RaceRunning Coaches Manual

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Coaches´ Manual

R a c e R u n n i n g

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Coaches´ Manual

A close finish in the RR3 women’s 100m at the 3rd.

CPISRA Open European Championship, July 2016.
Photograph: Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen

2 Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk

Coaches´ Manual

This RaceRunning manual is a tool for coaches, parents and others
who are coaching para athletes and want to plan a well-structured
and diverse RaceRunning training.
RaceRunning is one of the fastest growing para athletics disciplines
and one of only few sports for the most severely disabled and ath-
letes with an impaired balance. It is our hope that this manual will
inspire coaches and athletes and provide them with some funda-
mental know-how about training and para athletics in general and
about RaceRunning specifically.

With this manual new RaceRunning clubs and countries will not
have to start from scratch. They will be able to draw on the know-
ledge gathered by experienced RaceRunning coaches and athletes
for more than 20 years. In this way the Coaches’ Manual might
help the sport of RaceRunning to become even more popular on an
international basis and give the most severely disabled athletes an
opportunity to compete on a high international level.

The Coaches’ Manual might be read from a to z as a coherent

manual for RaceRunning track training. But it might also be used as
a work of reference in order for the coach to pick and choose the
specific training elements needed. In this way the coach can ensure
that the training programme suits the individual athlete perfectly.
The manual is the first of it’s kind and it is therefor to be considered
a pioneer’s work by the Danish authors.
We hope that this manual will inspire you to develop your Race-
Running training to the benefit of the RaceRunning athletes in your

Mansoor Siddiqi
Head Coach of the national
Danish RaceRunning Team

- a sport in movement…

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Coaches´ Manual

Sandra Semedo from Portugal wins a preliminary heat in the RR2 women’s
100m at the 3rd. CPISRA Open European Championship, July 2016.
Photograph: Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen

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Coaches´ Manual

Table of Contents

3   Introduction 33   Condition Training

33    Calculating the intensity
6   The History of RaceRunning 34    Aerobic training
6   The Beginning of it All 34    Low Intensity Training
7   The Development of RaceRunning in Denmark 35    Moderate Intensity Training
7   International Development and Recognition 36    High Intensity Training
8   Competitions 37    Anaerobic Training
41   Strength Training
9   The RaceRunner and its Possibilities 43   Technique Training
9   What is a RaceRunner 44    Training of Coordination
9   Who Might Use a RaceRunner 44    Breathing
10   How to maintain a RaceRunner 45   Tactical Training
11   Fitting the Bike for the Individual Athlete 45    Physical Activity is Good
13   Getting onto and off the RaceRunner for Learning and for the Memory
14   Clothes and some practical issues
15   Food and drinks 46   Stretching Exercises
16   Training in cold and hot weather
50   Mental Training
17   Being a Coach 50    Mental readiness
50    Motivation and Objectives
19   Coaching the CP Athlete 51    Visualization
19   Physical Activity is Important 51    The Inner Discourse
19   Physical Activity and Spasticity 52    Koncentration
19   Elite Sports and Injuries
20   Guidelines for Planning the Training 53   Physical Activity
21   What Kind of Training is the Best?
22   Helsidesbillede 55   Strength Training Exercises
55   Training with Exercise Balls
23   How do We Create a Fair Competition 59   Exercises with Resistance Band
23   The Classification System 70   Exercises Carried out in the RaceRunner

24   Coaching Theory and Coahing Practice 72   About the Authors
24   Warming-up and Warming-down
25   Planning the Training 74   References
29    Phases and supercompensation
31    Training Programmes
31    Training Diary
32   Physical training

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Coaches´ Manual

The History of
Marianne Hornbæk Jensen

The Beginning of it All

The RaceRunner was invented in Denmark in 1991 In 1991 Mansoor participated – out of competition
and the sport of RaceRunning has been devel- – in Robin Hoods Games in Nottingham. This was
oping ever since. It was originally developed for an eye opener to the CPISRA,23 the internatio-
people with CP. nal sports organization for spastics. One of the
The RaceRunner was invented by the famous classifiers made the following comment the first
Danish wheelchair athlete Connie Hansen and time he saw Mansoor running: “This is definitely
Mansoor Siddiqi. Mansoor, being a wheelchair user the most natural way to run: When you are going
due to his spasticity (CP), had been participating in backward you are trying to escape something, but
backward wheelchair racing for 8 years but he was when running forward you are attacking it!”
unsatisfied not being able to perform 100 percent
in this way. The new piece of running equipment was origi-
Connie suggested that he instead of going back- nally called The Walking Machine, later on a Petra
wards began running forwards and with her expe- and today it is called a RaceRunner.
rience as an occupational therapist, she designed Connie Hansen continued developing and perfec-
a three-wheeled running chair. This worked out ting various prototypes in the following years.
very well with Mansoor being able to run faster
and better.

The 100m backward wheelchair racing competition, Class CP2L, at the CPISRA World Games 1986 in Gits, Belgium.

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Coaches´ Manual

Ever since 1997 Parasport Frederiksberg has been

the host of an annual RaceRunning Camp & Cup
with a one-week summer camp for RaceRunning
athletes, a three-day children’s camp and two
competition days. The first five years the annual
RaceRunning Camp & Cup was Danish athletes
only but since then the Camp & Cup has been
open to athletes from all nations and it has been
growing rapidly ever since. In 2016 83 athletes
from 11 different countries participated in the 20th
Camp & Cup.
The Camp has been an important factor getting
recognition from the international sports organi-
zations and since 2009 the Camp has also been
the setting for some EC and WC through the years.

Mansoor Siddiqi and the very first custom-made RaceRunner International Development
at the Athletics Federal Championships at Esbjerg Athletics and Recognition
Stadium in 1993.
The international development of RaceRunning
Photograph: Karin Møller-Olsen
already has a long history and the following is
only a brief summary. Throughout this history the
The Development of RaceRunning Danish NPC and the RaceRunning pioneers from
in Denmark Denmark have played an important role.
The first RaceRunning club in Denmark was foun- The international sports organization for spastics,
ded in Hvidovre in 1992. Connie Hansen was the CPISRA, took interest in RaceRunning already in
coach and almost instantly RaceRunning became 1993 and in 1995 RaceRunning was a part of the
popular among young spastics. The sport was chal- programme as a show discipline at the Robin
lenging the young athletes and they experienced Hoods Games in Nottingham.
a new kind of freedom being able to run. In 1993 Other countries became very interested in this
Mansoor Siddiqi founded Parasport Frederiksberg new sport and at the CPISRA World Games in 1997
and RaceRunning was the main sport. RaceRunning was an official athletics discipline
During the following two decades, RaceRunning with 3 participating nations. Also in 1997 an inter-
spread all over Denmark and today (2017) there national workshop was held at the CPISRA general
are 10 RaceRunning clubs in Denmark (www.dhif. assembly in Prague. The general opinion was
dk/idrætter/atletik) organized through NPC Den- that RaceRunning was a great sport for the most
mark (Parasport Denmark). We have RaceRunning severely disabled CP’s. On the other hand CPISRA
athletes competing at all levels, elite and non- did not want to support the development of the
elite. There are many competitions and activities sport financially.
in the Danish RaceRunning clubs and every year Instead NPC Denmark and RaceRunning Denmark
the national championships (Forbundsmester- in 1997 initiated a three-years development pro-
skaberne) are being held. Also a national Danish ject in three European countries: Portugal, Ireland
RaceRunning team with its own staff of coaches and Belgium. This project was a great success and
has been established. In 2011 a RaceRunning elite from here on the international development of
strategy plan, RaceRunning Elitekoncept 2012– the sport sped up with recruitment and works-
2016, was developed. hops in many more countries.

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In 2001 Mansoor Siddiqi was appointed CPISRA and CPISRA and IWAS collaborated in order to pro-
RaceRunning responsible and had the opportunity mote RaceRunning internationally.
to develop a new recruitment plan. Later on the Together with other athletics disciplines for spas-
International RaceRunning committee was foun- tics RaceRunning became a part of the IWAS
ded. Today there are RaceRunning athletes in 25 Games.
different countries.
A classification system specifically for Race-
Competitions Running was developed, adjusted and approved
Ever since 1997 RaceRunning has been an official by the CPISRA in 2013. Today there are three clas-
competition discipline at the CPISRA World Games ses for men and for woman.23
and European Games. At the World Games in ath- The overall aim for RaceRunning is to become a
letics in Birmingham 1998 under the IPC25 Race- Paralympic sport under the IPC. This requires some
Running was a show discipline. Ever since 1998 demands regarding results and number of coun-
there have been held EC and WC in RaceRunning. tries with RaceRunning to be fulfilled in the years
In 2011 the IWAS24 became a new international to come.
partner (the chairman of Parasport Denmark, Karl Learn more about the history of RaceRunning at:
Vilhelm Nielsen, being the vice president of IWAS), ww.RaceRunning.org.

The four Danish participants at the IWAS Games 2011 in Sharjah, Dubai.
From left to right: Jacob Birkbak, Helle Ladefoged, Lasse Bang-Thygesen, Michael Thyregod Jensen.
Photograph: Leif Nielsen

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Coaches´ Manual

The RaceRunner
and its Possibilities
Signe de Place Knudsen

The following section aims at giving especially ”It is important for me to

new RaceRunning coaches a general view of the
wonderful world of RaceRunning.
point out that all athletes
and coaches are different
It is guided by my own experiences as a physio- from each other.”
therapist and RaceRunning coach. It is important
for me to point out that all athletes and coaches
are different from each other and that they have Physical activity is good for almost all people and
different needs and talents. The article is only for RaceRunning is especially good for building up
guidance and inspiration. the muscles in the thighs and buttocks and this
improves the fitness level of the athlete in turn.
What is a RaceRunner These muscle groups are often inactive among
A RaceRunner is a customized three-wheeled wheelchair users. By activating these muscle
“running bike” without pedals, gears and a chain groups standing up and sitting down will also
and when using this bike balance is no problem. gradually become easier. At the same time the
That is why RaceRunning is an obvious sport for running position will strengthen the abdominal
spastics, amputees and rheumatics. muscles and the muscles in the back. This will in
Using a RaceRunner has many advantages. The turn improve the balance when sitting and stan-
most important thing is that the athlete himself/ ding upright.
herself is actively running. Also the RaceRunner
is a great piece of equipment for getting around. Who Might Use a RaceRunner
The three wheels are making the RaceRunner The RaceRunner is primarily for people with
most stabile and an athlete with poor balance and impaired balance, e.g. amputees or people with
motoric control, even a poor sight or hearing, may CP. Many different people though might find the
move freely on a RaceRunner. RaceRunner a useful piece of equipment disregar-
When placed on the saddle, with a firm grip on ding their kind of disability (big or small, hidden
the handlebars and with support from the chest or not, physical or mental, or a mixture of it all).
plate the athlete gets the opportunity using the The RaceRunner should be considered a tool for
legs and getting around. The RaceRunner might doing sports – just like soccer balls are for playing
be used for transport means going to the office soccer and a racing bike is used for bike racing.
or to school but it is especially a great tool for RaceRunning is generally a sport for children and
training purposes and exercising. It is easy to get grown-ups with impaired balance or movement
the RaceRunner to roll, which enables people with pattern. It is important to put norms and rules
severe disabilities to use it. aside and solve the challenges as they arise. It is
almost only the imagination that sets limitations
to who might use a RaceRunner. Children need to

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Coaches´ Manual

have a certain height though. In general they need Brakes

to be 3-4 years of age before starting up with Most RaceRunners have rim brakes with brake
RaceRunning. blocks. The brake blocks are gradually worn down
and must be replaced when needed, especially if
the RaceRunner is also used during wintertime.
”It is almost only the Brake blocks are available at regular bike shops
imagination that sets and they are relatively easy to replace. Be careful
to adjust them correctly so they are worn down
limitations to who might harmoniously and so they do not shriek.
use a RaceRunner.” The brake cables must be adjusted once in a
while and turning the screw at the handbrake
normally does this. Do this together with the
In general the specific type of disability is not that athlete taking into account his/her strength in the
important. This said the coach should always be fingers/hands.
aware of the fact that some athletes might have
issues that could worsen due to a hard and repe- Tires and rims
titive physical training, e.g. muscular pains, wrong The tires of the RaceRunner are gradually being
positioning of joints or rheumatism in feet, knees, worn down. Replace the tires when the tread is
hips or back or problems arising after surgery. worn down or if cracks start to appear at the sides
Also CP athletes might suffer from heart problems of the tire. The tires should be pumped once in
that are normally no hindrance being physically a while. A slightly decreased air pressure might
active, but the coach still needs to take this into compromise the comfort and speed of the ath-
account. Some athletes are getting a lifelong lete. The correct air pressure for the specific tire is
medical treatment and it might be useful for the written on the side.
coach to know which medicine the athletes are If the RaceRunner is often used outdoors, in the
using. forest or similar places, the need to keep rims and
spokes clean is bigger. This can be done with a
How to maintain a RaceRunner regular cloth, water, a regular cleaner and a dry
It is important to maintain the RaceRunner during cloth for drying the bike afterwards. Rims and
the whole season but this is actually not that com- spokes must always remain intact.
plicated. Typically it is enough to check and make
everything ready at the beginning of the season. Bolts and screws
During the season try to keep the bike relatively Most bolts and screws on a RaceRunner may be
clean, tighten the bolts and pump the tires. adjusted using hex keys or a spanner. The bolt
It is good idea to dry the bike with a cloth after
running in rainy weather and to store the bike
in a dry place. Doing so prolongs the life of the BASIC TOOLS
RaceRunner. As a coach you will typically be the
one taking care of at least some of these practical • Adjustable spanner
things and the most basic tools should always be • Hex keys
available at the sports club. • Tire levers
• Spare tubes and tires for 28” wheels
The following is a general introduction and guide • Air pump for racing bike valves –
to the maintenance of the RaceRunner: preferably with a pressure gauge

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Coaches´ Manual

and screws at the wheel, saddle, body plate, stem

and brakes should always be re-tightened.

Fitting the Bike for the

Individual Athlete
All athletes are different in their abilities and
needs and the RaceRunner should be adjusted
accordingly. It is important to take into account
especially the anatomy and the running technique
of the athlete. The coach has to be very patient in
the process of adjusting the bike correctly.
Even small changes might have a big impact and
a lot of experimenting and re-adjusting might be

Especially new and inexperienced athletes might

need some time and re-adjustments in order to
find the ideal setting of the RaceRunner.
Take your time to experiment and try out the
various settings, e.g. adjusting the position of the
saddle, tilting it up or down.
The ideal setting is not easy to find and it is typi-
cally necessary to compromise with either comfort
or running speed. This compromise should be Stretching out after warming up at
the RaceRunners Camp & Cup.
found together with the athlete and maybe also
Photograph: John Clarke Russ
his/her parents or assistant(s). On a daily basis
the coach needs to focus on the training sessions.
Other persons in the club should take care of the
practical assignments. The process of adjusting respiration, as the diaphragm is not pushed as
and fitting the bike is preferably placed before or hard against the body support plate. Girls with
after the training session. bosom often prefer a rather upright position. This
There are a lot of different types of saddles, body position is also better for the neck that keeps its
supports and handlebars for the RaceRunner. normal position.
Remember to check out all the many different If the position is lowered the neck muscles must
possibilities and you might also consult an expe- work harder.
rienced RaceRunning coach for the best alterna-
tives. It might also be necessary to have one or On the other hand a lowered position is more
more devices custom built. aerodynamic and the weight pressure on the
crotch is reduced. This position also minimizes the
Saddle and body support risk of tilting the bike from one side to another,
In general the RaceRunner should be adjusted in which is often seen in an upright position.
order for the athlete to run as freely and indepen-
dently as possible. Pros and cons must be considered for the benefit
Some runners prefer an upright running position. of the individual athlete.
This position will in general improve the athlete’s In general, an athlete with strong legs and

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Coaches´ Manual

buttock muscles needs less support from the Extra support

saddle and the body support plate. Heavy athletes Some athletes, especially CP athletes, need extra
and athletes with weak muscles need more sup- support. Some athletes might need more body
port. Also, athletes with heavy thighs might get support, e.g. a belt or strapping around the back,
bruises from frictions with the bike but placing elbow supports or similar. No matter what kind of
small pieces of some soft material on the relevant extra equipment used the overall aim is always to
parts of the bike might solve this. improve the conditions of the athlete.

Body support
(chest plate)


Tilt joint


In other words the adjustment and fitting of the The athlete should to be able to focus primarily
bike must always suit the individual athlete. on running and training instead of focusing on the
RaceRunner as a piece of equipment.
The handlebars come in many different sizes and
shapes. The height of the handlebars and the ” The coach needs to focus
distance to the body support plate should be set on the training sessions.
in order for the athlete to be fairly relaxed in up-
Other persons in the club
per body and shoulders.
CP athletes might experience difficulties stret-
should take care of the
ching the arms enough in order to reach the practical assignments.”
handlebars and they might also have problems
turning the handlebars themselves.
The handlebars therefore need to be adjusted Getting used to the bike
according to these issues. New and inexperienced athletes only running in
The power needed to turn the handlebars must the summertime have to be patient and spend
be fitted to CP athletes with a poor arm muscle some time getting used to the RaceRunner as
power. This might cause the athlete to turn the well as being physically activity in general.
bike inadvertently and the right compromise The athlete also has to get used to sitting on the
might take some time to find. RaceRunner and this might cause some pains in

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Coaches´ Manual

the neck (keeping the head in an upright posi- Some athletes might be able to get onto the
tion), the arms and wrist (controlling the hand- RaceRunner without lowering the saddle.
lebar), the trunk or chest (resting on the body Other athletes will require some assistance kee-
support plate), and also the crotch (pushed with ping the balance or by tilting the saddle section
great weight against the saddle). down. It is too difficult for most athletes to tilt the
Especially the strain on the crotch will bother saddle section down and up again themselves
many athletes in the beginning (see clothes and when placed in a running position.
some practical issues). In general athletes with poor ability to stand up
need more assistance to get on to the Race-
Getting onto and off the Runner. Wheelchair users often need to have their
RaceRunner wheelchair placed between the rear wheels of the
A basic rule is that the rear brakes should always bike and very close to the RaceRunner. It is also
be on when leaving the RaceRunner. In this way good to have an assistant on each side but try in
the brakes will also be on when the RaceRunner general to make use of the athlete’s own abilities
is being taken into use again. Due to its poor to move when getting into the RaceRunner. It is
weight the RaceRunner might easily start rolling rarely necessary to actually carry the athlete from
– even if the brakes are on. With heavy or motoric the wheelchair and onto the RaceRunner.
challenged athletes it might be a good idea to It might be useful to use the different settings of
place the front wheel against a wall. an electric wheelchair. Lower the saddle section

The coach is instructing the athletes at the beginning of the training session.
Photograph: John Clarke Russ

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Coaches´ Manual

of the RaceRunner in order to make room for the

athlete. Athletes with a lot of spasticity in the ”Be aware of bruises on the
thighs sometimes need help spreading the legs in skin that may gradually be-
order to get the saddle into position.
When the athlete is getting onto the RaceRunner
come worse. Even small brui-
hold on to the frame or the handlebars instead of ses might develop and cause
the body plate in order not to squeeze your own a big discomfort.”
fingers. Always make sure that the saddle section
is properly locked so it does not suddenly unlock weight pressure placed on the crotch. The skin
during a race. and tissue need slowly to get used to this pres-
sure. Have some breaks during the training ses-
Clothes and some practical issues sion and tilt the saddle section down to release
Clothes the body from the pressure.
Thermoregulation is most individual and the
clothes should always fit the specific athlete and Be aware of bruises on the skin that may gra-
the weather conditions. A general rule is that the dually become worse. Even small bruises might
upper body needs more clothing than the lower develop and cause a big discomfort. Do commu-
body. nicate with the athlete and his/her assistants
about this. Athletes with verbal communication
”CP athletes might problems need extra tending regarding this.
Wheelchair users also need to be especially aware
experience more spasms of this issue as the skin on their buttocks and
in cold weather and will thighs often have problems breathing and healing
often benefit from in a sitting position.
warmer clothes.”
Many athletes have different leg lengths and
The upper body and especially the hands and the some may have a wrong positioning of their
fingers may become very cold when running.
On the other hand a lot of athletes will experience
getting way to warm at the torso section resting
on the body support plate.
Moisture wicking as well as wind- and water brea-
king clothes are to be preferred. CP athletes might
experience having more spasms in cold weather
and will often benefit from warmer clothes. Bike
shorts with padding is recommended.
Be aware that these shorts are gender specific in
their design.
Bike shorts must fit tightly and give the right
support to the crotch. It is often necessary to try
on several different types to find the right kind
of bike shorts. Do not use underwear or sanitary
towel under bike shorts.
No matter the precautions taken many athletes Spike shoes with enhancement.
will experience some discomfort due to the

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Coaches´ Manual

Athletes at the RaceRunning Camp & Cup 2016.

Photograph: Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen

legs due to their disability. It is important to take Competitions

this into account and if the athlete is using cust- There are often some specific competition rules
om-built shoes in the everyday life he/she pro- that need to be obliged. Normally the athlete
bably needs custom-built shoes when training as needs to wear team jersey and bibs. Helmets are
well. The tear and wear of these shoes (especially compulsory at all competitions.
the tip) may suggest that a pair of shoes specifi-
cally for RaceRunning training is needed. Food and drinks
Unfortunately custom-built shoes are often he- The athlete should always bring along a water
avier than regular running shoes and this may bottle for the training session. Normally regular
in turn cause a foot drag. To avoid this raise the drinking water is fine but on the longer distances
saddle a bit. some kind of energy drink supply is a good idea.
In competitions the athlete might use a pair of The athletes should be advised to drink plenty of
spike shoes that are lighter in order to increase water before training and competitions in order
speed and grip. Be aware that spike shoes are not to dehydrate. If the athlete has a long way
often tight-fitted and the toes might not be able home after the training session tell him/her to
to move. Athletes with malposition and decreased bring a sandwich or a banana in order not to be-
proprioception need to be especially aware of this come too tired.
in order to avoid overstrain. Further reading on this topic: Team Denmarks
general advices on nutrition page 53.
Athletes should always be wearing a helmet as
the RaceRunner might tilt over.

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Coaches´ Manual

Training in cold and hot weather Training in Hot Weather

Leif Nielsen It is also important to have the right sport dress for hot
weather. On the upper body a running T-shirt or singlet
Basically it is possible to train in all kinds of is to be preferred, on the head a breathable helmet
weather as long as the right precautions are and sunglasses is a good idea to protect against
taken. There are only two exceptions to this rule: strong sunlight. When training in sun light remember
in thunderstorms and freezing rain all training sunscreen for the most exposed areas – face, ears, lips,
should be ceased immediately. neck, legs – but do not use it on the rest of the body as
the sunscreen prevents the body from perspiring pro-
Training in Cold Weather perly. Remember to drink a lot of water in hot weather.
When planning a training session in cold weather it is
advisable to begin the run in contrary wind in order to
get the following wind on the way back home. Training in cold weather and wearing mittens.
The right cloths are important and plenty of layers are Photograph: Leif Nielsen
better than a few thick jerseys. For the innermost layer
a sport undershirt with a moisture transport system is
needed. For the outer layer a breathable windbreaker is
The body must able to breath and get rid of the sweat
while the wind and rain on the other hand do not get
in. Running in wintertime and in the dark the athlete
needs a reflective jersey so that other road users pay
attention. You might be able to see the other road users
but they might not be able to see you.
Use one or two pairs of running socks on the feet and
one or two pair of gloves for the hands. Mittens are
warmer than gloves. A warm cap for the head is a
Remember to bring some water for the run. Even if it is
cold the body perspires.
It is often a challenge for spastics to train in cold we-
ather. The coach should always be aware that the athle-
tes are keeping warm. It might be necessary to change
the training session, e.g. to do long intervals Remember
(5-10 min) or continuous run (e.g. 30 min • Beginning in contrary wind – and return in
without breaks) instead of short intervals. following wind
• No training sessions in thunderstorms or
freezing rain
• Dress according to the weather conditions
• Remember to drink water – also in cold weather

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Coaches´ Manual

Being a Coach
Signe de Place Knudsen

Being a coach is more than just taking care of be met; though it is often most challenging and
the physical excercises. You will typically be- it might take some time and experimentation to
come engaged in various social arrangements and find the right combinations and adjustments.
competitions and you will get to know the athle- A repetition of certain elements through the
tes intimately. Often you will become an impor- different training session is a good way to create
tant part of the athletes’ everyday life. confidence and recognition.
Some athletes are in strong need of having per-
sons that they meet regularly.
”Everyone could contribute to
Typically the athletes’ range of movement, disa-
the club spirit to be positive
bilities and needs will vary a lot. Some athletes
are easily able to walk by themselves and might
and supportive - for trainers
live on their own while others are in a wheel- athletes and voluntears!”
chair and in great need of daily assistance. Some
athletes are able to drive a car themselves while
others need to have an assistant bringing them Training at a stadium it is easier to supervise the
and helping them during the training session. athletes than if the training sessions are carried
Some athletes need a lot of practical help and out in park or in a forest. The personal assistants
motivation to be able to participate in the training and the volunteers might be helpful with carrying
sessions – others do not. This depends on their out the training session and picking up the athle-
everyday situation and network, how they live tes in the latter case. It is often very helpful that
etc. the coach and the assistants are able to call each
other on the cell phone in order to coordinate the
Like in most sports clubs the level of the training.
RaceRunning athletes’ ambitions and talent
will vary a lot. And maybe even more so since in Training for times or doing intervals instead of di-
most RaceRunning sports clubs there will be only stances is a good way to get athletes at different
relatively few athletes. It is thereforee important performance levels to train together. Not all athle-
to plan the training session taking into account tes though have a clear idea of time and distances
their various abilities and performance levels. and the athletes might need different instructions.
You need to know the abilities and ambitions of Some athletes need exactly to know how far and
every single athlete in the team and most basi- how fast they are to run and might even need a
cally why the want to do RaceRunning at all. person to follow them. Instructions should always
Some athletes want to participate in international be brief and simple – also in order not to have the
competitions others might only participate in or- athletes standing still for too long.
der to get some exercise, fresh air and meet some Wearing running shoes and sports cloth as a coach
new friends. All these different ambitions should seems to motivate the athletes and also makes it

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easier to keep track and follow the athlete around Doing racerunning in a sports club is basically
the track when needed. Of course, the coach like playing soccer or doing athletics in a sports
might also use a RaceRunner to keep track with club. The athlete becomes a member of a sports
the athletes. club and a fellowship. Most people love to get
some kind of responsibility assigned; collecting
”Most people like to have a the cones after a training session, baking a cake,
role and get responsabilities. keeping spirits high during the training session –
or whatever responsibility the individual athlete is
Even if it´s just to bake a cake, able to carry out. Always try to engage your athle-
collect cones or be the one tes and encourage them to participate in different
who keeps up the good kinds of activities in the club in order to create the
mood.” right atmosphere and promote the team spirit!

Concentration is important for Coordination training.

Photograph: John Clarke Russ

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Coaches´ Manual

Coaching the CP Athlete

Maria Willerslev-Olsen og Jens Bo Nielsen

Physical Activity is Important

Earlier on people with brain damage was warned Restraints of the reflexes will therefore only make
against being physically active and engaged in moving more difficult. For the same reason it is
sports. Doctors were worried that the spasticity not just simply good or bad if the reflexes – and
would increase and that the joints would be over- so the spasticity – increases or decreases.
strained. Also there are no reasons that the reflexes should
Let us once and for all bust this myth! Basically the increase or decrease as a result of physical acti-
same fundamental rules about physical activity vity. Instead, it all comes down to how the re-
and sports go for people with brain damage as for flexes are used in the best possible way by the
people without and this also applies for sport on nervous system in order to conduct a movement.
elite level. Physical activity is healthy and should
be a part of the everyday life for everyone. The main reason why people with a brain damage
Sport and especially elite sport might always often feel that their muscles are stiff is actually
cause some injuries though and it is important to not the reflexes, but the structural changes in
train and plan the training according to ones own muscles and the tissue around the muscles. In the
individual level, to know ones own body, and to worst cases these changes restrains the move-
know ones own limits and abilities. ment of the joints drastically. Contractures may
appear and make the joint completely rigid.
Physical Activity and Spasticity A lot of research studies indicate that the physical
The research from the past 20 years clearly shows activity and movement of the muscles contribute
that physical activity has a whole range of positive positively to preventing these changes and the
outcomes for people with brain damage – just like appearance of contractures.1,2,3,4,5,6. If contractures
it has for everyone else. The level of spasticity have appeared they are not easily treated but
will not increase; actually it has a tendency to some studies may show that intense physical acti-
decrease. vity has a positive effect on contractures.
At least, there are no studies claiming the oppo-
Spasticity is characterized by hyperactive reflexes site, that physical activity has a negative effect on
that cause an increased tension in the muscles. contractures.
This is an adaption of the nervous system as a
reaction to the brain damage. The nervous sy- Elite Sports and Injuries
stem basically tries to use the reflexes in order to Physical activity must be carried out according to
activate the muscles because the brain in itself the athletes’ limits and abilities in order not to
does not have the best conditions for doing so. overstrain the joints. There are two reasons why
The reflexes therefore contribute in a positive way athletes with neurological damage are more likely
in order to activate the muscles and they become to get injuries in their joints.
an integrated part of the motoric program that the Firstly the wrong positioning of joints may cause
nervous system uses for movement. that joints are strained in a wrong way and this

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may cause osteoarthritis. Lund H et al. 20088 have feet, 33 with CP, 18 ambulant, 15 non ambulant).
conducted a study of pain in relation to strength Regarding the CP group 81,3% of the injuries were
training for patients with osteoarthritis who also muscle injuries (sprains, strains etc.); 9,4% were
suffer from the same incorrect positioning of joints caused by scratches and cuts, and the rest were
and a decreased joint movement. An increased caused by illness, blisters and the breaking of
workload on a smaller area of the joint caused an bones.
overstraining, which resulted in a feeling of pain.
In this way strength training may contain some Guidelines for Planning the Training
problems for athletes with an outspoken incorrect There are no studies indicating that it is neces-
positioning of the joints. Secondly the strength of sary for disabled athletes to train in a radically
the muscles is often reduced and the muscles may different way. Disabled athletes may therefore in
not be able to protect the joints sufficiently – but general use the guidelines worked out by Team
on the other hand this may actually be improved Denmark15 as well.
when being physical active.
Only a few research studies have been made on Like in all elite sports it is crucial to pay attention
disabled athletes but this focus has increased to the body’s signals and plan the training accor-
much over the last years. For now it can only be ding to these. A slow progression is important and
confirmed – not that surprisingly – that participa- it is crucial also to differentiate between good and
tion in sport causes an increased risk of injuries bad pain. Pain is subjective and it is important
and overstraining. that the athlete learns to evaluate the different
An epidemiological study concluded that the feelings of pain and learns when to say stop.
frequency and types of injuries for normal ath- If training and physical activity is something rela-
letes and disabled athletes were the same. A tively new to the athlete a slow progression is
Greek study from 20119 inquired the injuries of even more important. In the beginning one or
180 disabled elite athletes (disabilities in legs and two training sessions per week is sufficient and

The 400m start, Herning Games 2016.

Photograph: Peter Kromann

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Coaches´ Manual

At the national level there is class for athletes in need of assistance for steering. The assistant can only touch the RaceRunner
when the RaceRunner is loosing direction. Photograph from the RaceRunners Camp & Cup 2016.
Photograph: Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen

only some months later a regular daily training English Channel you have to swim a lot. And if you
can begin. For elite athletes there are no pro- want to become a world champion in Race-
blems with having a daily training session as long Running you have to spend a whole lot of hours
as the athlete listens to the signals from his/her practicing RaceRunning.
own body. Continuously training during the whole If your goal is a long distance performance the
year is of great importance. There is no specific training should be aerobic. If you want to become
documentation regarding this in relation to the CP a sprinter the training should mainly consist of
population. But because longer pauses in the trai- high intensity training. This does not mean that
ning have a clear negative effect on the condition there are no benefits from the opposite kind of
of the body and performance level it is likely that training and the training of movements that are
these breaks causes more injuries to appear. different from the kind of competition the athletes
Another important reason for avoiding long breaks wants to in. It simply means that the benefit is re-
is that it is mentally and physically hard to get latively bigger if the athlete practices exactly what
back into shape every time it happens. the athlete wants to compete in.
In case of longer pauses in the training season Strength training has been proven to prevent inju-
(e.g. between end of season and the next season) ries and strength training is also an important tra-
it is important to have training facilities at home. ining element for para athletes in order for them
This is also a great idea if the athlete for some to acquire the muscle strength needed around the
reason is not able to get outside the home in a specific joints being strained during the specific
period of time. discipline. Fitness training on an exercise bike is
a good way to acquire a basic fitness level for al
What Kind of Training is the Best? kinds of sport. But seen from a ‘training economi-
The best training strategy is to train exactly the cal perspective’ there is in general no doubt that
kind of sport you want to perform well in. the time is best spent practicing exactly what you
If you want to participate in Tour de France you want to compete in.
have to bike a lot. If you want to swim across the

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Ready for training after warming up at RaceRunners Camp & Cup

Photograph: John Clarke Russ

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How do We Create a
Fair Competition
Marianne Hornbæk Jensen

The Classification System

Elite sport competitions are never completely fair to be allowed to compete in RaceRunning com-
even not among non-disabled athletes. We often petitions. The evaluation may consist of a physi-
try to create a more fair competition, e.g. with the cal examination, tests and observations during
use of weight classes in boxing. training or competitions.
Both classification and MDC are specific to the
In para sports – and so in RaceRunning – we have sport of RaceRunning and even though the
a classification system in order to secure a fair athlete has been classified in relation to another
competition among the athletes. The athletes are sport he/she needs to be re-assessed and classi-
classified according to their disability and level of fied for RaceRunning.
function in relation to the specific discipline.
This means that athletes with different kinds of Once a year RaceRunning Denmark offers a
disabilities are able compete against each other. classification. Certified classifiers are classifying
the athletes. The Danish RaceRunning Committee
The RaceRunning Classification contains two parts: and the Medical Board of Parasport Denmark are
An assessment according to the Minimum Disa- governing and facilitating this classification pro-
bility Criteria (MDC) and an assessment regarding cess. The Danish RaceRunning Committee is a part
the specific RaceRunning class. The MDC states the of the Danish Para Sports Athletics Committee.
minimum of disability that it takes for an athlete

Three Classes of RaceRunning

This is a brief description of the three classes of RaceRunning.
Men and women are competing in separate classes.

The RR1 athletes have major problems The RR2 athletes are characterized by The RR3 athletes will have moderate
with the control and coordination of asymmetry and limited range of motion. complications in the legs, symmetrical
the RaceRunning movements. Severe This group has moderate involvement or slightly asymmetrical stride pattern
difficulty in isolating individual joint in the upper extremities and trunk and with good push off. The ability to isolate
movement in the lower extremities and moderate to severe involvement in lower extremity movements but hip
poor control of the stride. Foot drag, lower extremities. The stride pattern and stride contractures may limit stride
severe asymmetry, or no alternating leg may be short, asymmetrical or unilateral length. Moderate to good steering and
movement may be observed. May have but more effective than RR1. Minimal or trunk function, control of the upper
limited hand and arm function as well no foot frag. Bilateral, alternating, uni- body and an effective start (no startle
as limited trunk function. lateral and simultaneous leg push will reflex) with a good acceleration.21
be effective but limited by weakness,
range of motion, spasticity or athetosis.

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Coaches´ Manual

Coaching Theory and

Coahing Practice
Leif Nielsen

Warming-up and Warming-down

Warming-up is a gradual physical and mental pro- chemical processes in the body.
cess that prepares the athlete for the upcoming Another important effect of warming-up is that it
physical activity. minimizes the risk of getting injuries.
In resting condition only 20% of our blood is in
The purpose of Warming-up is: the muscles. During warming-up the percentage
• To improve the performance is increases to approximately 75%. The overall
• To minimize the risk of getting injuries physical performance will thereforee also be
There are various physiological effects gained Warming-up begins with running at a slow pace
from warming-up, e.g.: for about 10 min. Gradually the velocity should
be increased and in the end the athlete can do a
• Increased body and muscle temperature couple of increase runs (70-80 meters).
• Increased speed of the chemical processes in the body All together warming-up should last for 20 to 25
• An improved transport of oxygen from the blood to the minutes.
• An improved nerve conduction velocity
• Improvement of the synovial fluids
• A quicker adaptation of the respiration and the circula-
tory system for the upcoming physical activity.

There are two ways of warming up:

A.  The passive method is to take a hot shower

or going to a sauna. Since it is only the outer
layers of the muscles that are warmed up doing so
this method is not efficient.
B.  The active method is to use the muscles for physical
activity. This method is way more efficient and in this
way all the muscle layers are being warmed up.

In resting condition the muscle tissue and the

connective tissue around the muscles are in a
shortened condition. After thorough warming-up
the length of muscle tissue and connective tissue
are increased by up to 10%. During warming-up
Sayers Grooms (USA) is warming up at the Camp 2014.
the temperature in the muscles are increased as Photograph: John Clarke Russ
well and this implies an increased speed of the

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Coaches´ Manual

Planning the Training

Just as important as the warming-up before It is important that an athlete development plan
the competition or training session is the war- for a certain number of years is made.
ming-down process. By warming-down the The golden rule says that it takes about 10.000
session/competition ends just the same way as it hours of training to reach the world elite.
started after a session/competition with a rather Therefore a long-term plan that lasts for about
high intensity. Warming-down begins with running 8-12 years is needed, including an outline for
at a slow pace for about 5 to 10 minutes. The war- what there is to be trained every single year.
ming-down process ends with a couple of increase A long-term plan also needs to take into account
runs (60-70 meters) at a medium pace. Remember how children and youngsters should be training
to do some stretching exercises after this. at different age levels.
In the early years the pattern of movement
Stretching out the upper body, at the Camp 2011. and the most fundamental aspects of the sport
Photograph: Rohat Everløff should be in focus. Hereafter the main object is to
learn how to train. Not before the age of 15 will
the training sessions be focusing on competitions
and on winning competitions. In order to assure
the right kind of progress it is necessary for the
training to be planned carefully. This regards not
only the specific training sessions but also the
long-term planning.

The main reasons for planning the training are:

• To prevent injuries and that athletes are overtraining

• To assure a certain progression of the training
• To plan for the athlete to peak at the right time
• To always base the training on the previous experiences
and the training programmes
• To assure a certain variation in the training programme

Remember When planning the training certain elements

• Warming-up should last for at least 10 minutes are always to be taken into account. The book
• Clothing should suit the conditions Idrættens Træningslære lists 19 items for making
• Warming-up should contain a general part and a a good training plan.
sport specific part
• Gradually increased intensity The first 7 items are about knowing the speci-
• Remember the stretching exercises (see page 46) fic sport that is to be planned for – in this case
• Warming-up is also a way to prepare the athlete RaceRunning – knowing the athlete and knowing
mentally oneself as a coach.
• Warming-up must be suited for the upcoming
activity Items 8-19 regards the planning itself, evaluating
• Warming-up must take place just before training and adjusting the training plan.
or competition
After item number 19 the coach returns to item
number 8 and begin all over again as a new sea-
son is to be planned for.

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Below is a summary of the so-called “Figure 6 of the specific discipline; and 2. An analysis of
plan” (it looks like the figure 6). Capacity.

Item 1 First of all you have to find out what type Making an analysis of physical demands means
of sport you are planning for. Is it running on the to sort out the specific physical demands of the
track or outside the stadium? If it is track running, sport RaceRunning doing observations and mea-
is it then sprint, middle-distance or long-distance suring physical factors.
running? It is important to know the specific phy-
sical requirements for the discipline, in this case Item 2 Concerns the specific athlete who is to be
RaceRunning, in order to plan for and conduct the planned for. This is called AN ANALYSIS OF CAPA-
right kind of physical training. To sort out these CITY. You need to analyse and describe the athle-
specific physical demands the following should tes’ physical and mental condition and capacity.
be made: 1. An analysis of the physical demands
Item 3 Concerns you as a coach. Find out who
you are and what you stand for. What are your
strengths and what are your weaknesses?
Item 4 Concerns your coaching philosophy. Do
2 you think it is best for an athlete to specialize at
an early age, what is your attitude towards doping


6 19 Planning the Training

17 8. Make a long-term plan
7 9. Make a plan for the whole year
10. Make a periodic plan
16 11. Make a week plan
12. Make a schedule for the
training sessions
Feedback 15 13. Make a plan for reaching the
peak fitness conditions
14. Carrying out the plans
14 15. Adjustments during the process
16. Conduct an assessment
13 17. When something does not
work properly
8 12 18. Do a summary of the training
9 10 11 19. Adjustments & new planning

Source: Idrættens træningslære19

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Item 5 Performance objectives. You need to 5. The coach needs to have knowledge of tra-
consider if you wish to coach regular athletes or ining, he/she needs to have coaching skills,
elite athletes (and if so whether you are aiming he/she needs to take interest in all of the
at participating in the Paralympic Games or WC). athletes, and he/she needs to be trustworthy.
A lot of consequences follow from this choice.
As the former Norwegian marathon runner Grete Item 7 As a coach you need to know the basic
Waitz once said: ”I sat a goal for myself and took rules of training. It is import to plan for variations
the consequences of this - sufficient training of a and for a balance between training and restitu-
certain quality - a harmonic and meaningful way tion. You also need to take into account external
of life - relaxing and restitution - giving priority to factors such as the athlete’s education/work/life
training and restitution.” style etcetera.

Item 6 In order for the social aspect of the trai- Item 8 Together the athlete and the coach agree
ning to work - so that everybody enjoys going upon which competitions will be the main objecti-
to the training sessions - there need to be a few ves in the time to come. This can be e.g. the club
rules. Below is an example of a set of rule used in championships, the national championships, WC,
Herlufsholm Gymnastik (HG) athletics in Denmark PL, or basically any specific race or event.
in order to make everybody feel welcome:
As the Figure 6 plan shows the planning of the
1. Everybody needs to feel safe and secure and training is built up backwards:
as a part of the team.
2. Everybody should be supporting each other at • Planning for more than one year
the training session and at the competitions. • Planning one year
3. Everybody has to contribute and work hard in • Planning a period
order to be rewarded (no pain, no gain). • Planning a month
4. The training should present to the individual • Planning a week
athlete the right physical and mental challen- • Planning a single training session
ges in order to create progression.
Basic training is training the basic skills,
movements and general strength.

Amount of training

The figure shows rudimen-

tarily how the distribution
of basic training and specific
training is. There will always,
on all levels, be basic training.
But after some years of
Specific training training the specific training
will take up still more of the
training hours.

Basic training
Training age
1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years

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Specific training is the training of the specific ele- The build-up period is from November to the
ments that are important for the distance(s) that is beginning of April.
(are) the main objective(s).
The preparatory phases
Item 9 When the long-term plans/objectives are The aim is to prepare for the competitions. The
agreed upon it is time to do the annual training training sessions are of high intensity and simu-
plan. late the competitions. The preparatory phase is
placed after the build-up phase and leads to the
The first things to mark in the annual training plan competition phase.
are the most important competitions during the
year to come. Secondly these competitions should The competition phases
be prioritized as very important, important, or less The training sessions are shaped according to the
important. competitions in the specific period and the impor-
It is necessary to make some priorities since it is tance of the competitions. Before a very impor-
not possible to peak at every single competition. tant competition the training is markedly reduced,
Just before a competition the training should be but before a secondary competition the training
reduced and after the competition the athlete ne- sessions are almost regular.
eds a few days of resting. In this way you typically
‘trade’ one week of training for a competition. Restitution
The aim is to relax and to have time for restitution
The specific phases of an annual training plan are: – physically as well as mentally – after a tough
phase of training or a long season of competiti-
The build-up phases ons.
The progression is to develop the fitness.
This phase takes time and should be given priority A rudimentary version of an annual training plan
in the annual training plan. The build-up period is may look like this:
the basis for the training the rest of the year.

1 st Main p
-3-4 with
s 4-2 the
iod 4
40 41 2 43 44 tra
er 39 4 ini
p 7 38 54
3 4


A training period of one year 36 7





s 1-
ith t



1 The Build-up phase

riod w


51 5
3rd Main pe

3 1

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 The Preparatory phase

2nd Main period wi
27 28 29


The Competition phase

5 2




e trai


The Restitution phase



21 10

11 0
19 2

12 1 ds
3 14 15 17 18 1-2
16 -3

28 Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk

Coaches´ Manual

Phases and supercompensation weekly basis. The macro-cycle describes the same
The physical training leads to a decomposition of phases but on an annual basis.
the tissue and organs that are being used. The re- Each training session leads to a decomposition of
inforcement and strengthening of the body takes the tissue and organs that are being used. But in
place in the restitution phase and in this way the the resting phase after the training the tissue and
progress in fitness appears. The restitution phase organs will be rebuilt on a higher level than before
is also of great importance in order not to break the training session. This is called supercompen-
down the body in a long-term perspective. sation. But if a new training session does not take
Restitution is one of the two main reasons to place during the following week the athlete will
plan the training in phases; the other reason is to return to his/her original fitness level.
create variations. The phases can be composed of According to the amount of training carried out
micro- and macro-cycles. The micro-cycle descri- and the period of restitution (i.e. sufficient or to
bes the strenuous days, the easy days and the little) the following restitution curves shows some
restitution days on a different scenarios of the micro-cycle.

Performance level
Fig.1 shows the scenario of to little training, which will
only keep the athlete at his/her original fitness level.
No physical progress.

Supercompensation Supercompensation

Training Restitution Returning to original Training Restitution Returning to original

performance level performance level

Figure 1 Time
Mon Tue-Wed-Thu Fri Sat-Sun Mon Tue-Wed-Thu Fri Sat-Sun

Fig. 2 shows the effect of counterproductive training.

The restitution phases are to short. The body is overstra-
Performance level
ined and the risk of injuries is huge.

A lack of

performance level

Training Restitution Training Restitution Training Restitution Training Restitution

Figure 2 Time
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
Source fig. 1 - 7: Idrættens Træningslære 19

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Coaches´ Manual

Fig.3 illustrates the correct distribution of training and

restitution. This is the right way to be training; the body
is strained but not overstrained and gets enough time to
rest in order to increase the performance level.

Performance level

A lack of supercompensation
Greater supercompensation
A lack of
performance level

Training Restitution Training Restitution Training Longer restitution Training Restitution Training Restitution Training Longer restitution
phase phase

Figure 3 Time
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat-Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat-Sun

Fig. 4. The scheme shows how Normal Duration Normal Duration of

Intensity Supercompensation
long time the body needs for of Restitution

restitution after a training session

of certain intensity. In this way From a few hours
Low ¼ - 1 ½ 24hrs
the scheme also gives the coach to a couple of days.

a clue to what is the necessary

amount of rest between the
Moderate ½ - 2 24hrs 1 – 3 (-4) 24hrs
various sessions.

High 1 – 3 24hrs 1 – 4 (-6) 24hrs

Very high and

2 – 4 (-5) 24hrs 3 – 6 (-10) 24hrs
Figure 4

Item 10 and 11 When the annual training plan is Figures 5, 6 and 7 below show how the specific
done it is time to do the periodic plans and weekly weeks during a month can be
plans. Periods can be spring, summer, autumn and planned. The same guiding principle applies here:
winter, or the space of time try to create a constant shifting between easy,
between two training assemblies for the national strenuous and very strenuous days and weeks.
team. This shifting secures variation of the training and
The hours of training and the intensity of the causes the body to be strained in different ways.
training should vary from week to week. This also It also creates the right progression in the athle-
lessens the risk of injuries. tes’ physical abilities.

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Coaches´ Manual

Item 12 The training session. Below is an

example of how a training session can be planned
and built up by specific elements:

1. 10-15 min. running at a slow pace

2. 2-3 x increase run (60m) Warming up
3. Stretching out
4. Main training
1 2 3 4
5. 5-10 min. running at a slow pace
Figure 5
6. 1-2 x increase run (60m) . Warming down
Fig. 5 shows a 4-week training cycle composed of an 7. Stretching out
easy week, a strenuous week, a very strenuous week
and a strenuous week. This is the most popular cycle.
It is strenuous without being to strenuous for the body.
Training Programmes
There are many good reasons to have a training
plan. The training plan secures progress and
minimizes the risk of injuries. The training plan
should not be followed blindly though. It is impor-
tant to be flexible and follow the athlete closely.
A training plan is a basic idea of how to create

Training Diary
1 2 3 4 5 6 It is important to keep a training diary in order to
Figure 6 plan the training in the time to come. The diary
can also be used to analyse why the performance
Fig. 6 shows a 3/6-week training cycle. Easy, strenuous
and very strenuous weeks are repeated. The athlete at a competition was bad or good, or to find out
needs to have years of training routine and to be in a why an athlete got injured.
very good shape for this cycle. Many athletes are only keeping track of times and
notable deviations. The plan is already there so it
is mostly important to keep track of the deviati-
The athlete himself/herself should keep the diary
– maybe with assistance from parent/assistant.
For the club’s training the coach should keep a
diary on the progression of the training – what
was good and what went wrong etc.

Item 13 Item number 9 was the creation of an

1 2 3 4 5 6
annual training plan with the prioritization of the
Figure 7 specific competitions. Now it is time to plan for
the peak fitness condition. “Peak fitness is a con-
Fig. 7 shows a training cycle that lasts only for two
weeks. This cycle is very good for the regular club trai- cept that denotes the maximum level of perfor-
ning. It is composed of a strenuous training day followed mance that an athlete can reach within a season.”
by an easy training day. Normally an athlete reaches one or two fitness
peaks within a year.

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Coaches´ Manual

Item 14 Up until now everything has been theory Physical training

only – the planning of the training. Now it is time The following sections deal with the physical
for the actual training to be carried out – guided training. A lot of the elements are to be perceived
by our thoughts, ideals and plans. only as an option for a beginner while they are
compulsory for an athlete with elite ambitions.
Item 15 When the actual training is carried out in
real life it is normal that adjustments have to be What are the most important training elements
made along the way. Problems (like injuries) may for a RaceRunning athlete?
always arise and then the training needs to be The most important elements for a RaceRunning
adjusted. beginner athlete are:

Item 16 Testing. It is important to test if the • Condition training (physical fitness)

training that has been planned and conducted • Strength training
actually leads to the objectives and results that • Coordination training
are wished for. For a runner the competitions can • Stretching out
be such a test.
Condition training is the athlete running various
Item 17 Even if everything apparently works distances at a various pace. The objective is to
once in a while everybody will experience that build up a good physical fitness. A good physical
something does not function properly. If so the fitness also means that the athlete more easily
coach needs to check if the plan does not work, will be able to carry out a lot of everyday activi-
if there are any problems with the coach herself/ ties and the risk of getting circulatory diseases
himself or with the collaboration with the athlete. will diminish.
Does the athlete often become injured? Is there A beginner typically runs continuously for 15-30
a good balance between training and restitution? minutes. Or the athlete runs for the same period
Is there a good balance between training and of time but the interval is divided into e.g. 3 x 5
meals? Is the athlete often sick or ill? minutes with short breaks between the intervals.
All training for beginners should be based upon
Item 18 After ending a period or season this pe- the principle of intervals. Intervals is basically a
riod or season should always be evaluated. Did the question of shifting between different paces, e.g.
training lead to the increased performance level? from very slow to medium speed, or from fast to
What was achieved? Did anything go wrong? Both very fast. The pace should always correspond with
the athlete and the coach should be evaluating. the athlete’s abilities.

Item 19 Taking into account the evaluation and Strength training is the athlete using him-
the experience from the former season it is time self/herself or an external source (e.g. elastics,
to look forward to the next season and the plan- weights, machines) to increase the athlete’s
ning process begins all over again. muscle strength.

• Analysis of physical demands – for RaceRunning specifically • Avoid overstraining and prevent injuries
• Analysis of capacity – describe the athletes’ physical and • To ensure a certain progression in the training
mental condition and capacity. • Plan the training using you experiences from the former
• Know yourself as a coach training plans/sessions
• Have knowledge of the basic training theory • To keep a training diary

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The important muscle groups to be trained are Condition Training

the abdominal muscles, the back, the arms, and
the legs. The overall purpose of strength training Calculating the intensity
is to increase the general strength of the body. When the athlete is training condition training
The strength training will also lessen the risk of (aerobic) or anaerobic it is important that the pace
getting injuries. An improvement in strength will is right. There are several methods for determi-
also improve the running technique of a Race- ning the right pace for the athlete.
Running athlete.
• One way to determine the right pace is the “TALKING
Coordination training: Coordination is of great METHOD“ where the athlete is to speak a certain number
importance for the athletes. Coordination is of words coherently. How this method is applied will be
basically the collaboration between nerves and described below. This method is good for beginners.
muscles. The better your coordination is, the better
your technique will be. • Another and more accurate method is performance
timed, measured with a TEST at a given distance.
Stretching out: Athletes with CP may experience
normalization in the degree of spasticity as a For a sprinter the time that the training will be
consequence of passive stretching out. This might aiming at will be calculated from the athletes PB
give the athlete a feeling of calmness. Active result on either the 100, 200 or 400-meter distan-
stretching out might be practiced just before ces. For a middle distance runner the results used
technique training or strength training to give the are the results either from the 400, 800 or 1.500
athlete a possibility to use most of the range of meter.
There is no scientific proof that stretching out has Examples of this calculating method will follow
an impact on the degree of spasticity. 22 later.
Learn more about stretching out on page 46.
• The third method is training according to the PULSE. The
athlete needs to know his/her resting heart rate and
maximum heart rate. This method is not that accurate for
RaceRunning athletes since most athletes has a rather
high resting heart rate level due to their spasms. In this
case the training should follow the maximum heart rate.

There are two ways of determining the maximum

heart rate. The theoretical and less accurate:

Women: 226 – minus the athlete’s age, e.g. a 19

year old athlete = 226 – 19 = 207 beats per minute.

Men: 220 – minus athlete’s age, e.g. a 19 year old

athlete = 220 – 19 = 201 beats per minute.
The reason for subtracting ones age is that the
maximum heart rate decreases by one beat for
every single lived year.

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A more accurate method for determining the Low intensity aerobic training is mostly conducted
maximum heart rate is to find a hill to practice on. after high intensity competition or training. It is
The hill needs to be about 150 meters long. also used before competitions in order to spare
The athlete warms up and after this the athlete some energy.
sprints to a maximum uphill, then stops and During a competition or a tough training session
counts the pulse for 15 seconds and multiply this small rifts in the muscle tissue and fibres are
figure by 4. The result is the athlete’s maximum created. Due to these rifts smaller bleedings will
heart rate for one minute. occur and the muscle becomes hard and soar. This
Ten minutes later this process is repeated and if soreness appears immediately after a competition
the results are varying the numbers are added or a tough training session and it is felt the most
and divided by two. on the second day hereafter.
We know from experience that low intensity
training in the days following a competition or
Aerobic training a tough training session helps to get rid of the
Aerobic training is defined as an activity where soreness. In this way the restitution will be better
oxygen is used in order to release energy in the and the athlete will get ready for the next training
muscles. In this way carbohydrates (glycogen) and session faster.
lipids are burned off. This also has a mental function. This part of the
The aerobic training is subdivided into 3 groups: training is so easy and calm that the athlete can
low-, moderate- and high intensity training. clear his/her mind and this increases the motiva-
tion for the following training sessions.
The overall objectives of aerobic training are: Low intensity training lasts from 10 minutes up to
3 or 4 hours. The intensity should be rather low –
1. Improving (or maintaining) the circulatory systems’ about 65 %.
ability to transport oxygen in order for an increasing part
of the overall energy release at high intensity to be due
to aerobic processes.
2. Improving (or maintaining) the ability of the muscles to
use oxygen to burn off lipids and in this way to improve
the muscles ability to work for a longer period.
3. Improving (or maintaining) the body’s ability for restitu-
tion after high intensity performances and in this way to
get ready faster for a of new high intensity performance.

Aerobic training is also fitness condition trai-

ning. By running in one of the three areas of in-
tensity the athletes’ condition will be improved.

Low Intensity Training

The purpose of low intensity aerobic training
is a faster restitution process and in this way a
regaining of the normal physical level after high
intensity competition or training.

Sofie Farver and Thea B. Jørgensen during a training session of low intensity
Photograph: Leif Nielsen

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For a beginner this will typically mean jogging/ Moderate Intensity Training
running for about 30 minutes without any breaks. The purpose of moderate intensity aerobic trai-
The 30 minutes may be divided into intervals of 3 ning is:
x 10 min with a short break of one or two minutes
between the intervals. 1. Improving (or maintaining) the ability of the muscles to
endure working for longer periods, i.e. to improve the
Intensity: aerobic capacity.
Talking method: 2. Improving (or maintaining) the body’s ability for restitu-
The athlete must be able to speak a sentence with tion after high intensity performances.
the length of 7 to 10 words with the athlete being
understandable and not out of breath. Below is Doing moderate intensity aerobic training the in-
the example of a RR2 athlete. tensity should be at about 80%, shifting between
70%, 80% and 90%. The moderate intensity
Time: aerobic training can be conducted 1/ continuously
Sprints: 200 m. on 55,00 sec. or 2/ in intervals. Doing intervals the exercise
65-70%: In between 74 and 72 sec. should last for about 3 minutes or longer and the
Middle-distance: 800 m. on 5.00.00 min. break should last for 1-2 minutes.
65-70%: In between 6.45.00 and 6.30.00 min.
1. Moderate intensity aerobic training may last for up till
Pulse: 2½ hours.
180 beats per min. 65-70%: 117-126 beats per min.
Examples of Moderate intensity aerobic training:

It is important that the movement pattern of

the training session is designed specifically for

The training session can be a certain interval

with a certain %-exercise level, i.e. continuously

2. Another method is to do intervals or ‘speed games’. The

intervals may last from 3-10 minutes with a relatively
short break in between (of 1-2 minutes) and with a lot
of repetitions (12-20). To create variation the sequence
can be built up like a pyramid, e.g. 3 min, 4 min, 5 min,
4 min, 3 min, with the whole pyramid carried out 2-3
times. The breaks should be only two minutes but in
between the series (e.g. pyramids) the breaks can be
one or two minutes longer. The intensity should be
about 80-85%.

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Middle-distance: 800 m. on 5.00.00 min.

70-90%: In between 6.30.00 and 5.30.00 min.
5 Pulse:
180 beats per min.
Pause Pause
2 min. 2 min.
70-90%: 126-162 beats per min.

4 4
Pause Pause
High Intensity Training
2 min. 2 min. The third aerobic form of training is aerobic high
intensity training. The purpose of this form of
3 3 training is:

Pyramid Scheme 1. Improving (or maintaining) the ability of the body to

work at high intensity for a long time, i.e. to improve (or
‘Speed games’ is about playing with and changing maintain) the maximum aerobic effect (the condition).
the pace. The athlete may e.g. choose to run very 2. Improving (or maintaining) the body’s ability for restitu-
fast from the nearest stadium light standard to tion after high intensity performances.
the third standard. The athlete then runs slowly
for a few minutes and then again chooses to run With this third aerobic form of training the inten-
very fast from the nearest stadium light standard sity lies in between 90% and 100%. High intensity
to maybe the fifth standard. If the training session training may also be conducted in two different
is placed during the built-up phase the athlete ways, continuously and in intervals.
may choose to sprint uphill on a hill in order to
strengthen the take off movement. If the training For the continuously training form the intensity
session is placed during the Preparatory phase must be at least 90% and the training should last
or Competition phase the athlete should sprint from 10 to 30 minutes.
downhill instead in order to practice speed and a Training high intensity using intervals gives you
fast footwork. two new options: short or long intervals.
If the athlete chooses to practice without any
breaks the maximum practice time amounts to 15 1. Short intervals:
minutes. These 15 minutes can be subdivided into a. Exercise lasts for 10-120 seconds
5 x 3 min (with short breaks of 2-2½ min.) b. The break/slow pace phase lasts for
5-60 seconds.
Talking method:
The athlete must be able to speak a sentence with The exercise can be composed in various ways;
the length of 4 to 7 words with the athlete being work/break: 20/10 seconds; 45/20 seconds; 70/30
understandable and not out of breath. seconds; or 90/45 seconds
Below is the example of a RR2 athlete.
2.  Long intervals:
Time: a. Exercise lasts for: 2-10 minutes
Sprints: 200 m. on 55,00 sec. b. The break/slow pace phase lasts for:
70-90%: In between 72 and 61 sec. 1-6 minute(s)

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There are even more ways to conduct the training: Time:

Sprints: 200 m. on 55,00 sec.
1. Intervals, short or long intervals. 90-95%: In between 61 and 58 sec.
2. Pace race with staggered starts: The slowest runner be- Middle-distance: 800 m. on 5.00.00 min.
gins first, the fastest runner last. The athletes then reach 90-95%: In between 5.30.00 and 5.15.00 min.
the finishing line at approximately the same time.
3. ‘There and back again’: All athletes start at the time Pulse:
running e.g. 3 minutes and then everybody turns around 180 beats per min.
at the same time. The athletes should then reach the 90-95%: 162-171 beats per min.
finishing line at the same time.
4. Pyramid race */
5. ‘Speed games’ **/, playing with and changing the pace
6. Hill running, sprint uphill (strength), sprint downhill Remember
(speed and footwork). • Aerobic training
• Low intensity
*/Pyramid race. The pyramid is wide at the bot- • Moderate intensity
tom and pointy at the top. • High intensity
Pyramid training for a sprinter could be: 75 sec. – • Balancing between training and breaks
60 sec. – 45 sec. – 30 sec. – 15 sec. – 30 sec. – 45
sec. – 60 sec. – 75 sec.

Pyramid training for a middle-distance runner: Anaerobic Training

2.00 min. – 1.45 min. – 1.30 min. – 1.00 min. – 1.30 Anaerobic training is defined as an activity
min. – 1.45 min. – 2 min. without enough energy released from oxygen
only. Most of the energy then comes from de-
**/ Speed games composition processes without using any oxygen.
Speed games is about playing with and changing Carbohydrates are still the energy source but the
the pace. This exercise was invented in the 1960’s decomposition takes place without the use of
by the Swede Per Olof Åstrand. Speed games are a oxygen.
kind of jogging or sprint, uphill or downhill, using The overall objectives of anaerobic training are:
the terrain in different ways.
Speed games should be fun and playful. In this 1. Improving (or maintaining) the ability of the
way the athlete relaxes and clears the mind in body to react fast and to quickly produce
order to perform at other times. Speed games can energy for the most strenuous exercise level.
also be done in another way making the training 2. Improving (or maintaining) the ability of the mus-
a small journey: different elements of the training cles to quickly and continuously obtain the energy
can be done or practised during the trip, e.g. sprint for the most strenuous exercise level.
between to marks (the shorter the distance, the 3. Improving (or maintaining) the ability of the body’s
faster the pace). ability for restitution after strenuous exercise.
The scheme shows the distribution of aerobic and
Intensity: anaerobic levels in percent. The anaerobic work
Speaking method: capacity is from 2 to 120 seconds.
The athlete must be able to speak a sentence with
the length of 2 to 4 words with the athlete being The anaerobic work capacity has three main areas:

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1. Speed Anaerobic effect

2. Anaerobic effect: to maintain a very high pace There has to be full physical restitution, but the
for up to 40 seconds maximum. mental restitution gradually becomes worse for
3. Anaerobic capacity: to maintain a very high every set.
pace for up two minutes.
8 sets of 60 m at 13 sec.
All three areas are improved when doing inter- Intensity: 90%. The breaks last for 200 sec. 15:1
vals. The scheme below shows the distribution
between intensity, exercise time, exercise/break 6 sets of 150 m at 34 sec.
distribution, and the number of repetitions. Intensity: 70%. The breaks last for 340 sec. 10:1

Examples of Training Exercises: Anaerobic capacity

Sprint Both the physical and mental restitution gradually
There has to be full physical and mental restitution become worse for every set.
in between the sets.

10 sets of 20 meter at 4 sec.

Intensity: 100%. The breaks last for 80 sec. 20: 1
Pause/Work-distribution 20 :1 = If the athlete runs for one
6 sets of 50 meter at 10 sec.
second the following pause needs to be 20 times longer,
Intensity: 100%. The breaks last for 300 sec. 30: 1 i.e. 20 seconds.

Exercise Pause/Work-
Training Intensity Repetitions
time distribution

Speed 100% 2 – 10 SEC. 20 - 30 : 1 6 – 15 SETS

70 - 90% 10 – 40 SEC. 10 - 15 : 1 6 – 10 SETS

50 - 70% 40 – 120 SEC. 1-5:1 4 – 8 SETS

Helle Ladefoged, Nicolai O. Christensen and Hayla S. Søndergaard during speed training.
Photograph: Leif Nielsen

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4 sets of 125 m at 43 sec. For a RaceRunning beginner the training of the

Intensity: 70%. The breaks last for 215 sec. 5:1 anaerobic system should be very limited. The
training of the anaerobic system is strenuous and
8 sets of 200 m at 96 sec. the athlete needs a good basic fitness in order to
Intensity: 50%. The breaks last for 100 sec. 1:1 complete this kind of training.

If we take a look at RaceRunning and the relation In order to do just a little of anaerobic training
between time and distance and if the athlete only a good idea is to practice reaction skills (also a
trains various distances, e.g. 200m or 400m, the way of practicing sprint) on distances of 10 to 20
time is normally in between 45 seconds and 1½ meters.
min for 200 m and 1.45-3.00 min for 400 m. The
energy system used will primarily be the aerobic Distribution of Energy during the Race
system. Most disciplines combine anaerobic and aerobic
In order to train the anaerobic system the athlete When planning the training sessions it is impor-
must practice intervals from 6 to 10 seconds in tant to be able to determine to which degree
order to increase the speed. If the athlete aims at the two energy systems are used in the specific
performing on the 200-meter exercises.
distance, the athlete needs to train these short in- The figure below may help the coach taking into
tervals that are developing the anaerobic system. account this aspect of the training.

Source: Aerob og anaerob træning1616

Distribution of anaerobic and

aerobic processes in percent


90 Aerobic








10 Anaerobic

0 5 10 30 60 90 3 10 30 60 90
seconds minutes sec/min


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Varighed % anaerobe % aerobe

Løbedistance min / sek processer processer
The figure shows running di-
stances in relation to times and
100 m 00:10 92 - 94 6-8
the percentage of anaerobic and
200 m 00:20 85 - 90 10 - 15 aerobic processes. The distances/
times stems from the elite of
400 m 00:45 75 - 80 20 - 25
non-disabled athletes.16

800 m 01:45 50 - 60 40 - 50

1500 m 03:30 35 - 40 60 - 65

3000 m 07:30 25 - 30 70 - 75

5000 m 13:00 15 - 20 80 - 85

10000 m 27:00 5 - 10 90 - 95

Marathon 130:00 1-2 98 - 99

The scheme below shows the same relation - adapted to RaceRunning conditions.

Løbedistance Varighed % anaerobe % aerobe

This scheme shows a RR3
RaceRunning min / sek processer processer
athlete. The times are the
50 m 0:10 92 - 94 6-8 same as in the scheme above.
The running distance of a RR3
100 m 0:20 95 - 90 10 - 15
athlete is about 50% shorter

200 m 0:45 75 - 80 20 - 25 compared to an elite non-disa-

bled athlete.
400 m 1:45 50 - 60 40 - 50

820 m 3:30 35 - 40 60 - 65

1900 m 07:30 25 - 30 70 - 75

3000 m 13:00 15 - 20 80 - 85

6000 m 27:00 5 - 10 90 - 95

15 km 130:00 1-2 98 - 99

• Anaerobic training
• Speed/quickness
• Anaerobic effect
• Anaerobic capacity

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Strength Training Example:

Strength training can be a lot of things. The From November until March: 1-3 series of 20 to 30
standard definition sounds like this: an organized repetitions.
and planned activity with the primary objective of In April: more series, 1-3 with 3-7 repetitions.
improving one or more strength abilities: May until the competition phase: 3-4 series with
1-6 repetitions.
• Maximum strength
• RFD (Rate of Force Development) The non-linear method is to mix up different ways
• Endurance of training during the season. Many coaches beli-
eve that a progress then will happen gradually.
Tools or machines may be used for strength
training and many sport clubs have a gym with Example: If an athlete does strength training five
machines or weights. The athletes’ own weight times a month a schedule could look like this:
can also be used.
1. week, endurance, 2 series with 30 repetitions.
Weight cuffs attached to the athletes’ legs, run- 2. week, endurance, 3 series with 20 repetitions.
ning uphill or tying a tire to the RaceRunner are 3. week, maximum strength, 4 series with 3 repetitions.
other possibilities. 4. week, endurance, 2 series with 30 repetitions.
The objective of strength training is: 5. week, maximum strength, 2 series with 1-3 repetitions.

Formålet med styrketræning er: For an inexperienced RaceRunning athlete the tra-
1. To improve the peak performance ining of regular endurance is the most important
2. To improve the training and also the training of the main muscles: thighs,
3. To prevent injuries arms, trunk and the muscles in the back.

The strength training is divided into three phases: 1 RM = THE WEIGHT LOAD THAT THE ATHLETE C
1. The preparatory phase AN DO MAXIMUM ONCE.
2. The built-up phase
3. The maximum phase Endurance
1-3 set of each 20 RM; i.e. a very easy load,
When using machinery or weights for the strength 60-75% of RM.
training these basic rules must be followed for the
specific areas of strength training. 1 exercise for each group of muscles.

Planning the strength training can be done in Breaks: long breaks in between different muscle
two ways: the linear method and the non-linear groups, but short breaks in between the sets.
method. Shorter breaks means better endurance.

The linear method is to begin the season with a Quick lowering in order to do many repetitions per
lot of repetitions with a light load. As the com- time frame.
petitions come closer the training will consist of
fewer repetitions with heavier load. Some coaches 1-6 different exercises per training session, maybe
believe though that the effect of the first part of the athlete wants to train only one muscle group.
the training is getting lost using this method. It is all right to do other exercises during the
breaks if the objective is to combine circulatory
training with strength training – otherwise do not.

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As the athlete becomes more experienced the Controlled lowering, i.e. the athlete should be in
two following kind of strength training may be control of the lowering.
tried out – but they are both strenuous and takes
a lot of experience. Maximum pull upward.

Maximum Strength RFD - Training for Speed and Speed-strength

3-4 sets of 1-6 RM, i.e. weight load of 90-98% of 1 1-3 sets of 3-7 repetitions of each 4-8 RM, i.e.
RM. not up till the limit of complete exhaustion. Low
weight load of 50-60% 1 RM.
Do 2-3 exercises per muscle group (big and small Maximum 2 exercises per muscle group (primarily
exercises). big exercises).
Take long breaks (physical and mental restitution).
Breaks of middle length (physical restitution).
Maximum 6 exercises per training session.
Maximum 8-10 exercises per training session.
Maximum pull upward.
Exercises during the breaks for other muscle
groups, e.g. when doing maximum strength trai- No other exercises during the breaks.
ning for thighs exercises with less weight load can
be done for trunk or back.

• Linear or non-linear training
• Maximum strength
• Endurance
• Hypertrophy
See the Strength Training section with specific exercises on page
55. The different exercises in that section are all aiming at muscle
endurance training.

A close finish in the RR1 men’s 100m at the 3rd. CPISRA Open European Championship
Photograph: Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen

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The start of the 200m, CPISRA World Games, Nottingham 2015

Photograph: Leif Nielsen

It is important to pay attention to the potential

movements that may be ‘hidden’ behind spasms
and in an untrained body in general. Sometimes
Technique Training it is necessary to experiment, go back to former
The objective of technique training is for the ath- exercises or to be creative and think of new so-
lete to find a style of running as good and correct lutions and possibilities. When the right running
as possible. During technique training the pace technique has been found it is all about repeti-
is not at the maximum in order for the athlete tion. The spasticity affects the movement and the
to focus on technique and not speed. The pace signals sent from the brain to the muscles and
should be in between 85% and 90% to get the back again. By doing the same movement over
greatest effect from technique training. The di- and over again the athlete can make new and
stance when training technique should not exceed ‘fresh’ brain cells overtake some of the functions
120 meters. that were destroyed due to the spasticity. The
new movements need to be ‘burned’ into the
Some of the most important aspects to be brains’ programming because the disability often
practiced are: affects the program that the brain uses for copy-
ing other peoples’ movements and to convert
• The athletes’ position on the RaceRunner. verbal descriptions to actions. The golden rule
• The position of the athletes’ head; is the athlete looking says that it takes 10.000 hours of training in order
up/down/left/right? to acquire the ideal movement pattern.
• The athletes’ push-off and footwork at the starting line
as well as during the race. The experimental process:
• The position of the athletes’ toes during the race; are • Finding a position on the RaceRunner that secures stabi-
they pointing forward, going inwards or going outwards? lity and unrestrained strides.
• Adjustment of the athletes’ starting block. • In general a running technique becomes
• efficient with long strides.
Finding the Right RaceRunning Technique • Finding a position on the RaceRunner that enables a
In general there are no wrong movements. Some good respiration.
movements are just more fitting than others for • The right positioning of body and legs at the starting
the individual athlete. Together the coach and the line.
athlete should find the running technique that • Running technique when sprinting and
suits the athlete. It is worth noticing that the run- • increasing speed.
ning technique an athlete has acquired one year
may look different the year after due to a normal Butterfly technique – jumping with both legs at
development and maturation of the body and the same time and with the same rhythm.
because the body is strengthened by the training
as well. Gallop technique – running like a horse.

One-legged gallop technique – one of the legs is

used only for counter-movement.

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Classical running technique – the hips are pushed The training of coordination should be placed in
forwards, and knees and ankles are bended. the beginning of a training session so that the
athletes have lots of energy left. Just after war-
Classical Spastic technique – less coordination in ming up and stretching exercises it is time to do
the bending movements. the training of coordination.
This may last 10 – 15 min.
The role of the coach in the technical training: Find 3-4 suitable exercises and repeat them se-
Finding the right running technique/movement veral times.
pattern is a task for the coach, though normally
the decision is made together with the athlete. Examples of coordination exercises:
Do the exercises on a distance of 30m:
There are several reasons that it is important to
find the running technique/movement pattern • Running: 5 setoff with the left leg, then 5 setoff with
that suites the athlete: the right leg
• Running: 3 setoff with the left leg, then 3 setoff with
1. The right running technique minimizes the risk of inju- the right leg
ries. • Running: 2 setoff with the left leg, then 3 setoff with
2. The athlete uses less energy to get from A to B and the the right leg
joy of running grows. • Running: 2 setoff with the right leg, then 3 setoff with
3. The right running technique/movement pattern uses less the left leg
energy and gives better results at competitions. • Running slalom in between cones, both forward and
In order to find the right running technique/mo-
vement pattern it is a good idea to take pictures Use your imagination!
or film the athlete running and to analyse this
material together with the athlete. Not all athletes will be able to perform all exer-
cises. For athletes without spasms or only few
Training of Coordination spasms the arms can also be activated, e.g. with
Good coordination is fundamental for acquiring knee lifts and swinging arms at the same time.
a good technique. As the athlete gets better at The booklet Aldersrelateret Træning i Race-
combining different exercises, he/she also impro- Running21 contains a list with even more coordina-
ves his/her running technique. Another important tion exercises.
aspect of good coordination is that the risk of
injuries is minimized. Idrættens Træningslære19 Breathing
describes coordination as an adaption and coordi- Breathing correctly is an important element in
nation might be defined as the ability to combine RaceRunning because many athletes are placing a
the movements of the body in relation to each heavy pressure on the diaphragm. For this reason
other and to the surroundings. many athletes are only breathing shallowly. The
Coordination is all about getting the nerves and coach needs to be aware of this – especially for
muscles to work together in the best possible way. competitions from 100 to 400 meters where the
When we begin walking we normally begin on the athlete needs to have the body straightened out
same foot. If we are asked to begin with the other to regain a deep and steady breathing. On longer
foot we have to think about it. This is an example distances it is important to find a certain rhythm,
of coordination where we have to think before e.g. one breath for every second stride, in order
commanding nerves and muscles to perform the for the breathing process not to affect the perfor-
movement. mance of the athlete.

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Coaches´ Manual

Remember Remember
• To spend time adjusting the RaceRunner • Know your strengths and weaknesses
• To spend time doing coordination exercise • Know your competitors
• Plan your competitions

Physical Activity is Good for Learning

and for the Memory
Maria Willerslev-Olsen & Jens Bo Nielsen is on the finishing position or the finishing time.
Secondly you need to take a look at the strengths
There is evidence that physical activity has a and the weaknesses of the athlete.
favourable influence on the brain functions. We
do not simply get smarter by being physically If the athlete is aiming at a good finishing posi-
active but being physically active just before or tion you also have to take a look at the compe-
right after learning something new makes us titors; who they are, how they are running, if the
better at remembering what we have just learned. have a strong finish or usually begin at a high
The specific kind of activity does not seem to be pace – and how your own athlete should position
of any importance, the important thing is to get himself/herself in the peloton.
the pulse going. The higher up the pulse is going If the athlete is looking for a good finishing time
the better, 15-20 minutes seems to be sufficient he/she maybe needs to talk to the competitors.
though (within 3-4 hours after learning something Maybe they are also looking for a good finishing
new You want to remember). This improvement of time and it can be arranged who should take the
memory caused by physical activity regards both lead for the first 200m and who will then take
cognitive knowledge and motoric skills. This in- over from there.
sight might be applied when planning the training No matter if the focus is on finishing position or
sessions; a period with focus on technique should time it is important to plan ones’ race and find out
finish of with a period of intense physical activity where to position oneself in the beginning, the
and high pulse exercises. middle and in the end of the race.

Some general tactical advice:

Tactical Training A. Position yourself second to fourth in the peloton. In this

Tactical training is actually the planning of an up- position it is easy to join if the front-runners suddenly acce-
coming competition. This planning already begins lerate but you are still saving some energy because of the
with the planning of the different competitions in slipstream.
the annual training plan.
B. If possible, position yourself in lane 1 (in the second lane
When the competition is coming up it is important you are running 7,5 meters longer every single round). Be
to decide on the specific tactics for the race. First careful not to be in a ‘locked up’ position if the front-runners
of all the athlete needs to determine if the focus suddenly accelerate.

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Stretching Exercises
Bent Gaarsted

In General • Do the stretches calm and slowly.

Exercises for stretching out can be used as inter- • The athlete must be able to feel the stretch in the invol-
mezzos during the training session – in between ved muscles.
warming up, training, warming down, and in • Hold the stretch for about 20-30 seconds.
between the different training elements. • The stretch should be done slowly and deeply in order to
The more dynamic exercises for stretching out overcome “involuntary” spasms.
goes along with the functional part of the training, • Repeat the stretch 2-4 times and 2 or more times on a
while the more slow and static exercises are a daily basis.
good way to end the training session. The slow • In every single exercise the athlete should slide dynami-
exercises are also great as a part of a “good mor- cally into the static position.
ning”- and a “good night”-routine. • Remember breathing normally during the stretching out.
• Be relaxed in the rest of the body when stretching out.
The purpose of stretching out is:
• To increases the athletes’ flexibility and range of move- Specifically
ment For CP athletes and athletes with other muscular
• To prevent injuries or neurological issues the exercises most be
• To prevent harmful movements chosen carefully and carried out in a way that
• To increase level of wellbeing takes into account the athletes’ specific physical
• To prevent soreness and neurological abilities. Never use force against
spasticity or a tight muscle.
Stretching out exercises primarily involves liga- Instead, support the muscle in order for the
ments, muscle fibres and sinews and increases athlete to conduct the exercise correctly and pay
the blood circulation. attention to the following:
With the stretching out exercises we try to in-
crease our flexibility. But if they are done the • Athletes suffering from hypermobility should not be
wrong way the stretching exercises may have stretching out. Instead, use massage for restitution.
negative consequences such as minor injuries and • The muscle reflexes of a CP athlete might be unstable,
sometimes even hypermobility and an alteration minimal or over-active. In order not to damage muscles,
of the normal muscle reactions. bones or ligaments always pay great attention to how
the stretching exercises are carried out and always do it
When using the exercises to end the training specifically.
session the exercises must be calm and slow. Stop • All the time spent in a wheelchair may cause poor
just before the pain threshold. Remember, in ge- sitting positions, a decreased range of movements and a
neral, the following when stretching out: non-optimal movement pattern.

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Stretching Exercise A
Stretching the front of the thigh

1. The athlete has a firm grip on the frame of the
2. The assistant slowly lifts the foot backwards
and up.
3. The hips must be in a vertical position - do not
lift the foot any higher.
4. Hold the stretch for approximately 30 seconds
and then lower the foot slowly.

Repeat 1 through 4 with the other leg.

B Stretching Exercise B
Stretching the Inside of the thigh

Standing or lying on the back. Spread the legs as

much as possible.

1. If standing, bend one of the legs and stretch the other,
if possible.
a. The athlete bends the bended leg even more;
B b. Or the assistant presses gently against the inner
side of the knee.
2. Repeat with the opposite leg.

1. If lying, the athlete himself/herself or the asistant
gently pushes the legs apart.

REMEMBER to hold the stretch for 30 seconds.

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Stretching Exercise C
Stretching the back of the thigh and the peroneus.

Preferably done when sitting on the saddle or holding
on to the frame of the RaceRunner.

1. Keep the back taut.

2. Stretch the left leg and push back the buttocks.
3. Press the toes of the stretched leg upwards (the as-
sistant may lift the stretched leg upwards).
4. Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.
5. Do 2 through 4 with the right leg.

REMEMBER: Stop stretching before you reach the

threshold of pain. Do not overstretch.
The same exercise can be done lying on the back and
with the assistant lifting the stretched leg upwards and
holding the other leg down.

D Stretching Exercise D
Stretching the hip

This exercise can be done standing on the

RaceRunner. Tighten the abdominal muscles in order
to spare the loin.

1. Stretch and press the left leg backwards while holding

on to the RaceRunner.
2. The assistant grabs with the left hand just above the
left knee and places the right hand on the athletes’
3. The assistant pulls with his left hand the streched leg
upwards and pushes gently with the right hand on the
athletes’ buttock.
4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
5. 1 through 4 is repeated with the other leg.

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Stretching Exercise E
Stretching the chest muscles

This exercise can be done sitting or lying and E1

in two different ways: 1. The assistant stands behind the athlete, places his/her un-
derarms below the underarms of the athlete.
E 2. By stabilizing the athletes’ back with his/her own body the
assistant raises the athletes’ underarms and pulls them
backwards slowly.
3. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.

1. The assistant stands behind the athlete.
2. With his/her left hand the assistant grabs the athletes’
left underarm and places his/her right hand on the
athletes’ shoulder.
3. With his/her left hand the assistant pulls the athletes’
left underarm gently upwards and backwards and
pushes gently on the shoulder with the right hand.
4. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
5. Repeat 2 through 4 for the other side.

F Stretching Exercise F
Stretching the neck muscles

This exercise is divided into four sections: the left and

right side of the neck; forwards and backwards. The ath-
lete may sit down or stand up – also on the RaceRunner.
The assistant may stabilize the athletes’ body if needed.
The assistant may also put a gentle pressure on the

1. Press the left ear towards the right shoulder and hold the
2. Press the chin towards the chest and hold the stretch.
3. Press the right ear towards the left shoulder and hold the
4. Press the head gently backwards and hold the stretch.
5. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.

Note: Item 4 should not be carried out by athletes with


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Mental Training
Leif Nielsen

The following subjects will be treated in this

• Mental readiness
• Motivation and objectives
• Visualization
• The inner discourse
• Concentration

Mental training is procedures and exercises that

help the athlete to be efficient and mentally pre-
pared in order to achieve his or her objectives.

Mental readiness
The feeling of mental readiness is based on vari-
ous factors, e.g. motivation, preparation, general
level of stress, and expectations. Disregarding all The Medals from the CPISRA World Games, Nottingham 2015
of these factors it is important that the athlete Photograph: Leif Nielsen
realizes that it is up to him/her to decide to be
ready – both for training and competition. No matter what aspect of life it is important to
An athlete entering the stadium looking nervously have some objectives for the working process.
around and maybe even trying to hide himself/ Objectives motivate and directs ones energy in
herself is showing a lack of self-confidence. The one specific direction.
athlete should instead enter the stadium with a There are two different kinds of objectives:
posture of self-confidence and self-reliance: ‘Here 1. Outcome objectives (results) and 2. Process
I come – and I am not afraid of any opponent!’ objectives.

Motivation and Objectives 1. An outcome objective is a specific result, a place at

Getting a job done is always easier when one a competition or something similar. It is good to have
is feeling satisfaction completing the task. outcome objectives but with these objectives one is
Otherwise this task will typically be the item at always dependant on the competitors and the externals
the bottom of the list and the result will probably factors are many.
not be that great. 2. Process objectives, on the other hand, are only focusing
on what you can control yourself. They may concern
Motivation is characterized by a great effort, skills, technique, training processes, competitions or
persistence, engagement, willpower, faith and preparation for competitions. They may concern focus on
enthusiasm. routines, on ones own time results at a competition, or
simply on getting the best out of a day of training.

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There is clear evidence that focusing on the pro- Visualization

cess objectives and achieving these causes the It is told that a Chinese pianist who was impriso-
results to appear by themselves. It is okay to have ned for 8 years (without access to a piano) four
some outcome objectives but they should not weeks after his release gave one of the best con-
be in focus in the everyday training as they are certs he had ever played. Later he explained how
causing stress in the everyday life of the athlete. he had been practising for four hours each day
In the everyday training the objectives should be visualising the concert and his fingers moving. All
focusing on e.g. warming-up, todays’ training ses- of it was only in his head but he later told that he
sion or maybe the warming-down process. In this could even hear the sound and smell the sweat
way the focus is not on some abstract future goals during ‘the practise’.
but here and now on the training. Focusing only
on outcome and results causes stress and eventu- Visualization is defined as a way of consciously
ally poor results. controlling and creating all sense impressions
without the external stimuli - that normally create
Objectives can be either long-term or short-term these impressions - actually being there.
objectives. Visualization is probably the most popular and
A long-term objective is an objective years ahead efficient mental training technique. It has been
of the athlete, e.g. participation in the Paralympic proved that visualization in itself (without physical
Games or winning a medal at the WC or breaking training) is improving the performance positively.
a world record. It can also be optimizing ones run- Visualization in combination with physical training
ning technique or getting better at keeping focus. creates even greater improvements.
Short-term objectives are usually not more than
one year ahead and may be considered as step- Visualization can be used for training as well as
ping-stones on the way to the long-term objec- for competitions with the athlete visualizing how
tive. Short-term objectives specify the objectives the training or competition will be. The athlete
for the next month, week and training session. visualizes placing herself/himself in the starting
An example of a short-term objective for a single block, the starter yelling “ready!” and “set!”. The
training session could be focus on the athletes’ athlete visualizes how the signal from the starting
running rhythm. If the athlete easily looses the gun is given and how the athlete runs perfectly
right rhythm he/she must learn how to regain it with just the right technique, the right rhythm,
quickly – so-called re-focusing. and how the athletes runs fast and reaches the
In general there are no big differences in planning finishing line in the first place position.
physical and mental training. The planning pro-
cess moves backwards, beginning with the overall Another example of visualization is seen when a
objectives that lies farthest ahead and then moves high jumper is preparing for his jump and often
backwards and down to the specific planning of a stands on his toes, hands in front of him, visuali-
single training session. zing the run-up and his jump.
The different objectives for the mental training are Visualization may also be used for treating injuries
planned for and written down in the training plan with the athlete visualizing how all good forces
alongside the physical training and in the training comes to aid of him/her helping to heal and treat
diary as well. the injury.

The Inner Discourse

Talking to ourselves is something most of us do –
but only unconsciously. Some people have

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positive conversations: “That will be exiting. This Koncentration

sounds really good. I will be ready for that.” Other Concentration is to focus all attention on a spe-
people mostly have negative conversations with cific place or on a specific task.
themselves: “That sounds really difficult. I am not For a RaceRunning athlete this could be to focus
going to make it. The other athletes look strong.” on the beginning of the race or the race down
Both of these discourses will have influence on the track.
the athletes’ performance. The positive conversa-
tion will make the athlete ready to perform and There are two kinds of concentration, inner and
show his/her best. The negative will make the outer concentration. Inner concentration is to
athlete insecure, doubting his/her abilities and the focus on oneself and ones own abilities. Outer
competitors will sense this attitude in the body concentration is to direct all attention at the
language of the athlete. surroundings.
If this negative inner discourse gets out of control
the athlete may use the so-called stop-thinking For a runner it is only possible to affect ones
technique. This technique is basically the athlete own performance and it is obviously best to
saying “stop!” to him/her self every time a new use the inner concentration. If the attention and
negative thought appears. focus is directed towards the surroundings a top
performance is simply not possible.

Lasse Kromann Remember

visualizing his • Show self-confidence
next race,
Herning Games 2016.
• Use motivation and objectives
Photograph: Peter Kromann • Use visualization
• Inner discourse
• Concentration

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Coaches´ Manual

Physical Activity
Maria Willerslev-Olsen & Jens Bo Nielsen

No matter on which level the athlete is training

and competing the nutrition is an essential factor
in order to reach ones goals. The nutrition is also
a way of optimizing the bodily response to the
individual training session, to shorten the period
of restitution and to reduce the risk of injuries etc.
It is possible to create a synergetic effect if both
the nutrition and the training are right, no matter
if the aim is to perform better physically or to alter
the bodily composition. Malnutrition and/or to low
intake of energy is often seen among children and
youngsters with neurological damages. The exact
numbers are hard to estimate though. Never-
theless Dahl M. et al. 199610 found that 60% of
35 children with CP at the age of 8 years suffered
from nutritional problems. Calis E.A.C. et al. 201011
RR2 100m for juniors at the 3rd. CPISRA European Championship, July 2016.
and Grammatikopoulou M.G. et al. 200912 obser-
Photograph: Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen
ved a reduced energy intake among CP children
at the age of 10 years and a reduced intake of
micronutrients. Hillesund E. et al. 200713 similarly With longer periods of restitution available (24
finds a low intake of micronutrients; iron, folic, B3, hours) the pattern of the intake of carbohydrates
calcium, vitamin E and vitamin D – while Walker J.L is of less importance. Choose nutritious sour-
201214 no significant differences between children ces for your carbohydrates (fruit, milk products,
with and children without CP. bread, lean meat etc.) and add a protein source to
the restitution meal.
In other words: the observations and conclusions Sometimes it might be relevant to reduce the
vary just as much as the CP population itself. On energy intake in order to loose weight and fat. In
the other hand it is somewhat evident that people these situations it is very important to take into
with neurological damages should pay more at- account that a reduced energy intake may affect
tention to their nutrition and make sure that their the body negatively. Team Denmark states the
energy intake is sufficient – especially if they are following: when the daily amount of available
athletes with a high level of physical activity. energy drops below 135 kJ (30 kcal) pr. kg lipid
According to Team Denmark, the intake of car- free weight (FFV) there is a huge risk of experien-
bohydrates should take place as fast as possible cing hormonal or metabolic effects on the body
after the first training session if there is less than that may negatively affect the athletes’ perfor-
8 hours of restitution before the next session – in mance, health and growth.
order to speed up the restitution process.

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Proteins play an important role in connection with

the response to training and protein intake is
therefore a much-debated subject in relation
to training. The right timing and amount of the
protein intake are still discussed. There are no evi-
dence though that more than 1,7 grams of protein
pr. bodily weight improves the response to the
training or increases the muscle mass or strength.
The recommended amount is therefore still 1,2 –
1,7 grams of protein per bodily weight a day – a
higher intake than the standard recommendation
for the normal population.
Too much protein can be harmful but the conse-
quences are still in the unknown and exactly how
much too much is still a topic for discussion. It is
also more difficult to get the glycogen stores suf-
ficiently refilled on a protein heavy meal and this
may reduce the response to the training.
Unless an athlete is having problems getting
sufficiently with energy or protein, there are no
evidence that energy bars and protein/carbohy-
drate powder has any advantages compared to
normal groceries.

Training cornering technique and the finish straight at the Camp 2014
Photograph: John Clarke Russ

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Strength Training Exercises

Peter Kromann & Susanne Braüner Ladefoged

These exercises are designed in order for the Training with Exercise Balls
athletes to be able to do them at home. Using an exercise ball you are achieving
The exercises should in general be repeated 3x10 simple and efficient strength training the athlete
times. Experienced athletes may repeat the being able to use all of his/her muscle groups.
various exercises 3x20 or 3x30. The exercises may The small exercise balls are very flexible and may
be combined as you wish. All the exercises are also be used when doing the exercises in the
training the muscular endurance. bed. The exercise ball must suit the weight and
All the various exercises contain instructions to be balance abilities of the individual athlete.
followed closely and a description of the purpose If the exercise results in ‘follow movements’ of
of the specific exercise. the athlete or increases the spasticity the athlete
needs support in the weak side in order for the
movement to be performed correctly.

Chest muscles – Exercise 1

Purpose: A

• Functional stability training for the upper

body (torso).

• The athlete is lying supine with a
little exercise ball under the shoulder
blades. Feet in the floor, knees are bended.
Optional: a small exercise ball between the
knees. Optional: weight cuffs on the wrist.
• Move the arms from a horizontal to a
vertical position above the chest and clap.
• Repeat 3x10 times.

Pay attention to:

• The assistant focuses on the symmetry of
the movement.
• Exercise ball between the knees in order
to reduce spasticity and counteract ‘follow
• When arms are lead down the movement
will stop when there is no more stability in
the upper body.

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Chest muscles – Exercise 2

Purpose: A
Stability training of the upper body
Training of stomach muscles

• The athlete is lying supine with a little
exercise ball under the shoulder blades.
Feet in the floor, knees are bended.
Optional: a small exercise ball between the
knees. Optional: weight cuffs on the wrist.
• Place arms up above the head to a horizon-
tal position and move them from here to a B
vertical position above the chest.
• Repeat 3x10 times.

Pay attention to:

• Exercise ball between the knees in order to
reduce spasticity and counteract ‘follow move-
• The assistant focuses on the symmetry of the
• The weight must be suited for the individual ath-
lete. In picture B the athlete has an oblique pull,
pulling more to the right side than the left side.

The Muscles of the back - Exercise 1

Purpose: A

Strength training for the back.

• Prone lying, arms stretched forwards. Head
kept straight in line with the back. Hold
a little exercise ball between the hands.
Optional: weight cuffs on the wrist.
• Raise chest and arms from the surface and
then lower yourself slowly once again.
• Repeat 3x10 times. B

Pay attention to:

• Keeping the head still is a problem for some
athletes in this exercise. The assistant focuses
on this and also that the hips stay in the ground.
• The symmetry of the movement.
• Distance between knees using a ball, pillow or
56 • Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk
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The Muscles of the back - Exercise 2

Purpose: A
Strength training for the big muscles in the
back and the gluteal muscles.

• Prone lying, arms stretched forwards. Head
kept straight in line with the back. Hold a
little exercise ball between the hands.
• Lift yourself up while the assistant tries to
grab the exercise ball out of your hands.
• Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5

Pay attention to:

• Keeping the head still.
• The symmetry of the movement.

The Muscles of the back - Exercise 3

Purpose: A

Strength training for the back and training of


• Prone lying.
• The assistant roles the exercise ball to the
athlete. The athlete lifts the chest, receives
the exercise ball and roles it back to the
• Repeat 3x10 times. B

Pay attention to:

• The symmetry of the movement.
• Distance between the legs.
• Hips stay in the ground.

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Exercising the stability of the lower body

Purpose: A
Exercising pelvis stability and strength of the
backside of the thighs.

• The athlete is lying supine. Feet in the
floor, knees are bended. Arms down to the
ground following the upper body. Optional:
a small exercise ball between the knees.
The assistant holding the athlete’s feet.
• Lift the buttocks as high as possible. Lower B

slowly again.
• Repeat 3x10 times.

Pay attention to:

• Assistant pays attention to the position of
the pelvis.
• The athlete is perhaps in need of stability

Abdominal muscles - Exercise 1

Purpose: A
Exercising lower body stability (truncus), oblique
abdominal muscles and back stabilizers.

• The athlete is lying supine. A small exer-
cise ball under the loin. Arms down to the
ground following the upper body.
• Lift the legs slowly and once at a time.
Try to keep in balance.
• Repeat 3x10 times with each leg. B
• Optional: weight cuffs on legs.

Pay attention to:

• The exercise ball must be suited for the in-
dividual athletes’ ability to keep the stability
when doing this exercise.

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Exercises with Resistance Band

Doing Exercises with a Resistance Band Simple Exercises

Below are some examples of how to exercise cer- Using a resistance band is a good solution for
tain muscle groups when using a resistance band. athletes who are inexperienced with strength
Depending on the specific resistance band used training, after a long break and for rehabilitation
the level of resistance will vary and the exercise purposes. Choose a resistance band that enables
become easier or harder. There are 5 different you to do about 20 repetitions.
types of resistance bands available. Be aware that
the individual athlete might have relatively more Take a break for 1-3 minutes and then repeat
strength in some muscle groups than in others. the exercise. Do this three times in total before
If the exercise results in an increased spasticity or moving on to the next exercise. The entire pro-
‘follow movements’ choose an easier resistance gramme must be repeated three times per week.


Take care of the wrist

When using the resistance band it is important to position the wrist correctly. The backside of the
hand must follow a straight line going out from the underarm. Always keep this posture when
carrying out the exercises. It is also possible to simply attach the resistance band to the upper
arm in order to avoid this problem.
This may also be the solution if the athlete makes an oblique pull. It then needs to be considered
if the specific exercise needs to be replaced by another one.

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Biceps – Exercise 1

Strength training for the biceps (bending).

• Attach the resistance band by
stepping on it.
• Grab the handle of the resistance band.
• Keep the elbow close to the body while A B
bending the arm.
• Slowly lower the arm (pictures B to A).
• Do the exercise using both arms simulta-
neously or with one arm at a time.

Pay attention to:

• No ‘follow movements’ in other parts of
the body.

Biceps – Exercise 2

Strength training for the biceps (bending). A

• Attach the resistance band under the legs
of the athlete who is in a sitting position.
• Pull the resistance band upwards. Keep
the elbow close to the body and the un-
derarms parallel.
• Pull the resistance band upwards till it rea-
ches the shoulders and then back again.
Always keep the underarms parallel.
• The exercise should be carried out slowly. B

Pay attention to:

• Support the weaker side of the athlete to
compensate for lack of strength.

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Triceps (extension) – Exercise 1

Strength training for the triceps

• Attach the resistance band to the ceiling,
• a door or a wall bar.
• Keep the elbow close to the body throug-
hout the whole exercise.
• From picture A to B the arm is being stret-
ched. From B to A it is slowly being ben-
ded backwards to the initial position A. B
• Do the exercise using both arms simulta-
neously or with one arm at a time.

Pay attention to:

• No ‘follow movements’ in other parts of
the body.

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Triceps (extension) – Exercise 2

Exercising elbow flexion and shoulder stability.

• Attach the resistance band under the legs
of the athlete who is in a sitting position.
• Pull the resistance band by holding one end
closely to the loin and pulling the other arm
slantwise upwards behind the back. A B

Pay attention to:

• That the athlete pulls straight.
• No ‘follow movements’ in other parts
of the body.

Exercising the upper part of the back and the shoulder blades – Exercise 1

Purpose: A
Exercising stability for the upper part of the
back and for the shoulder blades.

• Sitting in a chair or in a wheelchair.
• Attach the resistance band around the as-
sistant who is facing the sitting athlete.
• Begin the exercise with the arms stretched
out and kept closely together. Pull the re-
sistance band backwards in a straight line.
• Repeat 3x10 times

Pay attention to:

• The stability of the athlete’s body.
• The shoulders staying on the ground.

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Exercising the upper part of the back and the shoulder blades – Exercise 2

Purpose: A
Exercising stability for upper part of the back and
the shoulder blades.

• Sitting in a chair or in a wheelchair.
• Attach the resistance band around the as-
sistant who is facing the sitting athlete.
• Begin the exercise with the arms stretched
out and kept closely together. Pull the re-
sistance band slantwise downwards. B
• Repeat 3x10 times

Pay attention to:

• The stability of the athlete’s body.
• The shoulders staying on the ground.

Exercising the upper part of the back and the shoulder blades – Exercise 3

Purpose: A
Exercising shoulder stability.

• Sitting in a chair or in a wheelchair.
• Attach the resistance band around the as-
sistant who is facing the sitting athlete.
• Begin the exercise with the arms stretched
out and kept closely together. Pull the re-
sistance band slantwise upwards. B

• Repeat 3x10 times.

Pay attention to:

• The stability of the athlete’s body.
• The shoulders staying on the ground.

Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk 63

Coaches´ Manual

Chest muscles

Exercising the major chest muscles and shoulder A

• Attach the resistance band around the
assistant who stands behind the sitting
• Pull the resistance band forwards in a
straight line or slantwise down/upwards
with the arms stretched out.
Pay attention to:
• The shoulders staying on the ground.
• Support the weaker side of the athlete to
compensate for lack of strength.
• Optional: a gym ball between the knees to
avoid spasticity.

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Træning af kroppens sidemuskler og nedre ryg

The stability of the body in general. A

• Attach the resistance band to the ceiling,
a door or a wall bar.
• Keep the elbow slightly bended during the
• From picture A to B both arms are being
moved in front of the body in chest height.
• From picture B to A both arms are being
moved back to the initial position A.

Pay attention to:

• The stability of the athlete’s pelvis and hips.
• The stability of the athlete’s neck muscles.

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The Deltoid Muscle – Exercise 1

Exercising the deltoid muscle.

• Attach the resistance band by stepping
on it.
• Grab the handles of the resistance band.
• Keep the elbow slightly bended during the
• From picture A to B both arms are lifted up
as high as possible.
• From picture B to A both arms are being B

lowered slowly.

Pay attention to:

• The shoulders staying on the ground.
• The athlete keeping the head still.

66 Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk

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The Deltoid Muscle – Exercise 2

Exercising the deltoid muscle. A

• The athlete is sitting on a big gym ball or in
a chair.
• Attach the resistance band by stepping on it.
• Grab the handles of the resistance band.
• From picture A to B both arms are lifted up
above the head.
• From picture B to A both arms are being
lowered slowly.

Pay attention to:

• Support the weaker side of the athlete to
achieve a straight pull movement.
• Avoid ‘follow movements’ in other parts of
the body.

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Coaches´ Manual

The major chest muscle and the broad chest muscle – Exercise 1

Exercising the major chest muscle, broad chest
muscle and oblique abdominal muscles

• Attach the resistance band to the ceiling,
a door or a wall bar.
• Slightly bended legs. Standing sideward to
the attachment of the resistance band.
• Grab the handles of the resistance band.
• From picture A to B the arm – slightly ben-
ded – is moved in in front of the body and to
the opposite side while the torso is twisting.
• From picture B to A the arm is moved back
slowly to the initial position A.

Pay attention to:

• Stability in body and hips.
• Need for support of the hips to keep the
right posture.
• Avoid ‘follow movements’ in other parts of
the body.

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Hayla S. Søndergaard is warming up at the Camp 2014

Photograph: John Clarke Russ


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Exercises Carried out in the RaceRunner

Leg Muscles – Exersice 1-3

Purpose: Øvelse 1
Exercising buttocks, back of the thighs and hips

Exercise 1 – back thighs

• The athlete is standing in the RaceRunner.
• Weight cuffs around the ankles.
• Lift up the heels to the buttocks/back of the thighs.
• Repeat 3x10 times

Exercise 2 – back thighs

• The athlete is standing in the RaceRunner.
• Weight cuffs around the ankles.
• Lift up the legs in stretched out posture and
in a backwards direction as far as possible.
• Repeat 3x10 times
Øvelse 2

Exercise 2 – hip bending

• Weight cuffs around the thighs.
• Bend as much as possible in the hips.
• Repeat 3x10 times

Pay attention to:

• Be careful not to trigger spasticity.

Øvelse 3

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Leg Muscles – Exersice 4-5

Purpose: Noter:
Exercising leg function

Exercise 4
• Tie the resistance band txo the RaceRunner.
• Begin with a slack resistance band.
• Accelerate and run forwards until the re-
sistance band stops the RaceRunner.

Exercise 5
• Tie the resistance band to the RaceRunner.
• Begin with a stretched out resistance band.
• Keep the resistance band stretched out and
walk a few meters.

Pay attention to:

• If the athlete is able to carry the movement
through. If not, the resistance band must be
tightened to reduce the pace.

Øvelse 4

Øvelse 5

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Coaches´ Manual

About the Authors

Bent Gaarsted Leif Nielsen

Bent Gaardsted is a consultant at the DHIF (NPC Leif Nielsen has been doing athletics for 50 years.
Denmark) and he works with parasport on a daily He is a former elite runner on the middle distan-
basis. ces. Nielsen is an educated coach on academy
level and he has been a part of The National
Danish RaceRunning team since 2010.

Mansoor Siddiqi Jens Bo Nielsen

Mansoor Siddiqi has the main responsibility for Jens Bo Nielsen is a professor at the Department
RaceRunning in Denmark as a coordinator and as of Neuroscience and Pharmacology at the Copen-
the Head Coach of The National Danish RaceRun- hagen University and he is also responsible for
ning Team. Siddiqi is a national and an internati- the science program at the Elsass Institute.
onal CPISRA RaceRunning certified classifier and Nielsen’s group of scientist are aiming at being
he is also an ITO under the IPC Athletics. Siddiqi the internationally leading research group in the
is also a teacher at the national para athletics field of CP research and neuro-rehabilitation.
referee education. Siddiqi has been the CPISRA Nielsen has published more than 150 scientific
International coordinator 2002-2012 and he is now articles on CP, spasticity, the brain and movement.
a member of the international RaceRunning com- He is also the author of a number of popular
mittee being responsible for all technical issues. books about science and he has contributed to
many textbooks on neuroscience, physiotherapy
and neurology.

72 Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk

Coaches´ Manual

Peter Kromann Signe de Place Knudsen

Peter Kromann is an educated physiotherapist and Signe de Place Knudsen is a physiotherapy tea-
the owner of the BeneFit Clinique in Odense, Den- cher and she has been a part of the RaceRunning
mark. Kromann became engaged in RaceRunning in team at Parasport Frederiksberg for three years.
2013 when his son, Lasse Kromann, became a part of Knudsen took her physiotherapist degree in 2011,
the national Danish RaceRunning Team. Since 2015 he became a physiotherapy teacher in 2012, and in
has been a part of The National Danish RaceRunning 2016 she acquired a university degree in Health
Team’s staff. Kromann is an educated athletics referee Sciences.
and a certified national classifier under the IPC.

Susanne Braüner Ladefoged Maria Willerslev-Olsen

Susanne Braüner Ladefoged is an educated Maria Willerslev-Olsen is a researcher at the
handball coach and certified athletics referee. Elsass Institute and holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience
Ladefoged is the chairman of and a coach in (Copenhagen University 2014). Willerslev-Olsens
RaceRunning Club Randers since 2007. She is Ph.D.-thesis is focusing on the training of children
also the physical coach of the national Danish with CP and she is the author of many scientific
RaceRunning Team since 2010. Ladefoged is the articles on spasticity. At the moment her research
chairman of the children- and youngsters com- focuses on early diagnosis and treatment of new-
mittee in RaceRunning Denmark and she is also a borns with CP. Willerslev-Olsen’s main research
member of the main committee. focal point is the cause of the development of
muscle contractions.

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Coaches´ Manual


Publications and books 7 - Jakob Lorentzen, Henrik Kirk, Helena Fernandez,

1 - Damiano DL. 2006. Rasmus Frisk, Nanna Scharff Nielsen, Martin Jorsal, and
Activity, activity, activity: rethinking our physical the- Jens Bo Nielsen
rapy approach to cerebral palsy. Treadmill training with an incline reduces ankle joint
Physical therapy 86: 1534-40 stiffness and improves active range of movement
during gait in adults with cerebral palsy.
2 - Dodd KJ, Taylor NF, Damiano DL. 2002. In press
A systematic review of the effectiveness of strength-
training programs for people 8 - Lund H, Weile U, Christensen R, Rostock B, Downey
with cerebral palsy. A, Bartels EM, Danneskiold-Samsøe B, Bliddal H.
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 83: A randomized controlled trial of aquatic and land-based
1157-64 exercise in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
J Rehabil Med. 2008 Feb;40(2):137-44. doi:
3 - Damiano DL, DeJong SL. 2009. 10.2340/16501977-0134.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of treadmill
training and body weight support in pediatric rehabili- 9 - Patatoukas D, Farmakides A, Aggeli V, Fotaki S,
tation. Tsibidakis H, Mavrogenis AF, Papathanasiou J, Papagel-
Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT 33: 27-44 opoulos PJ.
Disability-related injuries in athletes with disabilities.
4 - Mutlu A, Krosschell K, Spira DG. 2009. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2011 Jan-Mar;53(1):40-6.
Treadmill training with partial body-weight support in
children with cerebral palsy: 10 - Dahl M, Thommessen M, Rasmussen M, Selberg T.
a systematic review. Feeding and nutritional characteristics in children with
Developmental medicine and child neurology 51: 268-75 moderate or severe cerebral palsy.
Acta Paediatr. 1996 Jun; 85(6):697-701.
5 - Willoughby KL, Dodd KJ, Shields N. 2009.
A systematic review of the effectiveness of treadmill 11 - Calis EA, Veugelers R, Rieken R, Tibboel D, Even-
training for children with huis HM, Penning C.
cerebral palsy. Energy intake does not correlate with nutritional state
Disability and rehabilitation 31: 1971-9 in children with severe generalized cerebral palsy and
intellectual disability.
6 - Maria Willerslev-Olsen, Jakob Lorentzen and Jens Clin Nutr. 2010 Oct;29(5):617-21. doi: 10.1016/j.
Bo Nielsen clnu.2010.02.006. Epub 2010 Mar 25.
Gait training reduces ankle joint stiffness and facilitates
heel strike in children with Cerebral Palsy 12 - Grammatikopoulou MG, Daskalou E, Tsigga M.
Diet, feeding practices, and anthropometry of children
and adolescents with cerebral palsy and their siblings.
Nutrition. 2009 Jun;25(6):620-6. doi: 10.1016/j.
nut.2008.11.025. Epub 2009 Feb 11.

74 Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk

Coaches´ Manual

13 - Hillesund E, Skranes J, Trygg KU, Bøhmer T. 21 - Rasmussen, Josephine Kvejborg; Sørensen, Kri-
Micronutrient status in children with cerebral palsy. stian Bonde (2016), Aldersrelateret træningskoncept i
Acta Paediatr. 2007 Aug;96(8):1195-8. RaceRunning, 1. udgave, Dansk Handicap Idræts-For-
14 - Walker JL, Bell KL, Stevenson RD, Weir KA, Boyd
RN, Davies PS. 22 - Andersen, Ditte Vejrum; Aagaard, Tine; Olesen,
Relationships between dietary intake and body com- Karsten; Bundgaard, Christian, (2014), Træning af
position according to gross motor functional ability in svømmere med handicap, 1. udgave, 1. oplag, s. 46-47,
preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy. Dansk Handicap Idræts-Forbund og Team Danmark
Ann Nutr Metab. 2012;61(4):349-57. doi:
10.1159/000342557. Epub 2012 Dec 3. Internetbased references
15 - Team Danmark Anbefalinger Cerebral Palsy International Sport and Recreation Asso-
I. Langdistance: ciation, is the International sportsassociation for people
http://www.teamdanmark.dk/Eksperter/Fysisk-trae- with Cerebral Palsy.
ning/Traeningsvideoer/MWR%20Banners%20Folder/ Home page: www.cpisra.org
24 - IWAS
II. Sprint: International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation.
http://www.teamdanmark.dk/Eksperter/Fysisk-trae- Home page: www.iwasf.com
Video-atletik%20Sprint.aspx 25 - IPC
International Paralympic Committee, som er handica-
III. Planlægning og restitution: pidrættens Internationale Olympiske Committee (IOC)
http://www.teamdanmark.dk/Eksperter/Fysisk-trae- Home page: www.para¬lympic.org
26 - Youtube – Running techniques
16 - Bangsbo, Jens; Michalsik, Lars (2002), Aerob og https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-93biULUnmA
Anaerob træning, 1. udgave, 2. oplag 2005 udgave, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwyxcS4PwAs
Danmarks Idrætsforbund
Parasport Denmark’s Home Page
17 - Danmarks Idrætsforbund (2006/2007), Kompen- www.parasport.dk
dium til Diplomtræneruddannelse
RaceRunning’s Home Page
18 - Danmarks Idrætsforbund, Aldersrelateret træning www.RaceRunning.dk
for børn og unge, (2011) 1. udgave, 1. oplag
Handicapidrættens Videnscenter
19 - Helge, Eva og Jørn Wullf, (1995 på dansk), Idræt- www.handivid.dk
tens træningslære, Udgivet første gang på norsk i 1992,
Danmarks Idrætsforbund

20 - Hollinger, Even; Pensgård, Anne Marte 1998,

Idrættens Mentale Træningslære, Gads Forlag

Parasport Denmark - Brøndby Stadion 20 - 2605 Brøndby - www.parasport.dk 75

”This is definitely the most natural way to
run: When you are going backward you
are trying to escape something, but when
running forward you are attacking it!”
Dr. Aart Kruimer
Dutch classifier at the Robin Hood Games in England 1991

”It is almost only the imagination that

sets limitations to who might use a
Signe de Place Knudsen
- former RaceRunning coach

“I sat a goal for myself and took the

consequences of this - sufficient training
of a certain quality - a harmonic and
meaningful way of life - relaxing and
restitution - giving priority to training and
Grete Waitz
- former Norwegian runner
A close finish in the RR3 men’s 100 m at the Camp 2014.
Photograph: John Clarke Russ

Published by Edited by Printed by

Parasport Denmark Mansoor Siddiqi Asterion Denmark A/S
Marianne Hornbæk Jensen
Copyright Contact
Parasport Denmark 2017 Photos www.parasport.dk
Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen www.RaceRunning.org
Authors John Clarke Russ
Bent Gaarsted Karin Møller-Olsen 1. Edition, June 2017
Leif Nielsen Leif Nielsen
Jens Bo Nielsen Peter Kromann
Mansoor Siddiqi Rohat Everløff
Maria Willerslev-Olsen
Peter Kromann Layout & info graphics
Signe de Place Knudsen Ditte Ravn Aare Petersen
Susanne Braüner Ladefoged Main Sponsors

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