EC4-Composite Column H-Section
EC4-Composite Column H-Section
EC4-Composite Column H-Section
I.1. Actions
Axial Forces (kN) Bending Moments (kNm)
Total design load: NEd = 1800 Location My,Ed Mz,Ed
Permanent load: NG,Ed = 1200 Top: 380 50
Shear Forces Vy,Ed = 7.1 Middle: 190 25
Vz,Ed = 54.3 Bottom: 0 0
I.2. Buckling length
Length (m): L= 7
Buckling Load Factor Effective Length (m)
y-y axis: Ky = 1.0 y-y axis: Ley = KyL = 7.0
z-z axis: Kz = 1.0 z-z axis: Lez = KzL = 7.0
I.3. Properties of materials
Concrete (N/mm2) Structural Steel (N/mm2)
Strength class: C25/30
C25/30 (B30)
(B30 Steel grade: S355 S355
Compressive strengh: fck = 25 Yield strength: fy = 355
Elastic modulus: Ecm = 30500 Elastic modulus: Ea = 210000
Partial safety factor: gc = 1.5 Partial safety factor: gM = 1
Reinforcement Bar (N, mm ) Creep Coefficient
Steel grade: CB300-V
CB300-V Age at loading: t0 = 30 days
Yield strength: fsk = 300 The moment considered: t = 100 years
Elastic modulus: Es = 210000 Relative humidity: RH = 50%
Partial safety factor: gs = 1.15 Creep coefficient: jt = j( t, t0) = 2.64 EN 1992
I.4. Geometrical properties of the cross-section
Concrete Section (cm) Longitudinal Reinforcement (cm)
Width: bc = 40 Diameter: Ø= 1.6
Depth: hc = 40 Total numbers: n= 4
Cross-sectional area: Ac = 1478.5 Cross-sectional area: As = 8.0
Axis I (cm4) Wel (cm3) Wpl (cm3) Axis I (cm4) Wel (cm3) Wpl (cm3)
y-y 196791.6 - 14637.4 y-y 2190.9 - 132.7
z-z 206014.3 - 15270.2 z-z 2190.9 - 132.7
Steel Section
Dimension h (cm) b (cm) tw (cm) tf (cm) z
26 26 1 1.75
Axis Aa (cm2) I (cm4) Wel (cm3) Wpl (cm3)
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021
Design method: Simplified method of design
A simplified method is limited to member:
- Doubly symmetrical
- Uniform cross section over the member length
II.1. Conditions apply of the simplified method
#1. Steel contribution ratio #2. Local buckling
0.2 < d = 0.64 < 0.9 cy = 70 > 43.3
=> Statisfied => Local bucking can be neglected
#3. Relative slenderness
#4. Check thickness of concrete cover
y-y axis: y 0.88 <2 cy = 70 < 0.4b
z-z axis: z 1.13 <2 cz = 70 < 0.3h
=> Statisfied => Statisfied
#5. Longitudinal rebar contribution ratio #6. The depth-to-width ratio of the composite
0.3% < rs = 0.54% < 6% 0.2 < hc / bc = 1.0 <5
=> Statisfied => Statisfied
II.2. Resistance of members in axial compression
Plastic resistance of the composite cross-section: Npl,Rd = 6333.5 kN (6.30)
The characteristic value of the plastic resistance to compression: Npl,Rk = 7412.2 kN
Effective modulus of elasticity of concrete: Ec,eff = 1106.1 kN/cm2 (6.41)
Effective flexural stiffness of the cross-section: (EI)eff,y = 4.78E+08 kNcm2 (6.40)
(EI)eff,z = 2.90E+08 kNcm (6.40)
Elastic critical force: Ncr,y = 9627.6 kN
cr,z = 5849.8 kN
Relative slenderness: y 0.88 EN 1993
z 1.13 EN 1993
Imperfection factor: y-y axis (buckling curve: b): ay = 0.34 EN 1993
z-z axis (buckling curve: c): az = 0.49 EN 1993
Reduction factor: y-y axis: Fy = 1.00 => cy = 0.68 EN 1993
z-z axis: Fz = 1.36 => cz = 0.47 EN 1993
Checking: NEd / [min(cy, cz).Npl,Rd] = 0.60 <1 (6.44)
=> Axial compression is statisfied
II.3. Resistance of members in combined compression and uniaxial bending
1. Resistance of the cross-section in combined compression and bending
Typical points on the interaction curve:
y-y axis z-z axis
Point N (kN) M (kNm) Point N (kN) M (kNm)
A 6333.5 0.0 A 6333.5 0.0
C 2094.5 531.5 C 2094.5 351.6
D 1047.2 574.9 D 1047.2 354.8
B 0.0 531.5 B 0.0 351.6
(N - My) Interaction polygon
Npl,Rd (kN)
My,N,Rd = 544
NEd = 1800 D
1000 My,Ed = 461
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Mpl,y,Rd (kNm)
(N - Mz) Interaction polygon
Npl,Rd (kN)
0.4 1.023
0.2 1.002
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021
2. Member imperfections
Member imperfections: e0,z = 3.50 cm e0,y = 4.67 cm Table 6.5
Moment due to imperfections: My,Ed,imp = 63.0 kNm Mz,Ed,imp = 84.0 kNm
3. Second-order effects
Effective flexural stiffness of the cross-section: (EI)eff,y,II = 4.11E+08 kNcm2 (6.42)
(EI)eff,z,II = 2.41E+08 kNcm2 (6.42)
Elastic critical force: Ncr,y,eff = 8270.2 kN
Ncr,z,eff = 4851.7 kN
Ratio between the elastic critical load and the corresponding applied loading acr:
y-y axis: acr,y = 4.59 < 10 => Second-order effects must be considered (5.1)
z-z axis: acr,z = 2.70 < 10 => Second-order effects must be considered (5.1)
Ratio of the end moments: ry,II = 0.00 rz,II = 0.00
Equivalent moment factor: by,II = 0.66 bz,II = 0.66 Table 6.4
by,imp,II = 1.00 bz,imp,II = 1.00 Table 6.4
Values of factor: ky,II = 1.00 kz,II = 1.05 (6.43)
ky,imp,II = 1.28 kz,imp,II = 1.59 (6.43)
4. Design bending moment
First-order Second-order
Location My,Ed Mz,Ed My,Ed,imp Mz,Ed,imp My,Ed,II Mz,Ed,II My,Ed,imp,II Mz,Ed,imp,II
Top: 380.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 250.8 33.0 0.0 0.0
Middle: 190.0 25.0 63.0 84.0 380.0 52.5 80.5 133.5
Bottom: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 250.8 33.0 0.0 0.0
My,Ed,imp,II Mz,Ed,imp,II
My,Ed,imp Mz,Ed,imp
250.8 33.0
Design bending moment:
Location My,Ed Mz,Ed
Top: 250.8 33.0
Middle: 460.5 186.0 460.5
Bottom: 250.8 33.0
Maximum 460.5 186.0
250.8 33.0
My,Ed Mz,Ed
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021
Therefore, the check of the resistance of the composite column to biaxial bending taking into account
the design axial force NEd = 1800 kN and assuming bending failure about the z-z axis is not satisfied.
Composite Column with Fully Concrete-Encased H-Section
EN 1994-1-1:2004. Design of composite steel and concrete structures for buildings
Project: VTB Tower Designed by: NVC
Subject: Office Checked by: VAT
Position: Level 4 to 5 Date: 12/2021
Interaction polygon for bending about the y-y and the z-z axes
y-y axis
z-z axis
NRd (kN)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
MRd (kNm)
Case 1. Assumed bending failure about the y-y axis
y-y axis
z-z axis
NRd (kN)
NEd = 1800
Mz,N,Rd = 353 My,Ed = 380
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
MRd (kNm)