Metal Matrix Composites Focus On Alloys and Lattice Dynamics - Suzanne N. Fitzgerald
Metal Matrix Composites Focus On Alloys and Lattice Dynamics - Suzanne N. Fitzgerald
Metal Matrix Composites Focus On Alloys and Lattice Dynamics - Suzanne N. Fitzgerald
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Preface vii
Chapter 1 Generation and Validation of Failure Assessment
Diagrams for High Strength Alloys Utilizing
the Inherent Flaw Model 1
S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
Chapter 2 Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics of Reversible
Martensitic Transformation during Thermal Cycling
Treatment of a Monocrystalline Cu-13.5Al-4Ni Alloy 19
E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov,
S. N. Monteiro and R. J. S. Rodríguez
Chapter 3 Lattice Dynamics of Equiatomic Alkali Binary Alloys 47
Aditya M. Vora
Chapter 4 Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Alloys 71
Aditya M. Vora
Chapter 5 Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Metals 89
Aditya M. Vora
Chapter 6 Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 103
Aditya M. Vora
Index 123
with the RMT. Moreover, a decrease in both, the thermal hysteresis and the
enthalpy, as well as an increase in the microhardness were also observed with
applied load. This behavior is not only a consequence of a decrease in the
martensitic variants but also related to the greater stability of an intermediate
state, which facilitates the transformation mechanism.
Chapter 3 - The computations of the lattice dynamics of equiatomic alkali
binary alloys to second order in local model potential is discussed in terms of
real-space sum of Born von Karman central force constants. The local field
correlation functions due to Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are used to
investigate influence of the screening effects on the aforesaid properties.
Results for the lattice constants i.e. C11 , C12 , C 44 , C12 C44 , C12 C44 and
bulk modulus B obtained using the H-local field correction function have
higher values in comparison with the results obtained for the same properties
using IU local field correction function. The results for the Shear modulus (
C ), deviation from Cauchy‟s relation, Poisson‟s ratio , Young modulus
Y , propagation velocity of elastic waves, phonon dispersion curves and
degree of anisotropy A are highly appreciable for equiatomic alkali binary
Chapter 4 - In the present chapter, the lattice dynamical properties of some
equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys are reported in second order approach
through the equation given by Hubbard and Beeby (HB). The pair correlation
function is directly computed from the interatomic pair potential, which
is used in the present computation. Two different forms of local field
correction functions proposed by Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are
used in the present study the screening dependence of the phonon frequencies
in the equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys. Thermodynamic and elastic
properties of equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys are reported from the long
wave length limits of the phonon dispersion curves (PDC). The pseudo-alloy-
atom (PAA) model is applied for the first time for the alloying elements.
Chapter 5 - In the present chapter, the lattice dynamical properties of some
alkali metals are reported in second order approach through the equation given
by Hubbard and Beeby (HB). The pair correlation function is directly
computed from the interatomic pair potential, which is used in the present
computation. Two different forms of local field correction functions proposed
by Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are used in the present study the
screening dependence of the phonon frequencies in the metallic elements.
Preface ix
Thermodynamic and elastic properties of alkali metals are reported from the
long wave length limits of the phonon dispersion curves (PDC).
Chapter 6 - The computations of the lattice dynamics of solid metallic
elements to second order in local model potential is discussed in terms of real-
space sum of Born von Karman central force constants. The local field
correlation functions due to Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are used to
investigate influence of the screening effects on the aforesaid properties.
Results for the lattice constants i.e. C11 , C12 , C 44 , C12 C44 , C12 C44 and
bulk modulus B obtained using the H-local field correction function have
higher values in comparison with the results obtained for the same properties
using IU local field correction function. The results for the Shear modulus
( C ), deviation from Cauchy‟s relation, Poisson‟s ratio , Young modulus
Y , propagation velocity of elastic waves, phonon dispersion curves and
degree of anisotropy A are highly appreciable for metallic elements.
In: Metal Matrix Composites ISBN: 978-1-61324-483-8
Editor: Suzanne N. Fitzgerald © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 1
Keywords: High strength alloys, center crack tensile specimen, inherent flaw
model, failure assessment diagram, fracture strength
Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
2 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
a ci Damage zone size
c Half crack length
K F , m, p Fracture parameters in equation (1)
KIFM, aci Fracture parameters in equation (8)
c Parameter in Failure assessment diagram
t Specimen thickness
W Specimen width
Y Finite width correction factor
Applied far field stress
Fracture strength of a wide specimen
NC Fracture strength of finite width specimen
o Ultimate tensile strength (unnotched strength)
failure assessment diagram or the R6 method [3], the integrity of the structure
is assessed and represented in a two-dimensional way: a function of the failure
strength pursuant to linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is plotted as
ordinate and that pursuant to plastic collapse as abscissa. The Dugdale model
[4] established the stress limits for any transitional stages between linear
elastic failure and plastic collapse. Experiments largely proved these limits to
be conservative. The two-parameter fracture criterion of Newman [1, 5] too,
applies relations derived within the scope of LEFM. In this criterion, the two
fracture parameters take account of the deviation of the stress-to-failure from
the stress calculated pursuant to LEFM principles. These parameters have to
be determined earlier in pretests, so-called base-line tests, conducted under
identical conditions of the material. Keller, Junker and Merker [6] have carried
out fracture analysis of surface cracks in cylindrical vessels applying the two-
parameter fracture criterion. It was neither possible to determine satisfactorily
the failure stresses of vessels by means of fracture parameters obtained from
fracture mechanics specimens, nor to predict the loads to failure of the
specimens by means of the vessels‟ fracture parameters. Zerbst et al. [7] have
applied the recently developed European flaw assessment procedure SINTAP
(Structural Integrity Assessment Procedures for European Industry) to the
published fracture data [8] on steel pipes having through-wall and surface
cracks subjected to internal pressure. The SINTAP procedure offers a CDF
(Crack Driving Force) and a FAD (Failure Assessment Diagram) route. Both
are complementary and give identical results. In the CDF route the
determination of the crack tip loading in the component and its comparison
with the fracture resistance of the material are two separate steps. In contrast to
this philosophy, in the FAD route, a failure line is constructed by normalizing
the crack tip loading with the material‟s fracture resistance. The assessment of
the component is then based on the relative location of an assessment point
with respect to this failure line.
For cracked configurations, a relation between the stress intensity factor
(Kmax) and the corresponding stress ( f) at failure is suggested as [9-12]:
K max K F 1 m 1 m f (1)
u u
4 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
where, f is the failure stress normal to the direction of the crack in a body
and u is the nominal stress required to produce a plastic hinge on the net
section. For the pressurized cylinders, f is the hoop stress at the failure
pressure of the flawed cylinder, and u is the hoop stress at the failure
pressure of an unflawed cylinder. For the determination of three fracture
parameters (KF, m and p), test results of simple laboratory specimens like
compact tension specimens, center crack specimens etc. can be utilized. For
fracture strength evaluation of any other structural configuration, the stress
intensity factor corresponding to that geometry is to be used in equation (1) to
develop the necessary fracture strength equation. If the values of applied stress
and corresponding stress intensity factor for the specified crack size in a
structure lie below the Kmax - f curve of the failure assessment diagram, the
structure for that loading condition is safe.
Fracture data [13] have been compiled for selected high strength alloys
(viz., steels, aluminium and titanium alloys) useful for aircraft applications.
This article utilizes an improved inherent flaw model for tensile fracture
strength evaluation of high strength alloys.
The stress intensity factor for a wide tensile specimen having a centre
crack is expressed as
K I c (2)
where σ is the applied stress and c is half crack length. Similar to Irwin‟s
plastic zone correction, the assumption of the existence of an intense energy
region of length a ci (Figure1) results in the following equation for a wide
centre crack tensile specimen at failure:
Here NC is the fracture strength of the wide tensile specimen having a
centre crack of length 2c; a ci is the crack- tip damage size at failure. In other
words c a ci is an effective half crack length. For the case of unflawed
specimens, the fracture strength equals the ultimate tensile strength ( o ) and
equation (3a) becomes
KQ o a ci (3b)
NC (4)
a ci
6 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
= NC Y (5)
Y sec (6)
where „c‟ is half the crack length and W is the specimen width.
Using NC
, 0 and c, the unknown characteristic a ci is found from
equation (4) as
aci 2
o a ci NC
1 aci (8)
To determine the parameters (KIFM and aci ) in equation (8), two cracked
specimen tests in addition to an unflawed specimen test are required. Normally
more tests are performed to take into account the scatter in test results. The
parameters KIFM and aci in equation (8) are determined by a least square
curve fit to the data for aci and .It should be noted that aci = 0 in
equation (8) represents the constant damage size. When aci >1 and NC 0 ,
0 aci
equation (8) results 0 . Hence, 0 aci 1. Whenever aci is
found to be greater than unity, the parameter aci is truncated to 1 by suitably
modifying the parameter KIFM with the fracture data. If aci is found to be less
than zero, the parameter aci is truncated to zero and the average of
0 aci values from the fracture data yields the parameter KIFM. Using
equations (7) and (8), one can write the following nonlinear equation for the
fracture strength ( NC
) after eliminating the characteristic length a ci as
1 aci NC 1 c (9)
This non-linear fracture strength equation (9) is solved using the Newton–
Raphson iterative scheme to obtain ( NC
) for the specified crack size. The
fracture strength ( NC ) of the finite width plate is obtained by dividing ( NC
A relation between K Q c and is obtained from
equation (9) as
8 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
KQ K IFM 1 aci NC 1
0 0
Fracture data [13] on high strength alloys useful for aircraft applications is
utilized in the present study to verify the validity of the fracture criterion. The
unnotched strength ( 0 ) data in Table 1 are categorized by material, alloy,
temper and / or heat treatment, bare or clad and thickness. Specimen
identification is made by lettering LT or TL while generating the plane-stress
and transitional fracture toughness data. The first letter indicates the
orientation of material of the specimen relative to the direction of stressing and
the second, the direction of crack / damage propagation. Average strength
value of the multiple test results is considered in the analysis.
A standard error (SE) between analytical and test results is obtained from
1 N AnalysisRe sult
SE = 1
N i 1
Test Re sult i
Analysis Re sult
Relative error (%) = 100 1
Test Re sult
Table 1. Fracture toughness parameters (KIFM and aci ) evaluated from
the test results [13] of centre crack tension specimens made of various
metallic alloys
Fracture analysis has been carried out considering the ultimate tensile
strength values and the fracture data of various metallic alloys (viz, Steel-300,
7075-T6, Ti-6Al-4V, 7475-T61) generated from center–crack tensile
specimens having different thicknesses. From the fracture strength ( NC ) data
of the finite width center-crack tension specimens, the fracture strength ( NC
for wide tensile specimens is obtained from equation (5). Substituting the
crack length (2c), the unnotched strength ( 0 ) and the notched strength ( NC
and 0 from fracture data are fitted in equation (8) to obtain the fracture
parameters ( K IFM and aci ). Table 1 gives the determined fracture
parameters ( K IFM and aci ) from the test data of different materials. When
δaci= 0, the characteristic length becomes constant and the fracture strength (
) is obtained for the crack size (2c) from equation (4). The fracture
strength ( NC ) for the finite width plate is obtained by dividing NC
with the
correction factor (Y). When aci >0, one can generate fracture strength ( NC
versus the crack size (2c) curves from equation (9) by specifying the values of
from 0 to 0 . From this curve, one can find easily the fracture strength (
) for the crack size. Then applying the finite width correction factor (Y) to
, the fracture strength ( NC ) for the finite width plate can be estimated.
In the present study, the non-linear fracture strength equation (9) is solved
using the Newton-Raphson iterative method. Tables 2 to 6 give the
comparison of fracture strength estimations with the test results.
The standard error (SE) is found to be less than 0.1, which indicates that
the fracture strength estimations utilizing the fracture parameters ( K IFM and
aci ) can be expected within ±10% of the test results. Figures 2 to 5 show the
failure assessment diagrams including the fracture data of the materials. It can
be seen from Figure-6 that most of the fracture strength estimations are within
±10% of the test results.
Generation and Validation of Failure Assessment Diagrams … 11
A relation for the characteristic length in the inherent flaw model is
proposed for accurate evaluation of fracture strength of cracked bodies. The
procedure is validated considering the fracture data of various high strength
alloys of center crack tension specimens. Failure assessment diagrams were
generated and showed the fracture data close to the failure boundary. Fracture
strength of any other cracked configurations can be evaluated from the present
fracture criterion. The correction factor (Y) of the cracked body and the
strength of the unflawed body are essential to carry out the fracture analysis.
14 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
Figure 2. Failure assessment diagram for Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V alloy with test data [13].
Generation and Validation of Failure Assessment Diagrams … 15
Figure 3. Failure assessment diagrams for Ti-5Al-2.5Sn alloy with test data [13].
Figure 4. Failure assessment diagram for 7475-T61 Aluminium alloy with test data
16 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
Figure 5. Failure assessment diagrams for 7075-T6 Aluminium alloy with test data
[1] J.C. Newmann, Jr., “An evaluation of fracture analysis methods”, ASTM
– STP –896 (1985) pp 5-96.
[2] J.R. Gordon, “A review of fracture assessment procedures and their
applicability to welded structures”, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly,
Vol.32, pp.195-203 (1993).
[3] Milne and G.G. Chell, “Evaluation of flaw tolerance during stable crack
growth”, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, C18, pp.85-91 (1980).
[4] D.S. Dugdale, “Yielding of steel sheets containing slits”, Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol.8, pp.100-108 (1960).
[5] J.C. Newmann, Jr., “The merging of fatigue and fracture mechanics
concepts: a historical perspective”, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol.
34, pp. 347–390 (1998).
[6] H.P. Keller, G. Junker, and W. Merker, “Fracture analysis of surface
cracks in cylindrical pressure vessels applying the two parameter
fracture criterion (TPFC)”, International Journal of Pressure Vessels
and Piping, Vol. 29, pp. 113-153 (1987).
[7] U. Zerbst, R. Hamann and A. Wohlschlegel, “Application of The
European Flaw Assesment Procedure SINTAP to Pipes”, International
Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.77, pp. 697 – 702 (2000).
[8] J.F. Kiefner, W.A. Maxey, R.J. Eiber and A.R. Duffy, “Failure Stress
Levels of Flaws in Pressurized Cylinders”, Progress in Flaw Growth
and Fracture Toughness Testing, ASTM STP 536, pp. 461 - 481 (1973).
[9] P.K. Govindan Potti, B. Nageswara Rao and V.K. Srivatsava, “Residual
Strength of Aluminum–Lithium Alloy Center Surface Crack Tension
Specimens at Cryogenic Temperatures”, Cryogenics, Vol.40, pp. 789 –
795 (2000).
[10] T. Christopher, K. Sankaranarayanasamy and B. Nageswara Rao,
“Fracture strength of flawed cylindrical pressure vessels under cryogenic
temperatures”, International Journal of Cryogenics, Vol. 42, pp. 661–
673 (2002).
[11] T. Christopher, K. Sankaranarayanasamy and B. Nageswara Rao,
“Fracture behavior of maraging steel tensile specimens and pressurized
cylindrical vessels” Fatigue, Fracture of Engineering Materials and
Structures, Vol. 27, pp.177-186 (2004).
[12] T. Christopher, K. Sankaranarayanasamy and B. Nageswara Rao,
“Failure assessment on tensile cracked specimens of aluminum alloys”,
18 S. Rajakumar and T. Christopher
Reviewed by
Dr. B. Nageswara Rao
Scientist / Engineer
Structural Analysis and Testing Group
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
Trivandrum – 695 022, India.
In: Metal Matrix Composites ISBN: 978-1-61324-483-8
Editor: Suzanne N. Fitzgerald © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 2
The changes in the characteristics of the reversible martensitic
transformation (RMT), caused by different applied loads during thermal
cycling treatments under load (TCL) were investigated in a
E-mail: [email protected]
20 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
The discovery of reversible martensitic transformation (RMT) in several
metallic alloys permitted to successfully explain the nature of anomalous non-
elastic behaviors such as the shape memory effect (SME) and the
superelasticity (SE) [1-7]. Some of the alloys that present these effects are
already being used in many engineering and medicine applications as special
actuator devices. In addition to SME and SE, these alloys also show superior
mechanical properties and corrosion resistance as well as biocompatibility in
their specific application [8-12].
In particular, Cu-Al-Ni alloys that present SME are gaining attention as a
more advantageous alternative for industrial application in comparison with
other alloys such as Ti-Ni, Cu-Zn and Cu-Zn-Al [13-16]. The Cu-Al-Ni alloy
advantages are related to better thermal and electrical conductivities as well as
low cost, especially in relation to the traditionally used Ti-Ni alloys [17-20].
Another point worth mentioning is that, in confront with the polycrystalline
alloys, the monocrystalline Cu-Al-Ni alloys display more attractive
thermoelastic and mechanical properties. In addition, these monocrystalline
alloys do not suffer grain boundary embrittlement, which translates into
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 21
Therefore the objective of this work was to investigate the changes in the
structure and RMT characteristics in a Cu-13.5wt.%Al-4wt.%Ni alloy
subjected to thermal cycling treatments free of load and under different
applied compressive loads. For this specific alloy it was found [23] that during
heating a 11 reverse transformation occurred in the interval of +9 oC (As)
to +52 oC (Af) in association with an endothermic process. While, during
cooling a 11 direct transformation occurred in the interval of +25 oC (Ms)
to 9 oC (Mf). This exothermic transformation develops more intensively
between +19 oC and +0.5 oC.
The basic material investigated was a high purity monocrystalline Cu-
13.5wt.%Al-4wt.%Ni, that will be referred as Cu-13.5Al-4Ni, obtained as a 5
mm in diameter cylindrical bar from the Memory Crystals Group, of the
Technical University of Saint Petersburg, Russia [33]. Specimens with
approximately 5 mm in thickness were sectioned out, perpendicular to the bar
axis, by means of a Miniton cutter. For microstructure characterization, the
specimens were polished to a mirror appearance by means of to 0.1 m
alumina paste. No chemical attack was used since the surface transformation
relief was enough to reveal the phases. A previous thermal analysis by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) revealed the critical temperatures
associated with the RMT [23]. The results of this thermal analysis served as a
reference for the critical RMT temperatures necessary for conducting the
thermal cycling treatment under load (TCL) of the present work.
Specimens were submitted to 300 continuous thermal cycles, each one
associated with a heating up to 90 oC (above Af) followed by cooling to 0 oC
(close to Mf). These 300 thermal cycles were carried out on different modes:
without an applied load and under a constant load, TCL. Three separate load
levels were considered: 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 kg, corresponding respectively to
stress of 0.056, 0.112 and 0.280 MPa. The load was applied simultaneously to
the thermal cycles using an apparatus specially developed for this purpose
[26]. After 300 cycles, the structural characteristics of the alloy were analyzed
by X-ray diffraction and surface metallography. This characterization was
conducted at room temperature (RT) by finishing the treatment: (a) with a half
cooling cycle to 0 oC, then up to RT and (b) with a half heating cycle to 90 oC,
then down to RT, as schematically illustrated in Figure 1.
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 23
The 300 thermal cycling results, load-free and under three different
applied loads, for the monocrystalline Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy are now presented.
Figure 2. X-ray patterns of the Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy after of 300 cycles thermal
treatment finishing with a half cooling cycle for the: (a) load-free and (b) 0.1 kg; (c)
0.2 kg; (d) 0.5 kg of applied load.
26 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
Figure 3. Semi-quantitative analysis for the volume fraction of the existing phases after
300 cycles thermal treatment finishing with a half cooling cycle as a function of the
applied load.
In this figure one can see that the sole R phase peak decreases up to 0.2 kg
and then increases to a fraction higher than that corresponding to the load-free
cycling treatment. By contrast, the intermediate peak phase with coherent 1|R
plane significantly increases, more than 80% vol., up to 0.1 kg followed by a
marked decrease to 0% vol. at 0.5 kg. Both the high temperature stable 1
peaks and the martensitic 1 phase peaks are in relatively low amounts after
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 27
the load-free and the load-applied cycling treatments. The important fact in
Figure 3 is the higher stability of the R phase peak at the expenses of the
coherent 1|R peak at 0.5 kg.
Figure 4 presents the X-ray patterns of 300 TCL, finishing with a half
heating cycle, up to 90 oC and then back to RT, for the (a) load-free, (b) 0.1,
(c) 0.2 and (d) 0.5 kg of applied load.
Figure 4. Continued.
28 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
Figure 4. X-ray patterns of the Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy after of 300 cycles thermal
treatment finishing with a half heating cycle for the: (a) load-free and (b) 0.1 kg; (c)
0.2 kg; (d) 0.5 kg of applied load.
After a load-free 300 TCL, Figure 4(a), the higher intensity peaks are the
coherent (200)1|(018)R and the (331)1 corresponding solely to the high
temperature stable 1 phase. A medium intensity (111)1|(0015)R peak as well
as small intensity 1 martensitic (022)1 peak are observed. Furthermore, a
faint (107)R peak can also be detected. After 300 TCL under 0.1 kg, Figure
4(b), peaks corresponding solely to the R phase, (107)R and (2014)R, have
grown in intensity while the 1 peak disappeared. The coherent (200)1|(018)R
peak still shows the highest intensity. Another 1 martensitic peak (011)1
shows up in addition to the (111)1.
After 300 TCL under 0.2 kg, Figure 4(c), only a large coherent
(222)1|(027)R dominates the pattern, which is associated with a high
background. A faint (107)R peak apparently exists.
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 29
After 300 TCL under 0.5 kg, Figure 4(d), the most intense peaks,
(200)1|(018)R and (400)1|(1025)R, are those associated with the coherent
planes simultaneously belonging to both 1 and R phases. The 1 martensitic
phase is back, determined with its medium intensity (011)1 and (022)1 peaks.
The high temperature stable 1 phase as well as the sole R phase could again
be detected by faint (331)1, (107)R and (2014)R peaks.
Figure 5 shows a semi-quantitative analysis, based on X-ray peak intensity
in Figure 4, for the volume fraction of the observed phases after 300 TCL
finishing with a half heating cycle as a function of the applied load. The
diffractograms reveal an intermediate state, such the R phase, whenever one
phase is transformed into another by the RMT mechanism. Consequently,
certain crystallographic planes associated with the participant phases, are
coherent while others are not owing to the way the transformation occurs and
the difference between phases. In this respect, 1 is coherent while R and 1
are semi-coherent. In this figure one can see that the main result is a
significant increase in the coherent 1|R peak, which reaches a volume fraction
above 50% vol., with the applied load.
Figure 5. Semi-quantitative analysis for the volume fraction of the existing phases after
300 cycles thermal treatment finishing with a half heating cycle as a function of the
applied load.
30 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
In comparison with the as received state of the alloy [23] the martensite
variants are no longer limited by a central and four peripheric blocks. Still,
some straight edge shadows of what could have originally been a central
square block can be clearly seen in all pictures in Figure 6. In the load-free
TCL, finishing with a half cooling cycle, Figure 6(a), V-shaped crossing plates
can be attributed to the 1 martensite [2,20]. This result is in agreement with
the X-ray analysis in Figure 2(a) and Figure 3. In the load-free TCL, finishing
with a half heating cycle micrograph, Figure. 6(b), some plates and needles
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 31
Figures 8 and 9 present the DSC curves for the Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy after
300 TCL respectively for load-free and under load conditions. The critical
RMT temperatures determined by the tangent method [20] are displayed in
Table 1.
For the load-free condition, Figure 8(a), the DSC curves show that on
heating the 11 transformation occurs within the interval +3 oC (As) to
+46.3 oC (Af) through an endothermic process with a phase transformation
enthalpy of 8.33 J/g. This process develops in an on-set mode begin at +21.6
C (Ao) up to an extreme at +27.9 oC (Ae) corresponding to a maximum heat
flow. The off-set mode, which ends this process, occurs at an approximate
temperature of +38 oC (Aof). On cooling upper curve, Figure 8(a), the 11
martensitic transformation starts at +40 oC (Ms) and ends at 19.8 oC (Mf) with
an on-set temperature of +18.3 oC (Mo), extreme temperature of +6.9 oC (Me)
and off-set temperature of 7.5 oC (Mof) associated with an exothermic
enthalpy of 11.08 J/g, Table 1.
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 33
Figure 8. Heating and cooling DSC curves for the Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy after 300
cycles thermal treatment for the (a) load-free and (b) 0.1 kg of applied load.
34 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
Figure 9. Heating and cooling DSC curves for the Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy after 300
cycles thermal treatment for the (a) 0.2 kg and (b) 0.5 kg of applied load.
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 35
Figure 10. Critical temperatures of RMT obtained by DSC as a function of the applied
load upon (a) cooling and (b) heating of a Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy.
The influence of the 300 TCL on the RMT was evaluated by comparing
the displacement of the critical temperatures during cooling and heating of the
alloy for the load-free and under load conditions, as shown in Figures 8, 9 and
10. It was found that an increase in applied load promotes sensible variations
in the RMT temperatures. This corresponds to a tendency in decreasing the
critical transformation intervals the greater is the applied load mainly for the
reverse RMT temperatures.
The MsMf and AsAf intervals for the load-free 300 TCT were found to
be 59.8 oC and 43.3 oC, respectively, Tab. 1. Under 0.5 kg of load, these
intervals were determined as 50.3 oC and 37.6 oC. Furthermore, the intensive
transformation intervals MoMe and MoMof after the load-free treatment,
were determined as 11.4 oC and 25.8 oC. Likewise AoAe and AoAof were
found to be 6.3 oC and 16.4 oC respectively. After 300 TCL under 0.5 kg the
same intervals are reduced to 4.1 oC (MoMe), 16.3 oC (MoMof), 2.2 oC
(AoAe) and 7.5 oC (AoAof) as seen in Figures 9 and 10.
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 37
Figure 11. Values for the thermal hysteresis (a) and enthalpy (b) of the RMT in the Cu-
13.5Al-4Ni alloy as a function of the applied load.
for the treatment under 0.5 kg. Figure 11(b) presents the RMT, both direct and
reverses, enthalpies as a function of the applied load for the 300 TCL. With
increasing applied load a marked decrease in these enthalpies is observed.
In fact, for the load-free treatment it was found enthalpy values of 11.1
J/g, corresponding to the MsMf an 8.3 J/g to the AsAf intervals. Under 0.5
kg, Figure 11(b), the enthalpy value has decreased to 6.2 J/g (MsMf) and 5.9
J/g (AsAf). Here it is important to notice that for the treatment under this
highest applied load, 0.5 kg, the difference in the enthalpies for both direct and
reverse RMT, is relatively small as a consequence of the corresponding
smallest hysteresis attained.
Figure 12 shows the mean value and standard deviation for the alloy
Vickers microhardness as a function of the 300 TCL treatment applied load. A
slight tendency of increasing the microhardness with the applied load can be
noted. This is apparently a consequence of the more deformed alloy structure
related to the applied load. The load action during the thermal cycling
treatment tends to accumulate the crystalline imperfection, such as dislocations
introduced after each cycle [26,30,31].
Figure 12. Values for the Vickers microhardness in the Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy as a
function of the applied load.
Effect of Applied Load on the Characteristics … 39
In Figure 12 it is interesting to note that the 300 TCL under 0.5 kg,
displays a greater standard deviation, i.e., a larger variation in the statistical
error. This can be attributed not only to the amount of accumulated defects
owing to the nature of the RMT, but also to the characteristic correlation
between preferred crystalline planes and directions associate with the
martensitic transformation, which results in different dislocation densities.
It is well known the fact that an applied load at temperatures within the
interval of temperatures associated with the existence of the austenitic phase,
but below the critical Md temperature, promotes stress/strain induced
martensite in RMT related alloys. This is a direct martensitic transformation
[6,20,37]. Wasilewski [37-39] also suggested the possibility of a reverse
martensite to austenite transformation to occur by an applied stress or strain on
a RMT alloy. Although still under discussion, this phenomenon was reported
by Matlakhova et al. [20] in TiNi based alloys. The authors indicated that by
mechanically deforming the martensitic state in these alloys, the R phase,
intermediate between the B19 martensite and the B2 high temperature
austenitic phase, was revealed. More lately, this phenomenon was discovered
by Matlakhova et al. [40] in Cu-Al-Ni monocrystalline alloy. The
phenomenon was also investigated based on a specific behavior of the elastic
modulus, which is characteristic of all SME alloys [41-43].
In the present work is this feasible that the applied load during the 300
TCL, would promote the reverse 1R1 transformation, at lower
temperatures, during heating from 0 oC. Moreover, the direct 1R1
martensitic transformation probably is occurring, at more elevated
temperatures, during cooling from 90 oC. Therefore, by finishing the 300 TCL
with a half cooling cycle to 0 oC and then up to RT, one should expect that the
Cu-13.5Al-4Ni alloy would suffer a stress induced reverse transformation
towards 1. However, upon unload at RT, the alloy may undergo a relaxation
process followed by the direct transformation, back to 1, since the stressed
structure is not thermodynamically stable.
In principle one should expect that the 300 TCL under the higher 0.5 kg
load, to be associated with a more pronounced stress induced transformation,
especially when compared to the load-free condition. The accumulated
defects, mainly dislocations during the load-free thermal cycling treatment,
[20,23,26,30,31] however, could retard the complete transformation process
40 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
stability, which corresponds to the R phase semi- coherent with both, the high
temperature 1 or the low temperature 1, Figures 2 and 4. As a consequence,
significant decrease in the thermal hysteresis and the transformation enthalpy
occurred with increasing applied load in association with narrower critical
intervals for RMT.
The authors thank the Brazilian agencies CNPq, CAPES and FAPERJ for
supporting this work. It is also acknowledge the collaboration of I. Viahhi, R.
Toledo, T. Castilló and G. Lubman.
[10] Huang W, Liu QY, Ong LF. Assembly of Hard Disk Drive Using Shape
Memory Alloys. Proc. Asia-Pacific Magnetic Recording Conference.
Singapore, August 27-29; 2002.
[11] Nikolaev V, Pulnev S, Priadko A, Vahhi I, Bhattacharyya A. Actuators
and Drives Based on CuAlNi Shape Memory Single Crystals. Proc. Int.
Conf on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies. California,
USA, May 7-11; 2006.
[12] Martynov V, Bokaie MD, Johnson AD, Gray GR. Superelastic and
Shape Memory Single Crystal CuAlNi: Fabrication and Applications.
Proc. Int. Conf on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies.
California, USA, May 7-11; 2006.
[13] Sugimoto K, Kamei K, Nakaniwa M. Engineering Aspects of Shape
Memory Alloys. Duerig TW et al., editors. Buttenverth-Heineman,
London, 1990, p. 89-95.
[14] Gandhi MV, Thompson BS. Smart Materials and Structures. Chapman
and Hall, editors, ISBN 0412370107, 1992.
[15] Basselink PA, Sachdeva RCL. Applications of shape memory effect.
Journal Physique IV, Supplemente au JP III, ICOMAT; 1995, 12-5: 111-
[16] Johnson AD. Application of shape memory alloys: advantages,
disadvantages, and limitations". Micromachining and Microfabrication
Process Technology VII. San Francisco, CA, USA, Oct 22-4, 2001,
4557: 341-351.
[17] Harrison JD, Hodgson DE. Use of TiNi in mechanical and electrical
connectors. In: Perkins J, editor. Shape memory effect in alloy. London,
England; 1987, p.61-175.
[18] Duerig TW, Pelton AR. Titanium alloys. In: Boyer R, Welsch G,
Collings EW, editors. Materials properties handbook. USA: ASM
International; 1994, p. 1035–1048.
[19] Otsuka K, Ren X. Martensitic transformations in nonferrous shape
memory alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A 1999; 273-275:
[20] Otsuka K, Wayman CM, editors. Shape Memory Materials. Cambridge:
University Press; 1999.
[21] Tadaki T. Cu-based shape memory alloys. In: Otsuka K, Wayman CM,
editors. Shape Memory Materials. Cambridge: University Press; 2000,
44 E. C. Pereira, L. A. Matlakhova, A. N. Matlakhov et al.
Chapter 3
Aditya M. Vora*
Humanities and Social Science Department,
S.T.B.S. College of Diploma Engineering, Opp. Spinning Mill,
Varachha Road, Surat 395 006, Gujarat, India
The computations of the lattice dynamics of equiatomic alkali binary
alloys to second order in local model potential is discussed in terms of
real-space sum of Born von Karman central force constants. The local
field correlation functions due to Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU)
are used to investigate influence of the screening effects on the aforesaid
properties. Results for the lattice constants i.e.
C11 , C12 , C 44 ,
C12 C44 , C12 C44 and bulk modulus B obtained using the H-local
field correction function have higher values in comparison with the
results obtained for the same properties using IU local field correction
function. The results for the Shear modulus ( C ), deviation from
Cauchy‟s relation, Poisson‟s ratio , Young modulus Y , propagation
Corresponding address: Tel. : +91-2832-256424, E-mail address : [email protected].,
Parmeshwari 165, Vijaynagar Area, Hospital Road, Bhuj–Kutch, 370 001, Gujarat, INDIA
48 Aditya M. Vora
In the study of various properties of solids, one frequently requires the
knowledge of interaction energy between the ions or atoms. The studies of a
pair-effective interionic interaction in simple metals have long history and
originally they were not systematized and were concerned with individual
metals on groups of metals. In recent years, considerable attention has been
devoted to the theoretical study of the nature of effective interaction between
constituent atom or ion in simple metals [1-8]. The bcc equiatomic A0.5 B0.5
alkali binary alloy systems forms substitutional solid solution for the entire
region of concentration „ X ‟of the second component, and the crystal binding
of the solid solution is unchanged compared with that of the pure alkali metals.
Theoretical studies about the lattice dynamics of the alloy systems have been
devoted to equiatomic alkali binary systems since the lattice dynamics of the
pure alkalis has been investigated in detail. But the work on the
comprehensive study of lattice dynamical properties of their binary alloys is
almost negligible [1-9]. Only Soma et al. [10] have studied the phonon
dispersion curves of Cs0.7K0.3, Cs0.7Rb0.3, Cs0.3Rb0.7 and Rb0.71Cs0.29 alloys.
Very recently we have reported the static and vibrational properties of alkali
metals and their equiatomic Na-based binary alloys using model potential
formalism [1-5]. Also, Gajjar et al. [6] have studied the lattice dynamics of bcc
Cs0.3K0.7 alloy. Experimentally, Kamitakahara and Copley [11] have studied
the lattice dynamics of Rb1 X K X alloys with X = 0.06, 0.18 and 0.29 by
neutron scattering. Recently, Chushak and Baumketner [12] have reported the
dynamical properties of liquid Cs0.3K0.7 alloy. Most of the earlier theoretical
studies are used various types of local as well as non-local model potential
with older local field correction function. Lattice dynamics of Rb71K29 binary
alloys has been studied by Jacucci et al. [13] using MD technique. Also, the
equiatomic alloys of alkali metals contain equal amount of volume, valence
and the Fermi energy, which is reflected the nature of the alloying behaviour.
Lattice Dynamics of Equiatomic Alkali Binary Alloys 49
The phonon frequencies can be obtained by solving the standard secular
determinantal equation [1-8]
det D q 4 2 2 M 0 ,
D q
where, M is the ionic mass, the phonon frequency and the
dynamical matrix in which the force between two ions depends only upon the
distance between them is given by,
D q 1 e iqr ,
n r r
where r is the interionic pair potential, and r and are and
r th th
Cartesian components of the position vector of n ion, respectively. T
50 Aditya M. Vora
The interionic pair potential r is computed from the well known
relation [7, 8]
Z 2e2 0
2 F q
sin qr
(r ) dq .
r qr (3)
F (q)
0 q 2
WB ( q )
2 H (q) 1 .
8 e 2
1 H (q) 1 1 f q (4)
, W q , q
With O B H and f q are the atomic volume, bare-ion
pseudopotential, static Hartree dielectric function and local field correlation
function, respectively.
The bare-ion pseudopotential due to Gajjar et al. is given by [1, 2, 6]
8Z qrC 2
W B q cosqrC
O q 2
1 qrC
. (5)
here, Z and C are the valence and parameter of the model potential,
respectively. The details of the model potential are narrated in the literature [1,
2, 6]. In the present investigation, the local field correction functions due to H
[15], IU [16] and S [17] are incorporated to see the impact of exchange and
correlation effects. The details of all the local field corrections are below.
The H-screening function [15] is purely static, and it does not include the
exchange and correlation effects. The expression of it is,
f X 0 . (6)
8A 4 Q2 2 Q
f X AIU Q 4 BIU Q 2 CIU AIU Q 4 BIU IU Q 2 C IU ln
3 4Q 2Q
The dynamical matrix element used in the present calculation finally takes
the form,
r r
D q 1 e iqr K t 2 K r K t ,
n r (8)
Here K t and K r are the force constants between a pair of ions interacting
through a central interaction and n specifies shell index.
1 dr
r dr
Z 2e2 sinqr
3 2 0 2 F q q 2 cos qr
q r
dq .
r r 0 (9)
52 Aditya M. Vora
d 2
dr 2
Properties H IU
C11 in 1010 20.63 11.70 1.2320
C12 in 1010 19.44 10.52 1.0335
C44 in 1010 6.65 6.74 0.9100
C in 1010 5.94 5.90 0.0990
10 -2
B in 10 19.84 10.92 1.1000
(C12-C44) in 1010 12.78 3.78 0.1250
Cauchy‟s ratio (C11/C44) 2.92 1.56 1.1318
0.49 0.47 0.4553
Y in 109 1.77 1.74 2.7555
vL[100] in 105 cm. sec-1 4.95 3.73 4.1750
vT[100] in 105 cm. sec-1 2.81 2.83 3.5882
vL[110] in 105 cm. sec-1 5.63 4.61 5.3762
vT1[110] in 105 cm. sec-1 2.91 2.83 3.7958
vT2[110] in 105 cm. sec-1 0.84 0.84 1.1839
vL[111] in 105 cm. sec-1 5.85 4.87 5.7208
vT[111] in 105 cm. sec-1 1.76 1.77 2.2863
Y1 in 1010 4.04 3.00 4.6839
Y2 0.089 0.087 0.1108
A 11.20 11.42 9.0514
Using these atomic force constants, we can generate inter atomic force
constants which can then be employed to investigate the elastic constants
Lattice Dynamics of Equiatomic Alkali Binary Alloys 53
d 2 (r )
dr dr
r r r r
2 Kt 2 Kr .
r r
Under the long-wave phonon method, the elastic constants are studied by
N (n) x 2 K xxn y 2 K yyn z 2 K zzn ,
12a n (12)
24a n
N (n) y 2 z 2 K xxn z 2 x 2 K yyn z 2 K zzn ,
C12 C44
6a n
N (n) yzK yzn zxK zxn xy K xyn .
C C12
C ' 11 .
2 (15)
C 2C12
B 11 .
3 (16)
The extent to which the interatomic forces are non-pair wise can be
obtained by investigating the breakdown of the Cauchy relation. The Cauchy‟s
ratio is obtained by C12 C44 .
54 Aditya M. Vora
C11 C12 (17)
From the calculated values of the bulk modulus and Poisson‟s ratio, Young
modulus Y is derived as [1-8],
Y 3B(1 2 ) . (18)
Li0.5Na0.5 [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
1.0 IU
Expt. (PAA)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
C 2
v L [100] 11 .
(C C12 2C44 ) 2
v L [110] 11 .
2 (20)
Lattice Dynamics of Equiatomic Alkali Binary Alloys 55
(C 2C 12 4C 44 ) 2
v L [111] 11 .
3 (21)
C 2
v T [100] v T 1[110] 44 .
(C11 - C12) 2
v T2 [110] .
2 (23)
(C11 C12 2C 44 ) 2
v T [111] .
3 (24)
i2 (q) (C 2C 44 )
Y1 lim 11 ,
q 0
i q 2
C - C12
Y2 lim T1 11 .
q 0
T2 2C 44 (26)
A .
C11 C12 (27)
Li0.5K0.5 [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
Expt. (PAA)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
H [100] Li0.5Rb0.5 [111] [110]
Expt. (PAA)
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
6.0 IU
Expt. (PAA)
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
Figure 4. Phonon dispersion curves of Li0.5Cs0.5 alloy
Na0.5K0.5 [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
1.0 H
Expt. (PAA)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
In the present computation, the bcc crystal structure considered for all the
solid solutions. The lattice constants „ a ‟ are obtained from the well known
2O . Tables 2-11 display the computed values of some static and
Na0.5Rb0.5 [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
Expt. (PAA)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
Na0.5Cs0.5 [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
Expt. (PAA)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
H [100] K0.5Rb0.5 [111] [110]
Expt. (PAA)
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
But present study is independent of such fitting hence in some cases the
discrepancy is observed. The experimental phonon frequencies of such alloys
are not available, but the experimental values of phonon frequency are
estimated from the pure metallic components [17], which are shown in Figures
1-10. This comparison favours and confirms our formulation of pseudo-alloy-
atom (PAA) of equiatomic alkali binary alloys. Also, in the absence of
experimental information such calculations may be considered as one of the
guidelines for further investigations either theoretical or experimental. Hence,
such study could be extended for the other types of the solid binary alloys.
H [100] K0.5Cs0.5 [111] [110]
Expt. (PAA)
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
Table 8. (Continued)
the present results of the lattice dynamics of the equiatomic alkali binary
alloys, we have made straightforward computation without any assumptions.
The relativistic effect of the heavier alkali element like Cs to other alkali
elements is significant, but in the case of equiatomic alkali binary alloys, this
effect is comparatively small. Therefore, we have ignored relativistic effects of
the heavier atom for the sake of simplicity.
We conclude that the present model is successful in explaining the lattice
dynamical properties of equiatomic alkali binary alloys and hence, it could be
explored for predicting the behavior of other such solid solutions. The
comparison of present theoretical findings helps us to note that the binding of
equiatomic alkali binary alloys is comparable to the pure metals, and hence,
behaves like a solid metallic alloy. This can be confirmed by investigating its
total crystal energy and heat of solution. Such study is under progress and the
results will be reported in due course of the time. From the present experience,
we also conclude that it should be interesting to apply other local
pseudopotentials for such comprehensive study to judge and confirm the wider
applicability of the potential.
[1] Aditya M. Vora, J. Phys. Chem. Sol. 68 (2007) 1725
[2] Aditya M. Vora, Chinese Phys. Lett. 25 (2008) 654.
[3] Aditya M. Vora, Front. Mater. Sci. China 2 (2008) 311.
[4] Aditya M. Vora, Moroccan J. Conden. Matter 10 (2008) 7.
[5] Aditya M. Vora, Fizika A17 (2008) 87; Digest J. Nanomater. Biostruct.
4 (2009) 113.
[6] Gajjar, P. N., Patel, M. H., Thakore, B. Y. and Jani, A. R. Commun. of
Phys. 12 (2002) 81.
[7] Gajjar, P. N., Thakore, B. Y., Patel, H. K. and Jani, A. R. Acta Phys.
Pol. A88 (1995) 489.
[8] Gajjar, P. N., Thakore, B. Y., Luhar, J. S. and Jani, A. R. Physica B 215
(1995) 293.
[9] Wallis, R. F., Maradudin, A. A., Eguiluz, A. G., Quong, A. A.,
Franchini, A. and Santara, G. Phys. Rev. B 48 (1993) 6043.
Lattice Dynamics of Equiatomic Alkali Binary Alloys 69
[10] Soma, T., Ohsugi, H. and Matsuo Kagaya, H. Phys. State. Sol. (b) 124
(1984) 525.
[11] Kamitakahara, W. A. and Copley, J. R. D. Phys. Rev. B18 (1978) 3772.
[12] Chushak, Y. A. and Baumketner, A. Euro. Phys. J. B7 (1999) 129.
[13] Jacussi, G., Klein, M. L. and Taylor, R., Phys. Rev. B18 (1978) 3782.
[14] Hafner, J. From Hamiltonians to Phase Diagrams, (Sringer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1987).
[15] Ichimaru, S. and Utsumi, K. Phys. Rev. B24 (1981) 7385.
[16] Harrison, W. Elementary Electronic Structure, (World Scientific,
[17] Shimada, K. Phys. State. Sol. (b) 61 (1974) 325.
In: Metal Matrix Composites ISBN: 978-1-61324-483-8
Editor: Suzanne N. Fitzgerald © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 4
Aditya M. Vora*
Humanities and Social Science Department,
S.T.B.S. College of Diploma Engineering, Opp. Spinning Mill,
Varachha Road, Surat 395 006, Gujarat, India
In the present article, the lattice dynamical properties of some
equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys are reported in second order
approach through the equation given by Hubbard and Beeby (HB). The
pair correlation function is directly computed from the interatomic
pair potential, which is used in the present computation. Two different
forms of local field correction functions proposed by Hartree (H) and
Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are used in the present study the screening
dependence of the phonon frequencies in the equiatomic liquid alkali
binary alloys. Thermodynamic and elastic properties of equiatomic liquid
alkali binary alloys are reported from the long wave length limits of the
phonon dispersion curves (PDC). The pseudo-alloy-atom (PAA) model is
applied for the first time for the alloying elements.
Corresponding address: Tel. : +91-2832-256424, E-mail address : [email protected].,
Parmeshwari 165, Vijaynagar Area, Hospital Road, Bhuj–Kutch, 370 001, Gujarat, INDIA
72 Aditya M. Vora
The problem of an appropriate description of the structure and related
properties of liquids arise from their intermediate situation between ideal gases
and solids. It is well known that crystalline solids having long range order are
completely characterized by their symmetry properties whereas liquids having
no such periodicity and can be characterized only by distribution or correlation
functions. In liquids the interpretation of neutron inelastic scattering
measurements is more complicated than it is in the case of solids, largely
because there is no long range order, neither in space nor in time. At low
frequencies, the liquids behave as a viscous medium but at higher frequencies
its response is elastic, the system behaves like a solid and transverse
excitations are supported [1-10].
Collective excitations in fluids have been studied experimentally,
theoretically and by computer simulations for almost several decades. Lot of
effort has been put to study the dynamical properties of liquid metals [1-10]
both theoretically and experimentally. The investigation of collective modes in
liquid alloys has comparatively received less attention. Some few researchers
[1-8] have reported the phonon dispersion curves of simple liquid metals. It
was found that the maximum deviation takes place in the vicinity of the first
spherical Brillouin zone. This region lies nearly at the half distance of the first
peak in the structure factor . Thus, the choice of structure factor
also plays a vital role in the study of lattice dynamics of liquid metals. In the
present work we have used the pair correlation function instead of
structure factor calculated using the interatomic pair potential to give the
calculation a flavour model potential.
The present article deals with the computation of the lattice dynamical
properties of equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys with the aim to explore the
applications of model potential of Gajjar et al. [11] for the first time. The
choice of the model potential form factor is certainly an important factor in the
study of metallic properties and its actual form is much more sensitive to the
choice of the local field correction functions of the electron gas. Hence, the
purpose of the present article is not only to study the lattice dynamical
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Alloys 73
properties, but also to see the influence of the various local field correction
functions in the screening. Therefore, we have adopted here two different
types of local field correlation functions viz. Hartree (H) [12] and Ichimaru-
Utsumi (IU) [13]. Also, we have used here Hubbard and Beeby (HB) [14]
approach for studying the lattice dynamical properties of equiatomic liquid
alkali binary alloys.
From a theoretical point of view, A1 X BX is a good system to study. Both
constituents are the members of the different substances of the periodic table
which, because of their relatively simple band structure, are generally least
complicated of all metallic systems to deal with. Assuming, then, that a good
description of both A and B metals can be utilized, a study of the alloy
systems will shed a great deal of the light on the general usefulness of the
technique employed. One such technique that has been used successfully by us
is the pseudo-alloy-atom (PAA) model [15, 16]. It is well known that the
pseudo-alloy-atom (PAA) is a more meaningful approach to explain such kind
of interactions in binary systems [15, 16]. In the PAA approach a hypothetical
monoatomic crystal is supposed to be composed of pseudo-alloy-atoms, which
occupy the lattice sites and form a perfect lattice in the same way as pure
metals. In this model the hypothetical crystal made up of PAA is supposed to
have the same properties as the actual disordered alloy material and the
pseudopotential theory is then applied to studying various properties of an
alloy and metallic glass [15, 16]. The complete miscibility in the alloy systems
is considered as a rare case. Therefore, in such binary systems the atomic
matrix elements in the pure states are affected by the characteristics of alloys
such as lattice distortion effects and charging effects. In the PAA model, such
effects are involved implicitly. In addition to this it also takes into account the
self-consistent treatment implicitly [15, 16]. Looking to the advantage of the
PAA model, we propose a use of PAA model to investigate the lattice
dynamical properties of binary systems.
The interatomic pair potential r is calculated from the relation given
by [15, 16],
74 Aditya M. Vora
Z 2 e 2 O Sinqr 2
r F q
r 2 qr
q dq
. (1)
Where, and are the valence and atomic volume of the equiatomic
liquid alkali binary alloys, respectively. The energy wave number
characteristics appearing in the Eqs. (1) is written as [15, 16],
F q
O q 2
WB q
2 H q 1
16 1 H q 11 f q . (2)
f q 0 . (3)
q 2 q
4 2
q q 4
8 A q
F 3 kF q
F F 4
k k k q
k F k
The parameters IU , IU and IU are the atomic volume dependent
parameters of IU local field correction functions. The mathematical
expressions of these parameters are narrated in the respective papers of the
local field correction function [13].
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Alloys 75
8Z qrC 2
W B q cosqrC
O q 2
1 qrC
. (5)
here, Z and C are the valence and parameter of the model potential,
respectively. The details of the model potential are narrated in the literature
To compute the phonon dispersion relations of liquid metals, which are
also applicable to liquid binary alloys, the most frequently used approach of
Hubbard and Beeby (HB) [14] is adopted. With the physical argument that the
product of the static pair correlation function and the second derivative
of the interatomic pair potential r is peaked near the hard sphere diameter
, Hubbard and Beeby (HB) [14] have derived the expressions for the
longitudinal phonon frequencies L(q) and the transverse phonon frequencies
T(q) as [14],
g r r r dr
2 2
with 3M 0 is the maximum frequency.
Where, and r are the number density, atomic mass, pair
correlation function and interatomic pair potential of the element, respectively.
The fundamental ingredient, which goes into the calculation of the lattice
dynamics of equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys, is the interatomic pair
potential r . In the present study, the interatomic pair potential r is
computed from Eqs. (1). A quantity which is equally important as the
76 Aditya M. Vora
interatomic pair potential (r) while studying a disorder system is the pair
correlation function (PCF) g r . It provides the statistical description of the
structure of the system under investigation. The complete information of the
precise position and momentum of each particle at each instant of time is
contained in this function. The function g r can be obtained either
experimentally by X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction technique [17] or
computed theoretically from the interatomic pair potential r [17]. Instead
of using experimentally available g r , here the pair correlation function for
all disordered systems are generated from presently obtained interatomic pair
potential r . The function g r is presently calculated using the
expression [17],
V r
g r exp 1
kB T . (8)
The present study include some elastic properties such as the isothermal
bulk modulus BT , modulus of rigidity G , Poisson‟s ratio and Young‟s
modulus Y and some thermodynamic properties such as longitudinal sound
velocity L , transverse sound velocity T and Debye temperature D for the
disordered materials. In the long wavelength limit of the frequency spectrum,
both the frequencies i.e. transverse and longitudinal are proportional to the
wave vectors and obey the relationships [14-16],
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Alloys 79
L q and T q ,
L L q and T T q . (9)
3 2
10 , (10)
10 . (11)
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Alloys 81
BT M L2 T2
3 , (12)
G M T2 . (13)
1 2 2
2 2 2
L , (14)
Y 2G 1 . (15)
The Debye temperature is given in terms of both the velocities as [14, 15],
1 13
D 9 eff 3
1 2
D 2 3 3
kB kB 4 L T , (16)
rC (1 X ) rC A X rC B
, (17)
Z (1 X ) Z A X Z B
, (18)
O (1 X ) O A X O B
, (19)
M (1 X ) M A X M B
, (20)
k F (1 X ) k F A X k F B
. (21)
vL x105 vT x105 BT x1011 G x1011 Y x1011 D (K)
cm/sec cm/sec dyne/cm 2 dyne/cm2
Li0.5Na0.5 11.5187 11.1662 6.6503 6.4468 6.1879 5.8013 3.7127 3.4808 0.25 0.25 9.2818 8.7020 710.99 689.23
Li0.5K0.5 9.6640 9.3244 5.5795 5.3834 3.6230 3.3729 2.1738 2.0237 0.25 0.25 5.4346 5.0593 513.44 495.40
Li0.5Rb0.5 6.1746 5.9436 3.5649 3.4315 2.9922 2.7724 1.7953 1.6635 0.25 0.25 4.4883 4.1587 311.32 299.67
Li0.5Cs0.5 5.0093 4.8559 2.8921 2.8036 2.4528 2.3049 1.4717 1.3829 0.25 0.25 3.6792 3.4573 236.69 229.44
Na0.5K0.5 8.1088 7.8576 4.6816 4.5366 3.0634 2.8765 1.8380 1.7259 0.25 0.25 4.5950 4.3147 408.27 395.62
Na0.5Rb0.5 5.6935 5.5098 3.2871 3.1811 2.5974 2.4325 1.5585 1.4595 0.25 0.25 3.8961 3.6488 274.03 265.19
Na0.5Cs0.5 4.7389 4.6076 2.7360 2.6602 2.1789 2.0598 1.3073 1.2359 0.25 0.25 3.2683 3.0898 215.41 209.45
K0.5Rb0.5 5.3659 5.5098 3.0980 3.1811 1.9702 2.4325 1.1821 1.4595 0.25 0.25 2.9553 3.6488 238.53 265.19
K0.5Cs0.5 4.5289 4.4044 2.6148 2.5429 1.7168 1.6237 1.0301 0.9742 0.25 0.25 2.5752 2.4356 192.30 187.02
Rb0.5Cs0.5 3.9024 3.7947 2.2531 2.1908 1.5522 1.4677 0.9313 0.8806 0.25 0.25 2.3283 2.2015 161.17 156.72
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Alloys 87
At the end, we conclude that the presently computed results of the lattice
dynamical properties of equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys are showing
consistent nature. The experimental or theoretical data for most of the
equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys are not available for further comparison.
Thus, in the absence of experimental results such calculations may be
considered as one of the guidelines for further theoretical or experimental
investigations. This is very much essential for obtaining concrete conclusions.
Also, the model potential along with H and IU local filed correction functions
is capable of explaining the lattice dynamical properties of equiatomic liquid
alkali binary alloys. From the present experience, we also conclude that it
should be interesting to apply other local pseudopotentials for such
comprehensive study to judge and confirm the wider applicability of the
88 Aditya M. Vora
[1] Desai, R. C. and Nelkin, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 (1966) 839.
[2] Copley, J. R. D. and Lovesy, S. W. Rep. Prog. Phys. 38 (1975) 461.
[3] Gartrell-Mills, P. R., McGreevy, R. L. and van der Lugt, W. Physica
B154 (1988) 1.
[4] Balucani, U., Ruocco, G., Torcini, A. and Vallauri, R. Phys. Rev. E47
(1993) 1677.
[5] Pratap, A., Lad, K. N. and Raval, K. G. Pramana-J. Phys. 63 (2004)
[6] Thakor, P. B., Gajjar, P. N. and Jani, A. R. Pramana –J. Phys. 72 (2009)
[7] Srivastava, S. K., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 36 (1975) 993.
[8] Srivastava, S. K. and Ram Dawar, Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 31 (1993)
[9] Suck, J. -B. Experimental Investigations of Collective Excitations in
Disordered matter, In: Collective dynamics of nonlinear and disordered
systems Eds. G. Radons, P. Haussler, W. Just, Springer Berlin,
Heidelberg (2005).
[10] Balucani, U. and Zoppi, M. Dynamics of the liquid state. Oxford
University Press Inc., New York (1994).
[11] Gajjar, P. N., Patel, M. H., Thakore, B. Y. and Jani, A. R. Commun.
Phys. 12 (2002) 81.
[12] Harrison, W. Elementary Electronic Structure, World Scientific,
Singapore (1999).
[13] Ichimaru, S. and Utsumi, K. Phys. Rev. B24 (1981) 7385.
[14] Hubbard, J. and Beeby, L. J. Phys. C2 (1969) 556.
[15] Vora, A. M., Romanian J. Phys. 533 (2008) 517.
[16] Vora, A. M., J. Mater. Sci. 42 (2007) 935.
[17] Faber, T. E. Introduction to the Theory of Liquid Metals, Cambridge
Uni. Press, London (1972).
In: Metal Matrix Composites ISBN: 978-1-61324-483-8
Editor: Suzanne N. Fitzgerald © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 5
Aditya M. Vora*
Humanities and Social Science Department,
S.T.B.S. College of Diploma Engineering, Opp. Spinning Mill,
Varachha Road, Surat 395 006, Gujarat, India
In the present article, the lattice dynamical properties of some alkali
metals are reported in second order approach through the equation given
by Hubbard and Beeby (HB). The pair correlation function is
directly computed from the interatomic pair potential, which is used in
the present computation. Two different forms of local field correction
functions proposed by Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are used in
the present study the screening dependence of the phonon frequencies in
the metallic elements. Thermodynamic and elastic properties of alkali
metals are reported from the long wave length limits of the phonon
dispersion curves (PDC).
Corresponding address: Tel. : +91-2832-256424, E-mail address : [email protected].,
Parmeshwari 165, Vijaynagar Area, Hospital Road, Bhuj–Kutch, 370 001, Gujarat, INDIA
90 Aditya M. Vora
The problem of an appropriate description of the structure and related
properties of liquids arise from their intermediate situation between ideal gases
and solids. It is well known that crystalline solids having long range order are
completely characterized by their symmetry properties whereas liquids having
no such periodicity and can be characterized only by distribution or correlation
functions. In liquids the interpretation of neutron inelastic scattering
measurements is more complicated than it is in the case of solids, largely
because there is no long range order, neither in space nor in time. At low
frequencies, the liquids behave as a viscous medium but at higher frequencies
its response is elastic, the system behaves like a solid and transverse
excitations are supported [1-10].
Collective excitations in fluids have been studied experimentally,
theoretically and by computer simulations for almost several decades. Lot of
effort has been put to study the dynamical properties of liquid metals [1-10]
both theoretically and experimentally. The investigation of collective modes in
liquids has comparatively received less attention. Some few researchers [1-8]
have reported the phonon dispersion curves of simple liquid metals. It was
found that the maximum deviation takes place in the vicinity of the first
spherical Brillouin zone. This region lies nearly at the half distance of the first
peak in the structure factor . Thus, the choice of structure factor
also plays a vital role in the study of lattice dynamics of liquid metals. In the
present work we have used the pair correlation function instead of
structure factor calculated using the interatomic pair potential to give the
calculation a flavour model potential.
The present article deals with the computation of the lattice dynamical
properties of alkali metals with the aim to explore the applications of model
potential of Gajjar et al. [11] for the first time. The choice of the model
potential form factor is certainly an important factor in the study of metallic
properties and its actual form is much more sensitive to the choice of the local
field correction functions of the electron gas. Hence, the purpose of the present
article is not only to study the lattice dynamical properties, but also to see the
influence of the various local field correction functions in the screening.
Therefore, we have adopted here two different types of local field correlation
functions viz. Hartree (H) [12] and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) [13]. Also, we have
used here Hubbard and Beeby (HB) [14] approach for studying the lattice
dynamical properties of liquid alkali metals.
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Metals 91
The interatomic pair potential r is calculated from the relation given
by [15, 16],
Z 2 e2 O Sinqr 2
r F q
r 2 qr
q dq
. (1)
Where, and are the valence and atomic volume of the metallic
elements, respectively. The energy wave number characteristics appearing in
the Eqs. (1) is written as [15, 16],
F q
O q 2
WB q
2 H q 1
16 1 H q 11 f q . (2)
f q 0 . (3)
q 2 q
4 2
q 8 A q
k kF
F F F F 4
k k k 3 k q
k F k
92 Aditya M. Vora
The parameters IU , IU and IU are the atomic volume dependent
parameters of IU local field correction functions. The mathematical
expressions of these parameters are narrated in the respective papers of the
local field correction function [13].
The bare-ion pseudopotential due to Gajjar et al. [11] is given by
8Z qrC 2
W B q cosqrC
O q 2
1 qrC
. (5)
here, Z and C are the valence and parameter of the model potential,
respectively. The details of the model potential are narrated in the literature
To compute the phonon dispersion relations of liquid metals, the most
frequently used approach of Hubbard and Beeby (HB) [14] is adopted. With
the physical argument that the product of the static pair correlation function
and the second derivative of the interatomic pair potential r is
peaked near the hard sphere diameter , Hubbard and Beeby (HB) [14] have
derived the expressions for the longitudinal phonon frequencies L(q) and the
transverse phonon frequencies T(q) as [14],
E2 g r r r dr
Where, and r are the number density, atomic mass, pair
correlation function and interatomic pair potential of the element, respectively.
The fundamental ingredient, which goes into the calculation of the lattice
dynamics of liquid metals, is the interatomic pair potential r . In the
present study, the interatomic pair potential r is computed from Eqs. (1). A
quantity which is equally important as the interatomic pair potential (r) while
studying a disorder system is the pair correlation function (PCF) g r . It
provides the statistical description of the structure of the system under
investigation. The complete information of the precise position and
momentum of each particle at each instant of time is contained in this function.
The function g r can be obtained either experimentally by X-ray diffraction
and neutron diffraction technique [17] or computed theoretically from the
interatomic pair potential r [17]. Instead of using experimentally available
g r , here the pair correlation function for all disordered systems are
generated from presently obtained interatomic pair potential r . The
function g r is presently calculated using the expression [17],
V r
g r exp 1
kB T . (8)
L q and T q ,
L L q and T T q . (9)
3 2
10 , (10)
10 . (11)
BT M L2 T2
3 , (12)
G M T2 . (13)
Table 1. Constants and parameters for alkali metals.
1 2 T2
2 2 T2
L , (14)
Y 2G 1 . (15)
The Debye temperature is given in terms of both the velocities as [14, 15],
1 13
D 9 eff 3
1 2
D 2 3 3
kB kB 4 L T , (16)
first minimum roughly coincides with the first peak in the structure factor of
the respective systems. The computer simulations and analytical calculations
have demonstrated that this minimum arises from a process analogous to the
Umklapp scattering in the crystalline solids. This sharp first maximum in the
static structure factor acts like a smeared-out reciprocal lattice vector. The
experimental or theoretical data of most of the alkali metals are not available
in the literature. But, the behaviour of the present results does not show any
abnormality. From the Figures 1-5, it can be noted that when we go from
LiCs, the peak of the phonon dispersion curves reduces.
At the end, we conclude that the presently computed results of the lattice
dynamical properties of liquid alkali elements are showing consistent nature.
The experimental or theoretical data for most of the liquid metals are not
available for further comparison. Thus, in the absence of experimental results
such calculations may be considered as one of the guidelines for further
theoretical or experimental investigations. This is very much essential for
obtaining concrete conclusions. Also, the model potential along with H and IU
local filed correction functions is capable of explaining the lattice dynamical
properties of liquid alkali metals. From the present experience, we also
conclude that it should be interesting to apply other local pseudopotentials for
such comprehensive study to judge and confirm the wider applicability of the
[1] Desai, R. C. and Nelkin, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 (1966) 839.
[2] Copley, J. R. D. and Lovesy, S. W. Rep. Prog. Phys. 38 (1975) 461.
[3] Gartrell-Mills, P. R., McGreevy, R. L. and van der Lugt, W. Physica
B154 (1988) 1.
[4] Balucani, U., Ruocco, G., Torcini, A. and Vallauri, R. Phys. Rev. E47
(1993) 1677.
[5] Pratap, A., Lad, K. N. and Raval, K. G. Pramana-J. Phys. 63 (2004)
[6] Thakor, P. B., Gajjar, P. N. and Jani, A. R. Pramana –J. Phys. 72 (2009)
[7] Srivastava, S. K., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 36 (1975) 993.
[8] Srivastava, S. K. and Ram Dawar, Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 31 (1993)
[9] Suck, J. -B. Experimental Investigations of Collective Excitations in
Disordered matter, In: Collective dynamics of nonlinear and disordered
systems Eds. G. Radons, P. Haussler, W. Just, Springer Berlin,
Heidelberg (2005).
[10] Balucani, U. and Zoppi, M. Dynamics of the liquid state. Oxford
University Press Inc., New York (1994).
[11] Gajjar, P. N., Patel, M. H., Thakore, B. Y. and Jani, A. R. Commun.
Phys. 12 (2002) 81.
Lattice Dynamics of Liquid Metals 101
Chapter 6
Aditya M. Vora*
Humanities and Social Science Department,
S.T.B.S. College of Diploma Engineering, Opp. Spinning Mill,
Varachha Road, Surat 395 006, Gujarat, India
The computations of the lattice dynamics of solid metallic elements
to second order in local model potential is discussed in terms of real-
space sum of Born von Karman central force constants. The local field
correlation functions due to Hartree (H) and Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) are
used to investigate influence of the screening effects on the aforesaid
properties. Results for the lattice constants i.e.
C11 , C12 , C 44 ,
C12 C44 , C12 C44 and bulk modulus B obtained using the H-local
field correction function have higher values in comparison with the
results obtained for the same properties using IU local field correction
function. The results for the Shear modulus ( C ), deviation from
Cauchy‟s relation, Poisson‟s ratio , Young modulus Y , propagation
Corresponding address: Tel. : +91-2832-256424, E-mail address : [email protected].,
Parmeshwari 165, Vijaynagar Area, Hospital Road, Bhuj–Kutch, 370 001, Gujarat, INDIA
104 Aditya M. Vora
A crystal is described as a perfect periodic three-dimensional array of
atoms. However, the atoms are not static at their lattice sites but vibrate about
their mean positions with energies governed by the temperature of the solid.
The collective motions of atoms in solids form traveling waves (called lattice
vibrations), which are quantized in terms of “phonons”. The study of lattice
vibrations is of considerable interest because several physical properties of
crystals like their specific heat, thermal expansion, phase transitions are related
to the vibrations of atoms in solids [1-14].
The experimental studies of lattice vibrations are carried out using
techniques like Raman spectroscopy, infrared absorption (IR), inelastic
neutron scattering, inelastic X-ray scattering, etc. Unlike Raman and infrared
studies which probe only the long wavelength excitations in one phonon
scattering, inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering can directly probe the
phonons in the entire Brillouin zone. While inelastic neutron scattering is
widely used for such measurements, inelastic X-ray scattering has also been
recently used at intense synchrotrons sources for the study of phonons in a few
materials. Experimental studies at high pressures and temperatures are often
limited and accurate models for the compounds are of utmost importance. A
major goal of research therefore has been theoretical predictions of the
thermodynamic properties. The success of the models in predicting
thermodynamic properties depends crucially on their ability to explain a
variety of microscopic and macroscopic dynamical properties. These include
an understanding of the crystal structure, elastic constants, equation of state,
phonon frequencies, dispersion relations, density of states and thermodynamic
quantities like the specific heat and thermal expansion. The experimental
neutron and long wavelength optical data are used to test and validate models
of interatomic potentials, which in turn have been used to predict
thermodynamic properties at high pressures and temperatures [1-14].
While in the case of liquid metals and metallic glasses, it was found that
the maximum deviation takes place in the vicinity of the first spherical
Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 105
Brillouin zone. This region lies nearly at half the distance of the first peak in
the structure factor. Thus the choice of the structure factor also plays a vital
role in the study of phonon dispersion curves of liquid metals. It was also
observed that generally people have used the hard sphere reference system to
describe the structural information, which is independent of the model
potential [1-6].
As a consequence of the disorder, the phonon spectra of alloys can differ
considerable in character from those of the pure metals. Localized vibrational
modes may be present, and all phonons acquire a broadening and shift in
frequency. Besides their importance for the thermodynamic properties, the
lattice vibrations in alloy systems provide an ideal testing ground for any
theory of elementary excitations in disordered systems because the energy
wave vector relationship can be measured directly by either the coherence
inelastic neutron scattering experimentally or by the many theoretical models.
Once the phonon spectrum of the alloy is known, the calculation of the
vibrational contribution to the thermodynamic functions is straightforward
Therefore, in the present article, the lattice dynamics of alkali metals in
solid phase are reported. The well recognized model potential of Gajjar et al.
[1-6] is used with more advanced and recent local field correlation function
due to Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU) [15] has been employed in such investigations.
This helps in identifying the influence of exchange and correlation effects in
the static form of Hartree (H) (only static) dielectric function [16]. For solid
metallic complexes, the lattice dynamical studies are performed from in terms
of real-space sum of Born von Karman central force constants
The phonon frequencies can be obtained by solving the standard secular
determinantal equation [1-8]
det D q 4 2 2 M 0 ,
D q
where, M is the ionic mass, the phonon frequency and the
dynamical matrix in which the force between two ions depends only upon the
distance between them is given by,
106 Aditya M. Vora
D q 1 e iqr ,
n r r
where r is the interionic pair potential, and r and are and
r th th
Cartesian components of the position vector of n ion, respectively T.
The interionic pair potential r is computed from the well known
relation [1-8]
Z 2e2 0
2 F q
sin qr
(r ) dq .
r qr (3)
F (q)
0 q 2
WB ( q )
2 H (q) 1 .
8 e 2
1 H (q) 1 1 f q (4)
O , W B q , H q
With and f q are the atomic volume, bare-ion
pseudopotential, static Hartree dielectric function and local field correlation
function, respectively.
The bare-ion pseudopotential due to Gajjar et al. is given by [1-6]
8Z qrC 2
W B q cosqrC
O q 2
1 qrC
. (5)
here, Z and C are the valence and parameter of the model potential,
respectively. The details of the model potential are narrated in the literature [1-
6]. In the present investigation, the local field correction functions due to H
[15] and IU [16] are incorporated to see the impact of exchange and
correlation effects. The details of all the local field corrections are below.
The H-screening function [15] is purely static, and it does not include the
exchange and correlation effects. The expression of it is,
Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 107
f X 0 . (6)
8A 4 Q2 2 Q
f X AIU Q 4 BIU Q 2 CIU AIU Q 4 BIU IU Q 2 C IU ln
3 4Q 2Q
r r
D q 1 e iqr K t 2 K r K t ,
n r (8)
Here K t and K r are the force constants between a pair of ions interacting
through a central interaction and n specifies shell index.
1 dr
r dr
Z 2e2 sinqr
3 2 0 2 F q q 2 cos qr
q r
dq .
r r 0 (9)
108 Aditya M. Vora
d 2
dr 2
Using these atomic force constants, we can generate inter atomic force
constants which can then be employed to investigate the elastic constants
Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 109
d 2 (r )
dr dr
r r r r
2 Kt 2 Kr .
r r
Under the long-wave phonon method, the elastic constants are studied by
N (n) x 2 K xxn y 2 K yyn z 2 K zzn ,
12a n (12)
24a n
N (n) y 2 z 2 K xxn z 2 x 2 K yyn z 2 K zzn ,
C12 C44
6a n
N (n) yzK yzn zxK zxn xy K xyn .
C C12
C ' 11 .
2 (15)
C 2C12
B 11 .
3 (16)
110 Aditya M. Vora
2.0 IU
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
Na [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
1.0 IU
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
The extent to which the interatomic forces are non-pair wise can be
obtained by investigating the breakdown of the Cauchy relation. The Cauchy‟s
ratio is obtained by C12 C44 .
Poisson‟s ratio is the second independent elastic parameter and is
given as [1-8],
Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 111
C11 C12 (17)
From the calculated values of the bulk modulus an Poisson‟s ratio, Young
modulus Y is derived as [1-8],
Y 3B(1 2 ) . (18)
C 2
v L [100] 11 .
112 Aditya M. Vora
(C C12 2C44 ) 2
v L [110] 11 .
2 (20)
(C 2C 12 4C 44 ) 2
v L [111] 11 .
3 (21)
C 2
v T [100] v T 1[110] 44 .
(C11 - C12) 2
v T 2 [110] .
2 (23)
(C11 C12 2C 44 ) 2
v T [111] .
3 (24)
C11 0.7582 0.5088 0.416 0.499, 0.555, 0.410, 0.399, 0.420, 0.510, 0.402, 0.425, 0.304,
0.495, 0.530, 0.434, 0.481, 0.421, 0.50, 0.592, 0.616, 0.409,
0.395, 0.327, 0.480, 0.530, 0.503, 0.450, 0.478, 0.390, 0.565,
0.384, 0.394, 0.482, 0.466, 0.460
C12 0.7175 0.4331 0.341 0.441, 0.465, 0.35, 0.322, 0.35, 0.406, 0.332, 0.381, 0.240,
0.429, 0.44, 0.360, 0.415, 0.344, 0.41, 0.541, 0.491, 0.346,
0.324, 0.327, 0.42, 0.439, 0.37, 0.401, 0.34, 0.519, 0.325,
0.035, 0.411, 0.410, 0.10
C44 0.2461 0.2567 0.286 0.254, 0.259, 0.26, 0.34, 0.256, 0.263, 0.253, 0.29, 0.26,
0.251, 0.260, 0.288, 0.346, 0.269, 0.276, 0.28, 0.29, 0.264,
0.255, 0.27, 0.286, 0.359, 0.272, 0.269, 0.29, 0.25, 0.259
C‟ 0.0325 0.0379 0.038 0.029, 0.045, 0.023, 0.037, 0.033, 0.032, 0.038
B 0.7392 0.4583 0.366 0.460, 0.495, 0.106, 0.263, 0.451, 0.358, 0.368, 0.315, 0.534,
0.385, 0.437, 0.349, 0.349, 0.385, 0.348, 0.378, 0.427, 0.460,
0.366, 0.435, 0.424, 0.395, 0.376, 0.366, 0.348
Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 113
i2 (q) (C 2C 44 )
Y1 lim 11 ,
q 0
i q 2
C - C12
Y2 lim T 1 11 .
q 0
T2 2C 44 (26)
A .
12 (27)
K [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
0.5 IU
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
Figure 3. Phonon dispersion curves of K.
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
The input parameters and other constants used in the present computation
of the lattice dynamics of metallic element and their alloys are narrated in
Table 1. In the present computation, the bcc crystal structure considered for all
alkali metals. The lattice constants „ a ‟ are obtained from the well known
relation O 2 1 3
. Tables 2-8 display the computed values of some static and
vibrational properties of alkali metals. It is noted from the Tables 2-8 that, our
Lattice Dynamics of Solid Metallic Elements 115
results calculated for C11 , C12 , C 44 , C12 C44 , C12 C44 and bulk modulus
B from H-local field correction function give higher values than those
obtained for the IU-local field correction functions. There is a good agreement
for the calculated values of the Shear modulus C , deviation from Cauchy‟s
relation, Poisson‟s ratio , Young modulus Y , propagation velocity of
elastic waves, phonon dispersion curves (PDC) and degree of anisotropy A
using H and IU-local field correction functions. The present results are
compared with the experimentally [17] or theoretically [18-25] available data
and found in qualitative agreement with them. It is noticed from the present
study that, the percentile influence of the IU-local field correction function
with respect to the static H-local field correction function on the vibrational
properties of Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs is found 0.82%-76.59%, 0.59%-40.99%,
2.12%-62.58%, 3.72%-52.74% and 3.23%-36.41%, respectively. This clearly
indicates that the local field correlations play a very effective role in
explaining correctly the static and dynamic properties of such solid solutions.
The calculated results of the vibrational properties of Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs
alkali metals deviate in the range of 6.55%-985.68%, 2.06%-1900.12%,
0.26%-454.59%, 0.28%-868.06% and 0.45%-680.79% from the highest
experimental findings [17], respectively. The present results of the vibrational
properties are found in qualitative agreement with the other such available
experimental [17] or theoretical [18-25] data.
Cs [100] [111] [110]
Phonon Frequncy (THZ)
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
Reduced wave vector
Table 7. (Continued)
Present results Expt. Others
H IU [17, 18] [18-25]
A 13.9355 18.7296 − −
Y1 8.8839 6.1142 − −
Y2 0.0718 0.0534 − −
C12-C44 1.6201 0.9560 0.0810, 0.0780 −
1.4800, 1.1181,
C12/C44 3.6734 2.5584 3.05
0.4524, 0.4534,
σ 0.4826 0.4748 0.49
Y 0.2377 0.2457 2.2520, 2.1220 −
A 7.5618 7.3672 − −
Y1 3.5544 2.9261 − −
Y2 0.1322 0.1358 − −
C12-C44 0.4714 0.1764 0.0850 −
C12/C44 2.9152 1.6872 1.1923, 1.6700 2.72
σ 0.4783 0.4598 0.4504 −
Y 0.0960 0.1106 1.087 −
A 7.5787 6.7739 − −
Y1 1.4001 1.1228 − −
Y2 0.1319 0.1476 − −
C12-C44 0.6486 0.4451 0.067, 0.046 −
C12/C44 3.9395 3.1764 1.2180, 1.3031 −
σ 0.4833 0.4864 0.4485, 0.4571 −
Y 0.0890 0.0541 0.8555, 0.7868 −
A 7.3534 11.2317 − −
Y1 0.8410 0.6720 − −
Y2 0.1360 0.0890 − −
C12-C44 0.4373 0.2878 0.0560 −
C12/C44 3.7041 2.9000 1.3500 −
σ 0.4826 0.4848 0.4567 −
Y 0.0642 0.0409 0.6405 −
A 7.4703 11.0032 − −
Y1 0.4833 0.3851 − −
Y2 0.1339 0.0909 − −
118 Aditya M. Vora
Table 8. (Continued)
The phonon dispersion curves (PDC) of five alkali metals viz. Li, Na, K,
Rb and Cs along [100], [110] and [111] directions of high symmetry, which
are shown in Figures 1-5 with available experimental findings [26-29]. The
present results of pure alkali elements are found in qualitative agreement with
the experimental data [26-29]. We have found that the phonon frequencies in
the longitudinal branch are more sensitive to the exchange and correlation
effects in comparison with the transverse branches. The frequencies in the
longitudinal branch are suppressed due to IU-screening function than the
frequencies due to static H-screening function. While in the transverse branch
effect of exchange and correlation enhances slightly the phonon modes. It is
found that at the zone boundaries of [100] and [111] directions, i.e., for the
larger momentum transfer the effect of local field correlation is almost
negligible. These dispersion curves are not showing any abnormality in the
three regions of high symmetry directions and exhibiting qualitative behaviour
like metallic elements. From the Figures 1-5, we observe that, when we move
from Li → Cs, the phonon frequency decreases with increase in the average
volume of the metallic elements. The phonon dispersion curves (PDC) are
seen to be quite unsatisfactory except near the small k -regions (k < 0.6 or so)
because of the average data of the pure metallic elements. For some
equiatomic binary alloys, present results deviate more from the experimental
points. But present study is independent of such fitting hence in some cases the
discrepancy is observed.
A good description of Cs or Rb is rather more complicated than that of the
other alkali elements. The problem stems from the fact that at pure Cs or Rb
density the compressibility of the electron gas is close to zero, and is
conceivably negative. Hence, the normal pseudopotential perturbation
120 Aditya M. Vora
approach based on the electron gas as the zero order approximation is rather
dubious. This is because one is starting with a thermodynamically unstable
system to provide a description of one which is thermodynamically stable. The
way out of this dilemma, was used to scale the electron gas density parameter
r *
i.e. the Wigner-Seitz radius S by the band structure effective mass m ,
which then meant that one was dealing with an effective density for which the
electron gas compressibility was large and positive. The physical meaning of
this approach was not clear, but it bears a close resembles to that the effect of
large core polarization of Cs or Rb could be taken into account by a suitable
scaling of S , also in the direction of large, positive compressibility. But, in
the present results of the lattice dynamics of the alkali metals, we have made
straightforward computation without any assumptions. The relativistic effect
of the heavier alkali element like Cs to other alkali elements is significant,
which is comparatively very small. Therefore, we have ignored relativistic
effects of the heavier atom for the sake of simplicity.
At the end, we conclude that the presently computed results of the lattice
dynamical properties of pure alkali elements are found in qualitative
agreement with the experimental or theoretical data. From the present
experience, we also conclude that it should be interesting to apply other local
pseudopotentials for such comprehensive study to judge and confirm the wider
applicability of the potential.
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correlation(s), viii, ix, 39, 47, 49, 50, 51, 63, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 108, 112, 113, 114,
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 117
101, 103, 104, 105, 113, 117 displacement, 36, 40
correlation function, viii, ix, 47, 49, 50, 70, distinct treatment XE "treatment"
71, 72, 74, 75, 88, 89, 91, 92, 101, 103, condition, vii, 20
104 distribution, 71, 89
crack(s), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, DSC, 22, 23, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
13, 14, 17 dynamical properties, viii, 48, 52, 55, 57,
cracked bodies, vii, 1, 13 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72,
critical temperature, vii, 20, 21, 22, 23, 36, 84, 86, 88, 89, 98, 99, 102, 118
40, 41
crystal structure, 60, 102, 112
crystalline, 21, 23, 38, 39, 40, 41, 71, 82, E
89, 97
crystalline solids, 71, 82, 89, 97 elastic fracture, 3
crystals, 102 elastic waves, viii, ix, 48, 60, 102, 113, 116
cubic system, 54, 109 electron, 49, 51, 67, 71, 73, 82, 89, 90, 96,
cybernetics, 44 105, 117
cycles, vii, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, elongation, 45
31, 33, 34, 35, 40 energy, 2, 4, 48, 49, 50, 68, 73, 90, 103, 104
cycling, vii, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, equiatomic alkali binary alloys, vii, viii, 47,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 49, 50, 60, 63, 68
44 equiatomic liquid alkali binary alloys, viii,
70, 71, 73, 74, 81, 84, 85, 86
equilibrium, 42
D evidence, 32, 40
evolution, 40
defects, 2, 21, 23, 24, 39, 40, 41
deformation, 21, 23, 32, 40, 42, 44, 45
degenerate, 51, 73, 90, 105 F
degree of anisotropy, viii, ix, 48, 60, 102,
113 fabrication, 43
density fluctuations, 76, 92 FAD, 3
deviation, viii, ix, 3, 38, 39, 47, 60, 71, 89, failure, vii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13
101, 102, 113 fluctuations, 76, 92
differential scanning, 22, 23 force, viii, ix, 47, 49, 51, 52, 59, 101, 103,
differential scanning calorimetry, 22, 23 105, 106, 111
diffraction, vii, 20, 22, 23, 75, 92 force constants, viii, ix, 47, 51, 52, 59, 101,
diffusion, 42 103, 105, 106, 111
dislocation, 39 formation, 45
disorder, 49, 75, 92, 103 formula, 51, 73, 90, 105
disordered systems, 49, 75, 87, 92, 99, 103 fracture, vii, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16,
dispersion, viii, ix, 48, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 17, 18, 44
62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, fracture resistance, 3
79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 95, fracture strength evaluation, vii, 1, 4, 8
fracture toughness, 8
Index 125
integrity, 3
G interface, 21
interval, vii, 20, 22, 32, 39, 40, 41
generation, vii, 1
ions, 48, 49, 51, 103, 105
generation of failure assessment diagram,
vii, 1
geometry, 4 L
glasses, 102
gold, 42 lattice, 24
grain, 20 lattice dynamical properties, viii, 48, 68, 70,
guidelines, 64, 84, 86, 97, 99 71, 72, 84, 86, 88, 89, 98, 99, 118
light, 23, 72
limitation, 21
H limitations, 43
linear, 3, 7, 10
Hartree (H), viii, ix, 47, 49, 70, 72, 73, 82,
liquid nitrogen, 23
88, 89, 90, 96, 101, 103
liquids, 51, 71, 73, 82, 89, 90, 96, 105
heat, 8, 21, 32
Lithium, 17
heating, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
loading, 3, 4
36, 39, 40, 41
local model potential, viii, ix, 47, 48, 49,
heating rate, 23
high strength, vii, 1, 4, 8, 13, 16
high strength alloys, vii, 1, 4, 8, 13
high temperature, 24, 26, 28, 29, 39, 40, 41 M
H-local field correction function, viii, ix, 47,
60, 84, 97, 101, 113 magnitude, 21
Hubbard and Beeby (HB), viii, 18, 70, 72, mass, 49, 67, 74, 91, 103, 118
74, 79, 88, 89, 91, 93 materials, 2, 10, 18, 76, 77, 78, 80, 92, 93,
hypothesis, 2 95, 102
hysteresis, viii, 20, 21, 37, 38, 41 matrix, vii, 49, 51, 72, 103, 105
matter, iv, 87, 99
MD technique, 48
I measurements, 71, 89, 102
mechanical properties, 20, 21
Ichimaru-Utsumi (IU), viii, ix, 47, 49, 50,
memory, 20, 42, 43, 44, 45
51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66,
metallography, 22
67, 70, 72, 73, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91,
metals, vii, viii, 42, 48, 49, 68, 71, 72, 74,
94, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109,
81, 84, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 99,
110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117
102, 103, 106, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118
IFM, 5
microhardness, vii, 20, 23, 38, 41
industrial application, 20, 21
microscope, 23
industry, 2
microscopy, vii, 20, 23
inert, 23
microscopy optical, differential calorimetry,
inherent flaw model, vii, 1, 4, 5, 6, 13
vii, 20
initial state, 24
microstructure, 22, 32
integration, 58
mirror, 22
126 Index
modeling, 42 pressure, 3, 4, 17
models, 49, 102, 103 principles, 3
modulus, viii, ix, 39, 45, 47, 53, 54, 59, 60, probe, 102
77, 80, 92, 93, 101, 107, 109, 111, 113, propagation, viii, ix, 8, 47, 54, 60, 76, 92,
114 101, 109, 113
momentum, 59, 63, 75, 92, 111, 117 pseudo-alloy-atom (PAA), viii, 49, 61, 64,
monocrystalline, vii, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 39, 70, 72, 81
41, 44, 45 purity, 22
showing, 63, 86, 99, 117 thermal treatment, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31,
SME, 20, 21, 32, 39, 40 33, 34, 35
solid phase, 103 thermodynamic properties, 49, 76, 77, 92,
solid solutions, 60, 68, 113 102, 103
solution, 48, 68 titanium, 4, 43, 45
specific heat, 102 tolerance, 17
stability, viii, 20, 27, 40, 41 toughness, 8, 9
stabilization, 41 transformation, vii, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
stabilize, 24 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
stable crack, 17 44, 45
standard deviation, 38, 39 transformations, 21, 42, 43, 45
standard error, 8, 10 traveling waves, 102
Standard error, 11, 12, 13, 14 treatment, vii, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
steel, 3, 17 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
steel pipe, 3 39, 40, 41, 72
strain, 2, 39 twinning, 32
strength, vii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 16, 17
stress, 2, 3, 4, 8, 21, 22, 31, 32, 39, 40, 45, V
76, 92
stress intensity factor, 3, 4 valence, 48, 50, 73, 74, 90, 91, 104
structural characteristics, 22 validation, vii
structural defect, 21 validity, 8
structural defects, 21 valuation, vii, 1, 4, 8
structure, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 38, 39, values, 4, 7, 10, 38
40, 41, 44, 45, 67, 71, 72, 75, 82, 89, 92, variation(s), 21, 36, 39
97, 103, 118 vector, 49, 82, 97, 104
symmetry, 63, 71, 89, 117 velocity, viii, ix, 48, 54, 60, 77, 92, 102,
109, 113
vessels, 3, 17
techniques, 102 W
temperature, vii, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28,
29, 32, 39, 40, 41, 77, 80, 92, 95, 102 wave number, 50, 73, 90, 104
tensile, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 17 wave vector, 49, 77, 81, 93, 96, 103
tensile strength, 2, 5, 10
tension, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 X
test data, vii, 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, 15, 16
testing, 49, 103 X-ray analysis, 24, 30, 31
thermal analysis, 22 X-ray diffraction (XRD), vii, 20, 22, 23, 32,
thermal cycling treatments underload 40, 75, 92
(TCL), vii, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, X-ray diffraction, optical, vii, 20
30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44
thermal expansion, 102
128 Index
Young modulus, viii, ix, 47, 54, 60, 101, Zn, 20, 42
109, 113