Control Torsional Vibrations: Highly Flexible Couplings
Control Torsional Vibrations: Highly Flexible Couplings
Control Torsional Vibrations: Highly Flexible Couplings
Power from serenity
In systems where a diesel engine acts as a prime mover,
the highly flexible coupling has two primary functions:
Shifting the natural frequency and damping any occuring
vibration peaks. This prevents damage to the driveline
and substantially reduces unplanned downtimes.
Versatile and reliable
Regardless of the size and the special
requirements, we deliver the right solution.
Typical applications:
The picture shows a K coupling with a diameter of 1.5 m
• Rail vehicles: Railcars, locomotives and special and a weight of 3.5 metric tons. It has been installed in a
purpose vehicles. shredder system in Russia and is designed for a
• Construction vehicles: Wheel loaders, dump trucks maximum torque of 400 kNm.
and mobile cranes.
• Test rigs: Research and development test rigs
and end-of-line test rigs.
• Heavy industry: Shredders, rolling mills
and roller conveyors.
• Power generation: Generators, fans and pumps.
• Oil & gas industry: Pumps and compressors.
• Other drives subject to torsional vibrations.
1 2
3 4
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Research and development
Providing you with ideas, not just products. Benefit from our
long-established expertise in managing driveline projects and
eliminate high life-cycle costs (LCC) in your vehicle or plant,
with a highly flexible coupling.
TVC without highly flexible coupling TVC with highly flexible coupling
Speed 1 Speed
Torque T
Torque T
Idle speed nidle Maximum speed Time t Idle speed nidle Maximum speed
nmax nmax
hift the natural frequency of the vibrating driveline
into an uncritical range.
2 Sufficiently damp any occurring vibration amplitudes.
Above: The critical resonance frequencies are in the operating speed By using the highly flexible coupling, the vibrations are reduced
range. When components are subjected to these loads on a continuous significantly. This long term solution eliminates high stress loads
basis, damage is inevitable. from the driveline.
Providing a professional assessment based on vibrational test results, your highly
flexible coupling is tailor-made for your application.
The right solution for every application
Coupling types Features Advantages and benefits
K Coupling • Modular design • Flexible and simple integration into the driveline
• Shifts resonance speeds into Customized and cost-effective solution
non-critical speed ranges • D amping vibrations and noises
D Coupling • Specially developed for 1–3 cylinder • Reproduce test cycles more precisely and
engines achieve precise test results
• H igh torsional flexibility • H igh-speed engines can usually be tested at
is reduced
The lifetime and availability of your test rig is
increased and life cycle costing (LCC) is reduced
H Coupling • Shifts resonance speeds into • Designed especially for “bell-house” applications
non-critical speed ranges Dirt and temperature has no effect on the damping
• C ompression springs made of steel behavior of the coupling
generate high damping values and operate • D amping of vibrations and noises
entire nominal speed range because the The lifetime and availability of your vehicle are
damping effect increases proportionally to increased and the life cycle costing (LCC) are
the coupling’s angle of twist reduced
• C ompletely maintenance-free and resistant • Very high durability
to all types of contamination Ensuring service and repair costs stay low
HP Coupling • Specially designed for internal combustion • Special temperature resistant PEEK material increases
test engines where a the spring assemblies‘ wear resistance
dummy gear box is flange-mounted This provides realistic engine testing, up to 8 500 rpm
to the engine • T he internal steel springs are available in 16 different
Areas of application Technical data Damping media and stiffness characteristics
• Rail vehicles: Locomotives, electric railcars • Nominal torque: Up to 140 000 Nm Linear stiffness
and special vehicles • Speed: Up to 13 000 rpm characteristic of
• C onstruction equipment of all types, e. g., a rubber element
wheel loaders, dump trucks and graders coupling stressed
Torque T [Nm]
• Gensets to shearing
• Test rigs of all types such as engine 0
development test rigs and end-of-line
test rigs
Angle of twist ϕ [°]
• Test rigs: Engine test rigs with low • Nominal torque: Up to 780 Nm Linear stiffness
excitation orders • Speed: Up to 10 000 rpm characteristic of
a rubber element
coupling stressed
Torque T [Nm]
to shearing
Angle of twist ϕ [°]
Angle of twist ϕ [°]
• Construction equipment of all types, e. g., • Nominal torque: Up to 3 700 Nm Two-stage stiff-
wheel loaders, dump trucks and graders • Speed: Up to 3 200 rpm ness character-
istic of a steel
spring coupling
Torque T [Nm]
stressed with
0 pressure
Angle of twist ϕ [°]
• Engine test rigs where a dummy gear box • Max. torque: Up to 1 600 Nm Two-stage stiff-
is flange-mounted to a combustion engine • Max. speed: Up to 8 500 rpm ness character-
• M ax. temperature: Up to 150°C istic of a steel
spring coupling
Torque T [Nm]
stressed with
0 pressure
Angle of twist ϕ [°]
Exceeding service expectations
All the time – Anywhere
In addition to a quality product, our technical experts provide
service beyond the normal scope.
• Quick repairs are offered to customers that have • Genuine Voith Spare parts
VT0459, en, vvk, 2020-10. All data and information without obligation. Subject to change.
Voith Group
St. Poeltener Str. 43
89522 Heidenheim, Germany
Phone +49 201 557-83 61