6.HANDOUT - Private Intertrnational Law

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(Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)

Re - accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Founder: Prof. Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, M.Sc.,Ph.D. (Awarded Padma Bhushan and Padma
Shri by President of India)

(Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956, by notification No.F.9-12/2001-U3

Government of India)
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Founder: Prof. Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, M.Sc.,Ph.D. (Awarded Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri by
President of India)
Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
Academic Year – 2019-20 (Batch of 2017-22)
Course : Public International Law

Course Code : T 1045 No. Credits 04

Faculty : Prof. (Dr.) Dwarakanath Sripathi.


Catalogue : No. Hours 60


Consultation : By appointment through email


Mobile : 6301927131 Email ID [email protected]

Program Objective:-

Course Objectives (CO):-

The main objective of the course is to:-

CO (1) To expose the students to the emerging trends and contemporary issues in international
law and also evolution of public international law.

CO (2) To provide to the students the required details of each concept and explaining the
various aspects and fundamental principles which constitute international law.

CO (3) To demonstrate to the students the basic knowledge and understanding relating to
jurisdiction and adjudication of cases by the ICJ and ICC.

CO (4) To make the students apply the principles of international law in respect of problems
between states in respect of boundary, trade, economic and international crimes.

CO (5) To create much interest and understanding of the subject, to enable the students to opt
for public international law as a specialization in their future academic or professional

Learning Outcomes (LO):-

At the end of the course the student will be able to :

LO (1) understand the emerging trends and contemporary issues in international law as well as
evolution of public international law.

LO (2) gain knowledge of each concept and the various aspects and fundamental principles
which constitute international law.

LO (3) analyze and evaluate jurisdiction and adjudication of cases by the ICJ and ICC.

LO (4) apply the principles of international law in respect of problems between states in respect
of boundary, trade, economic and international crimes.

Recommended Text Book:-

• Shaw Malcolm N., International Law (Eighth Edition), Cambridge University Press,
London, (2018)

Other Reading Material:

• Agarwal, H. O., International Law, Allahabad Law Agency (1992)
• Charlotte, K.U., and Diehl, F. Paul, International Law: Classic and Contemporary Reading,
Lynne Rienner Publishers (2009)
• Dixon Martin and Maccorouodale Robort, Cases and Materials on International Law,
Lawmann OUP (2003)
• Gray Christine, International Law and the Use of Force, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition,
• Green, L. C., Cases and Materials on International Law, Sweet and Maxwell, 6th edition,
• Harris D. J., Cases and Materials on International Law Sweet & Maxwell, (2004)
• Jan Klabbers, International Organizations, Dartmouth Publishing Co., 5th edition, (2005)
• J. G. Starke, An Introduction to International Law, Butterworth-Heinemann; 7th edition (1972)
• J. G. Starke, Starke’s International Law, Butterworth-Heinemann (1994)
• Kapoor, S. K., International Law and Human Rights, Central Law Publication, 17th edition,
• Malcolm, Evans D., International Law (Edited), Oxford University Press, London, (2006)
• Patel Bimal N., India and International Law (Edited), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (2005)
• Shaw, Malcolm, International Law, Cambridge University Press, 8th edition, (2018)
• Slomanson William R., Fundamental Perspective of International Law, Thomas, 22nd edition,
• Werle, Gerhard, Principles of International Criminal Law, T. M. C. Asser Press, (2005)

Research Papers/Articles/Cases recommended for reading:

1. Indian Journal of International Law

2. British Year Book of International Law
3. American Journal of International Law
4. U.N. Year Book of International Law

Course Map

The following table shows how the Course Learning Outcomes relate to the overall Program
Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed:
Course Description Learning Outcomes Assessments
Students will be able to understand
the evolution, sources, relationship • Lectures and
between international and municipal Class room
law and importance of Public discussions
International Law.
The objective of the Students will be able to learn the • Lectures,
course is to introduce issues relating to Law of the Sea, of Class room
the students to Public issues relating to Air and Outer Discussions and
Subject & International Law. It space, periodical tests
Course aims at enhancing the Students will be able to understand
Code:- understanding of the
students of the various the
Public functioning of the International • Lectures,
International concepts in the field of Criminal Court, ICJ as well as the Case Analysis /
international law and various
Law other organizations and Discussion
the impact of
international law on the Students will be able to comprehend
states in their day to whether use of force by states is • Lectures,
day relations. Case Studies /
justified under modern international presentation
Students will be able to pinpoint the • Lectures,
reasons responsible for the Class room
disarmament and its effect on the Discussions and
international community Tests

Delivery Schedule
Session Plan Evidence of Learning (Mapping CO with SO)
Intended Assessment / Evaluation
Sessio Topic / Intended Resources and References Delivery and Weighting
n# Learning Process (S, M, W, NL)
Essential Reading:

• Shaw Malcolm N.,

Introduction International Law (Eighth
Evolution and Edition), Cambridge University Lecture
definition of Press, London, (2018)
1-2 and CO1 / LO1 - S
Public Additional Reading: Discussion
International Law • Kapoor, S. K., International
Law and Human Rights,
Central Law Publication, 17th
edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Edition), Cambridge University
Sources of Public Press, London, (2018) Discussion
3-4 International Law CO1 / LO1 - S
Additional Reading: & Lecture
• Kapoor, S. K., International
Law and Human Rights,
Central Law Publication, 17th
edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Relationship Edition), Cambridge University
between Press, London, (2018) Discussion
5 Additional Reading: CO1/LO1- M
international law & Lecture
and municipal law • Kapoor, S. K., International
Law and Human Rights,
Central Law Publication, 17th
edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Evolution of Law Edition), Cambridge University
of the seas, Press, London, (2018) Article
6-7 Convention on the Discussion CO2/LO2-S
Law of the Seas Additional Reading: & Lecture
and Territorial sea, • Kapoor, S. K., International
Law and Human Rights,
Central Law Publication, 17th
edition, (2007)

8-9 Essential Reading: Case CO2/LO2 - S

Contiguous Zone, • Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth & Lecture
High seas and
Continental Shelf Edition), Cambridge University
case i.e. North Sea Press, London, (2018)
Additional Reading:
• Kapoor, S. K., International
Continental case Law and Human Rights,
Central Law Publication, 17th
edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018) Class room
10-11 EEZ Tribunal
and Sea-Bed
Additional Reading Discussion CO2/LO2-S
• Kapoor, S. K., International & Lecture
Law and Human Rights,
Central Law Publication, 17th
edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
Law relating to • Kapoor, S. K., International Article
Airspace and Law and Human Rights, Discussion
12-14 CO2/LO2 - M
International Central Law Publication, 17th & Lecture
Conventions edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
Law relating to • Kapoor, S. K., International
Outer-space and Law and Human Rights, Lectures &
15-17 CO2/LO2 - M
international Central Law Publication, 17th Discussions
conventions edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Establishment, Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018) Lectures &
18-20 composition and CO3/LO3 -S
• Werle, Gerhard, Principles of Discussions
functions of ICC
International Criminal Law, T.
M. C. Asser Press, (2005)

21-22 Establishment of Essential Reading: Lectures & CO3/LO31 -S

ICTY and ICTR • Shaw Malcolm N., Discussions
International Law (Eighth
Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018)

Additional Reading:

• Werle, Gerhard, Principles of

International Criminal Law, T.
M. C. Asser Press, (2005)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018)
23-24 Relevant Criminal Lectures &
Additional Reading: CO3/LO3 - S
Trials Discussions
• Werle, Gerhard, Principles of
International Criminal Law, T.
M. C. Asser Press, (2005)

Development, Essential Reading:
Significance of • Kapoor, S. K., International
new economic Law and Human Rights, Lectures &
25-26 CO4/LO4 - S
order & U.N. Central Law Publication, 17th Discussions
Charter & edition, (2007)
Declaration on
Essential Reading:
Charter of
Economic Rights • Kapoor, S. K., International Lectures &
27-28 and Duties & Law and Human Rights, CO4/LO4 - S
Fundamental Central Law Publication, 17th Discussions
Principles edition, (2007)

Essential Reading:
• Koul A K , The General
Agreement on Tariffs and
Significance of Trade/ World Trade
UNCTAD VII and Organisation, Law, Economics Lectures &
29-30 VIII, Estd of WTO and Politics, Satyam Books, 2nd Discussions CO4/LO4 - S
& Its General Ed, (2010)

31-32 Nature & Essential Reading: Lectures & CO4/LO4 - S

Functions of • Shaw Malcolm N., Discussions
International & International Law (Eighth
Regional Orgs Edition), Cambridge University
Case of EU Press, London, (2018)
Additional Reading:
• Jan Klabbers, International
Organizations, Dartmouth
Publishing Co., 5th edition,
Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
Contributions of Edition), Cambridge University
Specialized Press, London, (2018)
Additional Reading: Lectures &
33-34 Agencies – ILO, CO4/LO4 - S
WHO, IBRD and • Jan Klabbers, International
WIPO Organizations, Dartmouth
Publishing Co., 5th edition,

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
International Law (Eighth
UN overview Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018) Lectures,
ICJ & Other Case
35-36 Mechanisms of Additional Reading: CO3/LO3 - S
• Jan Klabbers, International Analysis &
International Discussions
Organizations, Dartmouth
Dispute Settlement Publishing Co., 5th edition,

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
UN Principles on International Law (Eighth
Use of Force, Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018)
37-38 Prohibition of Use Lectures &
Additional Reading: CO4/LO4 - S
of Force, Self Discussions
Defence & Use of • Gray Christine, International
Force Law and the Use of Force,
Oxford University Press, 2nd
edition, (2004)

Essential Reading:
• Shaw Malcolm N.,
Nicaragua Case, International Law (Eighth
Humanitarian Edition), Cambridge University
Intervention & Press, London, (2018) Lectures &
39-40 Legality of Use of Additional Reading: CO4/LO4 - S
Force ( NATO’s • Gray Christine, International
Intervention in Law and the Use of Force,
Kosovo) Oxford University Press, 2nd
edition, (2004)

41-42 Use of Force and Essential Reading: Lectures & CO4/LO4 - S

& Self • Shaw Malcolm N., Discussions
Determination International Law (Eighth
Edition), Cambridge University
Press, London, (2018)
Legality of Threat Additional Reading:
or Use of Nuclear • Gray Christine, International
Weapons & ICJ Law and the Use of Force,
Advisory Opinion Oxford University Press, 2nd
edition, (2004)

Essential Reading:
Problem of • Kapoor, S. K., International
Disarmament & Law and Human Rights, Lectures &
43 CO4/LO4 - S
UN Regulation of Central Law Publication, 17th Discussions
Armaments edition, (2007)

. Essential Reading:
Important Treaties • Kapoor, S. K., International
& Role played by Law and Human Rights,
Super powers for Central Law Publication, 17th Lectures &
44 CO4/LO4 - S
Reduction or edition, (2007) Discussions
Elimination of
Arms Race

Essential Reading:
• Kapoor, S. K., International
Salient Features of Law and Human Rights,
45 CTBT & Indian Central Law Publication, 17th Lecture & CO4/LO4 - S
edition, (2007) Discussion

46-50 Projects/Viva Voce Data

for Project
51-60 Presentations Student

Delivery Schedule
Expectations from Students:-

• To indulge in research activities pertaining to the subject

• To be punctual and attentive in the class room.

• To participate in paper presentations outside the University.

• To maintain the discipline and refrain from use of mobile phones.

• To actively participate in class room discussions and raise points of doubt.

• To be consistent in academic activities.

• To understand the basic concepts thoroughly.

• To read the relevant articles in the newspapers and Keep updated with the recent changes.
Evaluation Timeline:-
Keeping in line with continuous evaluation process at SLS, Hyderabad the following schedules
have been drawn. Students are expected to go through the dates / sessions mentioned and prepare
Componen Expected slot / Marks
Component Weightage
t Number due date declaration by
Test Paper - 1
1 Submission of 18-01-2020 29-01-2020 10
Test Paper - 2
2 19-02-2020 29-02-2020 10
Written Test
Assignment 18-03-2020 28-03-2020 20
3 Submission of
Research Project
4 End exam 60
5 Total 100
Quality Assurance:-

The SI (DU) is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student experience in all
its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks may be used for quality
assurance, such as to determine the extent to which program learning goals are being achieved.
The information is required for accreditation purposes, and aggregated findings will be used to
inform changes aimed at improving the quality of SI (DU) programs. All material used for such
processes will be treated as confidential and will not be related to course grades.

Brief Profile of the Faculty Member:

Graduated in Law from University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Completed Master’s degree in Law ( LL.M ) specializing in International Law from the same
university and completed Ph.D. in 1994 in the field of Law of the Sea. Published number of
articles on various topics of law in standard Law journals. Attended more than 20 National
and International Seminars and Conferences and presented papers. Resource person at several
national seminars, workshops and UGC Refresher Courses. Key-note Speaker in workshops
and seminars. Guest Faculty at International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution
(ICADR) Hyderabad, A.P. Police Academy, Marri Chenna Reddy Institute for Good
Governance at Hyderabad.
Initially Principal and subsequently Vice Principal of University College of Law,
Osmania University. Academic Member of Athens Institute for Education and Research
(ATINER). Athens, Greece. Visited Seoul, South Korea to attend an International Conference on
Peace. Chairperson, Board of Studies (LAW). Member- General Council of NALSAR
University of Law, Hyderabad, Dean-Faculty of Law, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda
District, State of Telangana. Head, Department of Law, Osmania University. Convener,
LAWCET & PGLCET – 2018. And presently Professor and Head ( Research and
Publications) at Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad.

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