Debris, and Drown and Crush Every Thing and Creature In: A. When D. So That B. Although E. While C. Since

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The following statement is TRUE according to the 2 nd

Floods are second only to fire as the most paragraph ....
common of all natural disasters. They occur almost A. Flooding accurs when melting snow makes the
everywhere in the world, resulting in widespread level of a river rise.
damage and even death. Conse-quently, scientists have B. Melting deep snow together with heavy rain
long tried to perfect their ability to predict floods. So far, rarely cause flooding
the best that scientists can do is to recognize the po- C. Melting snow causes pieces of ice to block the
tential for flooding in certain conditions. There are a river, which causes flooding.
number of conditions, from deep snow on the ground to D. Pieces of ice move and float down the river,
human error, that cause flooding. makeing the water too cold
When deep snow melts, it creates a large amount E. Ground saturated by water will easily absorb
of water. Although deep snow alone rarely causes melting snow.
floods, when it occurs together with heavy rain and
sudden warmer weather, it can lead to serious flooding. 3. The word "debris" in paragraph 4 is closest in
If there is a fast snow melt on top of frozen or very wet meaning to ....
ground, flooding is more likely to occur than when the A. residue D. leavings
ground is not frozen. Frozen ground or ground that is B. leftovers E. garbage
very wet and already saturated with water cannot absorb C. wreckage
the additional water created by melting snow. Melting
snow also contributes to high water levels in rivers and 4. It can be concluded from the text that the scientists . . .
streams. Whenever rivers are already at their full A. have come very close to knowing when floods
capacity of water, heavy rains will result inthe rivers will occur
overflow-ing and flooding the surrounding land. B. are required to provide some help when flooding
Rivers that are covered in ice can also to occurs
flooding. When ice begins to melt, the surface of the ice C. believe that flooding is the most common
cracks and breaks into large pieces. These pieces of ice natural disaster
move and float down the river. They can form a dam in D. have sufficient knowledge to recofnize potential
the river, causing the water behind the dam to rise and flooding conditions
flood the land upstream. If the dam breaks suddenly, E. are trying to reduce damage caused by floods
then the large amount of water held behind the dam can conditions
flood the ar-eas downstream too.
Broken ice dams are not the only dam problems 5. The purpose of the writer is ....
that can cause flooding. When a large human-made dam A. to criticize the scientists
breaks or fails to hold the water collected behind it, the B. to ask for actions to help flooding vic-tims
results can be devastating. Dams contain such huge C. to inform the readers on how to stop flooding
amounts of water behind them that when sudden breaks D. to clarify the impacts of flooding
occur, the destructive force of the water is like a great E. to explain the conditions that can cause flooding
tidal wave. Unleashed dam waters can travel tens of
kilometers, cover the ground in meters of mud and Research has found that people sleep better at
debris, and drown and crush every thing and creature in different times during their daily cycle. For example,
their path. some people Function better if they go to sleep early and
Although scientists cannot always predict rise early, ....6.... other feel more rested if they stay up
exactly when floods will occur, the do know a great deal late and sleep in. Many people don't pay atten-tion to the
about when floods are likely, or probably, going to ....7.... of their sleep. Yet delay-ing or ....8.... the time
occur. Deep snow, ice covered rivers, and weak dams you go to sleep can have a major impact on how you feel
are all strong conditions for potential flooding. when you wake up. The ....9.... of sleep the aver-age
Hopefully, this knowledge of why floods happen can adult needs each night also varies. Some people may he
help us reduce the damage they cause. fine with six hours sleep, while others need up to nine
hours per night. A scientist points out that those who
1. The best title of the passage is .... follow a ....10.... sleep schedule are more apt to fun-citon
A. The Most Common Natural Disaster better on fewer hours, but seh adds that most adults need
B. Potential Circumstances for Flooding at least six hours of sleep each night.
C. Scientists' Ability to Predict Floods
D. Damages Caused by Flood 6. ....
E. Pervention of Potential Flooding A. when D. so that
B. although E. while
C. since
7. .... emissions. Dockside residents will be encourage to make
A. timing D. Habit use of a mini transit system and buy into the
B. way E. Regularly community’s car share program. Finally, plans are in the
C. effects works for a high-tech heating system that will use
renewable biomass instead of fossil fuels.
8. ....
A. alter D. alteration 11. By saying “Today’s buzz words, which include
B. altered E. alternative global warming and zero emissions, are causing
C. altering everyday people to look for ways to reduce their carbon
footprint.” The author implies that . . .
9. .... A. environmental issues have made people more
A. number D. whole cautious of their actions.
B. total E. amount B. Global warming and zero emissions become
C. sum everyone’s concern
C. People have to take care of their greenhouses
10. .... carefully
A. regular D. regularity D. Eco-friendly environmental programs should be
B. regulator E. regulation strongly enforced
C. regularly E. All people around the world are aware of global
The green movement is catching on in many
pockets of the world. This is especially true in the 12. which of the following best restate the sentence “The
construction industry. Today’s buzz words, which include green movement is catching on in many pockects of the
global warming and zero emission, are causing everyday world” ?
people to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint . A. Many people consider it crucial to have eco-
Purchasing environmentally-friendly property is a good friendly environments.
investment for those who are concerned about their own B. People who are aware of environmental issues
health and the well being of the earth. Based on this love safe and healthy surroundings.
trend, entire districts known as eco-communities. Its C. House designers should consider the importance
goal is to become the world’s first zero-emissions of green materials
neighborhood. D. Everyone should understand the effect of global
Builders of Dockside Green have the environment in warming and zero emissions well
mind with every choice they make. They ensure proper E. Environmentalists are cncerned with the green
ventilation, and guarantee residents 100% fresh indoor environment.
air. Interior and exterior building materials, sucj as
paints and wood, are natural and non-toxic. Eco- 13. the false idea that the author may hold about
conscious buiders use bamboo wherever possible Dockside Green is that . . .
because it is durable and does not require pesticides to A. It provides all eco-friendly properties.
grow. B. It is a good asset to buy a property in it.
Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities in eco- C. It is encourages all houses to utilize efficient
communities, such as Docjside Green. Not only do energy.
energy-efficient appliances and light fixtures reduce the D. It reduces global warming and emissions
environmental impact of heating and hot water, they also E. It is where more natural livings can exist.
save residents and business owners money. Dockside
green claims that home owners will use 55% less energy 14. the author organizes the ideas in the passage by . . .
than average residents in Canada. Though they are A. Describing a new housing trend and providing a detailed
sharing space by investing in condo-style living, example
residents will have individual utility metres. Studies B. Discussing an environmental issues and providing ways
show that people use approximately 20% less energy to solve the issue
when they are billed for exactly what they use. In C. Identifying a community problem and discussing
possible solutions to the problem
addition, water is treated at Dockside Green and reused
D. Explaining an environmentally friendly initiative and
on site for flushing toilets. discussing the impacts of the initiative
Planners pf eco-communities such as Dockside E. Establishing a new community initiative that is eco-
Green must take the future into account. Dockside Green friendly and explaining the ideas behind the initiative.
will reuse 90% of its construction waste. They also plan
to continue using local suppliers for all of their transport
and maintenance needs. This is a great way to reduce
More than one-third of foreign students graduating B. all foreign students graduating from Australian
from Australian universities, mainly Asians. Have such universities
poor English skills they should never have been C. mostly Asian students who graduated from
admitted, research showed. A study by demographer Australian universities
Bob Birrell found that more than 50 percent of South D. foreign students at graduate programs in
Korean and Thai students did not have sufficient English Australian universities
to work professionally in Australia, along with more E. Australian and foreign graduates of all
than 43 percent of Chinese graduates. Some 17 percent Australian universities
of students from Singapore and India, where English is
more widely spoken,a lso failed to reach the required 16. This passage is probably taken from ....
level. Overall, 34 percent of the graduating foreign A. a demographic report for the Australian
students offered permanent residence visas in 2006 did Ministry of Education “
not have competent English. B. a handbook for foreign university students in
Birell of Melbourne’s Monash University, said Australia
almost all the 12,000 graduates testes for the survey C. an article in the education column of a
were from Asia because these students are the most newspaper
likely to apply fr permanent residency on completing D. a brochure about tertiary education in Australia
their studies. However, he said that he believed the study E. a popular life-style magazine for young people
to be representative of all foreign students, partly
because Asia was a major source of fee-paying overseas 17. Which of the following statements is FALSE about
students for Australian Universities. ‘It does raise Asian students studying in Australian universities?
question about university standards, ’ Birell told AFP. A. Most of these students do not meet the requirements
for Australian universities.
Tertiary institutions are reliant on international students
B. Students from Singapore and India are better in their
because they provide 15 percent of funding,leading to English that, those from China.
suggestions that academic standards are sacrificed in C. They pay the highest fees for their education
favor of financial rewards. compared to other foreign students.
Education Minister Julie Bishop described the D. There is no problem for graduating foreign students
survey as “an extraordinary attack by Professor Birell on to get permanent resident visas.
our universities.” ‘International students must meet E. Australian universities consider Asian students as
international benchmark in language in order to get a the major source of their income.
place in a university in Australia,’ she said. The study
18. From the text we can infer that Australian
found all graduates tested had enough command of the
universities ....
language to cope in most situations. ‘But people who
A. are lowering their standards to get more foreign
have reached this standard are still not capable of
conducting a sophisticated discourse at the professional
B. are making it easier for Asian students to learn
level,’ it said.
In his report, Birell said there was a “mountain of
C. are willing to provide English language courses
anecdotal material” that many overseas students struggle
for students
to meet their course requirements and that universities
D. are hesitant to admit students with insufficient
cope by lowering the English demands of the courses.
English skills
‘there is widening recognition of the English problem,’
E. don’t require foreign students to take courses in
he said. ‘But the universities were hesitant to make
students take exttra language courses because this would
make them more expensive and therefore less attractive 19. The minister of Education thinks that the report is an
than rival institutions,’ he said. However, Professor attack on Australian universities because it ....
Gerrad Sutton, the president of the Australian Vice- A. was made to undermine the position of the
Chancellors Commitee, said most foreign students Australian Minister of Education
would be proficient in reading, writing and listening to B. could damage the good reputation of Australian
English. ‘What I think has been highlighted is a universities
deficiency in spoken language told AFP, adding that a C. aims at destroying the image of the universities
deficiency in this area would not prevent them from accepting foreign students
completing a university course.’ D. has been published without getting the approval
of the Ministry of Education
15. The respondents of the survey were ....
E. shows that Australian universities are not
A. students entering Australian universities from
successful in teaching English

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