CNS-Super Important questions-18CS52
CNS-Super Important questions-18CS52
CNS-Super Important questions-18CS52
1. Explain the structure of a router with a neat diagram. Also, illustrate the various
types of Switching
2. Explain Queuing in the router.
3. Explain (i)BGP (ii)OSPF (iii) Format of ipv4 and ipv6 headers
4.Very important topics & problems - Link state Algorithm
Distance Vector Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm
Study Plan:
16/02: Begin with Module-5 as its the easiest Module
17/02: Start with Module-3 as its crucial and involves lot of algos and probs
18/02: Module-4 easy and not so lengthy
19/02: Module-1, there ain’t a better time to study Module-1
20/02: Module-2 its crazy easy if you study after mod 1
Questions framed shall follow all Bloom’s learning levels with appropriate
action verbs ensuring coverage of all COs