Chapter - 2 Soil-Water-Plant Relationship
Chapter - 2 Soil-Water-Plant Relationship
Chapter - 2 Soil-Water-Plant Relationship
2.1 Introduction
Soils are the storehouse of water, nutrients and air which are necessary for plant growth.
Therefore, plants grow on soils that provide them water and nutrients. The plants need
water, the soil stores the water needed by the plants, and the atmosphere provides the
energy needed by the plant to withdraw water from the soil.
Considering many ways by which water may be removed from the soil, it must be
considered as efficient storage medium. Irrigation water and rainwater after infiltration
into the soil get stored in different classes of soil pores (fine-, medium and large pores).
The water stored in the soil pores constitutes the soil water. Fortunately, water can be
held by the soil for long periods of time and still available for plants use. Plants absorb
water mainly through their roots and use only 1.0 to 1.5% of the volume of water
absorbed for building their vegetative structures and performing various physiological
and biochemical activities. The rest of water is lost through transpiration of plants.
Knowledge of the process of water transport in soil, into plants and from soil and plants
to the atmosphere are the basics of irrigation practice. Often important question in
irrigation practices is the “when to irrigate and how much to irrigate” questions which
answers depend on soil-water-plant-atmosphere relationships. Both excess and deficit of
soil water affects the plant growth and results in yield reduction. An insight into these
relationships requires the study of physical characteristics of soils relevant to the rate of
entry of water into the soil, moisture retention, storage, and transport, availability to
plants as well as mechanisms of water absorption, conduction and transpiration by plants.
Soil-plant Water relationships relate the properties of soil that affect the movement,
retention and use of water. It can be divided & treated as:
_ Soil-water relation
_ Soil-plant relation
_ Plant-water relations
Water film
Air space
Soil particles
The physical properties of the soil, including its ability to store water, are highly related
to the fraction or percentage of the total soil volume that is occupied by solid and the
fraction or percentage that is pore space. For plant growth
and development, the fraction or percentage of the pore space that is occupied by water
and that contains air is of extreme interest. The volumes composition of the three main
constituents in the soil system varies widely.
A typical silt loam soil contains about 50% soil solids, 30% water and 20% air. Besides,
living organisms such as fungi, bacteria, algae, protozoa, insects and small burrowing
A soil structure is important in plant growth as it influences the amount and nature of
porosity and regulates water, air and heat regimes in the soil besides affecting mechanical
properties. Hence, it has a pronounced effect on soil properties such as
• Erodibility, • Infiltration, and
• Porosity, • Water holding capacity
• Hydraulic conductivity,
The management of soils aims at obtaining soil structures favorable for plant growth and
yield, besides ensuring soil conservation, and good infiltration and movement of water in
the soils. Common methods of soil structure management include addition of organic
matter and adoption of suitable tillage, soil conservation and cropping practices.
Density, porosity and soil water terms are defined with reference to Fig. 2.4.
Vt Vs Vw Va (2.1)
Mt M s M w M a (2.2)
Most often bulk and particle densities are used to characterize densities of soil. They are
described as follows:
Bulk density ( b )
Mass per unit volume of soil comprising the solid and gaseous phase in exclusion of the
liquid phase is called bulk density. That means it describes the soil as it is in the natural
Land evaluation for agricultural purpose provides information for deciding ‘which crops
to grow where’ and other related crops. Hence, before a land is put certain land uses, its
suitability for that particular land use should be evaluated.
Soil map provides us with detailed information on soils that are utilized for land
capability classification. This indicates the suitability or unsuitability of the soil for
growing crops.
The suitability of soil for agricultural practices may be affected by physical and
chemical soil characteristics.
1. Effective soil depth: - The depth of the soil, which can be exploited by crops, is very
important in selecting soils for agricultural purpose. Experience has shown that many
irrigated crops produce excellent yields with a well-drained effective root depth of 90
2. Water holding capacity: - This refers to the depth of water that can be held in the
soil and available for plants. A good soil from agricultural point of view should have
a very good water holding capacity. Clay soils have large water holding capacity,
because drainage water is high in these soils. Ideally, loam soils are the best in this
regard. Since in sandy soils an application loss are high and in clay soils drainage and
aeration is difficult.
3. Non-capillary porosity: - High values of non- capillary porosity is desirable, because
lower values of porosity and high values of bulk density hinders root development
and expansion.
4. Topography: - A leveled land is the most suitable for agriculture. Because, the water
for irrigation can easily be conveyed and less conservation and management practices
are required. Whereas, in sloppy soils, the more is the land wasted in bunds and
channels in surface irrigation and therefore that cost for land development per unit
area will be high.
Excessively low or high pH values are not good for proper growth and adequate yield
production as they bring about acidity or alkalinity in the soil.
In general, in any ecosystem, (a farm, forest, regional water shed etc.) soils have five key
1. Medium for plant growth: It supports the growth of higher plants by providing a
medium for plant roots and supplying nutrient elements that are essential to the entire
1) Hygroscopic Water: The water that an oven dry soil absorbs when exposed to air
saturated with vapour is called hygroscopic water. Water held tightly to the surface of
Gravitational water
Field capacity
Capillary water
(Plant available
Availability of water increases usually with fineness of soil particles, as the capillary
water content is more in fine textured soils. Optimum growth of plant takes place
when the soil water is maintained at near field capacity.
3) Gravitational water: When sufficient water is added to soil, water gradually fills the
pore system expelling air completely from soil. Water moving downwards through soil
under gravity is termed as gravitational water. The water tension at this stage is 0.33 atm
or less.
2. Field capacity: - is the moisture content after the gravitational water has drained
down. At field capacity, the macro pores are filled with air & capillary pores filled
with water. Field capacity is the upper limit of available soil moisture. It is often
defined as moisture content in a soil two (light sandy soil) or three (heavy soil), days
after having been saturated and after drainage of gravitational water becomes slow or
negligible and moisture content has become stable.
- Larger pore spaces filled with air while the smaller ones with water - at field
capacity, Soil Moisture Tension (SMT) is b/n 1/10 – 1/3 atm.
Some of the factors, which influence the field capacity of the soil, are soil texture and
presence of impending layer (soil profile), arise from plaguing the same depth yearly ⇒
hard pan. The volumetric moisture content at field capacity is given by: θfc = ρb. θm
Field capacity can be determined by ponding water on a soil surface in an area of about 2
to 5 m2 and allowing it to drain for one to three days preventing surface evaporation.
Then soil samples are taken from different depths and the moisture content is determined
as usual, which gives the field capacity.
3. Permanent Wilting Point: - is the moisture content beyond which plants can no
longer extract enough moisture and remain witted unless water is added to the soil.
The water beyond the permanent wilting point is tightly held to the solid particles that
plants cannot remove moisture at their normal rate to prevent wilting of the plants.
The soil moisture tension at PWP ranges from 7 to 32 atm, depending on the soil
texture, kinds of crops and salt content in the soil solution.
2.6. Infiltration
2.5.1. Introduction
Infiltration is a process in which water enters the surface strata of the soil mass.
The infiltrated water first meets the soil moisture deficiency, if any, and thereafter
the excess water moves vertically downwards to reach the groundwater table. This
vertical movement is called percolation.
Infiltration capacity of the soil is defined as the maximum rate at which it is
capable of absorbing water.
Infiltration rate decreases during rain or irrigation. The rate of decrease is rapid initially
and the infiltration rate tends to approach a constant value. In general infiltration rate is
Condition and characteristics of soil primarily involved in the process are the soil water
content, soil texture, soil structure, soil compaction, soil organic matter content soil
surface sealing, presence of cracks in surface soil, soil depth, depth of water table and the
soil hydraulic conductivity.
Soil water content and looseness of the soil surface exert a profound influence on
the initial rate and the total amount of infiltration. As the soil water content
decreases or soil gets compact, the rate of infiltration decreases.
The infiltration rate is influenced by the rainfall duration and its intensity.
During heavy rainfall, the top soil is affected by mechanical compaction and by the
inwash of finer materials. This leads to faster decrease in the rate of infiltration than with
low intensities of rainfall.
2.5.3. Measurements of Infiltration
Infiltration is measured using a device called infiltrometer. Two types of infiltrometers
used are: single and double ring infiltrometer.
It consists of a hollow metal cylinder 30cm in diameter and 60 cm long driven into the
ground such that 10cm of it projects above ground level. A graduated jar or burette is
used to add water, to give directly the volume of water added over time. Knowing the
volume of water added at different time intervals, the plot of infiltration capacity vs. time
is obtained. The experiments are continued till a uniform rate of infiltration is obtained.
a) b)
Inner ring
Outer ring
where i(t) is the infiltration capacity at any time t from the beginning of water application
in mm/h, i0 is the maximum initial infiltration vale, when t 0 in mm/h at the beginning
of water application , i f is minimum infiltration rate at the final steady stage where the
soil profile becomes fully saturated which is related to the hydraulic conductivity, B is an
empirical constant depending on soil types, soil cover complex, vegetation and other
factors and t is the time lapse from the start of water application. Values of i0 , i f and B
are dependent on number of factors like soil characteristics and climatic conditions. A
typical curve of i(t) separating the rainfall intensity from infiltration and surface runoff is
shown in Fig. 2.15.
i0 i(t)
Rainfall & Infiltration
Fig. 2.15:
Where k (equivalent depth/time) and n are fitted to infiltration trials, and C is the
infiltration rate at large time t.
Example: From a double ring infiltrometer the following infiltration rate were observed.
Time (h) 0.0167 0.0583 0.125 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.25
i (cm/h) 8.76 7.90 6.45 4.68 2.75 1.76 1.10
Determine the constants i0, if and B of Horton’s equation to describe the above data
Solution: The Horton’s equation is given by
it i f i0 i f e Bt
The constants i0, if and B can be found out from the following two methods
Method i: The given data is plotted on an ordinary graph as shown in fig. below:
Infiltration (cm/h)
5 FC= area of shaded portion
= 2.515cm (cm/h*h)
0 if
0 0.2 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (h)
i i dt
LHS = f = the area of shaded portion in fig = Fc
i i f
i 0 i f e
0 B
From these two results we can determine B from the equation
i0 i f
9.2 1.0 3.26
Fc 2.515
The Horton’s equation to describe the given data is therefore given by
i 1.0 9.2 1.0e 3.26t 1.0 8.2 e 3.26t