memory banks interconnection.
RISC Processor Features:

• RISC chips have fewer components and a smaller instruction set, allowing faster
accessing of “common” instructions
• RISC chips execute an instruction in one machine cycle
• Simple addressing modes
• Fewer data types
• fewer instruction sets
• A bit harder to design a compile
• Less transistors required
• Requires more memory to store the instructions
• Mostly single clock cycled instructions

CISC Processor Features:

• CISC chips have an increasing number of components and an ever increasing

instruction set and so are always slower and les
• CISC chips execute an instruction in two to ten machine cycles powerful at executing
“common” instructions
• Complex instructions
• More number of addressing modes
• Highly pipelined
• More data types in hardware
• Easier to design a compiler
• More transistors required
• Requires less memory to store the instructions
• Multi clock cycled instructions

Comparison between CISC and RISC Processor:


Complex instruction set computer Reduced instruction set computer

The microprocessor is designed using code The microprocessor is designed using
control hardwired control.
Several cycles may be required to execute It executes at least one instruction in a cycle
one instruction
The instructions have variable formats with The instructions have simple fixed formats
several complex addressing modes. with few addressing modes.

It has a small number of general purpose It has several general purpose resisters and
registers large cache memory.
Pipelining and superscalar features are not the The instruction set of RISC micro- processors
bases to design such processors, although, typically includes only register to register
many CISC microprocessors use several load and store.
features if RISCs such as: pipelining, to
increase its performance.

Introduction to DSP Processors:

The TMS320C54xE DSP is a fixed-point digital signal processor (DSP) in the TMS320E DSP
family. The C54xE DSP meets the specific needs of real-time embedded applications, such as
telecommunications. The C54x central processing unit (CPU), with its modified Harvard
architecture, features minimized power consumption and a high degree of parallelism. In
addition to these features, the versatile addressing modes and instruction set in the C54x
improve the overall system performance.

TMS320 DSP Family Overview

TMS320E DSP family consists of fixed-point, floating-point, and multiprocessor digital

signal processors (DSPs). The TMS320 DSP architecture is designed specifically for real-time
signal processing. The following characteristics make this family the ideal choice for a wide
range of processing applications:
 Very flexible instruction set
 Inherent operational flexibility
 High-speed performance
 Innovative parallel architecture
 Cost-effectiveness
 C-friendly architecture

History, Development, and Advantages of TMS320 DSPs

In 1982, Texas Instruments introduced the TMS32010 — the first fixed-point DSP in the
TMS320 DSP family. Before the end of the year, Electronic Products magazine awarded the
TMS32010 the title “Product of the Year”. The TMS32010 became the model for future
TMS320 DSP generations.
Today, the TMS320 DSP family consists of three supported DSP platforms:
TMS320C2000E, TMS320C5000E, and TMS320C6000E. Within the C5000E DSP platform
there are three generations, the TMS320C5xE, TMS320C54xE, and TMS320C55xE.

Devices within the C5000 DSP platform use a similar CPU structure that is combined
with a variety of on-chip memory and peripheral configurations. These various configurations
satisfy a wide range of needs in the worldwide electronics market. When memory and
peripherals are integrated with a CPU onto a single chip, overall system cost is greatly
reduced and circuit board space is reduced.

Figure 1–1 shows the performance gains of the TMS320 DSP family of devices.

Fig.(1) Evolution of the TMS320 DSP family

Typical Applications for the TMS320 DSP Family

Table 1–1 lists some typical applications for the TMS320 family of DSPs. The TMS320 DSPs
offer more adaptable approaches to traditional signal-processing problems such as vocoding
and filtering than standard microprocessor/microcomputer devices. They also support
complex applications that often require multiple operations to be performed simultaneously.

TMS320C54x DSP Overview

The C54xE DSP has a high degree of operational flexibility and speed. It combines an
advanced modified Harvard architecture (with one program memory bus, three data memory
buses, and four address buses), a CPU with application-specific hardware logic, on-chip
memory, on-chip peripherals, and a highly specialized instruction set. Spinoff devices that
combine the C54x CPU with customized on-chip memory and peripheral configurations have
been, and continue to be, developed for specialized areas of the electronics market.

The C54x devices offer these advantages:

 Enhanced Harvard architecture built around one program bus, three data buses, and
four address buses for increased performance and versatility.
 Advanced CPU design with a high degree of parallelism and application specific
hardware logic for increased performance.
 A highly specialized instruction set for faster algorithms and for optimized high-level
language operation.
 Modular architecture design for fast development of spinoff devices.
 Advanced IC processing technology for increased performance and low power
 Low power consumption and increased radiation hardness because of new static
design techniques.

Table 1-1: Typical applications for TMS320 DSPs

Architectures for Programmable Digital Signal Processing Devices

Basic Architectural Features

A programmable DSP device should provide instructions similar to a conventional

microprocessor. The instruction set of a typical DSP device should include the following,

a. Arithmetic operations such as ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY etc

b. Logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT, XOR etc
c. Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) operation
d. Signal scaling operation

In addition to the above provisions, the architecture should also include,

a. On chip registers to store immediate results
b. On chip memories to store signal samples (RAM)
c. On chip memories to store filter coefficients (ROM)
DSP Computational Building Blocks

Each computational block of the DSP should be optimized for functionality and speed and in
the meanwhile the design should be sufficiently general so that it can be easily integrated with
other blocks to implement overall DSP systems.


The advent of single chip multipliers paved the way for implementing DSP functions on a
VLSI chip. Parallel multipliers replaced the traditional shift and add multipliers now days.
Parallel multipliers take a single processor cycle to fetch and execute the instruction and to
store the result. They are also called as Array multipliers. The key features to be considered
for a multiplier are:

a. Accuracy
b. Dynamic range
c. Speed

The number of bits used to represent the operands decides the accuracy and the
dynamic range of the multiplier. Whereas speed is decided by the architecture employed. If
the multipliers are implemented using hardware, the speed of execution will be very high but
the circuit complexity will also increases considerably. Thus there should be a tradeoff
between the speed of execution and the circuit complexity. Hence the choice of the
architecture normally depends on the application.

Parallel Multipliers

Consider the multiplication of two unsigned numbers A and B. Let A be represented using m
bits as (Am-1 Am-2 …….. A1 A0) and B be represented using n bits as (Bn-1 Bn-2 …….. B1
Then the product of these two numbers is given by,

This operation can be implemented paralleling using Braun multiplier whose hardware
structure is as shown in the figure 2.

Fig.(2) Braun Multiplier for a 4X4 Multiplication

Multipliers for Signed Numbers

In the Braun multiplier the sign of the numbers are not considered into account. In
order to implement a multiplier for signed numbers, additional hardware is required to modify
the Braun multiplier. The modified multiplier is called as Baugh-Wooley multiplier.

Consider two signed numbers A and B,


Conventional Shift and Add technique of multiplication requires n cycles to perform

the multiplication of two n bit numbers. Whereas in parallel multipliers the time required will
be the longest path delay in the combinational circuit used. As DSP applications generally
require very high speed, it is desirable to have multipliers operating at the highest possible
speed by having parallel implementation.

Bus Widths

Consider the multiplication of two n bit numbers X and Y. The product Z can be at
most 2n bits long. In order to perform the whole operation in a single execution cycle, we

require two buses of width n bits each to fetch the operands X and Y and a bus of width 2n
bits to store the result Z to the memory. Although this performs the operation faster, it is not
an efficient way of implementation as it is expensive. Many alternatives for the above method
have been proposed. One such method is to use the program bus itself to fetch one of the
operands after fetching the instruction, thus requiring only one bus to fetch the operands. And
the result Z can be stored back to the memory using the same operand bus. But the problem
with this is the result Z is 2n bits long whereas the operand bus is just n bits long. We have
two alternatives to solve this problem, a. Use the n bits operand bus and save Z at two
successive memory locations. Although it stores the exact value of Z in the memory, it takes
two cycles to store the result.

b. Discard the lower n bits of the result Z and store only the higher order n bits into the
memory. It is not applicable for the applications where accurate result is required. Another
alternative can be used for the applications where speed is not a major concern. In which
latches are used for inputs and outputs thus requiring a single bus to fetch the operands and to
store the result (Fig 3).

Fig.(3): A Multiplier with Input and Output Latches


Shifters are used to either scale down or scale up operands or the results. The
following scenarios give the necessity of a shifter

a. While performing the addition of N numbers each of n bits long, the sum can grow up to
n+log2 N bits long. If the accumulator is of n bits long, then an overflow error will occur. This
can be overcome by using a shifter to scale down the operand by an amount of log2N.

b. Similarly while calculating the product of two n bit numbers, the product can grow up to 2n
bits long. Generally the lower n bits get neglected and the sign bit is shifted to save the sign of
the product. c. Finally in case of addition of two floating-point numbers, one of the operands
has to be shifted appropriately to make the exponents of two numbers equal.

From the above cases it is clear that, a shifter is required in the architecture of a DSP.

Barrel Shifters

In conventional microprocessors, normal shift registers are used for shift operation. As
it requires one clock cycle for each shift, it is not desirable for DSP applications, which
generally involves more shifts. In other words, for DSP applications as speed is the crucial
issue, several shifts are to be accomplished in a single execution cycle. This can be
accomplished using a barrel shifter, which connects the input lines representing a word to a
group of output lines with the required shifts determined by its control inputs. For an input of
length n, log2 n control lines are required. And an additional control line is required to
indicate the direction of the shift. The block diagram of a typical barrel shifter is as shown in
figure 4.

Fig.(4) A Barrel Shifter

Fig.(5) Implementation of a 4 bit Shift Right Barrel Shifter

Figure 5 depicts the implementation of a 4 bit shift right barrel shifter. Shift to right by 0,
1, 2 or 3 bit positions can be controlled by setting the control inputs appropriately.

Multiply and Accumulate Unit

Most of the DSP applications require the computation of the sum of the products of a
series of successive multiplications. In order to implement such functions a special unit called
a multiply and Accumulate (MAC) unit is required. A MAC consists of a multiplier and a
special register called Accumulator. MACs are used to implement the functions of the type
A+BC. A typical MAC unit is as shown in the figure 6.

Fig.(6) A MAC Unit

Although addition and multiplication are two different operations, they can be performed in
parallel. By the time the multiplier is computing the product, accumulator can accumulate the
product of the previous multiplications. Thus if N products are to be accumulated, N-1
multiplications can overlap with N-1 additions. During the very first multiplication,
accumulator will be idle and during the last accumulation, multiplier will be idle. Thus N+1
clock cycles are required to compute the sum of N products.

Overflow and Underflow

While designing a MAC unit, attention has to be paid to the word sizes encountered at
the input of the multiplier and the sizes of the add/subtract unit and the accumulator, as there
is a possibility of overflow and underflows. Overflow/underflow can be avoided by using any
of the following methods viz

a. Using shifters at the input and the output of the MAC

b. Providing guard bits in the accumulator
c. Using saturation logic


Shifters can be provided at the input of the MAC to normalize the data and at the
output to de normalize the same.

Guard bits

As the normalization process does not yield accurate result, it is not desirable for some
applications. In such cases we have another alternative by providing additional bits called
guard bits in the accumulator so that there will not be any overflow error. Here the
add/subtract unit also has to be modified appropriately to manage the additional bits of the

Saturation Logic

Overflow/ underflow will occur if the result goes beyond the most positive number or
below the least negative number the accumulator can handle. Thus the overflow/underflow
error can be resolved by loading the accumulator with the most positive number which it can
handle at the time of overflow and the least negative number that it can handle at the time of
underflow. This method is called as saturation logic. A schematic diagram of saturation logic
is as shown in figure 7. In saturation logic, as soon as an overflow or underflow condition is
satisfied the accumulator will be loaded with the most positive or least negative number
overriding the result computed by the MAC unit.

Fig.(7): Schematic Diagram of the Saturation Logic

Arithmetic and Logic Unit

A typical DSP device should be capable of handling arithmetic instructions like ADD,
SUB, INC, DEC etc and logical operations like AND, OR , NOT, XOR etc. The block
diagram of a typical ALU for a DSP is as shown in the figure 8.

It consists of status flag register, register file and multiplexers.

Fig.(8) Arithmetic Logic Unit of a DSP

Status Flags

ALU includes circuitry to generate status flags after arithmetic and logic operations.
These flags include sign, zero, carry and overflow.

Overflow Management

Depending on the status of overflow and sign flags, the saturation logic can be used to
limit the accumulator content.

Register File

Instead of moving data in and out of the memory during the operation, for better speed, a
large set of general purpose registers are provided to store the intermediate results.

Bus Architecture and Memory

Conventional microprocessors use Von Neumann architecture for memory

management wherein the same memory is used to store both the program and data (Figure 9).
Although this architecture is simple, it takes more number of processor cycles for the
execution of a single instruction as the same bus is used for both data and program.

Fig.(9) Von Neumann Architecture

In order to increase the speed of operation, separate memories were used to store
program and data and a separate set of data and address buses have been given to both
memories, the architecture called as Harvard Architecture. It is as shown in figure 10.

Fig.(10) Harvard Architecture

Although the usage of separate memories for data and the instruction speeds up the
processing, it will not completely solve the problem. As many of the DSP instructions require
more than one operand, use of a single data memory leads to the fetch the operands one after
the other, thus increasing the delay of processing. This problem can be overcome by using two
separate data memories for storing operands separately, thus in a single clock cycle both the
operands can be fetched together (Figure 11).

Fig.(11) Harvard Architecture with Dual Data Memory

Although the above architecture improves the speed of operation, it requires more
hardware and interconnections, thus increasing the cost and complexity of the system.
Therefore there should be a tradeoff between the cost and speed while selecting memory
architecture for a DSP.

On-chip Memories

In order to have a faster execution of the DSP functions, it is desirable to have some
memory located on chip. As dedicated buses are used to access the memory, on chip
memories are faster. Speed and size are the two key parameters to be considered with respect
to the on-chip memories.


On-chip memories should match the speeds of the ALU operations in order to maintain
the single cycle instruction execution of the DSP.


In a given area of the DSP chip, it is desirable to implement as many DSP functions as
possible. Thus the area occupied by the on-chip memory should be minimum so that there
will be a scope for implementing more number of DSP functions on- chip.

Organization of On-chip Memories

Ideally whole memory required for the implementation of any DSP algorithm has to
reside on-chip so that the whole processing can be completed in a single execution cycle.
Although it looks as a better solution, it consumes more space on chip, reducing the scope for
implementing any functional block on-chip, which in turn reduces the speed of execution.
Hence some other alternatives have to be thought of. The following are some other ways in
which the on-chip memory can be organized.

a. As many DSP algorithms require instructions to be executed repeatedly, the instruction

can be stored in the external memory, once it is fetched can reside in the instruction

b. The access times for memories on-chip should be sufficiently small so that it can be
accessed more than once in every execution cycle.

c. On-chip memories can be configured dynamically so that they can serve different
purpose at different times.

Data Addressing Capabilities

Data accessing capability of a programmable DSP device is configured by means of its

addressing modes. The summary of the addressing modes used in DSP is as shown in the table

Immediate Addressing Mode

In this addressing mode, data is included in the instruction itself.

Register Addressing Mode

In this mode, one of the registers will be holding the data and the register has to be
specified in the instruction.
Direct Addressing Mode

In this addressing mode, instruction holds the memory location of the operand.

Indirect Addressing Mode

In this addressing mode, the operand is accessed using a pointer. A pointer is

generally a register, which holds the address of the location where the operands resides.
Indirect addressing mode can be extended to inculcate automatic increment or decrement
capabilities, which has lead to the following addressing modes.

Special Addressing Modes

For the implementation of some real time applications in DSP, normal addressing
modes will not completely serve the purpose. Thus some special addressing modes are
required for such applications.

Circular Addressing Mode

While processing the data samples coming continuously in a sequential manner,
circular buffers are used. In a circular buffer the data samples are stored sequentially from the
initial location till the buffer gets filled up. Once the buffer gets filled up, the next data
samples will get stored once again from the initial location. This process can go forever as
long as the data samples are processed in a rate faster than the incoming data rate.

Circular Addressing mode requires three registers viz

a. Pointer register to hold the current location (PNTR)

b. Start Address Register to hold the starting address of the buffer (SAR)
c. End Address Register to hold the ending address of the buffer (EAR)

There are four special cases in this addressing mode. They are

a. SAR < EAR & updated PNTR > EAR

b. SAR < EAR & updated PNTR < SAR
c. SAR >EAR & updated PNTR > SAR
d. SAR > EAR & updated PNTR < EAR

The buffer length in the first two case will be (EAR-SAR+1) whereas for the next two cases

Bit Reversed Addressing Mode

To implement FFT algorithms we need to access the data in a bit reversed manner.
Hence a special addressing mode called bit reversed addressing mode is used to calculate the
index of the next data to be fetched. It works as follows. Start with index 0. The present index
can be calculated by adding half the FFT length to the previous index in a bit reversed
manner, carry being propagated from MSB to LSB.

Current index= Previous index+ B (1/2(FFT Size))

Address Generation Unit

The main job of the Address Generation Unit is to generate the address of the operands
required to carry out the operation. They have to work fast in order to satisfy the timing
constraints. As the address generation unit has to perform some mathematical operations in
order to calculate the operand address, it is provided with a separate ALU.

Address generation typically involves one of the following operations.

a. Getting value from immediate operand, register or a memory location

b. Incrementing/ decrementing the current address
c. Adding/subtracting the offset from the current address
d. Adding/subtracting the offset from the current address and generating new address
according to circular addressing mode
e. Generating new address using bit reversed addressing mode

The block diagram of a typical address generation unit is as shown in figure 12.

Fig.(12) Address generation unit

Programmability and program Execution

A programmable DSP device should provide the programming capability involving

branching, looping and subroutines. The implementation of repeat capability should be
hardware based so that it can be programmed with minimal or zero overhead. A dedicated
register can be used as a counter. In a normal subroutine call, return address has to be stored
in a stack thus requiring memory access for storing and retrieving the return address, which in
turn reduces the speed of operation. Hence a LIFO memory can be directly interfaced with the
program counter.

Program Control

Like microprocessors, DSP also requires a control unit to provide necessary control
and timing signals for the proper execution of the instructions. In microprocessors, the
controlling is micro coded based where each instruction is divided into microinstructions
stored in micro memory. As this mechanism is slower, it is not applicable for DSP
applications. Hence in DSP the controlling is hardwired base where the Control unit is
designed as a single, comprehensive, hardware unit. Although it is more complex it is faster.

TMS320C54x DSP Key Features

This section lists the key features of the C54x DSPs.
 Advanced multibus architecture with one program bus, three data buses, and four
address buses
 40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU), including a 40-bit barrel shifter and two
independent 40-bit accumulators
 17-bit × 17-bit parallel multiplier coupled to a 40-bit dedicated adder for nonpipelined
single-cycle multiply/accumulate (MAC) operation
 Compare, select, store unit (CSSU) for the add/compare selection of the Viterbi
 Exponent encoder to compute the exponent of a 40-bit accumulator value in a single
 Two address generators, including eight auxiliary registers and two auxiliary register
arithmetic units.
 Multiple-CPU/core architecture on some devices.
 Memory
 192K words × 16-bit addressable memory space (64K-words program, 64K-words
data, and 64K-words I/O), with extended program memory in the C548, C549, C5402,
C5410, and C5420.
 On-chip configurations as follows (in K words):

 Instruction set
 Single-instruction repeat and block repeat operations
 Block memory move instructions for better program and data management
 Instructions with a 32-bit long operand
 Instructions with 2- or 3-operand simultaneous reads
 Arithmetic instructions with parallel store and parallel load
 Conditional-store instructions
 Fast return from interrupt

 On-chip peripherals
 Software-programmable wait-state generator
 Programmable bank-switching logic
 On-chip phase-locked loop (PLL) clock generator with internal oscillator or external
clock source. With the external clock source, there are several multiplier values
available from one of the following device options:

† The C541B, C545A, C546A, C548, C549, C5402, C5410, and C5420 have a software-
programmable PLL and two additional saturation modes.

Each device offers selection of clock modes from one option list only.
 External bus-off control to disable the external data bus, address bus, and control
 Data bus with a bus holder feature
 Programmable timer

 Power
 Power consumption control with IDLE 1, IDLE 2, and IDLE 3 instructions for power-
down modes
 Control to disable the CLKOUT signal

 Emulation: IEEE Standard 1149.1 boundary scan logic interfaced to on-chip scan-
based emulation logic

Architectural Overview
In an overview of the architectural structure of the TMS320C54xE DSP, this comprises the
central processing unit (CPU), memory, and on-chip peripherals.

The C54xE DSPs use an advanced modified Harvard architecture that maximizes processing
power with eight buses.

Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data,
providing a high degree of parallelism. For example, three reads and one write can be
performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific
instructions fully utilize this architecture.
In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism
supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be
performed in a single machine cycle. Also, the C54x DSP includes the control mechanisms to
manage interrupts, repeated operations, and function calling.

Figure 13 shows a functional block diagram of the C54x DSP, which includes the principal
blocks and bus structure.

Fig.(13): Block diagram of TMS320C54X DSP Internal Hardware

Fig.(14): TMS320C54x block diagram

Bus Structure

The C54xE DSP architecture is built around eight major 16-bit buses (four program/data
buses and four address buses):
 The program bus (PB) carries the instruction code and immediate operands from
program memory.
 Three data buses (CB, DB, and EB) interconnect to various elements, such as the
CPU, data address generation logic, program address generation logic, on-chip
peripherals, and data memory.
 The CB and DB carry the operands that are read from data memory.
 The EB carries the data to be written to memory.
 Four address buses (PAB, CAB, DAB, and EAB) carry the addresses needed for
instruction execution.

The C54x DSP can generate up to two data-memory addresses per cycle using the two
auxiliary register arithmetic units (ARAU0 and ARAU1).

The PB can carry data operands stored in program space (for instance, a coefficient table) to
the multiplier and adder for multiply/accumulate operations or to a destination in data space
for data move instructions (MVPD and READA). This capability, in conjunction with the
feature of dual-operand read, supports the execution of single-cycle, 3-operand instructions
such as the FIRS instruction.

The C54x DSP also has an on-chip bidirectional bus for accessing on-chip peripherals. This
bus is connected to DB and EB through the bus exchanger in the CPU interface. Accesses that
use this bus can require two or more cycles for reads and writes, depending on the peripheral’s

Table 2: summarizes the buses used by various types of accesses.

Internal Memory Organization

The C54xE DSP memory is organized into three individually selectable spaces: program,
data, and I/O space. The C54x devices can contain random access memory (RAM) and read-
only memory (ROM). Among the devices, the following types of RAM are represented: dual-
access RAM (DARAM), single-access RAM (SARAM), and two-way shared RAM. The
DARAM or SARAM can be shared within subsystems of a multiple-CPU core device. You
can configure the DARAM and SARAM as data memory or program/data memory.

Table 2–2 shows how much ROM, DARAM, and SARAM are available on some C54x
devices. The C54x DSP also has 26 CPU registers plus peripheral registers that are mapped in
data-memory space. The C54x DSP memory types and features are introduced in the sections
following this paragraph.

On-Chip ROM

The on-chip ROM is part of the program memory space and, in some cases, part of the data
memory space. The amount of on-chip ROM available on each device varies, as shown in
Table 2–2.
On most devices, the ROM contains a bootloader that is useful for booting to faster
on-chip or external RAM. On devices with large amounts of ROM, a portion of the ROM may
be mapped into both data and program space. The larger ROMs are also custom ROMs: you
provide the code or data to be programmed into the ROM in object file format, and Texas
Instruments generates the appropriate process mask to program the ROM.

On-Chip Dual-Access RAM (DARAM)

The amount of on-chip DARAM available on each device varies. The DARAM is composed
of several blocks. Because each DARAM block can be accessed twice per machine cycle, the
CPU and peripherals, such as a buffered serial port (BSP) and host-port interface (HPI), can
read from and write to a DARAM memory address in the same cycle. The DARAM is always
mapped in data space and is primarily intended to store data values. It can also be mapped into
program space and used to store program code.

On-Chip Single-Access RAM (SARAM)

The amount of on-chip SARAM available on each device varies. The SARAM is composed of
several blocks. Each block is accessible once per machine cycle for either a read or a write.
The SARAM is always mapped in data space and is primarily intended to store data values. It
can also be mapped into program space and used to store program code.

On-Chip Two-Way Shared RAM

The amount of on-chip two-way shared RAM available on certain devices varies. The devices
with multiple CPU cores include two-way shared RAM blocks that allow simultaneous
program space access from two CPU cores. Each CPU can perform a single access with zero-
states to any location in the two-way shared RAM during each clock cycle. All the shared
memory is program write-protected or read only by the CPU, only the DMA controller can
write to the shared memory. This shared RAM is most efficiently used when the two CPUs
are executing identical programs. In this case, the amount of program memory required for the
application is effectively reduced by 50% since both CPUs can execute from the same RAM.

On-Chip Memory Security

The C54x DSP maskable memory security option protects the contents of on chip memories.
When you designate this option, no externally originating instruction can access the on-chip
memory spaces. Not all C54x DSPs offer the security feature, and some devices only offer
partial security.

Memory-Mapped Registers
The data memory space contains memory-mapped registers for the CPU and the on-chip
peripherals. These registers are located on data page 0, simplifying access to them. The
memory-mapped access provides a convenient way to save and restore the registers for
context switches and to transfer information between the accumulators and the other registers.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The CPU is common to all C54xE devices. The C54x CPU contains:
 40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
 Two 40-bit accumulators
 Barrel shifter
 17 × 17-bit multiplier
 40-bit adder
 Compare, select, and store unit (CSSU)
 Data address generation unit
 Program address generation unit

1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The C54x DSP performs 2s-complement arithmetic with a 40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
and two 40-bit accumulators (accumulators A and B). The ALU can also perform Boolean
operations. The ALU uses these inputs:
 16-bit immediate value
 16-bit word from data memory
 16-bit value in the temporary register, T
 Two 16-bit words from data memory
 32-bit word from data memory
 40-bit word from either accumulator

The ALU can also function as two 16-bit ALUs and perform two 16-bit operations

The 40-bit ALU, shown in Figure 15, implements a wide range of arithmetic and logical
functions, most of which execute in a single clock cycle. After an operation is performed in
the ALU, the result is usually transferred to a destination accumulator (accumulator A or B).
Instructions that perform memory to memory operations (ADDM, ANDM, ORM, and
XORM) are exceptions.

Fig.(15) ALU Functional Diagram

ALU Input
ALU input takes several forms from several sources.
The X input source to the ALU is either of two values:
 The shifter output (a 32-bit or 16-bit data-memory operand or a shifted accumulator
 A data-memory operand from data bus DB
The Y input source to the ALU is any of three values:
 The value in one of the accumulators (A or B)
 A data-memory operand from data bus CB
 The value in the T register
When a 16-bit data-memory operand is fed through data bus CB or DB, the 40-bit ALU input
is constructed in one of two ways:
 If bits 15 through 0 contain the data-memory operand, bits 39 through 16 are zero
filled (SXM = 0) or sign-extended (SXM = 1).
 If bits 31 through 16 contain the data-memory operand, bits 15 through 0 are zero
filled, and bits 39 through 32 are either zero filled (SXM = 0) or sign extended (SXM
= 1).
Table 4–4 shows how the ALU inputs are obtained for the ADD instructions, depending on
the type of syntax used. The ADD instructions execute in one cycle, except for cases 4, 7, and
8 that use two words and execute in two cycles.

Table 4. ALU Input Selection for ADD Instructions

 Overflow Handling
The ALU saturation logic prevents a result from overflowing by keeping the result at a
maximum (or minimum) value. This feature is useful for filter calculations. The logic is
enabled when the overflow mode bit (OVM) in status register ST1 is set.
When a result overflows:
 If OVM = 0, the accumulators are loaded with the ALU result without modification.
 If OVM = 1, the accumulators are loaded with either the most positive 32-bit value (00
7FFF FFFFh) or the most negative 32-bit value (FF 8000 0000h), depending on the
direction of the overflow.
 The overflow flag (OVA/OVB) in status register ST0 is set for the destination
accumulator and remains set until one of the following occurs:
 A reset is performed.
 A conditional instruction (such as a branch, a return, a call, or an execute) is
executed on an overflow condition.
 The overflow flag (OVA/OVB) is cleared.

 The Carry Bit

The ALU has an associated carry bit (C) that is affected by most arithmetic ALU instructions,
including rotate and shift operations. The carry bit supports efficient computation of extended-
precision arithmetic operations. The carry bit is not affected by loading the accumulator,
performing logical operations, or executing other non arithmetic or control instructions, so it
can be used for overflow management.
Two conditional operands, C and NC, enable branching, calling, returning, and conditionally
executing according to the status (set or cleared) of the carry bit. Also, the RSBX and SSBX
instructions can be used to load the carry bit. The carry bit is set on a hardware reset.

 Dual 16-Bit Mode

For arithmetic operations, the ALU can operate in a special dual 16-bit arithmetic mode that
performs two 16-bit operations (for instance, two additions or two subtractions) in one cycle.
You can select this mode by setting the C16 field of ST1. This mode is especially useful for
the Viterbi add/compare/select operation.

2. Accumulators A and B
Accumulators A and B store the output from the ALU or the multiplier/adder block. They can
also provide a second input to the ALU; accumulator A can be an input to the
multiplier/adder. Each accumulator is divided into three parts:
 Guard bits (bits 39–32)
 High-order word (bits 31–16)
 Low-order word (bits 15–0)

Instructions are provided for storing the guard bits, for storing the high- and the low-order
accumulator words in data memory, and for transferring 32-bit accumulator words in or out of
data memory. Also, either of the accumulators can be used as temporary storage for the other.

Accumulator A and accumulator B can be configured as the destination registers for either the
multiplier/adder unit or the ALU. In addition, they are used for MIN and MAX instructions or
for the parallel instruction LD||MAC, in which one accumulator loads data and the other
performs computations.

Each accumulator is split into three parts, as shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17.

Fig.(16):Accumulator A

Fig.(17): Accumulator B

The guard bits are used as a head margin for computations. Head margins allow you to
prevent some overflow in iterative computations such as autocorrelation.

AG, BG, AH, BH, AL, and BL are memory-mapped registers that can be pushed onto and
popped from the stack for context saves and restores by using PSHM and POPM instructions.
These registers can also be used by other instructions that use memory-mapped registers
(MMR) for page 0 addressing. The only difference between accumulators A and B is that bits
32–16 of A can be used as an input to the multiplier in the multiplier/adder unit.

Storing Accumulator Contents

You can store accumulator contents in data memory by using the STH, STL, STLM, and
SACCD instructions or by using parallel-store instructions. To store the 16 MSBs of the
accumulator in memory with a shift, use the STH, SACCD, and parallel-store instructions. For
right-shift operations, bits from AG and BG shift into AH and BH. For left-shift operations,
bits from AL and BL shift into AH and BH, respectively.

To store the 16 LSBs of the accumulator in memory with a shift, use the STL
instruction. For right-shift operations, bits from AH and BH shift into AL and BL,
respectively, and the LSBs are lost. For left-shift operations, the bits in AL and BL are filled
with zeros. Since shift operations are performed in the shifter, the contents of the accumulator
remain unchanged.

Example 4–3 shows the result of accumulator store operations with shift; it assumes
that accumulator A = 0FF 4321 1234h.
Example 4–3. Accumulator Store With Shift
STH A,8,TEMP ; TEMP = 2112h
STH A,-8,TEMP ; TEMP = FF43h
STL A,8,TEMP ; TEMP = 3400h
STL A,-8,TEMP ; TEMP = 2112h

Accumulator Shift and Rotate Operations

The following instructions shift or rotate the contents of the accumulator through the carry bit:
 SFTA (shift arithmetically)
 SFTL (shift logically)
 SFTC (shift conditionally)
 ROL (rotate accumulator left)
 ROR (rotate accumulator right)
 ROLTC (rotate accumulator left with TC)

In SFTA and SFTL, the shift count is defined as –16 ≤ SHIFT ≤ 15. SFTA is affected by the
SXM bit. When SXM = 1 and SHIFT is a negative value, SFTA performs an arithmetic right
shift and maintains the sign of the accumulator. When SXM = 0, the MSBs of the accumulator
are zero filled. SFTL is not affected by the SXM bit; it performs the shift operation for bits
31–0, shifting 0s into the MSBs or LSBs, depending on the direction of the shift.

SFTC performs a 1-bit left shift when both bits 31 and 30 are 1 or both are 0. This normalizes
32 bits of the accumulator by eliminating the most significant nonsign bit.

ROL rotates each bit of the accumulator to the left by one bit, shifts the value of the carry bit
into the LSB of the accumulator, shifts the value of the MSB of the accumulator into the carry
bit, and clears the accumulator’s guard bits.

ROR rotates each bit of the accumulator to the right by one bit, shifts the value of the carry bit
into the MSB of the accumulator, shifts the value of the LSB of the accumulator into the carry
bit, and clears the accumulator’s guard bits.

The ROLTC instruction (rotate accumulator left with TC) rotates the accumulator to the left
and shifts the test control (TC) bit into the LSB of the accumulator.

Saturation upon Accumulator Store

The SST bit in PMST determines whether or not the data in an accumulator is saturated before
storing it in memory. The saturation is performed after the shift operation. Saturation on store
is available with ten instructions:
 ST || ADD
 ST || LD
 ST || MAC[R]
 ST || MAS[R]
 ST || MPY
 ST || SUB
The following steps are performed when saturating upon accumulator store:
1) The 40-bit data value is shifted (right or left) depending on the instruction. The shift is the
same as described in the SFTA instruction and depends on the value of the SXM bit.
2) The 40-bit value is saturated to a 32-bit value. The saturation depends on the value of the
SXM bit (the number is always assumed to be positive):
 When SXM = 0, FFFF FFFFh is generated if the 40-bit value is greater than or equal
 When SXM = 1, 7FFF FFFFh is generated if the 40-bit value is greater than 7FFF
FFFFh. 8000 0000h is generated if the 40-bit value is less than 8000 0000h.
3) The data is stored in memory depending on the instruction (either 16-bit LSB, 16-bit MSB,
or 32-bit data).

The accumulator remains unchanged during this process.

Application-Specific Instructions
Each accumulator is dedicated to specific operations in application-specific instructions with
parallel operations. These include symmetrical FIR filter operations using the FIRS
instruction, adaptive filter operations using the LMS instruction, Euclidean distance
calculations using the SQDST instruction, and other parallel operations:
 FIRS performs operations for symmetric FIR filters by using multiply/ accumulates
(MACs) in parallel with additions.
 LMS performs a MAC and a parallel add with rounding to efficiently update the
coefficients in an FIR filter.
 SQDST performs a MAC and a subtract in parallel to calculate Euclidean distance.

FIRS multiplies accumulator A(32–16) with a program-memory value addressed by a

program-memory address and adds the result to the value in accumulator B. At the same time,
it adds the memory operands Xmem and Ymem, shifts the result left 16 bits, and loads this
value into accumulator A.

In the LMS instruction, accumulator B stores the interim results of the input sequence
convolution and filter coefficients; accumulator A updates the filter coefficients. Accumulator
A can also be used as an input for MAC, which contributes to single-cycle execution of
instructions with parallel operations.

The SQDST instruction computes the square of the distance between two vectors.
Accumulator A(32–16) is squared and the product is added to accumulator B. The result is
stored in accumulator B. At the same time, Ymem is subtracted from Xmem and the
difference is stored in accumulator A. The value that is squared is the value of the
accumulator before the subtraction, Ymem – Xmem, is executed.

Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU)

The compare, select, and store unit (CSSU) is an application-specific hardware unit dedicated
to add/compare/select (ACS) operations of the Viterbi operator. Figure 18 shows the CSSU,
which is used with the ALU to perform fast ACS operations.

Fig.(18): Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU)

The CSSU allows the C54x device to support various Viterbi butterfly algorithms used in
equalizers and channel decoders. The add function of the Viterbi operator is performed by the
ALU. This function consists of a double addition function (Met1±D1 and Met2 ± D2). Double
addition is completed in one machine cycle if the ALU is configured for dual 16-bit mode by
setting the C16 bit in ST1. With the ALU configured in dual 16-bit mode, all the long-word
(32-bit) instructions become dual 16-bit arithmetic instructions. T is connected to the ALU
input (as a dual 16-bit operand) and is used as local storage in order to minimize memory

Barrel Shifter
The C54x DSP barrel shifter has a 40-bit input connected to the accumulators or to data
memory (using CB or DB), and a 40-bit output connected to the ALU or to data memory
(using EB). The barrel shifter can produce a left shift of 0 to 31 bits and a right shift of 0 to 16
bits on the input data. The shift requirements are defined in the shift count field of the
instruction, the shift count field(ASM) of status register ST1, or in temporary register T (when
it is designated as a shift count register).

The barrel shifter and the exponent encoder normalize the values in an accumulator in
a single cycle. The LSBs of the output are filled with 0s, and the MSBs can be either zero
filled or sign extended, depending on the state of the sign-extension mode bit (SXM) in ST1.
Additional shift capabilities enable the processor to perform numerical scaling, bit extraction,
extended arithmetic, and overflow prevention operations.

Multiplier/Adder Unit
The multiplier/adder unit performs 17 x 17-bit 2s-complement multiplication with a 40-bit
addition in a single instruction cycle. The multiplier/adder block consists of several elements:
a multiplier, an adder, signed/unsigned input control logic, fractional control logic, a zero
detector, a rounder (2s complement), overflow/saturation logic, and a 16-bit temporary
storage register (T).
The multiplier has two inputs: one input is selected from T, a data-memory operand, or
accumulator A; the other is selected from program memory, data memory, accumulator A, or
an immediate value.
The fast, on-chip multiplier allows the C54x DSP to perform operations efficiently
such as convolution, correlation, and filtering. In addition, the multiplier and ALU together
execute multiply/accumulate (MAC) computations and ALU operations in parallel in a single
instruction cycle. This function is used in determining the Euclidian distance and in
implementing symmetrical and LMS filters, which are required for complex DSP algorithms.

Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU)

The compare, select, and store unit (CSSU) performs maximum comparisons between the
accumulator’s high and low word, allows both the test/control flag bit (TC) in status register
ST0 and the transition register (TRN) to keep their transition histories, and selects the larger
word in the accumulator to store into data memory. The CSSU also accelerates Viterbi-type
butterfly computations with optimized on-chip hardware.

Data Addressing
The C54xE DSP offers seven basic data addressing modes:
 Immediate addressing uses the instruction to encode a fixed value.
 Absolute addressing uses the instruction to encode a fixed address.
 Accumulator addressing uses accumulator A to access a location in program memory
as data.
 Direct addressing uses seven bits of the instruction to encode the lower seven bits of
an address. The seven bits are used with the data page pointer (DP) or the stack pointer
(SP) to determine the actual memory address.
 Indirect addressing uses the auxiliary registers to access memory.
 Memory-mapped register addressing uses the memory-mapped registers without
modifying either the current DP value or the current SP value.
 Stack addressing manages adding and removing items from the system stack.

During the execution of instructions using direct, indirect, or memory-mapped register

addressing, the data-address generation logic (DAGEN) computes the addresses of data-
memory operands.

Program Memory Addressing

Program memory is usually addressed on a C54xE DSP with the program counter (PC). With
some instructions, however, absolute addressing may be used to access data items that have
been stored in program memory.
The PC, which is used to fetch individual instructions, is loaded by the program-
address generation logic (PAGEN). Typically, the PAGEN increments the PC as sequential
instructions are fetched. However, the PAGEN may load the PC with a non-sequential value
as a result of some instructions or other operations. Operations that cause a discontinuity
include branches, calls, returns, conditional operations, single-instruction repeats, multiple-
instruction repeats, reset, and interrupts. For calls and interrupts, the current PC is saved onto
the stack, which is referenced by the stack pointer (SP). When the called function or interrupt
service routine is finished, the PC value that was saved is restored from the stack via a return

Pipeline Operation
An instruction pipeline consists of a sequence of operations that occur during the execution of
an instruction. The C54xE DSP pipeline has six levels: prefetch, fetch, decode, access, read,
and execute. At each of the levels, an independent operation occurs. Because these operations
are independent, from one to six instructions can be active in any given cycle, each instruction
at a different stage of completion. Typically, the pipeline is full with a sequential set of
instructions, each at one of the six stages. When a PC discontinuity occurs, such as during a
branch, call, or return, one or more stages of the pipeline may be temporarily unused.

On-Chip Peripherals
All the C54xE devices have a common CPU, but different on-chip peripherals are connected
to their CPUs. The C54x devices may have these, or other, on-chip peripheral options:
 General-purpose I/O pins
 Software-programmable wait-state generator
 Programmable bank-switching logic
 Clock generator
 Timer
 Direct memory access (DMA) controller
 Standard serial port
 Time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port
 Buffered serial port (BSP)
 Multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP)
 Host-port interface
 8-bit standard (HPI)
 8-bit enhanced (HPI8)
 16-bit enhanced (HPI16)

CPU Status and Control Registers

The C54xE DSP has three status and control registers:
 Status register 0 (ST0)
 Status register 1 (ST1)
 Processor mode status register (PMST)

ST0 and ST1 contain the status of various conditions and modes; PMST contains memory-
setup status and control information. Because these registers are memory-mapped, they can be
stored into and loaded from data memory; the status of the processor can be saved and
restored for subroutines and interrupt service routines (ISRs).

Status Registers (ST0 and ST1)

The individual bits of the ST0 and ST1 registers can be set or cleared with the SSBX and
RSBX instructions. For example, the sign-extension mode is set with SSBX 1, SXM, or reset
with RSBX 1, SXM. The ARP, DP, and ASM bit fields can be loaded using the LD
instruction with a short-immediate operand. The ASM and DP fields can be also loaded with
data-memory values by using the LD instruction.
The ST0 bits are shown in Figure 4–1 and described in Table 4–1. The ST1 bits are
shown in Figure 4–2 and described in Table 4–2.

The architecture of TMS320C54xx digital signal processors:
TMS320C54xx processors retain in the basic Harvard architecture of their
predecessor, TMS320C25, but have several additional features, which improve their
performance over it. Figure 4.1 shows a functional block diagram of TMS320C54xx
processors. They have one program and three data memory spaces with separate buses, which
provide simultaneous accesses to program instruction and two data operands and enables
writing of result at the same time. Part of the memory is implemented on-chip and consists of
combinations of ROM, dual-access RAM, and single-access RAM. Transfers between the
memory spaces are also possible.

The central processing unit (CPU) of TMS320C54xx processors consists of a 40- bit
arithmetic logic unit (ALU), two 40-bit accumulators, a barrel shifter, a 17x17 multiplier, a
40-bit adder, data address generation logic (DAGEN) with its own arithmetic unit, and
program address generation logic (PAGEN). These major functional units are supported by a
number of registers and logic in the architecture. A powerful instruction set with a hardware-
supported, single-instruction repeat and block repeat operations, block memory move
instructions, instructions that pack two or three simultaneous reads, and arithmetic instructions
with parallel store and load make these devices very efficient for running high-speed DSP

Several peripherals, such as a clock generator, a hardware timer, a wait state generator,
parallel I/O ports, and serial I/O ports, are also provided on-chip. These peripherals make it
convenient to interface the signal processors to the outside world. In these following sections,
we examine in detail the various architectural features of the TMS320C54xx family of

Fig.(19): Functional architecture for TMS320C54xx processors.

Bus Structure:

The performance of a processor gets enhanced with the provision of multiple buses to
provide simultaneous access to various parts of memory or peripherals. The 54xx architecture
is built around four pairs of 16-bit buses with each pair consisting of an address bus and a data
bus. As shown in Figure 4.1, these are the program bus pair (PAB, PB); which carries the
instruction code from the program memory. Three data bus pairs (CAB, CB; DAB, DB; and
EAB, EB); which interconnected the various units within the CPU. In Addition the pair CAB,
CB and DAB, DB are used to read from the data memory, while The pair EAB, EB; carries
the data to be written to the memory. The ‘54xx can generate up to two data-memory
addresses per cycle using the two auxiliary register arithmetic unit (ARAU0 and ARAU1) in
the DAGEN block. This enables accessing two operands simultaneously.
Central Processing Unit (CPU):

The ‘54xx CPU is common to all the ‘54xx devices. The ’54xx CPU contains a 40-bit
arithmetic logic unit (ALU); two 40-bit accumulators (A and B); a barrel shifter; a

17 x 17-bit multiplier; a 40-bit adder; a compare, select and store unit (CSSU); an exponent
encoder(EXP); a data address generation unit (DAGEN); and a program address generation
unit (PAGEN).

The ALU performs 2’s complement arithmetic operations and bit-level Boolean
operations on 16, 32, and 40-bit words. It can also function as two separate 16-bit ALUs and
perform two 16-bit operations simultaneously. Figure 3.2 show the functional diagram of the
ALU of the TMS320C54xx family of devices.

Accumulators A and B store the output from the ALU or the multiplier/adder block and
provide a second input to the ALU. Each accumulators is divided into three parts: guards bits
(bits 39-32), high-order word (bits-31-16), and low-order word (bits 15- 0), which can be
stored and retrieved individually. Each accumulator is memory-mapped and partitioned. It can
be configured as the destination registers. The guard bits are used as a head margin for

Fig.(20): Functional diagram of the central processing unit of the TMS320C54xx processors.
Barrel shifter: provides the capability to scale the data during an operand read or write. No
overhead is required to implement the shift needed for the scaling operations. The’54xx barrel
shifter can produce a left shift of 0 to 31 bits or a right shift of 0 to 16 bits on the input data.
The shift count field of status registers ST1, or in the temporary register T. Figure 4.3 shows
the functional diagram of the barrel shifter of TMS320C54xx processors. The barrel shifter
and the exponent encoder normalize the values in an accumulator in a single cycle. The LSBs
of the output are filled with0s, and the MSBs can be either zero filled or sign extended,
depending on the state of the sign-extension mode bit in the status register ST1. An additional
shift capability enables the processor to perform numerical scaling, bit extraction, extended
arithmetic, and overflow prevention operations.

Fig.(21): Functional diagram of the barrel shifter

Multiplier/adder unit: The kernel of the DSP device architecture is multiplier/adder unit.
The multiplier/adder unit of TMS320C54xx devices performs 17 x 17 2’s complement
multiplication with a 40-bit addition effectively in a single instruction cycle.

In addition to the multiplier and adder, the unit consists of control logic for integer and
fractional computations and a 16-bit temporary storage register, T. Figure 4.4 show the
functional diagram of the multiplier/adder unit of TMS320C54xx processors. The compare,
select, and store unit (CSSU) is a hardware unit specifically incorporated to accelerate the
add/compare/select operation. This operation is essential to implement the Viterbi algorithm
used in many signal-processing applications. The exponent encoder unit supports the EXP
instructions, which stores in the T register the number of leading redundant bits of the
accumulator content. This information is useful while shifting the accumulator content for the
purpose of scaling.

Fig.(22): Functional diagram of the multiplier/adder unit of TMS320C54xx processors.

Internal Memory and Memory-Mapped Registers:

The amount and the types of memory of a processor have direct relevance to the efficiency
and performance obtainable in implementations with the processors. The ‘54xx memory is
organized into three individually selectable spaces: program, data, and I/O spaces. All ‘54xx
devices contain both RAM and ROM. RAM can be either dual-access type (DARAM) or
single-access type (SARAM). The on-chip RAM for these processors is organized in pages
having 128 word locations on each page.

The ‘54xx processors have a number of CPU registers to support operand addressing and
computations. The CPU registers and peripherals registers are all located on page 0 of the data
memory. Figure 4.5(a) and (b) shows the internal CPU registers and peripheral registers with
their addresses. The processors mode status (PMST) registers

that is used to configure the processor. It is a memory-mapped register located at address 1Dh
on page 0 of the RAM. A part of on-chip ROM may contain a boot loader and look-up tables
for function such as sine, cosine, μ- law, and A- law.

Fig.(23)(a) Internal memory-mapped registers of TMS320C54xx processors.

Fig.(24)(b).peripheral registers for the TMS320C54xx processors

Status registers (ST0, ST1):

ST0: Contains the status of flags (OVA, OVB, C, TC) produced by arithmetic
operations & bit manipulations.

ST1: Contain the status of various conditions & modes. Bits of ST0&ST1registers can be set
or clear with the SSBX & RSBX instructions.

PMST: Contains memory-setup status & control information.

Status Register 0 (ST0) Diagram:

Fig.(25)(a). ST0 diagram

ARP: Auxiliary register pointer.

TC: Test/control flag.
C: Carry bit.

OVA: Overflow flag for accumulator A.
OVB: Overflow flag for accumulator B.
DP: Data-memory page pointer.

Status Register 1 (ST1) Diagram:

Fig.(25)(b). ST1 diagram

BRAF: Block repeat active flag

BRAF=0, the block repeat is deactivated.
BRAF=1, the block repeat is activated.

CPL: Compiler mode

CPL=0, the relative direct addressing mode using data page pointer is selected.
CPL=1, the relative direct addressing mode using stack pointer is selected.

HM: Hold mode, indicates whether the processor continues internal execution or
acknowledge for external interface.

INTM: Interrupt mode, it globally masks or enables all interrupts.

INTM=0_all unmasked interrupts are enabled.
INTM=1_all masked interrupts are disabled.

0: Always read as 0

OVM: Overflow mode.

OVM=1_the destination accumulator is set either the most positive value or the most negative
OVM=0_the overflowed result is in destination accumulator.

SXM: Sign extension mode.

SXM=0 _Sign extension is suppressed.
SXM=1_Data is sign extended

C16: Dual 16 bit/double-Precision arithmetic mode.

C16=0_ALU operates in double-Precision arithmetic mode.
C16=1_ALU operates in dual 16-bit arithmetic mode.

FRCT: Fractional mode.

FRCT=1_the multiplier output is left-shifted by 1bit to compensate an extra sign bit.

CMPT: Compatibility mode.

CMPT=0_ ARP is not updated in the indirect addressing mode.
CMPT=1_ARP is updated in the indirect addressing mode.

ASM: Accumulator Shift Mode.

5 bit field, & specifies the Shift value within -16 to 15 range.

Processor Mode Status Register (PMST):

Fig.(26): Processor Mode Status Register (PMST) Diagram

INTR: Interrupt vector pointer, point to the 128-word program page where the interrupt
vectors reside.

MP/MC: Microprocessor/Microcomputer mode,

MP/MC=0, the on chip ROM is enabled.
MP/MC=1, the on chip ROM is enabled.

OVLY: RAM OVERLAY, OVLY enables on chip dual access data RAM blocks to be
mapped into program space.

AVIS: It enables/disables the internal program address to be visible at the address pins.

DROM: Data ROM, DROM enables on-chip ROM to be mapped into data space.


SMUL: Saturation on multiplication.

SST: Saturation on store.

Data Addressing Modes of TMS320C54X Processors:

Data addressing modes provide various ways to access operands to execute instructions
and place results in the memory or the registers. The 54XX devices offer seven basic
addressing modes

1. Immediate addressing.
2. Absolute addressing.
3. Accumulator addressing.
4. Direct addressing.
5. Indirect addressing.
6. Memory mapped addressing
7. Stack addressing.

1. Immediate addressing:

The instruction contains the specific value of the operand. The operand can be short
(3,5,8 or 9 bit in length) or long (16 bits in length). The instruction syntax for short operands
occupies one memory location,

Example: LD #20, DP.


2. Absolute Addressing:

The instruction contains a specified address in the operand.

1. Dmad addressing. MVDK Smem,dmad, MVDM dmad,MMR

2. Pmad addressing. MVDP Smem,pmad, MVPD pmem,Smad
3. PA addressing. PORTR PA, Smem,
4.*(lk) addressing .

3. Accumulator Addressing:
Accumulator content is used as address to transfer data between Program and Data
memory. Ex: READA *AR2

4. Direct Addressing:

Base address + 7 bits of value contained in instruction = 16 bit address. A page of 128
locations can be accessed without change in DP or SP. Compiler mode bit (CPL) in ST1
register is used.

If CPL =0 selects DP
CPL = 1 selects SP,

It should be remembered that when SP is used instead of DP, the effective

address is computed by adding the 7-bit offset to SP.

Fig.(27)Block diagram of the direct addressing mode for TMS320C54xx Processors.

5. Indirect Addressing:

Data space is accessed by address present in an auxiliary register.

TMS320C54xx have 8, 16 bit auxiliary register (AR0 – AR 7). Two auxiliary register
arithmetic units (ARAU0 & ARAU1)

Used to access memory location in fixed step size. AR0 register is used for indexed and bit
reverse addressing modes.

For single– operand addressing

MOD _ type of indirect addressing

ARF _ AR used for addressing ARP depends on (CMPT) bit in ST1
CMPT = 0, Standard mode, ARP set to zero
CMPT = 1, Compatibility mode, Particularly AR selected by ARP

Fig.(28). Indirect Addressing Block Diagram for a Single Data-Memory Operand

Table: Indirect Addressing Types with a Single Data-Memory Operand

6. Circular Addressing:

Used in convolution, correlation and FIR filters.

A circular buffer is a sliding window contains most recent data. Circular buffer of size R must
start on a N-bit boundary, where 2N > R.
The circular buffer size register (BK): specifies the size of circular buffer.
Effective base address (EFB): By zeroing the N LSBs of a user selected AR (ARx).
End of buffer address (EOB): By replacing the N LSBs of ARx with the N LSBs of BK.

If 0 _ index + step < BK ; index = index +step;

else if index + step _ BK ; index = index + step - BK;
else if index + step < 0; index + step + BK

Fig.(29). Circular Addressing Block Diagram

Fig.(30). Circular Buffer Implementation

7. Bit-Reversed Addressing:

 Used for FFT algorithms.

 AR0 specifies one half of the size of the FFT.
 The value of AR0 = 2N-1: N = integer FFT size = 2N
 AR0 + AR (selected register) = bit reverse addressing.
 The carry bit propagating from left to right.

8. Dual-Operand Addressing:

Dual data-memory operand addressing is used for instruction that simultaneously perform
two reads (32-bit read) or a single read (16-bit read) and a parallel store (16-bit store) indicated by
two vertical bars, II. These instructions access operands using indirect addressing mode.

If in an instruction with a parallel store the source operand the destination operand
point to the same location, the source is read before writing to the destination. Only 2 bits are
available in the instruction code for selecting each auxiliary register in this mode. Thus, just
four of the auxiliary registers, AR2-AR5, can be used, The ARAUs together with these
registers, provide capability to access two operands in a single cycle. Figure 4.11 shows how
an address is generated using dual data-memory operand addressing.

Fig.(31).Indirect-Addressing Instruction Format for Dual Data-Memory Operands

Table 5–6. Indirect-Addressing Instruction Bit Summary – Dual Data-Memory Operands

Fig.(32). Indirect Addressing Block Diagram for Dual Data-Memory Operands

9. Memory-Mapped Register Addressing:

Used to modify the memory-mapped registers without affecting the current data page
pointer (DP) or stack-pointer (SP)

Overhead for writing to a register is minimal

Works for direct and indirect addressing
Scratch –pad RAM located on data PAGE0 can be modified
STM #tbl, AR1

Fig.(33). Memory-Mapped Register Addressing Block Diagram

Only eight instructions can use memory-mapped register addressing:
 LDM MMR, dst
 MVDM dmad, MMR
 MVMD MMR, dmad
 STLM src, MMR
 STM #lk, MMR
Note: The following indirect addressing modes are not allowed for memory mapped
register addressing:
 *ARx(lk)
 *+ARx(lk)
 *+ARx(lk)%
 *(lk)

Stack Addressing:

• Used to automatically store the program counter during interrupts and subroutines.
• Can be used to store additional items of context or to pass data values.
• Uses a 16-bit memory-mapped register, the stack pointer (SP).

Fig.(34). Stack and Stack Pointer Before and After a Push Operation

Memory Space of TMS320C54xx Processors

A total of 128k words extendable up to 8192k words.

Total memory includes RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM or Memory mapped peripherals.
Data memory: To store data required to run programs & for external memory mapped

Program Control
 It contains program counter (PC), the program counter related H/W, hard stack, repeat
counters &status registers.
 PC addresses memory in several ways namely:
 Branch: The PC is loaded with the immediate value following the branch instruction
 Subroutine call: The PC is loaded with the immediate value following the call
 Interrupt: The PC is loaded with the address of the appropriate interrupt vector.
 Instructions such as BACC, CALA, etc ;The PC is loaded with the contents of the
accumulator low word
 End of a block repeat loop: The PC is loaded with the contents of the block repeat
program address start register.
 Return: The PC is loaded from the top of the stack.


1. Assuming the current content of AR3 to be 200h, what will be its contents after
each of the following TMS320C54xx addressing modes is used? Assume that
the contents of AR0 are 20h.

a. *AR3+0
b. *AR3-0
c. *AR3+
d. *AR3

e. *AR3
f. *+AR3 (40h)
g. *+AR3 (-40h)


a. AR3 ← AR3 + AR0;

AR3 = 200h + 20h = 220h
b. AR3← AR3 - AR0;
AR3 = 200h - 20h = 1E0h
c. AR3 ← AR3 + 1;
AR3 = 200h + 1 = 201h
d. AR3 ← AR3 - 1;
AR3 = 200h - 1 = 1FFh
e. AR3 is not modified.
AR3 = 200h
f. AR3 ← AR3 + 40h;
AR3 = 200 + 40h = 240h
g. AR3 ← AR3 - 40h;
AR3 = 200 - 40h = 1C0h

Instruction set of TMS320C54X Processors:

The TMS320C54xx DSP instruction set can be divided into four basic types of operations:
• Arithmetic operations
• Logical operations
• Program-control operations
• Load and store operations

1. Arithmetic operations:
The instructions within the following functional groups:

• Add instructions
• Subtract instructions
• Multiply instructions
• Multiply-accumulate instructions
• Multiply-subtract instructions
• Double (32-bit operand) instructions
• Application-specific instructions

a) Add instructions

b) Subtract instructions

c) Multiply instructions

d) Multiply-accumulate and Multiply-subtract instructions

e) Double (32-bit operand) instructions

f) Application-specific instructions

2. Logical operations
The instructions within the following functional groups:

• AND instructions
• OR instructions
• XOR instructions
• Shift instructions
• Test instructions

o AND instructions

o OR instructions

o XOR instructions

o Shift instructions

o Test instructions

3. Program-Control Operations

The instructions within the following functional groups:

• Branch instructions
• Call instructions
• Interrupt instructions
• Return instructions
• Repeat instructions
• Stack-manipulating instructions
• Miscellaneous program-control instructions

o Branch instructions

o Call instructions

o Interrupt instructions

o Return instructions

o Repeat instructions

o Stack-manipulating instructions

o Miscellaneous program-control instructions

 Short answer questions.
 Long answer questions.



Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1 List any 3 properties of DFT. Remember CO1
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Digital signal
2 Remember CO1
3 What are the advantages of FFT algorithms. Remember CO1

4 Compare DTFT and DFT. Understand CO1

What are the similarities and differences between DIT and DIF radix-2
5 Understand CO1
FFT algorithms
6 What is decimation in time algorithm Understand CO1

7 What is decimation in frequency algorithm. Understand CO1

8 Compute the DFT of a sequence x(n)={1,-1,1,-1} using DIT algorithm. Apply CO1

9 Differentiate linear convolution and circular convolution. Understand CO1

10 List the properties of Twiddle factor. Remember CO1

11 What is zero padding? Why it is needed. Understand CO1

Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
Perform linear convolution of the 2 sequences x(n)={1,2,0.5,1} and
1 Apply CO1
h(n)={1,2,1,-1} using graphical method.
2 Determine the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,2,1,3,5,4,0,2} Apply CO1
Find the DFT of the following Discrete time sequence
3 Apply CO1
x(n)={2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2} using radix-2 DIT-FFT algorithm.
4 Determine IFFT using DIF method for X(K)={2,-6,8,-10,9,0,1,7} Apply CO1
Compute circular convolution of the following two sequences using
5 Apply CO1
DFT x1(n)={0,1,0,1} and x2(n)={1,2,1,2}
Find the DFT of the following Discrete time sequence
6 Apply CO1
x(n)={2,1,4,1,3,2,2,3} using radix-2 DIF-FFT algorithm.
7 Determine IFFT using DIT method for X(K)={2,-6,3,-2,9,0,0,7} Apply CO1


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome

1 Distinguish between Butterworth and Chebyshev type-1 filter. Understand CO2

2 What are the advantages of bilinear transformation? Remember CO2

3 What is aliasing effect in Impulse Invariant Technique? Remember CO2

4 What are the properties of Chebyshev filter. Remember CO2


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
Design a digital low pass Butterworth filter using bilinear
transformation with T=1sec with the following specifications.
1 Apply CO2
0.707≤ |H(ejω)| ≤1.0 for 0 ≤ ω ≤ Π /2
|H(ejω)| ≤0.2 for 3Π/4 ≤ ω ≤ Π
Design a digital low pass Butterworth filter using Impulse invariant
method with T=1sec for the following specifications.
2 Apply CO2
0.8 ≤ |H(ejω) | ≤1.0 for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2Π
|H(ejω) | ≤0.2 for 0.6 Π ≤ ω ≤ Π
Design a butterworth IIR lowpass filter with the following
specifications: passband Ripple αp=1dB,stopband attenuation
3 αs=40dB,passband edge frequency is 2000Hz, stop band edge Apply CO2
frequency is 10000Hz,and sampling frequency is 25000Hz using
Bilinear transformation technique.

Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters. Remember CO2

2 Explain the procedure for designing FIR filters using windows. Understand CO2

3 What is warping effect. Remember CO2

4 What are the advantages of Kaiser Window. Remember CO2

5 Give the equations specifying Rectangular and Bartlett windows. Remember CO2

6 Write the characteristic features of rectangular window. Remember CO2

Give the expression for the frequency response of (a) Hanning window
7 Remember CO2
(b) Hamming window.
8 Compare IIR and FIR filters. Understand CO2

9 Give the equations specifying Hanning and Blackman windows. Remember CO2

10 What are the conditions for a FIR system to have linear phase. Remember CO2
Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
Design an ideal HPF whose desired frequency response is Apply
Hd(ejω ) =1 for Π/4 ≤ |ω| ≤ Π
1 CO2
=0 for |ω| ≤ Π/2
Using Hanning window.
Design an ideal HPF whose desired frequency response is Apply
Hd(ejω ) =1 for Π /4 ≤ |ω| ≤ Π
2 CO2
=0 for |ω| ≤ Π/2
Using Hamming window.
Design an ideal LPF whose desired frequency response is Apply
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥ω ≥-
3 CO2
=0 ; ≥|ω| ≥ -
Using Hanning window for N=9.
Design an ideal LPF whose desired frequency response is Apply
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥ω ≥-
4 CO2
=0 ; ≥|ω| ≥ -
Using Rectangular window for N=9.
Design an ideal HPF whose desired frequency response is Apply
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥|ω| ≥
5 CO2
=0 ; otherwise
Using Bartlett window for N=9.
Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
Show that decimator is a Time variant system.
1 Understand CO3

2 Give the applications of multirate signal processing. Remember CO3

3 What is the need for anti-aliasing filter prior to down sampling? Remember CO3

4 what is the need for anti-imaging filter after up sampling a signal. Remember CO3

5 What is interpolation and decimation? Remember CO3

Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1 Explain the algorithm to decrease the sampling frequency by a factor D Understand CO3
Consider a discrete time signal given by x(n)={1,3,2,5,6,4}. Determine
2 the down sampled version of the signal for the sampling rate Apply CO3
reduction factor, D=2.

Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
What is the modified Harvard architecture employed in Digital signal
1 Remember CO4
2 What are the special features of Digital signal processor. Remember CO4

3 List any 3 arithmetic instructions TMS320C54XX processors. Remember CO4

4 Compare RISC Vs CISC CPU. CO4

Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
Explain various CPU components of TMS320C54XX processor with
1 Understand CO4
the help of neat diagram.
2 Draw the architecture of TMS320C54XX processor. Remember CO4
Explain the various types of on-chip memory in TMS320C54XX
3 Understand CO4
family of processors.
4 Explain the addressing modes of TMS320C54XX processor. Understand CO4
Explain any two data transfer instructions of TMS320C54XX
5 Understand CO4

(Attach image of 05 old University Question Papers)


1. List any 3 properties of DFT
2. What is decimation in time algorithm
3. What is decimation in frequency algorithm
4. What are the similarities and differences between DIT and DIF radix-2 FFT algorithms
5. Compute the DFT of a sequence x(n)={1,-1,1,-1} using DIT algorithm
6. Differentiate linear convolution and circular convolution
7. Find the DFT of x[n]={1,2,2,1} using DIT-FFT algorithm
8. List the properties of Twiddle factor.
9. What are the advantages of FFT algorithms
10. Obtain linear convolution of the following sequences via circular convolution
x1(n)={1,1,1,1} and x2(n)={1,2,3,4}.
11. Find the convolution of the sequences using overlap-save method
x(n)={1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4}; h(n)={-1,1}
12. Find the convolution of the sequences using overlap-add method
x(n)={1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4}; h(n)={-1,1}
13. Find the frequency response of the given causal system,
Plot magnitude and phase response
14. Determine the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,2,1,3,5,4,0,2}
15. Find the DFT of the following Discrete time sequence x(n)={2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2} using radix-
2 DIT-FFT algorithm.
16. Determine IFFT using DIF method for X(K)={2,-6,8,-10,9,0,1,7}
17. Compute circular convolution of the following two sequences using DFT
x1(n)={0,1,0,1} and x2(n)={1,2,1,2}
18.Find the DFT of the following Discrete time sequence x(n)={2,1,4,1,3,2,2,3} using radix-2
DIF-FFT algorithm.
19. Determine IFFT using DIT method for X(K)={2,-6,3,-2,9,0,0,7}


1. What are the properties of Chebyshev filter
2. Design a digital low pass Butterworth filter using bilinear transformation with T=1sec with
the following specifications.
0.707≤ |H(ejω)| ≤1.0 for 0 ≤ ω ≤ Π /2

|H(ejω)| ≤0.2 for 3Π/4 ≤ ω ≤ Π 10M

3. Design a digital low pass Butterworth filter using Impulse invariant method with T=1sec
for the following specifications.
0.8 ≤ |H(ejω) | ≤1.0 for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 0.2Π

H(e ) | ≤0.2 for 0.6 Π ≤ ω ≤ Π

4. A filter has a transfer function H(S) = . Design a digital filter for this function using
impulse invariant method.

5. Design a digital IIR filter from the analog filter transfer function H(S) = 1/(S+1)(S+2) by
using bilinear transformation. Assume T=1sec.


1. Explain the procedure for designing FIR filters using windows
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters
3. What are the advantages of Kaiser Window
4. Write the characteristic features of rectangular window
5. Give the expression for the frequency response of (a) Hanning window
(b) Hamming window
6. What are the conditions for a FIR system to have linear phase
7. Compare the Hamming and Hanning window
8. Write the characteristic features of triangular window
9. Design an ideal HPF whose desired frequency response is
Hd(ejω ) =1 for Π/4 ≤ |ω| ≤ Π
=0 for |ω| ≤ Π/2
Using Hanning window.
10. Design an ideal HPF whose desired frequency response is
Hd(ejω ) =1 for Π /4 ≤ |ω| ≤ Π
=0 for |ω| ≤ Π/2
Using Hamming window.
11. Design an ideal LPF whose desired frequency response is
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥ω ≥-
=0 ; ≥|ω| ≥ -
Using Hanning window for N=9.
12. Design an ideal LPF whose desired frequency response is
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥ω ≥-
=0 ; ≥|ω| ≥ -
Using Rectangular window for N=9.
13. Design an ideal HPF whose desired frequency response is
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥|ω| ≥
=0 ; otherwise
Using Bartlett window for N=9.


1. Give the applications of multirate signal processing
2. Explain the algorithm to decrease the sampling frequency by a factor D
3. What is the need for anti-imaging filter after upsampling a signal

4. Show that decimator is a linear system

1. What is the modified Harvard architecture employed in Digital signal processor.
2. List any 3 arithmetic instructions TMS320C54XX processors.
3. Explain various CPU components of TMS320C54XX processor with the help of neat
4. Draw the architecture of TMS320C54XX processor.
5. Explain the addressing modes of TMS320C54XX processor.
6. Explain any two data transfer instructions of TMS320C54XX processor.


I Internal Assessment (2019-20)
Class/Branch: BE V -SEM ECE (A & B) Max Marks :20
Subject: Digital signal processing Duration : 1Hour
Answer all questions from PART-A and any two from PART-B

Q.No Question Marks CO BL

PART-A 3X2=6Marks
1. Find the DFT for the given sequence, x(n)={0 1 2 3} 2 CO1 L2
2. Explain Warping effect 2 CO2 L2
3. Compare FIR and IIR Filters 2 CO3 L3
PART-B 2X7=14Marks
4. compute linear convolution of the 2 sequences x(n)={1,2,0.5,1} and 7 CO1 L3
h(n)={1,2,1,-1} using graphical method.
5. Determine the IDFT of the given x(n)=[7, 1, -1, 1,-1, 1, -1, 1] using DIT FFT 7 CO1 L3
6. 1. Design the Butterworth Digital IIR Low Pass filter using Billinear 7 CO2 L4
transformation by taking T=1sec for the following specifications,
0.5≤|H(ejw)| ≤ 1.0; for 0≤w≤0.4π

|H(ejw)| ≤ 0.2; for 0.8π ≤w≤π

and Realize using Direct Form-1

Bloom's level wise Marks Distribution Course Outcome wise Marks


BL- Bloom's Taxonomy Levels [1-Remember, 2-Understand , 3-Apply, 4-Analyze, 5-Evaluate, 6-


CO- Course Outcomes.

II Internal Assessment (2019-20)
Class/Branch: BE V -SEM ECE (A & B) Max Marks :20
Subject: Digital signal processing Duration : 1Hour
Answer all questions from PART-A and any two from PART-B

Q.No Question Marks CO BL

PART-A 3X2=6Marks
1. Explain Gibbs Phenomenon 2 CO3 L2
2. Outline the necessity of multirate signal processing and mention some 2 CO4 L4
3. Compare Von-Neumann and Harvard architecture 2 CO5 L5
PART-B 2X7=14Marks
4. Design Digital FIR BPF for N=7 whose specifications are as given below 7 CO3 L6
H(ejw)=1 for π/3≤ w≤ 2π/3
=0 otherwise using Barlett window
5. Derive and explain with the help of a neat spectrum how decimation by 7 CO4 L4
‘D’ can be achieved.
6. Draw and explain in detail about the architecture of TMS320C54xx DSP 7 CO5 L2
Processor .

Bloom's level wise Marks Distribution Course Outcome wise Marks


BL- Bloom's Taxonomy Levels [1-Remember, 2-Understand , 3-Apply, 4-Analyze, 5-Evaluate, 6-


CO- Course Outcomes.



1st Internal Assessment (2018-19)

Class: B.E III/IV- I Sem (ECE-A & B) Duration: 1 hour

Sub: Digital Signal processing Max Marks: 20

Note: Answer all questions from Part-A and any two questions from Part-B

Part-A 3x2=6 Marks

2. Find the DFT of x(n)={1 2 3 4 5} (CO1)[L1]

3. Determine the H(z) for the given analog filter transfer function H9s)=2/(s+1)(s+2) using impulse invariance
method. (CO2)[L5]
4. Define the FIR filter characteristics (CO3)[L1]
Part-B 7x2=14 Marks

5. Find the DFT and IDFT of the given x(n)=[1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1] using FFT DIT/DIF [7M][ (CO1)[L1]
6. Define the procedure and Design the Butterworth Low Pass filter that has a 2db pass band
attenuation at a frequency of 20 rad/sec and at least 10 db stopband attenuation at 30 rad/sec[7M]
7. Define the procedure to design digital filter using bilinear transformation method and apply it to
H(s)=2/(S+1)(S+2) find H(Z) [7M] (CO2)[L1]


II Internal Assessment (2018-19)
Class: B.E III/IV- I Sem (ECE-A&B) Duration: 1 hour

Note: Answer all questions from Part-A and any two questions from Part-B

Part-A 3x2=6 Marks

1. Formulate the expression for windows :Hamming and Triangular. (L-1,CO-3)
2. What is VLIW Architecture in Digital signal processor. (L-1,CO-5)
3. What are the applications of multirate signal processing? (L-2, CO-4)
Part-B 7x2=14 Marks
4. Design an ideal LPF whose desired frequency response is (L-3, CO-2)
Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥ω ≥-
=0 ; ≥|ω| ≥ -
Using Hanning window for N=7.
5. Explain the architecture of TMS320C54x processor (L-3, CO-5)
6. (a) What are the addressing modes of TMS320C54x Processor (L-2, CO-5)
(b) Explain Finite word length effects (L-2, CO-3)



1st Internal Assessment (2017-18)

Class: B.E III/IV- II Sem (ECE-A&B) Duration: 1 hour


Note: Answer all questions from Part-A and any two questions from Part-B

Part-A 3x2=6 Marks

4. List any 3 properties of DFT

5. What are the similarities and differences between DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT
6. What is the condition for the impulse response of FIR filter to satisfy for constant
group delay and phase delay.

Part-B 7x2=14 Marks

4. Obtain linear convolution of the following sequences using DFT and IDFT
x(n)={1 2 3 4} ; h(n)={2 3}
5. Determine 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n) ={1,2,1,3,5,4,0,2} using DIF-FFT
6. Design a Digital Butterworth filter using bilinear transformation technique with T=1
sec for the following specifications.
0.707≤│H(ejω)│≤1.0; for 0 ≤ ω ≤ π/2

│H(ejω)│≤0.2; for 3π/4 ≤ω ≤π


II Internal Assessment (2017-18)

Class: B.E III/IV- II Sem (ECE-A&B) Duration: 1 hour

Note: Answer all questions from Part-A and any two questions from Part-B

Part-A 3x2=6 Marks

1. Formulate the expression for the frequency response of (a) Triangular window
(b) Blackman window. (L-1, CO-2)
2. What is the modified Harvard architecture employed in Digital signal processor
3. What are the applications of multirate signal processing (L-2, CO-4)

Part-B 7x2=14 Marks

4. Design an ideal LPF whose desired frequency response is (L-3, CO-2)

Hd(ejω ) =1 ; ≥ω ≥-
=0 ; ≥|ω| ≥ -
Using Hamming window for N=9.
5. Explain the architecture of TMS320C54x processor (L-3, CO-5)
6. (a) What are the addressing modes of TMS320C54x Processor (L-2, CO-5)
(b) Explain Finite word length effects (L-2, CO-3)

Sl.No. TOPIC Mode of Relevance with POs and
Teaching PSOs

1 Introduction to Adaptive Filters Lecture PO1, PO2, PO3, PSO1

TOPIC Description:
Introduction to Adaptive Filters

What is an Adaptive Filter?

An adaptive filter is a computational device that attempts to model the relationship between
two signals in real time in an iterative manner. Adaptive filters are often realized either as a
set of program instructions running on an arithmetical processing device such as a
microprocessor or DSP chip, or as a set of logic operations implemented in a field-
programmable gate array (FPGA) or in a semicustom or custom VLSI integrated circuit.
However, ignoring any errors introduced by numerical precision effects in these
implementations, the fundamental operation of an adaptive filter can be characterized
independently of the specific physical realization that it takes. For this reason, we shall focus
on the mathematical forms of adaptive filters as opposed to their specific realizations in
software or hardware. Descriptions of adaptive filters as implemented on DSP chips and on a
dedicated integrated circuit can be found in [1, 2, 3], and [4], respectively.
An adaptive filter is defined by four aspects:
1. The signals being processed by the filter
2. The structure that defines how the output signal of the filter is computed from its input
3. The parameters within this structure that can be iteratively changed to alter the filter’s
input-output relationship
4. The adaptive algorithm that describes how the parameters are adjusted from one time
instant to the next

By choosing a particular adaptive filter structure, one specifies the number and type of
parameters that can be adjusted. The adaptive algorithm used to update the parameter values
of the system can take on a myriad of forms and is often derived as a form of optimization
procedure that minimizes an error criterion that is useful for the task at hand.

In this section, we present the general adaptive filtering problem and introduce the
mathematical notation for representing the form and operation of the adaptive filter. We then
discuss several different structures that have been proven to be useful in practical applications.
We provide an overview of the many and varied applications in which adaptive filters have
been successfully used.

Finally, we give a simple derivation of the least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm, which is

perhaps the most popular method for adjusting the coefficients of an adaptive filter, and we
discuss some of this algorithm’s properties. As for the mathematical notation used throughout
this section, all quantities are assumed to be real-valued. Scalar and vector quantities shall be
indicated by lowercase (e.g., x) and uppercase-bold (e.g., X) letters, respectively. We
represent scalar and vector sequences or signals as x(n) and X(n), respectively, where n
denotes the discrete time or discrete spatial index, depending on the application. Matrices and
indices of vector and matrix elements shall be understood through the context of the

The Adaptive Filtering Problem

Figure 18.1 shows a block diagram in which a sample from a digital input signal x(n) is fed
into a device, called an adaptive filter, that computes a corresponding output signal sample
y(n) at time n. For the moment, the structure of the adaptive filter is not important, except for
the fact that it contains adjustable parameters whose values affect how y(n) is computed. The
output signal is compared to a second signal d(n), called the desired response signal, by
subtracting the two samples at time n. This difference signal, given by

e(n) = d(n) – y(n) ------- (1)

is known as the error signal. The error signal is fed into a procedure which alters or adapts the
parameters of the filter from time n to time (n+1) in a well-defined manner. This process of
adaptation is represented by the oblique arrow that pierces the adaptive filter block in the
figure. As the time index n is incremented, it is hoped that the output of the adaptive filter
becomes a better and better match to the desired response signal through this adaptation
process, such that the magnitude of e(n) decreases over time. In this context, what is meant by
“better” is specified by the form of the adaptive algorithm used to adjust the parameters of the
adaptive filter.

In the adaptive filtering task, adaptation refers to the method by which the parameters of the
system are changed from time index n to time index (n+1) the number and types of parameters
within this system depend on the computational structure chosen for the system. We now
discuss different filter structures that have been proven useful for adaptive filtering tasks.

Filter Structures

In general, any system with a finite number of parameters that affect how y(n) is computed
from x(n) could be used for the adaptive filter in Fig. 18.1. Define the parameter or coefficient
vector W(n) as
W (n)  w0 (n), w1 (n)........ wL1 (n)    (2)

FIGURE 1: The general adaptive filtering problem

where wi (n),0  i  L  1 are the L parameters of the system at time n. With this definition,
could define a general input-output relationship for the adaptive filter as
y(n)  f W (n), y(n  1), y(n  2),....... y(n  N ), x(n), x(n  1),...... x(n  M  1)    (3)
where f(.) represents any well-defined linear or nonlinear function and M and N are positive
integers. Implicit in this definition is the fact that the filter is causal, such that future values of
x(n) are not needed to compute y(n). While noncausal filters can be handled in practice by
suitably buffering or storing the input signal samples, we do not consider this possibility.
Although (3) is the most general description of an adaptive filter structure, we are interested in
determining the best linear relationship between the input and desired response signals for
many problems. This relationship typically takes the form of a finite-impulse-response (FIR)
or infinite impulse-response (IIR) filter. Figure 2 shows the structure of a direct-form FIR
filter, also known
as a tapped-delay-line or transversal filter, where z−1 denotes the unit delay element and each
wi(n) is a multiplicative gain within the system. In this case, the parameters in W(n)
correspond to the impulse response values of the filter at time n. We can write the output
signal y(n) as
L 1
y (n )   wi (n )x(n  i )    (4)
i 0

y (n )  W T (n ) X (n )    (5)
X (n )  x (n ), x (n  1),...... x(n  L  1)

denotes the input signal vector and .T denotes vector transpose. Note that this system requires
L multiplies and L−1 adds to implement, and these computations are easily performed by a
processor or circuit so long as L is not too large and the sampling period for the signals is not
too short. It also requires a total of 2L memory locations to store the L input signal samples
and the L coefficient values, respectively.

FIGURE 2: Structure of an FIR filter.

The structure of a direct-form IIR filter is shown in Fig.3. In this case, the output of the
system can be represented mathematically as
y ( n )   a i ( n ) y ( n  i )   b j ( n ) x ( n  j )     ( 6)
i 1 i 1

although the block diagram does not explicitly represent this system in such a fashion. We
could easily write (6) using vector notation as
y (n)  W T (n)U (n)    (7)
where the (2N+1)- dimensional vectors W(n) and U(n) are defined as
W ( n )  a1 ( n ),a 2 ( n )........a N ( n ),b0 ( n ),b1 ( n ).......b N ( n )    (8)

U ( n )   y ( n  1), y ( n  2),....... y ( n  N ), x ( n ), x (n  1),...... x ( n  N )    (9)


respectively. Thus, for purposes of computing the output signal y(n), the IIR structure
involves a fixed number of multiplies, adds, and memory locations not unlike the direct-form
FIR structure.

FIGURE 3: Structure of an IIR filter

A third structure that has proven useful for adaptive filtering tasks is the lattice filter. A lattice
filter is an FIR structure that employs L − 1 stages of preprocessing to compute a set of
auxiliary signals bi (n),0  i  L  1 known as backward prediction errors. These signals have
the special property that they are uncorrelated, and they represent the elements of X(n)
through a linear transformation. Thus, the backward prediction errors can be used in place of
the delayed input signals in a structure similar to that in Fig.2, and the uncorrelated nature of
the prediction errors can provide improved convergence performance of the adaptive filter
coefficients with the proper choice of algorithm.
A critical issue in the choice of an adaptive filter’s structure is its computational
complexity. Since the operation of the adaptive filter typically occurs in real time, all of the
calculations for the system must occur during one sample time. The structures described
above are all useful because y(n) can be computed in a finite amount of time using simple
arithmetical operations and finite amounts of memory.

In addition to the linear structures above, one could consider nonlinear systems for which the
principle of superposition does not hold when the parameter values are fixed. Such systems
are useful when the relationship between d(n) and x(n) is not linear in nature. Two such
classes of systems are the Volterra and bilinear filter classes that compute y(n) based on
polynomial representations of the input and past output signals. In addition, many of the
nonlinear models developed in the field of neural networks, such as the multilayer perceptron,
fit the general form of (3), and many of the algorithms used for adjusting the parameters of
neural networks are related to the algorithms used for FIR and IIR adaptive filters.

Applications of Adaptive Filters

Perhaps the most important driving forces behind the developments in adaptive filters
throughout their history have been the wide range of applications in which such systems can
be used. We now discuss the forms of these applications in terms of more-general problem
classes that describe the assumed relationship between d(n) and x(n). Our discussion
illustrates the key issues in selecting an adaptive filter for a particular task. Extensive details
concerning the specific issues and problems associated with each problem genre can be found
in the references at the end.

System Identification
Consider Fig.4, which shows the general problem of system identification. In this diagram, the
system enclosed by dashed lines is a “black box,” meaning that the quantities inside are not
observable from the outside. Inside this box is (1) an unknown system which represents a
general input output relationship and (2) the signal  (n ) called the observation noise signal
because it corrupts the observations of the signal at the output of the unknown system.

FIGURE 4: System identification.

Channel Identification
In communication systems, useful information is transmitted from one point to another across
a medium such as an electrical wire, an optical fiber, or a wireless radio link. Nonidealities of
the transmission medium or channel distort the fidelity of the transmitted signals, making the
deciphering of the received information difficult. In cases where the effects of the distortion
can be modeled as a linear filter, the resulting “smearing” of the transmitted symbols is known
as inter-symbol interference (ISI). In such cases, an adaptive filter can be used to model the
effects of the channel ISI for purposes of deciphering the received information in an optimal
manner. In this problem scenario, the transmitter sends to the receiver a sample sequence x(n)
that is known to both the transmitter and receiver. The receiver then attempts to model the
received signal d(n) using an adaptive filter whose input is the known transmitted sequence
x(n). After a suitable period of adaptation, the parameters of the adaptive filter in W(n) are
fixed and then used in a procedure to decode future signals transmitted across the channel.

Channel identification is typically employed when the fidelity of the transmitted channel is
severely compromised or when simpler techniques for sequence detection cannot be used.

Plant Identification
In many control tasks, knowledge of the transfer function of a linear plant is required by the
physical controller so that a suitable control signal can be calculated and applied. In such
cases, we can characterize the transfer function of the plant by exciting it with a known signal
x(n) and then attempting to match the output of the plant d(n) with a linear adaptive filter.
After a suitable period of adaptation, the system has been adequately modeled, and the
resulting adaptive filter coefficients in W(n) can be used in a control scheme to enable the
overall closed-loop system to behave in the desired manner.
In certain scenarios, continuous updates of the plant transfer function estimate provided by
W(n) are needed to allow the controller to function properly.




Students are identified as slow learners/Weak students purely on the basis of their poor
performance in the examination. To improve the student performance in all aspects, the
department is adopts the following:
a. Remedial classes are arranged for weak students.
b. Counseling sessions are handled by the mentors for regular intervals and informs
parents regarding the improvement in marks obtained in exams.


The bright students are identified by their active participation in classroom discussion,
performance in the assessment tests, classroom seminars, questioning ability and University
result analysis.
a. The bright students are encouraged to participate in workshops and seminars to gain
knowledge on the latest developments.
b. The students are encouraged to do mini projects under the guidance of the faculty



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