EC4-Composite Column H-Section

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The document describes the design of a composite column with a fully concrete encased H-section subjected to axial compression and biaxial bending.

The design steps include checking conditions for simplified method, resistance in axial compression, resistance in combined compression and uniaxial bending, resistance of the member, and resistance to transverse shear.

The conditions checked include steel contribution ratio, local buckling, relative slenderness, thickness of concrete cover, and longitudinal rebar contribution ratio.

Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section

EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings

Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

I.1. Actions
Axial Forces (kN) Bending Moments (kNm)
Total design load: NEd = 1800 Location My,Ed Mz,Ed
Permanent load: NG,Ed = 1200 Top: 380 50
Shear Forces Vy,Ed = 7.1 Middle: 190 25
Vz,Ed = 54.3 Bottom: 0 0
I.2. Buckling length
Length (m): L= 7
Buckling Load Factor Effective Length (m)
y-y axis: Ky = 1.0 y-y axis: Ley = KyL = 7.0
z-z axis: Kz = 1.0 z-z axis: Lez = KzL = 7.0
I.3. Properties of materials
Concrete (N/mm2) Structural Steel (N/mm2)
Strength class: C25/30
C25/30 (B30)
(B30 Steel grade: S355 S355
Compressive strengh: fck = 25 Yield strength: fy = 355
Elastic modulus: Ecm = 30500 Elastic modulus: Ea = 210000
Partial safety factor: gc = 1.5 Partial safety factor: gM = 1
Reinforcement Bar (N, mm ) Creep Coefficient
Steel grade: CB300-V
CB300-V Age at loading: t0 = 30 days
Yield strength: fsk = 300 The moment considered: t = 100 years
Elastic modulus: Es = 210000 Relative humidity: RH = 50%
Partial safety factor: gs = 1.15 Creep coefficient: jt = j( t, t0) = 2.64 EN 1992
I.4. Geometrical properties of the cross-section
Concrete Section (cm) Longitudinal Reinforcement (cm)
Width: bc = 40 Diameter: Ø= 1.6
Depth: hc = 40 Total numbers: n= 4
Cross-sectional area: Ac = 1478.5 Cross-sectional area: As = 8.0
Axis I (cm4) Wel (cm3) Wpl (cm3) Axis I (cm4) Wel (cm3) Wpl (cm3)
y-y 196791.6 - 14637.4 y-y 2190.9 - 132.7
z-z 206014.3 - 15270.2 z-z 2190.9 - 132.7
Steel Section
Dimension h (cm) b (cm) tw (cm) tf (cm) z
26 26 1 1.75
Axis Aa (cm2) I (cm4) Wel (cm3) Wpl (cm3)

y-y 113.5 14350.9 1103.9 1229.9

z-z 113.5 5128.2 394.5 597.1 y
Thickness of Concrete Cover
Along the y-direction: cy = 70.0 mm
Along the z-direction: cz = 70.0 mm

Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

Design method: Simplified method of design
A simplified method is limited to member:
- Doubly symmetrical
- Uniform cross section over the member length
II.1. Conditions apply of the simplified method
#1. Steel contribution ratio #2. Local buckling
0.2 < d = 0.64 < 0.9 cy = 70 > 43.3
=> Statisfied => Local bucking can be neglected
#3. Relative slenderness
#4. Check thickness of concrete cover
y-y axis:  y  0.88 <2 cy = 70 < 0.4b
z-z axis:  z  1.13 <2 cz = 70 < 0.3h
=> Statisfied => Statisfied
#5. Longitudinal rebar contribution ratio #6. The depth-to-width ratio of the composite
0.3% < rs = 0.54% < 6% 0.2 < hc / bc = 1.0 <5
=> Statisfied => Statisfied
II.2. Resistance of members in axial compression
Plastic resistance of the composite cross-section: Npl,Rd = 6333.5 kN (6.30)
The characteristic value of the plastic resistance to compression: Npl,Rk = 7412.2 kN
Effective modulus of elasticity of concrete: Ec,eff = 1106.1 kN/cm2 (6.41)
Effective flexural stiffness of the cross-section: (EI)eff,y = 4.78E+08 kNcm2 (6.40)
(EI)eff,z = 2.90E+08 kNcm (6.40)
Elastic critical force: Ncr,y = 9627.6 kN
cr,z = 5849.8 kN
Relative slenderness: y  0.88 EN 1993
z  1.13 EN 1993
Imperfection factor: y-y axis (buckling curve: b): ay = 0.34 EN 1993
z-z axis (buckling curve: c): az = 0.49 EN 1993
Reduction factor: y-y axis: Fy = 1.00 => cy = 0.68 EN 1993
z-z axis: Fz = 1.36 => cz = 0.47 EN 1993
Checking: NEd / [min(cy, cz).Npl,Rd] = 0.60 <1 (6.44)
=> Axial compression is statisfied
II.3. Resistance of members in combined compression and uniaxial bending
1. Resistance of the cross-section in combined compression and bending
Typical points on the interaction curve:
y-y axis z-z axis
Point N (kN) M (kNm) Point N (kN) M (kNm)
A 6333.5 0.0 A 6333.5 0.0
C 2094.5 531.5 C 2094.5 351.6
D 1047.2 574.9 D 1047.2 354.8
B 0.0 531.5 B 0.0 351.6

Npl,Rd = NA = 6333.5 kN Npl,Rd = NA = 6333.5 kN

Mmax,y,Rd = MD = 574.9 kNm Mmax,y,Rd = MD = 354.8 kNm
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

The interaction polygon ACDB is shown in figure.

(N - My) Interaction polygon


Npl,Rd (kN)

My,N,Rd = 544
NEd = 1800 D
1000 My,Ed = 461
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Mpl,y,Rd (kNm)

(N - Mz) Interaction polygon

Npl,Rd (kN)

4000 Mz,N,Rd = 353

3000 Mz,Ed = 186

NEd = 1800 D
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Mpl,z,Rd (kNm)


1.0 mdy = 1.023

mdz = 1.002 uy
0.8 uz


0.4 1.023

0.2 1.002

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

2. Member imperfections
Member imperfections: e0,z = 3.50 cm e0,y = 4.67 cm Table 6.5
Moment due to imperfections: My,Ed,imp = 63.0 kNm Mz,Ed,imp = 84.0 kNm
3. Second-order effects
Effective flexural stiffness of the cross-section: (EI)eff,y,II = 4.11E+08 kNcm2 (6.42)
(EI)eff,z,II = 2.41E+08 kNcm2 (6.42)
Elastic critical force: Ncr,y,eff = 8270.2 kN
Ncr,z,eff = 4851.7 kN
Ratio between the elastic critical load and the corresponding applied loading acr:
y-y axis: acr,y = 4.59 < 10 => Second-order effects must be considered (5.1)
z-z axis: acr,z = 2.70 < 10 => Second-order effects must be considered (5.1)
Ratio of the end moments: ry,II = 0.00 rz,II = 0.00
Equivalent moment factor: by,II = 0.66 bz,II = 0.66 Table 6.4
by,imp,II = 1.00 bz,imp,II = 1.00 Table 6.4
Values of factor: ky,II = 1.00 kz,II = 1.05 (6.43)
ky,imp,II = 1.28 kz,imp,II = 1.59 (6.43)
4. Design bending moment
First-order Second-order
Location My,Ed Mz,Ed My,Ed,imp Mz,Ed,imp My,Ed,II Mz,Ed,II My,Ed,imp,II Mz,Ed,imp,II
Top: 380.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 250.8 33.0 0.0 0.0
Middle: 190.0 25.0 63.0 84.0 380.0 52.5 80.5 133.5
Bottom: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 250.8 33.0 0.0 0.0

My,Ed,imp,II Mz,Ed,imp,II
My,Ed,imp Mz,Ed,imp


My,Ed, My,Ed,II Mz,Ed, Mz,Ed,II My,Ed,imp, My,Ed,imp,II Mz,Ed,imp, Mz,Ed,imp,II

250.8 33.0
Design bending moment:
Location My,Ed Mz,Ed
Top: 250.8 33.0
Middle: 460.5 186.0 460.5
Bottom: 250.8 33.0
Maximum 460.5 186.0
250.8 33.0

My,Ed Mz,Ed
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

II.4. Check of the resistance of the member

1. Combined compression and uniaxial bending
Design bending moment: My,Ed = 460.5 kNm Mz,Ed = 186.0 kNm
Plastic resistance moment: Mpl,y,Rd = 531.5 kNm Mpl,z,Rd = 351.6 kNm
mdy = 1.023 mdz = 1.002
aM,y = 0.9 aM,z = 0.9
Checking for bending about the y-y axis: My,Ed / (aM,y.mdy.Mpl,y,Rd) = 0.94 <1 (6.45)
=> The condition is statisfied
Checking for bending about the z-z axis: Mz,Ed / (aM,z.mdz.Mpl,z,Rd) = 0.59 <1 (6.45)
=> The condition is statisfied
2. Combined compression and biaxial bending
Note: Imperfections should be considered only in the plane which failure is expected to occur.
# Case 1: Failure about the y-y axis is assumed (Neglect imperfections about the z-z axis)
Design bending moment: My,Ed = 460.5 kNm Mz,Ed = 52.5 kNm
Plastic resistance moment: Mpl,y,Rd = 531.5 kNm Mpl,z,Rd = 351.6 kNm
mdy = 1.023 mdz = 1.002
aM,y = 0.9 aM,z = 0.9
Checking for bending about the y-y axis: My,Ed / (aM,y.mdy.Mpl,y,Rd) = 0.94 <1 (6.46)
=> The condition is statisfied
Checking for bending about the z-z axis: Mz,Ed / (aM,z.mdz.Mpl,z,Rd) = 0.17 <1 (6.46)
=> The condition is statisfied
Checking combined compression and biaxial bending (N - My - Mz):
My,Ed / (mdy.Mpl,y,Rd) + Mz,Ed / (mdz.Mpl,z,Rd) = 1.00 <1 (6.47)
=> The condition is statisfied
# Case 2: Failure about the z-z axis is assumed (Neglect imperfections about the y-y axis)
Design bending moment: My,Ed = 380.0 kNm Mz,Ed = 186.0 kNm
Plastic resistance moment: Mpl,y,Rd = 531.5 kNm Mpl,z,Rd = 351.6 kNm
mdy = 1.023 mdz = 1.002
aM,y = 0.9 aM,z = 0.9
Checking for bending about the y-y axis: My,Ed / (aM,y.mdy.Mpl,y,Rd) = 0.78 <1 (6.46)
=> The condition is statisfied
Checking for bending about the z-z axis: Mz,Ed / (aM,z.mdz.Mpl,z,Rd) = 0.59 <1 (6.46)
=> The condition is statisfied
Checking combined compression and biaxial bending (N - My - Mz):
My,Ed / (mdy.Mpl,y,Rd) + Mz,Ed / (mdz.Mpl,z,Rd) = 1.23 >1 (6.47)
=> The condition is not statisfied


Therefore, the check of the resistance of the composite column to biaxial bending taking into account
the design axial force NEd = 1800 kN and assuming bending failure about the z-z axis is not satisfied.
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

Interaction polygon for bending about the y-y and the z-z axes


y-y axis
z-z axis
NRd (kN)


3000 My,N,Rd = 544

Mz,Ed = 52
NEd = 1800
Mz,N,Rd = 353 My,Ed = 461

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
MRd (kNm)
Case 1. Assumed bending failure about the y-y axis


y-y axis
z-z axis
NRd (kN)


3000 Mz,Ed = 186 My,N,Rd = 544

NEd = 1800
Mz,N,Rd = 353 My,Ed = 380

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
MRd (kNm)

Case 2. Assumed bending failure about the z-z axis

Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021

II.5. Check of the plastic resistance to transverse shear

1. Parallel to the z-z axis
The first-order design shear force: Vz,Ed = 90.3 kN
The second-order design shear force: Vz,Ed,II = 100.3 kN
Shear area: Av,z = 22.5 cm2 EN 1993
Design plastic shear resistance: Vpl,z,a,Rd = 461.2 kN EN 1993
Checking: Vz,Ed,II = 100.3 < 0.5Vpl,z,a,Rd = 230.6 kN
=> The condition is statisfied
2. Parallel to the y-y axis
The first-order design shear force: Vy,Ed = 55.1 kN
The second-order design shear force: Vy,Ed,II = 83.8 kN
Shear area: Av,y = 91.0 cm2 EN 1993
Design plastic shear resistance: Vpl,y,a,Rd = 1865.1 kN EN 1993
Checking: Vy,Ed,II = 83.8 < 0.5Vpl,y,a,Rd = 932.6 kN
=> The condition is statisfied

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