Swami Vivekananda University: M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering
Swami Vivekananda University: M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering
Swami Vivekananda University: M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering
Fig. 1 Principle of laser hardening: thermal cycles at two points in 0.35% C steel [6]
The surface is heated rapidly to a temperature between a critical solid-state transformation temperature
and the melting temperature. This is illustrated for carbon steel in fig 1. The large volume of adjacent
material acts as an efficient heat sink, which cools the surface rapidly. Surface hardening is achieved
through phase transformations, notably the formation of martensite in ferrous alloys. The structural
properties of the bulk material, such as toughness and fracture resistance are retained, thus producing
an ideal composite structure [6].
4.1.1 Beam- material interaction
During solid-state transformations laser heating, the fraction of the beam power absorbed depends on
the absorptivity of the material surface [8]. In uncoated ferrous alloys, the photons of the laser beam
interact with free electrons in the substrate in a layer approximately 100 µm thick. Energy is
transferred into bulk of the substrate by classical thermal conduction. Absorption of the laser beam
Swami Vivekananda University
Telinipara, Barasat - Barrackpore Road
Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal – 700121
1.Sorption of laser beam and conservation of its energy to thermal lattice vibrations;
2. Heating without material damage;
3. Onset of vaporization in the interaction region and scatter of disintegration products
4. Cooling (quenching) after the laser interaction ceases.
The schematic diagram of laser system along with 3-axis gantry used during experimentation is as
shown in the Fig 3 is the actual photograph of the system.
The specifications of the laser head and 3-axis gantry attached with the system are as below.
Laser head specifications
Laser type- Pulsed Nd: YAG
Wavelength- 1.06µm
Maximum average output power-200 watts
Pulse repetition rate- 1~200Hz
Maximum power per pulse @20msec pulse width- 80Joules
Pulse width- 100µsec to 20msec
Beam divergence – 20mrad
Maximum Beam diameter-8mm
Beam expander- 2X to 8X with input aperture of maximum 20mm
Power supply- 3 phase 440 V AC mains input power supply with 32 Amp of current
Pulse shaping- increasing and decreasing steps for welding
Swami Vivekananda University
Telinipara, Barasat - Barrackpore Road
Bara Kanthalia, West Bengal – 700121
5.0 Applications:
• Lasers can be used for welding, cladding, marking, surface treatment, drilling, and cutting among
other manufacturing processes.
• It is used in the automobile, shipbuilding, aerospace, steel, electronics, and medical industries for
precision machining of complex parts.
• Laser welding is advantageous in that it can weld at speeds of up to 100 mm/s as well as the ability to
weld dissimilar metals.
• Drilling and cutting with lasers is advantageous in that there is little to no wear on the cutting tool as
there is no contact to cause damage.
6.0 Limitations:
Viva Questions:
1. Laser is a ----- manufacturing process
a) flexible
b) Ideal
c) Selective
d) Chip less