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LMC Master Guide Induction Ceremony

Candle Lighting and Order of Event

 Director lights Spirit of Adventuring/Pathfindering Candle – Large, Thick White Candle
 Guide Candle – Yellow Candle
 Master Guide Candle – Gold Candle
 Adventurers Club Ministries Training – Blue Candle
 Pathfinder Club Ministries Training – Red Candle
 Adventurers Leadership Growth – Blue Candle
 Adventurer Pledge – White Candle
 Adventurer Law - White Candle
 Pathfinder Pledge– White Candle
 Pathfinder Law – White Candle
 Pathfinder Aim – White Candle
 Pathfinder Motto – White Candle
 Inductees Affirmation
 Master Guide Charge
 Prayer

Programme Structure
Youth Director: Invites Inductees to come forward and take their seat.
I hereby declare the induction ceremony of the Lagos Mainland Conference Master Guide Program now in

Lights the Spirit of Adventurering/Pathfindering Candle.

For the light of our program we turn to the Spirit of Adventurering/Pathfindering. The candle which I now light
represents this spirit. It is the Spirit of Adventure, Fun, Learning, Camaraderie, Awareness, and Awakening, and
above all, a Spirit of Reverence and a Spirit of Service to God and man. This candle represents the light that
Master Guides shed on this dark world. It stands for shining Master Guide examples, showing how the
Christian life is happy, healthful and filled with service to others.
This light is, of itself, NOT complete or sufficient. To introduce the complementary lights we call on our Master
Guide Staff to assist in the ceremony.

Youth Director/Designate: Invites the Club Director to Call out those to light the candles

Guide Candle – Yellow Candle

is now going to light the candle which represents the spirit of the Adventurer and Pathfinder levels.

Salutes the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates, who have previously been invested in Pathfinder levels. We, in the past, have
completed Eager Beavers, Busy Bees, Friends, or Guides. The completion of these levels have allowed us to
mature spiritually and prepare ourselves for Master Guide Ministry.
Christ through Paul says, “When I was a child, I talkedlike a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned
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like a child. When I became an adult, I put away childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as
in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I know fully, even as I am fully grown.”
I represent those whose goal it is to be with our Master Guide, Jesus Christ, and have advanced toward that
goal, as members in the Adventurer and Pathfinder Clubs.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Master Guide Candle – Gold Candle

is now going to light the candlewhich represents the candidates for the Master Guide level.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates, for the Master Guide level. The Master Guide Level is a course of study, that will
help one to lead young people, to a greater knowledge and relationship to our Lord Jesus, our Savior.
Jesus, through Isaiah said, “I will lead the blind in a way they know not, in paths they have not know, I will
guide them.I will turn the darkness before them into light and the rough places into level ground.”
A Master Guide is an experienced leader of Christian Youth, training them for service to God. A Master Guide is
to exemplify the Fruits of the Spirit, and the Character of our Heavenly Father, and the Characteristics of Jesus
Christ, our personal Master Guide. Completing the Master Guide level is the final regular step in Pathfinders.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Pathfinder Club Ministries Training(AYMT) – Red Candle

is now going to light the candle which represents the candidates for the Pathfinder Club Ministries

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates for the Pathfinder Club Ministries training. The Pathfinder CMT is a course of
study, for those who are Pathfinder Staff, and feel the calling to grow in Youth Leadership and Christian Service.
“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so
in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts,
according to the grace given us. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging,
let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him
govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
As Pathfinder CMT candidates we will expand our knowledge of Pathfinder Programming, strengthen our
leadership and planning skills, find new ways of supporting Pathfinder Clubs, and organize new ways of
introducing others to Jesus.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Adventurer Club Ministries Training (AYMT) – Blue Candle

is now going to light the candle which represents the candidates for the Pathfinder Instructor Award.

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Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates, for the Adventurer Club Ministries Training(AYMT). The Adventurer CMT/AYMT is
a course of study for Adventurer Staff Specialist, who have been assigned by the club, who feel the calling to
teach adventurers, staff and directors ways of leadership and spiritual applications.
Jesus said, “But you are not to be called Master, for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do
not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’
for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself
will be humbled and he whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
As AYMT candidates, we will learn to organize curriculum materials, present seminars, and join the pool of
qualified instructors available to the Lagos Mainland Conference and Local Clubs, and be of greater service to
our Master Guide.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Adventurer Leadership Growth – Yellow Candle

_____________ is now going to light the candle which represents the candidates for the Adventurer Leadership

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates for the Adventurer Leadership Growth. The ALG is a course of
study, for those who are Master Guides, and feel the calling to grow in Youth Leadership and Christian
Service. “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the
same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him
teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give
generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
As ALG candidates we will expand our knowledge of Adventurer Programming, strengthen our
leadership and planning skills, find new ways of supporting Adventurer Clubs, and organize new ways of
introducing others to Jesus.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

After the lighting of the Level candles, the director says, These candles are symbolic of the good things of the
Master Guide Program, emphasizing the high ideals for which the program stands, and the growth the Master
Guide candidate has made in their ministry; in the past, is currently making, and will be making in the future.
We now turn to the representatives of the high calling and character to which we are called.

Adventurers Law -
is now going to light the candle which represents the candidates for the Adventurer Law.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

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Sir, on behalf of the candidates I present the adventurers law, Having passed through these stages in the
ministry, I promise to bring the young minds to our savior Jesus Christ by showing a good example and
teaching them the scripture. And by the grace of God. Jesus will make them to be obedient, Be pure, Be true,
Be kind, Be respectful, Be attentive, Be helpful, Be cheerful, Be thoughtful, Be reverent. Amen

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Adventurer Pledge -
is now going to light the candle which represents the candidates for the Adventurer Pledge.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I present the adventurers Pledge, “Because Jesus loves I will always do my
best”. The love of Jesus compels me to do all I can to achieve the best for humanity, and for this love I will do
my very best to obey God and Keep his commandment.
Then he said to them "Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of
heaven therefore let all parents join hands together to bring them In the way of the Lord even when they are old
they will not depart from it.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Pathfinder Pledge– White Candle

is now going to light the candlewhich represents the Pathfinder Pledge.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, on behalf of the candidates, I dedicate myself to the commitments of the Pathfinder Pledge. We have felt
the calling to the Pathfinder Ministry of Christ and are advancing his ministry by living our lives according to his
principles, and being involved with his children.
“And we pray this in order that we may live a life worthy of the Lord, and may please him in every way; bearing
fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power according to his
glorious might; so that we may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father,
who has qualified us in the sharein the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.”
Sir, on behalf of the candidates, I vow to keep the Pathfinder Pledge.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Pathfinder Law – White Candle

is now going to light the candlewhich represents the Pathfinder Law.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, on behalf of the candidates, who by the Grace of Christ, will live by the principles of the Pathfinder Law. We
will achieve the high ideals, by covering ourselves with Christ’srighteousness and letting him lead in our lives.

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“I will give you an undivided heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you, your heart of stone, and
give you a heart of flesh. Then you will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. You will be my
people, and I will be your God.”
Sir, on behalf of the candidates, I vow to keep the Pathfinder Law.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Pathfinder Aim – White Candle

is now going to light the candle which represents the Pathfinder Aim.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates who’s aim is, to spread the Advent message to all the world in this generation.
We are eagerly awaiting the soon return of Christ, and want to hasten that moment, by our personal
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified,
risen, and soon coming Savior might be carried to the whole world! How soon might the end come – the end of
suffering and sorrow and sin! How soon, in place of a possession here, with its blight of sin and pain, our
children might receive their inheritance where ‘the righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever;’
where ‘the inhabitant shall not say, Iam sick,’ and ‘the voice of weeping shall be no more heard.’
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the
Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to
the very end of the age.”
Sir, on behalf of the candidates, my aim is, the PathfinderAim.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

Pathfinder Motto – White Candle

is now going to light the candlewhich represents the Pathfinder Motto.

Salute the Director, Light the Candle and Address the Audience.

Sir, I represent the candidates, whose motto is: The Love of Christ constraineth us. Love is the reason for the
creation of the world, Love is the reason for Christ laying down his life on the cross, and Love is the reason for
Pathfinder Ministry.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than his, that he lay down
his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants,
because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I
learned from my Father, I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you; and appointed you
to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.”
Sir, on behalf of the candidates, my motto is the Pathfinder Motto.

Turn, salute the director and be seated.

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After the lighting of the pledge, law, aim and motto candles, the Director says:
On behalf of the candidate’s representatives and on behalf of the Lagos Mainland Conference, I accept the
candidate’s vows to dedicate themselves to their Master Guide, Adventurer CMT, Pathfinder CMT and ALG level
of study; to live according Pathfinder Pledge and Law; and direct their lives according to the Pathfinder Aim and

Inductees Affirmation
will lead the Inductees in their Affirmation of the principles of Master Guides.
Inductees, I now ask you to affirm your dedication to the high principles of the Master Guide Program and repeat
the Adventurer Pledge, Law and Pathfinder Pledge, Law, Aim and Motto aloud. Please repeat after me:

We hereby declare that I, (please say We hereby declare that I, (please say your own name): Will keep the
your own name): Will Be obedient, morning watch; I will care for my body; I will keep a level eye; I will be
pure, true, kind, respectful, attentive, courteous and obedient; I will walk softly in the sanctuary; I will keep a
helpful, cheerful, thoughtful, reverent song in my heart;I will go on God’s errands.

And Because Jesus loves me, I can I will, by the Grace of God, Be pure, kind, and true;
always do my best. Amen I will be a servant of God;I will be a friend of man.

My aim is to spread, The Advent Message; To all the World;

In my generation.

My motto is,
The Love of Christ Constraineth Me.

Thank you for your commitment. Please move forward, receive your candle, and light your candle from the Spirit
of Adventurer/Pathfindering Candle.

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Inductees light their own candles
The Director says, “You are now being presented with a candle which you may now light from the spirit of
Adventuring/Pathfindering candle.”

As your light is now added to the other lights of our Program, we charge you in the presence of these
Adventurer and Pathfinders leaders present, to let your light shine before others, in the spirit of

Will now give the Master Guide Charge.

Master Guide Charge

As a representative of the Lagos Mainland Conference of Seventh- day Adventists, it is my privilege to ask each
one of you to re- dedicate and re-commit your lives to Jesus as you are inducted into this Master Guide
You have been given the greatest responsibility in the world – to work with God’s young people.
Lighting your candle from the Spirit of Pathfindering candle shows that you are willing to live up to the highest
ideals of the Master Guide Program and the principles for which the church stands. The Master Guide Program
is a course of studythat lasts until Jesus comes.
Christ is our true Master Guide, and he has already shown the way for us. After he takes us home, he will take
away these uniforms, sashes and honors we now have; and he will replace them with white robes and golden
crowns, as heavenly emblems, for the loving care you have shown, for his young people.
Therefore, you are charged, that by the grace of God; to endeavor every day to cherish these high ideals and
principles; to love and obey God in all your life works, words and actions, and to daily draw nearer to God
through prayer and Bible Study. By doing so, you will prove to be a true servant of God and a friend to man,
every day, so long as you live.

We trust and pray that you will always be faithful to God and man, and uphold the worthy ideals for which the
Church stands.
From this day forward, we pray that each of you will realize the job God wants you to do: lead in His Church
programs, love those around you, and be a true servant of God and friends to His young people.

After the Charge will now lead us in prayer.


These new Master Guide, Adventurer CMT, Pathfinder CMT and ALG candidates are now inductees of the
Lagos Mainland Conference Master GuideProgram.

The Induction Ceremony is now closed. You are to return back to your seats

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