An Artificial Skylight Compared With Daylighting and L - 2022 - Journal of Build
An Artificial Skylight Compared With Daylighting and L - 2022 - Journal of Build
An Artificial Skylight Compared With Daylighting and L - 2022 - Journal of Build
Keywords: In the last decade, innovative systems such as Artificial Skylights (AS) have been developed to reproduce the
Artificial skylight blue-sky effect and white sunlight, giving the impression that interiors are illuminated by natural light, even
Monitoring campaign when this is not available because of construction- or climate-related reasons. Given the hybrid characteristics
User perception
between natural and artificial lighting, the aim of this research is to compare an AS with daylight and with
Visual well-being
artificial lighting to identify similarities and differences in performances, pointing out the most suitable in
dicators to describe it and to provide useful feedback for the design and integration of these systems.
A monitoring campaign was conducted involving nine participants who spent entire work sessions in a full-
scale living lab equipped as an office, with different lighting systems (AS, daylight and LED) and different
furniture configurations, completing a total of more than 360 questionnaires and analysing the visual and non-
visual effects.
AS and daylight share many similarities, which may be positive, such as pleasantness, circadian stimuli, colour
perception, as well as, in some scenarios, also negative, such as glare perception. As a conventional artificial
lighting system, even with AS, Unified Glare Rating correlates more strongly with users’ perception of glare than
Daylight Glare Probability, although both underestimate it. Overall, the workstation receiving diffuse light was
found to be the most comfortable and the higher installed lighting power density of AS with respect to LED is well
balanced by a better lighting quality.
Further research about AS is needed to define design guidelines and to support a holistic approach, funda
mental to high-performing buildings.
been implemented that recreate the view outside, with poor results in
terms of reproducing daylight [9]. One example is the Virtual Natural
1. Introduction
Lighting Solutions (VNLS), but the first and second generation pro
totypes tested ([10–14]) have not provided clear results [5]. Another
Many studies have investigated and demonstrated the numerous
solution is the artificial skylight, able to simulate a ceiling opening and
benefits of daylight (DL) in buildings such as the positive effects on vi
daylighting, but there is little previous research on it [5], with different
sual comfort, psychological benefits, health, workplace productivity and
settings and goals. To our knowledge, two systems are studied in the
energy savings [1–3]. As it is well known, people spend a lot of time
literature. The former is a prototype made of LED (Light Emitting Diode)
indoors [4]. Since it is not always possible to provide daylight due to
and covered by a blue optical structure. For clarity, it will be hereafter
constructional, safety or hygiene reason [5], negative effects such as a
referred to as Artificial Skylight Prototype (ASp). The latter system
reduction in alertness, drowsiness, psychological stress and lower job
consists of an artificial light source, spectrally similar to the visible part
satisfaction can occur [6]. In addition, if proper lighting conditions are
of sunlight (CCT – Correlated Colour Temperature 5770 K), and a
not regularly achieved for circadian stimulus effectiveness, zones can be
nanostructured material that mimics the Rayleigh scattering process
labelled as “biologically dark” with the risk of disrupting the circadian
that occurs in the atmosphere. It is called Artificial Skylight (AS) and it is
system [7]. Natural environments have positive effects on people [8]
the system investigated in this research. Stokkermans [15] investigated
but, in an attempt to connect with nature and reproduce the positive
an Asp capable of reproducing the blue sky effect and white sunlight,
effect of natural daylight when it is not available, some solutions have
All authors have seen and agree with each of the changes made to this manuscript in the revision.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Bellazzi).
Received 7 June 2021; Received in revised form 28 September 2021; Accepted 1 October 2021
Available online 11 October 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
and described two tests that measured both visual and non-visual pa questionnaires. The test duration was approximately 60 min for each
rameters. The former test investigated whether people could appreciate skylight system. 57% of participants felt that the ASp provided the
an ASp in an office space by measuring ratings of lighting (attractive strongest skylight experience, even though it was not compared to a real
ness, suitability for work, glare), room conditions (attractiveness, at skylight. Canazei conducted two different experiments in 2016 [18] and
mosphere, visual clarity, uniformity, spaciousness), affect as well as 2017 [5], in which an AS was able to simulate a ceiling opening with a
perceived naturalness (daylight experience, naturalness of colours). cloudless sky and sun and it was compared with a fluorescent lamp. In
Twenty-nine participants took part for 30 min in a test aimed at inves Ref. [18] one hundred people filled out 3 different questionnaires about
tigating the difference between a room with ASp and a room with room lighting, room atmosphere and connection to nature when
standard office fluorescent lighting. The results of this first test showed exposed to an artificial skylight for 60 min. He found that room lighting
that individuals preferred the standard room for an office activity due to of the AS is more pleasant, attractive and natural and glare perception is
greater uniformity of light, visual clarity and appropriate lighting. On the same for fluorescent lamp and skylight even when the tester is sitting
further investigation through a funnel debriefing, it was found that in in the “sun” position (directly hit by artificial sun). Only the in
dividuals who had a better daylighting experience had previously homogeneity is perceived as a negative aspect in an office. In the second
recognized the ASp in a better way. Pooling the results of the latter test, study [5] attention was focused on non-visual aspects, with one hundred
which focused on comparing the sun pattern preferences of thirty people testers divided into two test rooms for 72 min. The main finding was that
in an office and home environment, revealed that more realism was users felt more connected to nature with AS and perceived the office as
needed, especially in offices. Seuntiens [16] conducted an experiment to more lively, less tense and more distant than with fluorescent lighting.
analyse the preference of 20 testers regarding daylight impression in a Yasukouchi [6] tested the non-visual effects (brain arousal level, auto
room, comparing images of different artificial skylight configurations nomic nervous activity, work performance, subjective response during
for 70 side by side comparisons in total. Subjects preferred the larger day-time exposure and night-time release of melatonin) of an AS
rectangular skylights over the square skylights in terms of daylight compared to a conventional fluorescent light in an office, involving ten
impression, and a sky with visible sun was perceived more realistically healthy male adults. Table 1 summarizes the most important aspects
than a partly cloudy one with no visible sun. Wang [17] studied the analysed by reference literature on the subject of AS considered above.
effect on alertness, mood, self-control and cognitive performance of Lit environments are very complex when it comes to analysing the
twenty-five subjects, in an office setting during daytime with ASp. He correlation between photometric measurements and visual performance
compared four different lighting settings that varied the illuminance (E) and comfort, especially when more than one visual task is present for the
and CCT at eye level, as well as the proportion of light in the blue same position and daylighting is available [19]: visual quality can be
spectral range. During the day, participants felt less tense and happier, determined by individual aspects, but with many difficulties due to the
had higher levels of self-control, and showed a faster response in various low correlation with subjective responses and limited validation [20].
task activities under the effect of 400 lx and 9300 K light. The Carlucci affirmed that visual comfort has been commonly assessed by
blue-enriched light has no relevant effects on alertness during the day measuring the amount and uniformity of light, the quality of light in
(see the effects during the night found in other researches). Meerbeek colour rendering, and the prediction of the risk of glare for occupants,
[9] studied an ASp using a commercial led with an optical structure but all these indicators are measured separately and there is no possi
adapted to produce a blue-sky effect in combination with white sunlight. bility to summarise a global visual comfort with a single index [21].
The ASp was compared with a Standard Panel without an optical During the monitoring campaign several parameters and aspects are
structure and the same model with a Blue Filter. Thirty participants measured, and this paper aims at addressing the following main
tested the 3 systems by performing various tasks and typing objectives:
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Table 1
Artificial skylight references. Research goal: E, illuminance; G, glare; CS, circadian stimuli; NV, non-visual effects.
References Test room Systems tested No. Of Testers Test duration Research goal
• characterize the performance of AS when monitored data and user spent whole working days testing 3 different lighting systems in 3
preferences are compared with daylight and LED lighting to provide different furnishes configurations. All participants come from South
useful feedback for design and integration of these systems, testing Europe and have been selected in order to have a heterogeneous group
the lighting pattern in different working positions. The most considering age (average = 42 y ± 8.8), gender (5 males and 4 females),
important factors of visual comfort and users feeling are evaluated: colour of eyes (5 light and 4 dark) and absence of eye pathologies.
the amount and uniformity of light, glare, colour rendering, circa Choosing a small number of participants is a compromise to satisfy
dian rhythm and the user feedback; two requirements. The former is an analysis based on within-subjects
• find out whether standard indicators can correctly represent an study design. The same participant tested all the conditions. The latter
artificial skylight. is the period chosen to concentrate the experiments in the period near
the spring equinox, in order to conduct the entire campaign at the same
The monitoring campaign described in this paper involved nine times maintaining a solar path as constant as possible and similar nat
participants who spent entire work sessions in a full-scale living lab ural light and solar radiation conditions.
equipped as an office, with different lighting systems (DL, AS, and LED All participants previously provided their informed consent for in
lighting) and different furniture configurations, completing a total of clusion and the experiment was approved by the Ethics Review Com
more than 360 questionnaires and analysing visual and non-visual mittee of CNR (National Research Council of Italy) with registration
effects. number: 9397/2020.
2.1. Experimental campaign Three lighting systems (Fig. 2) are installed in the test room and
tested during different days: Daylighting (DL), Artificial Skylight (AS)
The test experience was performed in a full-scale living lab room of and Artificial Lighting (LED). When the AS and LED are tested, the
about 6.4 × 3.7 × 2.95 m (l x w x h) equipped as an office (Fig. 1) located windows are darkened by 100% opaque rolling curtains (measured
near Milan (45◦ 23′ N, 9◦ 15′ E), with white plaster and matte finish sur maximum illuminance below 2 lx). Each tested system is designed to
faces and furniture. From 20th of March to April 18, 2019, nine users represent a peculiar indoor lighting condition emphasizing specific
Fig. 1. Experimental campaing: a)Test room and equipment during DL session; b) detail of the AS.
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
lighting aspects. power. Participants tested this lighting system over a 3-h session.
This scenario represents the common artificial lighting condition
1. Daylighting (DL): the DL lighting system consists of two 1.1 × 1.6 m with static lighting intensity and distribution over the time and
low-emitting windows (τv = 54.3, g = 30.5, Ug = 0.6 W/m2K) on the within the room, potentially minimizing the discomfort risk related
South-East facade. The total window to floor area ratio is 12.5% and to illuminance and glare.
represents the minimum value allowed by Italian technical regula
tions. To use the daylight hours to best advantage, experiments and
2.3. Configurations and participants
participants involving were planned, for the same day, in the
morning (4 h) and in the afternoon (3 h). This scenario represents the
The three working desks are positioned inside the room in 3 different
common natural lighting with a high variability over the time. It
configurations (Fig. 3):
represents a situation with a potential high glare risk and an optimal
colour rendering and visual appearance of objects.
• Ow: workstations toward the South-West wall (shoulders toward the
2. Artificial Skylight (AS): static artificial light coming from AS (2
Coelux® LS modules 0,6 × 1,2 m with a 45◦ narrow angle). Partic
• OF: workstations toward the South-West facade (gaze on the
ipants tested this lighting system over a 3-h session. The AS tested is
composed by artificial light source modules, spectrally very similar
• OD: workstations toward the South-West facade (gaze on the door).
to the visible part of sunlight (CCT 5770 K), and of a nanostructured
material which recreates the Rayleigh scattering process (that
During the different test configurations, the nine participants divided
reproduce diffuse light) that occurs in the atmosphere. Each module
in groups of three always occupy the same workstation: PD (near the
provides a luminous flux of 3300 lm with a maximum electric energy
north-east façade and entrance door), PM (in the middle of the room) and
consumption of 90 W. The modules are dimmable with a DALI-based
PW (near the South-West wall).
protocol and a smartphone app but according to the scope of the
The position of the participants and the three configurations were
research this function was not used. The system produces a uniform
chosen in order to consider peculiar lighting conditions for DL and AS
45◦ tilted beam imitating the outdoor condition typical of a cloudless
lighting systems:
day. An intense yellowish light component (CCT 5000 K) mimics the
direct sunlight and creates the shadows of illuminated object. At the
• For DL, configuration OW and OD ensure vertical lateral lighting
same time, the diffuse skylight component creates blue-toned
while configuration OF guarantees vertical front lighting with direct
shadows. During the test, modules are placed above one working
sun beam;
desk (see 2.3) and sized to ensure on it at least 300 lx (minimum
• For AS, PW workstation ensures diffuse zenithal light, PM direct “Sun”
value for office tasks according EN 12464-1) with diffuse light. Direct
light and PD diffuse ambient light. Specifically, the rotation in PM
light beams are oriented towards the centre of the room with
allows to assess the effects on performances and perception in rela
orientation SW-NO. This scenario represents a hybrid lighting con
tion to direct light geometry changes.
dition between natural and artificial lighting with static light in
tensity over the time but high variability and discomfort risk related
On the contrary, the regular distribution of LED lighting elements
to illuminance, glare and colour rendering within the room.
keeps the lighting condition quite constant among workstations and
3. Artificial lighting (LED): for the artificial lighting system 8 LED
headlamps (14W power, φ = 1300 lm, CCT 4000K and CRI>90)
Participants carry out activities such as reading on the screen or
distributed over a grid with dimension 1.2 × 1.2 m have been
paper, typing, writing and all the white coloured desks are equipped
selected. The LED lighting system was designed with Dialux® soft
with the same furniture and hardware model: mouse, keyboards and 24′′
ware to ensure 300 lx at the desk level (+0.80 m above floor) with
black monitors set on all three workstations with the same settings of
homogeneous distribution over the room, operating at the maximum
luminosity, contrast and light temperature.
Fig. 3. Workstation configurations: a) OW – gaze on the wall; b) OF - gaze on the fenestrations; c) OD – gaze on the door.
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Table 3
Indicators and limits verified and graphical explanation (Example of the measure area in PM in Configuration OW).
Indicator Definition Limit
Ep Punctual illuminance in the 500
middle of the desk lx
Em,t Mean illuminance of the task 500
area calculated as the mean of lx
3 values: Em,t = (Ep + E1+E2)/
U0,t Uniformity of the task area, 0.60
calculated as the ratio between
the minimum and the mean
illuminance of the task area.
U0,t = Emin,t/Em,t,
U0,s Uniformity in the immediate 0.40
surrounding area, considering
a band of at least 0.5 m and
calculated as the ratio between
the minimum illuminance of
the task area and the mean
illuminance of the surrounding
area. U0,s = Emin,t/Em,s
U0,b Uniformity of the background 0.10
area, considering a band of at
least 3 m and within the limit
of the space and calculated as
the ratio between the
minimum illuminance of the
task area and the mean
illuminance of the room. U0,b
= Emin,t/Em,b
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
It varies between 0.1 and 0.7, where the former value is the minimum Table 6
circadian stimulus threshold, while the latter is the saturation level. Q3 Hourly questionnaire – Lighting questions.
Conventionally, a value equal to or greater than 0.3 is considered During the last hour, the light was:
optimal [33]. The offline version of the Lighting Research Center’s CS
Too bright Bright Slightly Neutral Slightly Dark Too dark
Calculator Web tool [34] was used to evaluate this indicator, using the bright dark
measured vertical illuminance to the eye of the observer and the spectral
− 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3
profile of the light sources. The default value of 0.5 of the Macular During the last working hour, how did you perceive the glare from frontal/
Pigment Optical Density (MPOD) was used. right/left/top/bottom direction?
During the last working hour, how did you perceive the glare from desk/screen/
2.5.4. Questionnaires ceiling/floor/windows elements?
Perfectly Slightly Fairy difficult to Very Intolerable
During their stay in the testing facility participants have completed 4
tolerable difficult tolerate difficult
different questionnaires, as explained in Table 5. to to
Questions related to Q3 and Q4 are formulated in accordance with tolerate tolerate
EN ISO 10551 Annex C [35], with a bipolar or unipolar scale. About Q3 1 2 3 4 5
(Table 6), in question 1, the lighting level is defined by a perception During the last hour, your working activity was:
Perfectly Slightly Fairy difficult to Very Intolerable
scale (7-point bipolar scale). Question 2 and 3 are about the glare based tolerable difficult tolerate difficult
on a tolerance scale (5-point one-pole scale). Question 4 is built on the to to
working appraisal based on a tolerance scale (5-point one-pole scale). In tolerate tolerate
question 5, the colour perception of the working station is defined by a 1 2 3 4 5
During the last hour, the colour of your working station was:
perception scale (7-point bipolar scale). Finally, question 6 is an
Too cold Cold Slightly Neutral Slightly Warm Too warm
open-ended question about the mood. cold warm
Q4 has the same questions of Q3 plus some others. In particular, in − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3
question 7 the visual well-being is defined by a perception scale (5-point During the last working hour, how did you feel
one-pole scale). In question 8, the compilation of the colour test is During the last working hour, how did you feel?
Q1 General user data age, gender, colour of the Once at the 3.1. Monitoring-based data analysis
eyes, any visual problems, beginning of the
information about working monitoring
habits (such as the kind of campaign
3.1.1. Illuminance level distribution
light they prefer to work with, Analysing the recorded DL values of illuminance, DL-OW and DL-OD
natural, artificial or a show a similar trend with a very high maximum level of Ep (around 1600
combination of them) lx) during the morning, specifically in PD and PW that are in front of the
Q2 User initial quality and number of hours At the beginning of
windows (Fig. 5-a). Em,t and Em remain above the limit threshold of 500
conditions slept the previous night, type each daily session
of clothing worn lx (Fig. 5-b) but a low uniformity of U0,t and U0,s is still highlighted,
Q3 Hourly 14 questions about IEQ At the end of each specifically in PD and PW, because the direct solar radiation entering the
questionnaire (acoustic, lighting, IAQ – working hour room causes very sunny zones and darker ones on the desks (Fig. 5-c-d).
Indoor Air Quality, Regarding DL-OF (Fig. 6), once again, there is no uniformity on the desk
temperature etc.) of which 4
about visual quality:
area due to the screen shadow: in some days U0,t,PD and U0,t,PW are al
brightness, glare and colour ways below the threshold value (0.6).
perception, and 1 about the With AS, in all the three configurations there is a very low uniformity
mood in the room because PD and PW are the darkest positions both in terms of
Q4 Ambient quality 12 questions about the global At the end of each
Ep and in terms of Em (about 200 lx), while PM is the brightest one, with
questionnaire well-being during the whole daily working
session: 4 questions about the session monitored illuminance values of one order of magnitude higher. The
light quality (brightness, difference between the configurations is that in AS-OF and AS-OD, the
colour, global visual well- uniformity on the desk area is equal to 1 (uniformly bright in PM and
being and difficulty to uniformly dark in PD and PW) while in AS-OW there is a low uniformity in
complete the “Farnsworth –
PM because of the screen shading. The trend of the illuminance value
Munsell colourtest”) and the
remaining questions about the recorded by the different sensors is shown in Fig. 7.
appraisal of working
conditions, the appraisal of 3.1.2. Glare and contrast
the environment and the main
Glare is assessed using DGP for DL, UGR for LED and both of them for
cause of discomfort if any and,
in this case, the change needed
AS, as illustrated in Table 8. Maximum (max), minimum (min) and
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Table 7
Q4 Ambient quality questionnaire – Lighting questions.
How do you evaluate the visual well-being as a whole?
1 2 3 4 5
How do you consider the compilation of the colour test?
Perfectly tolerable Slightly difficult to tolerate Fairy difficult to tolerate Very difficult to tolerate Intolerable
1 2 3 4 5
What was the major cause of discomfort?
Which of the following features would you have liked to change?
averaged values of each position in the 3 different configurations are quite below the previous threshold, in all the configurations. Only DL-PD
listed for DL. For AS and LED, there are not the maximum, minimum and and DL-PW show glare effects in the early period of the monitoring
average columns cause they are artificial systems and the output is a session (9.30–10.30 a.m.), with direct sunlight entering the room. The
constant value that varies only for each position and configuration. highest values are recorded in DL–OF–PW and PD, when light is frontal.
As reported in Table 8, with DL, in all the three configurations, the As a result, only 3% of cases shows glare effects. For AS, DGP values are
DGP values are most of the time below the glare perception threshold very low, always below 0.2, therefore very far from the threshold value;
(0.35). In particular, DL-PM generally shows the lowest DGP values, the UGR values exceed the threshold only in AS-OW with one value
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Fig. 7. AS: Illuminance distribution With LED-OW (Fig. 8), the illuminance distribution is uniform with a range of 400–500 lx over all the reference surfaces.
higher than “13-Just perceptible” (13.64 in AS-OW-PD) and one value perceived. So with AS, glare is perceived for front light. LEDs respect the
higher than “16-Perceptible” (16.13, the highest one, in AS-OW-PM): all limits with the highest value equal to 9.35, so neither the 10-impercep
the others values are below 13 and in AS-OF and AS-OD no glare is tible threshold is recorded.
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Table 8 lighting, glare is perceived from the windows or from the desk in DL. For
DGP and UGR values for the considered lighting scenarios – In bold type the AS, the Zenithal light (Fig. 9 d)) is critical too, with 44% of the cases with
values higher than the threshold value. CR values too high with respect to the threshold value. Zenithal lighting
DGP UGR gives always optimal CR values for LED. Side light incidence (Fig. 9 b))
always ensures good CR values.
Fig. 9. CR assessment for different light incidence on workplaces: a) – Front, b) – Side, c) – Rear, d) – zenithal. Figure a), b) and c) do not consider LED, figure d) does
not consider DL.
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Fig. 10. Overlay of FoV subdivision on a false colour luminance image captured with the 180◦ fisheye lens. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 11. Hourly mean CS values for DL for the three different configurations. Values are reported in blue for PD, in red for PM, and in green for PW. (For interpretation
of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Fig. 12. Correlation between user perception of brightness and data monitored with DL.
Fig. 13. Correlation between user perception of brightness and data monitored with AS.
Fig. 14. Correlation between user perception of brightness (votes) and data monitored with LED.
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Fig. 15. Global glare perception vote, from 1 = perfectly tolerable to 5 = Intolerable.
Fig. 16. “Frontal” field of view area glare perception score, from 1 = Perfectly tolerable to 5 = Intolerable.
situations where light is coming frontally with respect to the user. OF-PD but the highest standard deviation is recorded in DL- OW-PD (
Analysing the “frontal” sector score, the highest values are recorded 1.29): due to the large variation of the luminous values during the day,
(Fig. 16): AS-PM reaches a value higher than 3.5 and, on the whole, the working conditions are perceived as very hard to tolerate or intolerable
PD working desk results to be the most unfavourable with all the lighting during the morning but tolerable during the afternoon. With AS, the
systems showing values higher than 3 in DL-OF, AS-OW, AS-OD and LED. difference is perceived for (the) workstation and AS-PW is more
About the hourly work hardship (Fig. 17), with DL, for all the 3 comfortable in all the configurations. With LED, the perception is similar
configurations, the mean vote is between 2 in DL-OD-PW and 3.2 in DL- in all the workstations and the votes are concentrated between 2 and 3.5
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
in the most of cases. within AS for each of the considered aspects (the result was predictable
The analysis of hourly responses about mood does not give peculiar since the workstation, the farthest from AS modules, receive only the
results in relation to the lighting scenario. Indeed, most of the answers reflected light from room surfaces) and confirm that AS mean perfor
are “relaxed” for each considered scenario. mances of “useable” workstations (PM and PW) are clearly better than
The analysis of hourly colour perception feedback (Fig. 18) is per LED.
formed considering the peculiar colour features of lighting scenarios. DL The second session-based user response regards the testing of colour
colour changes over the day so morning and afternoon feedbacks are perception, provided by the FM-100 test. There are two relevant test
treated separately. LED and DL light sources are chromatically and results: the absolute error and the Main Colour Confusion Area (MCCA).
evenly spread across the test room (black and white coloured) so the The absolute error is defined by the mean Total Error Score (TES):
workstation position is not considered as a variable. On the basis of the the higher the TES value, the higher the colour sequencing error.
above, DL colour is mostly perceived as neutral both in the morning and Generally, a TES value equal to or below 40 means an absence of colour
in the afternoon (45%), while the second frequent perception is warmer vision deficiency.
in the morning and colder in the afternoon. LED colour perception is Scenarios mean measured TES are 43.5 (±23.5) for DL, 42.4 (±19.8)
essentially slightly warm (70%), confirming the nominal CCT values of for AS and 30.5 (±12.6) for LED, respectively. Despite the low values,
the lamps (4000 K). On the contrary, AS colour perception is more they denote how LED allows a slightly better colour perception with
sensitive to the workstation position because the device emits light both respect to DL and AS. In particular, while in LED the 71% of TES values
at 3800 K (direct beam light) and at 30,000 K (diffuse “sky” light). The are below 40, in DL and AS, the ratio drops to 57% and to 52%,
subjective feedback analysis confirms the previous concept. In the AS-PM respectively.
workstation, characterized by direct lighting, the most frequent The MCCA identifies where, throughout the colour range, the user
perception is “slightly warm” (48%) and no “cold” perception is detec have the greatest difficulties in distinguishing colours: in this case,
ted, while in the AS-PW workstation, under diffuse light the “slightly MCCA is the hue colour sector of the Colour Vision Deficiency Type
cold” perception is the most frequent (52%) and neither “slightly warm” diagram showing the highest error. The reference colour hue sectors are:
and “warm” feedbacks are provided. The AS-PD workstation perception R-RP (red to red/purple), RP-P (red/purple to purple), P-PB (purple-
wavers halfway between the previous ones. purple/blue), PB-B (purple/blue-blue), B-BG (blue-blue/green), BG-G
(blue/green-green), G-GY (green-green/yellow), GY-Y (green/yellow-
3.2.2. Session-based users’ feedback (Q4 questionnaire) yellow), Y-YR (yellow-yellow/red) and YR-R (yellow/red-red).
The main results of the “Q4-Evaluation of the ambient quality” filled Fig. 19 shows the MCCA for each lighting system. DL results are
at the end of each session are summarized in Table 10. grouped in “Morning” and “Afternoon” in order to take into account the
According to the analysis of the work hardship, which confirms the sky colour temperature variation during the day.
trend of the hourly analysis, DL-PD is perceived as “fairly difficult to
tolerate” and the trend in DL-PM and PW is toward “slightly difficult to 4. Discussion
tolerate”. AS-PW is perceived as “slightly difficult to tolerate” while AS-
PD and PM exceed “fairly difficult to tolerate”. LED-PD is perceived as The first main goal of this research is the characterization of the AS
“very difficult to tolerate” while LED-PM and PW are between “slightly with respect to DL and LED, by analysing and comparing objective in
and fairly difficult to tolerate”. The visual well-being is perceived as dicators and subjective analyses. About the illuminance level, the
uncomfortable with all the lighting systems: LED-PD shows the highest analysis of the monitored data shows non-uniform light zones in AS, like
value, almost “very uncomfortable”, while AS-PW and LED-PW shows the DL. With DL, the low uniformity depends on the hour of the day and
lowest one. AS-PD and PM values are greater than 4. The most uniform varies during the day in the same workstation; with AS, it depends on the
perception is recorded with DL, with values around 3, in all working orientation of the lighting system and it is fixed for specific workstations.
stations. With LED, light is uniformly distributed.
In Table 10 the major cause of discomfort is “None” with DL, fol Analysing the correlation between monitored data and users’ per
lowed by noise, “noise” with AS and “glare” with LED. A more uniform ceptions with DL, the room is perceived well illuminated, which corre
light, as LED, permits to identify other discomfort causes: the major sponds to the illuminance level recorded that nearly exceeds 300 lx; too
cause of discomfort “None” is 12% with LED while it is equal or more high illuminance levels monitored during the morning are confirmed by
than 30% with DL and AS. It is important to highlight that the partici the − 1 and − 2 users’ votes. With AS, users’ preferences confirm the non-
pants knew that it was an experiment about lighting quality and this uniformity of the lighting distribution, with a AS-PD perceived as too
could have influenced their answers. dark, AS-PM as too bright and AS-PW as the most neutral working station.
AS mean values gives better results than LED about lighting levels, With LED, there is a discrepancy between monitored data and user
colour perception and visual well-being. On the contrary, LED gives perception: while the monitored illuminance levels are in the optimal
better results than AS in relation to work hardship. However it must be range of 300–500 lx, users perceived the room as “too bright”.
underline while LED lighting conditions are uniform within the room, Focusing on glare aspects, with DL and AS, nearly all the DGP in
with AS this is not true. In particular the PD performances are the worst dicators measured are below the threshold value (0.35) and the main
Fig. 18. Colour perception feedback analysis: DL and LED scenario (left), AS scenario (right). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Table 10
Q4-Evaluation of the ambient quality questionnaire results.
Room lighting level (− 3 = too Colour (− 3 = too cold, Work hardship (1 = perfectly Visual well-being (1 = comfortable, 5 Major cause of
bright, 3 = too dark) 3 = too warm) tolerable, 5 = intolerable) = much uncomfortable) discomfort
Analysing the room lighting level and colour, DL is perceived as the most neutral lighting system in all the working stations, with values between − 1 and 0. With AS,
AS-PW is the more neutral working station, while AS-PD and PM are perceived as “slightly dark/slightly warm” and “slightly bright/slightly cold”, respectively. With the
LED system, all the workstations show a cold light perception with PD showing the coolest light perception.
glare scores expressed by the users in the questionnaires are “1-Perfectly • for DL the new “Perfectly tolerable” score is expressed by 85% of
tolerable” or “2-Slightly difficult to tolerate”. Glare is measured with users and “Not perceptible” DGP indicator is recorded in 96% of
front light source as to the field of view, both for DL and AS; for DL, cases;
however, glare is perceived also in PM, therefore not only in worksta • for AS the new “Perfectly tolerable” score is expressed by 77% of
tions located in front of the windows. In Table 11 and Table 12 for DL users and “Not perceptible” DGP indicator is recorded in 100% of
and AS scenarios, respectively, the “2-Slightly difficult to tolerate” cases;
scores are grouped within “1-Perfectly tolerable” in order to have
comparable 4-step glare preferences as for DGP indicators. The results In relation to the previous data, the personal perception score and
are now more comparable: the DGP classification provide similar results making DGP classification
feasible to predict subjective glare sensation. However, DGP values tend
to underestimate real glare perception, both in DL and in AS scenarios:
Table 11
User glare score/DGP rating matrix with aggregation of “perfectly tolerable” and “Slightly difficult to tolerate” users perception ratings for DL scenario.
Glare score Perfect and slightly difficult to tolerate <2.5 132 3 0 1 84.5%
Fairly difficult to tolerate 2.6–3.5 23 0 2 0 15.5%
Very difficult to tolerate 3.6–4.5 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Intolerable >4.5 0 0 0 0 0.0%
% 96.3% 1.9% 1.2% 0.6%
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
Table 12
User glare score/DGP rating matrix with aggregation of “Perfectly tolerable” and “Slightly difficult to tolerate” users’ perception ratings for AS scenario.
in particular, the lower the DGP value, the more pronounced the dif perception score (− 0.78) is more neutral than the slightly cool percep
ference between measurement and subjective glare perception. This tion value (− 1). In this sense, objective indicators and subjective re
result is consistent with the previous study of Van Den Wymelenberg sponses provide comparable results.
and Inanici [39]. Focusing on the second main objective of this research, it emerges
The comparison of user mean glare score and UGR values for AS and that a single indicator is not always a proper representation of the visual
LED (Fig. 20) shows an overall correlation of 0.70. For AS, while DGP quality.
was always low with respect to the glare detection threshold (0.35), the In detail, the illuminance level for DL is respected, the color
UGR was higher than 13 (glare detection threshold) in two situations: perception is neutral, the DGP is less than 0.35 and the performance on
AS-OW-PM and AS-OW-PD. Comparing the output of the monitored data the circadian rhythm is excellent. On the other hand, work hardship is
with the questionnaires and considering that the DGP indicator and perceived by the users due to the extreme variability of the lighting
related scale are validated for higher Ev values than AS, UGR values are conditions and the glare problems in the first hours of the morning. It
more appropriate in describing the glare performance of this lighting was chosen to leave out the shielding systems for this experiment, with a
system. view to comparing the daylight beam with AS beam, however, the
Circadian stimulus effects could influence working productivity and, importance of a solar radiation control system has become evident. AS
indirectly, work hardship. The comparison of CS values with work has, in general, a good performance recorded in terms of circadian
hardship responses carried out in this experiment provides consistent stimulus, colour rendering and glare, but the output varies considerably
results only for DL, which, in the specific case, is the best performing with the workstation position and orientation. The main criticality is
scenario. With AS, the output depends on the working position, with related to the uniformity of illuminance, essentially due to the tight
good performance in AS-PW and PM and poor performance in AS-PD. beam of the light emitted. The performance of objective indicators was
With LED, the threshold value of 0.3 is never reached. However, the partly, though not in all cases, confirmed by the questionnaires: for
circadian stimulus exposure provided by lighting affects the sleep/wake example, glare is often perceived by the eye of the participants also from
cycle with medium/long term effects that cannot be clearly highlighted a position from where glare is not measured, especially under direct
based on a single day’s subjective analysis. In addition, work hardship lighting conditions. This suggests that the causes of the discomfort
perception is affected by a combination of different variables that are experienced by the participant are mostly due to the non-uniformity of
not only related to lighting (temperature, air quality, noise, etc.). illuminance and luminance of the surfaces that is detected by moving
The results of the analysis of the data relating to light colour are the gaze direction during the activity (while the glare indexes are
partially contradictory. In fact, while the best FM-100 TES values are detected in a static way by directing the fisheye lens of the video
related to the LED lighting scenario, the best “neutrality” in colour photometer towards the front direction). Therefore, the performance of
perception is reached in DL. The same comparison demonstrates that AS the AS systems turns out to be very sensitive to the position of the system
is the second preferable solution for both analyses. In any case, even the with respect to the workstation, as demonstrated by Canazei [18].
worst FM-100 values (43.4) are very close to the reference value of 40 LED results analysis confirms the discrepancy between data and
(“None” colour vision deficiency threshold) and the worst Colour perception. Even if the best illuminance level (500 lux) and maximum
A. Bellazzi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 45 (2022) 103407
uniformity targets are reached, LEDs are perceived by users as the worst order to point out optimized dimming control strategies preserving
system in terms of visual comfort: it is resulted the system with the colour rendering and lighting quality as well. Further studies and tests
lowest circadian stimulus (≤0.2, Table 9). This can be related to the CCT on Artificial Skylight in different configurations and compared with
equal to 4000 K that could be too low for office activities, as explained in alternative technologies as sunlight tubes should be interesting to
other researches ([40,41]). investigate and to define design guidelines.
As reported in other studies, like [20,42], the need is highlighted for
a monitoring protocol for lighting, especially for the assessment of glare CRediT authorship contribution statement
A. Bellazzi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing
5. Conclusions – original draft, Writing – review & editing. L. Danza: Supervision,
Writing – review & editing. A. Devitofrancesco: Conceptualization,
This paper describes a monitoring campaign with the aim to compare Investigation, Writing – review & editing. M. Ghellere: Methodology,
the lighting performance of an Artificial Skylight respect to daylight and Investigation, Data curation, Writing – review & editing. F. Salamone:
LED and users perception. Different configurations were chosen in order Data acquisition and Management, Hardware Setup, Writing – review &
to consider peculiar lighting conditions, testing diffuse or direct beam or editing.
frontal or lateral light. Several indicators have been measured and
compared with users perception to move a first step toward a definition Declaration of competing interest
of a global indicator.
This specific test highlighted that the performances of the artificial The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
skylight share some similarities with daylight solar radiation, such as the interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
good performance of the CS and in colour rendering. In relation to other the work reported in this paper.
metrics (illuminance level, glare, contrast, user’s perception) the per
formances are in line with those provided by other considered systems.
Given the impossibility of using lighting shielding, it is extremely
important to properly orient it and correctly install the right number of
This study was part of I-ZEB Project (2016–2019) which was funded
systems to optimize lighting and working well-being. AS could be used
by Lombardy Region and CNR (grant number no. 19366/RCC) with the
in an office but, due to its peculiar lighting features, such as tight
collaboration of 16 companies of building industry. We gratefully
lighting beam and fixed inclination, the workstation orientation and
acknowledge Paolo Cardillo for revising the English text of the
position have a great impact on visual performance (in particular in
glare indicators and subjective perception). PW, receiving diffuse zenith
light, ensures the best lighting performance. As far as measurements are
concerned, the most critical issue regards AS glare assessment. Although
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