Duties and Responsibilities of A Security Guard

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Duties and responsibilities of a security guard.

 Ensure the safety of property and  Safeguard against theft and violence.
people.  Be on the lookout for disturbances.
 Guard against damage and attacks.  Protect against physical and financial loss.
 Work as a patrol officer always on  Transport money and/or valuables.
the move.  Direct vehicles and make sure vehicles are
 Work as a static guard at one safe.
location.  Inspect and/or adjust controls of buildings.
 Keep on a constant watch.  Make sure security equipment is in working
 Make sure everything is under order.
control.  Conduct checks inside of buildings you
 Possibly perform as a patrol and protect.
static guard.  Know where emergency alarms are located.
 Use electronic surveillance  Make detailed notes of anything unusual.
equipment.  Write details of accidents and damages.
 Work with the police when required.  Observe every person within your guard
 Know what to do in case of area.
emergencies.  Prohibit certain items into restricted
 Have a working knowledge of first locations.
aid.  Always act in the best interest of your
 Know how to operate lights in your employer.
area.  Answer general questions and give
 Always be on the alert for acts of directions.
violence.  Always represent yourself in a professional
 Inspect bags, luggage and personal manner.
items.  Maintain knowledge of your electronic
 Stop the entry of unauthorized equipment.
people.  Make sure your personal equipment is
 Be courteous to all people you deal always working.
with.  Know who to call in case of an emergency.
 Do not be late for assignments.  Must have good communication skills.
 Be alert for unusual situations.  Have the ability to handle and resolve
 Know how to contact your conflicts.
supervisor.  Armed guards must know how to use their
 Be courteous and polite. firearm.
 Ability to react fast in an  Know how to communicate on a phone.
 Be in good physical shape.
 Be honest and have dedication to the

You can find more information about being a security guard at the Security Guard Career Center

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