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Deathwatch 9th Edition Rules

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MiniWarGaming’s Unofficial Deathwatch Rules

Version 9th Edition (updated September 9, 2020)

Building Your Deathwatch Squad

Note: For models that have an option of being Primaris or not, there will not be a difference in
stat lines for the campaign (i.e. same wounds and attacks, and same weapon options).


Since this is a narrative gamemastered campaign it is up to your Gamemaster to give you the
parameters of how to build your squad, and the size of the squad (which I typically like to keep
to 5 or 6).

Here are some examples of what you could decide:

Well Rounded: 1 ​ Leader, 1 Elite, 3 Standard

All Terminators: ​2 Leaders (in Terminator Armour), 3 Terminators
Stealthy:​ 2 Leaders (in Phobos Armour), 3 Others (in Phobos Armour)


Watch Captain - Regular, Primaris, Gravis, Phobos, Terminator, Jump Pack, Bike
Librarian - Regular, Primaris, Terminator, Phobos, Jump Pack
Chaplain - Regular, Primaris, Terminator, Jump Pack


Bike / Outrider
Inceptor / Vanguard Veteran


Veteran - Regular, Primaris

Infiltrator / Incursor
Scout Veteran
Deathwatch Statistics

All Deathwatch models start with the following basic stat line:

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Abilities

Deathwatch 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 3+ Angels of Death, Special Issue

Veteran Ammunition

Individual models then get stat changes that make sense according to their datasheets, as

● Terminators, Bikers, and Outriders gain an extra wound

● Terminators gain a 2+ save
● Any special equipment that changes movement values would apply
● Leaders gain an extra wound
○ Captains gain an extra 2 wounds instead
● WS and BS changes would apply (e.g. for Captains and Chaplains)
● Leaders gain an extra Leadership
● Captains gain +2 attacks
● Chaplains gain +1 attack
Chapter Tactics

Each model must choose one of the following Chapter Tactics. No two models can have the
same Chapter Tactic. A model can be from a successor chapter instead, but this would still
count as the limit for that chapter.

Chapter Tactic

Dark Angels Can always fire Overwatch with spending a CP, and resolve it using their normal BS.
This Overwatch is affected by modifiers (positive or negative) that would normally
affect a shooting attack.

White Scars Can Fall Back and Charge. Can Advance and Charge. Biker models do not suffer
the penalty for advancing and firing Assault weapons.

Space Wolves If this model charged, was charged, or heroically intervened this turn, then +1 to hit
rolls and +1 attacks for that Fight Phase. Can Heroically Intervene up to 6” instead
of 3”.

Imperial Fists Ignore Cover. When using bolt weapons, unmodified hit rolls of 6 score 1 additional

Blood Angels If this model charged, was charged, or heroically intervened this turn, then +1 to
wound rolls and +1 attacks for that Fight Phase.

Iron Hands Ignore wounds and mortal wounds on a 6+. Can always fire overwatch without
spending a CP, and resolve it on a 5+. Can move and fire Heavy weapons without
any penalties from moving (other penalties still apply).

Ultramarines Can Fall Back and Shoot, but at -1 to hit. Can choose at the beginning of its turn to
be affected by one of the three Combat Doctrines until its next turn.

Salamanders Re-roll a single hit and wound roll when shooting or fighting. Treat AP -1 and AP 0
against this model.

Raven Guard Gain Cover against shooters that are more than 12” away. Shooters more than 12"
away suffer a -1 to hit for attacks targeting this model.

Black Templar Reroll any or all dice when charging. Ignore Mortal Wounds on a 5+.

Crimson Fists When shooting at or fighting a unit with 3 or more models, or at Vehicles or
Monsters, add 1 to the hit roll. When using bolt weapons, unmodified hit rolls of 6
score 1 additional hit.

None (Black Shield) +1 WS, +1 Attack. Can Heroically Intervene up to 6” instead of 3”.
Injuries and Death Stunned: T ​ reat the BS and WS of the
model as one worse until the end of their
Injuries next turn.
Knocked Down: ​Place the model face
When a Deathwatch model is reduced to 0 down. A model must use their complete
or less wounds then roll a D6, adding 1 for Movement to Stand Up, and cannot take
every Wound Token allocated to the any actions while Knocked Down.
Deathwatch model, but treating unmodified
1s always as a result of 1, and consult the Character Major Injury Chart
following table.
Any models that are Removed from Play
If a Deathwatch model is reduced to 0 must also roll on this table:
wounds and still has more wounds to be
allocated (either from an attack with a 2d6 Effect
Damage greater than 1, or from other
2-5 Unconscious but ok. Remove all Wound
attackers from the same unit), then roll a Tokens.
number of D6 equal to the excess damage
6-7 Minor Wounds. Model’s BS and WS are
and use the highest result. treated as one worse for the next game.

Example: If a Deathwatch model is already 8-9 Major Wounds. Roll on Major Wounds
at 1 wound and suffers 3 unsaved wounds
from shooting attacks then it would roll 3 10+ Dead.
D6s and use the highest result. If a
Deathwatch model is already at 3 wounds Major Wounds
and fails a saving throw against a Damage
6 weapon, then it would roll 4 D6s and use
d6 Effect
the highest result.
1 -1 Wounds Characteristic. If reduced to 0
then Dead.
d6 Effect
2 -1 Movement Characteristic (-2 if Fly or
1 Model shakes off the damage. Heal 1 Bike). If reduced to 0 then Dead.
3 -1 BS or -1 WS (randomize)
2-3 Minor Wounds. Add 1 Wound Token.
Heal 1 wound. 4 -1 Attack (minimum 1)

4-5 Stunned. Add 2 Wound Tokens. Heal 1 5 -1 Strength. If reduced to 0 then Dead.
6 -1 Toughness. If reduced to 0 then Dead.
6-7 Stunned and Knocked Down. Add 3
Wound Tokens. Heal 1 wound.

8+ Removed from Play

Experience and Upgrading Upgrades

Experience Points Whenever a model upgrades, roll on the

following chart (reroll if it doesn’t make
sense or maximums are already achieved):
Action XP Granted

Destroying a unit 1 for every 5 wounds in 2D6 Upgrade

that unit, rounded up
2 Roll twice on this table, rerolling further 2s
Destroying a boss 2 XP, plus the XP for and 12s.
destroying a unit
3 Randomly roll for a Specialized Battle Trait
Surviving a mission 1D3 XP
4 Randomly roll for a General Battle Trait
Participating in a 1 XP
mission 5 +1 Mv (+2 if Bike, Jump, or Scout)
Completing Bonus As dictated by the mission 6 +1 WS or +1 BS (choose)
7 +1 Mv, WS, BS, S, T, A, or W (randomize)
Healing an Ally 1 XP
8 +1 S, +1 T, or +1 A (choose)
Manifesting a 1 XP (Maximum 1 per turn)
Psychic Power or
9 +1 Wound
Successfully using a
Litany of Hate that
doesn’t cause 10 Randomly roll for a General Battle Trait
11 Randomly roll for a Specialized Battle Trait
Successfully Denying 1 XP (Maximum 1 per turn)
the Witch 12 Roll twice on this table, rerolling further 2s
and 12s.

XP Needed Per Level

Each stat has a maximum that it can be
increased by, as follows:
Level XP Level XP

1 0 6 40 M WS BS S T W A

2 6 7 51 +2* 1+ 1+ +2 +2 +2 +3

*+4 for Bikes, Jump, and Scouts

3 13 8 63

4 21 9 76

5 30 10 90
Battle Traits Stealth (Phobos and Scouts only)

d6 Trait
1 If no enemies are within 12” when this
d12 Trait model moves, then it gains a +2 to its
Movement this turn.
1 Indomitable. Can make normal moves (but
cannot Advance) after standing up from 2 Can Advance and fire Assault weapons
being Knocked Down. without any penalties. When advancing
treat all Rapid Fire weapons as Assault
2 Tough. -1 to the damage chart for this weapons.
3 If this model does not enter the game via
3 Pistol fighter. Can fire pistols in close any special rules, then it can make a free
combat. To do so the model must give up 1 Normal Move (no Advancing) before the
attack per pistol shot. first battle round.

4 Stonewall. If the Knocked Down result is 4 Until this model makes a shooting attack,
rolled on the damage table roll a D6. On a all enemies suffer a -1 to wound rolls when
4+ this model is not knocked down. shooting at this model.

5 Rapid Fire. This model can shoot twice if it 5 When this model is benefiting from cover it
moves no more than half its Movement gains +2 to its Saving Throws instead of
characteristic. Resolve all of its shooting +1. Reroll this if the model is equipped
attacks before shooting again. with wargear that would function the same
6 Nigh Immortal. -1 to the Character Death
Chart. 6 Reroll

7 Swift of Foot. +1 to Advance and Charge

8 Regeneration. At the beginning of this
model’s turn, either remove a wound token if d6 Trait
there are any allocated to it, or, if there are
no wound tokens allocated, heal 1 wound 1 Can manifest one additional psychic power.
lost earlier.
2 Learns one additional psychic power.
9 Aggressive. If this unit charged, was
charged, or heroically intervened this turn, 3 +1 Deny the Witch
add 1 to the damage of all melee attacks.
4 +1 to Psychic Tests
10 Headhunter. +1 to hit and +1 to wound
Characters and Monsters. 5 Improved Smite. Can reroll psychic tests
when attempting to manifest Smite. Can
11 Grenadier. When shooting this model can reroll the number of mortal wounds Smite
fire one Grenade type weapon along with causes.
whatever other weapons it is firing (i.e. Fire
all pistols plus one Grenade, or fire all 6 Reroll
non-pistols plus one Grenade, or fire one
Grenade plus one other type of Grenade).

12 (Leader Only). Inspiring. Increase all Aura

abilities by 6”.

Weapon Options

As weapons are found throughout the game, only certain models can equip certain weapons, as

Unit Pistols Basic Snipers Terminator Heavy

Leader / Judicar X X - - -

Apothecary X X - - -

Terminator - Storm Bolters - X -


Bike / Outrider X X - - -

Vanguard / Inceptor X X - - -

Veteran X X X - X

Infiltrator / Incursor X X X - -

Scout Veteran X X X - X

Reiver X X - - -

Equipment Restrictions

Equipment Restriction

Teleport Packs Cannot be combined with a Banner.

Banners Cannot be combined with a Teleport Pack.

Purity Seals Maximum 1 per model, 2 per Leader

Other Equipment Maximum 1 per model

Weapons Maximum 2 non-pistol, non-grenades per model

In addition, Maximum 2 pistols per model
In addition, Maximum 3 grenades per model (including Smoke Grenades)

Cyclone Missile Launchers Terminators only

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