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Ok - Effect of Substituting Soybean Meal With Cowpea Supplemented With Plant Charcoals

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Kana et al.

                         Effect of Substituting Soybean Meal with Cowpea  
            (Vigna unguiculata WAL) Supplemented with Natural 
                       Plant Charcoals in Broiler Diet on Growth  
                     Performances and Carcass Characteristics 
Research Article J.R. Kana1*, A. Teguia1 and A. Fomekong1

 Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Science, University of Dschang, Cameroon 
Received on: 14 Oct 2011 
Revised on: 2 Nov 2011 
Accepted on: 5 Nov 2011 
Online Published on: Dec 2012 

*Correspondence E‐mail: [email protected] 
© 2010 Copyright by Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran 
Online version is available on: www.ijas.ir

A total of 280 unsexed broiler chicks, 21 days-old and weighing 580 g on average were randomly distrib-
uted into 28 experimental units of 10 birds each. Seven experimental diets containing respectively 0% (T0
control), 20% raw cowpeas (T1), 20% raw cowpeas + 0.2% of Canarium charcoal (T2), 20% raw cowpeas
+ 0.2% maize cob charcoal (T3), 20% cooked cowpeas (T4), 20% cooked cowpeas + 0.2% Canarium char-
coal (T5) and 20% cooked cowpeas + 0.2% maize cob charcoal (T6) were each fed to 4 experimental units
in a completely randomised design. The T3 and T6 rations containing respectively raw and cooked cowpeas
supplemented with maize cob charcoal were the most consumed (P<0.05). Birds fed T1 with raw cowpea
(1287g) and T2 fed with raw cowpea supplemented with Canarium charcoal (1280 g) recorded the lowest
  weight gain, with the control birds (1536 g) and birds fed T6 containing cooked cowpea supplemented with
maize cob charcoal (1490 g) recording the highest body weight gain. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was sig-
  nificantly poorer (P<0.05) for the birds fed raw cowpea supplemented with Canarium charcoal (3.23),
those on the control diet without cowpea recorded the best FCR (2.74). There was no significant difference
among treatment groups for carcass yield and the lowest (P<0.05) liver and pancreas relative weight re-
corded for the birds on the cooked cowpea supplemented with charcoals diets was not significantly different
  from that of control birds. The lowest gizzard relative weight was recorded with control birds as compared
with all other groups. The intestine density (weight/length) was significantly lower (P<0.05) with raw cow-
  pea supplemented with Canarium charcoal (0.19 g/cm), and the highest recorded with cooked cowpea
(0.27 g/cm) and control diet (0.25 g/cm).

KEY WORDS  broiler chickens, Canarium schweinfurthii, cowpeas, maize cob, plant charcoal. 

INTRODUCTION African sub-region. According to Robinson and Singh

(2001), it is predicted that soybean which is the major
In most African countries south of the Sahara, high animal source of plant protein in poultry diets will be scare and
feed cost is in general associated with high cost of imported expensive due to the expanding economies in emerging
protein concentrates, soybean meal and fish meals. The Asian and south American countries. It is therefore, neces-
restriction of animal meal in livestock feed worldwide has sary to search for readily available local feedstuffs to re-
added additional constraints to poultry production in central place imported protein sources during period of soybean

Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 377-381 377

Effect of Cowpea and Plant Charcoals on Broiler Performances

shortage (Teguia et al. 2007; Teguia and Fon Fru, 2007). maize cob charcoal (T3), cooked cowpeas (T4), cooked
Among the potential sources of plant protein, grain legumes cowpeas + 0.2% Canarium charcoal (T5) and cooked cow-
could be good alternatives to soybean meal because they peas + 0.2% maize cob charcoal (T6) (Table 1). Each of the
are known to have a similar amino acid profile (Ugwu and experimental diets (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6) was fed
Onymonyi, 2008; Defang et al. 2008). randomly to 4 experimental units, corresponding to a com-
Recent works have revealed that cowpea has promising pletely randomized design with 7 treatments replicated 4
potential as feeding stuff for poultry. Its incorporation in times each.
diets of these species has reduced the cost/kg of feed and Data were collected every week on body weight and feed
improved growth and production parameters (Teguia et al. consumption. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated.
2007; Defang et al. 2008; Chakam et al. 2008). However, At the end of the trial at 49 days, 10 birds per treatment
the utilization of row cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) was were starved for 12 hours and slaughtered for carcass
limited by the presence of antinutritional factors that nega- evaluation according to Jourdain (1980). Length of the in-
tively affect broilers’ performances, thus confirming previ- testine was measured with the cut done from the start of the
ous reports (Teguia et al. 2007; Defang et al. 2008; duodenal loop to the end of the cloaca. The density of the
Chakam et al. 2008) on the necessity to detoxify cowpea intestines was calculated as the ratio of the weight / length
grain before their inclusion in monogastric animals diets. of the intestine. All data collected or calculated were sub-
Among the proposed numerous treatment methods for de- mitted to analysis of variance in a completely randomized
toxifying the grains, physical and / or chemical treatments design. Where necessary, means were separated using Dun-
seem to be the most promising. Some plants charcoals have can’s new multiple range test.
shown to have absorbent properties of a wide variety of
toxic agents (Ramos et al. 1996). Kana et al. (2010) re- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ported that the inclusion of charcoal from Canarium
schweinfurthii seeds and maize cob could be used as feed The mean performances of broilers as affected by the pres-
additives to absorb aflatoxin B1 and promote growth per- ence of cowpeas or the methods used to detoxify the grains
formance of broiler chickens. are summarized in Table 2. Feed consumption was signifi-
The objective of the present study was to investigate the cantly (P<0.05) affected by cowpeas, with the raw (T3) or
effect of cooking and plant charcoal supplementation on the cooked (T6) supplemented with 0.2% maize cob charcoal
utilization of cowpeas grains by broiler chickens. birds consuming the most. Feed consumption for the T0,
T1, T2, T4 and T5 birds was not significantly different
(P>0.05). Feed consumption was significantly higher for
MATERIALS AND METHODS the raw and cooked cowpea supplemented with maize cob
The study was conducted at the University of Dschang Re- charcoal suggesting that cooking and maize cob charcoal
search and extension Farm located in the western Highland succeeded in eliminating the antinutritional factors (ANFs)
of Cameroon, at altitude 1420 m above sea level, receiving contained in the cowpea. According to Wiryawan and Din-
1900-2000 mm rainfall per annum over a 9-month rainy gle (1999) and, Teguia and Beyenen (2005), the ANFs pre-
season (March-November) and with temperature between sent in legumes grains depress feed consumption in chick-
10 and 25 ˚C. ens. A combination of treatments normally improves palat-
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was bought from local mar- ability and feed consumption (Wiryawan and Dingle,
kets, cooked (boiled) for 30 minutes. Cooked grains were 1999). The body weight of the control birds (T0) and those
sun-dried for 5 days. Seeds of Canarium schweinfurthii fed cooked cowpea supplemented with maize cob charcoal
Engl. and maize cob collected in villages around the Uni- (T6) were significantly higher (P<0.05) than those of the
versity experimental Farm were burnt each to black char- other groups of birds throughout the experimental period.
coal, quenched with water and dried. After drying, each There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the
charcoal was sieved to pass 1-mm mesh. T2, T3 and T5 for body weight. Birds fed T1 with raw
The experimental birds were from a flock of 280 unsexed cowpea (1287 g) and T2 fed with raw cowpea supple-
21-days all Starbro broiler chicks with an average body mented with Canarium charcoal (1280 g) recorded the
weight of 550 g. They were vaccinated in drinking water lowest weight gain, with the control birds (1536 g) and
against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis at 7 birds fed T6 containing cooked cowpea supplemented with
days and 23 days and against Gumboro disease at 10 days maize cob charcoal (1490 g) recording the highest body
of age. In addition to a control diet containing soybean meal weight gain.
as plant protein source (T0), six experimental diets were These results are in agreement with Wiryawan (1997),
formulated to contain 20% raw cowpeas (T1), raw cowpeas Teguia et al. (2007), Chakam et al. (2008) and Defang et al.
+ 0.2% of Canarium charcoal (T2), raw cowpeas + 0.2% (2008) who reported that cooking reduces ANFs in legumes

378  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 377-381

Kana et al.

Table 1 Composition of experimental diets 

Ingredients (%)
T0 (Control) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Maize 65 50 50 50 50 50 50
Wheat bran 5 9 9 9 9 9 9
Soybean meal 18 12 12 12 12 12 12
Cowpeas - 20 20 20 20 20 20
Cottonseed meal 3 - - - - - -
Fish meal 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Bone meal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Premix (5%)1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Calculated chemical composition
Crude protein (CP) 20.06 20.10 20.10 20.10 20.10 20.10 20.10
Metabolizable energy (kcal/kg) 3022.95 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100
Calcium 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04
Non-phytate phosphorus 0.42 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Lysine 1.16 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
Methionine 0.43 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56
Premix 5%: CP= 40%; Lysine= 3.3%; Methionine= 2.40%; Ca= 8%; P= 2.05%; Metabolizable energy= 2078 kcal/kg.

Table 2 The effect of cooked and supplementation of cowpeas with plant charcoals on the average performance (means±standard deviation) of broiler

T0 (Control) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

4215.00± 4090.50± 4026.66± 4441.66± 4087.50± 4207.56± 4501.66±

Feed consumption (g)
103.31a 157.40a 34.03a 136.80b 162.61a 76.63a 92.37 b

2445.83± 2107.29± 2125.00± 2209.37± 2284.37± 2214.58± 2350.00±

Body weight (g)
59.40c 46.90a 59.62a 154.64ab 143.51b 57.65ab 113.40bc

1536.13± 1287.85± 1280.55± 1389.10± 1441.88± 1379.63± 1490.00±

Body weight gain (g)
66.11b 79.94a 91.34a 196.26ab 92.94ab 55.44ab 119.53b

2.74 ± 3.18± 3.15± 3.23± 2.83± 3.05± 3.03±

FCR (g feed/g gain)
0.57a 0.31ab 0.25ab 0.36b 0.07ab 0.13ab 0.19ab

The means within the same row with at least one common letter, do not have significant difference (P>0.01).

grains, therefore improving protein utilization. Activated These results are also in agreement with Teguia et al.
charcoal has been shown to be a tenacious absorbent of a (2007), Chakam et al. (2008) and Defang et al. (2008) who
wide variety of toxic agents (Ramos et al. 1996; Ruttanavut reported that cooking improves feed conversion by broilers.
et al. 2009), and thus seemed a likely candidate for the The lowest gizzard relative weight was recorded with birds
study of ANFs. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was signifi- fed with cooked cowpea supplemented with charcoals as
cantly poorer (P<0.05) for the birds fed raw cowpea sup- compared to birds fed with raw cowpea supplemented or
plemented with Canarium charcoal (3.23), those on the not with charcoals (Table 3).
control diet without cowpea recorded the best FCR (2.74). However, the lowest gizzard relative weight was re-
The T4, T5 and T6 fed cooked cowpea (2.83-3.05) supple- corded with control birds as compared with all other
mented with charcoals recorded a better FCR than those groups.
with raw cowpea (3.15-3.23) supplemented or not with The present results contradict the previous findings of
charcoals. These results are in agreement with Wiryawan Kana et al. (2011) who report that birds fed diet supple-
and Dingle (1999) that a combination of treatment methods mented with graded level of plants charcoals had smaller
improves feed utilization more than a single method. gizzards.

379  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 377-381

Effect of Cowpea and Plant Charcoals on Broiler Performances

Table 3 The effect of cooked and supplementation of cowpeas with plant charcoals on the digestive organ development and the carcass yield
(Means±Standard deviation) of broiler chickens

T0 (Control) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

1.13± 1.39± 1.32± 1.37± 1.33± 1.27± 1.23±

Gizzard (% of LW)
0.08a 0.09c 0.07b 0.02c 0.05b 0.06b 0.08b

205.37± 215.62± 211.62± 213.25± 225.75± 211.75± 215.75±

Intestine length (cm)
10.30a 19.20ab 17.20a 13.30ab 24.30b 19.70a 14.10ab

Intestine density 0.27± 0.22± 0.19± 0.28± 0.27± 0.22± 0.24±

(weight/Length) 0.44a 0.05ab 0.02b 0.08a 0.04a 0.05ab 0.07a

72.13± 74.30± 71.43± 72.98± 73.25± 72.02± 73.12±

Carcass yield (%)
4.22a 4.55a 6.55a 3.45a 5.10a 1.39a 2.21a

1.62± 1.88± 1.72± 1.68± 1.77± 1.62± 1.63±

Liver (% of LW)
0.17a 0.50b 0.19a 0.14a 0.23ab 0.17a 0.03a

0.18± 0.23± 0.22± 0.21± 0.21± 0.20± 0.20±

Pancreas (% of LW)
0.02a 0.03c 0.02bc 0.01b 0.01b 0.02a 0.01a

0.89± 0.77± 0.71± 1.03± 0.81± 0.95± 0.99±

Abdominal fat (% of LW)
0.27ab 0.20a 0.35a 0.32b 0.21a 0.25ab 0.42ab

The means within the same row with at least one common letter, do not have significant difference (P>0.01).

The intestine density (weight/length) which is considered

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380  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 377-381

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381  Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2012) 2(4), 377-381

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